01-236C�RI�;��AL Council File # �,�' Cti�]� Green Sheet # ��'30 i�� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL,IVIIl�TNESOTA Presented By Referred To i z 3 4 s 6 � a 9 io ii iz 13 14 is 16 i� is Committee: Date �� RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Saint Paul Planning Commission. REAPPOINTMENTS APPOINTMENTS Dennis Gervais Stephen Gordon George Edwin Johnson Soliving Kong Timothy Mardell Gladys Morton Julie Shortridge Matt Mejia Dan Galles Dennis Gervais, Stephen Gordon, George Edwin Johnson, Soliving Kong, Timothy Mardell, and Gladys Morton each shall seave a three-year term and their terms shall expire on January 1, 2004. i9 Julie Shortridge and Nlatt Mejia shall serve a three-year term and their terms shall expire zo on January 1, 2004. Dan Galles shall serve the remainder of Shem Shakir's term which 2i will expire on January 1, 2002. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council; Date �"� ��y �a0\ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: By: �,� � �e - Approved by Mayor: Date ��� �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to � Council Ey: �. /�'l'(iWVI.<� " (/� By: �,. Mayor's O££ice ONTACi PFRSON 8 PFIONE Lucia Lebens 266-8533 IUST BE ON COIAJCYIAGB�DA BY (��I 2-14-01 2-5-01 � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 GREEN SHEET O�YIaYD�oa r�-T.0 =-;1��__�i�� o t -a34 No 103028 ��� I CIYAiTOYEY ❑ GIYCVrM I ���� �����a I wvoR(aew�asraxn ❑ '(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNANRq Approval of reappts. of Dennis Gervais.; Stephen Gordon; George Johnson;Soli Kbng; Timothy Mardell and Gladys Morton and appts. of Julie Shortridge; Matt Mejia and Dan Galles to serve on the Saint Paul Planning Commission. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITfEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION TRANSACTION S SOURCE INFORMAiION (EXPLAINj Flas this Pe��� everwrorkM unAer a mM�act far Mis depertmentl YES NO Hm tMS P�rtn ewf been e dtY emDbYee4 , YES NO Ooes this P�� P� e Sidll not nnmalyP� bY �Y ��� ulY �PbY�� YES NO Is this persaNAm a tarpetetl �eMaYt YES NO COSTIREVENUE BUOfiETED (GRCLE ON� VES _.�111/��T1:113�7 NO � r, O \-� CITY OF SAINT PAUL 390 Ciry Hall Norm Co[eman, Mayor IS West Kellagg BouZevard Sain[ Paul, MN 55702 TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Counciimember James Reiter FROM: DATE: I�� Lucia Lebens Assistant to the Mayor March 7, 2001 Saint Paul Planning Commission Te[ephone: 657-266-85I0 Facsimile: 651-266-8513 Mayor Coleman has recommended the reappointments of Dennis Gervais, Stephen Gordon, George Edwin Johnson, Soliving Kong, Timothy Mardell, and Gladys Morton. They each shall serve a three-year term and their terms shall egpire on January 1, 2004. Mayor Coleman has also recommended the appointments of Julie Shortridge, Matt Mejia and Dan Galles. Julie Shortridge and Matt Mejia shall serve a three-year term and their terms shall expire on January 1, 2004. Dan Galles shall serve the remainder of Shem Shakir's term which will expire on January 1, 2002. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating them and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January, 2000. Feel free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appointments. Attachments cc: Larry Soderholm, Planning Commission � � �� ♦ ' l �� U Name: ' ^V� G1 �' � (� ` $ 5 l 3 (-F a �„�g(a � PLEAS�RETURN TO: .r `� ( ( �S �3 �p TOM MAttVER P.E.D.13T� FLOOR 25 WES�' FOURTFI STREET SAINT PAUI, MiNNESOTA SSIO2 Phone: (651) 266.6610 FAX: (651} 228.3261 HomeA Street: City: Zip: O Telephone Number{s): (Indude Area Code9) Plann3ng Distrlct Council: aaB `� �b5ti)� � D�511'�� Council Werd �� - �535 PreferredMaillngAddress: � srvi+n�. �a�/rz, 5�-,�c��p 55►oa� W hat is your occupatlon? Place of EmQloyment: Committee(s) Apptfea For: The infonmation ineluded la tbis appUcaHon ia considered private data according to the Mlnaesota Govemmenk Deta Pirscdces Act. As a result, this 3nformation is not released to the genere! publtc. Wfiat skilis, hatning or esperience do you possess for the coromittee(s) for which you seek appolntment? 17:41 651-22g-1419 JULIE SHORTRIDGE ~ PAGE 02 . oFRSnNA1. REFF.RFN[`�C (Reminder w Indnde Telephone Ares CodesJ Name: Addresa: Yhone: Name: �� Addmss: � Phone: jb,p, Name: � Addresx a Phone: fJ34 � nuuvr ✓ � �� - �5t - aS5 � ;1 „I ns� �c;ft oY, f�' Sal 5��� - o y�f � 5�'. �51 >o� �s � -s� N��v� 55101 �s�1 a9��55�s tlave you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making applicadon? lf so, when, and the c rcumste ce ? �D � Y10� -�v ►M va-. �.,n n u.� IPcI�u. . ln an attempt to ensure ihat eommittee representatlon retlects the makeup of our commun}ty, please cneck the line appllcable to yon. This infortnatlon !s strictly voluntary. _ White (Caucasfan) _ Hlspanlc ._,. Black (ASican Amer[can} _ Aslan or k�cltic Islander _ American Indian or Ataskan Esldmo Date of Birth: �"�` 1ooZ Niale Female x Dlvabled: Yea No �_ ilspecisl accommodaUons are needed, please specify: ���,� � How dId you hear about this openin� � I`1YnV�u C ovt� �4p �or5 6'��{ri c�. Reasons for your iqterest in this particular committee: � 1�� � Pah�-� .� ilA �/? �1-- Yl4Yh4 a . 6 � p L � ' y 3 , ,,, � [l 1lLLL3Ci �� � � ��� - . , �� 4,� .�i.,.--� � s��� HomtAddress: _ /S/Q.��±.�,'�_-"�.1�``" �} Street . • �'� Telephone Nnmber: CONTINUE FROM PREVi0U5 PAGE Eei Z �� Z , 2a� �: / 0t �.4�i --..... �.... '-•.-'-""" ,.." —GS= � (��v y v _. ' _ - . ��i''� /� Cit�• Cau�ett Ward: � PreFcrredhtull�ngAddress: �g�� � 7 � S��F�- 57��"l �'� P1�nntng Distriei Councli WUat is your occupation? Plate oCEmpioyment: Committee(s) Applied For; '�-� �.s-,.._E'SS O�- ri - - �-,-> `-r'�'S G`o.,-.-� m...-.-: c S � ZYhat skltis, traiaing or espe�tence do you po�sess for fhe cammIitee(s) f�r whith you seek appointment''. � � G- �c�-�--� 6�'~g ..'�_,`.