96-1447 i� !'--.., e s
� � , � � �'�� �� � � �; Council File# -1 y y�
F , � t p
Green Sheet# 35887
Presented by
Referred To Committee Date
1 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached
2 July 1, 1995 through June 30, 1997 Agreement between the Independent School Dstrict No. 625 and
3 Minnesota Teamsters Loca1320 representing Food Service Personnel.
Yeas Na s Absent Requested by Department of:
Blakey �/
Office of Labor Relations
Bostrom �
Guerin �--"
Harris By' '
Megard �-
Rethnan � Form A roved C' Attorney
Thune � By: `
Adopted by Council: Date �,z� � ��q (o Approved by Mayor for S b ission to Council
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: //,� ` �-�.�/ ..!�)`���'"�
By: �« �- ����...�_
Approved by Mayor: Date � ?/ d 3 �
By: �
LABOR RELATIONS November 13, 1996
JULIE KRAUS 266-6513
ncriorr REQvESTEn: This resolution approves the attached July 1, 1995 through June 30, 1997 Agreement between
Independent School District No. 625 and Minnesota Teamsters Loca1320 representing Food Service Personnel.
PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION l. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department?
STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaily possessed by any current city employee?
Yes No
Explaia all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
; This resolution pertains to Board of Education employees only.
NOV 14 1996
�ur�c�l R����a ch ��
rt�a�YO�rs oFFrcE
Below are correct routings for the five most frequent types of documents:
CONTRACTS(assumes authorized budget exists) COI7NCIL RESOLUTION(Amend Budgets/Accept.Grants)
1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director
2. Department Director 2. Budget Director
3. City Attorney 3. City Attorney
4. Mayor(for contracts over$15,000) 4. Mayor/Assistant
S. Human Rights(for contracts over SS0,000) S. City Council
6. Finance and Management Services Director 6. Chief Accountant,Finance and Management Services
7. Finance Accounting
ADMiNISTRATIVE ORDERS(Budget Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION(sll others,and Ordinances)
1. Activity Manager 1. Department Ditector
2. Departrnent Accountant 2. City Attorney
3. Department Director 3. Mayor/Assistant
4. Budget Director 4. Ciry Council
S. City Clerk
6. Chief Accountant.Finance and Management Services
1. Department Director
2. Ciry Attorney .
3. Finance and Management Services Dirxtor
4. Cit� Clerk
Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip or fla�each of these pages.
Describe what the proiecdrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronological order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for
the issue. Do not H�rite complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb.
Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body,public or private.
Indicate which council objective(s)your project/request supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING,RECREATION,
This information will be used to determine the city's liability for workers compensation claims,taxes and proper civil service hiring rules.
Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request.
Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by Iaw/charter or whother there are specific ways in which the Ciry of
Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this projat/action
What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this project/request produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays,noise,
tax increases or assessments)? To Whom? When? For tiow long?
What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is aot approved? Inability to deliver service? Continued high u�c,noise,
accident rate? Loss of revenue?
Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing,in general you must answer two questions: How
much is it going to cost? Who is going to pay?
._ i' •
DATE: April 9, 1996
TOPIC: Approval of an employment agreement between Independent School
District. No. 625, Saint Paul Public Schools, and Minnesota Teamsters
Public and Law Enforcement Employees Union Local No. 320, exclusive
representative for Food Service Personnel
1. Term of the contract is July 1, 1995 through June 30, 1997.
2. Contract changes include:
Retiree Health Insurance:
The new transitional Retiree Health Insurance language will be included.
Active Employee Health/Hospitalization:
January 1, 1996: District premium contribution caps are increased by $20 to
$170 per month on single coverage and by $30 to $300 per
month on family coverage.
January 1, 1997: District premium contribution caps are increased by an
additional $10 per month on single coverage and by $10 per
month on family coverage.
Language changed to provide vacation accrual to any full-time 12-month employee
covered by this agreement who is regularly assigned to the District administration
building kitchen.
July 1, 1995: Entry and base rates are frozen. A new step at two years is
included. A 2%increase is made on rates above base.
July 1, 1996: The Baker and Food Service Assistant titles receive an
increase of 2% to steps above base. The Food Service
Department has initiated a restructuring of the supervisor
series which resulted in the abolishing of several titles which
will be replaced with a new job series, Food Service
Supervisor 1, 2 and 3. The overall effect of establishing
salaries for the new titles and the other increases will have a
cost equivalent to a 2.9% wage increase, including
reorganization of supervisory titles. This is consistent with
continuing progress toward Pay Equity objectives.
� Employment Agreement for Minnesota Teamsters Public and April 9, 1996
Law Enforcement Employees Union Locai No. 320 Page Two
, q �,-14N�
3. The District has approximately 140 FTE (approximately 300 employees mostly part-time) in
this bargaining unit.
4. This item is submitted by Richard Kreyer, Negotiations/Labor Relations Assistant Manager;
Phyllis E. Byers, Negotiations/Labor Relations Manager; and Wiliiam A. Larson, Assistant
Superintendent, Fiscal Affairs and Operations.
That the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625 approve and adopt the
Agreement concerning the terms and conditions of employment of food service personnel in this
school district for whom Local No. 320, Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement
Employees Union is the exclusive representative. Duration of said Agreement is for the period of
July 1, 1995, through June 30, 1997.
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1995 - 97
Saint Paul Public Schoals
Food Service Personnel
July 1 , 1995 through June 30, 1�97
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PUBLIC SCHOOLS c�fE�o�v° �en�nunr�
Independent School Dis#rict No. 625
Board of Education:
Mary Tham#on Phiilips - Chair Tom Conlon - Director
Marc Manderscheid - Vice Chair Greg Filice - Director
Neal Thao - Clerk AI Qertwig - Director
Becky Montgomery - Treasurer
Curman L.Gaines - Superintendent
Julio Almanza - Assistarrt Superintendent,
Pianning and Support Services
AAaureen A. Flanagan - Assistant Superintendent,
Administration and Govemment Relations
William A. Larson - Assistant Superintendent,
Fiscal Affairs and Operations
Cy Yusten - Assistant Superintendent,
Teaching and Leaming
� �— ����
1 . Definition of Agreement.................................................................. 1
2. Recognition...................................................................................... 1
3. Check Off, Fair Share...................................................................... 2
4. Maintenance of Standards................................................................ 2
5. Grievance Procedure....................................................................... 3
6. Non-Discrimination, Affirmative Action....................................... 5
7. Holidays........................................................................................... 6
8. Sick Leave........................................................................................ 6
9. Hours............................................................................................... 7
10. Vacations.......................................................................................... 7
1 1 . Lunch Break.................................................................................... 7
12. Civil Service Examinations and Probation..................................... 8
13. Seniority, Layoff and Recall............................................................ 9
14. Insurance Benefits.......................................................................... 1 1
15. Working Conditions......................................................................... 2 4
� 16. Court Duty....................................................................................... 2 6
17. Sick Leave Conversion..................................................................... 2 6
18. Discipline and Discharge................................................................. 2 6
19. Leaves.............................................................................................. 2 7
20. Uniforms......................................................................................... 28
21 . Wage Scale....................................................................................... 2 8
22. Duration of Agreement.................................................................... 2 9
AWage Scale................................................................................. A1-A4
� ���y-�
SECTION 1. PARTIES: This Agreement is entered into between the Board of
Education, Independent School District No. 625, Saint Paul, Minnesota, hereinafter
' referred to as the Board of Education, and Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law
Enforcement Employees Union, Local No. 320 (certified in Case No. 81-PR-268-A on
December 5, 1980, by the Director of Bureau of Mediation Services as the exclusive
� representative), hereinafter referred to as Local No. 320, pursuant to and in
compliance with the Public Employment Labor Relations Act of 1971, as amended, to set
forth the terms and conditions of employment.
SECTION 2. PUR E: The purpose of this Agreement is to promote orderly and
constructive relationships between the Board of Education, the employees of this unit,
and Local No. 320.
The Board of Education recognizes Local No. 320 as the certified exclusive
� representative for the following unit:
All food service personnel in the titles of Food Service Assistant, Food
Service Supervisor, Senior High Food Service Supervisor and Baker
employed by Independent School District No. 625, whose employment
service exceeds the lesser of fourteen (14) hours per week or
thirty-five percent (35%)of the normal work week and more than
sixty-seven (67) workdays per year, excluding all supervisory and
confidential employees.
The Board of Education agrees that so long as Local No. 320 is the exclusive
representative in accordance with the provisions of PELRA 1971 as amended, and as
certified by the Bureau of Mediation Services, State of Minnesota, for all personnel
defined in Section 1 of this Article, that it will not meet and negotiate with any other
labor or employee organization concerning the terms and conditions of employment for
this unit.
The Employer agrees to deduct the Union membership initiation fee assessments and once ,
each month dues from the pay of those employees who individually request in writing
that such deductions be made. The amounts to be deducted shall be certified to the
Employer by a representative of the Union and the aggregate deductions of all employees �
shall be remitted together with an itemized statement to the representative by the first
of the succeeding month after such deductions are made or as soon thereafter as possible.
Any present or future employee who is not a Union member shall be required to
contribute a fair share fee for services rendered by the Union. Upon notification by the
Union, the Employer shall check off said fee from the earnings of the employee and
transmit the same to the Union. In no instance shall the required contribution exceed
85% of the Union membership dues amount. This provision shall remain operative only
so long as specifically provided by Minnesota law.
In the event there is a change in the law permitting the Union to assess an amount in
excess of 85% of regular membership dues, the full amount permitted by law may be
assessed by the Union.
The Union will indemnify, defend, and hold the School District harmless against any
claims made and against any suits instituted, and any orders or judgments issued against
the School District, their officers or employees, by reason of negligence of the Union in
requesting or receiving deductions under this Article.
The Employer agrees that all conditions of employment relating to wages, work,
overtime differentials, vacations, and general working conditions shall be maintained at
not less than the highest minimum standard as set forth in the Civil Service Rules of the
City of Saint Paul (Resolution No. 3250) at the time of signing of this Agreement, and
the conditions of employment shall be improved wherever specific provisions for
improvement are made elsewhere in this Agreement.
This grievance procedure is established to resolve any specific dispute between the
� employee and the School District concerning, and limited to, the interpretation or
application of the provisions of this Agreement.
An employee presenting a grievance may elect to be represented by an appropriate Union
representative. At Step 1 or Step 2 of the grievance procedure, the employee may choose
to present his/her grievance without being represented by a Union representative,
provided, however, that the Union representative shall be notified of the adjustment or
settlement of any Step 2 grievance and provided further that any adjustment or
settlement shall not be inconsistent with the terms of the Agreement.
It is recognized and accepted by the Union and the Employer that the processing of
grievances as hereinafter provided is limited by the job duties and responsibilities of
the employees and shall therefore be accomplished during normal working hours when
consistent with such employees' duties and responsibilities. The aggrieved employee and
a Union representative shall be allowed a reasonable amount of time without loss of pay
when a grievance is investigated and presented to the Employer during normal working
� hours provided that the employee and the Union representative have notified and received
the approval of designated supervisor and provided that such absence is reasonable and
would not be detrimental to the work programs of the Employer. It is understood that the
Employer shall not use the above limitation to hamper the processing of grievances.
A grievance shall be resolved in the following manner:
Subd. 1. (Step 1) Any employee claiming a specific disagreement concerning the
interpretation or application of the provisions of this Agreement shall, within twenty
(20) working days of its first occurrence or within ten (10) working days of the time
the employee reasonably should have had knowledge of the occurrence, whichever is
later, discuss the complaint orally with the representative designated by the Director of
Food Service. The representative of Director of Food Service shall attempt to adjust the
complaint at that time.
ubd. 2. (Step 2) A grievance not resolved in Step 1 and appealed to Step 2 shali be
placed in writing setting forth the nature of the grievance, the facts on which it is based, ,
the provision or provisions of the Agreement allegedly violated, the remedy requested,
and shall be appealed to Step 2 by the employee within fifteen (15) working days after
the Employer-designated representative's final answer in Step 1. Any grievance not
appealed in writing to Step 2 by the employee within fifteen (15) working days shall be
considered waived.
If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the employee and the Union and
discussed with the Director of School Food Service (or representative designated by the
Superintendent). The Director of School Food Service shall give the Union the
Employer's Step 2 answer in writing within ten (10) working days following the
presentation. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 3 by the employee and the
Union within ten (10) working days after receipt of the Employer's reply shall be
considered waived.
Subd. 3. (Step 3) If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the
Union and discussed at an informal meeting within ten (10) working days of receipt of
the written grievance, with the Superintendent of Schools or his representative. The
Employer-designated representative shall give the Union the Employer's answer in
writing within ten (10) working days after the review meeting. A grievance not
resolved in Step 3 may be appealed in writing to Step 4 by the Union within ten (10)
working days following the Employer-designated representative's final answer in Step
3. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 4 by the Union within ten (10)
working days shall be considered waived. �
Subd. 4. (Step 4) A grievance unresolved in Step 3 and appealed to Step 4 by the
Union shall be submitted to arbitration subject to the provisions of the Public
Employment Labor Relations Act of 1971 as amended. If a mutually-acceptable
arbitrator cannot be agreed upon, the selection of an arbitrator shall be made in
accordance with the procedures of the Minnesota Bureau of Mediation Services, if the
Union so requests within the specified ten (10) days.
The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify or ignore the terms and
conditions of this Agreement. The arbitrator shall consider and decide only the specific
issue(s) submitted in writing by the Employer and the Union, and shall have no
authority to make decisions on any other issue not so submitted.
�.� -\`-�`��`l
The arbitrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary to or inconsistent with
or modifying or varying in any way the application of laws, rules or regulations having
` the force and effect of law. The arbitrator's decision shall be submitted in writing,
copies to both parties and the Bureau of Mediation Services within thirty (30) days
following the close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever
� be later, unless the parties agree to an extension. The decision shall be binding on both
the Employer and the Union and shall be based solely on the arbitrator's interpretation
or application of the express terms of this Agreement and to the facts of the grievance
The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings shall be borne
equally by the Employer and the Union, provided that each party shall be responsible for
compensating its own witnesses. If either party desires a verbatim record of the
proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, providing it pays for the record. If
both parties desire a verbatim record of the proceedings, the cost shall be shared
If a grievance is not presented within the lime limits set forth above, it shall be
considered waived. If a grievance is not appealed to the next step within the specified
time limit or any extension thereof, it shall be considered settled on the basis of the
Employer's last answer. If the Employer does not answer a grievance or an appeal
thereof within the specified time limits, the Union may elect to process the grievance to
the next step. The time limit in each step may be extended by mutual written agreement
of the Employer and the Union in each step.
