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01-239Council File # O — ORIGINAL �� 2 0 7 10 Refened To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 106801 Date RESOLVED, that Resolution 98-971 regazdiug shift differenrial for the non-represented "Speciai EmploymenY' group tifles ofLife Guard, Water Safety Instructor, Swimming pool Supervisor and SeniorPool Attendant be recinded; and be it RESOLVED that a shift differential of five percent (5%) for each hour worked between 2 a.m. and 2 p.m. for the non-represented "Speciai EmploymenY' group title"s of Life Guard, Water Safety Instructor, Swimining Pool Supervisor and Senior Pool Attendant be established. This shift differential shall only be paid for hours worked between 2 a.m. and 2 p.m. during the school year (after Labor Day and before Memorial Day); and be it FINALLY RESOLVED that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its adoption by the Council and subsequent approval by the Mayor. Requested by Department of: Office of Human Resources By: n� Form Approved by City Attorney By: �\�` _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to CouncIl Adoption Certified by CouncIl Secretary �.. � -.. . � ►. - �/ i f / �i �� , i� , li/ /,i i i _ �ii �ir �.r � -i / AdoptedbyCouncil: Date �v\,.����k � � ��_�39 ., . - DEPARTMENI'/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INITIATED Gg�EN SHEET No.:106801 Office of Human Resources 02/26/Ol CONTACl' PERSON & PHONE: BY11'IA1/DATE INI17e1LDATE Lisa MCKeown 266-6479 � aFSnxxr.mvr nm'�`�2 �et a c�rr cwiacv. MazkRobertson266-6471 ^�� R z�� �� 1191ti. �.� ROUfING ORDER �QIpTlCIAL SEItV DIlt FINANCIAL SIItV/ACC[G MUST BE OIV COUIvCII. AGEi�'DA BY (DATE) 3�lOR(ORASST.) As soon as possible TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 2 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATORE) ' AC1'iox 1tEQ�res1'ED: Approval of the resolution to update shift differential language for the non-represented "Special EmploymenY' group tifles of Life Guazd, Senior Pool Attendant, Water Safety Instructor and Swiuuning Pool Supervisor. RECOMINENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MIJSI AIVSWER THE FOLLOWING QUEST[ONS: I. Has tltis persoWfirm ever worked mder a convact fm this depazm�ent7 _PLANNINGCOMIvIISSION Yu No _Cffi CONIIvIITCEE 2. Has Uds pe�sou/fi}m ever beeu a city employee? CIVII,SERVICECOMhIISSION Yes Na 3. Doestltispersadfirmpossessaslallnotno�mallyposussedbyanycunentcityemployeel Yes No 4. Is itis pe�sodfvm a tazgeted veudor7 Yes No Expiain au ye: ausweis on sepance sheet and attach to greeo sheet INITTATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7'1 (K'ho, What, When, Where, Why): Employees holding the ritles of Life Guazd, Senior Pool Attendant, Water Safety Instructor and Swimming Pool Supervisor are either represented by AFSCME Council #14 or are part of the non-represented "Special EmploymenY' group. Cunently, the language regarding shift differential for these titles represented by AFSCME #14 is different than the language for these ritles in the "Special EmploymenY' goup. This resolution will provide consistency in payment of shift differential. AAVAi�"['AGES IF APPROVED: . Payment of shi8 differential will be the same for the rides of Life Guard, Senior Pool Attendant, Water Safety Inshuctor and Swimming Pool Supervisor represented by AFSCME Council #14 and the same riUes which aze part of the non-represented "Special EmploymenP' gi'onP• RFGElUED � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED; FEB /� � ZOO� NONE. �E� f n z'�S`'`3 • fl�AYOR'S OFFIC£ n .. � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Tnconsistency of payment of shift differential to Life Guards, Senior Pool Attendants, Water Safety Instructor and Swimming Pooi Supervisor. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGET'ED: YES FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: N/A �.�33��!��? �.`-:'�?`,,;� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) G:VSharW�ClassiflCI,ASSU2esolutious&OMinances\$ewsheetlifrguard.wpd � � � , d fi' � E Additional Information o t-a�q October 21, 1998 City Council Action Minutes �c�opted �'eas - o tia� - 0 14. Re=olu�on -°8-071 - Pro ��dina a s��. cii�.renaa� ior emploi�ee_ �'�Oi�iLIl� Il? L1� I i�ZPL�Q_ �2u10- �00� _�.i�_IlQ2PL �T1Q �C�,'i"mi�c �00! Jll�°� L7507 iiac: cI L� �J.`--�-� ?001 G��S': �:.� i n: IlO't?r= O_ o:�O fl.� . cuG �:OO �.ui. 1•IQIIf'Sc� u10L?' i P_�a._ D°�'v��Il L20G� Dav znd Memorial D2� AdoDted �'eas - 6 \a��s - 0 Pa�e 3 p�-a�1 �_. � An Adr,unistrative Resolution estzblishinE ?