96-1453 I Iq� Council File # b— 3 ��..��s� ,��.,.� � - 1� a� � Green sheet # 3� `�q � RESOLUTION CI SAINT P UL, MIN SOTA --- �� Presented By _� Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 WHEREAS, Marvin Lundquist, d!b/a Tires Plus, made application to the Saint Paul 3 Planning Commission for a special condition use permit to allow an auto specialty store 4 pursuant to the provisions of the Saint Paul Zoning Code for property located at 1144 5 Larpenteur Avenue West (south side between Lexington and Dunlap) and legally described as 6 the W 1/2 of Lot 11 and all of Lots 12, 13, and 14 Block 1; Clifton Dale Addition; and 7 8 WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission conducted a public 9 hearing on August 1, 1996, after having provided notice to affected property owners and 10 thereafter submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission. The said Commission, 11 in its resolution number 96-46, adopted August 9, 1996, granted the application based upon 12 the findings and conclusions in the resolution which shall be incorporated herein by reference; 13 and 14 15 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provision of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.206, 16 Marvin Lundquist, d/b/a Tires Plus, duly filed with the City Clerk an appeal from the 17 determination made by the Planning Commission and requested that a hearing be held before 18 the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; and 19 20 WHEREAS, acting pursuant to Legislative Code §§ 64.206 - 64.208 and upon notice 21 to affected parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on September 1 l, 22 1996, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard. On this same date, 23 the appeal of Concerned Residents of Como Park concerning the same Planning Commission 24 decision was also heard by the City Council in Council File No. 9L'/�`�`f ; and 25 26 WHEREAS, the Council, having heard the statements made and having considered the 27 application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Committee 28 and of the Planning Commission, does 29 30 RESOLVE, that the decision of the Planning Commission in this matter is hereby 31 affirmed based upon the following findings: 32 33 Appellant's Application for Appeal states that all conditions are acceptable 34 except condition number 5 which restricts the hours of operation. 35 36 Testimony before the Planning Commission and the City Council by 37 surrounding residents established concern about noise generated by the 38 applicant's operations and the impact of that noise on adjacent residential 39 property including the use of pneumatic tools, tire changing, air hoses as well 40 as service operations conducted while the service bay doors were left open. 41 42 The surrounding residents' concerns about noise generated by the proposed use 43 included testimony based upon personal observation of the applicants present s �.h9-�:�-�{ �, - �> >a� I �� q�_,�5 � 1 facility which is located near the intersection of Hamline and Larpenteur in the 2 City of Roseville. 3 4 The imposition of reduced hours as a special condition addresses the 5 surrounding residents' concerns about the noise generated by applicant's 6 operations and its impact on adjacent residential property. Accordingly, the 7 Council finds that the imposition of restricted operational hours was not based 8 upon any error as to fact or finding. 9 10 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that for the above stated reasons the appeal of Marvin 11 Lundquist d/b/a Tires Plus is hereby denied; and 12 13 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that based upon the appeal of the Concerned 14 Residents of Como Park as contained in Council File Na �+4 "�yS`� and the findings and 15 decision of this Council to grant that appeal, Marvin Lundquist, d/b/a Tires Plus, Inc., may 16 not operate a Tires Plus at the location above described; and 17 18 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution 19 to Marvin Lundquist, the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission. Y� Navs Absent Requested by Department of: a e ostrom arris ✓ uerin —� e ar � ettman �_ By. une � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ��z. ��1 \qq� �C�_�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary , / / By: �l��� �^ �('�6 By� �°`^�-�-- � • �� �---� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date '? �Gj Council , , By: � ti� By' .9C•1�53 CITY COUNCIL �11/15/9b �REEN SHEET N_ .36�491 � ��T�,�----- -- - ��,►� O DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY C�UMCIL aA � �CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MU il DA (OA ) �� �BUD(iET DIRECTOR �FlN.6 MOT.SERVICEB DIq. . ORDER �MI1YOp(OR ABSISTAN'n ❑ TOTAL#E OF 81QNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81GNATURE) ACTION REQUESTEO: Finalizing City Council Action taken on September ll, 1996, denying the appeal of Marvin Lundquist Tires Plus, 1144 Larpenteur .Avenue, to a condition imposed by the Planning Commiss n relating to hours of operation. �OO�ENDATtONS'Approw(��°�Ry�t�R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSrUER TNE FOL�OwIN�i WlEdTtON�d _PLAMNMIO CoMAA�8SI0N _CMl sERV�CE COMMISBKNr t Has lhis peponlfirm ever worked under a cOntract for thls depufrtlsttt? - _C��AAIITEE _ YES �NO , 2. Has lhiS pereon/flrm ever beM e City empbyee? —$T� — YE3 NO _DI8TRICT COURT _ 3. Does this PereoNfirm poseees e skUl not normNly poasesesd by any ou►roM cNy smplo�e? SuPPOHT8 wt1ICH c�uNCIL Os,IECTIVE4 YES NO Explsln all ya an�w�n on�r�b shsst and�ttaoh tss�ran shNt INITIATINfi PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPARTUNITV(Who.Mlh�.YVhsn�YVINre.WhYY ADVANTAGE8IF APPROVED: D18ADVMIT/1OE8 IF AP�IIED: DISADYAHTMiE8 IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION = COST/REVENUE BUDQETBp(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIN3 80URCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCII0.L INFORMAI'ION:(EXPLAIN) r � Council File # � 3 � � � �t- � � ' ` `�'� � E �`'� �: �_ Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNE�SOTA � i Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 WHEREAS, Marvin Lundquist, d/b/a Tires Plus, made application to the int Paul 3 Planning Commission for a special condition use permit to allow an auto speci store 4 pursuant to the provisions of the Saint Paul Zoning Code for property locate at 1144 5 Larpenteur Avenue West (south side between Lexington and Dunlap) and gally described as 6 the W 1/2 of Lot 11 and all of Lots 12, 13, and 14 Block l; Clifton Dal Addition; and 7 8 WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commis 'on conducted a public 9 hearing on August 1, 1996, after having provided notice to affecte property owners and 10 thereafter submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commi ion. The said Commission, 11 in its resolution number 96-46, adopted August 9, 1996, grant the application based upon 12 the findings and conclusions in the resolution which shall be ncorporated herein by reference; 13 and 14 15 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provision of Saint aul Legislative Code § 64.206, 16 Marvin Lundquist, d/b/a Tires Plus, duly filed with e City Clerk an appeal from the 17 determination made by the Planning Commission d requested that a hearing be held before 18 the City Council for the purpose of considering e actions taken by the said Commission; and 19 20 WHEREAS, acting pursuant to Legi ative Code §§ 64.206 - 64.208 and upon notice 21 to affected parties, a public hearing was d y conducted by the City Council on September 11, 22 1996, where all interested parties were ven an opportunity to be heard. On this same date, 23 the appeal of Concerned Residents of omo Park concerning the same Planning Commission 24 decision was also heard by the City ouncil in Council File No. .. 1 ; and 25 26 WHEREAS, the Counci having heard the statements made and having considered the 27 application, the report of staf the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Committee 28 and of the Planning Comm' sion, does 29 30 RESOLVE, that e decision of the Planning Commission in this matter is hereby 31 affirmed based upon e following findings: 32 33 Appellant' Application for Appeal states that all conditions are acceptable 34 except c dition number 5 which restricts the hours of operation. 35 36 Test' ony before the Planning Commission and the City Council by 37 s ounding residents established concern about noise generated by the 38 plicant's operations and the impact of that noise on adjacent residential 39 property including the use of pneumatic tools, tire changing, air hoses as well 40 as service operations conducted while the service bay doors were left open. 41 � 42 The surrounding residents' concerns about noise generated by the proposed use 43 included testimony based upon personal observation of the applicants present 1 facility which is located near the intersection of Hamline and Larpenteur in the a 2 City of Roseville. 1 �•� �'�'S3 3 4 The imposition of reduced hours as a special condition addresses the 5 surrounding residents' concerns about the noise generated by applicant's � 6 operations and its impact on adjacent residential property. Accordingly, the 7 Council finds that the imposition of restricted operational hours was not based 8 upon any error as to fact or finding. , 9 10 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that for the above stated reasons the appe of Marvin 11 Lundquist d/b/a Tires Plus is hereby denied; and 12 13 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy f this resolution 14 to Marvin Lundquist, the Zoning Administrator and the Pla.nning Commis on. �l �` � �� F � � �, I r , � t L � . . �_o Yeas Na s Absent Requested by Department of: a e ostrom arris uerin e ar ettman une B�'� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Counci . Date Adoption Certif' d by Council Secretary g : �y��„u��n/!�/iN/{.r..._ ��"�2-'"�� Y BY� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date By: By� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING a I I� S J &ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -``„ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Division of Planning Norm Coleman, Mayor 25 West Fourth Street Telephone: 612-266-6565 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Facsimile: 612-228-3314 � August 26, 1996 �un�� �A��� ��� Ms. Nancy Anderson �UG 2 7 t9�i City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall .e.,.: .. Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � --4" ."��""�°°"`""�'�' Dear Ms. Anderson: I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday September 11, 1996 for the following appeal of a Planning Commission decision granting a special condition use permit: Appellant: MARVIN LiJNDQUIST-TIRES PLUS File Number: #96-206 Purpose: Appeal a Planning Commission decision granting a special condition use permit to Marvin E. LundquistlTires Plus to allow an auto specialty store. Appellant is appealing a condition imposed by the Planning Commission relating to hours of operation. Address: 1144 Larpenteur Avenue (south side between Lexington & Dunlap) Legal Description of Property: W '/2 of Lot 11 and all of Lots 12, 13, and 14, Block 1; Clifton Dale Addition Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval vote: 13-1, 8/9/96 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval vote: 4-2, 8/1/96 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the September 4, 1996 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6582 if you have any questions. Sincerely r� . NOTlC'�i a ttf/L��C HLARIIr(i ��� The Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, Kad Dadlez �ember 11, 1996, at 4:30 p.m., in the City Council Chambers, Thlyd P��, y pt�Hall,to consider txie appeai of Marvin Lundquist/Tires Plu�tQ,a de�ia� City Planner l9rtning Commission gramtin� a:apecial condition u�e permlt.to �ta�r,v LwNdquist/Tires Plus to.allow an auto special,ty�tore at 1�4�LarpeaC��Y�A Zonirig SeCtiOn ��Side between Lexiagton aazid Dunlap). Appellar�ti4s'app���+�c�'' �osed by the Planning�oinmisstoh relating•to hours of opera�_ ;:,�yi�+cr, cc: File #96-206 Dated: August 27, 1996 � - Mike Kraemer NANCY AWDERSON - , Donna Sanders Ass�stant City Council Secretar� tA�wt 3s. 3Ms) DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING &ECONOMIC DEVELAPMENT `� �-• IyS3 CITY OF SAINI' PAUL Division of Planning � Norm Coleman, Mayor 25 West Fourlh Street Telephone: 612-266-6565 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Facsimile: 612-228-3314 �� August 28, 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #96-206: MARVIN LUNDQUIST-TIRES PLUS City Council Hearing: September 11, 1996 4:30 p.m. City Council Chambers PURPOSE: Appeal of a Planning Commission decision granting a special condition use permit to allow a Tires Plus auto specialty store at 1144 Larpenteur Avenue (appealing a condition imposed by the Planning Commission relating to hours of operation). PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVAL 13-1 � ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 4-2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL SUPPORT: Two persons spoke. One letter was received in support. OPPOSITION: Nine persons spoke. The District 10 Como Community Council opposed the permit. Eight letters and a petition were received in opposition. Dear Ms. Anderson: MARVIN LiJNDQUIST-TIRES PLUS has appealed the decision of the Planning Commission approving a special condition use permit to allow a Tires Plus auto specialty store at 1144 Larpenteur Avenue (south side between Lexington & Dunlap). They are appealing a condition imposed by the Planning Commission relating to the hours of operation. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the request on August 1, 1996. The applicant and his representatives addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing the committee voted 4-2 to recommend approval of the permit. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for approval on a vote of 13-1 on August 9, 1996. This appeal is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on September 11, 1996. Please notify me if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. NOTE: CONCERNED RESIDENTS OF COMO PARK have also made an appeal to the City Council. They are appealing the Planning Commission's decision to grant the special condition use permit for the auto specialty store. Both appeals will be heard on September 11, 1996. • Sincerely, K n Ford Planning Adminis rator K:kd Attachments cc: City Councilmembers � �::t.:::,,,, .,,,.y.::, '�:y�ly'E�`: :��?�. .�11���t�:`::�C�::�:1��:`���������������� .;:�>::.;:;:.;::.;:.;.:.::.;:.::.;:.::.;;;:.:;:�?<:::`�:;;:::::::?:::;:;; <:::>::<:<>:>::<::<:>:::..,.::::.:::::.::: ��:::>:'::>::�:::>�`>>�:;�:::>��'�:`:;>:'::>::::::>::':::�:: APPLICATION FOR APPEAL �:::.::.>:�:.;:.::::.;;.. :: :.::.::.:::::: <..:::::.:::.;:::'�:< : ;:::<:>::»:::��;�::.. .:>:<:>:::::;;:: ;::::��'k�:::�:::;.:::.�:.::::::::. ::::.�:::.'.�.:::::..�:::::::>:<:: :;::::::::>:::>�:::::.s;:::>::;�::>:><>::::::::::::::::>�:::>::::::>::>:::>':::;'<<'::: ;�':_`:�'.: ..'`;':�:<::`::<::<::::€: • ..:::....:.:.....:. ::::.:::<:::>?:<:>:::::>::::: De artment o Plannin and Economic Develo ment ::<:����:':;':::�:'::}`r::`::::'`:.::::`:::::::::':::::� :::''�..�'.,�.,."`.::..::::::: P I g P .........«�.�.��...,».�»�..;:;:::;::: Zonin Section ��'�����`'`'x<:»>:::::>::`:::::::��::�:�:: ::.>:;:>::»>::::::»>:>::>::»::»:::�:::>::»:::;:.;:<.;::.:;;:.::. g :::�:"����:'�11ii�:::�3�€��:�������::::?��.;»::::>:<:>:<:::>::::>::> �.:.;:.;:.;:.:;::.;:.:.;:.;:.:>�:::::::;.;.:.: r+. I100 CI'j� Hall Annex ::::>::::>:<:;:::>:<:<»:::;::::::a:<:::>s:�::::»::>;:.:<:>�;::.:.::...<::;�.:>:«>:;>::>:::::::;::;::> '✓' :'i`::'i:'i>:�`°r!!f':`a•r.:;�o-;:«::<'E?:E:;'::ii3ir;E♦' � ...: rt: . 7;'r iiiiii 2s wesr Founh streer ::!'�!::<:::>::»:�::�:<::::>:::;�::.;�'�'`�::'';>:>::';;<:<::::;:::; ::::::::;:>:;:;:: :::..::::::..~��:;::::;;::::;;::;::::::.::.�.�::::::::.:.:::::.—:>:<::<:>:::. i N 5102 Sa nt Paul M S , 2 9 66-658 APPELLANT Name Marvi n Lundqui st Address 1315 d�est Larpenter Avenue, Roseville, MN 55113 City Roseville, St.MN Zip 55113 Daytime phone 642-1523 PROPERTY Zoning File Name Marvin Lundquist LOCATION Address/Location 11�44 Larpenter Avenue West, South side between Lexingto n and Dunlap TYPE OF APPEAL: Appiication is hereby made for an appeal to the: � � Board of Zoning Appeals �J City Council . under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section , Paragraph of the Zoning Code, to appeal a decision made by the P1 anni ng Commi ssi on on August 9 , 1996 . File number:__9�-160 (Resolution attached) (date of decision) GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Explain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative official, or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission. This application was for a Special Use Permit to operate � Tires Plus Auto Specialty Store. The special condition use permit was approved but with six conditions. All conditions are acceptable and appropriate except condition No. 5 which restricts the hours of our store. Qther Tires Plus Stores operate within the City of St. Paul under Special Use Permits with no such restrictions. Our Franchisor will not allow us to deviate from the store hours of all Tires Plus Stores and we are requesting removal of this condition. Tires Plus regular hours Monday through Friday are 7:00 a.m. through 9:00 p.m. , the condition requires us to close at 8:00 p.m. Our regular Saturday hours are 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and the condition restricts us from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Our regular Sunday hours are 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and the condition restricts us to Woon through 5:00 p.m. A letter from our Franchisor related to this issue and precluding and requiring us to operate the same hours as all other Tires Plus Stores in the Metropolitan area is included. • Attach additiona/ sheef if ne ry) ApplicanYs signatur � Date_ �.� — City agent ��1�� , �-� rti e� Z KRASS � q �• t � s � MONROE KRASS MONROE SCHMIDT MOXNESS Sz GIBSON, P.A. ■ Phiilip R.IUfl39 • ATTORNEYS AT LAW• Cer[ified Civil Trial Sptcialist aird Admilled in Wisconsln August 20, 1996 Department of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Section 1100 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re: Marvin Lundquist / Tires Plus Appeal Our File No. 6915-157 � Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: Please be advised our office represents Marvin Lundquist regarding the Appeal which I enclose. I also enclose our check for $380.00 which I understand is the fee for this Appeal. For reasons that were not explained to Mr. Lundquist, when the origina.l motion to grant his Special Use Permit was made, hourly restrictions were included as a condition. There is nothing in the record we're aware of that would support the particular hours selected by the Planning Commission and those hours aze inconsistent with regularly advertised hours of other Tires Plus Stores, including Tires Plus Stores at 300 North Snelling and 391 East Marilyn in the City of St. Paul which have also received Special Use Permits. It appears to us that we have met the requirements of the City of St. Paul to be entitled to a Special Use Permit and it further appears that there really isn't any good reason to restrict our hours in a manner different from the hours of other Tires Plus Stores the City has approved in the past. It is for this reason that we are requesting that one modification of the Special Use • SUITE IIOO SOUTHPOINT OFFICE CENTER • 1BBO WEST H2ND STREET • BLOOMINGTON, MINNESOTA 55431-1447 TE6EPHONE 6]2/885.5999 • FACSIMILE 6]2/885.5969 Z Department of Planning and � Economic Development Zoning Section August 20, 1996 Page 2 Permit. All other provisions and conditions of the Special Use Permit are acceptable to us. We very much appreciate your consideration in this manner. Very truly yours, SS � Phillip R. ass Attorney at Law PRK/seh Enclosures 'I�TIRESU 5'TCOR�ZONE.PRK ,� ���� � . .� G � C� ,� �� � � ; ? r �'�el/'�� ��t 1� o�� y l ,z�,,�s. � � .riuu-i J-�70 I UC 1 1 �4�J i'111 I 1 RC.0 i LuJ Vn I GWfI t C ilA tYl�. O t C i U l v 101 f. U! °lC• IyS� � Tires Plus Crou e Ltaf. � Auguat 13,1996 Ma�v Lw�dqui�t t315 W.Latpenb�erAv. Ro�evdls,MN 55113 Oea�hla�v: 1 sm encoura�ed by the pro��you have mede to telocate yout s�Eo�e tio th�propo�d bc�tion Mro blocks east of your proser�s�e.A modem efgl�t bey buftdJ�p will bs qtrits an ks�provvmerit over yau ouerer�t fou�b�y facility. The nsw locstion nearar to tt�a Le�gton Ave. ir�teBection w�i also make your new fac'�I'ity mvro �nie�K for yvw�c�es�ihat want t�d�op theu rrettides for service wh�e tt�ay shop at!he�etm7 shcp�in a�d arouad ih�int�a�c�on.You have served yrotu�area�v�re!!!or ti�e past ten years but you hsnre simpty cu4grawn y�acK curtant tow b�y taa'Gty.Yow aamPsd i�arwr�area at�d limiEed bey capaeiiyy ir�t�s your ab�y to provids th�c��of qring�uost�+vics t�at w�are Imow�iw ttsrouphout ti�e Ti:es Plus sy�etnm. We are pleased m see ycu along with otl�sr mstro a�ea frattchtsess roinvestit�in their ab�es to meet the� guesls naeds.Oyer lhe�ast lt�ree ysars,in the metro area abne,we have ir�vested cve�Uen mlll(an doliars in r+ew oon�+psny own�d atoros a�d abstin�ators reeovatiores.Topett�er we can give our puesbs the caring level of ssrvice they harro come to e�ec�. • Whsn w�spoke bY D�Yestorday You tald tno that tho City ot S't. Pau! Plaruiin�Carruniseion appnoval induded s rasbrk�ion on tha hours t!�naw fsaRly couW.!�opon.As you kenow,Yeur rww sib�snd tac�ily must be approved by us befere you can reiocats yoiu buatness.We will aat a�rave�t�y new IoCatiot�in the Twin C�(os metro aru wqh a restrlcSo� on the houra oi operason that is inconsiden#w�h ou�cunenl hou� of operaSon.Can you in�ine ths confusion it wouk!cause b hsve 35 stares and ap of the�rint advertising wiih orsa set oi hows af operation�d your rtera v�a�a spami s�t ot opora�q how�.Your own cKUrac�t�uoct base would bocome coniused and arQry.Ocu pasfion or�lfiis matie�is not�uuque in tt�e reta�inde�try.Car�you imapine sny othar major multi-uruE reta�er allawing orie stora to operata with dtfferer�hours of operation.Do you Ih,M�k fhat�neiahbor.Ratnbo�w�ovcia,w Gub fooCs.or u�y�ep�lt�r fJ�at rellss on prtrn ms�'.�a Tv promate their sales v�rouW aUow one sbre to operete w�h rsstrided hours?No...they ooutd not risk tha corifusion d woWd cause. I hope you unde�fand our pos�on.!hape you appeal the res�ic5ons witl�!he Ptanninp Commissian.Perhsps thvy will rsconsidar their decision or fmd another way to alteviate atizan oonc�. C�lI ms iF yau have quvstions. s��ey,. �„` a�—� . - � � - - � _ Vice�rosidont of Franch+ae Dovoiapmont - Tues Pluc Groupe,Ltd. � • 701 Ladybird l.ane 8umsville, MN 5533T Phone#800 754-65'!9 3 c�ty of saint aul � p p�anning commission resolut� fi�e number 96-46 Udte August 9, 1996 �VHEREAS, hiARVIN E. LUNDQUIST/ TIRES PLUS, file �96-160, has applied for a Special Condition Use Permit under the provisions of Section 60.534(6) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to allow a Tire's Plus auto special[y store on property located at 1144 LARPENTEUR AVENUE `VEST, lejally described as �V 1/2 of Lot 11 and all of Lots 12, 13 and 14, Block 1; Clifcon Dale Addition; and WHF.,REAS, the Zonin� Commi[tee of the Planning Commission held a public hearina on Au?ust l, 1996, ac �vhich all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Plannina Commission, based on the evidence presented to i[s Zonin� Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings � of fact: � 1. The applicant has a contract to purchase the property and intends to operace a Tires Plus store � from this location. About 70 percent of the business is tires, the remainder is breaks, shocks, and alisnments. The applicant is relocatin� his existin� business from a si[e at Hamline and Larpenteur in Roseville to this site in Saint Paul. Improvements will be m�de to the existing buildin; to accommodate seven service bays; there will be five overhead doors. A single story addition at the western end of the building to allo�v � for an office and customer �vaiting area is proposed. T'he proposed hours of operation are 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m Ivionda}•-Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday, and 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday. The applicant expects to service between 30 and 40 vehicles per day at this location and states that he has a policy of not allowing vehicles to be kept over night. He has also offered to used silencers on his equipment to minimize the noise generated by the �c•renches. 2. Section 60.534(6) of the zoning code allows auto convenience markets, auto service stations and auto specialty stores, subject to special conditions. The special conditions and the applicant's ability to meet them are as follows: a. Tlte construction and maintenance of all driveways, curbs, sidewalks,pump islands or other facilities resed in conjc�nction with the operation of the auto service station shall be i�z accorda�:ce with curre�tt city specifzcations. Such specificaiions shall be developed by the city planning coordinator, traffic engi�zeer and city fire rnarshal, and shall be approved by tlze planning commissio�t, and fzled with the city clerk. m�Ve(.J by Morton sE�corx�ed by . . _ . . . .�. . :. . • . . - infavor = -�2 � � .: _.. : _ . _ _ : � . a���� 1 (Wencl) --1 l�.>. q �."� �s�� • Zoning File #96-160 Page Two of Resolution This condition will be met. The applicant is aware of the need to obtain site plan revie�v approval for his development and expansion plans for the site. The site plan review process will ensure that the development will be in accordance with current city specifications. The drive�va}� on Dunlap �vill be moved several feet to the south to accommodate a sidewalk and landscaped boulevard on Larpenteur Avenue. b. A ten foot buffer area witli screen planti�:g and a�: obscuri�ig wall or fe�ice shall be required along any property li�te adjoinin� an e.risting residence or adjoining ti�acant land zoned for residenlial use. This condition is met. The property does not adjoin an existin� residence or vacant land zoned for residential. The sice abuts an alley to the south and Dunlap Street to the «�est. The applicant intends to cons�ruct a wall alon, the alley to screen the property and parking lot from the residences to the south. In addition, the planning commission recommends that a sidewalk be installed along Larpenteur and that there be landscaping in the boulevard on Dunlap Street and alon� Larpenteur Avenue. ' c. The mi�:imi�m lot area shall be fiftee�t thoicsa�:d (IS,000) square feet, and so arra�iged that antple space is available for motor veliicles wl:ich are required to wait. Aicto service stations wltich are intended solely�for tlie sale of gasoline, oil and minor accessories and having no • facilities for incidental servicing of aietomobiles (inciccding Ittbricating facilities) and auto convenie�:ce markets may be permitted on a lot of hvelve thousand (12,000) sqrcare feet, subject to all other provisio�ts herein required. This condition is met. The lot is 16,641 square feet. 3. Section 64.300(d) of the zoninJ code requires that before the planning commission may grant approval of a principal use subject to special conditions, the commission shall find that: a. Tlie extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial complia�tce with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Pla�: and any applicable siebarea plans which were approved by the city council. � This condition is met. The property is appropriately zoned for the intended use provided a special condition use permit is obtained. The B-2 zoning district is intended to serve the needs of a consumer population larger than that served by B-1 district and generally is characterized by a cluster of establishments generating large volumes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The site is identified in the Land Use Plan as a mixed use cluster area. The plan states that the city �vill support expansion of commercial opporcunities in the designated mixed use