� �.�tS ,o��+--�''✓" .'�..�Ssy.�SS G' S�'c�iG�Sa•- Tt1E infOrSri�tiou IAtlUded In this a�pGcation is conaidered private data accordin� to tht �1laqcsot9 Governmen4 Daca Practicts AcE. As a result, thts intormation {s �ot released to tha gener�l puttic. {ovEx� Itev. �•=-r" � � . � .►TF�s'c�1f�!'�= � — - - .�.._�-- - - - _ - : i �J ..e. v � - "__""__ _ ___ -�.> i3:23 � PFIU'� MAYOR'S La=,'il.t * oia ca.. _'"' i f i� �. y � N. IdRme: Add�ess: Phone: Pdv? � a�..}�y� Name: �z� �.-6 �`�' - t,�� Ad,dress: �oz� G��'ff 7� 3��F r . . Ph4na: �[Q� T. f W nrkl aa Y- s�c� so lYams: AdQress: Phone: Ttenson5 For youT intatst in ihi&� Qartitulxr cammlttee: ,�.��'s �L%w---���6 �,'� 7Sn�•e you hnd prerious coatact iYSth the comtnittee tor which you are msl:ing epplieeflon3 If e0, when;' and the clrcumatancea? 7I� In �n atiempt to sasura that camrn3ttee representatfQn retlects ihe mskeup of our corrfmna3fy, please chack the 13nc appifcabTe to yoa. 'ThiF lnformstinn b slrictly volnntarY. v��Vhttt (Cacucasisn) � B!¢ck (AfrScae Amer(canj � American Indlan orAlasl:xtn �ski[no `-� Mnte Femate Disa5led: Yes Na "� �fspanlc Asla4 or T�acif,c Eslaadef DQte of Birth: �/ ° if spaciai accommodatines are needed, ptease specify: How did vou hear aboui this opeaing? �'� ��� ror� P. ea Q��lmeS G99- ��3�3 er a?5=y!65 --- ,--r—•..---.------ ¢j�m,�C..� ) S68'- i48'7 (WerkLa45- 99a8 _�_,_i _�� sl<t �dz.._�l I�CG'G'Sr9+��-S , . ±.. r- . ��� ;1 �,9� �� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CTI'1' HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SSIO2 - Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 . - d o�-}�� . Gg � �� `� Name: f�'���}�I�f,IN s�. i ES'!/ HomeAddress: ��15 ��(Oj�G1 A'U� SI Pa,�� �SIG�/ StreeY Telephone Number: Planning District Council: City Si 1 S! City Council Ward: � Zip z y7 PreferredMailingAddress: ��S MO1�G e''�'�/�- - `Vhatisyouroccupation? FrNgr✓c,a+ �//},vNe� Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: : vi2s LL G TYYti CO�'�M What skilis, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? S The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a resalt, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER) Rev. 8-5-� r - �ERSONAL RE�'EREitTCES a � `�� • Name: �'/}�EZiGK LO(3N��''� ,� f R_ rAe+-Y�O�n,�.� �. C<9�i ! a31 cr7`Y ��F��tif Address: � ��� MW 7�C Phone: �Home) �'ork) ��1 56a L� Name: t��SS /(/��SdN �Ne/soN T��TZ s �%� Address: B�[ S�l l�l t.� 3 3U m��s MN S`� y0 Z Phone: (Fiomg) �� � rz - 3 sy - 3 2 0�- Name: !��'7"�J�l Address: �;—Z� N��LD(1�T ��}() ��`l6d �(�IS y✓1//" S�S�IQ.� Phone: (H4me� � .�Work�� ��' $�� Reasons foryour interest in this particullr committee: See �-��.�� Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you nre making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line appiicable to you. This information is strictty voluntlry. White (Caucasian) $lack (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo X Male Disabted: Yes Female No � If special accommodations are needed, plense specify: � Hispnnic Asian or Pacific Islander DateofBirth: ���—� � How did you hear about this opening? p `v,.'.� W Matthew 7. Mejia What skiils, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? I have worked in numerous fields over the yeazs. My experience ranges from doorman at a downtown hotel to renovating the State Theater in Minneapolis to co-managing mitlions of investors doliars to running pet food stores. My experience in the hospitality industry taught me the value of customer service. I learned how to deal with people. I found that my better days were ones where my guests left feeting better than when they had come. At the same time, I couldn't serve everyone all the time. Priorities needed to be set and tasks juggled. In my years as an IBEW 292 electricians apprentice, I worked on lazge projects like the Matl of America. I had the opportunity to help install cameras and ramp meters along 35W. My favorite project was Yhe renovation of State TheaYer in Minneapolis. The blueprints for the electrical system were long gone and we had to figure it out as we worked. All these projects required teamwork and cooperation to get the job done. I was not leader on any of these jobs, but I certainly Iearned from them. T have always had an entrepreneurial drive to build a business. I had the opporiunity to do just that when I joined Pet Central Station. I opened one new store and soon took over managing another. As a new business, we struggled with cash flow, operating expenses and budgets. I became a master in the art of managing cash flow to make it all work. I left with a keen understanding of how a retail business operates, the necessity of creating and following a budget and the importance leadership. I joined my mothers financial planning practice in 1995. The business is centered on advising family business owners and their families on issues such as business succession, legacy planning and investments. My job is split between marketing the business and anatyziag data. I have Iearned how to filter, organize and analyze an enormous amount of data. I then use ihis boiled down data to make recommendations upon which an entire family's future rests. I am an analyst with a sense of humor, that can convey things in layman's terms, build a consensus on actions to be taken and manage the process of implementing the recommendations. o t _aaG Matthew 7. Mejia Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: I bought my first house in SL. Paul in 1997. I have lived in St. Paul oa and off over the last 12 years. On a whim, my business partner and I decided to attend a St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce(SPACC)/Good Mornin� St. Paul event in January of this year. Mayor Coleman was the speaker. We were impressed with the energy in the air and all that St. Paul has going on. We