_ 51.00 sn:= ei::�rer,:i21 ior e;-� V �.ploy�es wrorkin� in t:,e Liie�+szrd, Se.aor Poo? Atcendznt a-d Sw�r,�iu�g pool Supe:tizsor ti:I�s zt tn� O,�ord Pool'oe:c�re�n tn�'raou:s Q* 0:30 z. ,—,:. zne 2:00 p. m.,l�onda5� - rriezy, b�.w�ea I.zber Day and �ter,:o�ei Dz-y. RESOLVED, thzt there b� a shifr-dirzrential for emoloyees wor'.cins ir, the Lifeguard, Se:uor Pool Attendant znd S�c�imming Poo1 Super�,�sor ciassir;cations at the Oxford Pool between the hours of 6:30 a. m. and 2:00 p. m., ?�Sonday - Friday, between Labor Day and Memori2l Day; znd be it � a 19 o �- FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution sha11 take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its adoption by the Council and subsequent approval by the Mayor. - - - ;m� � -�v =�� =- _ _ - = e • ;�3» b:.�� � � �* ? . a ,j trn�� . x . � y; � , � �.= iEPARTMENT/OFFSCFJCOUNCIL: ,ABOR RELATIONS :ONTACT PERSON & PHONE: ULIE KRAUS 266-6513 lUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE� 'OTAL � OF SIG�i IATURE pAGFS AT.i- LOC�i2ION SF ORSI�xiTAT[RtE� - - � - - , �.- -- - - - -- .- . �• �criox xEQuFSrsn: This resolutioa approves the attached Stipulation Agreement beiween the Ciry of Saim Paul aad �'SCME Council #14 to iaclude the tides of Life Guard, Senior Pool Attendan� Sw� ,inff Fool Supervisor and . Nater Safety Instructor within the Technicai Employees B ;*+;n; Unit. �ECOMIv�NDA1IONS: Appmve (A) or Reject (R) " PLANNiNG COMIvIISSION CIVIL SIItVICE CAMbIISSION Cffi COMIvIlTIEE _SI'AFF _DISTRICT COURT 17PPORTS A'HICH COUNCII. OBJECRVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACSS MUSI'ANSWER'IHE FOLLOWIl`IG� QUES170NS: „ . 1. Haa this pasonlfvm cvu wotked tmder a convact fiorthis � Ya No Z H� this petsod5rm ever been a city empioyx? . Ya No 3. Does this persadHrm po� a stdil not aovmily possessed Ly arty a¢mnt eity Y�s No Ezpiain ali yn sonvers ou xp�nte sheei and attach to g�sen s6eet NITfATING PROBLEM, LSSUE, OPPORTUNRY (Whq Whay Whm, Where, Why): �F'SCME Council #14 peritioned the Bureau of Mediation Services to represent employees in the above-mentioned itles. �DVANTAGFS IF APPROVED: :mployees who meet the legal requirements to be represented will be represented. )ISADVANTAGES IF APPRO�!ED: JOIIe 315ADVANTAGFS IF NOT APPROVED: 3mployees not provided with legal right to representation. COTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: VNDING SOURCE: DATE A`IISATED GREEN SHEET No.: 10366 o�-a January 23, 2001 p ATE 7MI7ALDATS ASSIGN 1 DEPAR'it�NL D 4 L1T°I COUNCII, - NIIMBER 2 CITY ATSO QTY CLERK FOR BUDGEI DIR FSN. & MGT. SERVtCE DIIt � ROU2'II'IG 3 MAYOR (ORASS?.) ORDER cosrrxEVExvE avucsrsn: arnvrrYx[mtsF.x: �'(ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) CounciI File # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Referred To Grean Sheet # 10366 D i-� .���.. �.: RESOLVED, that the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies ihe attached 2 4 Stipulation Agresment between the City of Saint Pau1 and AFSCiv� Couacil �14 to include the ritles of Life Guard, Senior Pool Attendant, SwiT*+**�;ng pool Supervisor and Water Safety Instructor within the Technical Employees Bar�aining Unit Requested by Departrnent of Office of Labor ReSa2ions Adopcion Czrtitied by Council Secretary By: ApQroved 6y Mayor: Date BY' By: ������' �llC� Faan Appro ed Attorn� [ By: Approved 6y Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date ��� Stipulation Agreement Delineation of Regresented and Non-represented Employees City of St. Paui Aquatics in the foilowing classifications: Life Guard Senior Pool Attendant Swimming Pool Supervisor Water Safety Instructor Subject to the terms listed below, the AFSCME Council 14 and the City of St. Paui agree to the inclusion of the classifications listed above within the Technical Employee Bargaining Unit. This amendment of the bargaining unit will include a11 employees in the four classifications listed above who work at O�'ord Pool during the schooi year and who meet the definition of a"public employee" as defined by the MN Public Employment Labor Relations Act (PELRA), M. 5.179a. That is, employees in the above titles who work 14 hours or more per week (35% of a normal forty hour workweek) for 67 or more days/year will be included in the Technical Bargaining Unit. All hours worked in any of the above classifications shall be considered in determining inclusion in the bazgaining unit. The initial group of employees being moved to the bazgaining unit is attached to this stipulation as Attachment A. 2. Such employees identified in #I above who work at Oxford Pool during the school year but who are temporarily assigned to outdoor pools during the summer season shall -_ __- remain in the bargaining unit during the outdoor assignment, provided their hours worked per week remains above the 14 hours threshold. It is understood that a non-represented version of each of the four classifications listed above will continue to exist in the "Special Employment" group. Any Oxford Pool employee in the above classifications who does not meet the terms of #1 and #2 above shall remain in this Special Employment group. In addition, unless covered by #2 above, ail summer pooUbeach staffat all locations are considered seasonal staffwho do not meet the definition of "public employee" and therefore will remain in the Speciai Employment group. 