96-1471 �.-.� ,..., � �. ^ ,, k j 1 Council File # � 1` r � �`° ` � < �`: ° Ordinance # � Green Sheet #y"�� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � - � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED: That application(ID #23970)for a Gambling Location-C, Liquor On Sale-C, Sunday On 2 Sale Liquor, Entertainment-A, Off Sale Ma1t, Restaurant-B, and Cigarette License by s 7ADW Inc. DBA Judy's Viaduct Inn(Judith Williamson, President) at 1056 7th Street 4 East be and the same is hereby approved. 5 6 Requested by Department of: 7 Nays Absent 8 B a e,y � 9 Guer�n Office of License. Inapections and 10 Flarr s 11 Me ar Environmental Protection 12 Re tman 13 T une � 14 Bostrom � � � 15 d i� 16 17 Adopted by Council: Date ��, , �'� \`\�(� By: �— 18 19 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 20 Form Approved by City Attorney 21 ` �� 2 2 By: �._ c�- • � r�—�a�.a B -�/ 23 '1 /� y: , 24 Approved by Mayor: Date �Z �C `� 25 26 Approved by Mayor for Submission to 27 By: � �(r r������ Council 28 By: °1 �••ly'1� LIEP/Licensin � ��'N��D �REEN,SHEET N_ .3 5 46 6 �` E �DEPARTMENT DfREGTDR m�� �CITY COUNCII INITIAUMTE Christine Rozek, 266-9108 "�QN ❑ciTVnrroaNer �CITYCLEi�C puwsEn wn 1�! ON N IL ( �� �BUpGET DIRECiOR �FIN.6 Mf�T.SERVIC68 DIR. For hearin : �1 oZ'1 °RD�' �MAVOR(OR ABBISTANT► � TOTAL�OF 81GNATUpE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATlONS FOR SICiNATURE) ACTId�I REDUESTED: JADW Inc. DBA Judy's Viaduct Inn requests Council approval of its application for a Gambling Location-C, Liquor On Sale-C, Sunday On Sale Liquor, Entertainment-A, Off Sale Malt, Restaurant-B, and Cigarette License located at 1056 7th Street East (ID #23970). ����8'�OV°���°f�°°��R� PERSONAL sERVICE CONTRACTS MUST AN8WEA TNE FOLLOwINO QNEST10N8: _PLANNMI�i WMMISBION _CWN.8ERVICE COhMA18810N 1. Hea this psrsOnRfrm sver worked under e CoM�Ct for tMs deperknsnt? - _q9 COMMITfEE _ YES NO _�� _ 2. Has Mis psrsoNflrm ever bean a dty employee? YES NO _DI87A1CT COUR'r � 3. Dosa thia person/firm posssts e skili not normnaY Poeee�ad by sryr�rrent cRY smpkyyes� BuPPORTB WIiK�FI COUNCIL OBdECTivE7 YE3 NO Expleln all ya snsw�n on qpsroU sF�wt fnd athoh to On�n�last MIITIATMrO PRO�EM�IS8UE.OPPARTUNITY(WAo.Whet.Whsn.Whero,WM)� �w������ �e SEP l 9 1996 �� . � �� �ORNEY AD1/ANTAOES IF APPROYED: DIBADVANTAGES IF APPAOVED: � C01111C11 �����,ft� �Ti� OCT � � �996 D�A�IANTAGES�NOT APPRONE�: - _.. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION � C08T/REVENUE BUCEiETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIiO sOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INF�iMAT10N:(EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 35466 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 9/12/96 ���••�y 1 In Tracke�? �p'n Received / App'n Processed LiCense ID # 23970 License Type: Gamblin� Location-C, Liq On Sale-C, S�mr�a�(ln sa i e Liq Entertainment-A� Off �Ale Malt Rest.-B, Cigarette Company Name: JADW Inc. DBA:Ju y s ViadLC� Tnn Business Addresss: 1056 7th St E, 106 Business Phone: 776-3977 Contact Name/Address:Judith Williamson, Public Hearing Date: Labels Ordered: i�� /(!� � Notice Sent to Applicant: District Council #: �' m� a� Notice Sent to Public: �/ ����C Ward #: � Department/ Date Inspections Comments , City Attorney �� �� � . Environmental Health �D � S � �o � • K . Fire � ° I S` ,� Q • �, . License � s��e�an aece��ed: DT _ _, Lease Received: �v<.,cu� Iti � �-� I9Cv �� m � Police I� � 5 �l�b P�•� � Zoning � � �� �� � � , � ���.�� CLASS III CITY OF SAWT PAUL LICENSE APPLICATION and Emironmental Protection ?�0 SL Paa St Suim:�0 Soim Paul.