cluscer areas, Commerce #1, p.l. b. The use will provide adeqtcate ingress and egress to minimize traffic congestion in the public streets. ._ ,.. _ _ .. . • This condition is met. The ro e has access on Dunla Street. The ro ert can also be - P P rtY P P P Y accessed from a driveway on Larpenteur, however, the driveway is not on the applicant's �• . - _: • -; 1 Zoning File #96-160 • Paje Three of Resolution property. There �vill be no access to the site from the alley. The planninQ commission recommends that a "right-turn only" sign be installed at the ehit on to Dunlap to discourage traffic into the residential area to the south. There is a stop light at the Larpen[eur-Dunlap intersection to facilitate turnin� movements onto Dunlap and Larpenteur. c. The t�se will �:ot be detrimental to tlie existzng cliaracter of the developme�it i�t tlie irnmediate neighborl:ood or endanger the public health, safety and general r►�elfare. This condition is met. The site is located on Larpenteur Avenue, a bus}• commercial strip �vith almost 16,000 vehicles per day. The use is consistent with the variety of retail and services establishments alon; the avenue. The use is currently operztinQ a[ a site on Larpenteur about one-half mi!e to the �vest. d. Tlte t�se will �tot impede the �tormal and orderly development and improti�en:e�it of tlze sttrrou►i�ii�tg property�for uses permitted in the district. This condition is met. The site is across the street from a shoppina center to the north. • Pro��ided there is adequate buffering from the residences to the south the use will not impede development o: improvement of the surroundin� property. e. The use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in . which it is located. This condition is met. �. Adzquate off-street parkin, will be provided. The proposed Tires Plus store requires 21 off- street parkin� spaces (one for each of the seven bays plus 1/27� square feec of gross floor area). The site plan indicates 21 parking spaces. � I�'O`V, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, that under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, the application for a Special Condition Use Permit to allow a Tire's Plus auto specialty store at 1144 LARPENTEUR AVENUE WEST is hereby approved, subject co the followin; conditions: 1. Site plan approval shall be obtained before the use is established. 2. A sidewalk shall be installed alon; Larpenteur Avenue. The public boulevard on Dunlap Street shall be landscaped with trees. A landscaped setback area on the applicant's property alon� Larpenteur Avenue shall be established. The landscaped area shall be between eight (8) and ten (10) feet wide, as determined by staff durina site plan review. 3. A six (6) foot high wood obscuring fence or wall shall be installed along the alley from the southwest corner of the buildin� addition to within ten (10) feet of the property line. 4. There shall be no parking of vehicles awaiting service or recently serviced on the street. i . �.. � . Zoning File #96-160 � �` � �� � Page Four of Resolution 5. The hours of operation shall not be earlier nor later than the followin� hours: 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday Noon to 5:00 p.m. Sunday 6. A "right-turn only" sign shall be installed at the exit on to Dunlap Street. � � . � _1. . � Planning Commission of Saint Paul . City Hall Conference Center 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, August 9,1996, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Mmes. Faricy, Geisser, Lund-Johnson, Maddox, Morton, Treichel and Wencl, Present: and Messrs. Chavez, Field Jr., Gordon, Gurney, Kramer, Lee, McDonell, Schwichtenberg and Vaught. Commissioners Messrs. *Mardell and Sharpe Absent: *Excused Also Present: Ken Ford, Planning Administrator; Jean Birkholz, Kady Dadlez, and Roger Ryan of the Planning Staff; Tom Beach and Wendy Lane from the Department , of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection; and Bob Hamilton from the Department of Public �Vorks. I. Approval of Minutes of July 26, 1996 . ...:<.....:.....:.....:.:.::.:.;::..:.;;:.;:<.:<.;:<:::.:.;:...::.::.::.,:.:;:.;.....;:::,,.:.,;;:.::.::.;:.::.:;.;;;;:.;:.:::.::::::.>•::::::::.:<.�.�:.:::..�:::::.::::..,::::::::.::::.�..:..:::.::::..:..:.::::.:.....:...: ........ .. .... :.;....:..............::....: :...;:::.:.:...:....:..�:.: ::. :.,.,..:: ::::..;.. .. �. �uF�TTC��::>::<C�mTns�s���er:>�h�.�ue�:::m�:v��:>� . .ro:��[:>�xf:��::m��ut�s::e�>�' ::> .��:::::::: : ...; .......................::::.:.:::.>:::::.:;.:;.::.:.::::.;:.;;:.;,;;:::.:.�::.::::::..�::::::::::.�:::::._:::::.�..:.�:::.�:.:::::::::::::::::::::::.�::::::::::::::::::::::;:x1��.;�fz�..�J..�.r.�....��. ;...:::.::::•.�:�:::::••:::::::::::••.�::.�:::::.;...:••.:s::..>•:•:•..••:::::.:::::::::::.:::::•:::::::::��:.:::::.�.+..:::.�..::::::::..•::..�:•:•:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.,-.:::::.:.�::::::..•:::7 :.:,r...�.�r..:::::.:�:.:..: :.::.::.>::•.r:;<.:>:::t.::: ...y.::.:::.:.:;tr'..>:'.•:a>:.::.;::.:.::...::::.:.::::.:.::.:::.:•:.::.>::.::.>x:.:»:.:�.�.:..�.�: :.:::._:;•. . � ...... :..:.�...:::: ';'� : ..::::;:.......�::::�:`.::....::.y.;.::...::.t>:.>:::.::.:::..:�:::ti.::.':....:::_ .: '': :::. . . _. '.;'. ...: ., ::: .....:;,�...:.,:..:... .;+,....:.:.y..;::::.;::;x;:.:. ��m�ss.oner�:u� J'a�i�.���o�.�.e..�;�i�:�v:���:��i��::�:r�:�;>����xn�us� ��.����ce .,:.:...,.,::...:.::..::�.:::::::::::.;..,.,::::.�::::::::::.::::.:_:::,:::::::.:�:::...:..::::::::.:::.:��` .... ::.:�...:::..:...,..::..:::::.:.:.:.........................,.....,........... .:::,:::::::.::::.::::;:.:::::. v��; II. Chair's Announcements None. III. Planning Administrator's Announcements - staff will do what they can to ensure that communication continues with Mr. Labosky and Capito] City Partnership; - the transcripts that the Planning Commission requested from City Council public hearings are being prepared; - City Council adopted a resolution of their own in response to the Metropolitan "Growth Options," stating some of their priorities; and they also transmitted the Planning Commission's comments; - a copy of Neil Peirce's article on Vancouver was circulated; Mr. Ford remarked that he was in Vancouver during the Planning Commission's last meeting; - City Council adopted unanimously last Wednesday the request for a study of zoning provisions for metal shredders in the City and a moratorium on permitting for any metal shredders while that study is underway, up to a year. Staff is in the process of moving • ahead to complete a work program for that. The Steering Committee will decide which of the Planning Commission committees will take the primary role; � K:1S HARE DIPLANNI NGIMINUTES.FRhi ��.% °I(. + I �53 ! Commissioner Vaught said that he will vote to support the motion to approve the change in nonconforming use permit. Commissioner Kramer pointed out that when this property was before the Commission a year ago, the applicant was making a rather confusing request for the Commission to make an interpretation of law; this is a straight forward request for a change in a nonconforming use permit. He will vote in favor of the motion to approve. �::•:�>:•>::::>:•.x.::c•:>:•:>:.;• : <;.::.:••.r:.::..::.:::::a::.:.::....::.::;:'• :•::;>:.:::.:;':c.;::::::;.::;;:..;:.::.:'.;::.>:;:::.;::.::.: •::<.:.:.:.:t::.:.::..>:.>:..::..:.>::::>. ...<.::..�Yt:::� `"�<::�'''e ::>ie:::" . : >::. ;:: . .;. . . »> :::: :.o�e<::a<::r.e: ���e�::::?c� :.:::��:::a:�. ��a:�'ai�i�i'i�':<;:i�e::::'��r.�.....:�a...�h.. Ta.:::::����vr�::�:a.:��:::�t.�x:#rs.:�:.:.::.<:..:.::.::..::.::?�:.�::::::::::::.�:::::::::.F�...:::::..,:9�::::.::::.:::::.::::,::�:::::::..�:A::.�::::._::::.�:::::::.�:.�:: .P�?"..:........:.............,.,,.........................n.....v....>.......�.........,....................................................... :`•:::Sii:i;`::`d•,'::::9:::�•'••`.ir:`i';::j:'::::i::ci'ti:::a::::ti9:::s�+:r..:C':i;:"::;:::,..::o-,.>;>:::y;.:•;:;_ •:.�:::::>•::::::.�::.�::. :3:�'8<��G�:fe::;���ed<:�n>::�>:��:i��:<a��`::::�:�:�:1:::.<���sse��;; .....................................,...............................................::�::::..............,. #96-160 Marvin Lundc�uist/Tires Plus - Special condition use permit to allo�v a Tire's Plus auto specialty store (1144 Larpenteur Ave W, southside between Lexington & Dunlap; B-2). :...:.. . .:.::.::;:: .;:.;:.;:.:;.;:.:.:.:;:.;:,:.:;;:<:.;;;:.: ;:::.,..;�:.;:.:.;:...;:<;.;;,;:.;;:.;::..:.;:.,:.::;.,:;..;:.>:.,:.;:.<:.;:.:. ::..:.:::;:.:.::.;:.;;:.;;.;:..:;;:;:::,:.:;:.:,::.::;;;;:::.�:. :�.�:.:.::.:;.::::.;:.:::.: 0'�.��T:::::::;�v.tttm��to�er�Qrtr�xt.�oved:::;..: ;�:c����`:<��::�::?r:.e...:es��::::�:ect�l con.�:ifi�s�n;<�t�e �.....�.....::::..:.:::::::::.�.::�....:...<.:..:::::.;:�:.:::..................:.�:::::.�.�::�?�:::::::..:....:.....:::::::.:�...........:�:::�'.:::::::::::::::.::::::::.......:::.._:..:.. .::.:::.�:a:::.::.�:::::::.:.::.:::::,::>�:<:::.>�<;�:::..::��;::,.:�:;:<:>:>:>:::�:;.:�:.;::.;:.:::,.;;�::.;;:.;::.;::.:...::::::<:.;.:;:.;;:r::>: ::><:�:::<:>::><::;::::�:«:«:::::::::::::::<:>::;�:::>:•:::.:�.;::�;:;:::���:<�:;::;:::>:>::><:::;;<::::>::.::.:.:... ....,.::.;��:�.�.;;•..::..:.: ::.: :. .... �e�m�t ta�:E���r�Ttr�s�'lus�:u��.s::e���l:..;�s[c�r�;a�.>:1>�:��:>:�::�.: �n€eur�4k�en�x�:::��st w�tl� ...::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::..:.�:::::.::........:.::.::.:::....:.........::.�::.�::::::�?`::::::.::::::...::::.:.::::::::::.::.:::�?.......:....:..:::..::....::.:�:::::.;>;;:;.;:.:::.::.::.::::.: ::::::::.:.:.::.:::::::::::::::::<::::...,;.;.;,:�.<::�.;;�::.;:.::.;;;�.;,::.::.;:�:.::.:::::.;:<.::.:.::.;:.::.:::..;;::.:,;:.:<;.::.:::..;:.:::.;:...:;�,;:.::....:,;::...:.;r<.:::.;:.:, .::::.:.::::..�.::..::.:: . .. . �ond����as an��,���t�e eha�i�..e�::��i�<;��i::e..:.:::�s�l�:tcon�ha��vfs�>`�:��:e�;>z�iE�ex Ja��:;: .................................................................::5..;.::.::::.,......................,................................................:...,..............::1�.::::::::.: .,..:..... .;>:..:::.>,r.:::<::: . ..... Ms. Dadlez ro osed chan es in the resolution: 1) �A`::t1iL�;��;dt►�: ::::2x't��;:��sf';�r��eti:C�:;b:e P P g .v..:..:.ri:..,........,�:.::�.:::>::..<.::::.:.�::::.::::::::::::::.,:..::.�:.�:::::: .................. . ����r�c�;:�.��:ic�`:�ea�s ;,:.>v;..k::.:':.»>::,:%..::..::.::.,:'.':t.::.:;::`s::;i':::::.::.:..:>:: : .unl.a .;:�a:':::>li�:::�o:��t#:<'s�v�ai::::f��>:�a�::t��:::so�cth to 'I'#��,;dri��.�u��;:��;>D.::::::::.: .::.Y.::::.::.�::::::::::::::.:::,::...::::.::.::::.�::;:.:;;.::::::.:.>::.:.:.,::::::r::::<:::::::. ,:;::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::.:::::::.�:.�:::::::::�:::>::»:.:.:::::.�::::::::::::.,..,.:::::,::::::.�:.>:::::;.:::::..::::.:::...:....:.,..:.;:.:;::.::.::::.::.;:................ :.:.�.....>•>::::;:::.;:.:�:.:.;�.;:.:.:;:.;:.,..:.::.:;:::.;;;:.;:�:.:�::<::<::;::.:::::::,�.:::..�::::::;:.�:.;: .>::::.:;:.;:.;:;.:<;;:.;<:.:.:<.:>�»�.»::::�::>::>;:.;..<.:::.::.:.:.:. ;.:::;:.:.;;;:.:.,.,... . ... ......:. �c�:��€��da��>:�:::s�dexval�:::a�:s�::::�a�ds�. .�:::��u1�Ya�:::�u::::�a�::>:;ateu.c:::;��:e���> ..................................................................................::<�::.,�...,.............v...........h....,....:���'...�............::.......::.<.:>:::::::::::.� � Zoning Committee's recommendation was to eliminate completely the driveway on Dunlap; .,..:.: .. ..... and 2) :ir�;:�ti:���g;:�:�f;:��;:sIt����:;:�;e�i`� ......................::::,,:.,..:.,.::.::. ...»:.x,.�.;:<.:::::.::.;::«;::;;;:::.:�:>:.>:.:.>�,:::;:.< ....;:�;:.:.;:.:<;::::<::•:.�.:,..:::;:.::>:•;:.;::::..;::.,;:<:;:::,:,::,::::::;r.:...:...;:,....::...:.n:..�:,.,:;.;.,:..<,,:.:<.;::.:,.:>.>; .s. :: T�����d�tt��'�w�l[�e;;n�:et::::::Tfa�.:.:�e;Q�,�� ;���€l�����e�s;c�;:��nE�� ..,:�..:Y:.•:,�:.��::.:•:...:..f:,�..;,.. . ::::...............................................::.....::..::.....:::.:.. . �:.:;.:;.::<•;,�..;�:.;:>..>:•r:;>::;ss::>:;>.:s;:::>::s::•.:•;:.::. �•:;:::;:::;::::;;:::::::......:::::�:::;::::::::::::::::::::•:;:::::i>::;:;,:.;::;:;••?::t:::::•:::;:::'.::::#:::::.::;;.�::::.:. :..�::::.;,::..;..:..r.................;.......:::::......:............; �t�ee�::::::::':�`h�:> ..r.:v e�:<€�a�:>����::;b�:::a:c��se�:<�m::::�:::�vew�:.;<;�::�....: :����x: .::�::::.P:.::::.�:.:::::::::.:. .:.>:.:,::.:. . ::..�>:.;..,.: ...�?:.;:.,::.. ..............:. .......,. ......::..:::n.::::..:::::::;.. :::. :........ >:.;:.;;;:.;:.;;:.;:.::.;::.;;:.::;;....................�::,. ..:,::>::�::�:�::�::>::.>... ..........::::..:...... ,, ::..:.::.$,;.;:.;.<:::::::::::....,.....,:::::::::........... :::.:::.:::.:::.::.:::;::.;:..::::.;:.:::.<.:.;:.;:<.;::::::::>.::::.;:.;:.;:.;:.<.:::.:::>::::::.:..:::..,::::.....x:�h;�::<.,...n.....,..>.::::.:<:.:::.:: :�.;�:::.>:::.>.:::.>:>�;:;><>:::::::::<:<. . �c�we��°��:::tkr�:<�i��v�a.:::���:::i�at:::��<::t�r�:::� � ��it�ts.�#�sA::�:�: .. .:.:r.::�1�QV:�e:��r�=:<��::::��e� :.s:.::::.::::::::::::::::::::::.�.::::::::::::.,,. :.;�..N.�.�`::..:>•.::�.:::::::::::::::::�.::....:::::......:.. .;;.::::::.�:::.;.,. .....................�:.:::•>::•::;:. :<::::::.:.:.::.;.;;:•;:::.;•,..<•::.:::•::•;::•::•:;::::.::.>::.;>•:r:•:;•;::;•::•>:•;:::::;::;;::;:::>::;s:�:::•::;:::•::.••:.::.:•....vr,:•:�:::::•.::•:•::.�:.;.:>::.:.:.:�::::..:•::::::•::::.;,.......:::::.::. :.:<,..r:::::,r:..;•::::.: ::: :.:::.,::..;::r.:::::::.>�;�:,.:.:.;:,::..,..:�.:::..�::::>,>.:•::::.;:.. ::::..:.:::. ��::;�: :c:::t.;.#:�'��:�::�n`:��t�:�,.:.::::�:<�es��e�t��i::��{�•�::.fi.�e::;�c��e::;.:«<�n::::���a . ..��.. €r,�, :::�Y•::::::.�:::::::•::.:::.::::..:........:•:::T�:•::••::::::::.�:..•:r.•::�.:::::.;•::.;�::::::::::::� •::r:>:::.y....:::.::.> •:i:>;:::;:::::>::;:;:r:::::.::.:::::::::::::F:::;:::�Y>::::::::::;:::::.::::::::::.�::.::.�::::..:::::::::.:,;;.::;t..,:.::.�.::::.::::::.�::::::::::::.:.:...::::::.:::.,.::::"<:.... .. •.::..•..a.�::::.:�::•::.' .•;• ::..::::::.:.:.:::>.'>;•;.;::;:<.�.�;>�.;•.;::,.:>�;;:::,.:;•::.;;�;:.;•.::..:::.�::;::::.::.:::.,:::..::.;:.;•::.::.:::.,.,._::..:..::�::: ;,''. �t£:::�#��:�:�� s��ld:::b�:::�emov��>::a��:�:�:::�.r�.r:e;s�..>;�:�>:L...::������::,�s:t��s:�€�Ti�.