96-1463 ���N� �- � Council File # � .3 `\� a� ` � � Green Sheet # �� RESOLUTION F PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 1997 POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS 2 WHEREAS, on September 28, 1994, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul established the 3 Neighborhood Sales T� Revitalization (STAR) Program, C.F. 94-1127; and 4 5 WHEREAS, Department of Planning and Economic Development (PED) staff have conducted an 6 evaluation of the first two cycles of the STAR Program, including public input; and 7 8 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends, to the City Council, policy changes as listed on 9 Attachment A, Page 1 through 3 and as summarized below; and 10 11 WHEREAS, STAR guidelines require the City Council and Mayor to "clearly and publicly state and 12 review annual priorities for the use of sales tax funds in our neighborhoods"; and 13 14 WHEREAS, it is recommended that 25% of annual Neighborhood STAR funds may be used for multi- 15 year funding for larger, long-term projects; and 16 17 WHEREAS, the available funds per round will be calculated to allow for more rapid use of the funding 18 pool as stated in Attachment A; and 19 20 WHEREAS, it is recommended that PED staff ineet with community representatives to explore other 21 methods to achieve return on investment similar to the return realized on loans; and 22 23 WHEREAS, the 1997 priorities and "more likely" and "less likely to fund" lists will provide applicants 24 with a better idea of what kind of projects are expected from this program. 25 26 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the 1997 policy changes to the 27 Neighborhood STAR Program as described in Attachment A; and 28 C�'- S c� A��.�i�.,w.z..�.:� �r N-`w I�R.,r`�v�o.� � 1 29 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts the 1997 STAR Annual Report. Y� Navs Absent Requested by Department of: a e os rom uerin nnin & Economic DeveTo ment arris e ar B �i��Z���i%'''///.,�L�'�'�---- ettman une �j '— Y� Adopted by Council: Date �o Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� ---� c�- . � B�'' �... .c..�...r.�. Approved b Mayor: Date 'Z ^ (, Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY� � __��T/LU(x1�5 gy; � °I � - 1 �1�3 Insert new language on Page 1, Line 28: * BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby establishes a pilot City Wide Business Revolving Loan Program as described in Attachment B and C; and ��.-1 G►3 DEPJW7MENTAFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED 3 9 3 0 Planning � Econamic Development 10/17/96 G R E E N S�'� CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE INI I INITIAL/DATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL J08II TIIl18eII 266-6694 ���aN �CITY ATTORNEY � �CITY CLERK NUM08R FOR MUST BE ON CO IL AGENDA BY(DATE) �� � ��,,,� ROUTIN(i �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MOT.8ERVICES DIR. Novembe 1996�-M ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSI3TANT) � TOSII Tltl � ; TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: - 1997 Policy changes to the Neighborhood STAR Program - Set 1997 prioities; set aside funds for livable cammunity proposals; allow STAR funds to be used for multi-year pro�ects RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MU$T ANSWER THE FOLLOWINQ QUESTIONB: _PLANNIN(i COMMISSIQN _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/Firm ever worked under a contraCt for this department? ' _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? _3TAFF _ YES NO _DISTRIC7 COURT _ 3. Does this personlfirm possess e skill not normall y poasessed by eny current city employae? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explaln ell yss anowsrs on separats shest snd ettech to grs�n she�t INITIATINCi PROBLEM,tSSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What.When,Where,Why): C�unity needs clear, sharpened priorities for use of STAR funds AOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Co�unity and officials will have a clear understanding of what kind of pro�ects are espected from this program. DISADVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: None �������� NbV 01 1996 C�TY ATT�J�I�fY DI3ADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Continued misunderstanding regarding use of STAR funds. (�d��Cl� ��1'(�T �' NOV 0 5 1996 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION ; N�A COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIiO SOURCE N�A ACTIVITY