96-1483 / - f � ' � ' �r' � C �cil File � � �i'— `�� � � � � � ` �' 'Green Sheet# OLUTION TY SA T PAU INNESOTA /� Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, in order to manage the eet operation like a business and make cost effective decisions regarding fleet 2 issues,the Municipal Equipment Garage requires a Fleet Management System to track equipment maintenance and repair 3 data;and 4 5 WHEREAS, Resolution 96-1089 placed E225,000 in contingency for the purchase of information and fuel management 6 systems;and 7 8 WHEREAS,the Garage,with the help of Computer Services and the Purchasing Department,has identified 9 a179,240 worth of hardware and software required for the implementation of an information system;and 10 11 WHEREAS,it is requested that a179,240 of the a225,000 which was placed in a contingency code 12 through Resolution 96-1089 be transferred to the appropriate spending codes;and 13 14 WHEREAS,the Mayor,pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter,recommends the following changes to the 7996 budget: 15 16 SPENDING PLAN: CURRENT BUDGET CHANGES AMENDED BUDGE 17 250 Municipal Equipment Fund 18 12202 Equipment Services Section 79 0548 Exp.from Conting.Fund 225,000 (179,240) 45,760 20 0814 Furniture,Other 0 10,800 10,800 21 0856 Computer Software 0 12,500 12,500 22 0857 Computer Hardware 12,000 155,940 167,940 23 All Other Fund Spending 5,541,925 0 5,541,925 24 Total Spending 5,778,925 0 5,778,925 25 26 RESOLVED,That the City Council approves these changes to the 1996 budget. Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: Blakey eostrom � Public Works �G Guerin �/ Harris ,/ Megard ,/ By: Retfman ,i Thune ,/ Q � Approv Recommended by Budget Director: � Adopted by Council: Date (�� �� �`qq� By: i'�^ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: Form Appro d b City Attorney: By: B : �� �1,"2-5��� Approved by Mayor: Date �- '�' '�l�O Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: By: ��L(L By: `�'�l, LC- ����� Prepared by Saint Paul Budget Office(H:\YSERSIRENSHAWN23DATA\GARAGEIGARCONT r�,bu�w� i iii3r� GREEIN SNf�'f NO. 3��84 �'T(,�I�t� Q DEPARTM�NT DIRECTOR � CYTY COUNCIL Bob S�nc�uist 488-8348 or 65405�8 „s.,�, �3 c1'1'�t ATTORt�Y [�6 CITY CLERK w...� � � BUDEiE'f DIRECTOR � FIN.&MGT.3ERVIC�S DIR . A3�4P � MAYUR(OR ASSISTANT) �T �HIEF ACCAtINTANT ; TOTAL#OF SIG�IATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATION3 FQS BIG1�t�,TUlt�) _ ,. ' C1T�+T ItEQ ai of the trar�'er of funds fr+om the Counal ConNngency Code to the Municipal Equipmet�t Furxi for tFi�ptn�ch��e t�f Ieet M�ager�t Infexrr►atic�n System har�vare and sofEware. The f�md�were plac�ed in�ngenc��as pa�t of�he Ctty fleet rot��nent�ort(9&1089)pass�in September, 1996. �A7toN8c Ap�a�ve(A)or R�ect(A) PER4()NAI.SERVICE CONTRACPS'MUST A1�V1r.�t T�E 1fO�+�AWIIV°G QjjE�IONg: _ , (Ezpitis a9 ga ees�vers os uparate sl�et ard atqxh to�ra�sl�eet) _pt.�t�m�rc}co�eYnastox ,__,_crvII.�v[ce ca�us�o�v i.Hes this pe�onlflrm ever w�kod under a contract for this deparlment? _c�s�rtmm YFS NO �s'1'�►�t' _ 2.Iias d�is peason/firm ever been a city employce? n�,-r covxca. YFS NO s[teroRl's w[aCx cotrNC�.oslecz�t 3.Does thin per�on/firn�poseess a ski11 not nomaall Y Po�bY anY curront city�ployee? YES NO IIVTTIATIVE PROHLF�I,ISSUB>OPPORTfJNITY l'Who,What,When,Where,WhY). . An it#�lepartrnent eAa�t is weil on its way to making signiflcsnt irttproveme�s ih the qt�Nty of the City'�;fleet�cu�rces and ; . IYOw we manage them. A c�itic�l component of this effort is the purchase ar�d inataltatibn of an e�ated vet�ick�nans�ent �rmation system�at wiil pr+a�ide a city-wide data base for managing aN cf twr fleet resour+ces. Presendy rwne df o�r e�rcage fadC�ies have modem c;omputer�ystems in place for tradcing equipme�rt expenses tifnNy and a�curat�iy. Earlier this year, F2esolution 96-1088 p��c�d f�nds in contingency until detaii was avaiiabte as ta ay�ern and eqt�iprrt�t�ds. Fleet , per�onnel,wi�+the assistarxx�of the Dep�rtmer►t of Finance and Manage�eM Servioes,have now ic�l�ec!