looked at each other and dzcided St. Paul is the place to be. Our business w�ill be moving to St. Paul on November 1, 1993. My business partner recently sold her home and is actively lookin� £or a home in St. Paul. I am a firm believer that if a person wants to improve quafity of life he/she must be invoived. My fiancee and I serve as block ciub captains. I am an active member of SPACC, serving as an Ambassador on the Sma1i Business Services committee. I live in the Summit-University neighborhood and nur business �vil1 open at 420 Summit Avenue. One of our favorite activities is walking through the neighborhood looking at the beautiful homes and buildings in our azea. St. Paul is known for its large collection of Victorian homes. I would hate to see anything taken away from that by the careless use of our resources. It seems to me that planning committees are the framework upon which the future of a city is built. I would relish the challenge to pull to�ether so many varied interests in this city to build the vision of what St. Paul will be! ' In conctusion, I have bet my family' s future, my business and my personal future on what I believe St. Paui is and wili become. I do not intend to lose. I wili become as involved as possible to insure my dream for my family, business and my future. a � ..�.�� 675 Holty Avenue SL Paul, MN 55104 Matthew J. Mejia YVork experience Woric experience Work Experience Work Experience Phone 612-347•8651 Faz 612-347-Bfi64 E-mad MaNhew�saanetcom 1995 - Present Financial Neiwork Investment Co Minneapolis, M Assxiate Advisor _ • Registered Representative Financial Network Investment Corp • Advise clients on Retirement 8 Estate Planning, Business Succession, _ Investment manageme�t and Pension consulting 1997 - Present F2miiy Business Advisors Group, LLCMinneapoli Vice President • Advise ciients on Retirement & Estate Planning, Business Succession, Investment management and Pension consulting • Manage or Co-Manage nearly S 30 Million in Assets • Responsible for aff financial decisions re(ating to company _ 1994-1995 Pet-Centrai Station Minneapoiis, MN General Manager • Responsible for stocking, opening 8 managing new store • Managed inventory for two stores • Increased sales per customer, sales per day and net margins consistently throughouttenure • Designed and implemenied inventory controis to maximize number oF inventory tums without hurting sales. 1990-1994 IBEW 292Narious Companies Minneapolis, MN Apprentice Eleclrician • Learned afl facets of commerciai electrician trade • Very familiar with National Electr±cal Code • Understand the process of construction 2nd development • Worked on Projects such as Mzll of America, Renovation of the State Theater and freeway cameras & ramp meters Work Experience 1986-t989 Omni Norhstar Hotel Minneapolis, MN Doortnan, Fron! Desk Supervisor 8 Night Audit — • Doorman during 1987 World Series • Youngest front desk clerk & front desk supervisor in the hotels history • 'Per�armed NightAudit • Gained an understanding of tre hospi:aliy industry's role as an ambzssador for the ciry , Education 1997-Present CoNege for Financial Planning � Enrolled in Ce�tified Financiai Planner Cer6frcation Educatian Education Professional memberships 8 Organizations Community ac2ivit7es References ot -i� Denver, CO 1987 - 1988 University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN • Studied Psychology 1986 - 1987 Winona State University Winona, MN • Studied Psychology (nternational Association for Financia( Planning St. Paui Area Chamber of Commerce (Ambassador & Smali Business Services Committees) Minnesota Hispanic Republican Assembly Block Captain Hoily Avenue Biock Club Patrick Loonan Director of Development Capitoi City Partnership 2490 Minnesota World Trade Center 30 South 7'" Street, St. Paul, MN 55101 Russ Nelso� Nelson, Tiek & Hoye 81 S 9th St# 330 Minneapoiis, MN 55402 C�RI�;��AL Council File # �,�' Cti�]� Green Sheet # ��'30 i�� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL,IVIIl�TNESOTA Presented By Referred To i z 3 4 s 6 � a 9 io ii iz 13 14 is 16 i� is Committee: Date �� RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Saint Paul Planning Commission. REAPPOINTMENTS APPOINTMENTS Dennis Gervais Stephen Gordon George Edwin Johnson Soliving Kong Timothy Mardell Gladys Morton Julie Shortridge Matt Mejia Dan Galles Dennis Gervais, Stephen Gordon, George Edwin Johnson, Soliving Kong, Timothy Mardell, and Gladys Morton each shall seave a three-year term and their terms shall expire on January 1, 2004. i9 Julie Shortridge and Nlatt Mejia shall serve a three-year term and their terms shall expire zo on January 1, 2004. Dan Galles shall serve the remainder of Shem Shakir's term which 2i will expire on January 1, 2002. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council; Date �"� ��y �a0\ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: By: �,� � �e - Approved by Mayor: Date ��� �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to � Council Ey: �. /�'l'(iWVI.<� " (/� By: �,. Mayor's O££ice ONTACi PFRSON 8 PFIONE Lucia Lebens 266-8533 IUST BE ON COIAJCYIAGB�DA BY (��I 2-14-01 2-5-01 � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 GREEN SHEET O�YIaYD�oa r�-T.0 =-;1��__�i�� o t -a34 No 103028 ��� I CIYAiTOYEY ❑ GIYCVrM I ���� �����a I wvoR(aew�asraxn ❑ '(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNANRq Approval of reappts. of Dennis Gervais.; Stephen Gordon; George Johnson;Soli Kbng; Timothy Mardell and Gladys Morton and appts. of Julie Shortridge; Matt Mejia and Dan Galles to serve on the Saint Paul Planning Commission. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITfEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION TRANSACTION S SOURCE INFORMAiION (EXPLAINj Flas this Pe��� everwrorkM unAer a mM�act far Mis depertmentl YES NO Hm tMS P�rtn ewf been e dtY emDbYee4 , YES NO Ooes this P�� P� e Sidll not nnmalyP� bY �Y ��� ulY �PbY�� YES NO Is this persaNAm a tarpetetl �eMaYt YES NO COSTIREVENUE BUOfiETED (GRCLE ON� VES _.