96-1258 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING &ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT �`� 1 � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Drvision of Planning Norm Coleman, Mayor 25 West Fourth Street Telephone: 612-266-6565 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Facsimile: 612-228-3314 � August 19, 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #96-157: J-SIX City Council Hearing: August 28, 1996, 4:30 p.m., City Council Chambers PURPOSE: To consider rezoning property at 14XX Point Douglas Road from R-LL to I-1 to allow a self storage facility. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: DENIAL (11-4) ZOI�TING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATTON: DENIAL (4-2) � STAFF RECOMMENDATION: DENIAL SUPPORT: No one spoke. OPPOSITION: No one spoke. District 1 Community Council voted to oppose the rezoning petition. Dear Ms. Anderson: J-SIX submitted a petition to rezone property at 14XX Point Douglas Road. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public heazing on the proposed rezoning on August 1, 1996. The applicant's representative addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing, the committee voted 4-2 to recommend denial to rezone to I-1. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for denial on a vote of 11-4 on August 9, 1996. This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on August 28, 1996. Please notify me if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, ���� � Ken Ford Planning Administrator KF:kd Attachments cc: City Councilmembers • city of saint paul � planning commission resolution file number 96-44 ', te August 9, 1996 WHEREAS, J-SIX, file #i96-157 has petitioned to rezone 14XX POINT DOUGLAS ROAD SOUTH, situated on the east side of the street south of Carver Avenue from R-LL to I-1 to allow a self storage facility; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 1, 1996, at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. On balance, the proposed rezoning is not in conformance with the comprehensive plan for the city. One of the policies of the Land Use Plan states, "the city will support development of less intensive industrial activities only when activities are necessary adjuncts of intensive industrial pursuits." The plan points out that since industrial land is so scarce, both existing and � new sites must be used more intensively so that the land is used to its greatest potential and growth in employment can occur. The proposed use of the property has a low jobs to acre ratio and does not utilize industrial land most efficiently. The District 1 Plan calls for singie family homes in this area, p.5. The plan states that in general, the District Council will oppose rezoning residential land for commercial uses, p.7. In reference to industrial development the plan states that landscaping and other "buffering" techniques should occur simultaneously with industrial site development, p.21. One of the objectives of the Economic Development Strategy states, "ensure sufficient land for future business growth, #6 p.17. In addition two of the policies include: "the city's land use plan should provide adequate land for industrial and commercial development and expansion in order to increase the proportion of commercial/industrial tax base, #25, p.17; and "the city should periodically review its zoning regulations and amend them as necessary to keep current with technological and economic changes affecting the nature of business activity, #29, p.17. The R-LL One-Family Large Lot Residential District is the lowest density residential district. The intent is to provide for a semirural environment of predominantly low-density, one-family detached dwellings along with other residentially related facilities which serve the residents in the district. The district is designed to protect, maintain and enhance wooded areas, wildlife and moved by Morton seconded by . in favor 11 � a���t 4 (Faricy, Field, Lund—Johnson, Vaught) Iv1 ' � J � • Zoning File #96-157 Page Two of Resolution plant resources, fragile bluff areas, topography and large expanses of natural vegetative cover; to reduce erosion and excessive stormwater runoff associated with higher-density development; and to facilitate installation of private wells and individual sewage treatment systems for one- family detached dwellings. The I-1 Industrial District is intended to primarily accommodate wholesale and warehouse activities, and industrial operations whose external, physical effects are restricted to the area of the district and in no manner affect the surrounding districts in a detrimental way. The I-1 District is intended to permit, along with other specified uses, the manufacturing, compounding, processing, packaging, assembly, or treatment of finished or semifinished products from previously prepared material. 3. The proposed rezoning is not consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will have an adverse impact on property in the surrounding area. The site is surrounded by residential or open space uses to the north, east, and south. The land o«�ned by Ramsey County and used as open space is unlikely to be developed. The land «•est of Highway 61 is zoned I-2 and used for heavy industrial purposes. The highway is a good divider and strong zoning boundary between industrial uses to the west and residential to the east. Highway 61 also functions as a buffer between the zoning districts. If the propert}� on Point Douglas Road were to be rezoned to I-1 the boundary between industrial and residential would be weakened as there would be no buffer to separate the single family residential uses from industrial ones. • 4. Current zoning allows reasonable use of the property. The property �vas last used for agricultural purposes and could continue that way. The site can also be developed for residential uses, but the homes would require on-site septic systems and private wells. The site could accommodate between 8 to 10 homes based on the lot size. How�ever, it is clear that the site is an attractive one for commercial or industrial development given its size and access to Highway 61 and Interstate 494 and also its relative isolation from other land uses. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that the petition of J-SIX to rezone property at 14XX POINT DOUGLAS ROAD SOUTH, more particularly described as Lot 2, Block l; Orchard Estates, from an R-LL zoning classification to an I-1 zoning classification is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City, and is hereby recommended for denial. � � Planning Commission of Saint Paul • City Hall Conference Center 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, August 9,1996, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Mmes. Faricy, Geisser, Lund-Johnson, Maddox, Morton, Treichel and Wencl, Present: and Messrs. Chavez, Field Jr., Gordon, Gurney, Kramer, Lee, McDonell, - Schwichtenberg and Vaught. Commissioners Messrs. *Mardell and Sharpe Absent: . *Excused Also Present: Ken Ford, Planning Administrator; Jean Birkholz, Kady Dadlez, and Roger Ryan of the Plannina Staff; Tom Beach and Wendy Lane from the Department , of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection; and Bob Hamilton from the Department of Public �'Vorks. I. Approval of Minutes of July 26, 1996 • ....:.....:...........:.:.::.::. ..:.:::::<.;:.