� It is agreed by the Union and the Employer that, if a specific grievance is determined by
this grievance process, it shall not again be submitted for consideration under any other
procedure. It is further understood that if a specific matter is determined by some other
procedure, it shall not again be submitted for review and arbitration under the
procedures set forth in this Article.
Neither the Union nor the Employer shall discriminate against any employee because of
Union membership or non membership, or because of race, color, sex, religion, national
origin or political opinion or affiliations.
, SECTION 2. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: None of the provisions of this Agreement shall
be interpreted or implemented so as to be in conflict with or cause violation of the
District's Affirmative Action Program as adopted by the Board.*
� *Effective March 22, 1984
Regular or provisional employees working under the titles covered by this Labor
Agreement, shall be eligible for six (6) holidays with pay (Labor Day, Thanksgiving
Day, Friday following Thanksgiving, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents' Day, and �
Memorial Day), and in accordance with the following rules.
Employees shall be granted holidays off with pay provided, however, that their names '
have appeared on the payroll on any six working days of the nine working days preceding
the holiday, or on the last working day before the holiday and on three other working
days of the nine working days preceding the holiday. In neither case shall a holiday be
counted as a working day.
If one of the above listed holidays falls on a day when school is in session, then the Food
Service Director shall designate another day when school is not in session, as a paid
All employees will be expected to work on all days when school is in session, except when
on approved leave.
Holiday pay will be paid on the basis of the employee's regularly-scheduled number of
hours in the workday.
Sick leave shall be provided for the Baker, Food Service Supervisor, Senior High Food
Supervisor, Food Service Supervisor 1, Food Service Supervisor 2, and Food Service
Supervisor 3 classifications in accordance with Civil Service Regulations.
Food Service Assistants who have been employed as regularly-certified or provisional
Civil Service employees in the classification of Food Service Assistant for at least
two (2) school years and who have been regularly assigned three (3) hours or more
per workday for the three (3) preceding months shall begin accruing sick leave in
accordance with Civil Service regulations.
They shall continue such accrual only so long as they are assigned three (3) or more
hours per workday. Accrual in such cases shall be on the basis of a pro rata portion of
the day worked.
Sick Leave may be used for absence occasioned by the death of a family member, within
the limits specified in Civil Service Rules, Section 20. B.
�-�� \���
SECTION 1. HOURS: This Section is intended only to define the normal hours of
work and to provide the basis for the calculation of overtime pay. Nothing herein shall
� be construed as a guarantee of hours of work per day or per week. The normal workday
shall be eight (8) hours of work and the normal work week, regardless of shift
arrangements, shall be an average of forty (40) hours of work.
SECTION 2. OVERTIME: Overtime is to be paid for at the rate of time and one-half
(1-1/2) for all assigned hours on the regular job in excess of forty (40) hours per
For an employee who voluntarily elects to participate in optional extra work offered by
the department at a task that is not his/her regular assignment (for example: staffing
concessions at events) those hours shall be worked at straight time, even though the total
hours worked in one day exceed eight (8) hours.
Vacations shall be earned by eligible employees on the basis of the Civil Service formula.
� Eligible employees are limited to those employees assigned to the District Administration
Office on a twelve (12)-month full-time basis.
All employees are entitled to a duty-free lunch break of thirty (30) minutes without
pay, at a time assigned by the manager.
SECTION 1. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS: Notice of Civil Service (Personnel)
Examinations for positions in the food production and service functions shall be posted in
the kitchen in each work location no later than five (5) working days before the closing �
date for examination, subject to the timely receipt of information.
SECTION 2. PROBATION: The probationary period shall be twelve (12) �
consecutive months from the date of appointment for positions in the title Food Service
Assistant. The probationary period, whether original or promotional appointment, for
all other titles covered by this Agreement shall be six (6) consecutive calendar months
from the date of appointment excluding holidays, school breaks, and leaves of absence.
Extended absences of any kind lasting one month or more in duration shall not be credited
when calculating time towards the completion of either the original or promotional
probationary period.
If the employee's service is found unsatisfactory by the Director of Food Service during
the period of original appointment probation, the probationary employee may be
discharged at the discretion of the Director of Food Service, prior to the end of the
original probationary period.
If the employee's service is found unsatisfactory by the Director of Food Service during
the period of promotional appointment probation, the probationary employee shall be
reinstated, at the discretion of the Director of Food Service, to his/her former position
or to a position to which he/she might have been transferred or assigned prior to the �
promotion, prior to the end of the promotional probationary period.
Discharge or reinstatement to a lower level position during or at the conclusion of the
probationary period stated in this Section 2 is not grievable under Article 5, nor is it
subject to other appeal.
���` -\��
ARTICLE 13. SENIORITY, LAYOFF AND RECALL (Effective January 1, 1993)
� �
Whenever possible, two (2) weeks of notice shall be given any employee laid off.
� Recall rights shall exist for sixteen (16) months from the date of layoff.
Subd. 1. Seniority, for the purpose of this Article, shall be defined as follows:
DISTRICT-WIDE SENIORITY is the length of continuous, regular, and probationary
service with the Employer from the date an employee was first certified and
appointed to any class title covered by this Agreement, it being further understood
that district-wide seniority is confined to the current class assignment held by an
employee. In cases where two or more employees are appointed to the same class
title on the same date, the district-wide seniority shall be determined by the
employee's rank on the eligible list from which the certification was made.
BUILDING SENIORITY is the length of continuous, regular and probationary service
with the Employer from the date an employee's first day of work at one specific
school district facility in a certified and appointed position in a class title covered
� by this Agreement, it being further understood that building seniority is confined
to the current class assignment held by an employee. In the event an employee
requests voluntary transfer and is then transferred from one location to another,
the employee shall begin to accrue building seniority at the new location based on
the date of assignment to the new location. In the event an employee is involuntary
transferred from one location to another (or laid off and recalled to a different
location), the employee shall carry forward to the new assignment the seniority
date held prior to the transfer.
In cases where two or more employees are assigned to the same location in the same
class title on the same date, the employee with the greater district-wide seniority
shall be determined to have greater building seniority.
bd. 2. Seniority shall terminate when an employee retires, resigns or is discharged.
Subd. 1. In the event it is determined by the Employer that it is necessary to reduce
the workforce, employees will be laid off by class title based on inverse length of
building senioritv in that class title.
ubd. 2. Whenever possible, two (2) weeks of notice shall be given to any employee
laid off.
ARTICLE 13. SENIORITY, LAYOFF AND RECALL (Effective Jan. 1, 1993) (continued):
Recail from layoff shall be in order of greatest district-wide seniority, except that
recall rights shall expire after sixteen (16) months of layoff. Any employee is eligible
for recall to any position in his/her title at any location, so long as the work hours do
not exceed the employee's regularly scheduled hours prior to the layoff.
Any employee who refuses an offer of recall at any location shall forfeit all further
rights to recall.
It is understood that a recalled employee will pick up his/her former seniority dates in
any class of positions covered by this Agreement and previously held.
� ubd. 1. Active Employee Health Insurance: Health and Welfare benefits shall be
provided in the form of premium contributions for eligible employees under the plan
offered by Independent School District No. 625 for Civil Service personnel. Employees
� selecting a plan offered by a Health Maintenance Organization agree to accept any changes
in benefits which the Health Maintenance Organization implements.
bd. 2. Active Employee Insurance Employer Contribution:
2.1 The Employer agrees to contribute to the premium cost of employee hospital and
medical coverage up to $150 per month for each full-time employee who is
eligible and elects such coverage; or up to $270 per month for each full-time
employee who is eligible and elects such coverage.
2.2 Effective January 1. 1996, the Employer agrees to contribute to the premium
cost of hospital and medical coverage up to $170 per month for each full-time
employee who is eligible and elects employee coverage; or up to $300 per month
for each full-time employee who is eligible and elects family coverage.
2.3 Effective January 1. 1997. the Employer agrees to contribute to the premium
cost of hospital and medical coverage up to $180 per month for each full-time
employee who is eligible and elects employee coverage; or up to $310 per month
� for each full-time employee who is eligible and elects family coverage.
2.4 Eligible em I�oyees: Employees who become eligible for hospital/medical
coverage, shall be considered full-time if regularly assigned more than six (6)
hours per day, and half-time if regularly assigned four (4) to six (6) hours per
2.4.1 For eligible half-time employees who elect hospital/medical coverage,
the Employer will contribute one half (1/2) of the amount available for
full-time employees electing such coverage.
ub . Active Em.�lo_yee Life Insurance: The Employer agrees to contribute to the
cost for $20,000 of life insurance coverage up to $5.10 per month for each employee
who is eligible for such coverage.
3.1 The amount of life insurance specified in Subd. 3 shall be reduced to $5,000
coverage upon early retirement and shall continue until the early retiree reaches
age sixty-five (65), at which time all employer paid life insurance shall be
Subd. 4. Payroll Deductions: Any premium costs in excess of the amounts stated above
` shall be paid by the employee, by means of payroll deduction.
Subd. 5. Flexible S ep nding Account: It is the intent of the Employer to maintain during
' the term of this Agreement a plan for medical and child care expense accounts to be
available to active employees in this bargaining unit who are eligible for Employer-paid
� premium contribution for health insurance for such expenses, within the established
legal regulations and IRS requirements for such accounts.
ubd. 1. Required Conditions for Retirees �Age 65 and Over�,
Effective January 1, 1996 through June 30, 1997
1 .1 Eligible and participating employees who retire on or after January 1, 1996, �
must meet the following conditions at the time of retirement to qualify for any
continuing District contributions toward premium payment for health insurance
at age 65 or over:
1 .1 .1 Effective January 1. 1996: Required conditions for employee appointed
to service in Independent School District No. 625 in a position within
this bargaining unit prior to January 1, 1996:
Eligible employees who were appointed to positions within this
bargaining unit prior to January 1, 1996, and who retire on or after
January 1, 1996, must meet the following conditions at the time of
retirement to qualify for any District contributions of premium
payment for health insurance or life insurance:
1 .1.1 .1 Be receiving pension benefits from the PERA, the Saint Paul
Teachers' Retirement Fund or other public employee retiree
program at the time of retirement and have severed the
employment relationship with Independent School District �
No. 625.
1.1 .1 .2 Employees retiring after January 1, 1996, must have
completed the following service eligibility requirements prior
to retirement in order to be eligible for any payment of any
insurance premium contribution by the District after
A. Employees hired before January 1, 1980, must be
continuously employed with the District.
B. Employees hired on or after January 1, 1980, must have
completed at least twenty (20) years of continuous
employment with the District.
Years of certified civil service time with the City of Saint Paul
earned prior to January 1, 1996, will continue to be counted
toward meeting the District's service requirement of this
Subdivision Civil service time worked with City of
Saint Paul after January 1, 1996, will be considered a break
in District employment. .
1 .1.1 .3 A retiree may not carry his/her spouse as a dependent if such
spouse is also an Independent School District No. 625 retiree .
or Independent School District No. 625 employee and eligible
for and is enrolled in the Independent School District No. 625 �
health insurance program, or in any other Employer-paid
health insurance program.
ARTICLE 14. INSURANCE BENEFITS, Section 2. (continued):
• 1 .1 .1 .4 Additional dependents beyond those designated to the District at
the time of retirement may not be added at the District expense
after retirement.
1 .1.1 .5 The employee must make application through District
procedures prior to the date of retirement in order to be
� eligible for any benefits provided in this Section.
1 .1 .2 For employees appointed into service in Independent School
District No. 625 to positions within this bargaining unit after
January 1, 1996, and who retire prior to July 1, 1997, there is
no access to premium contributions for Retiree Health Insurance
_ at age 65 and over.
1 .2 Retiree Age 65 and Over Health Insurance: Employer Contribution Levels
Effective January 1, 1996 through June 30, 1997 only
For eligible employees who were hired and appointed into Independent School
District No. 625 service prior to January 1, 1996, and who retire at age
sixty-five (65) or later and who meet the health insurance eligibility
requirements in Subdivision 1.1 or for early retirees who qualified under the
conditions of 2.1 are eligible under the terms of the Medicare supplement policy
provided in this Subd. 1.2 upon reaching age sixty-five (65) after retirement,
the District will provide payment of premium contributions for a Medicare
Supplement health coverage policy selected by the District. This provision is
� effective onlv for employees hired before January 1, 1996, who retire by
June 30, 1997, and who have not requested participation in any
component of the Transitional Plan in Article 14, Section 2, Subd. 3.1 of
this Agreement following hereafter. This provision expires and is null
and void after June 30, 1997.
Subd• 2. Early Retiree Provisions
Effective January 1, 1996 through June 30, 1997
2.1 This provision will be available to eligible employees hired before
January 1, 1996, and eligible employees hired on or after January 1, 1996,
who retire before June 30, 1997, and meet the required conditions below.
The employee must meet the following conditions at the time of early retirement
in order to be eligible for any payment of any insurance premium contribution
by the Employer after his/her retirement (early retirement and subsequently
after age 65):
2.1 .1 Be receiving pension benefits from the PERA, the Saint Paul Teachers'
Retirement Fund or other public employee retiree program at the time
of retirement and have severed the <employment relationship with
' Independent School District No. 625.
ARTICLE 14. INSURANCE BENEFITS, Section 2. (continued):
2.1 .2 Em I �
p oyees hired into District service before January 1 1996, and
retiring after January 1, 1996, must have completed the following ,
service eligibility requirements with Independent School District No.
625 prior to retirement in order to be eligible for any payment of any
insurance premium contribution by the District after retirement:
A Must be at least fifty-five (55) years of age and have
completed twenty-five (25) years of service, or;
B. The combination of their age and their years of service must
equal eighty-five (85) or more, or;
C. Must have completed at least thirty (30) years of service, or;
D. Must have completed at least twenty (20) consecutive years of
service within Independent School District No. 625
immediately preceding retirement.
Years of regular service with the City of Saint Paul will
continue to be counted toward meeting the service requirement
of this Subdivision 2.1.2 A, B or C, but not for 2.1.2 D.
2.1 .3 Em�loyees hired into District service after January 1 1996, and
retiring after January 1, 1996 must have completed twenty (20)
years of service with Independent School District No. 625. Time with �
the City of Saint Paul will not be counted toward this twenty (20)-year
2.1 .4 A retiree may not carry his/her spouse as a dependent if such spouse is
also an Independent School District No. 625 retiree or Independent
School District No. 625 employee and eligible for and is enrolled in the
Independent School District No. 625 health insurance program, or in
any other Employer-paid health insurance program.
2.1 .5 Additional dependents beyond those designated to the District at the time
of retirement may not be added at the District expense after retirement.
2.1 .6 The employee must make application through District procedures prior
to the date of retirement in order to be eligible for any benefits
provided in this Section.