<:'Th......:.::..:.....:...... ................:............................. . ..:�..:.::<..::�..::::::::::::h .;:.;:.;;>:.::.;:.;;;.�:.;::.;;:.::::.:::::.::.::::.::::::.:.:::.:::.::.:::.>;:.;:.:;:;::.;:.::.>:::......:..<.,:.,....�...................,,::;;:<;;;..r:.;:::;::.:�;::::.:�::.;;;::;:.;:;.::.::.;:.::.;:.;:;::.::.:;;::.: ��:::acees�:>:�a::>:��ie;����:�:�:�ra�::::#�e:>�1���;:� >:�::..::..:...................::,.::::.;:::::::::.:::;::::::..,......,...........::�:. a�i�::::�e>::�ei�a�n�ez�::o�:::r�a�`::'�"�ri�i"���"����::�€e���`ec�:: ........................�.....................................,.........:;�_;:.;;:.::.::.;;:.;;::..,. Commissioner Vaught stated that he voted against this at the Zor�ing Committee meeting even though he was in favor of the project because of condition #6, which eliminates the access on Dunlap and the creation of an access on Larpenteur. He considers that a serious mistake, developing a traffic hazard on Larpenteur. He added that might also create a hazardous situation if and when people decide to pull a U-turn on Larpenteur. ...:..�. �..:.�'+.i::....i?:i"::.�'i' . '.....�:::� .:..'::i�:i:.�....�:..':.i:::.-�.i::..:.:::}'.i:r:i�:�. 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Commissioner Gurney said he opposes the amendment because from personal experience he � knows that cars back-up off Dunlap onto Larpenteur no matter if the light is red or green which he feels is much more hazardous than a car stopped on Larpenteur to turn into a place of business in between intersections. K:ISHAREDIPLANNINGUAINUTES.FRtii ° I� Commissioner Schwichtenberg asked if there was any information or comments from Public • Works regarding this issue. Mr. Beach replied that he had discussed this with Bob Hamilton because this plan will also be going through site plan review, and Bob felt, from a traffic safety standpoint, if there was going to be only one driveway, to have it on Dunlap Street instead of Larpenteur Avenue. .....::::..:.�::::::..::::::::::::::.:::::::y::::.::.:.::::::.:x:::.:y:.�::w:::.:�:::m:.�:::::::::.::v::::::.�::L:v.i:::i.iiii:.ii'r.:i:::i::v'C.�ii.ii:3ii:::.iiii::'.i::�i.:'viiiii:}::vLb:::.�i.:::'.:':.::::::::.:�::::..., �'L���no�iari':::t��m�nd t��mti.titin<:>�o;::���o�:;:t��:::��of�t�a��a f�s tira t�a1 �arm �ar�i�<i �r� a raI:l ..g........................:............ ca::>: _ ..........................,............,...........................,,............................................�.................................................................... :.;:.:.:;;:.:;;:.;;:.;:.::.;::.;:;;:;;:;.�:;::::;::::::.::::::::::::.::::::::::::::.::.�:::::::.�:::.�:::::.�...::::::.::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::.�:,:::...........................................:::.:::.::.::::.::,::: :::;:>:�1::>�i�t�:;�?�`:;$;:�t;.. ..�::::.:,<.;;;>::.;;:.::<::.:��.;::.:.:: ::.;:.;:.;:,�.:�<.>:.;:.>:.;:<.;:<.;�.;:.:.;::<.:.;;�::<.;:.;;;;::.;:.>;;:.;:;.::.;:.;:.;>:<.::>:>.;;....:;.;>:.;..:..:.:::::::;.:«::;;;::<.:;:;.;.:>::.:;;<:.::.;:.;:.:: :.:.::.::.:.::.;;:.;:;;.:�;�.;;;:;.;::.;::. ��e::����Q�;>ox�.:�he>:�e�o�'��x a Gt�ve:::#�e:<:ce���?�e�dat�on����nd,ec�;<>1��sECal1.,;:;�h:e>::�;.:�val; :.:::::::.AF:..:�.::..:..................:..:.::..:.:.:.::::::::::::.::::::.�::::.�.�:::.:_::::::::::::::::::::;;:::::...:�`.:.:::::.::::�:.:.�:::::;:; :>:;;::><::;<;:::::;:<:>:«>::<;><:::>:::<:::»;::<:>::>;:.;:::::><:>�:;;>:<::;;:.;:.:>:.:><.:;;A;;:.::<::::»�::�;:<:>::>::::<::::<>.:<:>::;;::::.:;::.:.;:<.::.: .: ..::.::::.................. ... ... . . . ±��'the�r���naP sta�'.re :r€.�ai�ie�;�ot�:;�.:;x���������f�'��:1::::{��Fei��l;}.. .................:;:;:a:�:;;•>;::;•:::::::::::.�::�::::::::::::::::::.�:::::::::::::.�:::.�::::::::::::::.:�::.:�:::::::::::::.�::::.�.�:::::.�:::::::::. 60-Dav Continuance Form Discussion Commissioner Morton reported that a Request for Continuance, as contained in the last packet, will be presented to the applicant at the time of application. Commissioner Morton read the upcoming agenda for Zoning Committee on August 15, 1996. Commissioner Gordon asked if City Council transcripts �vill be available in time for the next ' discussion by the Zoning Committee and the Commission. Mr. Ford responded that he assumes the transcripts will be made available within the week. � Commissioner Vaught commented that if the transcripts are not yet available at the time of the Zoning Committee meeting, he will ask that the matter be laid over to the next agenda. VI. Comprehensive Planning and Economic Development Committee No report. VII. Neighborhood Planning and Land Use Committee No report. VIII. Communications Committee Commissioner Lee reported that the Communications Committee will be working on producing a bio of each Commissioner as suggested by Commissioner Gordon during discussion�vith John Labosky, president of Capitol City Partnership, at the last Commission meeting. IX. Task Force Reports Commissioner Morton reported that last Wednesday, the City Council approved the Final Scoping Document for Phalen Boulevard. � K�'�SHARcD1PLANNINGW INUTcS.FRM n 'L ��. ��IS.� SMINUTES OF THE ZONING COPM�IITTEE CITY COUNCIL CHAb1BERS, SAINT PAUI,, MINNESOTA ON AUGUST 1, 1996 PRESENT: Mmes. Faricy, Morton and Wencl; Messrs. Gurney, Kramer and Vaught of the Zoning Committee; Mr. Hendricks, Assistant City Attorney; Mmes. Dadlez and Sanders and Mr. Ryan of the Planning Division. ABSENT: Chavez, excused Field, excused Time: 4:07 - 5:30 p.m. Tne meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton, Chairperson. htARVIN LUNDOUIST; 1144 Larpenteur Ave. West; �96-160; Special Condition Use Pzrmit. To allow a Tire's Plus auto specialty store. Kady Dadlez, Planning Division staff, reviewed the staff report and presented slides. The District 10 Como Community Council voted to oppose the special condition use permit. ,, One letter was received in support. Eight letters and a petition were received in opposition. � Staff recommended approval of the special condition use permit subject to five conditions based on findings 1 through 4 as outlined in the staff report. Bob Vanney, Vanney Associates Architects, 255 E. Kellogg Blv3. , spoke representing the applicant. Mr. Vanney said that they were in agreement with the conditions recommended by staff. Mr. Vanney, together with his colleague, Jay Amundson, presented drawings and described the project. A few of the exterior features and materials which he described include: • - 5 bay doors (2 of which are double deep, which create the 7 service bay areas) ; - the reuse of existing brick between the bay doors to tie in with the existing building, as well as some on the new addition to the west of the building; - the upper part of the building will have a modern stucco type product where the signs will be placed; - awnings will be added to the showroom area; and - 360 sq. ft. of new addition will be dedicated to recycling of the products that come into the building. P�r. Vanney pointed out that ther� are other uses of similar facilities in St. Paul that are adjacent to residential areas i.e. at Arlington and Rice; Maryland and Dale; Maryland and Western; Maryland and Rice; Ford Parkway and Cretin; Ford Parkway and Mt. Curve. Mr. Vanney reviewed that Tires Plus will be a family owned business. Marv • Lundquist currently owns a Tires Plus located two blocks away in Roseville and is proposing to move his business to Saint Paul, and it will be managed and operated by his son. Mr. Vanney said Tires Plus will provide about 15 jobs; will generate about 30-40 cars per day, which he estimates will amount to 4=5 � � . cars per hour to this site; with 1-2 trucks per day, depending on the � recycling schedule. He reviewed Tires Plus commitment to the site pointing out the landscaping plans along Larpenteur and Dunlap, to the screen wall to shield the parking from the neighbors, and only necessary openings by code to be located at the back of the building. ' Mr. Vanney summarized that Mr. Lundquist has operate� his Roseville business for 10 years without any complaints from an adjacent building owner, business or resident and is committed to the business and community. He noted that within this zoning district that there are other uses that would put more burden on the property, i.e. assembly uses, restaurants, that are allowable uses without conditions. The applicant feels this use would be a very good use and a medium use as far as traffic flow goes. Commissioner Faricy asked if Mr. Lundquist owns the property. P•Ir. Vanney responded that the property at this time is under contract by blr. Lundquist, subject to City approval for the project. Commissioner Faricy asked Mr. Vanney to elaborate on th� storage space which will be provided. Mr. Vanney responded that the storage will occur inside the building at the back of five of the service bays. Mr. Vanney reiterated that the only exists on the south side of the building will be the fire exits, and that the double service bays will not have doors on the south side of the building. He also •�. clarified that the property at the alley is higher than what the proposed floor level is, so it would be impractical for them to drive out the south side of the building to the alley. Commissioner Gurney asked about any measures taken to soundproof the building. � Mr. Vanney reported that the existing south wall is concrete block which he said will prevent ths sound from going through it. Sam Taruscio, 2837 Cornelia Trail, commercial real estate broker for Tires Plus, spoke. Mr. Taruscio spoke of a successful relocation project of his which proceeded this project which also included initial opposition from the • neighborhood, but which turned out to be a major improvement from what the condition of the vacant lot was before it. He spoke of commercial real estate being difficult, noting this property was vacant for 5 years and on the market for one year, and also noting that Mr. Lundquist wishes to -relocate his Roseville business to Saint Paul. Mr. Taruscio said he conducted a noise test, parking at a couple of locations adjacent to the Roseville store, as well as speaking to persons in the nearby vicinity, and reported that neither he, nor the two individuals he had spoken with were able to detect the pneumatic tools used within. Mr. Taruscio addressed traffic concerns saying that Tires Plus will not be generating new traffic, but rather that- the traffic that goes by on Larpenteur and Lexington is there and will be theYe,� witn Tires Plus attempting to divert some of the existing traffic to patronize his business. He concluded that Mr. Lundquist met with the District 10 Comtnunity Council, but weren't aware that they would later meet up with so much opposition, and suggested that discussions and negotiations with neighborhood residents should have taken place earlier on before neighbor's formulated such negative positions, however should still take place to work with the neighbors. . Irv Margolis, part-owner of the Roseville Shopping Center, said he supports Tires Plus as a neighbor and believes they will be a good neighbor. . . . _ _ ._ , . . �2: .. - ' ._._ _ :_ . . ., . . . ; . 1� .' qC.- Iys� aTim Greeninger, 695 W. California, spoke in support. As a lifetime resident of Como, Mr. Greeninger welcomed the locally-owned business to operate in the City of Saint Paul. He said the site is currently vacant and in dire need of a facelift, and said he felt Tires Plus would be good for the community at that location, and said that since it will •be faced towards Larpenteur that the effects on the residential neighborhood should be minimized. Mark Davis, representative of United Hospital, the owner of the building, spoke. Mr. Davis said that United Hospital has owned the building for the past 5 years, all of which time it has sat vacant and have tried unsuccessfully to sell the building for over a year. Mr. Davis said that many of the conforming uses with the current zoning are much more intensive than the Tires Plus store and that United Hospital's original plans for a medical clinic, in terms of traffic congestion, would have generated many more concerns to the neighborhood than the 4-5 cars per hour that the Tire's Plus business will. Mr. Davis said that Mr. Lundquist has been very easy to work with and that upon the District 10 review Mr. Lundquist addressed all of their concerns in his current site plan. As United Hospital's representative, Mr. Davis asked that the special condition use permit be granted. Brian Richie, . 1121 California Ave W. spoke, as well as submitted a letter, in opposition. Mr. Richie addressed safety as a concern. He suggested that with only one entrance into the lot from Dunlap that the driveway is too close to the intersection for semi-trucks or even smaller trucks to r�aneuver in and out. Mr. Richie said that the intersection is already busy, with no sidewalks currently and disputed the estimates that Tires Plus will only service 30-40 ,. cars per day as not only being low but also including numbers of customers coming t� the store to look at tires for sale as well as to get estimates for service as well. Mr. Richie asked that sidewalks be installed if Tires Plus is established. • Mr. Richie suggested that the office use prior to United Hospital's ownership of the property was a much friendlier use to the surrounding neighborhood than a Tires Plus store would be, and that he did not feel th� proposal to be compatible with the neighborhood. He noted the petition in opposition that was included with the staff report with over 60 signatures. He said the neigYinorhood is not opposed to business at that location, but wishes something better suitable to the neighborhood. �• Stephanie Gelber, 1133 California Avenue West, spoke in opposition. Ms. Gelber presented photos of the intersection and claimed that even if the entrance were moved there will be congestion at Dunlap. She said it's currently congested there and cars can be held up there now through the light without the added congestion of such a business. Ms. Gelber challenged the number of trips in and out and said the 30-40 trips would be generated from Tire's Plus employee's alone, and estimated that Tires Plus would likely service approximately 70 cars per day. She said that the light is not safe as it is, and traffic signal walk sign chang�s before one can get across the street. She said neighborhood walk to various businesses and suggested that the added traffic will make that intersection more dangerous. Blake Gelber, 1133 California Avenue West, spoke in opposition. As a licensed general appraiser doing commercial property for the past 2�4 years, Mr. Gelber said that he felt the highest and best use of the site, given one point of ingress/egress would be a light retail usage, Y.e. a coffee house. He said the neighborhood would not be opposed to such a use, but believes that Tires Plus is not appropriate for that site. Mr. Gelber challenged Mr. Taruscio's testimony that the pneumatic tools would not be heard, and said he believed that they would create a noise factor. He reviewed testimony that traffic � will not increase on Larpenteur, and said that it will increase on Dunlap, • which is a small arterial street. Mr. Gelbers stated that he is located four houses from Tires Plus and that he and his neighbors who_ would be most . 