>:.:_...;:.:�.;.:;.>:.::.::..:::..:::,:.:::.:,.:;:.;:<.:.;:.;:.::..::.;>:�.:;:.;:.::...;:.;:.;:.::.:.:.:;;:.;;�-.;.::;:.:�;;::.::._:.::;.;::.;>:.:.;:.;:.;....:��;.;�:;.:.::..>...;:::..>......:..:. �vIOTICSIF Com�n�ssianer�havez m�yet�xp�roval�ft��;m�i�utes af JuCy 26, l��b� .}::vF....%:{'i.:::v::}:::i::{�:.�:�::::'vi::.::.......::::v.�:..:::::::.�:::::::::�:..�.v::::• ...�:i:::4ii:.,.i:�::..::�::::;:.:'.i::.i. .i'.::.iii:.i.:;::i..::i::.i:v'L:�.�i::::::.i.iii:.i..::::ii'.:.::ti:::..n':i:'.�.i:':y. �ot���ssior►er�,�n�l J'ohnsor�seconded tt�e�o�ta�::���£c�;�;r�.ec3 ur�aoim�usl:y:::.:.ot�::;a ��s�F�e :>:<:>.;;:.:»::........................................................................................................:.....:..:......:.....::..:,... .............................................................. �ro�e: V. Zoning Committee #96-]I 1 Fairn�av Outdoor Advertisino - Sign Variance to allow an existing billboard si�n to remain (2100 Gilbert Ave, southside east of Vandalia St; I-1). Commissioner Morton stated that Fain��ay Outdoor Advertising had withdrawn their application. #96-157 J. Sis - Rezone from R-LL (residential) to I-1 (industrial) to allow a self storage facility (14�.� S Point Douglas Rd, eastside south of Carver Ave). ..::.:.....................:.................:;-:.:.:.;:.,.>:.>�.;,�•.;•:<r;;::.,:.;::;:.:.:::.:,::::.�..:,...�.:>::«.�.:.::::.:;.>:.::.:<:.>:.:.;:::.;;,;;�::>::.,:.:<.:�:<:..::::,«:::;:>:.::.::;<....,....:..,; iviOrTI?�N....Comm�ssi�ne�::��..r.:t�zti::;iriave�;:;to::�i�i..:;::t�e:;r�::���s�:�t���x�n�:;�'��m�.}LL ..... .::::::.:::.:.......:::::.::::::::::::::::::::.�:::.�:::::::::::::.:h.::::..A...:::::�:::,:.:::.:.::�::.::.:::::::::::..,..:,:::::::,::::.::.:..:.�.>r:::::.:::::. •::.1::.:::.::::v:.•::::::•:::.:::•:•:::•::.. . ;:>�i«:;:'%` ?:::i::.;..., :.e:•::::f•:�::•:�:e:.�r.:.....::�>:�::<•::�:+•>:�»:.;: ..:: �.t t... ;.c,..c:::`;i..<:;:i._::::::::�� ?:::.:���:;'...'.G,.'::.;.r;;•,'•;::' .. ...'.�. .� ;:> (res�dent�al�.�o� � (�adustr���,�tc��tt�.�r.�.�e��.s�c�r��e f� �t€�:y �.�a�i:s�:;th�::;r�z�a.,:�n.g:;��.;�:o,..;.u� ..:::..:::.:....,...... ..... .....,:.::........:.:�:.�.::::. .............:......... .....::::........... , ::: ::.>•:r:r::��.:a:.'•:..::::i:::;::.;:::i:::... ,::. ::,:o-::.:k..:.::::.�:{:.::•r>:::::::.:�.....,.:.::{.::::>::::;:>'.::r.a::y:.:�::o.:...::.:�.:.:;::.:::::c..... ....:.:................ a.,............a.. ..:,:...,.: con�o:rm��ttee::::wtt�����ie:::�o�t�Jt��:��t�t�`:: �:[an��:�:�at:::��ir� a�rbl�:::wxt�i:::�h�:���ro�ndt� <::res�d���t�al ..:.i:::.�::::::•::::.::::�: �•�:•:::•.��:::::..::::•::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::•::..,� •:::::::::::•::::�:.�::::::::.:::::.�:::::::::::::......... ;:.::••....... ....... ........................................i:::::::r:::.:::•:�i:::j1;::•:iT}`}:�i<:'ii>i:•'.%L'i:iC•'. ..r..fi:.+.•:::Fi::n•::vn•.�+w.r:._:::x.�::::.::. :....,-...,-............ :::...:.::...y...r..v....,...,-..;y..:�......n::n:..�i..r.. ::: ?..:.,r,....:..xr:�•'.•}�}:>.•iiii?i:':Sr::i::•}'r$'i'�:�i:t'i:•::::::w::::.�•.: vr:::rv:...:�ii::�:?4:iiiiiii:�ii:i:�: ::rt{:L.n::J::::{^.i.:,:::Oi:v::::.: '.:::.::.::..n:i::pnii:4 .::ti.il:::...:nf:.�:.....r....:....,,. �rea; ar�d«+c�u�d�av�an a��r�cs���p���,:t�e:::i��ig��,�:r�a;�t�: r:......�. ....... ........ ......... {..f...�..n ....yh�..n...,tt+h.nv.+.•i:• .....::.�.v . rr�^: Commissioner Vaught stated that he voted against the motion to deny at Committee, and he intends to vote against the motion to deny today, because he feels the proposed use is a fairly � good use of the property; and he felt, at the time of rezoning this properly to R-LL, that it was an improper use of the property because this property is located almost directly across . K:�S HARED1PlANNI NGUAI NUTE S.FRM � °lG- ��►.s� • the road from Northstar Steel on Highway 61. Commissioner Lee noted that the area of the site is primarily residential except for a fe�v spot zoned parcels; the area is a neighborhood that's buffered by Highway 61. He added that he served on the Highwood Development Task Force, that recommended against spot zonings. The neighborhood is concerned about the future of the site, �vhat it may become if rezoned to I-1. He said he supports the motion to deny. Commissioner Field said he �vas not present at the Zoning Committee. He stated that he will vote in opposition to the motion to deny. Commissioner Wencl noted that Fish Creek, a part of the Ramsey County Watershed Project, _ runs through this area; as such has been used by property owners on the Maplewood side (1 1/2 blocks east), as a real amenity; there they have developed homes within the $200,000 - � $250,000 category. She added that up behind that land there is still a lot of Ilighly treed, undeveloped land that eventually will be developed into a very desirable residential area. Commissioner ICramer drew commissioners attention to a map on page 10 of the staff report. He asked if a little circle on that map represented a residential home. Ms. Dadlez ans�vered that particular circle represented the old apple orchard homestead now • used as a single family home. Commissioner Lee commented tliat this map is not an accurate representation of the area. • For instance, the map sho�vs Greenland Avenue and Burg Street which do not exist. ,<.;..;;.,<;:. .:::.::::. ..:.. Tbe�naito�on#�e �loor tQ dep��ihe xequested �e�onin�.fr�m.�LT��resf�e��t�al�#�X=:�: ...:.:::..:::..:...:.. ...:::::.::: ....:....:::.:,. . .::::.�:....::.::.:::.:... :.::::::...::..�....:. .....:.::.:.:.,. . .:::::.:: :.�:::..:.::::::,:<.::::,:.::.:.............:.>:<.:.;:............... ��irdus�rral�to ailc��v a self s�ara:�e�acility a� 14?�X�t�ant Dc�ugl�s Roa�;.;c�r�c't.:�el:�ii�::'a ro11 cat� .. �:.::::.:::::.:.�.:::::..:....................:. ::»::>:».::»::><;,.:;,:�.;:<::;..;_::....>::»:�:<:<:::>:.>:��:::;:>::::;:�;:;<:>�:>::>��> :::;.::::>:<:.:.::<:»,<:::;:�;::;::::>::>:�«.:.:>::...................................................................:...:................:..... u�Ee of 1� ��ar�c,�> ��e�c€,�,u�c�-�ohttson, vaug�t}; �96-159 128 Cafe - Nonconforming use permit to allo�v the restaurant to be able to serve �vine (128 N. Cleveland Ave/2057 Laurel Ave; RT-1). .::..:.........:....:...:�::.....:::<!.v.i'v:�:i:i:i'::ny.:::::::.::..:._._::::::::<::::.