�� -\`���
ARTICLE 14. INSURANCE BENEFITS, Section 2. (continued):
2.2 Early Retiree Health Insurance: Employer Contribution Levels
The District will for the period of this Agreement provide employees who meet
the eligibility requirements for health insurance in 2.1 above, who retire during
the term of this Agreement, and until such employees reach sixty-five (65)
' years of age, such health insurance premium contributions up to the same dollar
amount as were made by the District for health insurance for single or family
coverage by that carrier, for an employee under this Agreement, in his/her last
month of active employment. In the event new carriers replace those in place at
execution of this Agreement, the dollar amounts being paid for single or family
coverage to the carrier at the employee's date of retirement shall constitute the
limit on future contributions. Any employee who is receiving family coverage
premium contribution at date of retirement may not later claim an increase in
the amount of the Employer obligation for single coverage premium contributions
to a carrier after deleting family coverage.
2.3 Early Retiree Life Insurance: Employer Contribution Levels
The District will provide for early retirees who qualify under the conditions of
2.1 above, premium contributions for eligible retirees for $5,000 of life
insurance only until their 65th birthday. No life insurance will be provided, or
premium contributions paid, for any retiree age sixty-five (65) or over.
Subd. 3. Retirement Benefits Transitional Plan
Background Information:
In the negotiation of this Labor Agreement for the 1995-1996 term, it was the intent of
the parties to develop a long-range plan for retirement benefits which could be available
to employees and managed by the District on a currently funded benefit basis, and at the
same time to gradually phase out the unfunded future financial liability being generated
by the open-ended provision of retirement health insurance premium contribution
identified in the above Subd. 1.2 of this Section. To that end, the Retirement Benefits
Transitional Plan developed by the parties in this Subd. 3 describes a long-range plan
for accomplishing that goal by providing current active employees with the choice of one
of three alternative benefits available during or at the conclusion of their careers in this
District, which if prudently used, can effectively serve the purpose of assisting the
employee in financial planning and preparation for his/her retirement. In addition, the
plan design provides for future employees; i.e., those hired on or after
January 1, 1996, the opportunity (after completing three [3] full years of
consecutive active service) to participate in a deferred compensation savings plan with
. specified Employer matching funds, which if prudently and consistently used, can
effectively assist the employee in financial planning for retirement.
ARTICLE 14. INSURANCE BENEFITS, Section 2. (continued):
3.1 Health Insurance Premium Contribution for ALL Early Retirees (i.e., before age
sixty-five [65]).
Employees hired before January 1, 1996, and employees hired on or fa ter
January 1, 1996, who fulfill the specified following conditions listed below will
be eligible for District contribution to payment of premiums for health
insurance coverage during early retirement (i.e., until the retiree reaches age
sixty-five [65]) as provided in Subd. 2, Subparagraphs 2.2 and 2.3 of this
3.1 .1 Be receiving pension benefits from the PERA, the Saint Paul Teachers'
Retirement Fund or other public employee retiree program at the time
of retirement and have severed the employment relationship with
Independent School District No. 625.
3.1 .2 Employees hired before January 1, 1996, must have completed
continuous employment requirements in Subdivisions 2.1.2. Em I�oyees
hired and appointed into Indet�endent School District No 625 service on
or after January 1 1996 must have completed twenty (20) years of
continuous em I�oyment with Indeaendent School District No 625 prior
to retirement in order to be eligible for any payment of any insurance
premium contribution by the District after retirement. Time worked
in City of Saint Paul will not be counted for employees hired into
Independent School District No. 625 service after
January 1 , 1996. �
3.1 .3 A retiree may not carry his/her spouse as a dependent if such spouse is
also an Independent School District No. 625 retiree or Independent
School District No. 625 employee and eligible for and is enrolled in the
Independent School District No. 625 health insurance program, or in
any other Employer-paid health insurance program.
3.1 .4 Additional dependents beyond those designated to the District at the time
of retirement may not be added at the District expense after retirement.
3.1 .5 The employee must make application through District procedures prior
to the date of retirement in order to be eligible for any benefits
provided in this Section.
ARTICLE 14. INSURANCE BENEFITS, Section 2. (continued):
� --
3.2 Deferred Compensation Plan for Employees Hired Into Independent School
District No. 625 Service on or after January 1, 1996:
3.2.1 New employees hired on or after January 1, 1996, will after
completing three (3) full years of consecutive active service in
" Independent School District No. 625 to attain eligibility, be eligible to
receive up to $500 per year of matching contributions to the Minnesota
Deferred Compensation Plan, so long as the employee remains in
continuous active service, up to a cumulative lifetime maximum of
$12,500 total in matching contributions by the District. Part-time
employees working half-time or more will be eligible for up to one half
(50%) of the available District match. Approved non-compensatory
leave shall not be counted in reaching the three (3) full years of
consecutive active service, and shall not be considered a break in
service. Time worked in the City of Saint Paul will not be counted
toward this three (3)-year requirement.
Federal and state rules governing participation in the Minnesota
Deferred Compensation Plan shall apply. The employee, not the
District, is solely responsible for determining his/her total maximum
allowable annual contribution amount under IRS regulations.
The employee must initiate an application to participate through the
DistricYs specified procedures.
� 3.2.2 No employee hired on or after January 1, 1996, shall have or
acquire in any way any eligibility for Employer-paid health
insurance premium contribution for coverage in retirement at age
sixty-five (65) and over. Employees hired on or after
January 1, 1996, shall be eligible only for earlv retirement health
insurance premium contribution as provided in Subd. 3.1.
3.3 Employees Hired into Independent School District No. 625 service before
January 1 , 1996.
A choice among three (3) possible options is available only to employees hired
and appointed into Independent School District No. 625 service before
January 1, 1996. Once the employee makes a choice of one of these options,
that choice is irrevocable, and the other options are no longer accessible to the
employee at any time, for any reason. The options are listed here, and detailed in
the following subparagraphs:
• Option 1 - Transitional Retiree Age 65 and Over Insurance Option
• Option 2 - Minnesota Deferred Compensation Plan Option
• • Option 3 - Transitional Severance Allowance Option
ARTICLE 14. INSURANCE BENEFITS, Section 2. (continued):
3.3.1 Required Conditions for ALL Retirees. effective January 1. 1996.
Eligible employees who retire on or after January 1, 1996, must meet
the conditions and eligibility requirements specified below in this
Section 3.3.1 to be eligible for any of the options listed in 3.3 and in
the following Subparagraphs. � Be receiving pension benefits from the PERA, the Saint Paul
Teachers' Retirement Fund or other public employee retiree
program at the time of retirement and have severed the
employment relationship with Independent School District
No. 625.
3.3.1 .2 Employees hired before January 1, 1996, must have
completed continuous employment requirements in
Subdivisions through
Years of certified civil service time with the City of Saint Paul
earned prior to January 1, 1996, will be counted toward
meeting the service requirements. Years of certified civil
service time with the City of Saint Paul earned prior to
January 1, 1996, will continue to be counted toward meeting
the District's service requirement in this Subd. Civil
service time worked with City of Saint Paul after
January 1, 1996, will be considered a break in District
employment. �
3.3.1 .3 A retiree may not carry his/her spouse as a dependent if such
spouse is also an Independent School District No. 625 retiree
or Independent School District No. 625 employee and eligible
for and is enrolled in the Independent School District No. 625
health insurance program, or in any other Employer-paid
health insurance program.
3.3.1 .4 Additional dependents beyond those designated to the District at
the time of retirement may not be added at the District expense
after retirement.
3.3.1 .5 The employee must make application through District
procedures prior to the date of retirement in order to be
eligible for any benefits provided in this Section.
ARTICLE 14. INSURANCE BENEFITS, Section 2. (continued):
��� `���
3.3.2 Option 1 - Transitional Retiree Age 65 and Over Insurance Option
• An employee who has earlier elected to participate in Option 2
, - Minnesota Deferred Compensation Plan Option (3.3.3 below)
is not eligible for this provision, and cannot change his/her
original decision.1
• An employee who elects at retirement to participate in
Option 3 - Transitional Severance Allowance Option (3.3.4
below) is not eligible for this provision.
• An employee who elects participation in this provision at
retirement must irrevocably waive participation in the
Option 3 - Transitional Severance Allowance Option, but is
not required to waive eligibility for Severance Pay provided
by Board of Education resolution.
• The employee must initiate application to participate through
specified District procedures. Effective July 1, 1997, for employees hired before
January 1, 1996, who retire at age sixty-five (65) or later
and who are eligible under Subd. 3.3.1 of this Article and the
� terms of the policy provided in this Subd. 3.3.2, or for early
retirees who qualified under the conditions of Subdivision 3.1
above and who are eligible under the terms of the policy
provided in this Subd. 3.3.2 upon reaching age sixty-five
(65) after retirement, the District will provide contributions
toward premium payment as specified herein, for a Medicare
Supplement health coverage policy selected by the District.
Effective June 30, 1997, premium contributions by the
District toward retiree health insurance coverage at and after
age sixty-five (65) will not exceed:
Coverage Ty�e in I Familv
Medicare Eligible $300 per month $400 per month
Non-Medicare Eligible $400 per month $400 per month
At no time shall any payment in any amount be made directly to
the retiree.
Any premium cost in excess of the maximum contributions
specified must be paid directly and in full by the retiree, or
� coverage will be discontinued.
� � An employee is not excluded from this option by virtue of his/her partici ation in the Minnesota
Deferred Compensation Plan as an individual investor with no employer-paid matching funds.
ARTICLE 14. INSURANCE BENEFITS, Section 2. (continued):
3.3.3 Option 2 - Minnesota Deferred Compensation Plan Option
Effective July 1, 1997, employees hired before January 1, 1996, who
have completed at least three (3) full years of continuous active service
within Independent School District No. 625 can become eligible to
participate in Minnesota Deferred Compensation Plan and receive �
matching contribution by the District up to a maximum of $500
annually, for a maximum lifetime total of $12,500 in matching
contributions (as provided in 3.2 of this Subdivision). Time worked in
City of Saint Paul prior to January 1, 1996, will be counted toward
meeting this three (3)-year service requirement.
• The employee must irrevocably waive Option 1 - Transitional
Retiree age 65 and over Insurance Option as provided in 3.32
above of this Subdivision.
• The employee must irrevocably waive Option 3 - Transitional
Severance Allowance prior as provided under 3.3.4 (below) of
this Subdivision.
• The employee is not required to waive eligibility for Severance
Pay provided by Board of Education resolution.
• The employee must initiate an application to participate �
through the District's specified procedures.
Matching contribution by the District can only occur so long as the
employee remains in continuous active service in the District, and shall
not exceed $500 per year, with a cumulative lifetime maximum total of
$12,500. Approved non-compensatory leave shall not be considered a
break in service and shall not be counted in completing the three (3)
year requirement.
Eligible part-time employees assigned to .5 FTE or more, shall be
eligible for up to one-half (1/2) the annual match by the District.
ARTICLE 14. INSURANCE BENEFITS, Section 2. (continued):
3.3.4 Option 3 - Transitional Severance Allowance Option:
Effective July 1, 1996 through June 30, 2017 Conditions for participation in this specified Transitional
Severance Allowance Option:
• The employee must irrevocably waive Option 1 -
Transitional Retiree Age 65 and over Insurance Option as
provided in 3.3.2 (above) of this Subdivision.
• An employee who has earlier elected to participate in
Option 2 - Minnesota Deferred Compensation Plan Option
(3.3.3 above) is not eligible for this provision, and cannot
change his/her original decision.�
• The employee must have completed at least twenty (20)
full years of continuous active service in Independent
School District No. 625 (not including periods of non-
compensatory leave). Time worked in the City of
Saint Paul prior to January 1, 1996, will be counted
toward meeting this eligibility requirement.
• The employee must be voluntarily separated from District
employment. Those employees who are discharged for
• cause, misconduct, inefficiency, incompetency or any other
disciplinary reason are not eligible for this Transitional
Severance Pay Option.
• The employee must file a waiver of reemployment with the
Director of Human Resources, which will clearly indicate
that by requesting severance pay, the employee waives all
claims to reinstatement or reemployment (of any type)
with Independent School District No. 625.
• The employee must be at least age fifty-five (55),
retiring from Independent School District No. 625 service,
and eligible for pension under Minnesota PERA or
Saint Paul Teachers' Retirement Fund.
• The employee must have a minimum of sixty (60) days
accumulated unused sick leave on his/her record at the date
of retirement in order to qualify for the full Transitional
Severance Allowance. Any employee who does not meet this
condition will forfeit $4,000 of the Transitional
. Severance Allowance specified for that year of his/her
� � An employee is not excluded from this option by virtue of his/her participation in the Minnesota
Deferred Compensation Plan as an individual investor with no employer-paid matching funds.
ARTICLE 14. INSURANCE BENEFITS, Section 2. (continued):
• The employee must elect to waive all severance pay
described by Board of Education resolution (for up to
$4,000) in favor of this option. �
• The employee must provide to the District the required
waivers and signed resignation by April 1 of the school '
year in which he/she intends to retire. Appeal of this
deadline, based on emergency or extraordinary
circumstances, will be considered by the District.
• The employee must initiate application to participate
through specified District procedures. When application has been made, and all of the above conditions
have been met, the employee will be deemed eligible for
severance pay allowance equal to the lesser of one year's
salary at his/her current salary or a maximum amount as
prescribed herein:
For Retirements in Maximum Transitional
School/Fiscal Year Severance Pay Allowance
1996-97 $31 ,000
1 997-98 $31 ,750
1998-99 $32,500
1999-00 $33,250
2000-01 $34,000
2001 -02 $34,750
2002-03 $35,500
2003-04 $36,250
2004-05 $37,000
2005-06 $38,000
Such amount will normally be paid out according to District
established procedures, in equal installments over
five (5) years from the date of retirement; exception will be
made in the event of the death of the employee; special or
emergency appeal for earlier payment will be considered by
the District. There is no access to the benefits of this Option 3 -
Transitional Severance Pay Allowance for the spouse or estate
of an active employee who dies having not yet actually retired.
A surviving spouse however mav be eligible for severance pay
as provided by Board of Education resolution.
ARTICLE 14. INSURANCE BENEFITS, Section 2. (continued):
\ `�- ����
� At no time, and under no circumstances shall this
Option 3 - Transitional Severance Allowance Option be
available to any person hired by the District into
Independent School District No. 625 service on or after
January 1 , 1996.
This Option 3 - Transitional Severance Allowance Option
expires on June 30, 2017, and will be thereafter null and
3.3.5 Choice of O tions:
It will be apparent to current employees that if Option 2 -
Minnesota Deferred Compensation Plan Option in
Subdivisions. 3.3.2 is to be elected by the employee, that
choice should be made at the earliest possible date, in order to
allow for the greatest possible growth in the account. If,
however, the current employee prefers to keep open the
possible selection of Option 1 - Transitional Retiree Age 65
and Over Insurance Option (Subd. 3.3.2) O R Option 3 -
Transitional Severance Allowance Option (Subd. 3.3.4), that
decision can be made shortly before actual retirement. Once
made, the decision is irrevocable. District Benefits Office will
provide information upon request.
