96-1271 SEf'�13-1996 @8�43 ST PRUL P�BLIC HEALTH 612 222 27'7� P.02f04 , ec>urscil File # l � 1 a1► . ��- � � - � � --- �reen Sheet # �Z 5 5 �.. RES�LUTION �F SAfNT PAUL� MtNNES�TA � Presented By /����%"" , 1�+2ferr�d To Coeunittee: Da'te 1 R�Fi�P�EAS, Fubli�Hea�Eh �xas x�quested t� City Co��cil ta hold �aublic �ariags t4 c�nsider 2 the advisability a�d necessity c��arclering t� repair or wrecldng and removal of a two-ssary, wood 3 frame fotu-twit dwellu�g located an gnrr�erty hereinafter referred to as Fhe "Subj�ct �iroperty" at�d 4 C�riiri��Yl1�+' �4w� aS 4G0 Beaumaitt Str�eet. `Y'hkis property iS 1Cg�i�1� Ck:3Crib0d. 8iS fO�lUwB, [o wit: � +� Tne w� �s �c o�e� N�rn s$ ���t a�r�t ��, Irvines Addition af(�tlots ta the 7 Tovvn af St. Paul. 8 9 WHP.REAS, bas�i upan t�e reoords ir.�the Ramse�r Counry Rscor�er's Off�Ce ax�d 1� z�formation obtained by Pul�lic Hcalth an or beforc 3uly �4t �996, tb�e fa��owin,g are the now �own X� inte�sted ar responsible parcies fer the Subjecc P'rapezty: Gene John, 259� Bioam R.oad, V�hioe Be�r 12 L�.ke, MN 55110; D2�e �Iomgomery, 2655 Scillwater Street, '1?Vhite � Townshig, MAT 55��0. 13 Re: 14 WHE1�S, Public�ea�th bas �rved in accorcianc�e with the gr�visions of t�iapter 4� of the 13 �aint Fa�l Legislativ'e Cc�d� an order ide�ified as an "Or�ter to Abate Nuisance Buildiflg{s)" datsd 16 July !9, 199fi; and 17 i$ WI�R�EAS, tbis o�er inform�d the then knQwn int+erested or respa�ibie part�es F�a# the 19 �hu� located c+n +the Subj�ct Prc�erty is a nuisance iniildin�g{s] �.tt�suant to Ch�tptex'45; a� 20 21 Vi�HERF.A�, this order infarmed the i�erested c�r res�ox�si�te ���ti�ies t�at th�y must re�air or �2 demolish the structure located r�n the �i6Ject�roperty by Au�ust 9, 1996; and �3 2� 'RrHERE�i�, tt�e e�forceYnene o�Fcer�las posted a placaard o� the �ub.�ct PraPenY de�]a�'ing 2� thie 6�ilding(s) to eonstitute a miisan,ce cou+dition; sub,ject to demolitio�.; and 26 27 WHEREAS, this rntisa�ce condition has not beexi coxnected arad Public �Tea1t�requestod t�at 28 the City Clerk schedt�l� publi�c �a��gs be�o�re t�ie J�egislative �earing �r of the Gity Cc�u�cil 29 an�. the Saint Pa� �ily Counczl; a�d 30 31 'OV��Tt'�AS, the inberes�ci a� res�ons�le �arties harre been served rnotice in a�cco�+da�ce 32 vrnth the provisions nf Chg�t�r 45 of tl�e S�int psul �egi�lauve �ode, flf tlie titne, d�E'e, place a�d 33 ptiupoee of the public �arings; a�d 34 3S VVHEREAS, a hsaring was held before the Legisla#ive ��ri�,g (3fficer of the Sait�Paul City 3f Council on'h�ay, ()ct�ber 1, 1996 to h�ar tesCimo�ny a�d e�i�ence, �d after receiving testimo�r 37 and evidence, made �1ie recouunendation Ea appro�►e the request tQ ordacc the ixrte�+e�t,ed. ar res,pcnns.ibie 38 parti� ta make the �bject Propexty sa��e and z�ot det�rnnental to the public peaae, health, safety an�d 39 welfare a�d remove its blighti�a�g i�ence ox� the cammunity by reh�bilitating this strucdue in 40 acco�ee with al� applicable codes and ardinazues, or in tt�e �Iternstive by cl�rnolishi�o,g az�d 4� removing die smicture in accordance wit� all a�licabie codes and orclinanCes. �e xe�abilitatian ar 42 demolition of the $trn.cture to be eomglet�d within fiftee� (15) days a�ex t�e date of t� Ccruncil 43 Hearing; and �P'-13-1�6 06�43 ST PAUL PU�IC HEALTH 612 222 27'70 P.03�04 " � � �-1�.�� 1 W�REA..�, a b�earit�g r�r� held b�fa�e the Saint P'aul Cit,�+ Gcn��i� an�V�sday, Octf►ber 2 9, i� az�d the #estimo�► and evideu�e inc�eidi�g the a+etion taken by the Legislative �Iearing 3 O#�cjer was �nsidere+d Uy th� Cc�uncil; no� t�refore 4 S BE �'T I�F..SrJL'V'`�b, ti�at b�ased upan the t�i�o�.� �n�i. evide.t�e pz�ese�tea at the above � r�eferen,cecl public h�ings, t�e Saint PaW City' �uncil I�ereby ad�pts t�e fo�lowing Find"engs a�,d 7 Ot�er cor�cernir�t; the S�bject �ro�nky at 46t1 Beaumont �t: $ � 1. T�t the S�b3e� �ropeTty com�srises � nuis�nce conditia��s +d�efin�d in S�tint �ul 10 I..eg1S1a.W� Code, CI]aptieT 4S. 11 12 2. T�Zat the t:osts of c��mc�latiwn a�� t�emo�at of t�is bni�ding(s} is�stimiated to excsed 13 thx'ee tho�tts�d dallars ($3,Qp0.U{?). 