�:::.�:.::.:.�::::::..:�.�:.r.:.:.�:::.::::.::::::.:.�:::::.:::::::::..::::::w:::::::.�.:�:.vv....:v......................... NIO'II�N Gomm�ss�on�r Niorton tnaV�cl agpravat of th��ec�ues�ed'�Han����'�o��a�fot�m�n� ::;::::>:: ;.: ... :.. :;� ..:: � ,:.::.:>�;::::>;:.:;.::.::;.;:.;>;::::.:.;:.::;�:::.,::: .::::..:..: .:::::::..::.:.:.;.:.�..:::.;;:.;.;<:�:;::.. use per�tt to aUazv the restaur,�nt.;#�?be able::tfl::;�et�e v�x�e;;;a�:;:�:2$i�qrth CJeuel�i:i�d:;��renue: Commissioner Gordon asked Commissioner Morton to summarize the nature of the letters received in opposition this case. - Commissioner Morton responded that basically, the opposition is due to this site having the l�istory of being a hangout for St. Thomas college students. The neighborhood there is concerned that if a liquor license were issued, this site may aaain serve as a trouble spot for the neighborhood. Commissioner Morton added that a year ago a different applicant asked for a 3.2 per cent beer license. At tliat time, the application was withdrawn; they opened as a restaurant only. Now, the new applicant wants wine as a menu item, and the neighborhood is again concerned. Commissioner Geisser stated that she will vote against the motion to approve, on principle. • She said she finds the issue to be the same as a year ago. • K:\SHAREO�PLANNINGIMINUTES.FRM �] MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE • CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ON AUGUST 1, 1996 PRESENT: Mmes. Faricy, Morton and Wencl; Messrs. Gurney, Kramer and Vaught of the Zoning Committee; Mr. Jerry Hendricks, Assistant City Attorney; Mmes. Dadlez and Sanders and Mr. Ryan of the Planning Division. ABSENT: Chavez, excused Field, excused Time: 3 :34 - 3:40 p.m. The meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton, Chairperson.. J. SIX; 14XX S. Point Douqlas Road; #96-157; Rezonina. Rezone the property from R-LL (residential) to I-1 (industrial) to allow a self storage facility. Kady Dadlez, Planning Division staff, reviewed the staff report and presented slides. The District 1 Community Council voted in opposition of the rezoning, and a . letter was distributed stating their opposition. Staff recommended denial of the petition to rezone the property from R-LL to I-I based on findings 2, 3, and 4 of the staff report. Douglas Coombs, 2700 Carver, the developer, spoke. Mr. Coombs briefly • reviewed his proposal. He said it met his needs as it was previously used for business purposes, has an office with septic and well already in existence and would only require the construction of the storage buildings; has existing signage; is located on a busy highway as well as a frontage road to 494 and Highway 61, as well as an exit ramp which would provide ease of traffic flow which he suggested would be relatively insignificant given the already high volume of traffic. Mr. Coombs noted that he had obtained the signatures of consent from the surrounding property owners and had worked out any potential problems with the neighborhood. Mr. Coombs concluded that he has found that a large demand exists for a storage facility of its size in that area of the city. There was no public testimony either in support or in opposition of the rezoning. Coa�issioner Wencl moved denial of the petition to rezone the property from R-LL to I-1. Commissioner Kramer seconded the motion. � Commissioner Vaught said he would not support the motion. He said he believed the current zoning for the proposed property is nonsensical and couldn't envision anyone choosing to build a house on the site. He suggested that the best use of the property would be commercial or light industrial. The motion carried with a role call vote of 4 to 2 (Faricy, Vaught, against) . Drafted by: Submitte by: Approved by: , J a.KJ�C�-�a.1►1��/1�—� �� •Donna Sanders Kady D lez Gladys Morton Chairperson °i`_ 1 a Sp'' • ZONING_CO�ITT$B STAFF RSPORT =�_____�_____===::s=== FILS # 96-157 1. APPLICANT: J-SIX DATE OF HEARING: 08/O1/96 2. CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 14XX POINT DOUGLAS ROAD SOUTH (eastside south of Carver Avenue) 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 1 5. L$GAL DBSCRIPTION: Lot 2, Block 1; Orchard Estates 6. PRBS$NT ZONING: R-LL ZONING CODB R8F$RSNCB: §64.400 7. STAFF INVBSTIGATION AND RSPORT: DATB: 7/25/96 BY: Kady Dadlez 8. DATE� REC$IVED: 06/27/96 DSADLINB FOR ACTION: 8/25/96 _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ A. PIIRPOSE: Rezone property from R-LL (residential large lot) to I-1 (light industrial) to allow construction of a self-storage facility. B. PARC$L 52ZB: This irregularly shaped parcel has 282 feet of frontage on Point Douglas Road and an average depth of 415 feet for a total lot area of about 219,500 square feet or 5 acres. � C. EXISTING LAND IIS$: The property is vacant except for a small office building. The site was most recently occupied by Pine Tree Apple Orchard as a growing site and sales facility. The orchard property was subdivided in 1994 and the homestead was separated from the rest of the orchard. D. SURROUNDING LAND IISF3: The property is surrounded on the north, south, and east by undeveloped land in an R-LL zoning district and the old orchard homestead to the north in an R-LL zone. North Star Steel and Highway 61 are located to the west of the site in an I-2 zoning district. E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Section 64.400 (a) of the zoning code states, ��the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed. " Section 64.400 (b) states in part that "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be rezoned. " F. HISTORY/DI3CII35ION: There is one previous zoning case concerning this property. The case is from 1994 and involves a subdivision to separate the homestead from the remainder of the orchard property. The site was occupied by Pine Tree Orchard as an apple growing site and • sales facility. In 1989, the apple trees became nonproductive due to age and disease and harvesting of apples ceased. The sale of apples '1 Zoning File #96-157 • Page Two continued at the site until November 1993 with apples being imported from an orchard in Mahtomedi. G. DISTRICT COIINCIL RBCO�ENDATION: The District 1 Community Council had not taken a position on the rezoning petition at the time the staff report was drafted. They will meet on July 31, 1996. H. FINDINGS• 1. The applicant owns the property and intends to rezone it to industrial and sell it to an individual interested in developing the site for a self-storage facility. The developer plans initially to construct two storage buildings with the expectation of a total of nine buildings. The developer states that this site is ideal for this business because it has easy access to Highway 61, the building is handicap accessible, the site is flat, is centrally located for potential