3 • �� . _ .� affected were present at the meeting and opposed. S Greg Schimke, 1139 California Ave. W. spoke in opposition and said he felt that he would be able to hear the pneumatic wrenches, that there is currently a lot of traffic on the alley due to the liquor store, and that he did not believe that Tires Plus was the right use for the site. Vickie Schimke, 1139 California Ave. W. , spoke in opposition. Ms. Schimke said her home is 20 feet from the back of the proposed building and did not believe there is room for a wall to be built down to the alley as it would present a visibility obstruction to persons exiting the alley. Ms. Schimke claimed that tires are changed outside in front of the building at the current Tires Plus location that generates noise, as well as other servicing such as putting air in tires and that she would anticipate that an air hose would be next to the building at the proposed site as well. Ms. Schimke expressed � concern that the addition of Tires Plus will diminish the home values in the neighborhood. hIeghan Harlander, 1575 N. Dunlap, spoke in opposition. NIs. Harlander said she believed that a Tires Plus at that location would increase traffic and that the traffic signs will not prevent customers from choosing to use Dunlap to avoid the heavy traffic on Larpenteur. For the safety of her children she is concerned about increased traffic and does not believe it is the right location .for a Tires Plus. Maureen Sullivan, 1105 W. California Ave. , whose home is just behind the MGM Liquor Warehouse, spoke in opposition. Ms. Sullivan expressed concern that � the service trucks for Tires Plus will be using the residential streets. She also spoke of the business hours, the fact that it's open 7 days per week with long hours. She �complained that she has observed at their current Roseville location that all of their bays have been open at Midnight with service being � done, and was wary what kind of business hours Tires Plus will keep at the proposed location, despite their business hours. bls. Sullivan spoY.e of the storage of the tires to be recycled, noting that the tires are left open to the environment, and was concerned about pooling water and the breeding of insects and disease. She also commented that at the current store tires are left out in the parking lot at all hours of the day. Chair Morton noted that the applicant had stated that the storage would be done indoors. Ms. Sullivan clarified that it was reported at the District 10 meeting that the storage would be enclosed on all four sides within the building but that the top would remain open to the environment. Helen Richie, 1121 W. California, spoke in opposition. Ms. Richie expressed concern about noise, traffic, and reduced property values and felt Tires Plus was not a compatible use for the neighborhood. Clarence Sandberg, 1153 W.California, spoke in opposition. Mr. Sandberg said he lives across the alley from the proposed site. When it was built he said it was stated it would be used for office use which he sees as an appropriate use. He said parking space will be very narrow if a sidewalk is added, however would like to see sidewalks added. Bob Vanney, representative for the applicant, responded to the public testimony. He clarified that tires are stored in an area of four enclosed walls within the building and that it is open to the sky. However, he said tires are picked up once or twice a week for recycling. The recycling truck is a 21 foot box truck which he said will have ample space to pull into the site, back-up to the recycling area, and pull back out. Delivery of tires . will be done with a 25 �oot trailer. Mr. Vanney reviewed that the driveway `• 4 . - � (� :r�" .: ' � _ . . -:�' �. �� - iys � � going out to Dunlap will be moved back 7 feet thereby moving the parking off the property line at Larpenteur, and affording them the ability to add landscaping and a sidewalk on Larpenteur to facilitate pedestrian traffic. — Mr. Vanney said although the facility will �employ 15 people, only 8 employees will be there at a time. Other points made by Mr. Vanney include: - Right turn only sign will be installed at the exit at Dunlap. He suggested that the City post a sign on Dunlap prohibiting truck traffic; - The screen wall will align with the back wall of the existing building, which is appror.imately 4 feet off the property line at the alley; - This building will provide more inside facilities to prevent servicing from being done outside; - Noise. A sound test was conducted by Vanney Associates at both the current and proposed locations, with a sound meter used. . front rear Roseville Location without air tools 8:30 a.m. 55-80 50-60 8:30 p.m. 55-74 50-60 Front. When the air wrench was used, �vith no traffic noise with a red light (no ambient noise f rom traffic) added 3-4 decibels. When traffic was flowing (with ambient noise) it did not add any decibels. Rear. There was no recordable change on sound meter when air wrench was • used nor no perceivable change to the ear. Proposed Site 5:30 a.m. 70-82 63-65 8:30 p.m. 60-75 48-53 (Range in dba created by the current traffic flow, and other ambient noises.) • Mr. Vanney said the proposed construction is the same as the Roseville store with concrete block rear wall with no openings. Also the floor line proposed is about 5 feet below the alley level, and he noted that earth mass is a proven sound deadening and absorbing material as well as berming, adding sand in concrete block, which is a tremendous sound absorbing and attenuating material. Vanney Assoc. concluded that noise will not be an issue, other than the ambient noise which is already there, and that the addition of the building to the site will actually reduce the sound and the noise that will carry to some of the residents. Commissioner Gurney asked how difficult it would be to move the driveway from Dunlap to Larpenteur. • Mr. Vanney responded that they didn't propose moving the driveway to Larpenteur because they didn't think City staff would support egress on to a major arterial, and thought that the condition that existed was safer, especially going to a controlled intersection, however they would be amenable to such a change. Ms. Dadlez said that such a decision would need to be a consideration of the site plan review and discussion for the City traffic engineer. However, she • said that if such a change were to occur that a number of parking spaces on Larpenteur would be lost resulting with the applicant's inability to provide . 5 . . �--� . enough off-street parking for the proposed use. �' Commissioner Gurney asked if the applicant would be amenable to putting in a sidewalk on Dunlap, as well as on Larpenteur. Mr. Vanney responded that if it could be worked out, they would be amenable. Commissioner Faricy asked whether Mr. Lundquist would consider changing the business hours, and not being open 7 days per week. Marv Lundquist responded that Tires Plus is bound by the franchise agreement for hours of operation, which he said were the hours requested, which he said they must comply with. Commissioner Vaught said that reasonable conditions could be attached to the permit whether they comply with the franchise agreement or not, for City purposes. Commissioner Kramer asked whether limitations for performing work in the parking lot were conditions in this case. Ms. Dadlez recited from the code, that in a B-2 zoning district under required conditions "AI1 business, business storage servicing or processing sha11 be co�ducted within completely enclosed buildings provided ho*aever, that the following uses may be conducted outdoors if specifically a2lowed: off-street parking, loading, unloading, outdoor businesses or outdoor businesses with outdoor storage. '� She said it is a four-sided building and therefore is ' considered enclosed. Ms. Dadlez said that they cannot perform work in the parking lot, which is a required condition in that zoning district. Commissioner Kramer asked whether staff had any additional information with � respect to the proposal to move the driveway from Dunlap to Larpenteur. ris. Dadlez responded that a site plan review was done with r.o objections or concerns raised with respect to the access on Dunlap, however she didn't know whether any discussion took place regarding access on Larpenteur. Commissioner Yaught moved approval of the epecial condition use permit subject . to the five conditions outlined in the staff report and the addition of a sixth condition as follows: 6. The hours of operation be limited to: Monday thru Friday 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m. Commissioner Gurney seconded the motion. Commissioner Vaught reviewed that Larpenteur is a commercial street, not residential and suggested that nobody could have moved into this neighborhood thinking that there wasn't substantial commercial activity or_ Larpenteur Ave. The motion failed on a tie vote of 3 to 3. • 6 - : I� .. - q �, - lys � � Commissioner Kramer moved approval of the special condition use permit subject to the five conditions outlined in the staff reportj and the addition of a sixth and seventh condition as followa: 6. The hours of operation be limited to: Monday thru Friday 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p:m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m. 7. Egress to the property be established on Larpenteur Avenue only. Commissioner Gurney seconded the motion. Commissioner Vaught said he could not support the motion unless traffic engineering staff says that it will not be a substantial hazard. He finds it to be a better solution to put the cars on to a controlled intersection as they enter Larpenteur, as opposed to allowing them to enter Larpenteur into the stream of traffic, which is hazardous. Commissioner Kramer said the committee is not only talking about exit on to Dunlap but entering the business using Dunlap, which he said is not addressed by the right turn only sign that was proposed. He said that the estimates of 30-40 cars per day he didn't think would substantively effect Larpenteur Avenue, and said that there are currently many exits directly on to Larpenteur. Chair P•Iorton asked how many parking spaces would be lost with ingress and egress done on Larpenteur. • Ms. Dadlez said that 3 or 4, maybe more spaces would be lost. She said she didn't know if much would be gained by closing the driveway on Dunlap because it would be done into a corner so only a couple of spaces might be gained. Mr. Ryan said that there would not be an equal exchange of losing 3 spaces on Larpenteur and being able to replace them on Dunlap, biore spaces would be lost than 3, therefore there wouldn't be enough off-street parking for the use. . Chair Morton pointed out that if the motion were to pass that a modification of the parking requirements would be required. Commissioner Kramer noted that if traffic exited on to Larpenteur that it would all have to flow in one direction, so there wouldn't be cars turning against the flow of traffic, but would rather all go eastbound. Commissioner Gurney said he understood the concerns about the traffic problems on Larpenteur, however knowing this particular intersection he felt that the driveway on Dunlap would cause more of a hazard than the one on Larpenteur as people will try to make a right turn on Larpenteur and then a quick left turn against traffic waiting for a red light, with traffic backing up on Larpenteur which he feels will be more of a hazard because of stopped traffic. He said he supports the proposal with the driveway located on Larpenteur. The motion carried on a role call vote of 4 to 2. Drafted by: Submitte by: Appr ved by: ���� � � Donna Sanders Kad- D 1 G1 s Morton • Y y Chairperson � . �� ZONING COI�IITTES STAFF REPORT � FILE # 96-160 1. APPLICANT: MARVIN LUNDQUIST/TIRES PLUS DATE OF HEARING: 08/O1/96 2. CLASSIFICATION: Special Condition Use 3. LOCATION: 1144 LARPENTEUR AVE WEST (southside between Lexington & Dunlap) 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 10 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: W 1/2 of Lot 11 and all of Lots 12, 13 and 14, Block 1; Clifton Dale Addition 6. PRESENT ZONING: B-2 ZONING CODE RF3FSRENCE: §60.534 (6) & §64.300 (d) 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 7/25/96 BY: Kady Dadlez 8. DATE RECEIVED: 07/O1/96 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 8/29/96 _____________________________________________________________________________ A. PURPOSE: Special condition use permit to allow a Tire's Plus auto , specialty store. B. PARCEL SIZFs: This corner property has 132.6 feet of frontage on Larpenteur Avenue and is 125.5 feet in depth for a total lot area of 16,641 square feet. � C. EXISTING LAND IISE: The property is occupied by a two-story office building with off-street parking. D. SIIRROIINDING LAND USE: North: Shopping center in the City of Roseville. East: Veterinary clinic and dentist office in a B-2 zoning district. South: Single family homes in an R-4 zoning district. West: Several 12-unit apartment buildings in an RM-2 zoning district. E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Section 60.534 (6) of the zoning code permits auto convenience markets, auto service stations, and auto specialty stores, subject to the conditions detailed in finding #2 of this report. F. HISTORY/DISCIISSION: There are no previous zoning cases concerning this property. G. DISTRICT COIINCIL RSCOI�IENDATION: The District 10 Como Community Council voted to oppose the special condition use permit. H. FINDINGS• 1. The applicant has a contract to purchase the property and intends to operate a Tires Plus store from this location. About 70 percent of the business is tires, the remainder is breaks, shocks, and alignments. The applicant is relocating his existing business from a site at Hamline and Larpenteur in Roseville to this site in Saint Paul. Improvements will be made to the existing building to accommodate seven service bays; there will be five overhear doors. A single story • addition at the western end of the building to allow for an office and customer waiting area is proposed. The hours of operation will be Z�� Zoning File #96-160 ��• I `' J� � Page Two from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday, and 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday. The applicant expects to service between 20 and 30 vehicles per day at this location and states that he has a policy of not allowing vehicles to be kept over night. He has also offered to used silencers on his equipment to minimize the noise generated by the wrenches. 