96-1259 �-'� ' ���� � � ' � Council File# . � � � c > y y . .m Green Sheet# 33 y S 3 RESOLUTION � Y OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � 7 Presented by Referred To Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council and Mayor have taken an assertive role in pedestrian safety issues, 2 particularly in Saint Paul's neighborhoods; and 3 WHEREAS,through education,increased enforcement,engineering and programs like Safe and Sober,the City has 4 demonstrated its commitment to resolving pedestrian and tr�c problems; and 5 WHEREAS,traffic congestion on Lexington Parkway between St. Clair and West Seventh Street has increased in 6 volume and speed; and 7 WHEREAS,pedestrian safety issues have been highlighted by the recent tragic death of an elderly resident of the 8 neighborhood surrounding this stretch of roadway; and 9 WI�REAS,other residents of this area have consistently raised concerns about traffic speeds and pedestrian safety, 10 now therefore be it 11 RESOLVED, that the department of Public Works conduct a traffic and pedestrian safety study for the above 12 mentioned section of Lexington Parkway and report back to the City Council on recommendations to remedy the 13 problems. Yeas Na s Absent Requested by Department of: Blakey � Bostrom r/ Guerin � Harris � Megard ;/ By: Rettman �/ Thune ✓ Form Approved by City Attorney 0 By: Adopted by Council: Date__� r.�_`q q�,o Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �'\ \ .� "J . Q� By: 'T Approved by Mayor: Date �I lS 7�' BY� �� ��i - q� - I �sq Il D�4TE INITIA D c�ty c�� � 9���� �REEN SHEET __N_ 3: 4 8 3 a` ❑DEPARTMENT qRE������ �CITY WUNCIL. ' INITIAL/DiATE Cou�cilmember Mike Harris (68630) A'iIQN �CITY ATfORNEY �CITY CIERK MUS IL IU� (DA � ROUTINO� �BUDQET DIRECTOR �FIN.�MOT.SERVICES OIR. OWDER �MA110R(OR A�ISTMIT) � TOTAt�OF SIGNATURE PAGE8 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SKiNATIJR� ACrWN REGUE8TED: Resolution directing Public Works to co�uct a traffic and pedestrian safety study on L.exington Parkway. REOOMMENDATIONS'Appr°°°���°r R�ct�R� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST AN8WER TME FOLLOWINti CUE=T'IONS: _PLANNMK�COMMISSION _CNq.SEflVICE C�MMIBSION 1. Has this perSOMhm eVer worked undsr a conVaCt tOr tllis de�rtR1�M4 - _Cis COMMRTEE _ YES NO 2. Hae this peraonRfrm sver b�s►►a cHy employee9 —�� — YES NO _018TRICT WURT _ 3. Dose thts pe►eoNflrm poesses e skNl not normal�Y D��d bY�Y�+��Y•��' SuPPOR78 wMIGi c�ll OBJECrrvE? YES NO Explain all ysi�nsw�rs on�rab�M�t aW�thch to yn�n�hNt �IITIATINQ PFiOBLEM.188UE.OPPOATUNITY(w1w.What.Wh�n.Whsra.WhY). Traffic volumes and speeds have increased on this street to tl�point that a st�dy is called for. � � �'' o�"� ADVANTAflEB IF APPRONED: Traffic calming solutions may emerge. ,�,%- DISADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: IIOI1C. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: None. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION ; C08T/REYENUB SUDGETED(CIfiCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDI(i0 SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN)