96-1467 Council File #` ` ' 6� ��� � � � . � �: . � � ` Ordinance #` Green Sheet#` 35404 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Presented By Referred To Coa�pnittee: Date 1 RESOLVED: That application, ID #51287, for a new Gambling Manager's License for 2 Daniel W. Reitz DBA TSE, Inc. at Sports Garden, 1638 Rice Street, be 3 and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 NaYs Absent 7 Ba �y 9 Gaer7�n Office of License, insZ►ectione and _ 10 e Environmental Protection 11 e 12 T une ,/ Bostrom � Adopted by Council: Date �� _ �,�\qq(„ By: 7w� �� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney By: ,� B / l � � Y� Approved by Mayor: Date C �! � Approved by Mayor for Submission to BY: -� �/ Council By: _� �-!4`� � � �m��� �REEN SHEET N_ 3 5 4 0 4 8 �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR N�T���A� �CITY COUNCIL - - INITIAUDATE - 266-9132 N�R f� �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCIERK IL ) pp�pro �BU�(iET DIRECTOR �FlN.a MOT.SERVICE8 DIR. ��7 � ���E� �MIIYOR(OR A8818TAtdT) � � TOTAL#OF SKiNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIi�iNATURE)` ACTION REQUESTED: Daniel W. Reitz DBA TSE, Inc. requests Council approval of his application for a new Gambling Manager's License, ID ��51287,� at Sports Garden, 1638 Rice Street. RECOI�AMp�IDAT10N8:Approw{A)a Ryect(ii) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWIN3 QUESTION�: _PLANNN�COMMISSION _.CIVII 8ERVICE OOMMISSION 1. Has this psrson/Firm�ror worked undsr a contraCt for tlNs d�peM�eMT _CIB WIYMiIITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has thia person/Brm ever been e dty employee4 —�� — YES NO _as7R1C'r c;ouar _ s. Doss this pereoNf�rm posseas a skfu na nortr�IN P�sed M�r���Y empioyee4 BuPPORTB wHKiH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE4 YES NO Explaln�II y��anawen on s�pKat�sh�st and Nqeh to ana��h»t INITIATMd(�PROBI.EM.ISBUE�OPPORTUNITV(Wlw.what.wMn.wh�n.WhY). �g Y � ��� ' � '� '''`iY.1r'�`' NpY 12 �996 C�Ty p�[ OR�EY ADVANTAQES IF APPRO'VED: D18ADilANTIN3E81F APPFiOVED: Cot�nc� F����rch C�ntar NOV 13 1996 � DI8AD'VAKTAOE8 IF NOT APPfiONED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHQ SOURCB ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLA�N) Greensheet # 35404 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: / �G'�y�'� In TraCker? 3 � App'n Received / App'n Processed License ID # 51287 License Type: GamblinQ Mana er _ Company Name: l�ani 1 W_ Rei rz DBA: TSE Inc. Business Addresss: 1638 Rice St. (Sports Garden) Business Phone: 489-2595 Contact Name/Address: 2027 Rice St. Roseville 55113 Home Phone: 489-2595 Date to Council Research: L�9b Public'Hearing Date: `Yl�v �.7 , ��r��, Labels Ordered: N/A Notice Sent to Applicant: District Council #: 06 i ��>/ Notice Sent to Public: ` /� �� C4s�� � Ward #: 05 Department/ Date Inspections Comments , City Attorney ////a-/9,! �/���9�6 Environmental Heaith /V/� Fire N/ � License � �� � Q��n�� Stte�an Received: L'j�►ari�.61� 9a w�.b � i vt� �����,�d: � � S J �c� .3l 9'� �l 1 Police ��C�j^� �PC�C, ������ ���/�� d,� Zoning N � _ . . 1 �.• �� �v� LG2i2 (Rev. 7/2/92) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY BASE LJC # SEQ # ; _ Minnesota Lawful Gambiirig FEE , Gambling Mariager Application cHK DATE : - INiT «:>::::>::::>��:i»::::>:<:::::><:>::>><:»::<::::>::::»:::::�<.:>::»::>::::::::>s:<::;;::»::>::::>::::>::»>::>:;:::>::s:::«;:�>::>:;:::>::<::<:>::::>::::>:�::::»:<:»::>::::;::>::;:::<:>::::::>;::::>::»::>::::>:�::>:::<:>::>:<:>::>::::»::::;:;;::>;::::»::::»::::>:::::::>::>:<::�:;;>:<:::::>:z i;::i;{���..,' .. :. .:::;::<:: :...: ' I CQt , . :;::;:<::<:::<>;><:>:::>:;:::::>z�>:<::>::>:;:>:::::::;:;><:::::;::;::::;:'::>::::>::>::;>:;>:'<::;:%;:::>::::::>:;;:>:'::'>:>�:::'.:>::::::::>::::<>.>;::::>::>:::<:::>>>::::»::::<:>:>:»:::«.>:::>::::>::>:::<:::::<:::;:<:::;::>::>;::[<:::::;>;:<:>::::>:<:< � :-,.�?e..o.f;�� p _zo.r�.. :.. � New Give date that the two-day gambling manager seminar was completed.�_/�_/g(�_ Location of training Eagail, i-ZN - (city) � Renewal Give date of training received within three years prior to the date of the application for renewal._/ / Location of training .:.:..:..;::>:;;:.::;•<;,.; ::;::;::;:;::;:.;:.; >:.>;>::>;(ci?Y? _ ::::�;:;.;.:.:.::;>.;;..:::>:;;>:;:::: ,: � : <. :;;:. ;:::,,.,..:..:::.:::;.;:.;:,.:::;,.>;::;.;::.;:.;:.;:<;:.:::<;.;:.;:.:;:<::..;�:.;;;;;>;:.:;.;:.:;:.;:::.:;:;:.;>;;;:�;;:.:,;;;:.:.::.:::;;;.;:;:.;:;::..;;;:,;;:.;;;:.>:;:::>;s:::<:::::>::s�:::::::>::»:� : Cl t7.' �F'.� Ot77LQtt lY<>::::::>:>:::;'.:;>:::;<:�::;:;;`<:;:::>::::::>:>::::::<:;�:::`:<:;:::::::>::�«>::>;>;:<::::>:;:><::<:>:;:::<::<::>:::::;:>:::;<:; ':<:>:::::;:>;:::�:;::::>::><;::«:::::<::::<;:s>::::::><::'::<>:<:::: �a'mbT�n .M rt n . o . .... .......... ........ ...... ........... .... LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME MAIDEN Date of Birth Soc.Securiry Number , Rietz Daniel William 7-4-60 480-84-2432 Address State Zp Code Daytime Phone ?_027 Rice Street, Roseville i�1N 55113 ( 61� 4�`?-25�5 MEMBERSHIP:Date gambling manager became a member of the organization 7 / 5 / 83 Sex: �Male ❑ Female ���:a�::>:::':::�::>:::�:><;:::::::':�: ':::�.;::>::>::::>::::`::>::�:`���:`::>::>:::::<:::>::::>:�s:>::<:>::>::»>[:>::>::::>::::>:<:::::»::�::>:::�s::;:::>::�<i�::>::>:�::::>�<�::::>:'•>:��::::::>:`:;:>:>:�::::»::>:::::>::::::>::>:�>:;:�>:>.�:_.;�:;;�::::>::?:<:>:'>::»::::;:<:::�:s::::;::;»>::<:>s:�:::: :;:::;:2'>::i::i:::::::2:;::::::::::.::>:�:;.>: :.>:.:>:.:::.>::.:::.: :i;.�.::i:::::>::::::::>:;�:::s;::>;;::::; ;.:;::i::::�i:::'i:: .:� �zatrorc n o .: a�cor�:::»:>;:::<:;::>::::::>::>::::>::::::::::>::::::::::::::::>::::::::>:::::::::>::>::::>::<:::::<:>::>:::::<::;:::::>:;:>:::<::<:<:;>::::>�::<;>::<::::>:::�::::>««:::<:;;;::::::::>:::�:<::::�<�:>;::::>::;::>::<::>:>:<::>::::::::;:::::::;>;:>::::;:::::::::;:: ::�r an r-rrt ........ ..... ...... ..................... ....... .. Name of Organization License Number TSE, Inc. None Address City/State Zip Code Phone 2027 Rice Street Roseville; MN 55113 � 612 ) 489-2595 :;;:;,..>.1�i1����T7T tQ�Tf1 i��:`::<:::>'::?:>�;::::::::>:::<"<'::>::::>:::>;:>;:':>:'`:::>':�>::»:>:<::;:>;<:>':::::;'::>>>:;;:z:::::::'::°.<:;:z>i>>::>':�::;<>'�`?z>:>?:::::::::::;:::.::;>:;?:?:::::<::':<::>::'>::i<»:z':�:�;:<:::::::::`::::�>:�<::::»:>;<;zz><?:>'>::<:>`>::::;:::%>:<:::::>:':'::<z::z_ ��30TtCl 2 --A$10,000 fidelity bond in favor of the organization must be obtained for d�e gambling manager. Name of insurance compzny {do not use agency name) Seaboard Surety Co. Bond Number 256988 :::'>;.»<tr�1����'.«;<��eri�:>:>::<>:��>:��:::;:><<:::�>{'�:>;:<><�::<>�<<�>:::::;'':<:;:>::::'>:>:«:>:>::;:::::��:>�;::<;<�;;:<<>;;;;�::':<:`>::::<<:::<:::�:;<::::::::;:::>:::;=;:;:`:::::::;:::'>;:':::>:::>:':��;:>`:_;'::`;;:�::'�>«::::::::»`<:`<:'::`::>:::'>`:::::<::;:;::<::::>�'::>;<:::<:::::<;::` >Ac�kno qm I dedare tt�at: . • I have read this application and all informaUon submitted to the board; • ail information is true, accurate and complete; • aii otf�er required information has been fully disdosed; • I am tf�e only gambling manager of the organization; • I will familiarize myself witfi tfie laws of tvlinnesota goveming lawful gambling and rules of the board and agree,if licensed, to abide by those laws and rules, induding amendments to them; - - - • any changes in application information will be submitted to the board and local unit of govemment within 10 days of the change;� • An affidavit for gambling manager has been completed and attached,and ' • I understand that failure to provide required information or providing false in(ormafion may result in the denial or revocation of the . license. ture of Ga nager - Date � _ � sl.�/5� Send the oompleted application and all required attachments to:i_ ,. - , _ _ ... - •. .:: . . . . . ,. , : -� : . Gambling Control Board .. . _,:, . ,..;,, ,_: ._ _. . _ .. . _.. , . .. Suite 300 S• , . > 1711 W County Road B -C. _ �_ � ..`Y � ..J ri �P�i . �t, jl �f... '�(l��sevllle,�MN 55'113 _:r T.�,� �� � .-:.? _ - . � . . .�'� A .G-�! ,.- S �- _.. . . . � - '_ -. .L.���/J //� J((�/L)� . - . ... 'r \ -v-.L_t 1... ' 1� ..., . . � . �✓ / �/1 ��! ',I . .�. ... .. _ .�" '.:C �- � �... ..- .. - ._ -y:t��.:F�>a".'1.�'�.�;�i<:i,�iSt}�5.3�,u'J��- �`� .;�.,..... . .. ._. . ._._.i_�= . ....:.' ''u"_��.:NS_:r�`a�.�v.`,..tJ ;:.a.t L - •. r. . � r^- _`.. ._ ., .�...-k� ..i _n..n.. .��.... . . ._., r ...... ... . ,: . ��2;3� 1Vlinnesofa Gambling Control Board � oa�,a�s.� Gambling fi�1'anagerAff�davit � �'� �y�'� . Attach to the Gambling ManagerApplication, Form LG212 - - STATE OF Minnesuta ) , AFFIDAVIT OF G�UALIFICATION FOR GAMBLING MANAGER LICENSE . ) s.s. AND CONSENT STATEMENT COUNTY OF Ramsey � . (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes and Rules) I, Daniel ta. Rietz , Under oath state that: (type/print name) 1. I have never been convicted of a fe(ony or a crime involving gambling. 2. I have not, within five years before the date of the license appiication, committed a violation of law or Board rule that resulted in the revocation of a license issued by the B�ard. 3. I have never been convicted of a criminal violation involving fraud, theft, tax evasion, misrepresentation, or gambling. 4. I have never been convicted of (i) assauit, (ii) a criminal violation involving the use of a firearm, or (iii) making terroristic threats. 5. I am not, nor ever have been connected with or engaged in an iilegal business. 6. I do not owe �500 or more in delinquent taxes as defined in section 270.72. 7. I have not had a sales and use tax permit revoked by the commissioner of revenue within the past two years. 8. I liave never, after demand, failed to file tax retums required by the commissioner of revenue. . In addition, I understand, agree and hereby irrevocably consent that suits and adions re(ating to the subje�t matter of the attached gambling manager license applicafion, or acts or omissions arising from such applica- tion, may be commenced against my organization and I will accept the service of process for my organiza- tion in any court of competent jurisdiction in Minnesofa by service on the Minnesota Secretary of State of any summons, process or pleading authorized by the laws of Minnesota. _ - . ._ . . ... _ , .. :.. By signafure of this document, the unde'rsigned authorizes the Department of Public Safety to conduct a criminal background check or review�and to share the results with the Gambling Confrol Board. - Failure to provide required information or providing false or misleading information may resuit tn the denial or revocation of fhe license. � ' FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT; ezcept tliat this�Affidavit and Consent Statemenf ere'submitted m' support of the application for a gambling manager license from the Gambling Control Board:` '-`''-- =�� ' - _ _ _ . _ , .. . _ ,. _ _ . . _. : . .. .r. , . . .�:i� , .. .,_ _. ; ,: .. ,. _ . _ _ . .� :. ;. __. . . , . NOTARY PUBLIC/NFORMATION Notary Pubiic Seal must be cuRent and correct -- , �:-�< - :.r� :r , ;; , � .; ::� �. .:: ::. - (signatu�e licant) . Sea! may not be�altered _ ,.: , ..--,. ,.�:. . _ - �� -- - , � . , . ;., Subscribed and swom to before me this � -- - -- � ' �o � day ofJ -� 19 �� � ., . .< . , . :. � : .. - �;� ;: , - `� " '� �� �-` ` �ORGANlZATIOIV�INFORMATION �'�� . , .'.:: , �' - :;` �` � .:..'� .� Name of Organization - ot J. FRt� _ _ - _ � .. ,;.•E �.� OT/+Rl'PUBL.IC MMii�OiA , - - - T S E, I n c _ - - ,_ . , .. . _ �_>:. _ - ..... .. . � .: .:. _,. -..: •, _ r , . _ _ _�t�Y C�n . . . ►,yc,a�ro���±^�,� Base License Number �f - ' _c.�g�.�.`-� 13'3"""'_3'�S`:.:��'S..`nn .3.i:!...�..._ . ._..a.-........_ ,.. , �.r__ _ ..M.._:�. - "42� � , . . .. . . _ °: - . .. ._..- �. _._