#t�haridv�rare' ; and�t�h of the so�ar�re required(see a�tached list)and are reacfy to start instatlation. . ° ADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED: 'fhe atailiEy to ac�urat�ly track equipmerrt c:osts, labor,parts, invantories and r+s�ir types wiN qna�y assist tbie decisic�n m�a�king ` proc�ees cequired for et�ective fleet tr�anagement. Acxurate,real-time data wiA yield groater'eific���ies artd result in cAat : ,. reduc�ans in flemt o�rations. The system will provide preverrtative main#enant��nd repai�hadcingfsd►eduling,i�sing ° �quiptt�ierit reliabiiity white minimlzing down time. : N�on�evnNrncES�,�rr�ovEn: Catit'iCii R�SE'�fCh-�l1!#� ,; � NQ� 2� 1996 �; DI3ADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The lack of an information:system will corrtinue to impede the decisiort makin9 P����►9�f���pair a�d replacement and limit the ability to set accurate goals and pertormance measures for fl�iet operaations. The ladc o�'�r�d�ta alsa restricta the amonnt and type af benchmarking whicM may be pertorm�to monitc��garage fur�cE�ons ar�t�verell ` c�omp�itiveraess with ather 4`ac'rlities: 't'OTAL AMOUNT UF TRANSAGTION: S 179 4�o CfkST/REVENUE Bfi1DGETE�!(CIItGLE�NEj��59� NO FUNDIKG;SOURCE: Gounc3l Conting�r Code ACTIYITY NUMBER 12202 FATAIVCUL It�iF()RMA1'I(il+t:(F,7�LAIN1) : as-xov-% rrapu.aby�ar�eeOeaa (B.m4aw;F: v�n121DArA1F0�3as8! City of Saint Paul �(,, - I`�Y3 Garage Fleet Management System November 1996 PW P/F Parks Total Cost Each Cost Total Hardware Computer Workstations 12 6 4 22 $2,500.00 $55,000 Printers-High Resolution, Office 4 3 2 9 $2,250.00 $20,250 Printers-Low Resolution, Shop 4 3 3 10 $500.00 $5,000 Application/Data Base Servers 2 0 0 2 $7,500.00 $15,000 Hardware Subtotal $95,250 $95,250 Software, Install and Training Fleet Management NA NA NA 1 $6,500.00 $6,500 Relational Data Base NA NA NA 1 $2,000.00 $2,000 Installation and Training NA NA NA 1 $4,000.00 $4,000 SIT Subtotal $12,500 $107,750 Network Routers ('Cost Each' Averaged) 1 1 1 3 $6,000.00 $18,000 Hubs (Based on 12 Port Modules) 3 2 1 6 $1,000.00 $6,000 ISDN Line Installs 2 1 1 4 $250.00 $1,000 Consulting and Installation NA NA NA 1 $10,000.00 $10,000 Network Subtotal $35,000 $142,750 Wiring Requirements Ethernet Ports 21 13 3 37 $250.00 $9,250 Electrical Runs, Shop 5 2 2 9 $500.00 $4,500 Wiring Closets 1 1 0 2 $500.00 $1,000 Wiring Subtotal $14,750 $157,500 Furniture Metal Cabinets, Shop 5 2 2 9 $1,200.00 $10,800 Furniture Subtotal $10,800 $168,300 Tax @ 6.5% $10,940 Total $179,240 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �C,-��{�3 BUDGET SECTION Joseph Reid, Budget Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL 240 City Hall Telephone:(612)266-8543 Norm Coleman, Mayor 1 S West Kellogg Boulevard Facsimile: (612)266-8541 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � November 22, 1996 Council President Thune 310-B City Hall Saint Paul,MN 55102 Deaz Council President Thune, This resolution moves some of the money budgeted in Resolution 96-1089 for technology for vehicle management out of Council Contingency to the appropriate expenditure categories. This will enable fleet managers to purchase an automated vehicle management information system that will provide a citywide data base for managing all of our fleet resources. Presently,the City has no systematic means of record keeping and must rely, in large part, on manual records. Our studies of successful fleet operations across the country reveal that the initial cost of an automated fleet management system is recovered quickly through better management and utilization of fleet resources. If you have any questions,please contact Bob Sandquist at 488-8348 or George Huschle at 68558. Sincerely, e Reid cc: Councilmembers Mayor Coleman Mark Shields Bob Piram Bob Sandquist H:\USERS�BUDCEIIWPFII.ES\YR 1996\CITIZENM�CITTHUNE.FLT