�iinne.aaa S'102 (61 n:664Q?0 fu(612):Cd•9131 + ��ll.-ly� l THTS APPLICAT70\'IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PL'BL1C PLEASE TYPE OR PRL\T LV L\K T}�pe of License(s)being applied for: f��v O r' L i`c c' �t S� Co�any:�an�e: ./� �. , tHr , �/�r . Cerporation/P�ers ip/Sole Proprietorship ' If business is incorporated,gi��e date of incorporation: " '� �z Doing Business .4r. J vd i/S �/l r�� �'i,7 L !�! 4! Business Phone: 7C—� ��� Busiaess Address: _ /�I S�G (^ ..5� c� v� •�f'!i S7`'• 5T. /�!1 v� ,�: r�rt . �S^lG(� � Street Address Ciry State Zip Betw•een w�6at cross streets is the business loc.ated? �'[:[I"! � RO SS sts• V�'hich side of the s[reet? � c� �'f�i Are tbe premises now occupied?- v� «'hat T��pe of Business? _ !� /�J L�� +" �' ����,�zv�Q�'T 'vlail To Address: ��,�4 L� 5 z ✓e�r�! $T- 5 � /���� �i h ti ,s`"l0 G Sa�t Ad3ress Ciry S[ate Zip Applicant Information: `� ' / L / /� / � (� � \ame and Title: �l/d/ T�'l V� n /l�-'�'I� �S ��/` /ltl�?SG/7 , / �e 5 ! Pa t , First ?�iiddle (hiaiden) Lut Tide Home Addre ss: �� � / /� Sacet Addras Ciry Statc Zip Date of Birch: � ^ .� Place of Birth: Home Phone: �• Have you ever been con��icted of an}�felony,crime or violation of any city ordinance other thaa tr�c? YES_ �0,� Date of arrest: VVhere? ' Charse: � Con��irtion: Sentence: List tbe names and residences of three persons of good moral c6aracter, li�•ing a•ithia the Tu•in Citics Metro Area, not relaced to tbe applicant or financially interesud in che premises or business,w�ho may be referred to as to the applicant's character: T'AME ADDRESS PHO:�'E �vSS �// G �le/� Son �. List licenses which you currendy hold,formerIy held,or may have an interest in: _ /1/'D ../yr' Have any of the above named licenses ever been re��oked? YES ,�NO If yes,list the dates and reasons for revocation: Are you going to opente this business personally? �YES NO If not,w•ho w�ill operate it? First:�ame _ t�iiddle Initial (Aiaiden) Iact Date of Birth Home Addras: Saea`�une Ciry Sute Zip Phone Tum'xr .. �. .. �.,..,.,, . ... Are�•ou going to ha�•e a manager or assistant in ihis busmess? YES'''"�::'�O lf the manager is not the same as the operat��'�.� ,�^'`�o ` complete the follow•ing information: c�,��'�.Qi y'0 ~o`' . , ..'Y .a,� o Frst�ame T;iddle lnitial l":�taiden) Last Date of Binh,roa ,,,� a � o` Q Home Addras: Sveet Name Cip• State Zip Phone A'umber � � Ple�ce list your emplo��meat history fer the pre�•ious fi��e(5)�•ear period: � � . I y I� � � �usiness/Enwlo��nent ddre �p� G r G l�/� S T �rC �j(r {'%C. S �.��' `� y.S^lt �/"as./G /�s.D�� Gvc��.� .S J`r lG/ �-��rrG�u.,� ���6 3 0 � S�i�l/�/���� �PJ I�t/;�//�rn:c /`l;h., , _ List all other officers of tl�e corporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME HO�'� BiJSi'�ESS DATE OF \A�tE (Office Held) ADDRESS PHO\� PH01� BIRTH � If business is a parmership,please include the follow•ing informltion for each parmer(use additional pages if necessan�): First�ame �4iddle Initial (�Saiden) Last Da►e ot Birth Home Address: Streu:�z-�e Ciry � Su[e Zip Phone Number Fvss\ame Middle Initial (�iaiden) Last Dau ot B'vth Home Addras: Saeu Kxme City Stam Zip Phone Number . ML�?��SOTA TAX IDE.'