� If state and federal law permits, and the option
remains available from carriers, the District will
allow eligible retirees at age 65 who were hired
before January 1, 1996, and who have completed the
requirements in Subdivision 3.3.1 to continue, on a
self-paid basis, to participate in the retiree group
plan for Medicare supplement then made available by
the District. The retiree must make application
pursuant to District procedures, and must have or
obtain Medicare Part B coverage at his/her own
expense. No monetary contribution to premium cost
or medical costs of any kind will be made by the
District. The retiree will be responsible for the
timely payment of premiums, and failure to do so
will result in discontinuance of the coverage and the
option to participate.
ubd. 1. If it becomes necessary or desirable to close a school as a result of an
emergency, the effort shall be made to notify employees not to come to work. Employees
not notified who report for work shall be granted two (2) hours' pay at their regular
rate. .
ub . 2. An employee who is expected to come to work on a regular workday, or who is
called in to work at another time, shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours straight
time pay for the work.
SECTION 2. WORKSHOPS: Employees in the Food Service program ordered by the Food
Service Director to attend Food Service workshops shall be reimbursed for the tuition of
the workshop and the normal hourly rate for the time spent in the workshop.
SECTION 3. MILEAGE: When an employee is required and authorized by the proper
supervisor to use his or her personal vehicle in the interest of the Employer (i.e., trips
to the bank, grocery store, etc.) mileage reimbursement will be paid at the current
School District rate, and by the approval of the Food Service Director.
SECTION 4. WORKINGOUTOFCLASSIFICATION: Employer shall avoid, whenever �
possible, working an employee on an out-of-class assignment for a prolonged period of
time. Any employee working an out-of-class assignment for a period in excess of fifteen
(15) working days during any fiscal year of employment shall receive the rate of pay
for the out-of-class assignment in a higher classification not later than the sixteenth
day of such assignment. For purposes of this Article, an out-of-class assignment is
defined as the full-time performance of all of the significant duties and responsibilities
of a classification by an individual in another classification. For the purposes of this
Article, the rate of pay for an out-of-class assignment shall be the same rate the
employee would receive if he/she were promoted to the higher classification.
regularly-scheduled hours are added to an existing Food Service Assistant position, the
Food Service Assistant with the greatest building seniority regularly employed in that
kitchen or facility will be first offered the additional work hours, if that Food Service
Assistant is listed for such consideration.
ubd. 1. To be listed for additional hours consideration, a Food Service Assistant must �
indicate in writing, at the start of the school year, to the Director of Food Service or to
the designated immediate supervisor, the intention to be available for such additional
work time. -
Subd• 2. If a listed Food Service Assistant refuses additional regularly-scheduled work
. time, the Director of Food Service or designated immediate supervisor may remove that
Food Service AssistanYs name from the listing.
. ub . 3. A reduction in regularly-scheduled hours to a position covered by this
Agreement shall not be considered a layoff, and is not subject to the provisions of
Article 8, Layoff and Recall.
considered for reassignment to another location should submit a written request to the
office of Director of Food Service by April 1 of any year. The request should specify the
location or area the employee prefers.
Food Service Supervisor 1 or 2: The District may determine that it is necessary to
have Food Service Supervisor 1 or 2 titles covered by this Agreement maintain the
Saint Paul Manager's Certification (or a State of Minnesota Certification if regulation
changes ) as a requirement for holding these positions. The test or tests for the Saint
� Paul Food Manager's Certification (or a State of Minnesota Certification if regulation
changes) will be taken on employee's time.
The District will pay a maximum of $30 one time in a two (2)-year period to
reimburse the employee for the fees for acquiring the renewal certification for those
employees appointed in these titles prior to July 1, 1995.
Food Service Supervisor 3: The parties recognize and acknowledge that the Saint Paul
Food Manager's Certification (or a State of Minnesota Certification if regulation
changes) is requirement for holding a position in the Senior High Food Service
Supervisor and Food Service Supervisor 3 title covered by this Agreement, and will be a
requirement prospectively for new appointees as well. The test or tests for the Saint
Paul Food Manager's Certification (or a State of Minnesota Certification if regulation
changes) will be taken on employee's own time.
The District will pay a maximum of $30 one time in a two (2)-year period to
reimburse the employee for the fees for acquiring the renewal certification for those
employees appointed in this title prior to July 1, 1992.
Any employee who is required to appear in court as a juror or as a subpoenaed witness
shall be paid his/her regular pay while so engaged, unless the court duty is the result of
litigation undertaken by the employee or the Union against the Employer. Any fees that �
the employee shall receive from the court for such service shall be paid to the Employer.
Any employee who is scheduled to work a shift other than the normal daytime shift, shall
be rescheduled to work the normal daytime shift during such time as he/she is required '
to appear in court as a juror or witness.
Accumulated sick leave in excess of 180 days may be converted to vacation at the rate of
two (2) days sick leave for one (1) day vacation up to a maximum of five (5) days
vacation time. Vacation is to be paid on the basis of regularly-scheduled hours per day.
The Employer shall have the right to impose disciplinary actions on employees for just
cause. �
Disciplinary actions by the Employer shall include only the following actions:
( 1 ) Oral reprimand;
(2 ) Written reprimand;
( 3 ) Suspension;
( 4 ) Demotion;
( 5 ) Discharge.
Employees who are suspended, demoted or discharged shall have the right to request that
such actions be reviewed through the provisions of Article 5, Grievance Procedure of
this Agreement. This provision is not intended to abrogate rights of veterans pursuant to
Discharges will be preceded by a five (5) day preliminary suspension without pay.
During said period, the employee and/or Union may request, and shall be entitled to a "
meeting with the Employer representative who initiated the suspension with intent to
discharge. During the five (5) day period, the Employer may affirm the suspension and
discharge in accordance with the Personnel Rules or may modify, or withdraw same. '
SECTION 1. LONG-TERM LEAVES WITHOUT PAY: Leaves of absence may be requested,
on the basis specified in Civil Service Regulations. The Food Service Director will reply
to such requests within fifteen (15) calendar days after they are received in the Food
Service Office.
SECTION 2. SHORT-TERM LEAVES WITHOUT PAY: Short-term special leaves
without pay, not to exceed two (2) weeks in duration, may be requested and will be
considered by the Employer subject to the operational needs of the Employer and the
ability to secure substitute help to satisfactorily maintain the particular assignment of
the employee involved.
Subd. 1. Applications for such leaves must be submitted in writing to the Food Service
Director at least forty-five (45) calendar days prior to the proposed start of the leave
without pay and shall include the proposed period of the leave and purpose for leave.
Subd• 2. The Director of Food Service shall notify the employee requesting leave no
less than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the proposed leave date, whether the leave
is to be granted or denied, except that, if a leave is requested to immediately follow a
one (1)-week or two (2)-week school vacation, the thirty (30) days' notice shall
occur thirty (30) days before the beginning of such vacation period, providing the
request was received at least fifteen (15) days earlier.
� Subd. 3. Eight (8) such leaves shall be made available by the Employer in each school
year, for the entire department (i.e., for Cook Managers and Food Service Personnel
combined). Four (4) of the eight (8) leaves available shall be reserved for employees
who have worked for the Food Service Department for at least five (5) years. The other
four (4) leaves will be available to employees on the basis specified in this Article.
Subd. 4. No more than two (2) such leaves will be granted during the month of
January and no more than two (2) leaves will be granted during the month of February
each year.
SECTION 3. FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVES: Effective February 1, 1994, leaves of
absence shall be granted as required under the federal law known as the Family and
Medical Leave Act (FMLA) so long as it remains in force. The Human Resource
Department provides procedures.
bd. 1. The Employer will provide three (3) uniform pieces to each empioyee per
school year. Selection and composition of uniforms is the Employer's option.
Subd• 2. The Employer will provide four (4) uniform pieces at start-up for new ,
employees. A new employee must have worked at least thirty (30) working days in a
forty-five (45) working-day period before receiving the start-up uniform allotment.
Subd. 3. A uniform piece for the purpose of this Article shall be defined as any one of
the following items as designated by the Food Service Director for that location:
1 ) shirt/tops;
2 ) slacks/pants;
3 ) aprons.
Employees will have the flexibility to select any combination of uniform pieces each
school year, so long as the uniform pieces selected are part of the approved uniform for
that location.
SECTION 2. An employee who has received uniforms and then terminates employment
for any reason after less than six (6) full months of active employment, is obligated to
return the uniforms to the School Food Service. If the uniforms are not returned, 90%
of their costs will be deducted from the final paycheck of the terminating employee.
The pay rates shall be those described in Appendix A.
b 1. Initial Placement on the Salary Schedule:
When an employee is originally hired or moves from another unit into a title covered by
' this agreement or moves from one title covered by this agreement to a different title
under this agreement, initial step placement will be conducted as described by Civil
Service Rules, unless the labor agreement contains a provision describing an alternative
action. The labor agreement supersedes these provisions of Civil Service Rules.
A newly hired person regularly appointed in the Food Service Assistant classification
will normally start at the entry rate. If the person had been consistently assigned as a
temporary employee at the entry rate for at least six (6) months prior to being
regularly appointed from the list, that employee will start at the base rate. If the
person had been temporarily assigned at the entry rate for less than six (6) months
prior to being regularly appointed from the list, that employee will move to the base
rate the first pay period following the completion of six (6) months of work at the entry
rate (this includes time worked immediately preceding appointment).
A newly hired person regularly appointed in other titles covered by this agreement will
typically start at the Base Rate for that title.
A person appointed on a temporary basis normally will be paid at the entry rate. The
only exception is for retirees returning to work as temporary employees as described in
Appendix A,Wage Schedule Conditions.
� Subd• 2. Step Placement on the Salary Schedule for a Promotion:
The Human Resource Department will determine the step placement for a promotion
from one title in the District to a title covered by this Agreement. The step placement
will be determined by multiplying the hourly rate of pay the person was receiving prior
to the promotion by 1.05 (a 5% increase). The person will be placed in the new title
following promotion at the first salary step that is equal to or greater than the rate
calculated when multiplying the previous rate by 1.05. For example, if the person was
making $10/hr before the promotion, the Human Resource Department would multiply
$10/hr x 1.05 = $10.50/hr. Then the person would be place on the step in the new
title that was closest to but not less than $10.50/hr.
Subd. 3. �alary Ste�Progression:
Progression through the steps of a salary range in this contract will be based on the
following conditions:
Employees must have received an overall rating of "satisfactory" on their most recent
performance evaluation to receive any salary step advancement.
Movement to pay columns beyond the base rate will normally occur on the first pay
period following the anniversary date of the appointment to the new title, providing that
, the employee has completed the number of years in the District required for that step.
For example, an employee hired on September 10, 1995, would move to the two
(2)-year step the first pay period following September 10, 1997, and then to the four
(4)-year step the first pay period following September 10, 1999.
� During the term of this Agreement the Board may at its discretion unilaterally increase
the pay rates provided in Appendix A, to come into compliance with the requirements of
the Minnesota Pay Equity Act.
� This A reement shall be in full force and effect from Jul 1, 1995 throu h
9 Y 9
June 30, 1997, except as otherwise specified herein, and shall automatically be
� continued from year to year thereafter, unless a new Agreement is developed in
accordance with the provisions of the Public Employment Labor Relations Act of 1971,
as amended. Intent to negotiate a new Agreement shall be indicated by either party
- providing written notice thereof at least ninety (90) days prior to the termination date
set forth herein.
This Agreement is by and between Independent School District No. 625 and
Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees Union Local No. 320, on
behalf of Food Service Personnel.
In full settlement of 1995-97 negotiations between the herein parties, the
parties have adopted this Agreement, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
It is understood that this settlement shall be subject to approval and adoption by
the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625, as well as ratification by
the Union.
,�.�� � ) �-' .�%�/
� ....t'Cr.�c/ �� ����C_f�✓
Negotiat' ns/Labor Relations M ager Business Agent
Negotiations/Labor Rela ' ns Date
Assistant Manager
�- �/ - 9�
Chair, B rd of Education
�—Ic� —9c�
� Date
�b �-- ����1
Food Service Assistants
DATE B�T� HA� BA� Bg� B�� HgIE &�� 5g�
July 1, 1995 $7.31 $8.04 $9.34 $9.65 $9.97 $10.29 $10.61 $10.93
July 1, 1996 $7.31 $8.04 $9.52 $9.85 $10.17 $10.50 $10.82 $11.14
f�TE: Line Leader Premium
A Food Service Assistant working in the District Kitchen who is assigned
by the Director of Food Service as Line Leader for a particular function
will be paid a premium of $.25 (25�) per hour over his/her regular
hourly rate while performing the Line Leader duties. Line Leader
assignment will be made or discontinued at the discretion of the Director
of Food Service.
Wage Schedule Conditions - Food Service Assistant
� Persons w rki
o ng on an occasional basis in the Food Service Assistant ctassification as
temporary, provisional, or substitute employees shall be paid at $7.00 hourly.
Effective April 1. 1996. the only exception is for former employees of the Saint Paul
Public School Food Service Department who retired with at least five (5) years of
District Food Service experience, and who return on an occasional basis in the Food
Service Assistant classification as temporary or substitute employees shall be paid at
the BASE RATE of the Food Service Assistant wage schedule.
Persons newly employed in the Food Service Assistant classification on a
regularly-scheduled basis, shall be paid at the Entry column rate until such time as the
employee shall have passed the Civil Service examination for the classification, been
certified and appointed to a regularly-scheduled position. Movement to the Base Rate
will occur at the time of certification, so long as the employee has served at least six (6)
months' regularly-assigned work time at the Entry rate.
After satisfactory completion of the above, including the six (6)-month minimum time
on the Entry rate, the employee shall be paid at the Base Rate column rate.
Movement to pay columns beyond the base rate shall be based on completion of the
specified number of years of continuous regular employment from the date of
APPENDIX A: WAGES (continued):
Baker - 1995-96
EFFECTIVE BASE 2-YR. 4YR. 6-YR. &YR. 10-YR. 16-YR.
DATE RA� L� �� B�� ��. BAIE 9�� '
July 1, 1995 $11.67 $12.20 $12.73 $12.99 $13.30 $13.54 $13.76
Food Service Supervisor - 1995-96 �>>
EFF�CIIVE BASE 2-YR. 4YR. 6YR. &YR. 10-YR. 16-YR.
DATE BB.� BA.� EL�� BA� &�� B�� RAT�
July 1, 1995 $10.07 $10.60 $11.14 $11.51 $11.88 $12.31 $12.73
Senior High Food Service Supervisor - 1995-96
EFFECTIVE BASE 2-YR. 4YR. 6-YR. &YR. 10-YR. 16-YR.