4. Oxford Pool employees who aze placed in the bargaining unit under the terms of #1 above will be eligibie for benefits as described in the collective bargaining agreement with the Technical Unit with the foilowing amendment: 3.13 Morning Differential: Oaford Pool em�l,oyees re�resented bv this unit in the titles Life Cruard Water SafetYInstructor, Swirmming Pool Suoervisor and Senior hours worked between 2 a m and 2 n m durins the school yeaz lafter Labor Day and before Memorial Davl T'hese empiovees shail not be eligible for the Night Differential described below. o►-1 i. Night Differential: To any employee exce�the Oxford Pool emplovees described above........ 5. The Department of Parks and Recreation reserves the right to determine the moming premium or shift differential (if any) for O�'ord Pool employees in the above tities who remain in the Sgecial Employment group. 6. No less than once each September, the City will review the number of hours worked during the previous schooi year by the Oxford employees in the indicated tides. Employees will be moved in and out of the unit at that time, based on the PELRA definition of "public employee" and tlus stipulation. Movement in or out of the unit will be processed according to standard City procedures. Both the City and the Union reserve the right to review hours at other times dwing the year and request adjustments in situations where an employee's hours indicate that a change of "public employee" status may have occurred. [It is understood that tke number of hours worked that is required for public employee status is less than the number of hours worked that is required for benefit eligibility status.] 7. In the event the City were to operate other year around swimming pools, the parties wilI meet and confer to discuss the impact (if any) of this stipulation on the new situation. For the Union For he E ployer �� � � � zz��t 7erry erfli , Assist t t ector thy Megarry, R irector AFSCNIE uncil N . 14 `�i �. % �J R,�a�.,,J Robin Madsen, Pr ident AFSCME Local 1842 Approved as to form 7ohn McCormicl� Asst City Atty ot-��g Attachment A In accordance with the attached stipularion agreement, the following initial group of empioyees are to be included in the Technicai Employee Bargaining Unit e$'ective beginning the first pay period following final approval of the City Council and Mayor: Aaron Asplund Sazah Auel Mike FahIand Laura Hume Acacia Huss Anna Lloyd Justin Novak 7i11 Rodriques Dustin Thune Aaron Zirzow Council File # O — ORIGINAL �� 2 0 7 10 Refened To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 106801 Date RESOLVED, that Resolution 98-971 regazdiug shift differenrial for the non-represented "Speciai EmploymenY' group tifles ofLife Guard, Water Safety Instructor, Swimming pool Supervisor and SeniorPool Attendant be recinded; and be it RESOLVED that a shift differential of five percent (5%) for each hour worked between 2 a.m. and 2 p.m. for the non-represented "Speciai EmploymenY' group title"s of Life Guard, Water Safety Instructor, Swimining Pool Supervisor and Senior Pool Attendant be established. This shift differential shall only be paid for hours worked between 2 a.m. and 2 p.m. during the school year (after Labor Day and before Memorial Day); and be it FINALLY RESOLVED that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its adoption by the Council and subsequent approval by the Mayor. Requested by Department of: Office of Human Resources By: n� Form Approved by City Attorney By: �\�` _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to CouncIl Adoption Certified by CouncIl Secretary �.. � -.. . � ►. - �/ i f / �i �� , i� , li/ /,i i i _ �ii �ir �.r � -i / AdoptedbyCouncil: Date �v\,.����k � � ��_�39 ., . - DEPARTMENI'/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INITIATED Gg�EN SHEET No.:106801 Office of Human Resources 02/26/Ol CONTACl' PERSON & PHONE: BY11'IA1/DATE INI17e1LDATE Lisa MCKeown 266-6479 � aFSnxxr.mvr nm'�`�2 �et a c�rr cwiacv. MazkRobertson266-6471 ^�� R z�� �� 1191ti. �.