�T�ICATIO\'h'L:MBER-Pursuant to the Laws of:�'Cnnesota, 1984,Chapter 502,Article 8,Section 2(270.72) (Taz Clearance;Issuance of Licenses),licensing authorities are required to pro�•ide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, . the?vlinnesota business tax identification number and the social security numher of each license applicant� L'nder the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and tbe Federal Privacy Act of 1974.we aze required to ad��ise you of the follow�ing regarding the use of the Ntinnesota Taz Idendfication TTumber: -Ttus information may be used to deny the issuance or renew•al of your license in the event you ow�e r'Iinnesota sales,employer s a•ithholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; -Upon receiving this information,the licensing auchoriry will supply it only to the'v�innesota Department of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Inforcnatioa Agreement,the Department of Revenue may supply this information to the Intemal Revenue Sen�ice. Minnesota Taz ldeatification I�Tumbers (Sales & Use 'Tax 1'umber) may be obtained from tbe State of!vlinnesota, Business Records Department, 10 Ri��er Pazk Plaza(612-296-6181). Social Security I�`umber " Minnesota Taz Identificatioa 1�'umber: � � � If a Minnesota Taz Identificadon;�'umber is not required tor the business being operated,indicate so by placing an "X" in the boz. �e � TIFICA7'IO\'OF VF'ORKERS'C0:�4PETSATION CO��RAGE PliRSUA\-I'TO 1�4WT'ESOTA STATU7�E 176.182 � °� ereby certify tbat I,or my company,am in compliance w•ith the w�orkers'compensation insurance co��era�e requiremenu of A4innesota � � Statute 176.182,subdi��isian 2. I also understand that pro��ision of false information in this cectification constitutes sufficient grounds for �� ad��erse action against all licenses held,including revocation and suspension of said licenses. � ^ Name of Insurance Company: � y Policy I�`umber: Co��erage from to I have no employees covered under w•orkers'compensation insurance_� A:�'Y FALSffICATION OF A1S«'ERS GI�'EN OR?�iATERIAL SUB:IIITTED R'ILL RESULT IN DE\IAL OF THIS APPLICA'TION I hereby state tbat I have answered all of the preceding questions,and that the information contained herein is true and conect to the best of my knov�•led�e and belief. I bereby state fw�ther that I ha�•e received no money or other consideration,by w�ay of loan,gift,coatribution, or otherwise,other than already disclosed in the application w•hich I berewith submitted. I also understand this premise may be inspected b��police,fue,bealth and other city officials at any and all times a�hen the business is in operation. .� � . � Signature(REQliIKED for all applications) Date '*�ote: If this applica[ion is Food/Liquor related,please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Health Inspector,Steve Olson(266-9139),to re�•iew plans. lf any substantial changes to strvcwre are anticipated,please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Plan Ezaminer at 266-9007 to apply for building permits. If tbere are any changes to the parking lot,floor space,or for new opentions,please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector ai 266-9008. Additional application requirements,please attach: A detailed description of the design,location and square footage of the premises to be l�censed(site plan). The follo�ing data should be on the site plan(preterably on an S 1/2"x 11"or S 1/2"a 14"paper): -T'ame,address,and phone number. -The scale should 6e stated such as 1"=20'. ^N should be indicated to�card the top. -Placement of all pert[nent teatures oi the interior of the licensed facility such as seat[ng aress,kitchens,offices,repatr area,parlang,rest rooms,etc - If a request is !or an addition or ezpansion of the licensed faeility, indicate both the current area and the proposed eapansion. A copy of}•our leasc agreement or proof o[ow-nership of the property. FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATION REQUIREAZENTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>>