96-1262 Council File # _`� � ����
Green Sheet # '1��.�..
Presented By
Referred to Committee: Date
1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and the Metropolitan Airports Commission
2 (MAC) desire to enter into an agreement regarding a wetland mitigation project
3 at Pickerel Lake in Lilydale/Harriet Island Regional Park, and
4 WHEREAS, the MAC is required to provide and pay for compensatory
5 mitigation for airport expansion work at Holman Field, and
6 WHEREAS, the MAC has developed and proposed a mitigation project which
7 includes the removal of fill material from areas adjoining Pickerel Lake and
8 conversion of those areas to wetlands, and
9 WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes that consistent with MAC policy any
10 mitigation resulting from the Holman Field project must take place as close to
11 the affected area as possible, and
12 WHEREAS, the proposed mitigation project is consistent with the goals of
13 the Lilydale/Harriet Island Regional Park Master Plan, and will benefit the
14 park, and
15 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission has reviewed
16 this matter and concurs with the mitigation project,
17 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of
18 Saint Paul, accepts said MAC mitigation project, and hereby authorizes the
19 proper City officials to enter into an agreement with the MAC on behalf of the
2 0 City of Saint Paul necessary to implement the project.
Yeas Nays Absent
Blakey Requested by:
Bostrom �
Guerin Divis' rks and Recreation
Harris _�
Megard �/
Rettman_ _/ By: i'��
� � �
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date � �� �� "-
Adoption Ce.:tified by Council Secretary By: L� � �
By _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to
�i ,� Coun '
Approved by Mayor: Date: v lS //
BY: ,��(.���c�
BY: � � �
� 0 � �2
Division of Parks & Recreation 10/1/96 G R E EN SH E ET � a
October 9, 1996 ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn �Parks & Recreati on
Approval of City Council Resolution approving wetland restorat�ori project in Lilydale/Harriet
Island Regional Park and authorizing City officials to erater i�to agreement with hie�ropolitan
Airports Corr�nission for the project.
_PLANNINO COMMISSIQN _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1• Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for thia department?
�STAFF _ 2• Has this personlfirm ever been a city employeeT
_DISTRiC7 COUR7 _ 3. Does thls rsonRirm
pe possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee?
Explain ell yss answsrs on ssparats shest and ettach to presn sheet
f�llow the hietropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) to restore wetlands in Lilydale/Harriet
Island Regional Park. Eight acres of previously filled areas along shoreline of Pickerel
Laice will be restored to wetland condition by MAC as � mitigation for airport expansion
work at Holman Field.
Previously filled wetlands will be restored at no cost to the City. R�C E�i�f��
OCT 02 199G
The filled areas will remain. The City will seek funding to accomplish removal of the fill
and wetland restoration at another time.
�G - I �`a.
Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission
- �ti'HEREAS, the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission is an appointed body to - �
advise the Mayor and City Council on lon;-ranse and city-wide matters related to pazks and
recreation, and y � .
WfiEREAS, the Metropolitan Airports Commission(�1AC) is required to provide
compensatory mitigation for airport expansion work at Holman Field, and
`VHEREAS, the �r1AC has worked with the Division of Parks and Recreation and others
to provide miti�ation related to this project at Lilydale Re;ional Park, and
`VHEREAS, the N1.AC has developed and proposed a mitigation plan which includes the
removal of fill material from areas adjoining Pickerel Lake and conversion to wetlands, and
`VHERE2,S. the Commission reco�nizes that any miti�ation resulting from the Holman
Field project must take place as close to the affected area as possible, and
�VHEREAS, this proposed mitisation is consistent with the goals of the Lilydale/Hasriet
Island Re;ional Park Master Plan, �
NO��', THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation
Commission concurs with and supports the propos�d miti;ation project at Lilydale Regional
Park, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Commission recommends that the City accept
the proposed miti�ation and proceed with entering into the necessary agreements for
Adopted by the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission: Date �' �a " �b
Approved: Yeas: � -- -
Neas: _�
This Agreement, by and between the METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION
(hereinafter referred to as "MAC") and the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, a municipal
corporation, (hereinafter refeRed to as "CITY"), is entered into this day of
, 1996, and sets forth the te►ms and conditions regarding an agreement
for the construction of a wetland mitigation project at Pickerel Lake in Lilydale �na�
.R�+�Harriet Island.({E�1 bc.?�•1.. Pp.���. � ���
s ro 'c e I Lake in Lil dale� �
WHEREAS� CITY own p pe�ty known and Pi k re y -�egtio
WHEREAS, MAC desires to consiruct a wetland on the property, and the City desires to
have the wetland constructed;
NOW, THEREFORE, both parties shatl agree and canform to the following express terms
and conditions:
1,: The CITY shall give MAC and its contractors permission to work at the sites
located on property ownsd by the CITY for the purposes of constructing or
maintaining replacement wetlands as specified in the approved replacement plan
(hereinafter the "Wetlands Project") as shown on Exhibit I.