July 1, 1995 $10.91 $11.66 $12.41 $12.78 $13.31 $13.95 $14.59
�1� Effective for the 1995-96 school year, a Food Service Supervisor in a junior high school shall be paid a .
premium of $.05 (five cents) per hour over the sated hourly rate for Food Service Supervisor, so long as
he/she remains assigned in that title, in a junior high school.
APPENDIX A: WAGES (continued):
Baker - 1996-97
EFFECTIVE BASE 2-YR. 4YR. 6-YR. &YR. 10-YR. 16-YR.
' �� F�� BAIE BA_� HA_� BA_� BA� fl�3g.
July 1, 1996 $11.67 $12.33 $12.98 $13.25 $13.57 $13.81 $14.03
Food Service Supervisor 1 - 1996-97
EFFECIIVE BASE 2-YR. 4YR. 6-YR. &YR. 10-YR. 16-YR.
July 1, 1996 $10.40 $11.00 $11.50 $12.00 $12.30 $12.75 $13.35
Food Service Su�ervisor 2 - 1996-97
July 1, 1996 $11.30 $12.00 $12.60 $13.20 $13.60 $14.15 $14.85
Food Service Superoisor 3 - 1996-97
DATE BA_� Bg� BA_� BA.� �T� Bg�. BATF..
July 1, 1996 $12.55 $13.30 $13.90 $14.60 $15.00 $15.65 $16.35
� A3
APPENDIX A: WAGES (continued):
Minnesota Professionai Development Plan For School Food Service
Ansi Nutrition - Level 3 Certification Premium �
When a regularly (civil service) certified and appointed employee shall have completed �
the credit hours required for Level 3 of the Minnesota Professional Development Plan for
School Food and Nutrition and shall have received such certification, that employee shall
become eligible for an additional $0.10 (ten cents) per hour premium over and above
his/her normal biweekly rate of pay for all hours on the payroll so long as the employee
maintains a current Level 3 certification. Payment of the $0.10 (ten cents) per hour
premium shall become effective within thirty (30) days after the employee has presented
to the Director of Food Service of the Saint Paul Public Schools evidence in writing of
his/her completed Level 3 certification. Employees must maintain current Level 3
certification and show evidence of the renewed certification to be eligible for continuation
of the premium.
A4 �
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Saint Paul Public Schools
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Food Service P�ersonnel
- J�Iy 1 , i 995 thrc�ugh June 30, 1997
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Independent Sc�ool District No. 625
Board o# Education:
Mary Thornton Phillips - Chair Tom Conlon - Direc�or
Marc Manderscheid - Vice Chair Greg Filice • Director
Neal Thao - Clerk A1 Oertwig - Director
Becky Montgomery - Treasurer .
Curman L.Gaines - Superintendent
Julio Aimanza - Assistant Superintendent,
Planning and Support Services
Maureen A. Flanagan - Assistant Swperin#endent�
' Administration and Govemment Relations
Wiliiam A. Larson - Assista�t Superintendent,
Fiscal Affafrs and Operations
Cy Yu�ten - Assistant Superintendent,
Teaching and Leaming
1 . Definition of Agreement.................................................................. 1
2. Recognition...................................................................................... 1
3. Check Off, Fair Share...................................................................... 2
4. Maintenance of Standards................................................................ 2
5. Grievance Procedure....................................................................... 3
6. Non-Discrimination, Affirmative Action....................................... 5
7. Holidays........................................................................................... 6
8. Sick Leave........................................................................................ 6
9. Hours............................................................................................... 7
10. Vacations.......................................................................................... 7
1 1 . Lunch Break.................................................................................... 7
12. Civil Service Examinations and Probation..................................... 8
13. Seniority, Layoff and Recall............................................................ 9
14. Insurance Benefits.......................................................................... 1 1
15. Working Conditions......................................................................... 2 4
� 16. Court Duty......................................................................................: 2 6
17. Sick Leave Conversion.................................................................... 2 6
18. Discipline and Discharge................................................................. 2 6
19. Leaves.............................................................................................. 2 7
20. Uniforms......................................................................................... 2 8
21 . Wage Scale....................................................................................... 2 8
22. Duration of Agreement.................................................................... 2 9
AWage Scale................................................................................. A1-A4
�(� � ��y �i
SECTION 1. PARTIE : This Agreement is entered into between the Board of
Education, Independent School District No. 625, Saint Paul, Minnesota, hereinafter
` referred to as the Board of Education, and Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law
Enforcement Employees Union, Local No. 320 (certified in Case No. 81-PR-268-A on
December 5, 1980, by the Director of Bureau of Mediation Services as the exclusive
' representative), hereinafter referred to as Local No. 320, pursuant to and in
compliance with the Public Employment Labor Relations Act of 1971, as amended, to set
forth the terms and conditions of employment.
SECTION 2. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Agreement is to promote orderly and
constructive relationships between the Board of Education, the employees of this unit,
and Local No. 320.
The Board of Education recognizes Local No. 320 as the certified exclusive
• representative for the following unit:
All food service personnel in the titles of Food Service Assistant, Food
Service Supervisor, Senior High Food Service Supervisor and Baker
employed by Independent School District No. 625, whose employment
service exceeds the lesser of fourteen (14) hours per week or
thirty-five percent (35%)of the normal work week and more than
sixty-seven (67) workdays per year, excluding all supervisory and
confidential employees.
The Board of Education agrees that so long as Local No. 320 is the exclusive
representative in accordance with the provisions of PELRA 1971 as amended, and as
certified by the Bureau of Mediation Services, State of Minnesota, for all personnel
defined in Section 1 of this Article, that it will not meet and negotiate with any other
labor or employee organization concerning the terms and conditions of employment for
this unit.
The Employer agrees to deduct the Union membership initiation fee assessments and once ,
each month dues from the pay of those employees who individually request in writing
that such deductions be made. The amounts to be deducted shall be certified to the
Employer by a representative of the Union and the aggregate deductions of all employees �
shall be remitted together with an itemized statement to the representative by the first
of the succeeding month after such deductions are made or as soon thereafter as possible.
Any present or future employee who is not a Union member shall be required to
contribute a fair share fee for services rendered by the Union. Upon notification by the
Union, the Employer shall check off said fee from the earnings of the employee and
transmit the same to the Union. In no instance shall the required contribution exceed
85% of the Union membership dues amount. This provision shall remain operative only
so long as specifically provided by Minnesota law.
In the event there is a change in the law permitting the Union to assess an amount in
excess of 85% of regular membership dues, the full amount permitted by law may be
assessed by the Union.
The Union will indemnify, defend, and hold the School District harmless against any
claims made and against any suits instituted, and any orders or judgments issued against
the School District, their officers or employees, by reason of negligence of the Union in
requesting or receiving deductions under this Article.
The Employer agrees that all conditions of employment relating to wages, work,
overtime differentials, vacations, and general working conditions shall be maintained at
not less than the highest minimum standard as set forth in the Civil Service Rules of the
City of Saint Paul (Resolution No. 3250) at the time of signing of this Agreement, and
the conditions of employment shall be improved wherever specific provisions for
improvement are made elsewhere in this Agreement.
OE TI N 1.
This grievance procedure is established to resolve any specific dispute between the
' employee and the School District concerning, and limited to, the interpretation or
application of the provisions of this Agreement.
An employee presenting a grievance may elect to be represented by an appropriate Union
representative. At Step 1 or Step 2 of the grievance procedure, the employee may choose
to present his/her grievance without being represented by a Union representative,
provided, however, that the Union representative shall be notified of the adjustment or
settlement of any Step 2 grievance and provided further that any adjustment or
settlement shall not be inconsistent with the terms of the Agreement.
It is recognized and accepted by the Union and the Employer that the processing of
grievances as hereinafter provided is limited by the job duties and responsibilities of
the employees and shall therefore be accomplished during normal working hours when
consistent with such employees' duties and responsibilities. The aggrieved employee and
a Union representative shall be allowed a reasonable amount of time without loss of pay
when a grievance is investigated and presented to the Employer during normal working
• hours provided that the employee and the Union representative have notified and received
the approval of designated supervisor and provided that such absence is reasonable and
would not be detrimental to the work programs of the Employer. It is understood that the
Employer shall not use the above limitation to hamper the processing of grievances.
A grievance shall be resolved in the following manner:
Subd• 1. (Step 1) Any employee claiming a specific disagreement concerning the
interpretation or application of the provisions of this Agreement shall, within twenty
(20) working days of its first occurrence or within ten (10) working days of the time
the employee reasonably should have had knowledge of the occurrence, whichever is
later, discuss the complaint orally with the representative designated by the Director of
Food Service. The representative of Director of Food Service shall attempt to adjust the
complaint at that time.
ubd. 2. (Step 2) A grievance not resolved in Step 1 and appealed to Step 2 shall be
placed in writing setting forth the nature of the grievance, the facts on which it is based,
the provision or provisions of the Agreement allegedly violated, the remedy requested, �
and shall be appealed to Step 2 by the employee within fifteen (15) working days after
the Employer-designated representative's final answer in Step 1. Any grievance not
appealed in writing to Step 2 by the employee within fifteen (15) working days shall be �
considered waived.
If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the employee and the Union and
discussed with the Director of School Food Service (or representative designated by the
Superintendent). The Director of School Food Service shall give the Union the
Employer's Step 2 answer in writing within ten (10) working days following the
presentation. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 3 by the employee and the
Union within ten (10) working days after receipt of the Employer's reply shall be
considered waived.
ubd. . (Step 3) If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the
Union and discussed at an informal meeting within ten (10) working days of receipt of
the written grievance, with the Superintendent of Schools or his representative. The
Employer-designated representative shall give the Union the Employer's answer in
writing within ten (10) working days after the review meeting. A grievance not
resolved in Step 3 may be appealed in writing to Step 4 by the Union within ten (10)
working days following the Employer-designated representative's final answer in Step
3. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 4 by the Union within ten (10)
working days shall be considered waived. •
Subd. 4. (Step 4) A grievance unresolved in Step 3 and appealed to Step 4 by the
Union shall be submitted to arbitration subject to the provisions of the Public
Employment Labor Relations Act of 1971 as amended. If a mutually-acceptable
arbitrator cannot be agreed upon, the selection of an arbitrator shall be made in
accordance with the procedures of the Minnesota Bureau of Mediation Services, if the
Union so requests within the specified ten (10) days.
The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify or ignore the terms and
conditions of this Agreement. The arbitrator shall consider and decide only the specific
issue(s) submitted in writing by the Employer and the Union, and shall have no
authority to make decisions on any other issue not so submitted.
" l l!i �� "�
The arbitrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary to or inconsistent with
or modifying or varying in any way the application of laws, rules or regulations having
� the force and effect of law. The arbitrator's decision shall be submitted in writing,
copies to both parties and the Bureau of Mediation Services within thirty (30) days
following the close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever
� be later, unless the parties agree to an extension. The decision shall be binding on both
the Employer and the Union and shall be based solely on the arbitrator's interpretation
or application of the express terms of this Agreement and to the facts of the grievance
The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings shall be borne
equally by the Employer and the Union, provided that each party shall be responsible for
compensating its own witnesses. If either party desires a verbatim record of the
proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, providing it pays for the record. If
both parties desire a verbatim record of the proceedings, the cost shall be shared
If a grievance is not presented within the lime limits set forth above, it shall be
considered waived. If a grievance is not appealed to the next step within the specified
time limit or any extension thereof, it shall be considered settled on the basis of the
Employer's last answer. If the Employer does not answer a grievance or an appeal
thereof within the specified time limits, the Union may elect to process the grievance to
the next step. The time limit in each step may be extended by mutual written agreement
of the Employer and the Union in each step.
� It is agreed by the Union and the Employer that, if a specific grievance is determined by
this grievance process, it shall not again be submitted for consideration under any other
procedure. It is further understood that if a specific matter is determined by some other
procedure, it shall not again be submitted for review and arbitration under the
procedures set forth in this Article.
Neither the Union nor the Employer shall discriminate against any employee because of
Union membership or non membership, or because of race, color, sex, religion, national
origin or political opinion or affiliations.
, SECTION 2. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: None of the provisions of this Agreement shall
be interpreted or implemented so as to be in conflict with or cause violation of the
DistricYs Affirmative Action Program as adopted by the Board."
• *
Effective March 22, 1984
Regular or provisional employees working under the titles covered by this Labor
Agreement, shall be eligible for six (6) holidays with pay (Labor Day, Thanksgiving
Day, Friday following Thanksgiving, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents' Day, and �
Memorial Day), and in accordance with the following rules.
Employees shall be granted holidays off with pay provided, however, that their names "
have appeared on the payroll on any six working days of the nine working days preceding
the holiday, or on the last working day before the holiday and on three other working
days of the nine working days preceding the holiday. In neither case shall a holiday be
counted as a working day.
If one of the above listed holidays falls on a day when school is in session, then the Food
Service Director shall designate another day when school is not in session, as a paid
All employees will be expected to work on all days when school is in session, except when
on approved leave.
Holiday pay will be paid on the basis of the employee's regularly-scheduled number of
hours in the workday.
Sick leave shall be provided for the Baker, Food Service Supervisor, Senior High Food
Supervisor, Food Service Supervisor 1, Food Service Supervisor 2, and Food Service
Supervisor 3 classifications in accordance with Civil Service Regulations.
Food Service Assistants who have been employed as regularly-certified or provisional
Civil Service employees in the classification of Food Service Assistant for at least
two (2) school years and who have been regularly assigned three (3) hours or more
per workday for the three (3) preceding months shall begin accruing sick leave in
accordance with Civil Service regulations.
They shall continue such accrual only so long as they are assigned three (3) or more
hours per workday. Accrual in such cases shall be on the basis of a pro rata portion of
the day worked.
Sick Leave may be used for absence occasioned by the death of a family member, within
the limits specified in Civil Service Rules, Section 20. B.
q� - ��-i ��
SECTION 1. HOURS: This Section is intended only to define the normal hours of
work and to provide the basis for the calculation of overtime pay. Nothing herein shall
� be construed as a guarantee of hours of work per day or per week. The normal workday
shall be eight (8) hours of work and the normal work week, regardless of shift
arrangements, shall be an average of forty (40) hours of work.
SECTION 2. OVERTIME: Overtime is to be paid for at the rate of time and one-half
(1-1/2) for all assigned hours on the regular job in excess of forty (40) hours per
For an employee who voluntarily elects to participate in optional extra work offered by
the department at a task that is not his/her regular assignment (for example: staffing
concessions at events) those hours shall be worked at straight time, even though the total
hours worked in one day exceed eight (8) hours.
