96-1279 . a .,, .. �,j � t '; a ' �� CITY t1F ST. P�UL COtA�iCIL FILE N{). � q / FII�i�L QRDER SY . 8'IIS NO. 1833 ,. r� VDTII�7� 11ARD 1 In tha i�tter o! far the operetion of the Abave Stendard Street Lighting �yatem for the Selby-We�tern Area far the manth� of January thru DeGemk�er, 1997. Bath sides Selby Pivenue from Arundel Str�et ta Virginia Street; East e�ide Arundel Street from Selk,y Avenue ta 17�.5 feet 9ou�h and Bath �ide� Weatern Avenue fram 120 feet south of Selby Avenue to Deyton Avenue far the manths of January thru December, 1997. � under Freliminary Order � Co —�_ _sppraved_ H �� \�� � \ The Council af the City of Saint Paul hao canducted a publiG hearing upan the ebove impresvement, due natice thereaf 2�evir�g been given as �rescribed by the City Gharter; and WHERF�FI,S, The Cauncil hn� heard all per�on', objgctiona and recommend�etiana pertaining to said propased improvement and has fully canaidered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Cauncil af the City of Saint Paul doe9 hereby arder that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to praceed with the improvement; �nd be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon th� co$►pletian af said improv�ment, the proper City offiaer� �hall calculate all expen�e� incurred therein and �hall report the �ame ta the City Council in accordance with Chapter 429 of Minnesate Stete Statue. C�UNCILFERSONS Adapted by Cc+uncil: Dete�'�� \1P Yea� . � Nay3 ��1►`ak�Y Certified Psssed by Couxxcil Secr�tary ✓JiO.!'t I'OII1 �erin +�F�{irri� �In Favor By c� v�gerd ✓�ettman �,Again�t �une Mayor Public Hearin Date - October 9, 1996 RE 8-2-96 — '� F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 7-15-96 Green Sheet Number: 34213 EPARTMENT DIREC7'OR COUNCII. ntaM Person and P6one N ber: .... �'°" ATTORNEY CLERK Roxanna Flink.� 266-8859 °""' � UDGET DIRECTOR .&MGT.SVC.D1R. YOR(OR ASSLSTAN7) 1 OUNCII.RESEARCH ust be on Council A enda b : 8-21-96 Must be in Council Research Office b noon on Frida 8-9-96 � TAL i OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATTONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTTON REQUESTED: etting date of public hearing pproving estimated operating costs for the Selby-Western Area Above Standard Street Lighting Project for � 1997. File No.18336 MMEIVDATiONS:APPROVE(A)OR REiECT(R) �pNAL SERVICE CON1'RACTS MUST ANSVVER T�FOLIAWIIVG: . Has the person/flrm ever worked�mder a contrsct for t6is departmenti YES NO PLANNING COMHIISSION A S'fAFF � . Has this personlfirm ever been a Cfty employee? 1'ES NO C1VII,SERVICE COFt114LSSION . Does t6is person/firm possess a slrill not norma{ly possessed by any YES NO current City employee? c�coHUtrrr�s lain all 1'ES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. RTS WffiCH COUNCII.OBJF,CTIVEY Nei hborhoods COUNCIL WARD(S� � DLSTRICT PLANNIIVG COUNCIL R TIIVG PROBLEM,LSS'UE,OPPORT(JN1TY(Who,What,When,Where,Why?): public hearing was held for each of the above-standard lighting systems. In each case after hearing from arious neighborhood district councils,business associations,property owners and staff,the Council approved oth the construction of these systems and their operation by the City on an assessment basis. It is required hat a public Learing be held e�ch year for both the estimated operating costs and then the actual operating osts. The first above-standard lighting system began with the Lowertown system in 1983. These systems hav 'ncreased at a rate of about 2 s stems er ear since then. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: his has become an annual budget procedure. The assessment policy originated to allow the direct benefitting arties to a for the additional o eratin costs and rovide for uniform maintenanc�o the s LSADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: • one , AUG 0 5 1��6 ' p ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: he City as a whole,would bear the added ezpense to operate these systems instead of the directtren��'i�ing arties that re uested them. TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: � '� l�I���U COST/ItEVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE� YES NO IIVG SOURCE: Assessments Only ac�rrvrrY x�Ex: ANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIIV) 71 property owners will be notified of the public hearing and charges. . . ' . r^ � � ^1a�� �,. � ; � �::� � ����� L � �ITY OF ST. PI,UL COUNCI FIT,E � �r�:r..�a�z�aa��x ����, aY �`,� � FIi.� �O. 1 3 G YDT�P14 RT� ; 1 In th• Ma►tt�r of for the operatian of the Above 3tand�rd 8treet Liqhtinq System for the Selby-Wester:n tlrea for the months of Jr�nuary thru Dec:eriber, 1997. Both sides Selby Avenue from Arundel Street to Virginie Street; Ea�t side Arundel Street from Selby Avenue to 172.5 feet �outh and Both aide� We�tern Avenue from 120 feet south of 5elby Avenue to Dayton Avenue for the month� of �anuary thru December, 1997 , The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received tiYe report of thE Mayar upc,n the abave improvement, and having conaidered aaid report, hereby re�olves: 1. That the 9aid repart and the �ame i9 hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1, 166 financed by aa9ea�menta only. 2. That a public hearing be had on �aid improvement on the 9th day of october, 1996, at 4 :30 o'clack P.M., in the Council Chambexs of the Ci�y Hall and Court Hou�e Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persona and .in the manner provided by the Charte�, stating the time and place of heuring, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Adopted by Council: Date � ���Ct (_ Yea� Nay� �' �akey Certified Passed by Council Secretary �atr�m �erin �rri� �In Favar By a. v32�gard �ttman QAqain�t �ne Mayor