NUMBER N�A FINANCIAI INFORWiATION:(EXPLAIN) �1 r�r�N p �� �I�- 1 `3 ATTACHMENT A, Resolution # i � � a� �q�° 10/23/96 � Recommendations for Changes to the STAR Program * Policy Recommendations: 1997 Priorities s�►iHr v�u� STAR To reaffirm the STAR Program statement of purpose and to more sharply define the 1997 PR�� request for proposals. Purpose: Saint Paul neighborhoods are one of the City's most important strengths, and the sales tax proceeds represent an extraordinary opporlunity to revitalize and invest in our neighborhoods. The sales tax proceeds, one of the City's most flexible funding sources, are to be allocated through the STAR Program for capital economic and communiry development projects in Saint Paul neighborhoods. These very flexible City funds should promote significant and positive long term economic impact. STAR funds should leverage private improvement efforts and investments and should be used when projects are ineligible for use of other available City resources. Desired Outcomes: The Neighborhood STAR Program funds capital projects that: 1. Economic development: a. enhance the commercial and industrial tax base b. create family supporting jobs c. improve and/or stabilize loca�bu nesses and provide attractive and economically viablej1c@"hbc,�• r��`�i areas d. reuse land following pollution clean up 2. Community development: a. ixnprove and/or stabilize housing stock and/or increase market value b. provide new housing that meets an identified need in the market c. improve public infrastructure and private greenspace especially if the projects are linked to related residential or commercial improvements Priorities for the 1997 Cycle of the Neighborhood STAR Program A. Maintain the STAR Small Grant Program and process. B. Sharpen the 1997 request for proposals by speci�cally requesting: 1. Business program proposals which could respond to business interests year round i.e. a collaborative proposal between the City's neighborhood business associations and PED for a small business loan program. The business associations would market the program and identify potential customers and PED would structure and service the loans. 2. Housing proposals for step-up and higher priced new ownership opportunity projects 3. Seed Capital proposals which establish programs with funds available year round to respond to business opportunities. Funds are targeted to programs in one of three tiers: 1) Micro-enterprises; 2) Start-ups; 3) Franchises. 1 ��rn e tv n e �D ATTACHMENT A, Resolution # , � l .a,� �q � 10/23/96 �, �° �S�' q �—ly c.� C. Allow/�5% of annual STAR funds to be used for multi year funding to accommodate larger long term projects � 1q9 S D. Availa3b�e funds for Cycle 3 wil�nclude funds collected from December�996-to March� 1997. �nds available for Cycle 4 will include funds collected from March 1997 to June�1998. Each cycle will still begin on December 1 st. This adjustment will allow us to more quickly match funds coming in with funds going out. � he Sai aul Ci ounci irects P staff eet wit mm C'� �L�e� r res ta 'ves t loo at he met ods o a ieve retur on v me ot sa1h�. t oceed s' lar t t retu ow rec ' ed on . F. Provide more speci�c expectations. In addition to the specific requests listed above, give examples of types of proposals that the Mayor and Council are "more likely to fund" and "less likely to fund" in the 1997 cycle such as: ';1V�or� l�eIy ta Fund in'1'�7,► I?ra���ts an�i grogra:tnns rhat 1. increas� ar marnntain the ta� t�as� a� a prunary b�n�ft 2 �re hi�h quaixty, ri�aarl�et drir�e� a�.d e�laan�e �e�ghbax�o�ci stab�ity.; � �r� g�rt af a�Yt�` ap'groved p�n Qr ini�i�eiv�, and �s �geted tg adctr�ss it�;ntif'�ed urn�.�t �.ee�s . � ; ,> . . . ,- , 4 � t�e��sult �f cqllabarativ� and p�irtn�rs�i �i�h apprQ�r�ate s�ake�a�der� �xample 5 �� g�tt�f a l�raad based ar�d int�gratec� apprc�ach t� i�iiproving��ighb4rhood� ! tha� res�l�s i� l�rge�r a�nd f�wer pr�jec�s. 6. address through a �itywide prcigram,'nEe�.s'th��a��et mar�than on� Ii�1��I�(3F�1�0(�. �'�'S. '7. 'in�I�de garticipation by grivat�: lenders, ar;;a�lear�nd�c:���on tha�privat� l�nd�r;; ;p�cipatic�n i� n+�t possib�e ar;;aAprci�r��ate: 8 ;re�u�t C�t� funds so ��per�n�ge;+�f�ity fund� in th� pr4a�ct �s th� I�t a.m�u�t vc�xt�,the best tie�rns sc�`as to �naxiim�e �e�verag�;o��t�i�r �es<i�rces;: "Less Likely to be Funded" list located on next page... 2 ����� r� �.� ATTACHMENT A, Resolution # .11' 1 � � 10/23/96 a� Q � -ly `3 „L+ess likelr�t�r F�tn�i �n �99'7" 1. �mal�;;pragrams far commer��al and �esiden�ial rehab�Iitiatic�n 2 ;prn�ects t.