�111/��T1:113�7 NO � r, O \-� CITY OF SAINT PAUL 390 Ciry Hall Norm Co[eman, Mayor IS West Kellagg BouZevard Sain[ Paul, MN 55702 TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Counciimember James Reiter FROM: DATE: I�� Lucia Lebens Assistant to the Mayor March 7, 2001 Saint Paul Planning Commission Te[ephone: 657-266-85I0 Facsimile: 651-266-8513 Mayor Coleman has recommended the reappointments of Dennis Gervais, Stephen Gordon, George Edwin Johnson, Soliving Kong, Timothy Mardell, and Gladys Morton. They each shall serve a three-year term and their terms shall egpire on January 1, 2004. Mayor Coleman has also recommended the appointments of Julie Shortridge, Matt Mejia and Dan Galles. Julie Shortridge and Matt Mejia shall serve a three-year term and their terms shall expire on January 1, 2004. Dan Galles shall serve the remainder of Shem Shakir's term which will expire on January 1, 2002. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating them and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January, 2000. Feel free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appointments. Attachments cc: Larry Soderholm, Planning Commission � � �� ♦ ' l �� U Name: ' ^V� G1 �' � (� ` $ 5 l 3 (-F a �„�g(a � PLEAS�RETURN TO: .r `� ( ( �S �3 �p TOM MAttVER P.E.D.13T� FLOOR 25 WES�' FOURTFI STREET SAINT PAUI, MiNNESOTA SSIO2 Phone: (651) 266.6610 FAX: (651} 228.3261 HomeA Street: City: Zip: O Telephone Number{s): (Indude Area Code9) Plann3ng Distrlct Council: aaB `� �b5ti)� � D�511'�� Council Werd �� - �535 PreferredMaillngAddress: � srvi+n�. �a�/rz, 5�-,�c��p 55►oa� W hat is your occupatlon? Place of EmQloyment: Committee(s) Apptfea For: The infonmation ineluded la tbis appUcaHon ia considered private data according to the Mlnaesota Govemmenk Deta Pirscdces Act. As a result, this 3nformation is not released to the genere! publtc. Wfiat skilis, hatning or esperience do you possess for the coromittee(s) for which you seek appolntment? 17:41 651-22g-1419 JULIE SHORTRIDGE ~ PAGE 02 . oFRSnNA1. REFF.RFN[`�C (Reminder w Indnde Telephone Ares CodesJ Name: Addresa: Yhone: Name: �� Addmss: � Phone: jb,p, Name: � Addresx a Phone: fJ34 � nuuvr ✓ � �� - �5t - aS5 � ;1 „I ns� �c;ft oY, f�' Sal 5��� - o y�f � 5�'. �51 >o� �s � -s� N��v� 55101 �s�1 a9��55�s tlave you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making applicadon? lf so, when, and the c rcumste ce ? �D � Y10� -�v ►M va-. �.,n n u.� IPcI�u. . ln an attempt to ensure ihat eommittee representatlon retlects the makeup of our commun}ty, please cneck the line appllcable to yon. This infortnatlon !s strictly voluntary. _ White (Caucasfan) _ Hlspanlc ._,. Black (ASican Amer[can} _ Aslan or k�cltic Islander _ American Indian or Ataskan Esldmo Date of Birth: �"�` 1ooZ Niale Female x Dlvabled: Yea No �_ ilspecisl accommodaUons are needed, please specify: ���,� � How dId you hear about this openin� � I`1YnV�u C ovt� �4p �or5 6'��{ri c�. Reasons for your iqterest in this particular committee: � 1�� � Pah�-� .� ilA �/? �1-- Yl4Yh4 a . 6 � p L � ' y 3 , ,,, � [l 1lLLL3Ci �� � � ��� - . , �� 4,� .�i.,.--� � s��� HomtAddress: _ /S/Q.��±.�,'�_-"�.1�``" �} Street . • �'� Telephone Nnmber: CONTINUE FROM PREVi0U5 PAGE Eei Z �� Z , 2a� �: / 0t �.4�i --..... �.... '-•.-'-""" ,.." —GS= � (��v y v _. ' _ - . ��i''� /� Cit�• Cau�ett Ward: � PreFcrredhtull�ngAddress: �g�� � 7 � S��F�- 57��"l �'� P1�nntng Distriei Councli WUat is your occupation? Plate oCEmpioyment: Committee(s) Applied For; '�-� �.s-,.._E'SS O�- ri - - �-,-> `-r'�'S G`o.,-.-� m...-.-: c S � ZYhat skltis, traiaing or espe�tence do you po�sess for fhe cammIitee(s) f�r whith you seek appointment''. � � G- �c�-�--� 6�'~g ..'�_,`.� �.�tS ,o��+--�''✓" .'�..�Ssy.�SS G' S�'c�iG�Sa•- Tt1E infOrSri�tiou IAtlUded In this a�pGcation is conaidered private data accordin� to tht �1laqcsot9 Governmen4 Daca Practicts AcE. As a result, thts intormation {s �ot released to tha gener�l puttic. {ovEx� Itev. �•=-r" � � . � .►TF�s'c�1f�!'�= � — - - .�.._�-- - - - _ - : i �J ..e. v � - "__""__ _ ___ -�.> i3:23 � PFIU'� MAYOR'S La=,'il.t * oia ca.. _'"' i f i� �. y � N. IdRme: Add�ess: Phone: Pdv? � a�..}�y� Name: �z� �.-6 �`�' - t,�� Ad,dress: �oz� G��'ff 7� 3��F r . . Ph4na: �[Q� T. f W nrkl aa Y- s�c� so lYams: AdQress: Phone: Ttenson5 For youT intatst in ihi&� Qartitulxr cammlttee: ,�.��'s �L%w---���6 �,'� 7Sn�•e you hnd prerious coatact iYSth the comtnittee tor which you are msl:ing epplieeflon3 If e0, when;' and the clrcumatancea? 7I� In �n atiempt to sasura that camrn3ttee representatfQn retlects ihe mskeup of our corrfmna3fy, please chack the 13nc appifcabTe to yoa. 'ThiF lnformstinn b slrictly volnntarY. v��Vhttt (Cacucasisn) � B!¢ck (AfrScae Amer(canj � American Indlan orAlasl:xtn �ski[no `-� Mnte Femate Disa5led: Yes Na "� �fspanlc Asla4 or T�acif,c Eslaadef DQte of Birth: �/ ° if spaciai accommodatines are needed, ptease specify: How did vou hear aboui this opeaing? �'� ��� ror� P. ea Q��lmeS G99- ��3�3 er a?5=y!65 --- ,--r—•..---.------ ¢j�m,�C..� ) S68'- i48'7 (WerkLa45- 99a8 _�_,_i _�� sl<t �dz.._�l I�CG'G'Sr9+��-S , . ±.. r- . ��� ;1 �,9� �� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CTI'1' HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SSIO2 - Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 . - d o�-}�� . Gg � �� `� Name: f�'���}�I�f,IN s�. i ES'!