customers and is segregated from other properties in the area. 2. On balance, the proposed rezoning is not in conformance with the comprehensive plan for the city. One of the policies of the Land Use Plan states, "the city will support development of less intensive industrial activities only when activities are necessary adjuncts of intensive industrial pursuits. " The plan points out that since industrial land is so scarce, both existing and new sites must be used more intensively so that the land is used to its greatest potential and growth in employment can occur. The proposed use of the property has a low jobs to acre ratio and does not utilize industrial land most efficiently. � The District 1 Plan calls for single family homes in this area, p.5. The plan states that in general, the District Council will oppose rezoning residential land for commercial uses, p.7. In reference to industrial development the plan states that landscaping and other "buffering" techniques should occur simultaneously with industrial site development, p.21. One of the objectives of the Economic Development Strategy states, "ensure sufficient land for future business growth, #6 p.17. In addition two of the policies include: "the city's land use plan should provide adequate land for industrial and commercial development and expansion in order to increase the proportion of commercial/industrial tax base, #25, p.17; and "the city should periodically review its zoning regulations and amend them as necessary to keep current with technological and economic changes affecting the nature of business activity, #29, p.17. The R-LL Oae-Family Large Lot Residential District is the lowest density residential district. The intent is to provide for a semirural environment of predominantly low-density, one-family detached dwellings along with other residentially related facilities which serve the residents in the district. The district is designed to protect, maintain and enhance wooded areas, wildlife and plant resources, fragile bluff areas, topography and large expanses of natural vegetative cover; to reduce erosion and excessive stormwater runoff associated with higher-density development; and to facilitate installation of private wells and individual sewage treatment systems for one-family detached dwellings. The I-1 Industrial District is intended to primarily accommodate • wholesale and warehouse activities, and industrial operations whose external, physical effects are restricted to the area of the district 8 °1` - 1 a.s �— • Zoning File #96-157 Page Three and in no manner affect the surrounding districts in a detrimental way. The I-1 District is intended to permit, along with other specified uses, the manufacturing, compounding, processing, packaging, assembly, or treatment of finished or semifinished products from previously prepared material. 3. The proposed rezoning is not consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will have an adverse impact on property in the surrounding area. The site is surrounded by residential or open space uses to the north, east, and south. The land owned by Ramsey County and used as open space is unlikely to be developed. The land west of Highway 61 is zoned I-2 and used for heavy industrial purposes. The highway is a good divider and strong zoning boundary between industrial uses to the west and residential to the east. Highway 61 also functions as a buffer between the zoning districts. If the property on Point Douglas Road were to be rezoned to 2-1 the boundary between industrial and residential would be weakened as there would be no buffer to separate the single family residential uses from industrial ones. 4. Current zoning allows reasonable use of the property. The property was last used for agricultural purposes and could continue that way. The site can also be developed for residential uses, but the homes would require on-site septic systems and private wells. The site could accommodate between 8 to 10 homes based on the lot size. However, it is clear that the site is an attractive one for commercial or industrial development given its size and access to • Highway 61 and Znterstate 494 and also its relative isolation from other land uses. 5. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition signed by two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred feet of the property to be rezoned consenting to the rezoning (2 parcels eligible, 2 parcels needed, and 2 parcels signed) . 2. STAFF RECOb�NDATION: Based on findings 2, 3, and 4 staff recommends denial of the petition to rezone the property from R-LL to 2-1. � ) Z�or�in��c� ��+��ly PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE ' �i� � � ;- �� s.... ; � ' F��.�����..�...�..�.�.: �!�": Department of Planning and Economic Development ..,....»..«.�,.«.�»� , : Zoning Section ��������;��� ��g > 1100 City Hall Annex ;�� � ����> 25 West Fourth Street t aint Pau[ MN SS 102 S , 266-6589 ; APPLICANT Property Owner T' S� X a ��-��so`�'a Pa� .�e�s�.• .Ar �rdse.., Address �SO �� �1'��.«rc� KQa c City � ��►�add► St.�ip ���Daytime phone y�9 -�fS9'3 Contact person (if different) �- fi �►�s �3���o�fq0 �� .2� -y �3 PROPERTY Address/Location LOCATION Legal description�r'�� .6 fc�vl� � �!�-h�� �� 7��..S' (attach additional sheet if necessary) � TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.40� of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, ../9r� �u c rb S�•-� , the owner of all the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a -L� zoning district to a .�— � zoning district, for the purpose of: G- �'rt S 1'rv c�i.� a Sr' �� .S7�/'a �_ �u c ; I .�� � � � (attach additional sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site plan ❑ Consent petition ❑ Affidavit ❑ r Subscribed and swom to � be e this �� day By: o , �g Qf, ee owner of property L Titte: '� � � ����M�� Page 1 of� Notary bli RAMBEY O�U►rTY wy amm.Exvars ran.a�,z000 ' 2�` �t, _ � as� • ZO1vING PETITION SUFFICIENCY CHECK SHEET REZONING SCUP NCUP FIRST SUBMITTED RESUBMITTED DATE PETITION SUBMITTED: �� �� � r� DATE PETITION RESUBMITTED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: � � Z���� DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: PARCELS ELIGIBLE: ` PARCELS ELIGIBLE: • PARCELS REQUIRED: � PARCELS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: `� PARCELS SIGNED: CHECKED BY: � DATE: �p � �a � /� ZQN I NG Fi LE � ' 'S • Z� CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING • We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: • 1. A capy of the Petition of �r�vr �/v• JU[ohcv✓1 (name of petitioner) 2. A copy of Sections .� through �� , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a �_ District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the fJ to a S— District Petition of �P'7�'tdt � ,�cccdb�c�✓� I (name of petitioner) ADDRESS OR P.I N. # RECORD OWNER SIG ATURE DATE Lc`� t B(d}��1c 1 r U p� �j �/ �!J,� G�i Cl�a!t��! Fy�'w`Fe s S / l p 1��: 7. Hc��r ✓ � �3 p�,.