�at c�ul�i!be fund�d 'vv�Ch �;DBG, I�QI�E, �IB c�� �ther funds , ; 3 ;;�siness u�cubatQr'pr+�pasal� ;; ; ; ; 4. Park itnpmvem�nt!,prQj�ct� Qt���than thrc�u�h the Small Gr��t Frc�gr�m 5. Proj���s relat�d t�!�h� r,�rn�v�l o�groP�r�';fram t1�e tax rc�I1s;; �. +Grants ��o �ind x�orip�o��it'�api�l ca�pa�gn p�roje�t� 7. P��to�als w;iih acquisifiicin�s th� major r,�tmpan� 8 Fxc�gram.s lack�� cancea��r�t�d;;�mpact 9. P'raposals that d� �at ,�f�er a PI�,f�T,wh�n takin,� ��ap�rty of�the t�x rQ11� 1�. Pr�sp�sals�equestuzg rnore than �d°la;in di�ct project eo�ts 1;1. Propc�sals tl�c� �re �r��ly to;�� u�plemei[�d ' 12. Prapc�sals wiih nv visible �ff�cts. �. ' ��-�, �c,sra��,5 'v��`�:3 c�: e c�;,� ��..c:e i�!�.�. '�Y+n���r '��Y�m�. �Y�c,� � r �.v��� � crc��ers . 3 Attachment B Resolution #96-1463 THE STAR CITY WIDE BUSINESS REVOLVING LOAN PROGRAM (RLP� �� p� ���P��� �� �� �� �C�(�STAR 1 VROGRAM BACKGROUND: �1 A number of City Council members have expressed frustration with the lack of flexible public funds to assist neighborhood businesses that want to improve their facilities. � Although the Business Resource Center has severaf business loan programs, the programs are not flexible enough to accommodate certain business needs. GAPS: 1. Businesses in neighborhoods that are not predominantly low income have difficulty qualifying for CDBG funds. 2. Federal regulations make it difficult, if not impossible, to fund specific improvements such as parking construction or renovation. 3. Business owners question the economics of complying with city regulat�ons on � loans of $50,000 Of 12SS. (The average city loan for businesses has risen to $100,OQ0.J PILOT REVOLVING LOAN PROGRAM (RLP� PROPOSAL: � Allocate $500,000 loan and $50,000 grant funds from the next two cycles of the Neighborhood STAR Program to operate a revolving loan program for neic�hborhood businesses. ($250,000 loan/$25,000 grant funds from the 1997 budget and$250,000 loan/$25,000 grant funds from the 1998 budget.) PED's Business Resource Center will administer the program increasing flexibility by using the STAR funds in conjunction with current loan program funds in an effort to best meet the needs of each bu�iness: The grant funds will be used as an incentive to cover the extra construction costs that result from compliance with Little Davis Bacon and the City's Human Rights Departrnent requirements which apply to the STAR Program. GUIDELINES: The STAR Business Revolving Loan Program funds must be used for capital improvements in accordance with current Neiqhborhood STAR Program Guidelines.- to assist business that cannot qualify for additionar financing through private lending sources. 1. Neighborhood businesses throughout the city are eligible to apply. 7'nis wi�� invit� business applicants located in areas of the city that do not traditionally receive CDBG fund�. 2. A business may apply any time during the year thereby meeting busin�ss needs in a timely manner. w� it _r�`�,,,,,,,,,t,�,� 3. Maximum loan target = $50,000 .�► t�I�l rj Y6v ct� �F s� . Minimum loan = $10,000 t�`�s _+,o �-�.� �;� 4. Grant funds must be tied to a STAR loan and will not exceed 0% of the loan. r��N� 5. Minimum match requirement is 1 private dollar to 1 STAR Ilar. � 6. Terms will be consistent with the goal of an overall 5% re rn on STAR loans. . 7. Loans will be risk rated and terms will be evaluated bv ,PED�- �e�+t�ee- The PCp director will� ., (this will facilitate quick response to needs and is consistent with current loan program procedures.) 8. January 1, 1997 will be the starting date for the loan program. Initial loan funds will be disbursed within 2 years. Repayment of loan principal will revclve back to the STAR Business RLP to be used on future loans. N:l)'u1TSTAR\LOAN C ITY.R L P s�uNr v�u� STAR - PROGRAM �� ATTACHMENT C Resolution 96-1463 Establishing a STAR Neighborhood Business Revotving Loan Program FINANCING PLAN: Current Amended Neighborhood STAR Revenue Transferred Budget Change ' Budget ' Neighborhood STAR Loan Program P7-930-90305-7304-00000 0 500,000 50q,000 Neighborhood STAR Grant Program � P7-930-90306-7304-00000 0 50,000 50,000 Totals 0 550,0�0 $550,000 . SPENDING PLAN Current ` Amended <. Dept. of Planning & Economic Development ' Budget ' Change Budget Neighborhood STAR Program STAR Business RLP P7 930-90305-0547-77103 0 500,000 500,000 P7-930-90306-0547-77103 0 50,00� 50,000 Totals 0 550,000 $550,000 N:VM'['STARW TTA CHC.96