14 15 3. That �n�v exists and bias exist�d nmiltigle Housing or Buildi�ag c�e viol�tticm� at 1E the S�bje�c't�l�perly. �a f$ 4. �a��au Chder tio A�te l+duis�nce �.ilding(s) wvas sent to the th�n �Cnown r�s�onsib�e 19 pazties bca carnect the dc��ciencies or ta +d�ms��ish �ud r�move t�e t�ttikii�(s)- �b 21 5. That t��deficien�ies causi�,g this nuis� cond�tivn I�vE nvt been +cc��r�vct0d. 22 2� 6. 'Ibat �ublic Health �a�pvst�ed a p�ac�rd va th� Subject 1'rap�rt�r v�hieh de�c�s it to 24 �e � rntisa�oe cc�ndition subj�t to demoliticjn. 25 2b 7. That this building l�ns been, routinely monito�d by th� 'l��eamtlNu�s�e �itdi�igs 27 �e Enfarceu�nt F�t�g�ra�m. 28 �9 8. 'I'hat t}�e la�a�vn interested. p�rties �d ow�rs ar+� as ��zt�usly state�i in tltis 30 r�sotutian and th2rt the nat��icatian�equ#reeaer�ts c�€C�t�er 4S hav� been fulf"il�ed. 31 �2 �3 O1�.DER 34 35 '�'he Saint Pau1 CiEy Cou�ci� here�y makES the �oll�r�+ing orcler: 36 �7 3$ 1. Tl�.e above referea�t �erest� or respa�xsib�e psrcie� shal�. makde the Subject Ptop�rry safe 39 a�ad ncrt detrimentaI tQ t�te public �eac,e, �.tih, s�fety a�d welf�rt �rnd reaiave zts blightiqg �0 infl�enoe or�th� en,�,m�,�n;�y by r�habilitating t,�is stxuelZxre and corr�ng all deficiencies �s 41 pr�s�ribed in tlxe abave z�eferenced Ord�r tu Aba#e Ntusance Buuttding{s} in acaarda� with 42 aIl app��cable codes and ard�ces, or in tt�e alternative by demoli�sb�ing and re�n,oving the 43 �e in aocorda�t�ce wXth �I1 applicabl� c�des �nt1 t�tx�inances. 'i'he rehabilitatio�n�� 44 des�oliqo�a�d removal af the s�re must be ror�ple�ed wi'n fi�t.eez�{�.5) d�ys af�er the 45 clatate of tl�e Cou�ucil Hearing. 46 SEP-13-19% 08�44 ST PAUL PUBLIC HEALTH 612 222 27?0 P.04f04 � � �1� -1�.�� 1 2. If tbe above cor�rective action is not r„QOt�xplet�d within this pe�riod o£titm+� the Pablic He�Iih, 2 Code Enforc�me� �gram is hereby auth�rized to i�e whatever steps are nevessary to 3 demoli,sb� a�ud remove this sm�ctt�z�, �ll the sit�e anc�ch�ge t� cos�s i�urred a�ainst t�be A� Subject Pro�erty ptYrsuant to t�e provisians of Chaptec �5 of the Sai�Pau1 Legislative Gode. 5 6 3_ In the e�ent the buildiva,� is tv be demolis�ed and xaemoecd by the City af 5a�nt Paul, all 7 personal pm�erty t�r f�xtures af any kind which �i�xterfe�e wi�h the +�emt��itinn and remaval $ sha11 be r�mc��'ed �om the pro�eriy by Che respox�sible parties by the en� o�thi€ tinxe period. 9� Yf all Pe�� P��Y is na�t rernor�ed, zt shall bc considered to be abandoned and the �Cxcy iCl c�f Sairn Faul shall remove and d�spose vf suct�property as pxovided by law. 11 12 4. it is fuFther oxdered, triat a cop�r of this r�sv�utiQn be mailed to the own�rs a�d int�rest�ed 13 parEies in ac.�orc�anc�e witli Chapter 45 of the Saint Paa� Legislati�e Cc�de. y� Biavs Absent �{��sted by Departtuexst Qf: a st � in rr2s a .��II+an �Y: _- � _` . �1 . \q9� Form ApprOVed t�y City A't�orney AdoptEd by Cota�rtcil: Dat� �� Adoption Certif�Qd by Co�u�xcil Secretarp g�,; L./�./�� /— ��'�"J L By. I�ppxovad by Mayor for Suk�mission t4 Apprcaved by Mayax; Date O j� Cc,unoil ��lG �-� >p� $Y= $y; TOTflL P.04 �c�_ ��� � ✓ ' ���� Aealth� 09-0 96�� �REEN SHEET N_ 3�5 5 2 Z �.'113Y' @8 VO��' 2 9 8-415 3 DEPARTMENT DIRE R Nm��� CITY COUNCIL � �'T�� ��p �CITY ATTORNEY �- �, i CITY CLERK NWMlR fOR U N. ND11 (DA ► �. . BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.a MQT.BENYICE8 DIR. October 9, 1996 °�" w►va�(oA nseisr�m � TOTAL�OF SIQNATURE Pll�ilS � (CLIP ALL L.�ATtONS FOR SIONATUR� ACTION REO!lE8TED: City Council to pass this resolution which will order the owner(a) to remove or repair the referenced building(s) . If the owner fails to Comply with the reeolution, Public .Health is ordered to remove the building. �'he subject praperty is located at 460 Beaumont Street. RECOM1Ap�Dr�T10N8:Approw(A)a Rs�eot(R) pgpsONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TME ROL ��IM�t��=: _�A�uuro cOMNnSaroN �avl�seRV�ce o01�1881oN �. Has uAs psrsoMt'i►m sw►walcsd undsr a c�onvact tor tlNa d�p�rbn.rK4 —�°°�*EE — ,�S "o SEP 1 _� _ �. H��,����►�8�,,�.z 6 1996 vES No —��� — 3. Doei thia ps►sONNrtn p0ewas a skql not nOrmeNy Pc�see�sd����s9 SuPPOR'is VIAlIGw�IL OBJECTIVE9 YES NO ' Explaln dl�rq a��rwn on q�anU�M�t p�d�oh to Ona�tM�t r�rn�rnNO Pnoe�M.