/ HomeAddress: ��15 ��(Oj�G1 A'U� SI Pa,�� �SIG�/ StreeY Telephone Number: Planning District Council: City Si 1 S! City Council Ward: � Zip z y7 PreferredMailingAddress: ��S MO1�G e''�'�/�- - `Vhatisyouroccupation? FrNgr✓c,a+ �//},vNe� Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: : vi2s LL G TYYti CO�'�M What skilis, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? S The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a resalt, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER) Rev. 8-5-� r - �ERSONAL RE�'EREitTCES a � `�� • Name: �'/}�EZiGK LO(3N��''� ,� f R_ rAe+-Y�O�n,�.� �. C<9�i ! a31 cr7`Y ��F��tif Address: � ��� MW 7�C Phone: �Home) �'ork) ��1 56a L� Name: t��SS /(/��SdN �Ne/soN T��TZ s �%� Address: B�[ S�l l�l t.� 3 3U m��s MN S`� y0 Z Phone: (Fiomg) �� � rz - 3 sy - 3 2 0�- Name: !��'7"�J�l Address: �;—Z� N��LD(1�T ��}() ��`l6d �(�IS y✓1//" S�S�IQ.� Phone: (H4me� � .�Work�� ��' $�� Reasons foryour interest in this particullr committee: See �-��.�� Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you nre making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line appiicable to you. This information is strictty voluntlry. White (Caucasian) $lack (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo X Male Disabted: Yes Female No � If special accommodations are needed, plense specify: � Hispnnic Asian or Pacific Islander DateofBirth: ���—� � How did you hear about this opening? p `v,.'.� W Matthew 7. Mejia What skiils, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? I have worked in numerous fields over the yeazs. My experience ranges from doorman at a downtown hotel to renovating the State Theater in Minneapolis to co-managing mitlions of investors doliars to running pet food stores. My experience in the hospitality industry taught me the value of customer service. I learned how to deal with people. I found that my better days were ones where my guests left feeting better than when they had come. At the same time, I couldn't serve everyone all the time. Priorities needed to be set and tasks juggled. In my years as an IBEW 292 electricians apprentice, I worked on lazge projects like the Matl of America. I had the opportunity to help install cameras and ramp meters along 35W. My favorite project was Yhe renovation of State TheaYer in Minneapolis. The blueprints for the electrical system were long gone and we had to figure it out as we worked. All these projects required teamwork and cooperation to get the job done. I was not leader on any of these jobs, but I certainly Iearned from them. T have always had an entrepreneurial drive to build a business. I had the opporiunity to do just that when I joined Pet Central Station. I opened one new store and soon took over managing another. As a new business, we struggled with cash flow, operating expenses and budgets. I became a master in the art of managing cash flow to make it all work. I left with a keen understanding of how a retail business operates, the necessity of creating and following a budget and the importance leadership. I joined my mothers financial planning practice in 1995. The business is centered on advising family business owners and their families on issues such as business succession, legacy planning and investments. My job is split between marketing the business and anatyziag data. I have Iearned how to filter, organize and analyze an enormous amount of data. I then use ihis boiled down data to make recommendations upon which an entire family's future rests. I am an analyst with a sense of humor, that can convey things in layman's terms, build a consensus on actions to be taken and manage the process of implementing the recommendations. o t _aaG Matthew 7. Mejia Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: I bought my first house in SL. Paul in 1997. I have lived in St. Paul oa and off over the last 12 years. On a whim, my business partner and I decided to attend a St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce(SPACC)/Good Mornin� St. Paul event in January of this year. Mayor Coleman was the speaker. We were impressed with the energy in the air and all that St. Paul has going on. We looked at each other and dzcided St. Paul is the place to be. Our business w�ill be moving to St. Paul on November 1, 1993. My business partner recently sold her home and is actively lookin� £or a home in St. Paul. I am a firm believer that if a person wants to improve quafity of life he/she must be invoived. My fiancee and I serve as block ciub captains. I am an active member of SPACC, serving as an Ambassador on the Sma1i Business Services committee. I live in the Summit-University neighborhood and nur business �vil1 open at 420 Summit Avenue. One of our favorite activities is walking through the neighborhood looking at the beautiful homes and buildings in our azea. St. Paul is known for its large collection of Victorian homes. I would hate to see anything taken away from that by the careless use of our resources. It seems to me that planning committees are the framework upon which the future of a city is built. I would relish the challenge to pull to�ether so many varied interests in this city to build the vision of what St. Paul will be! ' In conctusion, I have bet my family' s future, my business and my personal future on what I believe St. Paui is and wili become. I do not intend to lose. I wili become as involved as possible to insure my dream for my family, business and my future. a � ..�.�� 675 Holty Avenue SL Paul, MN 55104 Matthew J. Mejia YVork experience Woric experience Work Experience Work Experience Phone 612-347•8651 Faz 612-347-Bfi64 E-mad MaNhew�saanetcom 1995 - Present Financial Neiwork Investment Co Minneapolis, M Assxiate Advisor _ • Registered Representative Financial Network Investment Corp • Advise clients on Retirement 8 Estate Planning, Business Succession, _ Investment manageme�t and Pension consulting 1997 - Present F2miiy Business Advisors Group, LLCMinneapoli Vice President • Advise ciients on Retirement & Estate Planning, Business Succession, Investment management and Pension consulting • Manage or Co-Manage nearly S 30 Million in Assets • Responsible for aff financial decisions re(ating to company _ 1994-1995 Pet-Centrai Station Minneapoiis, MN General Manager • Responsible for stocking, opening 8 managing new store • Managed inventory for two stores • Increased sales per customer, sales per day and net margins consistently throughouttenure • Designed and implemenied inventory controis to maximize number oF inventory tums without hurting sales. 