Vacations shall be earned by eligible employees on the basis of the Civil Service formula.
Eligible employees are limited to those employees assigned to the District Administration
• Office on a twelve (12)-month full-time basis.
All employees are entitled to a duty-free lunch break of thirty (30) minutes without
pay, at a time assigned by the manager.
SECTION 1. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS: Notice of Civil Service (Personnel)
Examinations for positions in the food production and service functions shall be posted in
the kitchen in each work location no later than five (5) working days before the closing
date for examination, subject to the timely receipt of information.
SECTION 2. PROBATION: The probationary period shall be twelve (12) -
consecutive months from the date of appointment for positions in the title Food Service
Assistant. The probationary period, whether original or promotional appointment, for
all other titles covered by this Agreement shall be six (6) consecutive calendar months
from the date of appointment excluding holidays, school breaks, and leaves of absence.
Extended absences of any kind lasting one month or more in duration shall not be credited
when calculating time towards the completion of either the original or promotional
probationary period.
If the employee's service is found unsatisfactory by the Director of Food Service during
the period of original appointment probation, the probationary employee may be
discharged at the discretion of the Director of Food Service, prior to the end of the
original probationary period.
If the employee's service is found unsatisfactory by the Director of Food Service during
the period of promotional appointment probation, the probationary employee shall be
reinstated, at the discretion of the Director of Food Service, to his/her former position
or to a position to which he/she might have been transferred or assigned prior to the
promotion, prior to the end of the promotional probationary period. •
Discharge or reinstatement to a lower level position during or at the conclusion of the
probationary period stated in this Section 2 is not grievable under Article 5, nor is it
subject to other appeal.
��- �u�'l�
ARTICLE 13. SENIORITY, LAYOFF AND RECALL (Effective January 1, 1993)
Whenever possible, two (2) weeks of notice shall be given any employee laid off.
� Recall rights shall exist for sixteen (16) months from the date of layoff.
Subd. 1. Seniority, for the purpose of this Article, shall be defined as follows:
DISTRICT-WIDE SENIORITY is the length of continuous, regular, and probationary
service with the Employer from the date an employee was first certified and
appointed to any class title covered by this Agreement, it being further understood
that district-wide seniority is confined to the current class assignment held by an
employee. In cases where two or more employees are appointed to the same class
title on the same date, the district-wide seniority shall be determined by the
employee's rank on the eligible list from which the certification was made.
BUILDING SENIORITY is the length of continuous, regular and probationary service
with the Employer from the date an employee's first day of work at one specific
school district facility in a certified and appointed position in a class title covered
• by this Agreement, it being further understood that building seniority is confined
to the current class assignment held by an employee. In the event an employee
requests voluntary transfer and is then transferred from one location to another,
the employee shall begin to accrue building seniority at the new location based on
the date of assignment to the new location. In the event an employee is involuntary
transferred from one location to another (or laid off and recalled to a different
location), the employee shall carry forward to the new assignment the seniority
date held prior to the transfer.
In cases where two or more employees are assigned to the same location in the same
class title on the same date, the employee with the greater district-wide seniority
shall be determined to have greater building seniority.
b . 2. Seniority shall terminate when an employee retires, resigns or is discharged.
b . 1. In the event it is determined by the Employer that it is necessary to reduce
the workforce, employees will be laid off by class title based on inverse length of
4uilding senioritx in that class title.
Subd• 2. Whenever possible, two (2) weeks of notice shall be given to any employee
laid off.
ARTICLE 13. SENIORITY, LAYOFF AND RECALL (Effective Jan. 1, 1993) (continued):
Recall from layoff shall be in order of greatest district-wide seniority, except that
recall rights shall expire after sixteen (16) months of layoff. Any employee is eligible
for recall to any position in his/her title at any location, so long as the work hours do
not exceed the employee's regularly scheduled hours prior to the layoff.
Any employee who refuses an offer of recall at any location shall forfeit all further
rights to recall.
It is understood that a recalled employee will pick up his/her former seniority dates in
any class of positions covered by this Agreement and previously held.
- Subd. 1. Active Employee Health Insurance: Health and Welfare benefits shali be
provided in the form of premium contributions for eligible employees under the plan
offered by Independent School District No. 625 for Civil Service personnel. Employees
' selecting a plan offered by a Health Maintenance Organization agree to accept any changes
in benefits which the Health Maintenance Organization implements.
Subd. 2. Active Employee Insurance Employer Contribution:
2.1 The Employer agrees to contribute to the premium cost of employee hospital and
medical coverage up to $150 per month for each full-time employee who is
eligible and elects such coverage; or up to $270 per month for each full-time
employee who is eligible and elects such coverage.
2.2 Effective January 1. 1996, the Employer agrees to contribute to the premium
cost of hospital and medical coverage up to $170 per month for each full-time
employee who is eligible and elects employee coverage; or up to $300 per month
for each full-time employee who is eligible and elects family coverage.
2.3 Effective January 1. 1997. the Employer agrees to contribute to the premium
cost of hospital and medical coverage up to $180 per month for each full-time
employee who is eligible and elects employee coverage; or up to $310 per month
• for each full-time employee who is eligible and elects family coverage.
2.4 Eligible em I�oyees: Employees who become eligible for hospital/medical
coverage, shall be considered full-time if regularly assigned more than six (6)
hours per day, and half-time if regularly assigned four (4) to six (6) hours per
2.4.1 For eligible half-time employees who elect hospital/medical coverage,
the Employer will contribute one half (1/2) of the amount available for
full-time employees electing such coverage.
Subd. 3. Active Employee Life Insurance: The Employer agrees to contribute to the
cost for $20,000 of life insurance coverage up to $5.10 per month for each employee
who is eligible for such coverage.
3.1 The amount of life insurance specified in Subd. 3 shall be reduced to $5,000
coverage upon early retirement and shall continue until the early retiree reaches
age sixty-five (65), at which time all employer paid life insurance shall be
Subd. 4. P�yroll Deductions: Any premium costs in excess of the amounts stated above
• shall be paid by the employee, by means of payroll deduction.
ubd. 5. Flexible S en nding Account: It is the intent of the Employer to maintain during
' the term of this Agreement a plan for medical and child care expense accounts to be
available to active employees in this bargaining unit who are eligible for Employer-paid
• premium contribution for health insurance for such expenses, within the established
legal regulations and IRS requirements for such accounts.
ubd. 1. Required Conditions for Retirees (Aae 65 and Over�,
Effective January 1, 1996 through June 30, 1997
1 .1 Eligible and participating employees who retire on or after January 1, 1996, �
must meet the following conditions at the time of retirement to qualify for any
continuing District contributions toward premium payment for health insurance
at age 65 or over:
1 .1 .1 Effective January 1. 1996: Required conditions for employee appointed
to service in Independent School District No. 625 in a position within
this bargaining unit prior to January 1, 1996:
Eligible employees who were appointed to positions within this
bargaining unit prior to January 1, 1996, and who retire on or after
January 1, 1996, must meet the following conditions at the time of
retirement to qualify for any District contributions of premium
payment for health insurance or life insurance:
1 .1 .1 .1 Be receiving pension benefits from the PERA, the Saint Paul
Teachers' Retirement Fund or other public employee retiree
program at the time of retirement and have severed the
employment relationship with Independent School District •
No. 625.
1 .1 .1 .2 Employees retiring after January 1, 1996, must have
completed the following service eligibility requirements prior
to retirement in order to be eligible for any payment of any
insurance premium contribution by the District after
A Employees hired before January 1, 1980, must be
continuously employed with the District.
B. Employees hired on or after January 1, 1980, must have
completed at least twenty (20) years of continuous
employment with the District.
Years of certified civil service time with the City of Saint Paul
earned prior to January 1, 1996, will continue to be counted
toward meeting the District's service requirement of this
Subdivision Civil service time worked with City of
Saint Paul after January 1, 1996, will be considered a break
in District employment. .
1 .1.1 .3 A retiree may not carry his/her spouse as a dependent if such
spouse is also an Independent School District No. 625 retiree ,
or Independent School District No. 625 employee and eligible
for and is enrolled in the Independent School District No. 625 �
health insurance program, or in any other Employer-paid
health insurance program.
��- I��-i �7
ARTICLE 14. INSURANCE BENEFITS, Section 2. (continued):
• 1.1 .1 .4 Additional dependents beyond those designated to the District at
the time of retirement may not be added at the District expense
after retirement.
1 .1.1 .5 The employee must make application through District
procedures prior to the date of retirement in order to be
" eligible for any benefits provided in this Section.
1 .1 .2 For employees appointed into service in Independent School
District No. 625 to positions within this bargaining unit after
January 1, 1996, and who retire prior to July 1, 1997, there is
no access to premium contributions for Retiree Health Insurance
_ at age 65 and over.
1 .2 Retiree Age 65 and Over Health Insurance: Employer Contribution Levels
Effective January 1, 1996 through June 30, 1997 only
For eligible employees who were hired and appointed into Independent School
District No. 625 service prior to January 1, 1996, and who retire at age
sixty-five (65) or later and who meet the health insurance eligibility
requirements in Subdivision 1.1 or for early retirees who qualified under the
conditions of 2.1 are eligible under the terms of the Medicare supplement policy
provided in this Subd. 1.2 upon reaching age sixty-five (65) after retirement,
the District will provide payment of premium contributions for a Medicare
Supplement health coverage policy selected by the District. This provision is
• effective cn�x for employees hired before January 1, 1996, who retire by
June 30, 1997, and who have not requested participation in any
component of the Transitional Plan in Article y4, Section 2, Subd. 3.1 of
this Agreement following hereafter. This provision expires and is null
and void after June 30, 1997.
Subd• 2. Early Retiree Provisions
Effective January 1, 1996 through June 30, 1997
2.1 This provision will be available to eligible employees hired before
January 1, 1996, and eligible employees hired on or after January 1, 1996,
who retire before June 30, 1997, and meet the required conditions below.
The employee must meet the following conditions at the time of early retirement
in order to be eligible for any payment of any insurance premium contribution
by the Employer after his/her retirement (early retirement and subsequently
after age 65):
2.1 .1 Be receiving pension benefits from the PERA, the Saint Paul Teachers'
Retirement Fund or other public employee retiree program at the time
of retirement and have severed the employment relationship with
• Independent School District No. 625.
ARTICLE 14. INSURANCE BENEFITS, Section 2. (continued):
2.1 .2 Employees hired into District service before January 1. 1996, and
retiring after January 1, 1996, must have completed the following
service eligibility requirements with Independent School District No. �
625 prior to retirement in order to be eligible for any payment of any
insurance premium contribution by the District after retirement:
A. Must be at least fifty-five (55) years of age and have
completed twenty-five (25) years of service, or;
B. The combination of their age and their years of service must
equal eighty-five (85) or more, or;
C. Must have completed at least thirty (30) years of service, or;
D. Must have completed at least twenty (20) consecutive years of
service within Independent School District No. 625
immediately preceding retirement.
Years of regular service with the City of Saint Paul will
continue to be counted toward meeting the service requirement
of this Subdivision 2.1.2 A, B or C, but not for 2.1.2 D.
2.1 .3 Em I�oyees hired into District service after January 1. 1996, and
retiring after January 1, 1996 must have completed twenty (20)
years of service with Independent School District No. 625. Time with �
the City of Saint Paul will not be counted toward this twenty (20)-year
2.1 .4 A retiree may not carry his/her spouse as a dependent if such spouse is
also an Independent School District No. 625 retiree or Independent
School District No. 625 employee and eligible for and is enrolled in the
Independent School District No. 625 health insurance program, or in
any other Employer-paid health insurance program.
2.1 .5 Additional dependents beyond those designated to the District at the time
of retirement may not be added at the District expense after retirement.
2.1 .6 The employee must make application through District procedures prior
to the date of retirement in order to be eligible for any benefits
provided in this Section.
ARTICLE 14. INSURANCE BENEFITS, Section 2. (continued):
2.2 Early Retiree Health Insurance: Employer Contribution Levels
" The District will for the period of this Agreement provide employees who meet
the eligibility requirements for health insurance in 2.1 above, who retire during
the term of this Agreement, and until such employees reach sixty-five (65)
years of age, such health insurance premium contributions up to the same dollar
amount as were made by the District for health insurance for single or family
coverage by that carrier, for an employee under this Agreement, in his/her last
month of active employment. In the event new carriers replace those in place at
execution of this Agreement, the dollar amounts being paid for single or family
coverage to the carrier at the employee's date of retirement shall constitute the
limit on future contributions. Any employee who is receiving family coverage
premium contribution at date of retirement may not later claim an increase in
the amount of the Employer obligation for single coverage premium contributions
to a carrier after deleting family coverage.
2.3 Early Retiree Life Insurance: Employer Contribution Levels
The District will provide for early retirees who qualify under the conditions of
2.1 above, premium contributions for eligible retirees for $5,000 of life
insurance only until their 65th birthday. No life insurance will be provided, or
premium contributions paid, for any retiree age sixty-five (65) or over.
Subd. 3. Retirement Benefits Transitional Plan
Background Information:
In the negotiation of this Labor Agreement for the 1995-1996 term, it was the intent of
the parties to develop a long-range plan for retirement benefits which could be available
to employees and managed by the District on a currently funded benefit basis, and at the
same time to gradually phase out the unfunded future financial liability being generated
by the open-ended provision of retirement health insurance premium contribution
identified in the above Subd. 1.2 of this Section. To that end, the Retirement Benefits
Transitional Plan developed by the parties in this Subd. 3 describes a long-range plan
for accomplishing that goal by providing current active employees with the choice of one
of three alternative benefits available during or at the conclusion of their careers in this
District, which if prudently used, can effectively serve the purpose of assisting the
employee in financial planning and preparation for his/her retirement. In addition, the
plan design provides for future employees; i.e., those hired on or after
January 1, 1996, the opportunity (after completing three [3] full years of
consecutive active service) to participate in a deferred compensation savings plan with
. specified Employer matching funds, which if prudently and consistently used, can
effectively assist the employee in financial planning for retirement.
ARTICLE 14. INSURANCE BENEFITS, Section 2. (continued):
3.1 Health Insurance Premium Contribution for ALL Early Retirees (i.e., before age
sixty-five [65]).
Employees hired before January 1, 1996, and employees hired on or after
January 1, 1996, who fulfill the specified following conditions listed below will
be eligible for District contribution to payment of premiums for health
insurance coverage during early retirement (i.e., until the retiree reaches age
sixty-five [65]) as provided in Subd. 2, Subparagraphs 2.2 and 2.3 of this
3.1 .1 Be receiving pension benefits from the PERA, the Saint Paul Teachers'
Retirement Fund or other public employee retiree program at the time
of retirement and have severed the employment relationship with
Independent School District No. 625.