� ROUfING ORDER �QIpTlCIAL SEItV DIlt FINANCIAL SIItV/ACC[G MUST BE OIV COUIvCII. AGEi�'DA BY (DATE) 3�lOR(ORASST.) As soon as possible TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 2 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATORE) ' AC1'iox 1tEQ�res1'ED: Approval of the resolution to update shift differential language for the non-represented "Special EmploymenY' group tifles of Life Guazd, Senior Pool Attendant, Water Safety Instructor and Swiuuning Pool Supervisor. RECOMINENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MIJSI AIVSWER THE FOLLOWING QUEST[ONS: I. Has tltis persoWfirm ever worked mder a convact fm this depazm�ent7 _PLANNINGCOMIvIISSION Yu No _Cffi CONIIvIITCEE 2. Has Uds pe�sou/fi}m ever beeu a city employee? CIVII,SERVICECOMhIISSION Yes Na 3. Doestltispersadfirmpossessaslallnotno�mallyposussedbyanycunentcityemployeel Yes No 4. Is itis pe�sodfvm a tazgeted veudor7 Yes No Expiain au ye: ausweis on sepance sheet and attach to greeo sheet INITTATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7'1 (K'ho, What, When, Where, Why): Employees holding the ritles of Life Guazd, Senior Pool Attendant, Water Safety Instructor and Swimming Pool Supervisor are either represented by AFSCME Council #14 or are part of the non-represented "Special EmploymenY' group. Cunently, the language regarding shift differential for these titles represented by AFSCME #14 is different than the language for these ritles in the "Special EmploymenY' goup. This resolution will provide consistency in payment of shift differential. AAVAi�"['AGES IF APPROVED: . Payment of shi8 differential will be the same for the rides of Life Guard, Senior Pool Attendant, Water Safety Inshuctor and Swimming Pool Supervisor represented by AFSCME Council #14 and the same riUes which aze part of the non-represented "Special EmploymenP' gi'onP• RFGElUED � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED; FEB /� � ZOO� NONE. �E� f n z'�S`'`3 • fl�AYOR'S OFFIC£ n .. � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Tnconsistency of payment of shift differential to Life Guards, Senior Pool Attendants, Water Safety Instructor and Swimming Pooi Supervisor. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGET'ED: YES FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: N/A �.�33��!��? �.`-:'�?`,,;� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) G:VSharW�ClassiflCI,ASSU2esolutious&OMinances\$ewsheetlifrguard.wpd � � � , d fi' � E Additional Information o t-a�q October 21, 1998 City Council Action Minutes �c�opted �'eas - o tia� - 0 14. Re=olu�on -°8-071 - Pro ��dina a s��. cii�.renaa� ior emploi�ee_ �'�Oi�iLIl� Il? L1� I i�ZPL�Q_ �2u10- �00� _�.i�_IlQ2PL �T1Q �C�,'i"mi�c �00! Jll�°� L7507 iiac: cI L� �J.`--�-� ?001 G��S': �:.� i n: IlO't?r= O_ o:�O fl.� . cuG �:OO �.ui. 1•IQIIf'Sc� u10L?' i P_�a._ D°�'v��Il L20G� Dav znd Memorial D2� AdoDted �'eas - 6 \a��s - 0 Pa�e 3 p�-a�1 �_. � An Adr,unistrative Resolution estzblishinE ?_ 51.00 sn:= ei::�rer,:i21 ior e;-� V �.ploy�es wrorkin� in t:,e Liie�+szrd, Se.aor Poo? Atcendznt a-d Sw�r,�iu�g pool Supe:tizsor ti:I�s zt tn� O,�ord Pool'oe:c�re�n tn�'raou:s Q* 0:30 z. ,—,:. zne 2:00 p. m.,l�onda5� - rriezy, b�.w�ea I.zber Day and �ter,:o�ei Dz-y. RESOLVED, thzt there b� a shifr-dirzrential for emoloyees wor'.cins ir, the Lifeguard, Se:uor Pool Attendant znd S�c�imming Poo1 Super�,�sor ciassir;cations at the Oxford Pool between the hours of 6:30 a. m. and 2:00 p. m., ?�Sonday - Friday, between Labor Day and Memori2l Day; znd be it � a 19 o �- FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution sha11 take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its adoption by the Council and subsequent approval by the Mayor. - - - ;m� � -�v =�� =- _ _ - = e • ;�3» b:.�� � � �* ? . a ,j trn�� . x . � y; � , � �.= iEPARTMENT/OFFSCFJCOUNCIL: ,ABOR RELATIONS :ONTACT PERSON & PHONE: ULIE KRAUS 266-6513 lUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE� 'OTAL � OF SIG�i IATURE pAGFS AT.i- LOC�i2ION SF ORSI�xiTAT[RtE� - - � - - , �.- -- - - - -- .- . �• �criox xEQuFSrsn: This resolutioa approves the attached Stipulation Agreement beiween the Ciry of Saim Paul aad �'SCME Council #14 to iaclude the tides of Life Guard, Senior Pool Attendan� Sw� ,inff Fool Supervisor and . Nater Safety Instructor within the Technicai Employees B ;*+;n; Unit. �ECOMIv�NDA1IONS: Appmve (A) or Reject (R) " PLANNiNG COMIvIISSION CIVIL SIItVICE CAMbIISSION Cffi COMIvIlTIEE _SI'AFF _DISTRICT COURT 17PPORTS A'HICH COUNCII. OBJECRVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACSS MUSI'ANSWER'IHE FOLLOWIl`IG� QUES170NS: „ . 