�2' MAC shal) indemnify, defend and save harmless the CITY, its officers, employees
and agents from all suits, actions, judgments and claims of any character brought
because of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or
property by reason of any act of negligence or omission of MAC, its contractors,
agents or employees in relation to performance of the Wetlands Project.
� The CITY shall indemnify, defend and save harmless MAC, its o�cers and
employees and agents from all suits, actions, judgments and claims of any
character brought because of injuries or damages received or sustained by any
petson, persons, property by reason of any act of negligence or omissio� by the
CITY, its employees and agents in relation to the pe�formance of the Wetlands
Project. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any such indemnification shall be only to
the limits of the municipal tort liability as set forth in Minn. Stat. § 466.01 et. seq.
� The CITY agrees that MAC shall receive all wetland mitigation credits generated
by the construction of the replacement wetlands at the sites tocated on property
owned by the CITY and specified in the Wetlands project.
� MAC shall bear all costs of construction of the wetlands for the WeUands Project.
� MAC shall secure alf necessary permits and approvals before beginning �any
construction, and shall ba responsible for complying with all state, loca! and
Federal regulations during performance of the construction of the wettand.
� � ��- 1�G2-
V� 7. MAC shall establish limit lines for controlling the work for the Wettands Project in
the field in accordance with the construction limits as shown on Exhibit 2. MAC
will enforce the contract terms to contain the contractor's operations within the
construction limits during the course of the contract.
�' 8. MAC estimates that all work for the Wetlands Project shall be completed no later
than August 4, 1997. MAC shall notify the CITY no later than June 2, 1997 if an
extension of time will be required.
✓ 9. MAC agrees to cooperate with the CITY in establishing appropriate and
reasonable hours of construction, maintain;ng access to the construction sites, and
preservation of existing trses and foliage where possible within each site.
� 10. MAC shall protect all public property assigned to it for the work, construction
access or sto�age of materials, including any public or private property adjacent
thereto. Any damages to the aforementioned prope�ties caused by the MAC
during the course of its work shall be repaired by the MA�o �he satisfaction of
the CITY. ��t' ('{� �,Y �`��
� The CITY shall permit MAC and its contraciors to perform monitoring of the
wetland mitigation sites for five years after construction is completed.
j � The CITY shall record the Use Restrictions and Maintenance Responsibility with
the Ramsey County and Dakota County Recorder's O�ces as set forth in
Appendix A. MAC will provide the CITY a legal description of each wetland site
for the CITY's use in recording the deeds as outlined in Appendix A. .
, 13.� The CITY shall be responsible for the maintenance of the replacement wetlands
as set fotth in Appendix A.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of
the date first set forth above.
By By
Executive Director Mayor
Superintendent, Pa�fcs 8� Recreation
Finance and Ma�agement
. Assistant City Attomey
�� - �a-G �.--
Permittee Metropolitan Airpvrts Commission
BOi'mit No. 83-00080-IP-TJF
St. Paul District
2sauinq Oftiae U.S. Army Corps of Enqineers
NOTE: The term "you" and its derivatives, as used fn this permit,
means the permittee or any future transferee. The term '�th3s
ofPice" refers to the appropriate district or division office of
the Corps of Engineers having jurisdiction over the permitted
activity or the appropriate oPficial of that office actinq under
the authority of the commandinq officer.
You are authorized to perform work in accordance with the terms
and condYtions specified below.
Projeat Desoription: Fill up to approximately 20.4 acres of
wetland adjacent to the Mississippi River to Pacilitate the
construction cf new hangars and taxiways. The project �aork area
and four mitfgation sites are shown on the attached drawings
labeled 83-80--IP-TJF, pages 1 oP 5 through 5 of 5.
Pro�eat Location: The project site �is in the NW 1/4 of Sec. 9,
T. 28N. , R. 22W. , Ramsey County, Minnesota. --
Perm3.t conditions:
General Conditians:
1. The time limit for completing the work authorizeci ends on
December 31, 2001. If you find that you need more time to
complete ths authorized activity, gubmit your request for a time
extension to this office for consideration at least one month
bePore the date is reached.