3.1 .2 Employees hired before January 1, 1996, must have completed
continuous employment requirements in Subdivisions 2.1.2. �m,�loyees
hired and appointed into Independent School District No. 625 service on
or after January 1. 1996. must have comt�leted twenty (20� vears of
continuous em�loyment with Indenendent School District No. 625 prior
to retirement in order to be eligible for any payment of any insurance
premium contribution by the District after retirement. Time worked
in City of Saint Paul will not be counted for employees hired into
Independent School District No. 625 service after •
January 1, 1996.
3.1 .3 A retiree may not carry his/her spouse as a dependent if such spouse is
also an Independent School District No. 625 retiree or Independent
School District No. 625 employee and eligible for and is enrolled in the
Independent School District No. 625 health insurance program, or in
any other Employer-paid health insurance program.
3.1 .4 Additional dependents beyond those designated to the District at the time
of retirement may not be added at the District expense after retirement.
3.1 .5 The employee must make application through District procedures prior
to the date of retirement in order to be eligible for any benefits
provided in this Section.
� � ����
ARTICLE 14. INSURANCE BENEFITS, Section 2. (continued):
3.2 Deferred Compensation Plan for Employees Hired Into Independent School
District No. 625 Service on or after January 1, 1996:
3.2.1 New employees hired on or after January 1, 1996, will after
completing three (3) full years of consecutive active service in
' Independent School District No. 625 to attain eligibility, be eligible to
receive up to $500 per year of matching contributions to the Minnesota
Deferred Compensation Plan, so long as the employee remains in
continuous active service, up to a cumulative lifetime maximum of
$12,500 total in matching contributions by the District. Part-time
employees working half-time or more will be eligible for up to one half
(50%) of the available District match. Approved non-compensatory
leave shall not be counted in reaching the three (3) full years of
consecutive active service, and shall not be considered a break in
service. Time worked in the City of Saint Paul will not be counted
toward this three (3)-year requirement.
Federal and state rules governing participation in the Minnesota
Deferred Compensation Plan shall apply. The employee, not the
District, is solely responsible for determining his/her total maximum
allowable annual contribution amount under IRS regulations.
The employee must initiate an application to participate through the
District's specified procedures.
� 3.2.2 No employee hired on or after January 1, 1996, shall have or
acquire in any way any eligibility for Employer-paid health
insurance premium contribution for coverage in retirement at age
sixty-five (65) and over. Employees hired on or after
January 1, 1996, shall be eligible only for � retirement health
insurance premium contribution as provided in Subd. 3.1.
3.3 Employees Hired into Independent School District No. 625 service before
January 1 , 1996.
A choice among three (3) possible options is available only to employees hired
and appointed into Independent School District No. 625 service before
January 1, 1996. Once the employee makes a choice of one of these options,
that choice is irrevocable, and the other options are no longer accessible to the
employee at any time, for any reason. The options are listed here, and detailed in
the following subparagraphs:
• Option 1 - Transitional Retiree Age 65 and Over Insurance Option
• Option 2 - Minnesota Deferred Compensation Plan Option
• • Option 3 - Transitional Severance Allowance Option
ARTICLE 14. INSURANCE BENEFITS, Section 2. (continued):
3.3.1 Re�uired Conditions for ALL Retirees. effective January 1. 1996.
Eligibie employees who retire on or after January 1, 1996, must meet -
the conditions and eligibility requirements specified below in this
Section 3.3.1 to be eligible for any of the options listed in 3.3 and in
the following Subparagraphs. '
3.3.1 .1 Be receiving pension benefits from the PERA, the Saint Paul
Teachers' Retirement Fund or other public employee retiree
program at the time of retirement and have severed the
employment relationship with Independent School District
No. 625.
3.3.1 .2 Employees hired before January 1, 1996, must have
completed continuous employment requirements in
Subdivisions through
Years of certified civil service time with the City of Saint Paul
earned prior to January 1, 1996, will be counted toward
meeting the service requirements. Years of certified civil
service time with the City of Saint Paul earned prior to
January 1, 1996, will continue to be counted toward meeting
the DistricYs service requirement in this Subd. Civil
service time worked with City of Saint Paul after
January 1, 1996, will be considered a break in District
employment. �
3.3.1 .3 A retiree may not carry his/her spouse as a dependent if such
spouse is also an Independent School District No. 625 retiree
or Independent School District No. 625 employee and eligible
for and is enrolled in the Independent School District No. 625
health insurance program, or in any other Employer-paid
health insurance program.
3.3.1 .4 Additional dependents beyond those designated to the District at
the time of retirement may not be added at the District expense
after retirement. The employee must make application through District
procedures prior to the date of retirement in order to be
eligible for any benefits provided in this Section.
�� �`1`7 1
ARTICLE 14. INSURANCE BENEFITS, Section 2. (continued):
3.3.2 Option 1 - Transitional Retiree Age 65 and Over Insurance Option
' Conditions:
• An employee who has earlier elected to participate in Option 2
- - Minnesota Deferred Compensation Plan Option (3.3.3 below)
is not eligible for this provision, and cannot change his/her
original decision.�
• An employee who elects at retirement to participate in
Option 3 - Transitional Severance Allowance Option (3.3.4
below) is not eligible for this provision.
• An employee who elects participation in this provision at
retirement must irrevocably waive participation in the
Option 3 - Transitional Severance Allowance Option, but is
not required to waive eligibility for Severance Pay provided
by Board of Education resolution.
• The employee must initiate application to participate through
specified District procedures. Effective July 1, 1997, for employees hired before
January 1, 1996, who retire at age sixty-five (65) or later
and who are eligible under Subd. 3.3.1 of this Article and the
� terms of the policy provided in this Subd. 3.3.2, or for early
retirees who qualified under the conditions of Subdivision 3.1
above and who are eligible under the terms of the policy
provided in this Subd. 3.3.2 upon reaching age sixty-five
(65) after retirement, the District will provide contributions
toward premium payment as specified herein, for a Medicare
Supplement health coverage policy selected by the District.
Effective June 30, 1997, premium contributions by the
District toward retiree health insurance coverage at and after
age sixty-five (65) will not exceed:
Coverage Type in I Fami�X
Medicare Eligible $300 per month $400 per month
Non-Medicare Eligible $400 per month $400 per month
At no time shall any payment in any amount be made directly to
the retiree.
Any premium cost in excess of the maximum contributions
specified must be paid directly and in full by the retiree, or
' coverage will be discontinued.
• 1 An employee is not excluded from this o tion b virtue f
p y o his/her participation in the Minnesota
Deferred Compensation Plan as an individual investor with no employer-paid matching funds.
ARTICLE 14. INSURANCE BENEFITS, Section 2. (continued):
3.3.3 Qption 2 - Minnesota Deferred Compensation Plan Option
Effective July 1, 1997, employees hired before January 1, 1996, who �
have completed at least three (3) full years of continuous active service
within Independent School District No. 625 can become eligible to
participate in Minnesota Deferred Compensation Plan and receive
matching contribution by the District up to a maximum of $500
annually, for a maximum lifetime total of $12,500 in matching
contributions (as provided in 3.2 of this Subdivision). Time worked in
City of Saint Paul prior to January 1, 1996, will be counted toward
meeting this three (3)-year service requirement.
• The employee must irrevocably waive Option 1 - Transitional
Retiree age 65 and over Insurance Option as provided in 3.3.2
above of this Subdivision.
• The employee must irrevocably waive Option 3 - Transitional
Severance Allowance prior as provided under 3.3.4 (below) of
this Subdivision.
• The employee is not required to waive eligibility for Severance
Pay provided by Board of Education resolution. �
• The employee must initiate an application to participate
through the District's specified procedures.
Matching contribution by the District can only occur so long as the
employee remains in continuous active service in the District, and shall
not exceed $500 per year, with a cumulative lifetime maximum total of
$12,500. Approved non-compensatory leave shall not be considered a
break in service and shall not be counted in completing the three (3)
year requirement.
Eligible part-time employees assigned to .5 FTE or more, shall be
eligible for up to one-half (1/2) the annual match by the District.
ARTICLE 14. INSURANCE BENEFITS, Section 2. (continued): G1�J `� "1���
3.3.4 Option 3 - Transitional Severance Allowance Option:
Effective July 1, 1996 through June 30, 2017 Conditions for participation in this specified Transitional
Severance Allowance Option:
• The employee must irrevocably waive Option 1 -
Transitional Retiree Age 65 and over Insurance Option as
provided in 3.3.2 (above) of this Subdivision.
• An employee who has earlier elected to participate in
Option 2 - Minnesota Deferred Compensation Plan Option
(3.3.3 above) is not eligible for this provision, and cannot
change his/her original decision.�
• The employee must have completed at least twenty (20)
full years of continuous active service in Independent
School District No. 625 (not including periods of non-
compensatory leave). Time worked in the City of
Saint Paul prior to January 1, 1996, will be counted
toward meeting this eligibility requirement.
• The employee must be voluntarily separated from District
employment. Those employees who are discharged for
• cause, misconduct, inefficiency, incompetency or any other
disciplinary reason are not eligible for this Transitional
Severance Pay Option.
• The employee must file a waiver of reemployment with the
Director of Human Resources, which will clearly indicate
that by requesting severance pay, the employee waives all
claims to reinstatement or reemployment (of any type)
with Independent School District No. 625.
• The employee must be at least age fifty-five (55),
retiring from Independent School District No. 625 service,
and eligible for pension under Minnesota PERA or
Saint Paul Teachers' Retirement Fund.
• The employee must have a minimum of sixty (60) days
accumulated unused sick leave on his/her record at the date
of retirement in order to qualify for the full Transitional
Severance Allowance. Any employee who does not meet this
condition will forfeit $4,000 of the Transitional
, Severance Allowance specified for that year of his/her
• � An employee is not excluded from this o tion b virtue of his/her artici ati n in
P y p p o the Minnesota
Deferred Compensation Plan as an individual investor with no employer-paid matching funds.
ARTICLE 14. INSURANCE BENEFITS, Section 2. (continued):
• The employee must elect to waive all severance pay
described by Board of Education resolution (for up to
$4,000) in favor of this option. '
• The employee must provide to the District the required
waivers and signed resignation by April 1 of the school '
year in which he/she intends to retire. Appeal of this
deadline, based on emergency or extraordinary
circumstances, will be considered by the District.
• The employee must initiate application to participate
through specified District procedures. When application has been made, and all of the above conditions
have been met, the employee will be deemed eligible for
severance pay allowance equal to the lesser of one year's
salary at his/her current salary or a maximum amount as
prescribed herein:
For Retirements in Maximum Transitional
School/Fiscal Year �everance Pay Allowance
1 996-97 $31 ,000
1997-98 $31 ,750
1998-99 $32,500 �
1999-00 $33,250
2000-01 $34,000
2001 -02 $34,750
2002-03 $35,500
2003-04 $36,250
2004-05 $37,000
2005-06 $38,000
Such amount will normally be paid out according to District
established procedures, in equal installments over
five (5) years from the date of retirement; exception will be
made in the event of the death of the employee; special or
emergency appeal for earlier payment will be considered by
the District. There is no access to the benefits of this Option 3 -
Transitional Severance Pay Allowance for the spouse or estate
of an active employee who dies having not yet actually retired.
A surviving spouse however mav be eligible for severance pay '
as provided by Board of Education resolution.
/`� ��(.�
ARTICLE 14. INSURANCE BENEFITS, Section 2. (continued): �� �
• At no time, and under no circumstances shall this
Option 3 - Transitional Severance Allowance Option be
' available to any person hired by the District into
Independent School District No. 625 service on or after
January 1, 1996.
This Option 3 - Transitional Severance Allowance Option
expires on June 30, 2017, and will be thereafter null and
3.3.5 Choice of Options:
It will be apparent to current employees that if Option 2 -
Minnesota Deferred Compensation Plan Option in
Subdivisions. 3.3.2 is to be elected by the employee, that
choice should be made at the earliest possible date, in order to
allow for the greatest possible growth in the account. If,
however, the current employee prefers to keep open the
possible selection of Option 1 - Transitional Retiree Age 65
and Over Insurance Option (Subd. 3.3.2) O R Option 3 -
Transitional Severance Allowance Option (Subd. 3.3.4), that
decision can be made shortly before actual retirement. Once
made, the decision is irrevocable. District Benefits Office will
provide information upon request.
• If state and federal law permits, and the option
remains available from carriers, the District will
allow eligible retirees at age 65 who were hired
before January 1, 1996, and who have completed the
requirements in Subdivision 3.3.1 to continue, on a
self-paid basis, to participate in the retiree group
plan for Medicare supplement then made available by
the District. The retiree must make application
pursuant to District procedures, and must have or
obtain Medicare Part B coverage at his/her own
expense. No monetary contribution to premium cost
or medical costs of any kind will be made by the
District. The retiree will be responsible for the
timely payment of premiums, and failure to do so
will result in discontinuance of the coverage and the
option to participate.
ubd. 1. If it becomes necessary or desirable to close a school as a result of an
emergency, the effort shall be made to notify employees not to come to work. Employees �
not notified who report for work shall be granted two (2) hours' pay at their regular
u 2. An employee who is expected to come to work on a regular workday, or who is
called in to work at another time, shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours straight
time pay for the work.
SECTION 2. WORKSHOPS: Employees in the Food Senrice program ordered by the Food
Service Director to attend Food Service workshops shall be reimbursed for the tuition of
the workshop and the normal hourly rate for the time spent in the workshop.
SECTION 3. MILEAGE: When an employee is required and authorized by the proper
supervisor to use his or her personal vehicle in the interest of the Employer (i.e., trips
to the bank, grocery store, etc.) mileage reimbursement will be paid at the current
School District rate, and by the approval of the Food Service Director.
SECTION 4. YVORKINGOUTOFCLASSIFlCATION: Employer shall avoid, whenever •
possible, working an employee on an out-of-class assignment for a prolonged period of
time. Any employee working an out-of-class assignment for a period in excess of fifteen
(15) working days during any fiscal year of employment shall receive the rate of pay
for the out-of-class assignment in a higher classification not later than the sixteenth
day of such assignment. For purposes of this Article, an out-of-class assignment is
defined as the full-time performance of all of the significant duties and responsibilities
of a classification by an individual in another classification. For the purposes of this
Article, the rate of pay for an out-of-class assignment shall be the same rate the
employee would receive if he/she were promoted to the higher classification.
regularly-scheduled hours are added to an existing Food Service Assistant position, the
Food Service Assistant with the greatest building seniority regularly employed in that
kitchen or facility will be first offered the additional work hours, if that Food Service
Assistant is listed for such consideration.
ubd. 1. To be listed for additional hours consideration, a Food Service Assistant must �
indicate in writing, at the start of the school year, to the Director of Food Service or to
the designated immediate supervisor, the intention to be available for such additional
work time. -
ARTICLE 15. WORKING CONDITIONS (continued); ��� ��'��
ubd. 2. If a listed Food Service Assistant refuses additional regularly-scheduled work
time, the Director of Food Service or designated immediate supervisor may remove that
Food Service Assistant's name from the listing.