1. Haa this pasonlfvm cvu wotked tmder a convact fiorthis � Ya No Z H� this petsod5rm ever been a city empioyx? . Ya No 3. Does this persadHrm po� a stdil not aovmily possessed Ly arty a¢mnt eity Y�s No Ezpiain ali yn sonvers ou xp�nte sheei and attach to g�sen s6eet NITfATING PROBLEM, LSSUE, OPPORTUNRY (Whq Whay Whm, Where, Why): �F'SCME Council #14 peritioned the Bureau of Mediation Services to represent employees in the above-mentioned itles. �DVANTAGFS IF APPROVED: :mployees who meet the legal requirements to be represented will be represented. )ISADVANTAGES IF APPRO�!ED: JOIIe 315ADVANTAGFS IF NOT APPROVED: 3mployees not provided with legal right to representation. COTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: VNDING SOURCE: DATE A`IISATED GREEN SHEET No.: 10366 o�-a January 23, 2001 p ATE 7MI7ALDATS ASSIGN 1 DEPAR'it�NL D 4 L1T°I COUNCII, - NIIMBER 2 CITY ATSO QTY CLERK FOR BUDGEI DIR FSN. & MGT. SERVtCE DIIt � ROU2'II'IG 3 MAYOR (ORASS?.) ORDER cosrrxEVExvE avucsrsn: arnvrrYx[mtsF.x: �'(ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) CounciI File # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Referred To Grean Sheet # 10366 D i-� .���.. �.: RESOLVED, that the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies ihe attached 2 4 Stipulation Agresment between the City of Saint Pau1 and AFSCiv� Couacil �14 to include the ritles of Life Guard, Senior Pool Attendant, SwiT*+**�;ng pool Supervisor and Water Safety Instructor within the Technical Employees Bar�aining Unit Requested by Departrnent of Office of Labor ReSa2ions Adopcion Czrtitied by Council Secretary By: ApQroved 6y Mayor: Date BY' By: ������' �llC� Faan Appro ed Attorn� [ By: Approved 6y Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date ��� Stipulation Agreement Delineation of Regresented and Non-represented Employees City of St. Paui Aquatics in the foilowing classifications: Life Guard Senior Pool Attendant Swimming Pool Supervisor Water Safety Instructor Subject to the terms listed below, the AFSCME Council 14 and the City of St. Paui agree to the inclusion of the classifications listed above within the Technical Employee Bargaining Unit. This amendment of the bargaining unit will include a11 employees in the four classifications listed above who work at O�'ord Pool during the schooi year and who meet the definition of a"public employee" as defined by the MN Public Employment Labor Relations Act (PELRA), M. 5.179a. That is, employees in the above titles who work 14 hours or more per week (35% of a normal forty hour workweek) for 67 or more days/year will be included in the Technical Bargaining Unit. All hours worked in any of the above classifications shall be considered in determining inclusion in the bazgaining unit. The initial group of employees being moved to the bazgaining unit is attached to this stipulation as Attachment A. 2. Such employees identified in #I above who work at Oxford Pool during the school year but who are temporarily assigned to outdoor pools during the summer season shall -_ __- remain in the bargaining unit during the outdoor assignment, provided their hours worked per week remains above the 14 hours threshold. It is understood that a non-represented version of each of the four classifications listed above will continue to exist in the "Special Employment" group. Any Oxford Pool employee in the above classifications who does not meet the terms of #1 and #2 above shall remain in this Special Employment group. In addition, unless covered by #2 above, ail summer pooUbeach staffat all locations are considered seasonal staffwho do not meet the definition of "public employee" and therefore will remain in the Speciai Employment group. 4. Oxford Pool employees who aze placed in the bargaining unit under the terms of #1 above will be eligibie for benefits as described in the collective bargaining agreement with the Technical Unit with the foilowing amendment: 3.13 Morning Differential: Oaford Pool em�l,oyees re�resented bv this unit in the titles Life Cruard Water SafetYInstructor, Swirmming Pool Suoervisor and Senior hours worked between 2 a m and 2 n m durins the school yeaz lafter Labor Day and before Memorial Davl T'hese empiovees shail not be eligible for the Night Differential described below. o►-1 i. Night Differential: To any employee exce�the Oxford Pool emplovees described above........ 5. The Department of Parks and Recreation reserves the right to determine the moming premium or shift differential (if any) for O�'ord Pool employees in the above tities who remain in the Sgecial Employment group. 