2. Section 60.534 (6) of the zoning code allows auto convenience markets, auto service stations and auto specialty stores, subject to special conditions. The special conditions and the applicant's ability to meet them are as follows: a. The construction and maintenance of all driveways, curbs, sidewalks, pump islands or other facil3ties used in conjunction svith the operation of the auto service station shall be in accordance with current city specifications. Such spec�fications shall be developed by the city planning coordinator, traffic eng3neer and city fire marshal, and shall be approved by the planning commission, and filed with the c�ty clerk. This condition will be met. The applicant is aware of the need to obtain site plan review approval for his development and expansion plans for the site. The site plan review process will ensure that , the development will be in accordance with current city specifications. The driveway on Dunlap may be moved several feet to the south to accommodate a sidewalk and landscaped boulevard on Larpenteur Avenue. • b. A ten-foot buffer area with screen planting and an obscuring wall or fence sha11 be required along any property line adjoining an existing residence or adjo�ning vacant land zoned for resident�al use. This condition is met. The property does not adjoin an existing residence or vacant land zoned for residential. The site abuts an alley to the south and Dunlap Street to the west. The applicant intends to construct a wall along the alley to screen the property and parking lot from the residences to the south. In addition, staff recommends that a sidewalk be installed along Larpenteur and that there be landscaping in the boulevard on Dunlap Street and along Larpenteur Avenue. c. The m3nimum lot area shall be fifteen thouasnd (15,000) square feet, and so arranged that ample space ia available for motor vehicles which are required to wait. Auto service stations which are intended solely for the sale of gasoline, oil and minor accesaories and having no facilit3es for 3ncidental servicing of automobiles (including lubricating facilities) and suto convenience markets may be permitted on a lot of twelve thousand (12,000) square feet, subject to aII other provisions herein required. This condition is met. The lot is 16,641 square feet. 3 . Section 64.300(d) of the zoning code requires that before the planning commission may grant approval of a principal use subject to special conditions, the commission shall find that: • a. The extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial complisnce with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan snd 21 Zoning File #96-160 � Page Three any applicable subares plans wh3ch were approved by the city council. This condition is met. The property is appropriately zoned for the intended use provided a special condition use permit is obtained. The B-2 zoning district is intended to serve the needs of a consumer population larger than that served by B-1 district and generally is characterized by a cluster of establishments generating large volumes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The site is identified in the Land Use Plan as a mixed use cluster area. The plan states that the city will support expansion of commercial opportunities in the designated mixed use cluster areas, Commerce #1, p.1. b. The use will provide adequate 3ngress and egress to minimize traffic congestion 3n the public streets. This condition is met. The property has access on Dunlap Street. The property can also be accessed from a driveway on Larpenteur, however, the driveway is not on the applicant's property. There will be no access to the site from the alley. Staff recommends that a "right-turn only" sign be installed at the exit on to Dunlap to discourage traffic into the residential area to the , south. There is a stop light at the Larpenteur-Dunlap intersection to facilitate turning movements onto Dunlap and Larpenteur. c. The use will not be detrimental to the exist3ng character of the • development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and general welfare. This condition is met. The site is located on Larpenteur Avenue, a busy commercial strip with almost 16,000 vehicles per day. The use is consistent with the variety of retail and services establishments along the avenue. The use is currently operating at a site on Larpenteur about one-half mile to the west. d. The use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. This condition is met. The site is across the street from a shopping center to the north. Provided there is adequate buffering from the residences to the south the use will not impede development or improvement of the surrounding property. e. The use shall, 3n all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the distr3ct in which it is located. This condition is met. 4. Adequate off-street parking will be provided. The proposed Tires Plus store requires 21 off-street parking spaces (one for each of the seven bays plus 1/275 square feet of gross floor area) . The site plan indicates 21 off-street parking spaces. I. STAFF RECONIDS$NDATION: Based on findings l through 4 staff recommends approval of the special condition use permit to allow the Tires Plus store, subject to the following conditions: • 1. Site plan approval shall be obtained before the use is established. Za q�. � �l S � • Zoning File #96-160 Page Four 2. A sidewalk shall be installed along Larpenteur Avenue. The public boulevard on Dunlap Street shall be landscaped with trees. A landscaped setback area on the applicant's property along Larpenteur Avenue shall be established. The landscaped area shall be between eight (8) and ten (10) feet wide, as determined by staff during site plan review. 3 . A "right-turn only" sign shall be installed at the exit on to Dunlap Street. 4. A six (6) foot high wood obscuring fence or wall shall be installed along the alley from the southwest corner of the building addition to within ten (10) feet of the property line. 5. There shall be no parking of vehicles awaiting service or recently serviced on the street. � • Z.3 .:;`.::<i��:::�si�:::i��i;'>:;>:::::<:>:::::>::::>< `:<:�or�i»g::>��:::;:.;;:::<.;.>:.;:.;:.;>:::�;�.;;�3�`>;:.:;;::.;:.;:,>;: RMIT P :;:<<;:r+::::.;;;:;::::>;:;.<:;:::>::;:::;' PECI ONDITION USE PE AP LICATION S AL C :>: ..�:. . :. .. . . :;::>::>::>::>:::»»>::::;;;>;;;;.;;;.. ;: ;;:.;;;;;;>;;:.:>;:.;;;;;;;>;::.:;;, : .;�{ :>:�'i�e:::�a:::::::::`:�::>::::<:> ::�l::::>:<::.::.�.::.:::::�::><::::;:; ,::............. , �,:::.:_.�.._..�...�T...:;. >.:::.:r::,::>:::<::>:>:::>:::::::>:::::<>:::>::<>::;>::» :::;;;;.;:;;:;;:.;;.�ti:;:::::<::;;«:,:<::.;:.;:.;:.;»;::>:;:��:::.>::r/�:�;�;�::>��:>:::>:::�::>:: :: o:iF.��"riiii;;i:ii;ii. : :�:� : :::::::::�- . i De artment o Planning and Economic Development <»��e::'::.� p l ' n Z nin Sect�o 0 -- g ` ;;t�'�Itl�;:�'3��:::�:::<:;,>�;..:<;:<:`?«::;>`;`:::::;:::':::>::>:[::;;.: `�'�r� �.,i�� t�at�............:...: 1100 Ci Hall Annex � f��� °��U;����V:�..,:.���:''.::>�<::::::;:;�;'�::.;:��::..:�'.;,f��:�,:.,r�;<<=;:'.;::::::>:�:>:�::> �:.:%`"` :::::':�';::: �i� 25 West Fourth Street �� . �:� >��� >: 51 2 aint Pau! MN S 0 S , . z - S 26 6589 - . - a 6 .�G. S G APPLICANT Name � u s �(�S Address /33 / � �v' e n �e u �r c , City�OS e�✓i� !r St�Zip�//.3 Daytime phone U �-' �523 Name of owner (if different) PROPERTY Address/Location //�� ��Y'r"'��1 � v ✓' �v� LOCATION Legal description: Current Zoning �•�- � (attach additional sheet if necessary) TYPE OF PERMIT: Application is hereby made under the provisions of Chapter�, � Section 'rJ3 _, Paragraph�_ of the Zoning Code for a: C�Special Condition Use Permit O Modification of River Corridor Standards ❑ River Comdor Conditional Use Permit SUPPORTING INFORMATION: in the space below supply information that is applicable to your type of permit (attach additional sheets if necessary) • SPECIAL CONDITION USE: Explain how the use will meet each of the special conditions. • RIVER CORRIDOR CONDITIONAL USE: Describe how the use will meet the applicable conditions. • MODIFICATION OF RIVER CORRIDOR STANDARDS: Explain why modifications are needed. Re uired site plan is att ched ❑ • . 4 Applicant's signature � � � 3� �0�� Date City agent �'�' f�'�''`-✓l �. �c�.-�t� � " �w �e Y � Zy /r�S �i'l�,s �y� �Sa 3 RESIDENTIAL AREA � �L ' � � � 132'-3 5 K F1E1D VERIFY FlEID 9VE3i1fY 62'-9� 22'-/� 11' 1{'-U 18'-!f C b PRGPF3tTY LTL' N�.EY � ---- ------------------- ------ ---� ---- SGREEN W/LL pclT Ot�LY DOIOR ; i j� /��/��/j j m � ��� -�1 ' - ___ �' i y�° ��;�% �� � _ �! i � ����� � � � � / 'i// i . � � �I //// /� � � e� � ; � %�//%% / � `� � � � � .-- � N ////�j/// F . / . � -- i I _____ , . . . ___ ' ENfRY _— "n� _ I ��-- � � ---— , . i i � �� � �� , � ��'��xrr�.r� � I 1J0'-0' `r RK�tff TtRN ON..Y 5KoN I�P�RtcAJ6 SPAGES O 4'-O' I tDGP SPAGE O 1�=0' � , � i � � I ! ! I !�� I � i I � b � � ( � I i � � � � � ,� ; � � P11.L1J � I I � ' i Y�1 , ; I �!'• ` ...._A'-lf'SOtY�!N1C.' ..�. .: ---- =�Rrr.�u� . oa�v�v a�xr�v wrm sw -�� +�, �' O O ,,�.� scv s�+r�sr,.�r� e� Ac�rr outar,� LARPENTEUR AVENUE Pf�EL.I M I N AfZY �i TE P�AN 5c�.e r = so-o� rr�zm srr� n�x : lian r�sr � • zcN�rve : �z ca�wa�iN evsir�ss v�sriz�cr PN�lCN6�: 1'ri0 5l./2'S� IA.Ai + 7 5TH15 � � rorK snus� �T�,���5 ������ ���,� qb�l (�v ,� ,� '�,. �.--,�,� ,�,� �,., , -. - x� �`, �a �, �r � • "��'� ;F ���.•�=?� � • ~� �,; �, ��/' � ��e -t. .—,..i:= • 3. ;. ;`�•. ��� rw�as��a�s � St. Paul Planning Commission August 7, 1996 15 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul,MN 55102 R E�`�� �/ �� Re: Zoning File #96-160 AUG 0 8 1996 1144 West Larpenteur Avenue Proposed Tires Phis Specialty Store ��N��� To whom it may concern, It is my intent to express my concerns regarding the noise factor that the proposed Tires Plus Store will certainly create. If the fore mentioned store is allowed to operate in this largely residential neighborhood,the • noise level would be intolerable. Consider the weekend,which to most of us,is a bit of respite from the stresses of noise and traffic. Then try to imagine the sounds of seven service bays, operating seven air impact wrenches,working on two to four tires per car at the same time. This will require five lug-nuts per tire be removed and replaced on approximately seventy � cars per day. This is all without mentioning the additional noise of cars and other machines that will be operating throughout the day. In addition to the noise from the cars on the property,there would be an increased level of traffic in an area that can hardly withstand the amount that flows through on a regular basis now. Please,before you allow this to happen,try to imagine the impact a store such as this would have on the lives of you and your family if it were your neighborhood that was proposed. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, ' � , �Q�.(J� ���i� iV`�c��l�e S im e � Homeowner 1139 Califorinia Avenue West St. Paul,MN 56108 . zu 6:• C.._..' _� . .. _ LARPENTEUR ANIMAL & BIRD HOSPITAL ��- � us3 � , 1136 LARPENTEUR AVE. W. ST. PAUL, MN 55113 TELEPHONE 487�3712 R EC E I V E D AUG 0 8 1996 ZOf�lN� To Whom It May Concern: In regard to the proposed establishment of a Tires Plus store at the corner of Larpenteur and Dunlap, I have a few thoughts: 1 - If the entrance to our joint parking lot from Dunlap is eliminated, that will encourage our clients arriving from the east to make a U-turn at the stop light on Larpenteur in order to get to our entrace on Larpenteur. Currently many of those clients make a left at the stop light and enter the parking lot off Dunlap where there is less traffic. That . will have some impact on the congestion of Larpenteur Avenue. � 2 - My long term plans include making a buffer zone between my part of the parking lot and the part that belongs to the proposed Tires Plus site. My reasons for doing that are (1) to create a more scenic atmosphere on Larpenteur Avenue and (2) to discourage thru traffic through our part of the parking lot where dogs, cats and birds are being taken across the lot to or from their vehicles. At present much of that traffic is from people cutting through the parking lot to avoid the traffic signals. If the entrance to Dunlap is closed that situation will be remedied but the temptation for Tires Plus customers to use out exit will take its place. (3) I have a concern about our parking places being used by Tires Plus customers. 3 - I am still concerned about the noise impact on our otherwise quiet area. Since ��ly, Dr. Clarence F z Larpenteur Animal & Bird Hospital • 2� August 7, 1996 Maureen Sullivan R E C E I V E� � 1105 California Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55�08 AUG 0 8 1996 ZO�VI�?