► �ji�s sr. �� , s � do O U a.� ,1 G(�Jil r d A/>'l-S c�' , 1�-i � Po c.,� l�f e cl P��KS� R�c ' �Gl . �-o�r v�., � s+_,�.I s�f�q3`711 , Petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after a petition is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within • that time. page�of� �Z . q►�_1 a s p' CO`ISENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING • We, the undersigned, owners of the property within 100 feet of tne total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, ackno�:iedge that we ha�re been furnished with the folloaing: . 1. A copy of the Petition of / �rt�v� ��� 7U[c��c c/1 (name of petitioner) 2. A copy of Sections � through �r , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a �_ District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consenc to the rezoning of the property described in the Petition of �`l,t�vt �U. ,���c��ScL/1. to a —=__ � _ _ __ Distric� (name of petitioner) ADDRESS OR P.I .N. x RECORD OT�TIER SIGNATURE DATE L��- i !�l�1•��C I v 5 Y�t6 �v] ,�/ l� CJ�°C�h c i�V f y f w�t S ! l A/�1\ � �T()v✓�: 1". �3 Y �s'��i :�,/aJ �1a � sr r�'v�J 5 �< <��S I I • �(�ZS� CG�✓�1 O c!i+'t•1 t y k !�1 cc:�� �r� e ,�� F<�1CS.� Krc /� a c,�r .,�.:,, �' S I �-/5'—(oD �-:+�.°�. I SSICq37/1 /� � I I I I — I I I I Petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after a petition is received by the Planning Division. Any signator • of any petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. page�of� Z3 ' � Resolutio � � Board of • ��amsey County C'ommissioners Presented By Commissioner Wedell Date December 19 , 1995 No. 95-603 Attention: Budgeting and Accounting Greg Mack, Director, Parks & Recreation WHERERS , Ramsey County has received a petition of consent for rezoninq oroperty adjacent to its Fish Creek protection open space site identified as Lot 2 , Block 1 , Orchard Estates ; and WHEREAS , The petitioner is requesting a rezoning from R-LL Residential to I-1 Industry for the purpose of developing a rental storage facility; and WHEREAS, The staff of the Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Department have reviewed the request following the procedure adopted by the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners in 1991 ( Resolution No . 91-508 ) ; and WHEREAS , The Department has found that the proposed rezoning • is not detrimental to, or incompatible with, the County' s use of its adjacent property; Now, Therefore, Be It ' RESOLVED, That the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners authorizes the County Manager to sign the petition of consent for rezoning the property identified as Lot 2 , Block 1 , Orchard Estates , from R-LL Residential to I-1 Industry, indicating that Ramsey County neither supports nor objects to the proposed rezoning. E�AMSEY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS�ONERS YEA NAY OTHER John Finiey X Sue Haigh X Hal Norgard, Chairman • Hal Norgard X Rich O'Connor X • Rafael Ortega X By Brenda Thomas X Bonnie C.Jack en Dick Wedell X Chief Clerk- ou Board Z� � . � - _ � _ �as� _ C • � . STP.TE o: Nir���.soT��) : ss courtrt o: R�.:;sEx ) . . . �Cl, o I 4 S �p�'��„ �+ S , being first duly s::orn, ceposes �::c states nat he/she i.s the person w�o circulated the within petition anc consent, consisting of �_ pages; that affiant is infor�ed �nd believes that the parties described are the o:.:1ers xespectively oL the lo�s placed i.ra.�ediately before eacr n�-:z, that affiant is �.nzorned and believes th�� each of the par�ies described abova is the o��er of property �:hich is within 100 feet froca a~.y property ow-r.ec or purchased by peti.tior.er or sold by petitica�r vritnin or.e (1) year precedir.� the date of this petitio:� t�:�icn is con�i�LO��s to tYie prope:�} described in th� petition; tnat except �or none oi tne parties described above has purchased or is purcn�sin� pro�e:t;' r fron petitioner contiguous to tne above described prooercy t�ithin oz° (1) }'=�- of tne d�te o= the p etitio:�; tnat this consent �:as sijned by each of s�ic ow-r.ers i.n tne presence of t;-�is afz"iant, and tha� the si�aatures are t�e t=�= and corr2ct si��atures of each and all oi tne pzYties so dzscribed. .I; � �� � � . ,�� :_ „ �_ � ' �� � j _ _ � �;?•�" . • � Nane � � �- —, �� .. � �`�;� , . _ , �� � �. r ,��r : �� - • ' ' pddress � • � 1 -; � _ �- �+ i{�'' ;`�`� - _��`z -� `� — . � . — � _ .Telephone �.^.ber • Subscribed and sworn to be�oze ne . tnis � ", cay of `'cT � , 19; '=l „�..- � .C�' s.y.�.. :�, •-�=� . . Notary Puol c . ' � WENDY M.KURKA WENDY P,A_K�U�TA NpTARY PUBUC—NIINNESOTA NoTn. yVASHINCiTON COUNTY , � - WA: .. !,ON COUNIY ' MYCOMM.EXP�RES 1J1.2o0� + -aE5��t•2000 . Approved as to form - Jan. 1, 1991 � . p1arL*�ing Deoartaent . . � . • � � page + of � ' . � . - . � ' 1-1-91 - . . � - Z� - Parks and Recreation Department Gregory A.Mack,Director • 2015 N.Van Dyke Street . Tel:612-777-1707 w►MSEYCOUt�rrY Maplewood,MN 55109-3796 Fax:612-777-6519 January 2, 1996 Mr. Douglas A. Coombs 2700 Carver Avenue St . Paul, Minnesota 55119 Dear Mr. Coombs : Enclosed is a copy of the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners resolution authorizing the County Manager to sign the Petition � of Consent for Rezoning of the property identified as Lot 2, Block 1, Orchard Estates. Also enclosed is a copy of the signed Consent of Adjoining Property Owners to Rezoning form. Please be advised that Ramsey County is signing the Petition of Consent for Rezoning the property solely for the purpose of permitting the rezoning matter to proceed with local review and action by the city of St . Paul . Ramsey County neither supports nor objects to the proposed rezoning. Sincerely, � `� f ; ��� . , Gregory ; . ack � Director GAM/clm Enclosures � � Minnesota's Firat Home Bnle Connty y� printed on recycled pxper wftA a minimum of 10%postt+onsumer content �-a. °l ` - � a s � PROPOSAL �CATION: Former Westfal Orchard/Pine tree orchard site Highway 61 (Point Douglas Road) south of Carver Avenue OUR GOAL: We have entered into an agreement to purchase, from Pine Tree Orchards (J-Six Partnership) , the former Orchard site. We wish to use the site to construct a Self Storage Facility. WHY HERE: This site is ideal for such a facility because: 1 ) Five acre parcels are hard to come by in St.Paul . 2 ) It fronts on a major highway and is easily accessible. 3 ) The retail/storage building currently on the site has handicapped accessible restrooms, well, and septic already and will be easy to convert to an office area . 4 ) This parcel is flat and clear, requiring little, if any, grading. 5 ) It is close and easily accessible to businesses, homes , and rental properties (customers ) in St.Paul , IVewport, South Maplewood, and Cottage Grove via Highway 61 . 