2. You must maintain the activity authorized by this permit in
good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions
of this permit. You are not relieved of this requirement it ycu
abandon the permitted activity, although you may make a qood
faith transfer to a third party in compliarioe with General
Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease to maintain the
authorized activity or should you desire to abandon it without a
good faith transfer, you must obtain a modiEication of this
permit from this oPfice, whiGh may require restoration of the
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3. If you discover any previously unknown his�oric or
archaeoloqical remains while accomplish3ng the activity
authorized by this permit, you must fmmediately notify this
office of what you have found. We will initiate the Federal and
state coordination required to determine iP the remains warrant a
recovery effort or if the site is eligible for listing in the
National Register of Historic Places.
4. If you sell the property associated with this permit, you
must obtain the �ignature of the new cwner in the space provided
and forward a copy of the permit to this office to validate the
transPer of this authorization.
5. If a conditioned vater quality certifioation has been issued
for your project, you must comply �ith the conditions specified
in the certification as special conditions to this permit. For
your cvnvenience, a copy of the certification is attached if it
contains such conditions.
6. You must allow representatives from this office to inspect
the authorized activity at any time deemed necessary to ensure
that it is being or has been accomplished in accordance with the
terms and conditions of your penait.
Special Conditionss
1. The permittee shall initially provide approximately 15.1
acres of compensatory wetland mitigatfon at 4 sites - Pickerel
Lake (about 8.6 acres) ; Battle Creek Park (about 3.5 aorea) ;
Beaver Lake (about 1 acre) ; and Lake Phalen (about 2 acres) . The
permittee shall not fill more than 15.1 acres oP wetland at the
airport project site until additional mitigation site(sj are
approved by the Corps.
2. Mitigation/restoration work at the Pickerel Lake site (or
any other undetermined mitigation site) is not authorized until
the Section 106 consultation process has bee.n completed.
3. The permittee shall provide the Corps of Engineers copies
of the final grading plans for all of the comp�nsatory wetland
mitigation sites and a monitoring report for each mitigation
site. The reports shall include color photoqraphs, descript3ons
of the vegetation co�amunities and water depths at the sites.
These reports must be done annually for 3 years followiag
completion of the excavation/restoration at the mitigation sites.
� . The permittee shall comply with all conditions of the
attached Minnesota Pollution Ccntrol Agency�s Section 401 water
Quality Certification.
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5. Refer to Standard Conditions attachment.
Burtber Iaformation:
1. Congressiona2 Authorities: You have been authorized to
undertake the activity described above pursuant to:
( ) Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act cf 1899 (33
U.S.C. 403) .
(X) Section 404 of the C�ean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344) .
( ) Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and
Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (33 U.S.C. 1413) .
2. Limits of this authorization.
a. This permit does not obviate the need to obtain other
Federal, state, or local authorizations required by law.
b. This permit does not grant any property rights or
exclusive privileges.
c. This permit does not authorize any injury to the property
or rights of others.
d. This permit does not authori2e interference with any
existing or proposed Federal project.
3 . Limits of Federal Liability. In issuing this permit, the
Federal Government does not assume any liability for the
a. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a
result of other permitted or unpermitted activities or from
natural causes.
b. Damages to the permitted project or use� thereof as a
result of current or future activities undertaken by or on behalf
of the United States in the public interest.
c. Damaqes to persons, property, or to other permitted or
unpermitted activities or structures caused by the activity
authorized by this permit.
d. Design or construction deficiencie� associated with the
permitted work.
e. Damaqe claims asscciated with any future modification,
suspension, or revocation of this permit.
3 r�iX�t� �
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4. Reliance on Applicant's Data: The determination of this
office that issuance of this permit is not con�rary to the public
interest was made in reliance on the information you provided.
5. Reevaluation of Permit Decision. This office may reevaluate
its decision on this permit at any time the ciscumstances
warrant. Circumstances that oould require e reevaluation include,
but are not limited to, the followinq;
a. You fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this
b. The infonaation prcvided by you in support of your permit
application proves to have been false, incomp2ete, or inaccurate
(See 4 above) .
c. Significant new information surfaces whach this office did
not consider in reaehing the original public interest decision.
Such a reevaluativn may result in a detertninataon that it is
appropriate to use the suspe.ngion, modification, and revocation
procedures contained in 33 CFR 325.7 or enforcement procedures
such as those contained in 33 CFR 326.4 and 326.5. The referenced
enforcement procedures provide for the issuance of an
administrative order requiring you to comply with the terms and
conditions of your permit and for the initiation of Zeqal action
where appropriate. You will be required to pay fcr any corrective
measures ordered by this office, and if you fail to camply with
such directive, this office may fn certain situations (such as
those specified in 33 CFR 209.1'70) accomplish the corrective
measures by contract or otherwise and bill you for the cost.