�,o�oaruNm�wno.wns�,vw�.n,wnM..wnr). Thia buildiag(s) is a nuisance building(s) as defined in Chapter 45 and a vacant building as defined in Chapter 43 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The owners, intereated , parties and responsible parties known to the Fsnforcement Officer were given an order to repair or remove the building at 460 Beaumont �treet by AuguBt 9, 1996, and have failed to comply with those orders. ADVANTAQE$IF APPROVED: The City will eliminate a nuisance. SEP111°� CITY A��RNEY DIBADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: The City will spend �unds to wreck and remove thia build�.ng(s) . . These costs will be assesaed to t�ie property, collected as a special aseesement agaiast the property taxes. DIBADVANTAOES IF NdI'APPfiOVED: A nuisance condition will remain unabated in the C�.ty. This building(a) will aontinue to blight the community. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION =�� �,,,�.�T=�,�,�p.p COST/REVEMUE$UDCiETF.p(CIRCLE ONi) I/E NO FUNDiNG SOURCE Nuisance Houeinq A1�AtemCrit ACTIVITV NUMBER 33261 �aurc�.n+wRw�►rioN:cex�� " � SAINT PAUL PUBLIC HEALTH Nea!Hol�an, M.D.. M.P.ff., Director q (.-�a�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL NUISANCE BUILDINGS CODE 6/2-298-4l53 Norm Coleman, Mayor - . ENFORCEMENT SSS Cedar Street Sain1 Paul,MN SS/0/-2260 �� September 6, 1996 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Council President and Members of the City Council Saint Paul Public Health, Vacant/Nuisance Buildings Enforcement Unit has requested the City Council schedule public heazings to consider a resolution ordering the repair or removal of the nuisance building(s) located at: 460 Beaumont Street The City Council has scheduled the date of these hearings as follows: Legislative Hearing - Tuesday, October 1, 1996 City Council Hearing - Wednesday, October 9, 1996 The owners and responsible parties of record are: Name and Last Known Address Interest Gene John Fee Owner 2591 Bloom Road White Beaz Lake, MN 55110 � Dale Montgomery Previous Owner 2655 Stillwater Street White Bear Township, NIN 55110 Re: 460 Beaumont Street The legal description of this property is: The West 65 feet of the North 58 feet of Lot 11, Irvines Addition of Outlots to the Town of St. Paul. �l c.•��.� i 460 Beaumont Street September 6, 1996 Page 2 Saint Paul Public Health has declared this building(s) to constitute a "nuisance" as defined by Legislative Code, Chapter 45. Public Health has issued an order to the then known responsible parties to eliminate this nuisance condition by conecting the deficiencies or by razing and removing this building(s). Inasmuch as this Order to Abate has not been complied with the nuisance condition remains unabated, the community continues to suffer the blighting influence of this property. It is the recommendation of Public Health that the City Council pass a resolution ordering the responsible parties to either repair, or demolish and remove this building in a timely manner, and failing that, authorize Public Health to proceed to demolition and removal, and to assess the costs incurred against the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes. :cerely, "`� . � �. _.---- � R neta Weiss Program Supervisor Vacant/Nuisance Building Unit Saint Paul Public Health RW:mI cc: Jan Gasterland, Building Inspection and Design Philip Miller, City Attorneys Office " Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council Steve Zaccard, Fire Mazshall Dan Pahl, PED-Housing Division 01-93 q�-�a� ti REPORT Date: October 1, 1996 Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard LEGISLATIVE HEARING Gerry Strathman Legislative Hearing Officer 1. Resolutions ratifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following (laid over from 9/17/96 Legislative Hearing): J9609AA--Property clean up for May through mid July, 1996 J9609TDBC1--Property clean up for May through mid July, 1996 328 Lexington Pkwy (J9609TDBC1)--Legislative Hearing Officer recommended deleting the assessment. 