Subd• 3• A reduction in regularly-scheduled hours to a position covered by this
Agreement shall not be considered a layoff, and is not subject to the provisions of
Article 8, Layoff and Recall.
considered for reassignment to another location should submit a written request to the
office of Director of Food Service by April 1 of any year. The request should specify the
location or area the employee prefers.
Food Service Supervisor 1 or 2: The District may determine that it is necessary to
have Food Service Supervisor 1 or 2 titles covered by this Agreement maintain the
Saint Paul Manager's Certification (or a State of Minnesota Certification if regulation
changes ) as a requirement for holding these positions. The test or tests for the Saint
� Paul Food Manager's Certification (or a State of Minnesota Certification if regulation
changes) will be taken on employee's time.
The District will pay a maximum of $30 one time in a two (2)-year period to
reimburse the employee for the fees for acquiring the renewal certification for those
employees appointed in these titles prior to July 1, 1995.
Food Service Supervisor 3: The parties recognize and acknowledge that the Saint Paul
Food Manager's Certification (or a State of Minnesota Certification if regulation
changes) is requirement for holding a position in the Senior High Food Service
Supervisor and Food Service Supervisor 3 title covered by this Agreement, and will be a
requirement prospectively for new appointees as well. The test or tests for the Saint
Paul Food Manager's Certification (or a State of Minnesota Certification if regulation
changes) will be taken on employee's own time.
The District will pay a maximum of $30 one time in a two (2)-year period to
reimburse the employee for the fees for acquiring the renewal certification for those
employees appointed in this title prior to July 1, 1992.
Any employee who is required to appear in court as a juror or as a subpoenaed witness
shall be paid his/her regular pay while so engaged, unless the court duty is the result of
litigation undertaken by the employee or the Union against the Employer. Any fees that '
the employee shall receive from the court for such service shall be paid to the Employer.
Any employee who is scheduled to work a shift other than the normal daytime shift, shall
be rescheduled to work the normal daytime shift during such time as he/she is required '
to appear in court as a juror or witness.
Accumulated sick leave in excess of 180 days may be converted to vacation at the rate of
two (2) days sick leave for one (1) day vacation up to a maximum of five (5) days
vacation time. Vacation is to be paid on the basis of regularly-scheduled hours per day.
The Employer shall have the right to impose disciplinary actions on employees for just
cause. �
Disciplinary actions by the Employer shall include only the following actions:
( 1 ) Oral reprimand;
(2 ) Written reprimand;
( 3 ) Suspension;
( 4 ) Demotion;
( 5 ) Discharge.
Employees who are suspended, demoted or discharged shall have the right to request that
such actions be reviewed through the provisions of Article 5, Grievance Procedure of
this Agreement. This provision is not intended to abrogate rights of veterans pursuant to
Discharges will be preceded by a five (5) day preliminary suspension without pay.
During said period, the employee and/or Union may request, and shall be entitled to a '
meeting with the Employer representative who initiated the suspension with intent to
discharge. During the five (5) day period, the Employer may affirm the suspension and
discharge in accordance with the Personnel Rules or may modify, or withdraw same. '
�C� � ����
SECTION 1. LONG-TERM LEAVES WITHOUT PAY: Leaves of absence may be requested,
on the basis specified in Civil Service Regulations. The Food Service Director will reply
' to such requests within fifteen (15) calendar days after they are received in the Food
Service Office.
SECTION 2. SHORT-TERM LEAVES WITHOUT PAY: Short-term special leaves
without pay, not to exceed two (2) weeks in duration, may be requested and will be
considered by the Employer subject to the operational needs of the Employer and the
ability to secure substitute help to satisfactorily maintain the particular assignment of
the employee involved.
u d. 1. Applications for such leaves must be submitted in writing to the Food Senrice
Director at least forty-five (45) calendar days prior to the proposed start of the leave
without pay and shall include the proposed period of the leave and purpose for leave.
u . 2. The Director of Food Service shall notify the employee requesting leave no
less than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the proposed leave date, whether the leave
is to be granted or denied, except that, if a leave is requested to immediately follow a
one (1)-week or two (2)-week school vacation, the thirty (30) days' notice shall
occur thirty (30) days before the beginning of such vacation period, providing the
request was received at least fifteen (15) days earlier.
• Subd. 3. Eight (8) such leaves shall be made available by the Employer in each school
year, for the entire department (i.e., for Cook Managers and Food Service Personnel
combined). Four (4) of the eight (8) leaves available shall be reserved for employees
who have worked for the Food Service Department for at least five (5) years. The other
four (4) leaves will be available to employees on the basis specified in this Article.
Subd. 4. No more than two (2) such leaves will be granted during the month of
January and no more than two (2) leaves will be granted during the month of February
each year.
SECTION 3. FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVES: Effective February 1, 1994, leaves of
absence shall be granted as required under the federal law known as the Family and
Medical Leave Act (FMLA) so long as it remains in force. The Human Resource
Department provides procedures.
Subd. 1. The Employer will provide three (3) uniform pieces to each employee per
school year. Selection and composition of uniforms is the Employer's option. `
ubd. 2. The Employer will provide four (4) uniform pieces at start-up for new
employees. A new employee must have worked at least thirty (30) working days in a '
forty-five (45) working-day period before receiving the start-up uniform allotment.
Subd. 3. A uniform piece for the purpose of this Article shall be defined as any one of
the following items as designated by the Food Service Director for that location:
1 ) shirt/tops;
2 ) slacks/pants;
3 ) aprons.
Employees will have the flexibility to select any combination of uniform pieces each
school year, so long as the uniform pieces selected are part of the approved uniform for
that location.
SECTION 2. An employee who has received uniforms and then terminates employment
for any reason after less than six (6) full months of active employment, is obligated to
return the uniforms to the School Food Service. If the uniforms are not returned, 90%
of their costs will be deducted from the final paycheck of the terminating employee.
ARTICLE 21 . WAGE SCALE /�� /� I.f�J
• �� � � � (
The pay rates shall be those described in Appendix A.
Subd. 1. Initial Placement on the Salary Schedule:
When an employee is originally hired or moves from another unit into a title covered by
' this agreement or moves from one title covered by this agreement to a different title
under this agreement, initial step placement will be conducted as described by Civil
Service Rules, unless the labor agreement contains a provision describing an alternative
action. The labor agreement supersedes these provisions of Civil Service Rules.
A newly hired person regularly appointed in the Food Service Assistant classification
will normally start at the entry rate. If the person had been consistently assigned as a
temporary employee at the entry rate for at least six (6) months prior to being
regularly appointed from the list, that employee will start at the base rate. If the
person had been temporarily assigned at the entry rate for less than six (6) months
prior to being regularly appointed from the list, that employee will move to the base
rate the first pay period following the completion of six (6) months of work at the entry
rate (this includes time worked immediately preceding appointment).
A newly hired person regularly appointed in other titles covered by this agreement will
typically start at the Base Rate for that title.
A person appointed on a temporary basis normally will be paid at the entry rate. The
only exception is for retirees returning to work as temporary employees as described in
� Appendix A, Wage Schedule Conditions.
Subd• 2. Step Placement on the Salary Schedule for a Promotion:
The Human Resource Department will determine the step placement for a promotion
from one title in the District to a title covered by this Agreement. The step placement
will be determined by multiplying the hourly rate of pay the person was receiving prior
to the promotion by 1.05 (a 5% increase). The person will be placed in the new title
following promotion at the first salary step that is equal to or greater than the rate
calculated when multiplying the previous rate by 1.05. For example, if the person was
making $10/hr before the promotion, the Human Resource Department would multiply
$10/hr x 1.05 = $10.50/hr. Then the person would be place on the step in the new
title that was closest to but not less than $10.50/hr.
Subd. 3. Salary Step Progression:
Progression through the steps of a salary range in this contract will be based on the
following conditions:
Employees must have received an overall rating of "satisfactory" on their most recent
performance evaluation to receive any salary step advancement.
Movement to pay columns beyond the base rate will normally occur on the first pay
period following the anniversary date of the appointment to the new title, providing that
the employee has completed the number of years in the District required for that step.
For example, an employee hired on September 10, 1995, would move to the two
(2)-year step the first pay period following September 10, 1997, and then to the four
. (4)-year step the first pay period following September 10, 1999.
During the term of this Agreement the Board may at its discretion unilaterally increase
the pay rates provided in Appendix A, to come into compliance with the requirements of
the Minnesota Pay Equity Act.
• This A reement shail be in full force and effect from Jul 1 1995 throu h
9 Y , 9
June 30, 1997, except as otherwise specified herein, and shall automatically be
� continued from year to year thereafter, unless a new Agreement is developed in
accordance with the provisions of the Public Employment Labor Relations Act of 1971,
as amended. Intent to negotiate a new Agreement shall be indicated by either party
� providing written notice thereof at least ninety (90) days prior to the termination date
set forth herein.
This Agreement is by and between Independent School District No. 625 and
Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees Union Local No. 320, on
behalf of Food Service Personnel.
In full settlement of 1995-97 negotiations between the herein parties, the
parties have adopted this Agreement, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
It is understood that this settlement shall be subject to approval and adoption by
the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625, as well as ratification by
the Union.
-�-�.� � . � . . �� .
....�'tr ��GL .� � �
Negotiat' ns/Labor Relations M ager Business Agent
Negotiations/Labor Rela ' s Date
Assistant Manager
�� /� ' g�,
Chair, B rd of Education
�-1c� —9�
� Date
Food Service Assistants
DATE � B�I� BA� Bg� BA.� �� �8� 5L�
July 1, 1995 $7.31 $8.04 $9.34 $9.65 $9.97 $10.29 $10.61 $10.93
July 1, 1996 $7.31 $8.04 $9.52 $9.85 $10.17 $10.50 $10.82 $11.14
�IC TE: Line Leader Premium
A Food Service Assistant working in the District Kitchen who is assigned
by the Director of Food Service as Line Leader for a particular function
will be paid a premium of $.25 (25�) per hour over his/her regular
hourly rate while performing the Line Leader duties. Line Leader
assignment will be made or discontinued at the discretion of the Director
of Food Service.
Wage Schedule Conditions - Food Service Assistant
Persons working on an occasional basis in the Food Service Assistant classification as
temporary, provisional, or substitute employees shall be paid at $7.00 hourly.
Effective A�ril 1. 1996. the only exception is for former employees of the Saint Paul
Public School Food Service Department who retired with at least five (5) years of
District Food Service experience, and who return on an occasional basis in the Food
Service Assistant classification as temporary or substitute employees shall be paid at
the BASE RATE of the Food Service Assistant wage schedule.
Persons newly employed in the Food Service Assistant classification on a
regularly-scheduled basis, shall be paid at the Entry column rate until such time as the
employee shall have passed the Civil Service examination for the classification, been
certified and appointed to a regularly-scheduled position. Movement to the Base Rate
will occur at the time of certification, so long as the employee has served at least six (6)
months' regularly-assigned work time at the Entry rate.
After satisfactory completion of the above, including the six (6)-month minimum time
on the Entry rate, the employee shall be paid at the Base Rate column rate.
� Movement to pay columns beyond the base rate shall be based on completion of the
specified number of years of continuous regular employment from the date of
APPENDIX A: WAGES (continued):
Baker - 1995-96
EFFECTIVE BASE 2-YR. 4YR. 6-YR. &YR. 10-YR. 16-YR.
DATE �Al.� �� BL� B9� L9.� Ag� L� .
July 1, 1995 $11.67 $12.20 $12.73 $12.99 $13.30 $13.54 $13.76
Food _Service Supervisor - 1995-96 �>>
EFFECTIVE BASE 2-YR. 4YR. 6-YR. &YR. 10-YR. 16-YR.
DATE �� BA� B�� BA_� �� BL>� B��
July 1, 1995 $10.07 $10.60 $11.14 $11.51 $11.88 $12.31 $12.73
Senior High Food Service Supervisor - 1995-96
EFFECIIVE BASE 2-YR. 4YR. 6-YR. &YR. 10-YR. 16-YR.
July 1, 1995 $10.91 $11.66 $12.41 $12.78 $13.31 $13.95 $14.59
�1� Effective for the 1995-96 school year, a Food Service Supervisor in a junior high school shall be paid a
premium of $.05 (five cents) per hour over the sated hourly rate for Food Service Supervisor, so long as
he/she remains assigned in that title, in a junior high school. �
APPENDIX A: WAGES (continued): �� ✓ I�,i�
Baker - 1996-97
EF�CTIVE BASE 2-YR. 4YR. 6-YR. &YR. 10-YR. 1 EYR.
. DATE �A� �'f� BgTE BA.� BA.� Bg� ��
July 1, 1996 $11.67 $12.33 $12.98 $13.25 $13.57 $13.81 $14.03
Food Service Supervisor 1 - 1996-97
EFFECTIVE BASE 2-YR. 4YR. 6-YR. &YR. 10-YR. 16-YR.
July 1, 1996 $10.40 $11.00 $11.50 $12.00 $12.30 $12.75 $13.35
Food Service Sur�ervisor 2 - 1996-97
EFFECTIVE BASE 2-YR. 4YR. 6-YR. &YR. 10-YR. 16-YR.
DATE R�T� BA� BA_� BA.� BA.� BB� BA.�
July 1, 1996 $11.30 $12.00 $12.60 $13.20 $13.60 $14.15 $14.85
Food Service Supervisor 3 - 1996-97
EFFECIIVE BASE 2-YR. 4YR. 6-YR. &YR. 10-YR. 16-YR.
DATE BBT� $�T� B�� BA_� BA.� HA� BA�
July 1, 1996 $12.55 $13.30 $13.90 $14.60 $15.00 $15.65 $16.35
APPENDIX A: WAGES (continued):
Minnesota Professional Development Plan For School Food Service
And Nutrition - Level 3 Certification Premium "
When a regularly (civil service) certified and appointed employee shall have completed
the credit hours required for Level 3 of the Minnesota Professional Development Plan for
School Food and Nutrition and shall have received such certification, that employee shall
become eligible for an additional $0.10 (ten cents) per hour premium over and above
his/her normal biweekly rate of pay for all hours on the payroll so long as the employee
maintains a current Level 3 certification. Payment of the $0.10 (ten cents) per hour
premium shall become effective within thirty (30) days after the employee has presented
to the Director of Food Service of the Saint Paul Public Schools evidence in writing of
his/her completed Level 3 certification. Employees must maintain current Level 3
certification and show evidence of the renewed certification to be eligible for continuation
of the premium.
A4 •