6) This parcel is segregated from other properties in the area. 7) I live within walking distance of this location. A BRIEF HISTORY: In 1978 I started my first business in St .Paul; Douglas Coombs Lawn and Landscape. • In 1984 we purchased our first retail store in St .Paul; Minni Market, 2019 Minnehaha Ave . E. Later we purchased Minni Market #2 , 111 E. Kellogg and operated that store for 4 years. We also owned Minni Market #3 , 1187 Minnehaha Ave. E. for 3 years. We have owned Mears Park Market at 237 East Sixth Street, now, for 2 years. With the sale of our last Minni Market, at 2019 Minnehaha Ave.E. , we are now pursuing the constuction of a self storage facility. ST.Paul : We have choosen St.Paul because of our years of doing business here. We have learned there is much need for such a facility on the east side. A demand that has not yet been satisfied, primarily due to the lack of affordable real estate of the size neccessary to construct a self storage facility. We think we have found the ideal property and I think you will agree. NEIGHBORS: This site has only 2 neighbors (property owners) within 100 feet; Ramsey County Parks and Recreation on 3 sides, and the former orchard homestead now owned by Mark Howard. I have contacted both these parties , as well as the District 1 Council, and have received their blessings. WHY I NEED YOU: I now need your approval to proceed. Thank ou, ` �_ L � / • Dou as Coombs & Family 2700 Carver Avenue 738-0490, 308-7740 Z1 � . � . , � ...... - : ' . . " • _ .' � 2G.46 ; " . • - : � . . .. " � ! . , �0.11�L,.� t ' :..._ � � q • . � ; , .• $ ..+, ^ � . . . . C��). . ' . '. . � . � ..�,: , _ � , . . � � . i� � �.� - � . + ' - . . •, � .. • ' • . i_ � ':y. � .•�.t _ .n '_' �.,. -�� utT� �.+rt.�.—. �.� �. �.y �.%p,�. ..�_ ....—�--- •� `:+ . . •n . : _ . . _ . . � . . . . . • . .. . . y. . . ,;.sl� � - � . _ - . . : �� . . . .� C�) 02.0 I �n X � 0 9 ` l � � � 1 �I i . �� ��tr� � � � � 53 • - 3Tl• - _ .�.� 'j ` . � ! � . I .. � I' i . � ' � � � � � � , N . � � � � � � � �, c�b� � � a . � . . � ; � � � l � �� � ° ' '� . � � . . � ; R. � 1 � 1 � °, . L7 � ���'� �i � � ' � ,1 � ' Y'� � � ...��� � 1 � � Ib. (i . �._� � I .�.�� pm...s�.�.W .��r { � 1 ; 3 .. i i i + � ' � ! � � 1� � .' � � 1 � � �. _ . i �'., � ! ; � � '{ 4 � . ' � . ._� i f i ; � � � ' M ` ' ' ' � S � " 1n 1 � c0 t ^,,, i ; � � t � � ey � 1 �� �-� i ` ; � � ; � I ^� . on �`�� - � i = � � * . I ` 1 ' r~r^; o� r t� L .__ �__.. i, f ' �..d._..._.� . ' ,'�i � �-+� �„r —a c�- - � , ' � � � _,'�€' .--r`T-r-. --,._,.� -•i � .� , r-. �� ' '� ,..� , _- �_.. \ 1It�r+1 i� , � / �\ . f ��.wiil\ . ''-,�-� i`,`� _l�- .J'- � � i I ..._ -. . , � ,���. ��� _, � �..�-��-- -- - -.,.r�--=-- � . c • 269 0. 8 �' � � .^�;�` ".y �� X/ r rY ` C r � /� y ��G"'�.�L„ � �� � ;� � � � L� '� wARO � n � \ � � X � �; �,�, � ..��. f - � . � �.�- �° `:� �� � . . , � , � _ `� ...�---^''" _ • �.� ``: �` � 1--, ^ \ . _i ` 1 � ^l ��� � y� . � � r+��, ,1i1l ' . . �� :, �� . . _�. . , . . .. . � . . . . ' -_ .. ��7.'� ,: y'�/'� . �- . -. . 2 w�-: �'� � - - • i ' ....�... �� . . .. � '.'. ':. . i �. 1 . . . . -. . ... ...v_.... ...� ..._ ..... . . . . i, �}��� .... ......... __.. ... . \ DISTiCON�1CNCL-DINEWS Fax � b12-1y1-(82y Huq l� ti�iu . � `�` - 1�Sg" Dfstrict 1Cammunit Council District 1 Ncv�► • Caaiwny Rocrcetion Ccntcr •2090 Conway St, •Room 126 •S�Fs�sl,IvII�Y �3119 (612)292-7828 PoshlC Fax Note 7671 � ► 'Y AU$pSt 1, 1996 � Or o h �t0"� o n �n s a (�t�,��Morton, Chair °uJO'`�' a�. i i�c. c� C•G, '°"�� PF+on�r Phon.r —7�,3- ZAR111�GOItlirllll,CC,P��lilIIlII�COIDD7�391011 Third Floor City Hall F�� " �� �y � St Fattl,lvQl Fax� 228-3314 DCar M�. MorOon: Rc: Applicsiat: J. SIX Location: i4�oc S. Point Douglas Road; Eastside south of C;atvcr Avenue Zoning: R-�.L Purpose: R�zoru tbc praperty from R-LL(resid�ntial) to 1-1 (ia�duetcial)to allow s svlf stva,age fscility. � F�le#96. IS7' The Hearing Committez of tbe District l Community Council heid�m�eting concxrniag t1�e�bov�nam�d matter on July 31, 1996. In a�ition to thc Iicaring Comn�ittce rnembers,prescnt at tbis rateeting werc Douglas CAOmbs(the spglicant)snd thtee �ighbors who tived neatby(includin$a smali busin�ss owner from the ares—Brucc Ne�son of Nclsan Plumbin�). Mr. Coombs explainod}us proposai,which is outlincd ia t�attscluncnt iu hi�P�i�iun t� Amend the Zoning Cod�ee. He stahd t�at his sfructures w�ould consist of concr�te blocks, up to l�t�t in beight,and fa the most part b�sunoundod by s 8•foot high ch�in-link fen<;e. Tho noi�bor�were ee�ch opposcd to t1�e applicatic�n,uod th� fvllowing t�ea.9ons w�re cited: • Traffic(speed&cotigesdon)ia current#y a prable�n in this s�rea. A self-�tor� f�citity{600 units)wouid make traf�ic an cvcn gi�oater ptoblem; . T�e aasthetics of tlus propas�l+��"ba�i fit"for this locsta; • A self-�orsge f�cility nuty be a magnet fox crime; • The p�ttking lot,ra�d�t►d c+oofs would croate a run-offproblem,especially for Fish Creek; . 1'his is a residendal arat alnsdy falin$stress/pressure 5+om North Star Stecl and iHi�hway 6l. A changc to this ki�l vc incinx�ri�1 usc woutd only be another ncgative imp�ct tn tfie n�i�fiborhood; DISTICOMMCNCL-DINEWS Fax : 612-292-7829 Auq 15 11�1U • • TE�c proposed ro-zoning to fight industrial is too extreme a changc for this resid�ntial azca. Su�ch a rezonins opesns the doar to other industriol uscs ttnd�s not cotnpatiblc with thc way the area has develo�ci. The Hearittg C;omrnittee unanimously pas,sed a motion ta suppc�rt the P.E,D, staff recomrnendation, th�t is��of the petition to rezone the property from Rcsidentiai l.s►rge Lot to 1 i ght i ndustrial. (Note: Mr. Cac�mbs made a vcry bnef presemation of this pmposal to the fltll Aistrict 1 E3oacd in Janu�ty, 199b. Due to lack of specitic information as to his planc,and n� neighborhood input, the District ! Board did nat take a pasition at that tiiwe.) Sinccroly, Sheldon Johnson Chair, Hearing Gommittcc Distriat 1 Community Council cc� Katie Dadlez i Dino Guenn � G � • � as �- �arev .e '�.� \ �r �� � �� � I �. x r°e r t� ' "�' � ` A � � �O � ww+o. .t - G S `� R �°".. ?} '� r •+[e�g � ; � � t n. �t � a 12 � .�.,.� .� � �� ��.� ., .. � • -�� �� � � � „v.. „ � �,�. r � = ��� � ^�� ,r : ■ y � ; � �.,n w4''` � 1� N � �........ .,. e .�� " � �....... � � ''� .� = Y � 7" � �' � � 4 "'R � � � � . ; � � � = ��.. a � _ _ _ �.M �'M ��Y _\ � � 8 � � WI�WL �R � � M s Z � SEtfI �'( � 1 -� ..;— — � • ' u.+r .�c � F ��� � s��\ . „'4 4� � � " � $ c ` �'�° _ ', '' : � 7 � . 16= Y ,�.4 '� � e : ar a.w .t �+' � P� r,. 4 v , �� 3 �, , •� . ,� � 14 . ; � ', ;•� � _�� � g � � �� „ � ; �,�. F �. � i � ; � -o .,.��. .� s i � _ : � r� � � � F � � . � � 7 ! I� � !:� 8 � 3 Y g C . �. p 3 s �t E S � �� I� ~ b f a � v .�o� ..w. rv ' a� 6» aa � �..rns a- I i l p d .� ..... " R 9 Y " \ � ` � ', A ° 15A ° �� �� ; � .a..,., .