96-1282 � + - ^ r�' � � � :# �, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FII� NO. ' M 1 ;`� � ' �•(� c� f. •�,,,;:� �,y,,,,,....._.,.r_... FINAL {3FiDBR H Y � I �C'�. � --------- — -- .a�..=----------- �'_�' �►. 1 ��� Vt]TING W71RI} &4 In the lrintter of for the operation of the Above Standard 5treet Lighting 3y�tem for the Grand-We'� Area far the month� af January thru DeGember, 1997. Both �ide� of �rand Avenue fram Snellinq Avenue to about 150 feet we�t of Fdirview Avenue (167 f�et north side, 144 feet south side) for the months of Januery thru December, 1997. under Freliminary order_��p —� 3 _approved_ ��y `r{��(� 1 ThE Council of the City af Saint Paul ha� conducted a public hearing upon the abave improvement, due notice thereaf heving been given ss prescribed by the City Charter; and Wf�REAS, The �auncil ha� heard all per�ona, objectian� and reaaaunendation� pertaining to sald praposed ia►provement and hes fully considered t2�e seme; naw, therefore, be it RESC?LVED, That the Council af the City af Saint Paul doe� hereby arder that the abave-described imprc�vement be made, and the proper City afficers ere hereby directed and sut2�orized to praceed with the i$►provement; and be it F'URTHER RE50LVED, That upon the completian of said impravement, t2�e proper City officer' ehall calculate all expen�e' incurred therein and ahall repart the 'ame to the City Council in eccordance with Chepter 429 of Minnesota State Statve. COUNCILFER50NS Adopted by Council: Date�s� \�a /_ Yea�� /' Nay� � �o ✓B�,akey Certified Passed by �ouncil Secret�ry ✓�o�trom �/G�uerin �ri� � In Fav�r B a. � ard ettman QAgain't /�'t'�une Mayor Public Hearin Date - October 9, 1996 RE 8-2-96 1 b� ��� ' F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 7-15-96 Green Sheet Number: 34Z16 EPARTII�NT DIRF.CI'OR COUNCIL ontad Person and Phone N�ber: ..... ,"�"°" 1TY ATTORNEY CLERK Roxanna Flink�, 266�88Jr9 � UpGgT D1R�CfOR .dc MGT.SVC.DIR. YOR(OR ASSISTAN't) 1 UNCII,RESEARCH ust be on Council A enda b : 8-21-96 Must be in Council Research Office b noon on FYida 8-9-96 TAL!OF SIGNATURE PAGES�_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) C1TON REQUESI'ED: etting date of public hearing pproving estimated operating costs for the Grand West Area Above Standard Street Lighting Project or 1997. File No.18423 MMENDATtONS:APPROVE(,�OR REiECT pt) ERSOPVAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TfiE FOLLOWIIVG: . Has the person/firm ever worked ander a contract for this department? YES NO PLANNING COMMISSION A STAFF . Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO CIVQ.SERVICE COMMLSSION . Dces this person/firm possess a sldll not normally possessed by any YES NO c�co�rrr� current City employee? E lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. PORTS WEIICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Nei hborhoods COUNCIL WARD(S� ��4 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII. �4 TIIVG PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whst,When,W6ere,Why?): public hearing was held for each of the above-standard lighting systems. In each case after hearing from arious neighborhood district councils, business associations,property owners and staff,the Council approved oth the construction of these systems and their operation by the City on an assessment basis. It is required hat a public hearing be held each year for both the estimated operating costs and then the actual operating osts. The first above-standard lighting system began with the Lowertown system in 1983. These systems hav 'ncreased at a rate of about 2 s stems er ear since then. VANTAGES II+'APPROVED: his has become an annual budget procedure. The assessment policy originated to allow the direct benefitting arties to a for the additional o eratin costs and rovide for uniform maintenance of the s stem. tsnnva�rracES�arrxovEn: Coldncil 6�:���ifCt1 CBnt�Y . one r -� , F ISADVANTAGFS IF NOT APPROVED: he City as a whole,would bear the added ezpense to operate these systems instead of the direct ben ' g arties that re uested them. - TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: �� � �/S'/)D COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE O1V� YES NO v iNG SOURCE: Assessments Only ACTIVITY NUIVIBER: ANCIAL II�TFORMATION:(F.J�LAII� 49 property owners will be notified of the public hearing and charges. � � � �_i ��-�-- C� RIGlI���� �. � CITY OF ST. PAUL COLINCI Q � PR�LI�dINd1.�tY 4i�..a7�R H� k'ILE ND. 1 23 vraxir�ca ��;� 3�q In th� M�atter a� fc�r the operation of the Above St�ndard Street Liqhting System for the Grand-West Area for the months of January thru December, 1�97. Both sides of Grand Avenue from Snelling Avenue to ebout 150 feet west af F�irview Avenue (167 feet north �ide, 194 feet �outh aide) for the month9 of January thru December, 1997. The Cauncil of the City af Saint Paul havinq_ received t?,e r�port af the Mayor upon the above impravement, and having con�idered �aid report, hereby re�olve�: 1. That the said report and the �ame i� hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $2,565 financed by r���eaementa only. 2. That a public hearinq be had on �aid improvement on the 9th day of Octaber, 1996, at 4:30 o'clock P.M., ir, the Council Chambers of the City Hall end Court Hc+use Building in the City of 5aint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, �tatinq the time and place of hearinQ, the nature af the improvement and the total cost therec�f es eatimafied. COUNCILPERSONS Adopted by Council: Date �� �� ���� (�> Yea9 � � Nay� VBlakey Certified Pessed by Council Secretary ✓�o��rom +�uerin n �rri� 1 In Favor By � � ,� �gard ✓f£'�tman �Againat vr�hune Mayor