96-1260 f- ,- ; . Council File# 91�-11`0► t � ` ` Green Sheet# 3$G�O RESOLUTION CI OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Presented by � \ Refened To Comtnittee Date RESOLUTIONACCEPTING A DONATION TO THE SAINT PAUL FIRE DEPARTMENT TOWARDS THE PURCHASE OF A CAIRNSIRIS THERMAL IMAGING SYSTEM 1 WI�REAS,the St.Paul Fire Department received an anonymous donation of$1,500.00 on September 17, 2 1996; 3 WHEREAS, the donor specified that the donation contribute to the pwchase of a CairnsIRIS Thermal 4 Imaging System; 5 VVHEREAS,the CairnsIRIS is a helmet mounted thermal imaging system that improves the capabilities and 6 success of firefighters by enhancing their vision and allowing their hands to be free in situations with intense 7 smoke and toxic gases; 8 VVHEREAS,the cost of one helmet is$25,000 and the intent of the St. Paul Fire Department is to purchase 9 two helmets for Rescue Squad 1 and two helmets for Rescue Squad 2; 10 VVJHEREAS,the current method for search and rescue is to search by touch on hands and knees which is a 11 slow and methodical process; 12 VV]HEREAS,the CairnsIRIS Thermal Imaging System was tested by Saint Paul Fire fighters at the Saint Paul 13 Fire Department Training Center and is believed by the firefighters to be an important and useful tool in 14 firefighting; 15 WI-�REAS,the CairnsIRIS Thermal Lnaging System expedites the search and rescue process and a victim's 16 chances of survival are increased the sooner they are able to get out of smoke and toxic gases; now therefore 17 be it 18 RESOLVED that the Saint Paul City Council accepts this anonymous contribution of$1,500.00 on behalf 19 of the Saint Paul Fire Department to contribute to the purchase of a CairnsIRIS Thermal Imaging System. Yeas Na s Absent Requested by Department of � `�� a,(.� Blakey Bostrom Guerin Harris Megard By: Rettman T��e Form Approved by City Attorney O BY� Adopted by Council: Date � �� `�`'�(� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY: � BY: Approved by Mayor:Date �0/!5/�� s�: ����I l� ��� °�� -1�c.o an►� ��z� �RE�N SHEET _N_ _35620 COUOC��bE[G1iCiYi G-SG7O �DEPARTMENT DIIiECTI�R��� �cm couHCi� ��s�uanre +►ssu+u� �cmr�rrop�v �cm c�c ��� �BUDf�ET DIFiECTOR �flN.d MpT.SEpVICE8 DIR. C �RDEN �MAYOR(OR�►88118TAN'� ❑ �cuP A���ocanoas Foa s�o�u►TUa� ACTION RECUESTED: A rao�c�a c�lung S�r S�ut Paul City Co�mc.i1 m aocept on beLalf of d�e Saint P�1 Fi:+e Deparm�mt an moaymo� do�tioa of 51,500.00 bward the gum�wse of a CairnsIItIS Thermat Imxgiag SYstem• RECO�AENpATWNS:Approvs(A)a Rysct(R) PERSONAI.SERVICE CONTRACT'S MUST AN�WER TNE FO�LOMfiNO OUEiTWNS: _PLANNINO COMMt8810N _CIYtI BERVtCE COMM18810N 1. Hea this px�n/Hrm ever woAced undsr a cOntraot tor Mis dep�rbrNntT - _C�COMMITTEE _ YES �NO 2. Has tIN�pNeonAlrm sve►besn a dty ert�loyes4 _8TI1FF — YES NO —��T�T — 3. DOSS this psrson/Bmt poe8ess e skill not no►m�NY D�d DY�Y���Y�? BuPPORrs wH�FI OOUNCII oeJECT�vE4 YES NO Explaln NI yN�n�w�n on np�nK�sM�t�nd attsoh to�wn th��t MUTIATIDIO PROlIEM.ISSUE.OPPORiUNRV(Who.MAnt,w1an.whsn.WM). Af�er viewing a oe�e3ri�o��ax on d�e CairnslRIS Themnat Ima�ing Sysaem, the�ymous donat made a�iow�td We pur�e of a Lelrnat�'or B�e St.P�ui F�e Deporm�mt m fltie hopes that ott�er�m�y s�ppk�t it. Tl�e Saiot Pad l�ire De�mvent has leslocl dre C,aim�S't�l�mg Sysbe�n�nd believea d�e hel��ex�o be an imporl�nt and u�et�ul 0001 wbicb p�pcdiles:d�e aeat�ch and re�ue prooesa ia Lavy amol�e a�l�xic gases and in�+eases a victim':cl�nocs of snrvlvsl. ADVANTAOE8IF APPROVED: A�ond of�e CYy Co�mc�'a ac;o�pbaoe of tbe domtio�a�bebaif of the Saint Pwi Fme Depar�ment f�We pmcLaae of i C�msIRIS T�ai 1m�iog sys�em wl�eaLancxs me vi�►of fi�esgb�s in�ndiiiont of a�a+eme�moloe md toxic g�s. DI8ADYMITA�OE81F APPAONED: r�. � Cvt�cil Research Center OCT 0 2 1996 WBADWINTAOEB IF NCf APPNOVED: , NEI f�9C�ltd O� '�.�jt�.'Oi�SOi�C�C6 fif f11C tl,�.�d���OA�D 117G.4i10t��C�t�Ot 1116�13f�L`�tOSI�.S ��Alf$19$$�. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i COST/REVENUE BUDQETED(CIRCLE ONEj YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBBR RNrAWCIAL INP�tMATI�I:(EXPLAIN)