� � ' ^� .� _ .� � �� � � � . ; � s '� �� � � , � ' ��p �/ / �\\� • . • �'� ...�---� � 1, n �� e �mo .om �ru� \ aa� �rt CITIZEN PARTTCIPATTON PL.ANNING DISTRICTS 1. -BATTLECREEK-HIGHWOOD 2. HAZEL PARK LCREST 3. WEST SIDE 4. DAYTON'S BLUFF 5. PAYNE-PHALEN 6. NO RTH END 7. THOMAS-DALE 8. SUMMIT-LTTiIVERSTT'Y 9. WEST SEVEN'I�I 10. COMO 11. HAMLINE-MIDWAY 12. ST. ANTHONY PARK 13. MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNELLING HAMLINE 14. MACALESTER GROVELAND 15. HIGHLAND 16. SUMMIT HII.L � 17. DOWNTOWN ZONING FILE � ' �� zg w�t��.t'#�L;�g �� _� -- u r.. _ �_ �-�._�r--.-.. _ , _. #>� i._ .-� ` : C-�.— i i' I �,;1J1��-¢ --i� ;��� :�^-�^° � ��L�'� :���-�.. r �.--�� k�nm�_'� �N�, 4 � --� � ��_.—��- � — _ ,--i r F-_--Ir�` !r-�yrryy �s�;f -'� '�'".''��r--1���5- a����`_' - .���1 "°'� _-- - .. �� -- � -?T;.-4. tl} iw D �f� �. `��F-_,����� � �� 1������ j . , �-- 1•+�4-y:• � > i� �, �� ,,,r�� _� ---���,�'����. - ` ��..� — --� - • ?���J" i��� ) �` l,�Y...•d�-7� � 1�_r'� v.� ��r' ..._. 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'•::�..;1��;;;. �:<�:;:';i �! � ' v .•�'`� r � � t � �., � G � c:�� 4::� ' � � ,,.. , `�� '� c:� t' �,1: 'j J � .�3 .�`j �'' MSEY 0 E SP�CE � :�:= :;t�:::: :;.� Q C�'•'�j : �� ?� � �';:�>:?`:`?: �.. :�;1 � � Q'`�('' J'.' � !� �'��c:s� :".k::>,' t:;<" :::;i�:':::. ;.� � �C�� '� � �,`.` ': .... `,i - ' �c'� � � �;1�::�'�;:..` . �';'�: ::;i�..:;:. `�� ' '�'.�:' ;:i;;:'� '::� .4� s � �i.. �� �' � �. �' � . __-= --- - -_-------_-- --.����::;. ::,.:_.:,��,::::.� - — - —J —— ---- - —� �` APPLICANT ��' S �X LEGEND i PURPOSE +�'���� ���'�' � � � � ��■ zoning district boundary � F� � b ��51 DATE ` ' Z$ ��� � subject property n� ; PLNG. DIST, � MAP# o one family • � ^ commercial � � two family � .�� industrial SCALE 1"=400' . ��� �-¢-� multiple family V vacant ; � 10 y c r` � COL1T1C11 FilE $k �` • ���$ ' Green Sheet # � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �` (D Presented By ,��� a,�,,,,�,,._, _ „ Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 WHEREAS, pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 462.357 and Saint Paul Legislative Code 6 §64.400, J-SIX (A Minnesota. partnership), duly petitioned to rezone property commonly 7 known as 14XX Point Douglas Road South situated on the East side of the street South of 8 Carver Avenue and being legally described as Lot 2, Block 1; Orchard Estates from R-LL 9 (residential large lot) to I-1 (light industrial) for the purpose of permitting reuse of the 10 property as a self-storage facility, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division 11 on June 28, 1996 as having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the 12 property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by a least sixty-seven (67) 13 percent of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property 14 within one year preceding the date of the petition; and 15 16 WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on August 1, 1996 17 held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition and pursuant to 18 Saint Paul Administrative Code § 107.03, submitted its recommendation to the Planning 19 Commission that the petition be denied; and 20 21 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting 22 of August 9, 1996 and recommended that the City Council deny the petition; and 23 24 WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning 25 petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on August 17, 1996 and 26 notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or 27 partially within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and 28 29 WHEREAS, on August 28, 1996 the City Council conducted a public hearing where 30 all interested parties were heard and the Council, having considered all of the facts and 31 recommendations concerning the petition, makes the following resolution; 32 33 BE IT RESOLVED, that the application of J-SIX (A Minnesota Partnership) to rezone 34 property from R-LL to I-1 to allow a self-storage facility at 14XX Point Douglas Road South 35 is hereby denied for the following reasons: 36 37 l. On balance, the proposed rezoning is not in conformance with 38 the comprehensive plan for the city. One of the policies of the 39 Land Use Plan states, "the city will support development of less 40 intensive industrial activities only when activities are necessary 41 adjuncts of intensive industrial pursuits." The plan points out 42 that since industrial land is so scarce, both existing and new sites 43 must be used more intensively so that the land is used to its !��`�� 1 greatest potential and growth in employment can occur. The , 2 proposed use of the property has a low jobs to acre ratio and ; ` � r ,. j � 3 does not utilize industrial land most efficiently. � �t � � '° ° � --• 4 5 The District 1 Plan calls for single family homes in this area, 6 p.5. The plan states that in general, the District Council will 7 oppose rezoning residential land for commercial uses, p.7. In 8 reference to industrial development the plan states that 9 landscaping and other "buffering" techniques should occur 10 simultaneously with industrial site development, p.21. 11 12 One of the objectives of the Economic Development Strategy 13 states, "ensure sufficient land for future business growth, #6 14 p.17. In addition two of the policies include: "the city's land 15 use plan should provide adequate land for industrial and 16 commercial development and expansion in order to increase the 17 proportion of commerciaUindustrial tax base, #25, p.17; and "the 18 city should periodically review its zoning regulations and amend 19 them as necessary to keep current with technological and 20 economic changes affecting the nature of business activity, #29, 21 p.17. 22 23 The R-LL One-Family Large Lot Residential District is the 24 lowest density residential district. The intent is to provide for a 25 semirural environment of predominantly low-density, one-family 26 detached dwellings along with other residentially related facilities 27 which serve the residents in the district. The district is designed 28 to protect, maintain and enhance wooded areas, wildlife and 29 plant resources, fragile bluff azeas, topography and large 30 expanses of natural vegetative cover; to reduce erosion and 31 excessive storm water runoff associated with higher-density 32 development; and to facilitate installation of private wells and 33 individual sewage treatment systems for one-family detached 34 dwellings. 35 36 The I-1 Industrial District is intended to primarily accommodate 37 wholesale and warehouse activities, and industrial operations 38 whose external, physical effects are restricted to the area of the 39 district and in no manner affect the surrounding districts in a 40 detrimental way. The I-1 District is intended to permit, along 41 with other specified uses, the manufacturing, compounding, 42 processing, packaging, assembly, or treatment of finished or 43 semifinished products from previously prepared material. 