6. Extensions. General condition 1 establishes a time limit for
the completion of the activity authorized by ttnis permit. Unless
there are circwnstances requiring either a prompt completion of
the authorized activity or a reevaluation of the public interest
decision, the Corps will normally give favorable consideration to
a request for an extension of thig time Iimit.
Your signature below, as permittee, indicates that you accept and
agree to comply with the terms and conditions af this permit.
� d-30 ��tb
Nigel Finney Metropolitan Airports Commission
4 �x�i�- I _
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5tl''-G(-177b ✓JC•JYJ i'iC I 1CU. i-71 r[ruR i �.ui'iri. olc r co ac�v r,uo� iv
� � � �'�-�a `�-
This permit becomes effective when the Federal official,
designated to act for the Secretary of the Army, has signed
J � �
Colonel, Corps of Enginaers
District Engineer
When the structures or work authorized by this permit are still
in exigtence at the time the property is transferred, the terms
and conditions of this permit will continue to be binding on the
new owner(s) of the property. To validate the transfer of this
perYait and the associated liabilitieg associated �ith compliance
with its terms and conditions, have the transferee siqn and date
5 �xl�� �
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July 24, 1996 •--
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Mr_ � . �' �'� 1; v . >
$en Wopat ; . -
t � - � '
+ �; „ .
ltegulat�ry Branch, St. Paut District � �{; � � `� '�`.� + � j �.�
II.S. Army Corps ol'Fn,�iuecrs ta-���' r
190 Fifih Svcct East ��OF FIVGINfERS `
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1638 S�PA111 DI�'RICT �
Metropc,litan Airports Commission- St. Paul Dawntown Aicport at Holman Field
Ramsey County
Dear Mr. Wapat:
"i'his letter is sub�ritted by the Minnesota polluaon Control Agency (MPCA) under au�hority of
Section 401 of the Clean Water Act(33 USC 1251 e� seq.) and Minn. Stat. chs. 115 and I 16.
Thc referenccd project involves a proposal complete airport expansion project originally
• authori�ed by the Corps of Lngineers in 1983. 1�he project is located in NW 1/4 Section 9,T 28
N, R 22 W, Ramsey County,Minnesota. The expansioa proje�t will fill an additiona120.4 acres
of wetland. Compensatory wetland mitigation, as indicatcd in the public notice, is currently to
restore 66.0 acres of wetland in Nobles County referred to as ihe Summit Lake Site and
approximately 13.0 acres of wetland restoration a1 six sites in Ramsey County. The final
mitigation plan has not yet been determined.
The MPCA certifies the referenced project since the project's individual and cumulative impacts
do not appear to be signilicant as dcfined by present water quality standards pro�ided the
following conditions are complied with:
1. Replacement of lost wetland values for unavoidable wetlsnd impacts is necessary to satisfy
Minn. R 7050.0186 suhp 6. �wetland compensatory replacement plan must be provided
that will replace the function and vaiues of the fiiled wctland with an area repla.cement ratio
of a�least 1:1.Through the ongoing negotiations with the Metropolitan Ai�port Commission
and thc state and federal resource agencics the developing mitigation plan is continuiag to
maximiz,e the amount of wetland compensatory mitigation by restoration of wetland within
the metro area and allowing for the rema;ning acreage of replaceme�t at the Nobles County
site. The MpCA supports and concurs that the mitigation plan must ma�cimize the wetland
replacement in the metro area and will concur with the conclusions of the Corps of Engineers
final approval of the mitisation plan for t11e purpose of this certification.
520 Latayette Rd. N.;St. Paul, MN 55155-4194; (612)296-6300(voice):(612)282-5332(TTY)
Regional Ofiices: Duluth-Brainerd•Detroit Lakes•Marshall•Rochester
Cquai Op�rtunily�mployer-Prmted�n recycleci�aeer conta�ning a�ipasi �0°'e fibers Irom paper recycl d by co�sumers.
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5tF'-��(-177b bti�.S1 I'It I KU. rf 1�[rur[i l..Ul'll'I. OlG r co JG70 r,r�v� ic�
'Mr. Ben Wopat
' � ' Page 2
q G- I a-G a--
2. This projcc� will disturb five (5)or more acres of land and the Metropolitait nirport
Commissior� is required to apply to ihe MPCA [or covcra�;e under a Genc�al Nati�nai
Pollut�r►t l�ischarge �liminauon System Pcrmit (N1'C)I�S) spccitically rcyuirinU 13M1's tc�
control erosion during construction, and a storm water management plan to manage
pollutants in storm water runoff from the site that will occur after construction is complete.