1990-1994 IBEW 292Narious Companies Minneapolis, MN Apprentice Eleclrician • Learned afl facets of commerciai electrician trade • Very familiar with National Electr±cal Code • Understand the process of construction 2nd development • Worked on Projects such as Mzll of America, Renovation of the State Theater and freeway cameras & ramp meters Work Experience 1986-t989 Omni Norhstar Hotel Minneapolis, MN Doortnan, Fron! Desk Supervisor 8 Night Audit — • Doorman during 1987 World Series • Youngest front desk clerk & front desk supervisor in the hotels history • 'Per�armed NightAudit • Gained an understanding of tre hospi:aliy industry's role as an ambzssador for the ciry , Education 1997-Present CoNege for Financial Planning � Enrolled in Ce�tified Financiai Planner Cer6frcation Educatian Education Professional memberships 8 Organizations Community ac2ivit7es References ot -i� Denver, CO 1987 - 1988 University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN • Studied Psychology 1986 - 1987 Winona State University Winona, MN • Studied Psychology (nternational Association for Financia( Planning St. Paui Area Chamber of Commerce (Ambassador & Smali Business Services Committees) Minnesota Hispanic Republican Assembly Block Captain Hoily Avenue Biock Club Patrick Loonan Director of Development Capitoi City Partnership 2490 Minnesota World Trade Center 30 South 7'" Street, St. Paul, MN 55101 Russ Nelso� Nelson, Tiek & Hoye 81 S 9th St# 330 Minneapoiis, MN 55402 C�RI�;��AL Council File # �,�' Cti�]� Green Sheet # ��'30 i�� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL,IVIIl�TNESOTA Presented By Referred To i z 3 4 s 6 � a 9 io ii iz 13 14 is 16 i� is Committee: Date �� RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Saint Paul Planning Commission. REAPPOINTMENTS APPOINTMENTS Dennis Gervais Stephen Gordon George Edwin Johnson Soliving Kong Timothy Mardell Gladys Morton Julie Shortridge Matt Mejia Dan Galles Dennis Gervais, Stephen Gordon, George Edwin Johnson, Soliving Kong, Timothy Mardell, and Gladys Morton each shall seave a three-year term and their terms shall expire on January 1, 2004. i9 Julie Shortridge and Nlatt Mejia shall serve a three-year term and their terms shall expire zo on January 1, 2004. Dan Galles shall serve the remainder of Shem Shakir's term which 2i will expire on January 1, 2002. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council; Date �"� ��y �a0\ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: By: �,� � �e - Approved by Mayor: Date ��� �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to � Council Ey: �. /�'l'(iWVI.<� " (/� By: �,. Mayor's O££ice ONTACi PFRSON 8 PFIONE Lucia Lebens 266-8533 IUST BE ON COIAJCYIAGB�DA BY (��I 2-14-01 2-5-01 � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 GREEN SHEET O�YIaYD�oa r�-T.0 =-;1��__�i�� o t -a34 No 103028 ��� I CIYAiTOYEY ❑ GIYCVrM I ���� �����a I wvoR(aew�asraxn ❑ '(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNANRq Approval of reappts. of Dennis Gervais.; Stephen Gordon; George Johnson;Soli Kbng; Timothy Mardell and Gladys Morton and appts. of Julie Shortridge; Matt Mejia and Dan Galles to serve on the Saint Paul Planning Commission. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITfEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION TRANSACTION S SOURCE INFORMAiION (EXPLAINj Flas this Pe��� everwrorkM unAer a mM�act far Mis depertmentl YES NO Hm tMS P�rtn ewf been e dtY emDbYee4 , YES NO Ooes this P�� P� e Sidll not nnmalyP� bY �Y ��� ulY �PbY�� YES NO Is this persaNAm a tarpetetl �eMaYt YES NO COSTIREVENUE BUOfiETED (GRCLE ON� VES _.�111/��T1:113�7 NO � r, O \-� CITY OF SAINT PAUL 390 Ciry Hall Norm Co[eman, Mayor IS West Kellagg BouZevard Sain[ Paul, MN 55702 TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Counciimember James Reiter FROM: DATE: I�� Lucia Lebens Assistant to the Mayor March 7, 2001 Saint Paul Planning Commission Te[ephone: 657-266-85I0 Facsimile: 651-266-8513 Mayor Coleman has recommended the reappointments of Dennis Gervais, Stephen Gordon, George Edwin Johnson, Soliving Kong, Timothy Mardell, and Gladys Morton. They each shall serve a three-year term and their terms shall egpire on January 1, 2004. Mayor Coleman has also recommended the appointments of Julie Shortridge, Matt Mejia and Dan Galles. Julie Shortridge and Matt Mejia shall serve a three-year term and their terms shall expire on January 1, 2004. Dan Galles shall serve the remainder of Shem Shakir's term which will expire on January 1, 2002. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating them and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January, 2000. Feel free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appointments. Attachments cc: Larry Soderholm, Planning Commission � � �� ♦ ' l �� U Name: ' ^V� G1 �' � (� ` $ 5 l 3 (-F a �„�g(a � PLEAS�RETURN TO: .r `� ( ( �S �3 �p TOM MAttVER P.E.D.13T� FLOOR 25 WES�' FOURTFI STREET SAINT PAUI, MiNNESOTA SSIO2 Phone: (651) 266.6610 FAX: (651} 228.3261 HomeA Street: City: Zip: O Telephone Number{s): (Indude Area Code9) Plann3ng Distrlct Council: aaB `� �b5ti)� � D�511'�� Council Werd �� - �535 PreferredMaillngAddress: � srvi+n�. �a�/rz, 5�-,�c��p 55►oa� W hat is your occupatlon? Place of EmQloyment: Committee(s) Apptfea For: The infonmation ineluded la tbis appUcaHon ia considered private data according to the Mlnaesota Govemmenk Deta Pirscdces Act. As a result, this 3nformation is not released to the genere! publtc. Wfiat skilis, hatning or esperience do you possess for the coromittee(s) for which you seek appolntment? 