�; Saint Paul Planning Committee, As a resident of the Como Park neighborhood of St. Paul, I feel it is my obligation to write to you regarding my opposition to the proposed Tires Plus store on 1144 West Larpenteur Avenue. This proposal came to my attention in mid July, and since then I have met with my neighborhood as to the deleterious consequences of such a high volume automobile service business. We as a neighborhood have voiced our opposition at both the district 10 monthly meeting (July 16) and the zoning committee meeting (August 1). Although these meetings produced some positive responses and ideas toward minimizing the stores effects, severai issues still concern me. • Neighborhood safety - Increased Traffic on an already dangerous and busy street (Dunlap Sueet) that cannot support this new traffic level. - Dangerous Ingress/Egress (whether on Dunlap or on Larpenteur). � - Potential for increased crime. - Unnecessary danger for pedestrians walking to and from the mall (especially the large elderly population who already have a diff'icult time crossing the street as exists today). • - Increased service and delivery truck traffic. • Property Values - A Tires Plus store will severely de-value the homes both in close proximity to and in all of Como Park (Como Park is one of the last neighborhoods that still attracts people to its community atmosphere and maintains high property values). • Store Hours - Open 7 days a week, including Sundays. - Late hours of operation. - Volume of business (5 bays, 7 stations conservatively yield greater than 70 cars per day). • Environmental Concerns - Noise due to store operation (Air wrenches and air compressors for use in seven stalls, the increased number of cars into that location, etc.). - Tire Storage in open-ended container on the premises. Acceptance of this proposal requires restructuring the zoning requirements from a low volume professional office use to a high volume automobile service business. This is inappropriate for our neighborhood, its charm and character will be irreparably harmed, and this proposal must not be allowed to pass. The fact remains that we (as a neighborhood) do not support this Tires Plus store under any . circumstances. Sincerely, �otM.u�-- �f�C.�i1 �/'_— Maureen Sullivan. Z� ��. � �I S..� � August 7, 1996 Brian Soltis �E C✓�,V�� 1105 California Avenue West St. Paul, Mlv 55108 AUG 0 8 1996 ���1 I�"���. St. Paul Planning Committee, As a homeowner in the Como Park area, I have great concerns and reservations to the proposed Tires Plus Store at 1144 West Larpenteur Avenue. Being a relatively new resident of the neighborhood (since January, 1995), I can still recall quite clearly the reasons for choosing this community. The Como Park area has a reputation for being (and has thus far been) a safe, family oriented, close-knit community. As a direct result to these factors, the property values have remained high and continue to rise. A Tires Plus store would greatly undermine these positive and endearing characteristics of Como Park. Upon moving to 1105 California Avenue West, I realized that the property directly , behind my alley was designated for professional o�ce type occupancy. Tires Plus (a high volume automobile service business) is not such a business. In order for Tires Plus to operate a store at this location, it requires a special use permit for operation. This is a result of it being a • high volume service business, demanding a large customer base and high customer turnover. The intended use of this property was for a low volume professional business, a business which is more "in character" to the Como Park azea. Our property values will inevitably be affected by Tires Plus moving into our neighborhood. Home values will decline and future homeowners will be discouraged from moving into the neighborhood because of the increased traffic, increased noise, decreased personal safety, and overall property value decline generated by Tires Plus moving into our residential neighborhood. This devaluation in property value will not only affect our immediate homes, but the entire Como Park area, greatly diminishing the original charm and character of this peaceful community. Please help us keep our neighborhood a neighborhood in the tradition of Como Park. Please vote against the proposed Tires Plus store at 1144 West Larpenteur Avenue. Thank-you, y �G�-�1�� Brian Soltis. • Z�� RECEIVE� Tuesday, August 6, 1996 , AUG 0 8 1996 Dear Planning Members, ������ My name is Gladys Jurgenson, I live at 1117 California Ave. W. I have lived here for about seventeen years . I am very much oppossed to Tires Plus putting in a store at the corner of Dunlap and Larpenteur. I don' t drive so I walk to most places . I find it hard enough to get to where I have to go now. All the trucks and the cars go so fast I don' t feel safe. I usually go down the alley and cross the street right behind where they want to put this store. I will not be able to do that if they � put in that store. There is also a mailbox which I use that is in the corner of the lot, it is nice because I don' t have to • cross Larpenteur to use it. Do not let them ruin a nice neigh- borhood. There is already to much traffic in our alley and on our streets, everyone I have talked to is against them putting in that store. Please help keep Como Park a nice neighborhood to live in. sincerely, Gladys Jurgenson ,,d�p�� �r�','�'�v . � � . qL• I�IS3 Au�uECEIV E� � DEAR SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMNIISSION MEMBER, AUG 0 8 �996 ALTHOUGH MANY OF MY CONCERNS HAVE BEEN ALLEVIATED TO A C Qy�� DEGREE BY ACTIONS ALREADY TAKEN BY THE ZONING COMI��IITEE ON��T�i,JS'I`" 1, 1996, I FEEL FAR TO MANY ISSUES REMAIN UNRESOLVED. IVIANY OF T'HESE ISSUES I FEEL WII.,L GREATLY IlVIPACT THE SAFE AND ORDERLY OPERATION OF TI�PROPOSED TIRES PLUS AUTO SPECIALTY STORE TO BE LOCATED AT 1144 W. LARPENTEUR AVE. AT THIS TIlVIE MR. LUNDQUIST OPERATES A STORE WITH FOUR BAYS, HE SAYS HE HAS ON AVERAGE FORTY CLIENTS IN A DAY. FOUR BAYS -FORTY .NT4. AT THE PROPOSED LOCATION HE WII.,L HAVE SEVEN BAYS, BASED ON BUSINESS AT HIS PRESENT STORE SEVENTY CARS AT HIS PROPOSED LOCATION IS NOT iJNREALISTIC. SINCE THIS ISSUE CAME TO MY ATTENTION ON JULY 12, 1996. I HAVE BEEN OBSERVING BUSINESSES IN SAINT PAUL. I HAVEN'T FOUND ANY BUSINESSES VV�-IICH HAVE THIS AMOUNT OF TRAFFIC, THAT HAVE ONLY ONE ENTRANCE INTO 'THEIR PARKING LOT. THIS WII.,L NOT PROVIDE SAFE ACCESS TO THE ' PROPOSED STORE. THIS WII,L CAUSE BACKED UP TRAFFIC ON LARPENTEUR AND MAKE TI�1NTERSECTION AT DUNLAP AND LARPENTEUR GRIDLOCKED. ` SIDEWALKS ON TI-�BORDER OF THIS LOT ARE NECESSARY BECAUSE OF THE INCREASED PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC. AT THIS TIlVIE NEITI�R DUNLAP OR LARPENTEUR HAVE A SIDEWALK AND THIS ALREADY CAUSES PEDESTRIAN PROBLEMS BEFORE YOU ADD THIS INCREASED CONGESTION. A TRAFFIC PROBLEM ALREADY EXISTS ON DUNLAP AVE. WITH OVERFLOW PARKING FROM THE APARTMENTS ON THE WEST SIDE OF DUNLAP. WI�N YOU HAVE CARS PARKED ON BOTH SIDES OF DUNLAP IT IS A TIGHT SQLTEEZE . SO MAICING ONE SIDE OF DUNLAP NO PARKING WOULD ELEVIATE TRAFFIC BOTTLENECKS. ALSO NOT PERMITING TIRES PLUS TO USE DUNLAP FOR EMPLOYEE PARKING OR PARKING CARS WAITING TO BE WORKED ON IS A MUST. SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE ABOUT OVERWEIGHT TRAFFIC THAT ALREADY EXISTS ON TI� 1100 BLOCK OF CALIFOIZIVIA AVE. W. IT IS USED BY ALL THE LARPENTEUR BUSINESS' DELIVERY TRUCKS AS A TURNAROUND PRIMARLY (MGM LIQUOR). CONSIDERING THAT AND TI�INCREASED TRAFFIC FROM TI� PROPOSED STORE AND ALL TT�PEOPLE ALREADY USING CALIFORNIA AVE. W. TO BEAT THE LIGHTS ON LARPENTEUR. THIS IS NST ONE MORE REASON WHY THIS ISN'T A GOOD LOCATION FOR THAT TYPE OF STORE. POSSIBLY SOME SORT OF SPEEDBUMPS SHOULD BE PUT IN TI�ALLEY BEHIND • THIS LOCATION TO SLOW TR.AFFIC DOWN OR DO AWAY WITH IT COMPLETELY. 31 AUGUST 6, 1996 � TI�RE IS A MAILBOX ON THIS PROPERTY AND A FIRE HYDRANT ALONG TI-� NORTHWEST CORNER AND UNRESTRICTED ACCESS TWO BOTH OF THESE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED. ALSO THE GRADE OF THIS LOT AND HOW IT SLOPES STEEPLY TO TI� NORTHWEST SHOULD BE ADDRESSED, AND ALSO THE FACT THAT WE DO GET ALLOT OF SNOW IN T`HE WINTER AND WHERE IT WII..L BE PUT AND HOW THIS WII.,L AFFECT THE PARKING SHOULD ALSO BE CONSIDERED. WHEN YOU CONSIDER ALL T'HESE ISSUES MENTIONED ABOVE AND THE FACT THAT THIS LOCATION NEEDS TWO ENTRANCES WHICH WII.,L FURTHER INCREASE A PARKING SITUATION THAT BARELY MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS AS IT IS PLANED WITH ONE ENTRANCE. I CAN'T IMAGINE THAT TI�PLANNING COMIVIISION CAN IN GOOD FAITH LET A BUSINEES WHICH WII.L SO GREATLY COMPROMISE SAFETY EXIST AT THIS LOCATION. SINCERELY, � BRIAN D. RICHIE • �- � ac.- I �Is,3 • 11-Ian•Lundquist 1315 West Larpenteur Ave Suitc-B Roseville Mn 55113 612-G42-1523 R�CE1V��3 August 5, 1996 �IUG 07 1996 Mr Da�•id McDonell St. Paul Planning Commission Chairman Z������=� 1988 Wellesle�•A�•enue St. Paul Mn>j10� Dear Mr Chairman I am��•riting this letter Re: Man•Lundquist/Tires Plus application for Special Condition Use Permit. File#96-160 1�Vhen n�e met���ith the Zonin�Commission on August 1, 1996,the commission added t«•o conditions to the St. Paul Cit}�Staff recommendation to approve the project. (Condition One) Restricted Business Hours: Regular Hours Condition Hours M-F 7:00 AM ?hrough 9:00 PM 7:00 AI`T Through 8:00 PM • Sat 7:30 AM ?hrough 6:00 PM 9:00 AM Through 5:00 PM Sun 10:0U AM Through 5:00 PM 12:00 Noon Through S:OU P;vi There are three reasons I am respectfull��requesting this condition be set aside. 1. There are t��•o Tires Plus stores presentl}�operating in St.Paul under the regular hours.Both of these stores are also bordered b3•residential housing.The addresses are: 2185 Ford Park��•a}� and 300 north Snelling. (Se�Enclosed Pictures) 2. Our Tires Plus franchise agreement requires us to be open the regular hours.Plus our advertisin�is all CO-OP,indicating uniform hours. 3. I«�ould ne:be allo«�ed a fair opportunit}�«ith my competition. I am assuming these condition hours�vere proposed out of concern for noise.Please see the attached noise stud}•performed b}�Vanney Associates Architectural Firm. (Condition T���o) Drive��ay to be moved from Dunlop A��enue.To Larpenteur A��enue: Please see the attached letter from Vanney Associates Re:Their discussion«zth Tom Beach of St Paul City Staff. . Si cerely; ��� • Marv Lundquist _ 3� .. J; v• ��.��r�;� , � .� i'�� �. 1��ty?![�' . ..� �,1`'"�._ ,1 � � _ � ��F .�Y^ }•,` �� ts'�.l�'jtt.f..�� ♦ � ,, . . 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Tires Plus 131� West Larpenteur Ave., Suite C Roseville, Minnesota 55113 Re: Proposed Tires Plus 1144 Larpenteur Avenue West St. Paul, Minnesota Dear I��1r. Lundquist: On August 1, 1996 at the City of St. Paul Zoning Committee meetiag, the committee recommended • to the Planaing Commission approval o[ the above referenced project �vith conditioas. One of the conditions in the recommendation was to move the access drive from Dunlap Street to Larpenteur Ave. The city planning staff and public works had reviewed our site plan, showing the access drive on Dunlap Street, prior to this meeting and recommended approval of the plan as submitted. Since we at Vanney Associates worked closely with the city staff to arrive at a site plan that would comply with the city's zoning ordinances and was acceptable to the sta[f and us, we contacted Tom Beach, St. Paul Zoning Depart. for his op'lnion on moving the driveway. N1r. Beach reviewed the proposed change wi[h public works and had the following informal observations; '" If only one driveway is provided he would preter it be oft Dunlap Street. * He would like driveway access to both Dunlap Street and Larpenteur Avenue. Another issue which was discussed at the Zonina Committee meeting regarded the noise generated by Tires Plus and the au wrenches usecl to change tires. The following table shows the decibel levels we recorded using a sound meter at the proposed Tire Plus at 1144 Larpenteur Ave. West, St. Paul and at the existing Tires Plus Store at 1329 Larpenteur Ave. West, Roseville. Please note we took the readings at two different times of the day, at the front and rear of each building and with and without the au wrenches operating. • . . ZSS East Kellogg Boulevard � Saiat pau],Iv�innesota (612)222-4642 FAX(612)222-3034 -. �. �55101 35 Vanney _ Associates Architects Design August 6, 199G Tires Plus Page 2. . Recorded Decibcl Levcls (db� Location Time of Day Air 1�Vrench Buildiag Fron[ Buil�ling Rear Operating dba Range dba Range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proposcd Tires Plus 8:30 PM No GO to 75 48 to 53 1144 Larpenteur Ave.West St. Paul, I�In. 8:30 Al�'1 No 70 to 82 G3 to 65 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Existino Tires Plus � 8:30 PM No 55 to 74 50 to 60 1329 Larpenteur ave.,West Roseville, Mn. b:30 ANI No 55 to 80 50 to 60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•---------------------- Existing Tires Plus 5:30 PNI Yes Air Wrench adds 3 to 4 dba ** • without tra[fic noise � ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exi;ting Tires Plus 830 PM �'es Au Wrench adds 0 dba with ''`* • traffic noise. -------------------------------•---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Existing Tires Plus 8:30 AM Yes Air Wrench adds 3 to 4 dba ** without traffic noise. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Existing Tires Plus 8:30 A1��I Yes Air Wrench adds 0 dba with ** traflic noise. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** There was no recordable reading on the sound meter or perceivable increase in noise to our ears when the air wrenches were operating. I trust this information will be helpful in clarifying the zoning committee and neighborhood's concems. If you have any questions or comments or need additional information, please call me. Sincerel , _. . obert F. Vanney, AIA President RFV:rfVd:\tinplus\stpaul\wp\it8-6afv 11:27 7 August 1996 • Copies:file . 255 Eaat Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul,Minnesota (612)222-4642 FAX(612)222-3034 . 