These $MPs should include retention basins or other treatment sys�ems 1'he pern�ic requires
that these BMPs be prepared for the project and incorporaxed into the plans aad speciCcations
prior to the start of construction
The project impacts should be micumized in accordance wiih the requirernents of Section
404(b)(1) guidelines. This action does not exempt the applicant from the cesponsibility of
complying with all applicable local, sra.te and federal rec�uirements, ilor does it grant any ri?ht to
violate personal ar properiy iights.
� Zf you have any questions on this,please call Lawrence S. Zdon at(612)297-8219.
. d�-�-`'W ^.a'�
John N. �-iolck, Managcr
Nonpoint Source Compliance Section
'Water Quality Division �
cc: Mr. Charles Orzehoskie, U.S.Environmental Protection Agency, Chicago
Ms. Lynn Lewis, Field Supervisor, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Mr. TCent Lokkesmoe, Dxrector, Division of VI/aters,MDNR
Mr. Steve Colvin,Ecological Services,Envuoc�mental Review, MDNR
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5t1�-G(-1770 YJCf•Jl I'IG 1 RIJ. M 11'CrlJl'C I l,Ul'll'I. OlG !GO JG70 r.YJ7�1G
• In �d<licion to EcncC:+l :�nd ::pcciaL condi�ions, �his �+crn�i.c is s�ivject �o Cl�c
f'�+ll�,win�; ^� :�ncl:�r�l c_�,��rJit:i.o�i:, a: a�i��Li.cal>lc: 1 ii �'��J��
1. . A� 2 vvCl< u�: :li::<:l�:i�:�',�::: t'u :� vnl;�:t'�;uut,::i: �,-t::u�t,itiZ, I��,<�m �i�•i'��ii l.'Cr.il
:.f)fLl:Cll1C,I:l.Ul1 :ccCi.vi.Cir::, ��.a� �:i<:uL:�r.l.y IryJ[o�il ic ciird�;i��j;, ���u::t. inur.t: :��,��1 i.�_:�I,��:
('<•<1CCnl.. SC�r:�, :�n<I 1�C:�1. �•�Cr,{ tlu:�i.14y t�i�d c��l,uC��t: sCluci:i�:�l;: t�i� :< <:<�i�t�t��uLUC
i,:�^J - ,
2. t1C�suCcti �uust, 1>c adopr.cd Lo ��fevectC ��oi:cnCial t�otl�+ca���.:: t.Cuu� c���:cc�ct� Ll��:
��:tCCI:COUr�I:. Coc���ruc�iou watcridls and dcbr.is, �,»cluciic�� Luc:Ls. uit, �a«d
o�lzcr �ic�uid suf��ca��cc�, uill n�c �c st;orcd in tl�c co���:rucc:ioa :�:-ca 't�� :�
iaa�t�ter ei�tat �.►ould all.�� Lhcot t:o caL'cz c:lic �+aL'ercout'sc :�s :+ i'c�«LC of. ::�ri).Lij,�.
narur�l. ruaoCf, �c tlooding.
3. 7f. dred�t:<i or e;;crvated material, is placed Ail an upinr►<i d�.sl>o�at ::ic�:
(obove the otdi»ary t�i�;i�-watc[ u►atk) , tt�e si.=e muse be �ccu�'cLy dikcd �r
con�ained by somc othcr. accep�abLe method �ha� prevenCs ehc reL�1r.i1 oL''
j,oecatially pollucir+� �atcrials co ct►c war.ercourse by sucFacc r�lt1�t•t or• tiy
lcachi.ng. Tl�e CORGaLCL"aeRC: area, yhccher bulLdles<L or upl,aad dispo�al sit:c.
mttst be iu�Xy cocapleted pti<» to pl�cewenc of aay dredg�d materx3l .
��. Upon completioa of eatchvoric operatiocvs, all exposed s lopcs, f ills, aacl
distutbed areas muse: be given su£L-icienc ptotection by appropriate means sucli
as lanci�<_api�lg, ot planting•and a�.a.intainin� 'vegeL-ar_ive cnver, .co prcvear
subsequEnc crosion.