6. No less than once each September, the City will review the number of hours worked during the previous schooi year by the Oxford employees in the indicated tides. Employees will be moved in and out of the unit at that time, based on the PELRA definition of "public employee" and tlus stipulation. Movement in or out of the unit will be processed according to standard City procedures. Both the City and the Union reserve the right to review hours at other times dwing the year and request adjustments in situations where an employee's hours indicate that a change of "public employee" status may have occurred. [It is understood that tke number of hours worked that is required for public employee status is less than the number of hours worked that is required for benefit eligibility status.] 7. In the event the City were to operate other year around swimming pools, the parties wilI meet and confer to discuss the impact (if any) of this stipulation on the new situation. For the Union For he E ployer �� � � � zz��t 7erry erfli , Assist t t ector thy Megarry, R irector AFSCNIE uncil N . 14 `�i �. % �J R,�a�.,,J Robin Madsen, Pr ident AFSCME Local 1842 Approved as to form 7ohn McCormicl� Asst City Atty ot-��g Attachment A In accordance with the attached stipularion agreement, the following initial group of empioyees are to be included in the Technicai Employee Bargaining Unit e$'ective beginning the first pay period following final approval of the City Council and Mayor: Aaron Asplund Sazah Auel Mike FahIand Laura Hume Acacia Huss Anna Lloyd Justin Novak 7i11 Rodriques Dustin Thune Aaron Zirzow Council File # O — ORIGINAL �� 2 0 7 10 Refened To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 106801 Date RESOLVED, that Resolution 98-971 regazdiug shift differenrial for the non-represented "Speciai EmploymenY' group tifles ofLife Guard, Water Safety Instructor, Swimming pool Supervisor and SeniorPool Attendant be recinded; and be it RESOLVED that a shift differential of five percent (5%) for each hour worked between 2 a.m. and 2 p.m. for the non-represented "Speciai EmploymenY' group title"s of Life Guard, Water Safety Instructor, Swimining Pool Supervisor and Senior Pool Attendant be established. This shift differential shall only be paid for hours worked between 2 a.m. and 2 p.m. during the school year (after Labor Day and before Memorial Day); and be it FINALLY RESOLVED that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its adoption by the Council and subsequent approval by the Mayor. Requested by Department of: Office of Human Resources By: n� Form Approved by City Attorney By: �\�` _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to CouncIl Adoption Certified by CouncIl Secretary �.. � -.. . � ►. - �/ i f / �i �� , i� , li/ /,i i i _ �ii �ir �.r � -i / AdoptedbyCouncil: Date �v\,.����k � � ��_�39 ., . - DEPARTMENI'/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INITIATED Gg�EN SHEET No.:106801 Office of Human Resources 02/26/Ol CONTACl' PERSON & PHONE: BY11'IA1/DATE INI17e1LDATE Lisa MCKeown 266-6479 � aFSnxxr.mvr nm'�`�2 �et a c�rr cwiacv. MazkRobertson266-6471 ^�� R z�� �� 1191ti. �.� ROUfING ORDER �QIpTlCIAL SEItV DIlt FINANCIAL SIItV/ACC[G MUST BE OIV COUIvCII. AGEi�'DA BY (DATE) 3�lOR(ORASST.) As soon as possible TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 2 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATORE) ' AC1'iox 1tEQ�res1'ED: Approval of the resolution to update shift differential language for the non-represented "Special EmploymenY' group tifles of Life Guazd, Senior Pool Attendant, Water Safety Instructor and Swiuuning Pool Supervisor. RECOMINENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MIJSI AIVSWER THE FOLLOWING QUEST[ONS: I. Has tltis persoWfirm ever worked mder a convact fm this depazm�ent7 _PLANNINGCOMIvIISSION Yu No _Cffi CONIIvIITCEE 2. Has Uds pe�sou/fi}m ever beeu a city employee? CIVII,SERVICECOMhIISSION Yes Na 3. Doestltispersadfirmpossessaslallnotno�mallyposussedbyanycunentcityemployeel Yes No 4. Is itis pe�sodfvm a tazgeted veudor7 Yes No Expiain au ye: ausweis on sepance sheet and attach to greeo sheet INITTATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7'1 (K'ho, What, When, Where, Why): Employees holding the ritles of Life Guazd, Senior Pool Attendant, Water Safety Instructor and Swimming Pool Supervisor are either represented by AFSCME Council #14 or are part of the non-represented "Special EmploymenY' group. Cunently, the language regarding shift differential for these titles represented by AFSCME #14 is different than the language for these ritles in the "Special EmploymenY' goup. This resolution will provide consistency in payment of shift differential. AAVAi�"['AGES IF APPROVED: . Payment of shi8 differential will be the same for the rides of Life Guard, Senior Pool Attendant, Water Safety Inshuctor and Swimming Pool Supervisor represented by AFSCME Council #14 and the same riUes which aze part of the non-represented "Special EmploymenP' gi'onP• RFGElUED � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED; FEB /� � ZOO� NONE. �E� f n z'�S`'`3 • fl�AYOR'S OFFIC£ n .. � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Tnconsistency of payment of shift differential to Life Guards, Senior Pool Attendants, Water Safety Instructor and Swimming Pooi Supervisor. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGET'ED: YES FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: N/A �.�33��!��? �.`-:'�?`,,;� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) G:VSharW�ClassiflCI,ASSU2esolutious&OMinances\$ewsheetlifrguard.wpd � � � , d fi' � E Additional Information o t-a�q October 21, 1998 City Council Action Minutes �c�opted �'eas - o tia� - 0 14. Re=olu�on -°8-071 - Pro ��dina a s��. cii�.renaa� ior emploi�ee_ �'�Oi�iLIl� Il? L1� I i�ZPL�Q_ �2u10- �00� _�.i�_IlQ2PL �T1Q �C�,'i"mi�c �00! Jll�°� L7507 iiac: cI L� �J.`--�-� ?001 G��S': �:.� i n: IlO't?r= O_ o:�O fl.� . cuG �:OO �.ui. 1•IQIIf'Sc� u10L?' i P_�a._ D°�'v��Il L20G� Dav znd Memorial D2� AdoDted �'eas - 6 \a��s - 0 Pa�e 3 p�-a�1 �_. � An Adr,unistrative Resolution estzblishinE ?_ 51.00 sn:= ei::�rer,:i21 ior e;-� V �.ploy�es wrorkin� in t:,e Liie�+szrd, Se.aor Poo? Atcendznt a-d Sw�r,�iu�g pool Supe:tizsor ti:I�s zt tn� O,�ord Pool'oe:c�re�n tn�'raou:s Q* 0:30 z. ,—,:. zne 2:00 p. m.,l�onda5� - rriezy, b�.w�ea I.zber Day and �ter,:o�ei Dz-y. RESOLVED, thzt there b� a shifr-dirzrential for emoloyees wor'.cins ir, the Lifeguard, Se:uor Pool Attendant znd S�c�imming Poo1 Super�,�sor ciassir;cations at the Oxford Pool between the hours of 6:30 a. m. and 2:00 p. m., ?�Sonday - Friday, between Labor Day and Memori2l Day; znd be it � a 19 o �- FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution sha11 take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its adoption by the Council and subsequent approval by the Mayor. - - - ;m� � -�v =�� =- _ _ - = e • ;�3» b:.�� � � �* ? . a ,j trn�� . x . � y; � , � �.= iEPARTMENT/OFFSCFJCOUNCIL: ,ABOR RELATIONS :ONTACT PERSON & PHONE: ULIE KRAUS 266-6513 lUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE� 'OTAL � OF SIG�i IATURE pAGFS AT.i- LOC�i2ION SF ORSI�xiTAT[RtE� - - � - - , �.- -- - - - -- .- . �• �criox xEQuFSrsn: This resolutioa approves the attached Stipulation Agreement beiween the Ciry of Saim Paul aad �'SCME Council #14 to iaclude the tides of Life Guard, Senior Pool Attendan� Sw� ,inff Fool Supervisor and . Nater Safety Instructor within the Technicai Employees B ;*+;n; Unit. �ECOMIv�NDA1IONS: Appmve (A) or Reject (R) " PLANNiNG COMIvIISSION CIVIL SIItVICE CAMbIISSION Cffi COMIvIlTIEE _SI'AFF _DISTRICT COURT 17PPORTS A'HICH COUNCII. OBJECRVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACSS MUSI'ANSWER'IHE FOLLOWIl`IG� QUES170NS: „ . 1. Haa this pasonlfvm cvu wotked tmder a convact fiorthis � Ya No Z H� this petsod5rm ever been a city empioyx? . Ya No 3. Does this persadHrm po� a stdil not aovmily possessed Ly arty a¢mnt eity Y�s No Ezpiain ali yn sonvers ou xp�nte sheei and attach to g�sen s6eet NITfATING PROBLEM, LSSUE, OPPORTUNRY (Whq Whay Whm, Where, Why): �F'SCME Council #14 peritioned the Bureau of Mediation Services to represent employees in the above-mentioned itles. �DVANTAGFS IF APPROVED: :mployees who meet the legal requirements to be represented will be represented. )ISADVANTAGES IF APPRO�!ED: JOIIe 315ADVANTAGFS IF NOT APPROVED: 3mployees not provided with legal right to representation. COTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: VNDING SOURCE: DATE A`IISATED GREEN SHEET No.: 10366 o�-a January 23, 2001 p ATE 7MI7ALDATS ASSIGN 1 DEPAR'it�NL D 4 L1T°I COUNCII, - NIIMBER 2 CITY ATSO QTY CLERK FOR BUDGEI DIR FSN. & MGT. SERVtCE DIIt � ROU2'II'IG 3 MAYOR (ORASS?.) ORDER cosrrxEVExvE avucsrsn: arnvrrYx[mtsF.x: �'(ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) CounciI File # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Referred To Grean Sheet # 10366 D i-� .