17:41 651-22g-1419 JULIE SHORTRIDGE ~ PAGE 02 . oFRSnNA1. REFF.RFN[`�C (Reminder w Indnde Telephone Ares CodesJ Name: Addresa: Yhone: Name: �� Addmss: � Phone: jb,p, Name: � Addresx a Phone: fJ34 � nuuvr ✓ � �� - �5t - aS5 � ;1 „I ns� �c;ft oY, f�' Sal 5��� - o y�f � 5�'. �51 >o� �s � -s� N��v� 55101 �s�1 a9��55�s tlave you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making applicadon? lf so, when, and the c rcumste ce ? �D � Y10� -�v ►M va-. �.,n n u.� IPcI�u. . ln an attempt to ensure ihat eommittee representatlon retlects the makeup of our commun}ty, please cneck the line appllcable to yon. This infortnatlon !s strictly voluntary. _ White (Caucasfan) _ Hlspanlc ._,. Black (ASican Amer[can} _ Aslan or k�cltic Islander _ American Indian or Ataskan Esldmo Date of Birth: �"�` 1ooZ Niale Female x Dlvabled: Yea No �_ ilspecisl accommodaUons are needed, please specify: ���,� � How dId you hear about this openin� � I`1YnV�u C ovt� �4p �or5 6'��{ri c�. Reasons for your iqterest in this particular committee: � 1�� � Pah�-� .� ilA �/? �1-- Yl4Yh4 a . 6 � p L � ' y 3 , ,,, � [l 1lLLL3Ci �� � � ��� - . , �� 4,� .�i.,.--� � s��� HomtAddress: _ /S/Q.��±.�,'�_-"�.1�``" �} Street . • �'� Telephone Nnmber: CONTINUE FROM PREVi0U5 PAGE Eei Z �� Z , 2a� �: / 0t �.4�i --..... �.... '-•.-'-""" ,.." —GS= � (��v y v _. ' _ - . ��i''� /� Cit�• Cau�ett Ward: � PreFcrredhtull�ngAddress: �g�� � 7 � S��F�- 57��"l �'� P1�nntng Distriei Councli WUat is your occupation? Plate oCEmpioyment: Committee(s) Applied For; '�-� �.s-,.._E'SS O�- ri - - �-,-> `-r'�'S G`o.,-.-� m...-.-: c S � ZYhat skltis, traiaing or espe�tence do you po�sess for fhe cammIitee(s) f�r whith you seek appointment''. � � G- �c�-�--� 6�'~g ..'�_,`.� �.�tS ,o��+--�''✓" .'�..�Ssy.�SS G' S�'c�iG�Sa•- Tt1E infOrSri�tiou IAtlUded In this a�pGcation is conaidered private data accordin� to tht �1laqcsot9 Governmen4 Daca Practicts AcE. As a result, thts intormation {s �ot released to tha gener�l puttic. {ovEx� Itev. �•=-r" � � . � .►TF�s'c�1f�!'�= � — - - .�.._�-- - - - _ - : i �J ..e. v � - "__""__ _ ___ -�.> i3:23 � PFIU'� MAYOR'S La=,'il.t * oia ca.. _'"' i f i� �. y � N. IdRme: Add�ess: Phone: Pdv? � a�..}�y� Name: �z� �.-6 �`�' - t,�� Ad,dress: �oz� G��'ff 7� 3��F r . . Ph4na: �[Q� T. f W nrkl aa Y- s�c� so lYams: AdQress: Phone: Ttenson5 For youT intatst in ihi&� Qartitulxr cammlttee: ,�.��'s �L%w---���6 �,'� 7Sn�•e you hnd prerious coatact iYSth the comtnittee tor which you are msl:ing epplieeflon3 If e0, when;' and the clrcumatancea? 7I� In �n atiempt to sasura that camrn3ttee representatfQn retlects ihe mskeup of our corrfmna3fy, please chack the 13nc appifcabTe to yoa. 'ThiF lnformstinn b slrictly volnntarY. v��Vhttt (Cacucasisn) � B!¢ck (AfrScae Amer(canj � American Indlan orAlasl:xtn �ski[no `-� Mnte Femate Disa5led: Yes Na "� �fspanlc Asla4 or T�acif,c Eslaadef DQte of Birth: �/ ° if spaciai accommodatines are needed, ptease specify: How did vou hear aboui this opeaing? �'� ��� ror� P. ea Q��lmeS G99- ��3�3 er a?5=y!65 --- ,--r—•..---.------ ¢j�m,�C..� ) S68'- i48'7 (WerkLa45- 99a8 _�_,_i _�� sl<t �dz.._�l I�CG'G'Sr9+��-S , . ±.. r- . ��� ;1 �,9� �� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CTI'1' HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SSIO2 - Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 . - d o�-}�� . Gg � �� `� Name: f�'���}�I�f,IN s�. i ES'!/ HomeAddress: ��15 ��(Oj�G1 A'U� SI Pa,�� �SIG�/ StreeY Telephone Number: Planning District Council: City Si 1 S! City Council Ward: � Zip z y7 PreferredMailingAddress: ��S MO1�G e''�'�/�- - `Vhatisyouroccupation? FrNgr✓c,a+ �//},vNe� Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: : vi2s LL G TYYti CO�'�M What skilis, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? S The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a resalt, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER) Rev. 8-5-� r - �ERSONAL RE�'EREitTCES a � `�� • Name: �'/}�EZiGK LO(3N��''� ,� f R_ rAe+-Y�O�n,�.� �. C<9�i ! a31 cr7`Y ��F��tif Address: � ��� MW 7�C Phone: �Home) �'ork) ��1 56a L� Name: t��SS /(/��SdN �Ne/soN T��TZ s �%� Address: B�[ S�l l�l t.� 3 3U m��s MN S`� y0 Z Phone: (Fiomg) �� � rz - 3 sy - 3 2 0�- Name: !��'7"�J�l Address: �;—Z� N��LD(1�T ��}() ��`l6d �(�IS y✓1//" S�S�IQ.� Phone: (H4me� � .�Work�� ��' $�� Reasons foryour interest in this particullr committee: See �-��.�� Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you nre making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line appiicable to you. This information is strictty voluntlry. White (Caucasian) $lack (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo X Male Disabted: Yes Female No � If special accommodations are needed, plense specify: � Hispnnic Asian or Pacific Islander DateofBirth: ���—� � How did you hear about this opening? p `v,.'.