S. A1I fi11 (incLuding ri�p[ap), i,f authorized unde[ this penaic, musL cor►sist
�� su�icable a�acErial free froa�, to�:ic pollut�ncs :i.r► ocher ct�an t;race
quantities. Iri addieion, rock or fill �nacerial �vsed for accivi�ties depeadent;
upon Chi�s pe�mit' snd obeaiued by excavaci.on musC ei�ther bc obtained £rom
exisCing qcsarries ot, if a oEw borroK sice is opaiied up to obcain �:11.
ro.aterial, chc ScaL'e Historic E'teserva=ion Of�ice�C'•(SHPO) musL be noCiPi�ed
prior Lo vse of che ctev site. Evxdence of thi�s cocLSUltacioa �*�ch th� S1{PO
caill be Eot��xded to �he St. 1'aul D�strict Of£ice_,
6. Yf eulCutaX, archaeol��ical, ot h�scorical. zesources are uncarched duriag
�cL"zvi�t�es authotized by �his petlnit, vork must b� stopped iromedi�ately and Lhe
SL'aLe Liistoric P=eservation OEfi�cer musc be contacced Eot £u�thet inscruccioa_
7. An i�r�cstigatioa must be made co ictenci£y c►acer i.ncakes or ot;het
activiCi.es =hac may be affected by suspended solids and,cutbi�dicy inc�eases
caused by uork i�t the �acercourse. Su£ficiea� r.lotice Qusc be e,;ivea �o Lhe
o�mets oE propercy �hete the activicies uould cake place co aLLou Lti1�:n to
prepare £or any cha�ges in vater quali=y.
II. A coRti�n�ency plaa must bc Eoco�utaecd that uould be cfEcc�ive in tl�e even�
o£ a spill. This reQuitemenc is parCicutarly applicabte in o?eCations
i,nvolvin� Che �13f1d�11ta o£ pecCoLewa p�oduccs, Yf a spiLt o.0 aay por_ent,ial �
poLLueant shouLd occur, ic is �l�c rctiponsibi��iey of Lhc per+nic�ec c� rc�nove
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" ApnrUwsnt af ► N�,,,�,,,� PERMIT
Division of � 83-6099
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(This Amended Permit Supersedes tbe Original and all Previous Versions of this Permit)
A,ru,anc w Minomoln stanrt�.chnp+er 103 a..nd m tlti b�eia cf wum�ds a�a iofonau;m oo�+iaed m 15e p�p,a aprlicatio�.�m.�,aoa ptao.wbm;aea by me
���� ali o[whid�are made a art haeotby roferrnoe,YERIKI5SION i3 HERHBY GRAN�'ED w the lic�nt to t(ae
P�otecled Wotcr �,�' a"�'IC a�i+�tkotved betov�-
Unnamed WedandNo. 62-3w ��
Name ojPennittee Tdepha�e Nwnber rncludeArea Coda)
Metropolitaa Aiiports Commission (612)�26-8100
Address(No.d Street RFD.BarNo.Ciry,Slate.Zlp Code)
Robert J.Vorpahl,Program Development Engine�r,6040-28th Ave�we Soud�MiAncapolis,Minncsota 55450-2799
Au�horised Work.
To place fill on 21.4 acres of the bed af Unnamcd Wetiand Na 62-3w to fac�itar,e the const�an �a ncw
runway,taxiways and buildings for the St.paul Dowatown Airpoc�a11 in accordance with��S�p��bmitt�
with the amendment request,dated June 27, 1995 and snbject to thc midgation�specified in gpecial provision No. 1 of
this permit.
1'urpose ojPerrnu
Ea�v'sbat Dole ojPernrit
Airport and Runway Fxpansivn Nwember 30� 1999
ProperryDexribed qt;
NW 1/4 of Scction 9,T28N-R22W
Address ojProperly,ifJCnown: SI.Peul
Aslndfented in Cerierclpyw�sianNo. 11:
Does not Appty
This pernut is granted subject to the fotlowing GENERAI,and$pEQAL pROVISIONS:
1. The ve+mktee is not rdeasoa som eny.u}e�rcgu�.e;on.,tewi�s++�tt ar daaa�of.�or applinb�s fedenl.ea6a ar t«�I s�oqeR���din�,twl mt limNoa ta`the u3.
�+Y��+�E++�a�ee+�Boa�d a�Wmer aad Soi)R+dowoe�.MN Pollution Cmp�ol A�ea��,watm�nd d�o�Yrat��p��1i��'�:�+��0
'�°"� �P�aoes no��sl�ee�hO per�ae�orany pe�,;�reqwee�+eot.afthe st p�ul tiimri�us.Mery coaps of F��,+�Y��'��casK.�40
FiAh Slreet F.as4 SL Pau�I�tN SS LO1-1638.