���.. �.: RESOLVED, that the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies ihe attached 2 4 Stipulation Agresment between the City of Saint Pau1 and AFSCiv� Couacil �14 to include the ritles of Life Guard, Senior Pool Attendant, SwiT*+**�;ng pool Supervisor and Water Safety Instructor within the Technical Employees Bar�aining Unit Requested by Departrnent of Office of Labor ReSa2ions Adopcion Czrtitied by Council Secretary By: ApQroved 6y Mayor: Date BY' By: ������' �llC� Faan Appro ed Attorn� [ By: Approved 6y Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date ��� Stipulation Agreement Delineation of Regresented and Non-represented Employees City of St. Paui Aquatics in the foilowing classifications: Life Guard Senior Pool Attendant Swimming Pool Supervisor Water Safety Instructor Subject to the terms listed below, the AFSCME Council 14 and the City of St. Paui agree to the inclusion of the classifications listed above within the Technical Employee Bargaining Unit. This amendment of the bargaining unit will include a11 employees in the four classifications listed above who work at O�'ord Pool during the schooi year and who meet the definition of a"public employee" as defined by the MN Public Employment Labor Relations Act (PELRA), M. 5.179a. That is, employees in the above titles who work 14 hours or more per week (35% of a normal forty hour workweek) for 67 or more days/year will be included in the Technical Bargaining Unit. All hours worked in any of the above classifications shall be considered in determining inclusion in the bazgaining unit. The initial group of employees being moved to the bazgaining unit is attached to this stipulation as Attachment A. 2. Such employees identified in #I above who work at Oxford Pool during the school year but who are temporarily assigned to outdoor pools during the summer season shall -_ __- remain in the bargaining unit during the outdoor assignment, provided their hours worked per week remains above the 14 hours threshold. It is understood that a non-represented version of each of the four classifications listed above will continue to exist in the "Special Employment" group. Any Oxford Pool employee in the above classifications who does not meet the terms of #1 and #2 above shall remain in this Special Employment group. In addition, unless covered by #2 above, ail summer pooUbeach staffat all locations are considered seasonal staffwho do not meet the definition of "public employee" and therefore will remain in the Speciai Employment group. 4. Oxford Pool employees who aze placed in the bargaining unit under the terms of #1 above will be eligibie for benefits as described in the collective bargaining agreement with the Technical Unit with the foilowing amendment: 3.13 Morning Differential: Oaford Pool em�l,oyees re�resented bv this unit in the titles Life Cruard Water SafetYInstructor, Swirmming Pool Suoervisor and Senior hours worked between 2 a m and 2 n m durins the school yeaz lafter Labor Day and before Memorial Davl T'hese empiovees shail not be eligible for the Night Differential described below. o►-1 i. Night Differential: To any employee exce�the Oxford Pool emplovees described above........ 5. The Department of Parks and Recreation reserves the right to determine the moming premium or shift differential (if any) for O�'ord Pool employees in the above tities who remain in the Sgecial Employment group. 6. No less than once each September, the City will review the number of hours worked during the previous schooi year by the Oxford employees in the indicated tides. Employees will be moved in and out of the unit at that time, based on the PELRA definition of "public employee" and tlus stipulation. Movement in or out of the unit will be processed according to standard City procedures. Both the City and the Union reserve the right to review hours at other times dwing the year and request adjustments in situations where an employee's hours indicate that a change of "public employee" status may have occurred. [It is understood that tke number of hours worked that is required for public employee status is less than the number of hours worked that is required for benefit eligibility status.] 7. In the event the City were to operate other year around swimming pools, the parties wilI meet and confer to discuss the impact (if any) of this stipulation on the new situation. For the Union For he E ployer �� � � � zz��t 7erry erfli , Assist t t ector thy Megarry, R irector AFSCNIE uncil N . 14 `�i �. % �J R,�a�.,,J Robin Madsen, Pr ident AFSCME Local 1842 Approved as to form 7ohn McCormicl� Asst City Atty ot-��g Attachment A In accordance with the attached stipularion agreement, the following initial group of empioyees are to be included in the Technicai Employee Bargaining Unit e$'ective beginning the first pay period following final approval of the City Council and Mayor: Aaron Asplund Sazah Auel Mike FahIand Laura Hume Acacia Huss Anna Lloyd Justin Novak 7i11 Rodriques Dustin Thune Aaron Zirzow