55101 �4� . . q `, � y5 �. � �EC�IV�D July 23, 1996 AUG 0 2 1996 ?�E�l;��a St. Paul Zoning Committee • 25 West Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 Re: Special Condition Use Pernut For Tires Plus Dear Committee Members: We aze business and property owners two doors east of 1144 Larpenteur Ave.`Vest where an appeal has been made to grant a Special Condition Use Permit for Tires Plus seeldng to relocate � their business. After carefully listening to discussions and considering the use of this location for an auto repair facility,We are against this proposal. • Because the location and access is so close to the intersection of Larpenteur and Dunlap safety is an issue. One car stopped at the Larpenteur light northbound on Dunlap will block the only proposed entrance and exit for traffic that has a green light. This will create congesrion and encourage use of the residential streets and a11eX to get to the business. Permitting increased traffic so close to Larpenteur and Lexington Avenues is compounding an ever increasing problem. Continuity of business on this block will be damaged. The nature of this business is more difficult to maintain a clean and neat pro�erty and in time will sustain greater wear and teaz. This does not soften the transition to a residential neighborhood. This type of business has inherent characterisrics that will have a negative impact on the residential community including esthetics and noise in addirion to the decrease in safety. Our greatest concern is for the folks who have their homes nearby. The affect on them and their properties is the basis of our opposition. If the pemut is granted it should be conditional on restrictions that will lessen the undesirable impact this business will have. Also,if the Committee approves the pemut it will be clear the members haven't listened to their constituents. Sincerely, ������,. /�- /�.� . , .� William H. Hite, Jr., D.D.S. Kurt M. Sundeen, D.D.S. • 31 � � �-°�y} �t.:e• X i� tit ��fc��l—,-��ij .�' :_ " - . . . . I . ' . . y, � i �t- ?T�1y ��.: I _ . . `��. � ��...'� ���, � . .., `�. �� 3� . - . � ' . . . ' . . S•' 2� � ' , . ; ' ' . .. ' .. � ' � I� . . . � . .. .._ __:.. . .._._._ ... _._'�" " __ .' "_ .'_ ': . -- . . . . ; . . . . . . 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JUL-26-1996 09�23 UANNEY ASSOCIATES 612 222 3034 P.02 • q � - I ys3 I.EX I NG1'ON HOLD I NG COD[PANY 80 1tINNESOTA AVFNUE LITTLE CANADA, liN 55117 July 23, 1996 REC��VE� JUL 25 1996 Honareble Yeyar 8� City �ounoii 1lemberS ZONING City of St. Paut LsdieB and aentiamen: A$ Landlord of the Roeeville 5hopp�ng Center� we would Nelcome Tirea ' Plue to our neighborhood. Yr. etarv Lundqu i st, d/b/e� T i rea P lus� ha$ been e. cuatomer oi • ours in otber areas oi the T�►in Cities ior tnany ye�.rs. � Yr , Lundquist ha� been a.nd continues to be an excellent businesemsn. Tirea Plue Niil add value to our neighborhood with edditionsl reveaue and increased servicee. The impact fn our ares wiii be at the vecy loaet ae benGlicisl as the aerviee stati,oas; Isst food reetaurante� snd liquor atorea now aerving our eammur�ity. . We hi�hly reeommend favorabla conaideration irom you to insure the aontfnued succesa of the weil ar�anized end �ervice oriented busineas 4tr. Lundqulst wiii bring to our community. Sincerely, � �[r. rving T. a►rgol ia lldnaging Partner LexinQton Hoiding Compe�ny � � ' �I ' TOTAL P.02 TO ZONING CONIlvII"I'TEE OF TE�SAINT PAUL PLANING COMNIISSION July 23, 1996 ZONIIJG FILE NUMBER 96-160 ZONIN�'i FILE NAME MARVIN E.LUNDQUIST/TIRES PLUS FROM BRIAN D.RICHIE,HELEN M.RICHIE AND OUR TWO DAUGHTERS TAYLOR AND MORGAN � 1121 CALIFORTiIA AVENLJE WEST, SAINT PAUL MN. 55108-2201489-3187 PURPOSE TO OPPOSE THE GRAN'I'ING OF A SPECIAL CONDTTION USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A W �„p TIRES PLUS AUTO SPECIALTY STORE. > � Z � � G�2 � LOCATION OF PROPERTY 1144 W. LARPENTEUR AVENUE; SOUTHEAST CORNER OF W � � LARPENTEUR AND DUNLAP. � .7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION W 1/2 OF LOT 11 AND ALL OF LOTS 12, 13 AND 14,BLOCK 1; CLIFI'ON DALE ADDTTION • REASONS FOR OPPOSITION • ALL OTHER BUSINESSES ON ABOVED MENTIONED BLOCK ARE SIX DAY OPERATIONS VVHERE TIRES PLUS IS A SEVEN DAY OPERATION,WE FEEL THIS WOULD BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE EXISTING CHARACTER OF OUR NEIGHBORHOOD. • TIRES PLUS WOULD KEEP LONGER HOURS WHERE ALL OTHER BUSINESSES KEEP SHORTER ' HOURS,WE FEEL THIS WOULD BE DETRIIVIENTAL TO THE EXISTING CHARACTER OF OUR NEIGHBORHOOD. • WE FEEL THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS NOT CONDUSIVE TO THE SAFE ORDERLY OPERATION OF • A BUSINESS WHICH SERVICES IN EXCESS OF SEVENTY CARS IN A DAY.AND HAS PEOPLE ALSO CONIING IN TO GET QUOTES AND TO LOOK AT TIRES AND WHEELS.WE FEEL THIS WOULD ENDANGER PUBLIC SAFETY. • AT THIS TIME TI�RE IS ONLY ONE ENTRANCE INTO THIS PROPERTY,TT IS LOCATED ON DUNLAP AVENUE,WHICH IS NOT A PAVED STREET.THIS ENTRANCE IS ALSO EXTREMELY CLOSE TO LARPENTEUR AVENUE WHICH HAS A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT THIS INTERSECTION. WE KNOW THAT THIS WII,L MAKE AN ALREADY DANGEROUS AND CONGESTED INTERSECTION � THAT MUCH MORE DANGEROUS. WE FEEL THIS WII.,L NOT PROVIDE ADEQUATE INGRESS AND EGRESS AND WOULD ADD CONGESTION IN Tf�PUBLIC STREETS. • THIS PROPERTY HAS NO SIDEWALKS WHICH WOULD MAKE TI�INCREASED PEDESTRIAN Q TRAFFIC UNSAFE NOT TO MEMTON PEOPLE IN TI�NEIGF�ORHOOD WHO NOW USE THIS `9 AREA TO GET AROUND.WE FEEL THIS WOULD ENDANGER PUBLIC SAFETY. � • WE FEEL THAT A TIRES PLUS AUTO SPECIALTY STORE WOULD CREATE EXCESSIVE NOISE, ADD TRAFFTC TO OUR ALLEY AND TO OUR STREET AND ADVERSELY AFFECT OUR PROPERTY VALUES AND OUR QUALTTY OF LIFE. OUR MAIN GOAL IN OPPOSING THIS SPECIAL USE �.IU CONDTTION PERNIIT IS TO KEEP OUR NEIGHBOR�iOQD A QITIET,SAFE AND POSITNE PLACE ....� TO LIVE AND RAISE OUR FANIII,Y. � • � - � • WE ARE NOT ALONE IN OUR OPPOSTTION TO THIS PROPOSID TIRES PL�TS STORE,WE PASSED AROUND A PETTTION(WHICH IS ENCLOSED),I'OU CAN SEE TT DEMONSTRATES THAT OUR . ` � NEIGHBORS ARE IN AGREEMENT.I URGE YOU TO CALL THEM AND GET Tf�IR FEELINGS d� REGARDING THIS ISSUE. � ....�. • ANY CONSIDERATION BY Tf�MEMBERS OF TI�PLANING COMNIISSION WOULD BE GREATLY � APPRECIATED. BRIAN D.RICHIE,HELEN M.RICHIE AND FAMII.,Y _ d�• ` �1�� �1 . �C;�'�u.� � TO ZONIIJG COMI�IITTEE OF THE SAINT PAUL PLA1vING CONIIvIISSION 7uly 23, 1996 q �,• � y 5,3 ZONIIJG FII.E NUMBER 96-160 ZONING FILE NAME MARVIN E.LUNDQUISTlTIRES PLUS • FROM BRIAN D.RICHIE,HELEN M.RICHIE AND OUR TWO DAUGHTERS TAYLOR AND MORGAN 1121 CALIFORTIIA AVENUE WEST,SAINT PAUL MN. 55108-2201489-3187 PURPOSE IN T'HE EVENT TIRES PLUS IS GRANTED A SPECIAL CONDTI'ION USE PERNIIT WE WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE ISSUES ADRESSED THAT HAVE AN IlvIPACT ON OUR PROPERTY AND HAVE TF�M BE A PART OF TF�SPECIAL CONDITION USE PERNIIT . LOCATION OF PROPERTY 11�W.LARPENTEUR AVENUE; SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LARPENTEUR AND DUNLAP. LEGAL DESCRIPTION W 1/2 OF LOT 11 AND ALL OF LOTS 12, 13 AND 1�3,BLOCK 1; CLIFTON DALE ADDITION ' ISSUES THAT NEED TO BE ADDRESSED • S'TIPULATE THAT TIRES PLUS NOT OPERATE ON SUNDAY. • CLOSE NO LATER THAN EIGHT P.M. ON WEEKDAYS AND FIVE P.M.ON SATURDAY. • MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO MAKE THIS PROPERTY SAFE. � • MOVE ENTRANCE SOUTH ON DUNLAP TO MAKE ITS CLOSE PROXIlVIITY TO LARPENTEUR AVE. LESS OF AN ISSUE AND PROVIDE ACCESS FROM LARPENTEUR AVE.TO Tf�IR LOT WHICH WOULD BE WIDE ENOUGH TO ALLOW SAFE INGRESS AND EGRESS OF MORE THAN ONE VEHICLE AT A TIl�IE.OR HAVE NO ENTRANCE ON DUNLAP AVE.AND HAVE ALL ACCESS TO PARKING LOT BE FROM LARPENTEUR AVE. • PROVIDE SIDEWALKS ON BOTH DUNLAP AVE AND LARPENTEUR AVE. WHICH WOULD MAKE FOR SAFER PEDESTRIAN USE.AND PLOW AND MAINTAIN THOSE SIDEWALKS. • ADDRESS NOISE CONCERNS BY USING MUFFLED AIR GUNS,USING SOUND DEADENIIIG MATERIALS ON INSIDE OF WORK BAYS AND NOT PERNIIT WORK TO BE DONE ON VEHICLES IN FRONT OF BAYS IN PARKING LOT. ALSO A TEN FOOT CONCRETE FENCE EXTENDING FROM WEST SIDE OF BUIDING TO EDGE OF SIDEWALK ON DUNLAP MENTIONED ABOVE THEN PRECEDING NORTH ALONG SIDEWALK AS FAR AS REASONABLE. • HAVE NO STORAGE OR ACCESS TO ALLEY BEHIND STORE EXCEPT'FOR DOOR TO BE USED ONLY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY NOT A PLACE FOR EMPLOYEES TO TAI�BREAKS OR SMOKE ETC. • PUT SPEED BUMPS IN ALLEY AND MAINTAIN TI�IR PORTION OF THE ALLEY(SNOW, WEEDS,TRASH ETC.). • ANY CONSIDERATION BY THE MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMNIISSION WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. . ��+.�.rr ZC7i���G FI LE g� � • BRIAN D.RICFiIE,HELEN M.RICHIE AND FAMILY �� z -^.-w. . . TIRES PLUS PETITION BY SiFN1NG THIS PETITION I AM OPPOSED TO THE GRANTING OF • A SPECIAL CONDITION USE PERMIT FOR TI� OPERATION OF A TIRES PLUS STORE AT 1144 LARPENTEUR AVENUE. . •r , � ; Z�NthiG FtLE '��� � r ��� �. :� . � �� f ' . ,Y � . � . 3 NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE 6R►R� I 1 a. � L AI�1 F��N�� /s1�'� ��9-3�`b� ��-�. ,.���. �c�tt�. ,���`�' � � �� 7 ' � • u� . �c �8'� o �y 5 �.��- M� �u.P.l,;J�,.� 1 I oS �'a�t�vv,�� �-v� �J �}�7� 39 7�j /�au�- ���� ��.�., i S/o [.a:.P eti-�u- .,r'r••� - I,.�, �y7 -�E /�,3 ��� ..j�1,�%� �C 1r'/'.� �'", U��' ��� , f�L`"���l�� ��.2�` �!J• 6¢�� f p�.�-! i� ���•o�6D�' � :. �/J��� �-pz�- ' G`J�.�i %/e�� �, � � a-c�cti.�y� y�c�— 2?�v c=�.��Z.�l-._-�d'.x�.c� 1 v Z ���3 �c,c.n I Gt,.� S-t�• FJ • i,«g -'`?O(�1 k�t.>--►�1 c9�.� N�2 �lc�� l�t,u-�1(�,� �-�. t� • �i�6$-�l0�� ��"� �`�.° /6�i � ,� �B�-��� � � , l�� I �'. � _ ��f_ �� �� , ,,� - �� � ' � � �U.�,1 ��33 � �c. /�1.�. , ys�-��i 7 �p�� � . c�,,,,� 7f ��� 9 �i � �9— �s-�v ? � s�r, � ' ` �`�9����� ��.� �cY�.,��- a„t.a,�.�- ��;� �- - - � �'�� -���� �-,,..,s�� �- ,, � �- e � � ,�u �� ��. `��-�L �L �c ' � i I/Z Ca �i '�o M i U l�c� (.�/, �, ��s � — 9oy� ./� ...�-. a-w���o�, r ioy c� Q /�u-e_ � �'�.� � y g5-1y� J � ���. r . 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ZON I NC �2��� _�-�------� --`-��-t--: �- �v:t.�. : � f �� � � �.�� �o� -. --�� �-�-�-� �.�.� ---- --`�" -- �----.----- � _ -���,�-z-�. �----- � � �� __. �.e�� �.� ---�_-- a--� �- .,� _ � ��.� � _:; -- _ _ --- - -- _-.- — — __. . �.�.�-���.—�-�--� —e—�_�� �-- 7---- ---___.-- Mary Ouska ^ ��.Q_(,,�,i • 1180 Califomia#102 --- --� — Saint Paul MN 55108 � 4��. , _ / -�-----�-- ;�,,.�;�wt'� � !� (� � 1;%,� �, �� �:�:,:_�. �� _ . _ �J ���� � �--C - � �Q Z- ._----- � , ------- _ ,,� , � � +.•sZfatl 1�..`J4 �"a�:-�a '� •i �, 'Z ; �-w z,;� :� ,,�c. (]/_ ( � � U � �:;�� :a,3a � �:;.� � '€� ��: ������ . � �� � - °Ic.- �yS3 RECEIVE� � ��}�L 2 31996 _ , �_ � 9_ q � �C��11��� ,�; , n S , � �u Ye / !/e� �!� ��'°- � S Gc.: yyly C��=�n�'��, i ct- �� �� /z' � ss- �' /��j yi-`- . ���t/,. � _ !�`'e •• �.e.- i�;� r y'�� , / �^ �'I E'r 2 % YI � � � �- GC /!�c! ��. !I� C- c� �' �-'! i^��y/� � .7 - �e 2 �- `j�z. Ji� ,�� e, r� � �e.r�� �i��� S- �d �j.�,�/a� ���rr� � � p_ G i .<I- / fj 2c �� , Y� � s s �� � G�.Lj � .YI cl Zc S � J7 � S �� �� � �-, �-i 1� �l o� C',�r'� � �=/�C�i�/�/ ,��-, '/�,� � �-s � �L� e .,�� e� � l/o�zf c. � � �f��, u � �y 7�.�s � ,r,� � ��:� Qfi��,�� �U � � �%� � D�G ;, �a �•x.�- �.. . . n es �/�s Si � �j �.�� Y�;� �✓i �/ h G �'! �• 'Z.� ! �I � P � / / � "���2. n r� E c� : -�/ j�'d 7.0/C �G ��/i'�°..� i�-T C� ".� �� 1/� �Z,a � d.� (j u 72 �'�'� S i� �P h C'�E S '�' J L��. � Q 1� � C�'.1r� u s ,o ZL r1 d zc e Yl v . .S � C� � j�,� �� �6 /,� � �-� ;�,' ;y�, �-��: �- � r -- ZL'� , �h� �z- rz� � �� vrd / �✓ e_al- � r-�,� � � . ^ �-�-a. i r s�. � �f�O%� (/G'D � �o i�:. V PJ �D�re �, i S' S !' d � %�� ��i� �� � �`i� 4 G/2�� Y1 u,� �C �e-�'�- �e s Te �- �l�� W • �1�1.. ��'J�QJVU�IQ-�� h e e. � e�1 �,C;�� • �� � �. � �� - �q � RECEIVED JUL 2 21996 �ONlNG � From: "Janet B Graves" ("GRAV0048@MAROON.TC.UMN.EDU" ) To: janice.rettman@stpaul .gov, Date : Monday, July 22 , 1996 8 : 53 am Subject : Tires Plus Store (SMTP Id# : 5683) Dear Ms.Rettman and Ms .Dadlez, We don't think that a Tires Plus store at Dunlap and Larpenteur is a good idea for the neighborhood.One of the main problems with this idea is the lack of access to it from Larpenteur. Dunlap is a busy residential street that serves the area as a quick access to shopping and the addition of Tires Plus traffic would cause an unnecessary nuisance for the residents .We also don' t think the homes that abut the proposed store would appreciate being forced to endure the noise from impact wrenches . This unrelenting noise will be heard � 7 days a week for a total of 88 .5 hrs . This noise will be especially bad during the summer months when these residents are trying to enjoy their yards .We • realize that business is very important to St . Paul,however We don' t feel that a business generating a large volume of traffic and noise is the best choice for this property. Sincerely, Mr.and Mrs .Edward Graves 1134 Hoyt Ave W. St .Paul,MN 55108 612-488-9876 • ZON I I�G �I LE °���-- � °� �-- 14S3 ...�,.�,. .. } � '. �b � { � � � � Z � 1� �� .�.��. ,� ' G � � R �, , ,�.. � ; r~ .�«� � 5 1� � to�o w..i.ro .[� � �� ° � �rr.v.o wt t .+^ r� � . � ��` � — F � � .�., „ �. ,. � K ~ ��� jD K� '" . 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SUMNIIT-UI�TIVERSITY 9 SEVENTH '' � COMO - . -MIDWAY 12. ST. ANTHONY PARK 13. MERRIAM PARK LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNEL,LING HAMLINE 14. MACALESTER GROVELAND 15. HIGHLAND .. 16. SUMMIT HILL • 17. DOWNTOWN ZONING FILE �'� �► A � :.���.���1'�"� ,'��-�'�=���� � � �� ��� ""���� I-I��I'�"�'�� -- - �=.� ��o� � ����' I- —''��'=� — s � � � I 1�1: �-�--� -� �� I [�II�, Illt� . ii ��� —� � IIfl1- fl �I ��� ' _ �-__ , � ' - ��,� ���� � I �' � � ` � � � 1 L �r . � � _ _ �— � . , ��_ _v_ =� R � � � � . � � _ � ��, . .. - a � -� - - � � � �I _ � .� .� ��: _ '•. ,' � ���� � `�,. �\ ii�� ,� -- _ ,._� ,,.�' � ��� �� - � � �'�,.�..` i t -�� .y. I I��1 t � „ �� ������� � � II: -I fl� �; �� i�:t��e�� � �� ■�1� � � _ .�_�-.�-- - --� � �� ��� � . J 7"_ !� �■ _�._ -�� �-S �.... �� �l��1�(�, � �--�- � � �"� �'� - .� � ��=� ���-� �v\� � �' t:i � �ii�:� � � � .� ■._ � - - � - ---- � � � • � Q . .:...:= -� .�.T : y � � , . � - - >.. • \ � � q `- IyS3 � . -, . , . 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