�. 77ua pernut u not assignebie br the petmletee exeept wit1�the wrinen aom�d oPtbe Conyt�iooer ef Nawn�R�axm�
3. The P����mlt�if3r ihe Area Hyr6ologut�loa�t Sve day�"si�dv�aee ottbe oo�oameat a[tLe wc�ic aW�orisad Iwsvod,ar�nd notitjr him�lw af ib eamplelion within
tive days. The Noii�a of Permit nauod by 1!x Com�t�isoaoa�sha11 be kspt tea�tlY Poped i�a ooRUpiwau pl�oe at 1he ri�e ofoperatiptt,
4. Tfio pemdtlee shu11 make no cl�mges,without writtcn Pe:mianion Prr+�owJy obtaio�v!from tbe Con�ninimer ofNah�ta!
of any i+en�o[work suthaixed t�aunder. R�4 iw tbe d�meneim�,capsoiry.or loeatiou
S. The pernilteea ehap grant eeaas to tlse site at all teatmabla titnre during end afler caosbuctim b suflfo�ized eepraaensetiva of fhe C000imiesiooar ofNa�ard Reaouras For
inepection of the worlc authorized hrnvnder. •
6. This Pamit n.ay be wmiaa�sC by Ne Commiaciw►a of N�+rN Reraucm at arry tims deemod oeoena�y Sor d�e omeavation ofwmer resowus a�the uetq a m t6e inonst
of publie he�lth and wel�re,or for violation of eny of the povisio�of this permit,unl�o�l�awise
pwide0 m d�s Special Rovisiao�
7. Ca►struction warlc auttsorized wdathi�pennit stsall be oampleted on or beforc datc speciGed above. 'Ibe rmt!!n nas
stating the reuson thereoE upon wrinen request to the Cmmussioner of Nomm!Reaouroe4. � Y�'�4°�an e�enaion of time w oc�mpkte tLe Pro1e0.
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B,cn a.ot nutborities coocened.and 86u11 aoquiie a�propery.rigbts aod imbvu mode�fa tbe Wark,, p°'Or�
9• This peruuc u pe,mis4ive on1y. No linb�lfrty slsoll be i�ared by the Sta�e of Miomoaa ar af ia 1 � "��` �
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permit shtll ooc be eocstrued as aiopping ar Iimit+eBmY le�l cLaima a'ri�a d'actim a�'�aY Daaoa ul�er thea tb wte agn�the
oorm".usas.fu my damage or iqjury r�uiting Brom a,'�uch aa ar an�iuioq or� ��'��+�PbY�4 a
AS agenf8,emP�oyB¢a,a wrt4uc7ota for violafiou of aJ�il�ate b � �i°g��D8�'1ep!clai�ar rig�Ot of acsim oPtLe daae ags,iu�tbe Iknmlt��,
�P Y►ridb We pemit or npp�ia6ln R9vi�na of Ltw
10. Arry ra�c�n of the e+aFace afpubGc watas�uhing&m.tivoric auth�rized by+hit permit tball beciome proleaed waten aad tell opeo and voob�n,cied for uae by U�e puWic.
11. No me�crinl o�svated by a,atwrity oFlhis pemut na��rinl fran acy oU�a so�ars,aaxpt�a speci6ed ha'aee.�aU be plaad on oay pptioo a�dm bed a[uid w�tca whieh
lies below(as ictdicaled above,)
12. WF�ere thc�wrk e,aMrized by this peiuut inwlves the�g Llling or bumin�af wetlaad�not asbjec�ta DNR juri+didioo.l�e Pe�mktee aL.11 not ioitiala aay.vodc�mdix
lh�e permit unallhc perndttee has obsuinod official rp�val�+om the respo�ue;ble Ba+'a�eJ uait u b tbe Mina�ots W
� Y dLud�Coocavatim Aet af 1991.
]. In acconiancc witb the revisad ameridmmt�squest,dated July 29, 1996.the permitloe i�eutha�ized to f ll up to 15.l aci+es af the total
authorized fil!site(2l.4 acres)providefl the�itigatian outlined in that)e�r is eccamplished, The area to be�lled m�t be cantiguous to
the existing fill site and thc petmittec shall�iaoe the fill so that the remaining wWaad is impectad�.y iit�e as ble. The
aares of wedaad which this permit authori�rs to be filled m�t be authoci�d in wri' � �'�B 6•3
�8 bY���aa1 HYdrolo�st(Metro Re�io�upon
���Y P��a�Quate oddid�al mitig�4ou will be doae. Mitigation sites fo�md iaa close proadmiry to the airport or river may be done
�t a 1 to 1 replacement ratio o�g�eater: Nfi4g�en�tirs away from the airpo�t o�rivc�wilt be al�o�at a 2 to 1 nplacemeat ratio.a�r gceater.