1129 E. Minnehaha (J9609AA)--Legislative Hearing OfCcer recommended approvat. 2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at�$Hat�h Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. � Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at �024 Milton tree . If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended laying this matter over to the November 5, 1996 Legislative Hearing. 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 874-878 SelbX en . If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended the owner be granted 180 days to repair the building provided a $2,000 bond is posted by October 9, 1996. 5. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at Z12 VVells Street. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval. �,�-i z� �, 6. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 460 Beaumont treet. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval. 7. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 232 Cottaee l�venue W. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. � Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval. MINUTES OF LEGISLATIVE HEARING d � October 1, 1996 -1 � " � a� � Room 330, City Hall - Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Votel, Public Health; Guy Willits, Public Health; Cathy Ries, Real Estate Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. 1. Resolutions ratifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following (laid over from 9/17/96 Legislative Hearing): J9609AA--Property clean up for May through mid July, 1996 J9609TDBC1--Property clean up for May through mid July, 1996 328 LexinQton PkvvY Guy WilTits, Public Health, reviewed the staff report and presented pictures of the property. The orders were posted on the property on June 28, 1996 and the order was mailed on July 2, 1996 with a compliance date of July 3, 1996. Mohammed Shahidullah, property owner, appeared and stated that he had not received a letter notifying him to cut the tall grass and weeds. It was his contention that he had cut the grass and the remainder of the lawn was not growing. Mr. Strathman stated that in looking at the pictures, it did not appear that the lawn was overgrown. He also did not believe that mailing the order on July 2 with a compliance date of July 3 was reasonable. He recommended deleti.ng the assessment. 1129 E. Minnehaha No one appeared; recommended approval of the assessment. 2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at �2$ Hatch Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel, Public Health, reviewed the staff report. He had been in contact with the Ramsey County Tax Exempt Office, owners of the property, and they indicated that they did not believe the building was salvageable. Mr. Strathman recommended approval of the order. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 1Q24 Milton Street N. If the o��ner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Minutes of I,egislative Hearing � �� �a1 � � October 1, 1996 � Page - 2 - Mr. Votel reviewed the staff report. The property had been vacant since April, 1995 and was now owned by Ramsey County Trust Exempt. They had indicated that they believed the property was worth rehabilitating. The estimated cost to repair the building was $25,000 and estimated cost to demolish was $8,000. Brett Larson, Ramsey County Trust Exempt, appeared and stated that this property was scheduled to be placed for auction on October 23 and he had several interested parties who desired to purchase the property. He believed the building was salvageable. Mr. Strathman recommended laying this matter over to the November 5, 1996 Legislative Hearing. 