44 45 2. The proposed rezoning is not consistent and compatible with the 46 way the area has developed and will have an adverse impact on 47 property in the surrounding area. The site is surrounded by 48 residential or open space uses to the north, east and south. The 49 land owned by Ramsey County and used as open space is 50 unlikely to be developed. The land west of Highway 61 is 51 zoned I-2 and used for heavy industrial purposes. The highway 52 is a good divider and strong zoning boundary between industrial 1 uses to the west and residential to the east. Highway 61 also ��'� Z�� 2 functions as a buffer between the zoning districts. If the 3 property on Point Douglas Road were to be rezoned to I-1 the 4 boundary between industrial and residential would be weakened 5 as there would be no buffer to separate the single family 6 residential uses from industrial ones. 7 8 3. Current zoning allows reasonable use of the property. The 9 property was last used for agricultural purposes and could 10 continue that way. The site can also be developed for residential 11 uses, but the homes would require on-site septic systems and 12 private wells. The site could accommodate between 8 to 10 13 homes based on the lot size. However, it is clear that the site is 14 an attractive one for commercial or industrial development given 15 its size and access to Highway 61 and Interstate 494 and also its 16 relative isolation from other land uses; 17 18 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that for the above stated reasons, the application 19 from J-SIX to rezone the subject property is in all things denied; 20 21 AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution shall be sent to the 22 applicant, the Pla.nning Administrator, and the Saint Paul Planning Commission. 23 24 ��_ - � h. � � Y� Navs Absent Requested by Department of: a e ostrom arris uerin e ar e tman �i ` une B�'� —� � Adopted by Council: Date Q � . � �q9 � Form Approved by City Attorney r Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy: BY� � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date � l By: C� BY� 9�•�a�sg i� on�iNm��o N� 3 fi 4 61 Cit Couneil 9/30/96 ��EEN �EET ' ---' 8 �DEPARTMENT OIRECTOR IT'IAUDATf �CRY COUNCIL INRUIUOATE Councilmember Guerin 266-8670 A°N°" �ciTV�Tror+Nev �ciTrc�RK Nuwen Fa+ ON IL ( �� �BUDQET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.8ERVN�S DIR. October 9 1996 ��� �"""���"�""� ❑ TOTAI.�OF 8K#NAtURE PAOES (CLIP ALL LOCATION8 FOR SKiNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Finalizing City Council actifon taken August 28, .1996, denying the application of J-Six (A Minnesota Partnership) to rezone property from R-LL (residential) to I-1 (industrial) to allow a self storage facility at 14XX Point Douglas Road. RECOIdWENDJ►TION8:Approw(A)a Rysat(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST AlI�WER TME FOL�OWIN�i WlESTIONS: _�uwrouro c�sawH , �av�sEaace coM�ieswN �. Has u�a a�rt�rm eve�worked ur�ds►a comraa ta aas dep.ranem� - _���E _ YES NO 2. Has thb p�rsa�Airm ever bse�a city employae? —�� — YES NO _DIBTRIC'T CaJRT _ 3. Does this p�roonRirm poseess a skill rat nonrrelly Possestsd bY�Y���Y�� BUPPORT8 WMK:11 COUNC0.OBJECTIVE9 YES NO Ezpisin dl y�s answen on�r��Mst�nd�tt�oh to�n�n shNt - INIT1ATMr0 PiiOlLEM�188UE�OPPORTUNITY(Who.VWrt.Whsn.Where.WhY). AaIANTAOEi�APPROVED: DI8ADVANTAQEB�APPROYED: DIBADYANTAQE8 IF NOT APPROVED: • TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/RHVENUE BUDOETED{CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDI(iG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timothy E. Marx, City Attorney ��•1 ^�� �1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Civil Division Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 City Hal! Telephone: 611 266-8710 IS West Kellogg Blvd. Facsimile: 612 298-5619 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 September 24, 1996 Nancy Anderson City Council Research Room 310 City Hall/Court House Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Application of J-Six, Zoning File No. 96-157, to rezone property from R-LL to I-1 to allow a self storage facility at 14XX Point Douglas Road. Dear Ms. Anderson: Attached please find the signed original of a council resolution finalizing the decision of the council to deny the application to rezone in the above entitled matter. The council heard the application to rezone at their hearing of August 28, 1996 and voted that day to deny. This resolution finalizes that decision. Please note that this resolution must be placed on the consent agenda for the September 28, 1996 council session. Very truly yours, .s�G�" �G�-1 P er W. Warner Assistant City Attorney cc: Planning Staff DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING ��-`^ S� &ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT a� SS CI'I'Y OF SAINT PAUL Division of Planning Norm Coleman, Mayor 25 West Fourth Street Telephone: 612-266-6565 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Facsimile: 612-228-3314 � August 12, 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday ,`�`for the following zoning case: Applicant: J-SIX (A MINNESOTA PARTNERSHIP) File Number: #96-157 Purpose: Rezone property from R-LL (residential) to I-1 (industrial) to allow a self storage facility. Address: 14XX Point Douglas Road Legal Description of Property: Lot 2, Block 1; Orchazd Estates Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendation: Denial, vote: 11-4, 8/9/96 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Denial, vote: 4-2, 8/1/96 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the August 21, 1996 City Council meeting and that you will ' ' ' ,, ' _ �y��� '� Please call me at 266-6582 if you have any questions. Sincerely, c� . Kady Dadlez _.. City Planner . No'P1CZ G�P'QBLIC H�ARIIrQ ' � :�, i i �. Zoning SeCtion ' The Saint Paul City Council will conducfa�public hearing an VNedne Atlgust 28, 1996, at 4:30 p.m., to consider the applicat3on of '� Minnesota Partnership� to rezone property from R-LL (rea4�te cc: File #96-157 -�T-1 (industrial) to aliow a self storage faciHty at 14XX Point Dougtas� Mike Kraemet �t 2, Block 1; Orchard Estates). _ -� Donna Sanders 1�.ed:August 15, 1996 .N�TCY ANDERSON , Ariistant City Council Secretat�i ' (Atir�rt'1"J'. �Mil ' . �`_ 1as�- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday,August 28, 1996, at 4:30 p.m.,to consider the application of J-SIX(A Minnesota Partnership)to rezone property from R-LL (residential)to I-1 (industrial)to allow a self storage facility at 14XX Point Douglas Road(Lot 2, Block l; Orchard Estates). Dated: August 15, 1996 NANCY ANDERSON Assistant City Council Secretary