Ail mitigation must be within the canntics e�Itamsey,Washiagtoa,Dakota,Sooti,Csrver,Heanepi�.o�'Anoka Should any a�f the frn�r
o�ortunittad to mitigatian sites listod a�tlLe JulyZ9, 1996 ameadment request not be coastrwcted fo�anY reason,the pe�mittee s}iall reduce the
amount of fill placemtnc in the protected wct9aad srca by ea cq�al e��t.
2 Erosion conorol measures shall be adequatei�desi�ned for the site chaz'acteristics. They mey includc stekead heybales,diversion cbanaels,
scdiment pcmds,or sadiment fences. They st�aHBe installod ir�eocadaex with'Pratectin�Water O�itv in Urb as Be.+Menn�,e�
'ces r Mirtnesota"MPCA,Octoba 19&9.prior to camrneacemeac a�������e �t 'All
stabiliaed as soon as possiWe and no later tl�n 7�hoias aRer the com etion of the P1O) exposed so�shall be
arcas ond indigenous plant species should bc�sed to reve c dist�aixd a��� Top����d be�t°re-c���y���
S� whe�oiw+er possibte.
3. 17ie Permittce is authori7,ed to maintair►the app�ved work to the dimensions hereia de4cxibcd Rior to cenuneac;p8 anY�intenance wa�k„
the PeimitGee shall advisc the Dcper�nent af I�tural Resources of the exteat aad matbod of mainteueace. Maintener►ce work shall not be
eoir�menced until n�rmittcc receives written�mval�rvm tho Denarhnent
4. The permittee shall monitor all disturbed ar�s for thc presence of purple loosesh�ife sad contirol the plant a4 descxibed in the attacbed
pamphlct tided le 'fe Al . Thc DNR aquatic plant rnaaagcr should be cou�acted at 7�2-7950 for permit nceds end additio��
5. T�mporary dewatering far cons-�vcoion,in ex�ss a�'10,000 gallon�per day or oae miilio��(�P�Y�,�suthnri�ed by this permit
provided the following conditions are met:
a• A plan far the dewatcring shall be s�mitted to the Regional Hydrologist for�vritten prior approvai.
b. A!1 necessary erosion and sedimcntatioa►control meas�ues shs1I bo taken to Preveat trnnsportaaoa of se�imenk
6. Documentadon of alt finalized eagements,deed�,construction plans end aa-built surveys releting to both tbe authorizod fill plocement and
�he wetland miognaon shall be submitted to theDNR-Divisioa of Watera,1200 Wamer Reed,St Paul,MN 55I06 withia 30 days o�f the
compledon of a�ry of these portions of the proja�t,
�: U.S.Army Corps af Engincus,Tim FeU �g �g piy�
Ciry of St Paul,Tom Beach aitd Rogcr RY� Na�onal Park Spvice�JaAnn Kyral
Ramsy County Soif 8c Water Consavation Districc Frionde of the Miasi�ippi,gicic McMnnagJe
Lowor Mi�sissippi Itiv�r VYMp Nationel Audubon Socitty,Charyl Miller
Minncsora Poltution Control Agcncy,Larry Zdon �+IR Fishcrio�,Duar►o Shodccn
DNREnforccmcnt Oftiar Gary Thcll DNR W�ldlife,Roger John�on
4urhori=ed Sl narure itle
� ate
Kent Lokkesmoe ����"jr 12, r9�
Director, Division of Watets
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SEP-27-1996 08�37 METRO. AIRPORT COMM. 612 726 5296 P. 18i18
APPENbIX A � 1P � � C�-
This deed is subject ip a restrictive cove.nant n�n�ns v���l�nd,to wit thar the owners
of the rcplacernent w�ctland arid their successors are respon,s�ible fo�mainraini�ng tj,is site
as a wetland as specified in the approved replacenneat plan on file wich
the Minnesota DNR aaa the U.S.Amiy Corps of Engineers,
�Nf�i to keop it as a wetlaad with the cxception of IIooc!damage. Futther,the owners
of the replacement wetland and their successors s,hall graat reasonable�x.ess to t]ie
proper authoriti�s�'ur inspection,monitoring,and enforcement of the laws for the
replacement wetiand,all pursusat to Minncsota Rules part 8420.0750, subpart 2.
SEP-30-96 MON 15�03 HNTB CORPORATION FRX N0. 612 920 0173 P. 02/02
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