96-1231 � �'.� ,.__� � � F � � ,�� , � - y_,' 'e `� � .,�.� � � �� (��: Council File # � � Green Sheet # 31135 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 'G� Presented By Referred To Cocncnittee: Date 1 2 RESOLVED, that upon execution and delivery of a release, in full, to the City of 3 St. Paul, the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the 4 Tort Liability Fund, 09070-0511, to Steven J. Shimek & Loren H. Dorshow, his attorney, 5 the sum of �10,000.00 in full settlement of his claim for damages arising out of a motor 6 vehicle accident at or near University Avenue and Fry Street on Apri120, 1989. ea Navs Absent Requested by Department of: H t arris� T � City Attorney uerin e ar eunean Z � T BY� r Adopted by Council: Date ��_ �T1qC�` Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: I ���,�, By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date � � �Z� Council � gy; ��L �L �J��� By' ' /L � n �� ��.i1a31 V �L OATE iN IA D N_ 3.1 13 5 City Attorney 9/18/96 GREEN SHEET __ ?`, °� �oe�eNr aaECroR���wa►re �cm c�ca �wnnva�re Theodore D. Leon, 266-87�� �� �c���� �cmc�aK Mu �na�wa►sv( ) � �euoc3er oip�c�or+ �Fn�.a Mor.sEnvu�s aR. ORDER MAYOR(OR A8818TANn TO'TAI-#t OF SKiNATURE P�GE$ (CLIP ALG I.�ATIONS FOR 8i�iNATUREj �cr��euESreo: aippzaval of rssolution aettlinq the claia aqa������gi of St. Paul by Steven J. Shimek for $10,000.00. REC;OMMENOATIONe:Approw(A)a Rysot(R) PERSONAL SERWCE CONTRACTS MU:T AN$WER TNE FOLLOWINO CUESTIONB: _PIANNINO f�AAM18S10N _GYIL SERVICE f�MM8810N 1. Has ihla persOn/ffmt ever woHted undsr a C01NfaCt for tllii d�p�fdnsnt?o n� _C�CaMMITTEE _ YES Nb �IC� P��S��I'� l�Iter 2. Hes this personlflrm sver been a cily employee? _STAF'� — YES NO _DIBTRIGT COURT — 3. Does this PereoNfirm poesess a�kNl rwt nonrreNY D������? 8UPPORT8 WMldi COUNCI�OBJECi1YE9 YES NO Explein sll y�s�nsw�n on ssp�r�sfa�t�nd ttG�ch to oe�n tM�t . MITIATMIO PR08LEM�ISSUE.OPPARTUNIIY(Wlp.Wh�t�Whsn.WMro.N�hy): on July 24, 1989, plaintiff St. Paul PQlice Officer Staven Shimek, was on duty in an �nnarked squad. Shinek vas park�d alcng Univ�rsity �iven�s b�ckinq up another squad wh�n Defenclant �nnis Christian�on ra�s�ed the squad from behind. Christianson was ir�toxicated at the time and the veliicle �te was driving was uninsured. Mr. Christianson diad prior to the initiation o� this lawsuit. ADNANTAi�'F"�"O''��Indsr the No F�ult Statute the City of St. Paul, as a self-insurer of ths �quad car Shi�ek wae occupyinq at tl�e time of th� acaid��t, b�came responsible for providing uninaured motoriet coveraga to plair�ti�f and '�tepped into the �hoes� of the uninsured Chriatfaa�son. shimek brought suit aqainst the City, as unir�sured motorist aarrier, clafming that the negligence of Mr. ChriatiaRaon caus+�d hiaa psr�aar��nt mnd �evere injurieB to his lu�bar spine. D1�""T'���� of i�juty or complair►ts of trauaa to his baick. How�v�er, t.t�re� y�a�c� after the accident Shimek re-in�ured his back while lifti� a t�silar hitch. Shime�k ca�aplains of persietent baek pain with occa�i�nal �adiation into his io�er eutrenities. He treated with � r�be� of neuroloqists and had several imaging stud�es perforaad. T�c�se studies indicated th� presence of a lumbar disc her�iation, ss�ondary to trauma. Shimek's �xp�trt apined t1ia� Shimskfs obj:�ctive abnornalities and subjectiv� cc�►plaints were a � cis�ov � • the liltfmq incident was only a temporary agqravatio� of the oriqir�al injury. The City retained an sxpert who p�rform� an indepen�ent aedical avalution on Shimek ar�l co�fira�d the presence of obj�ctive abnor�ralities on the imaginq studiee that were caus,�d by tra�a. No�ev�r, ttie City�s expert could not detsnaine �3+c1� inj�ry cauasd #.he ab�or�alitie�. Both sxperts aqre�d tMat Shi�ak rsceived an �njury to his spine as a result of the 1989 ear accident. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN3ACTION $�-O, O O O .O O COST/REYHNUE SUDGETBD(CIRCLE OME) YES NO ����E Tort Liability ACTIVITYNUMBER 09070 FIfiAPlCIAL INF�iMATION:(EXPLAIN) a �-�a�� This case was scheduled for trial on October 21, 1996. On September 13, 1996, a pre-trial conference was held before the Honorable M. Michael Monahan at which time settlement negotiations were initiated. On the same date the parties agreed to a proposed settlement of all Shimek's claims for a payment of $10,000. 00 by the City of St. Paul. Given the uncontestable liability which accrues to the City and the nature of Shimek's injuries, this office recommends settlement of the matter in the amount of $10,000.00.