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 74- 7 . Pl �Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Mr. Votel reviewed the staff report. This was a commercial building which had suffered fire damage and was condemned in April, 1996. The estimated cost to repair the building was $50,000 and the estimated cost to demolish was $25,000. Jim Bergstrom, Liberty State Bank, appeared and stated that the bank had foreclosed on the property which took some time. He believed the building could be restored and they had found a potential buyer for the property and were willing to provide financing to afford the repairs. A code compliance inspection had been done on the property. Russell Hamilton, potential buyer of the property, appeared and stated that he had surveyed the building on more than one occasion and believed the building was salvageable. He had intended to secure ownership some time ago, however, there were problems with the title which prevented him from purchasing the property. Mr. Strathman recommended that the owner be granted 180 days to bring the building into compliance provided a $2,000 bond was posted prior to the Council meeting on October 9, 1996. 5. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 712 Wells Street. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Mr. Votel reviewed the staff report. He had been in contact with the owner and the owner was in agreement that the building should be demolished. The property owner did not appear. Mr. Strathman recommended approval of the order. 6. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 4� Rpa�1nont Street. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Minutes of Legislative Hearing �`- �a� � October 1, 1996 � Page - 3 - Mr. Votel reviewed the staff report. The building was condemned in September, 1995. The estimated cost to repair the building was $20,000 and the cost for demolition was $10,000. James Geske, attorney representing the mortgage company Transamerica Financial, appeared and stated that the warranty deed conveying title to the present owner had never been recorded and they were not aware that there was a different owner of this property. The present owner had filed bankruptcy and the owner was advised not to sell the property to a potential buyer. He requested that this matter be continued. Nick Puente, representing the Railroad Island Task Force, appeared and presented a memorandum outluung the initiative of the Task Force. He also presented a petition with 32 signatures of the surrounding neighbors who wished to see the building demolished. The property had been seriously neglected and he believed it was not worth rehabilitating. Gordon�ieitzman, neighboring property owner, appeared and stated that the property had been a continuous problem in the neighborhood and he wished to see the building demolished. Mr. Strathman recommended approval of the order. 7. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 2� �tta..ge Avenue W. If the o�;�ner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Mr. Votel reviewed the staff report. The building had several add-on structures and was condemned in May, 1996. The current owner had not made any contact as to his intentions with the property. It was his opinion that it was not economically feasible to repair the building. The estimated cost to demolish the building was $7,300. Lawrence Zielke, representing Alliance Mortgage, appeared and stated that they foreclosed on the property on June 12, 1996 and the six month redemption period had not expired. He requested that they be allowed additional time to secure title to the property in order to convey it to HUD for re-sale. Delores Hartzell, neighboring property owner, appeared and presented pictures of the property. The property had been a continuing nuisance in the neighborhood and she and the neighbors wanted the building demolished. Mr. Strathman stated that he had received a phone call from a representative of the owner who indicated that he was unable to attend the meeting. He recommended approval of th orde � _ Meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m. %� Gerry Stra an, Legislative Hearing Officer