� W Matthew 7. Mejia What skiils, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? I have worked in numerous fields over the yeazs. My experience ranges from doorman at a downtown hotel to renovating the State Theater in Minneapolis to co-managing mitlions of investors doliars to running pet food stores. My experience in the hospitality industry taught me the value of customer service. I learned how to deal with people. I found that my better days were ones where my guests left feeting better than when they had come. At the same time, I couldn't serve everyone all the time. Priorities needed to be set and tasks juggled. In my years as an IBEW 292 electricians apprentice, I worked on lazge projects like the Matl of America. I had the opportunity to help install cameras and ramp meters along 35W. My favorite project was Yhe renovation of State TheaYer in Minneapolis. The blueprints for the electrical system were long gone and we had to figure it out as we worked. All these projects required teamwork and cooperation to get the job done. I was not leader on any of these jobs, but I certainly Iearned from them. T have always had an entrepreneurial drive to build a business. I had the opporiunity to do just that when I joined Pet Central Station. I opened one new store and soon took over managing another. As a new business, we struggled with cash flow, operating expenses and budgets. I became a master in the art of managing cash flow to make it all work. I left with a keen understanding of how a retail business operates, the necessity of creating and following a budget and the importance leadership. I joined my mothers financial planning practice in 1995. The business is centered on advising family business owners and their families on issues such as business succession, legacy planning and investments. My job is split between marketing the business and anatyziag data. I have Iearned how to filter, organize and analyze an enormous amount of data. I then use ihis boiled down data to make recommendations upon which an entire family's future rests. I am an analyst with a sense of humor, that can convey things in layman's terms, build a consensus on actions to be taken and manage the process of implementing the recommendations. o t _aaG Matthew 7. Mejia Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: I bought my first house in SL. Paul in 1997. I have lived in St. Paul oa and off over the last 12 years. On a whim, my business partner and I decided to attend a St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce(SPACC)/Good Mornin� St. Paul event in January of this year. Mayor Coleman was the speaker. We were impressed with the energy in the air and all that St. Paul has going on. We looked at each other and dzcided St. Paul is the place to be. Our business w�ill be moving to St. Paul on November 1, 1993. My business partner recently sold her home and is actively lookin� £or a home in St. Paul. I am a firm believer that if a person wants to improve quafity of life he/she must be invoived. My fiancee and I serve as block ciub captains. I am an active member of SPACC, serving as an Ambassador on the Sma1i Business Services committee. I live in the Summit-University neighborhood and nur business �vil1 open at 420 Summit Avenue. One of our favorite activities is walking through the neighborhood looking at the beautiful homes and buildings in our azea. St. Paul is known for its large collection of Victorian homes. I would hate to see anything taken away from that by the careless use of our resources. It seems to me that planning committees are the framework upon which the future of a city is built. I would relish the challenge to pull to�ether so many varied interests in this city to build the vision of what St. Paul will be! ' In conctusion, I have bet my family' s future, my business and my personal future on what I believe St. Paui is and wili become. I do not intend to lose. I wili become as involved as possible to insure my dream for my family, business and my future. a � ..�.�� 675 Holty Avenue SL Paul, MN 55104 Matthew J. Mejia YVork experience Woric experience Work Experience Work Experience Phone 612-347•8651 Faz 612-347-Bfi64 E-mad MaNhew�saanetcom 1995 - Present Financial Neiwork Investment Co Minneapolis, M Assxiate Advisor _ • Registered Representative Financial Network Investment Corp • Advise clients on Retirement 8 Estate Planning, Business Succession, _ Investment manageme�t and Pension consulting 1997 - Present F2miiy Business Advisors Group, LLCMinneapoli Vice President • Advise ciients on Retirement & Estate Planning, Business Succession, Investment management and Pension consulting • Manage or Co-Manage nearly S 30 Million in Assets • Responsible for aff financial decisions re(ating to company _ 1994-1995 Pet-Centrai Station Minneapoiis, MN General Manager • Responsible for stocking, opening 8 managing new store • Managed inventory for two stores • Increased sales per customer, sales per day and net margins consistently throughouttenure • Designed and implemenied inventory controis to maximize number oF inventory tums without hurting sales. 1990-1994 IBEW 292Narious Companies Minneapolis, MN Apprentice Eleclrician • Learned afl facets of commerciai electrician trade • Very familiar with National Electr±cal Code • Understand the process of construction 2nd development • Worked on Projects such as Mzll of America, Renovation of the State Theater and freeway cameras & ramp meters Work Experience 1986-t989 Omni Norhstar Hotel Minneapolis, MN Doortnan, Fron! Desk Supervisor 8 Night Audit — • Doorman during 1987 World Series • Youngest front desk clerk & front desk supervisor in the hotels history • 'Per�armed NightAudit • Gained an understanding of tre hospi:aliy industry's role as an ambzssador for the ciry , Education 1997-Present CoNege for Financial Planning � Enrolled in Ce�tified Financiai Planner Cer6frcation Educatian Education Professional memberships 8 Organizations Community ac2ivit7es References ot -i� Denver, CO 1987 - 1988 University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN • Studied Psychology 1986 - 1987 Winona State University Winona, MN • Studied Psychology (nternational Association for Financia( Planning St. Paui Area Chamber of Commerce (Ambassador & Smali Business Services Committees) Minnesota Hispanic Republican Assembly Block Captain Hoily Avenue Biock Club Patrick Loonan Director of Development Capitoi City Partnership 2490 Minnesota World Trade Center 30 South 7'" Street, St. Paul, MN 55101 Russ Nelso� Nelson, Tiek & Hoye 81 S 9th St# 330 Minneapoiis, MN 55402