96-1426 Council File # �� - � �{ �(�o Ordinance #` Green Sheet #` 35431 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Presented By Referred To Committees Date 1 RESOLVED: That application, ID #B-05039, for a new State Class B Gambling Premise 2 Permit by Star Swim Club, Inc. at Grand 7 Saloon, 315 7th St. W., be 3 and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 =� Nays Absent 7 a �y 8 Gu� —�- Office of License. Insnectiona and 9 10 —�� Lnvironmental Protection 12 Bostrom —� �- O Adopted by Council s Date ' �q�,,, By' ��� � ���� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ,.` Form Approved by City Attorney �By' � B `���� � �x_.l j Y� Approved by Mayor: Date l 7!� � � _����"'"�' Approved by Mayor for Submission to By: Council By: ** NEED COPY IMMEDIATELY ** 9� - ►yac� � ������ � GREEN SHEET N° - 3 5 4 31 LIEP __.._� a �DEPYIRTMENT DIRECTOR�� �CITY COUNCIL INITIAUDATE � CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK W a F. Gunther - 266- ���� ❑ � M N- ( R�� �BUD(9E1'DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MdT.BERVICE8 DIR. �R �MAYOR(OR A8618TANn � TOTAL#t OF SKiNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATION8 FOR SKiNATURE) ACTION R6CIUUESTED: Revin 0'Connell on behalf of Star Swim Club, Inc: requests Council approv$1 of their application for a new State Class B Gambling Premise Permit, ID �B-05039, at Grand 7 Saloon, REC�NOATIpN$'Approv�(A�a�(R) PER80NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST AN8WER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIQNS: _PUWNINO t�OMIMtSSION �Cml 8ERVICE OOMAA18810N 1. Hss this person/tirm eVer worked under a ooMract fa thia d�pelbn9nt? - . _CIB tbMMll'TEE _ YES �NO 2. Has this psnaVHrm ever been a city employee4 —�� — YES NO —�$T�T��RT — 3. Does lhis person/ffrm poaeess a akiN rwt normaNy posss0ad by 1�ny current dty ernpiCyes? 8UPPORTB WpiICN COUNCIL OB,IEC11VE4 YE3 NO Ezplaln ell yes snsw�rs on s�nb�hMt a�d�tt�ch to prwn shNt INITIATINa PROBLEM.iSBUE.OPPORTUNIIY(Who.Wlrt.VVMn.Wlrrs.WhY). RECEIV�� . ocr o8 � CiTY ATTaRNEY ADYANTAdE81F APPNOVED: D18ACYANTAOE8 IF APPqONEO: �ounc� R��v�rch C.�nter OCT 10 1996 __.. o�s�ov�wr�oES iF No�r�rPnoveo: TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDtiETED(CIRCIE ONB) YE8 NO FUNDIHG SOURCH ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 5 '.� L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: / �`~ �� °1"� In Tracker? �p�n Rece��ed / a�p�n �rocessed Q � t License ID # ^ �J'�.3� License Type: Q,�S U � 1t IS°J h'J� Company Name: � DBA:��71./� �LJ/!'j'I G�/�t� _ �hG� , Business Addresss: � Business Phone: 770�� 733� Contact Name/Address: eV� �iE� Home Phone: 77a?- ��3$/ Date to Council Research: `5� �i 1�t?. /0! /0 Public Hearing Date: 71Cv� ��.1�9'lo Labels Ordered: /I/�� Notice Sent to Applicant: District Council #: 4'� Notice Sent to Public: Ward #: �� Department/ Date Inspections Comments , City Attorney sP•�-� /0/9�9.6 !� 9 Environmental Health /"//7 Fire /V/� License ����►�rv�� Lease Rec�ived: �/� Police o �a /- �eCp� �P�i�. �-��j�u- � ?/ ��1� �/��R,� Zoning N � . � � � ��a� - ' FOR BOARD USE ONLY LG214 BASE � ;�,zs•e>> PP � � FEE - Minnesota Lawful GambIing CHECK Premises Permit Application - Part 1 of 2 �NITIALS • DATE . ,;:;..:....;:;.:::�:::;:>; : . ..:. ::::.::..: ...:::::. ::........ . ::>::>:::°:;<:;;'.::.::: �P ; .�ApplYeatior� eo : . ... ...... Ciass of premises permit - � Renewal (check one) Organization base license number �� A(5400) Pui4-tabs,tipboards,paddlewheels,rat�es,binc,o Premises permit number � B($250) Pull-tabs, 5pbcards,paddlewheels, raftles � N�'+' ❑ C(5200) Bingo only ' ❑ �(5 t so) Rafftes ony :�<>::::::>�;;::'�:�::::':�:»::<.;;:;::;>»':�:«:>::>:;:::><::::;>::»:;.:::�::>�::::<�z::>::::;:>::>::�:::::::>::::::>:::;:::;;::::>:<::::�:�:!>::><.z�>::;;;::«:>::;�::::>::>:<:::.::::<�:�»:<:::::;�:::::;,�::::::::>:::;,::.;::;:.;<:;�:;.:-:.::.::;:;;:.:;.:.;;:.;:.:::.;;:.>�,<.:.;;:.;:;::.;:.;:;.:;.;;�<.:.:.::<;.:::.;�:.:�:::::.:.:.:::. '..:.:.:'.:>:.>�:::::. >: ' .... ..::..... . j . . .>:.:.:::::.�.>::::.; .. ,. ..:..:,-. QT�LZQL � i:� . ....._.... . .. ;:.�.:.::;:::::;:�::::.>�:::::;:::<::;;»:::>�-:.:«:.::;>�:>:::�::<:»>::.:::::>�>�>>;;::>:=;::.:::»:::::i»;::.:.::::<:::::::>::::::�::;: I J2.. O�'7TtQt`IQ7L�:.::::,..:::»;::�:;;::::::;::....:..... ..:..::...::•;.:.::::.::::.:.;.::;:.>::>::::»>::;:::::;<:::•;:.;.;;:.:.:>:::,;::.:..::.:::.:.�:;::,;:.;:;;::.:;:::.;:::::::>.:::.;::.>:;�::.<:::. ...: ... : _....5.,......._..:.........:.............. _...:....... _...............................__ _...,_..:::,..:.::::.:,............................:,.::,:::::::.:�::.:::::::::.._.::::::. ..............................:..:..... ... :... ............ .. :: •:: _ ,...: . :. �:::. -:..::: ,...::,. ...;..;.:.�.�::.: : ;..:. ._ :. .:::r>:•:;;<::: __:.. ,. . .... ... _ Name of Organization STA 2 S w i.►� C'�u R ��vG , Business Adcress of Organization-Street or P.O Box (Do not use �he address of your gambling �arayer) �s3� �lEw,�r A�F -� /oi C�ry ' S;ate Z�p Code Couniy ; Daytime phone number Sr ��4�� �1�✓ Ss�6 v �PA� r � � c6iZ� 7 7 2-7331 (GRE�, h'ame of ch�ef executrve officer(�nnot be your c,ambling manager) i ide � i Daytime phore number - �1 E✓/n/ O �( ON.tIEL L �E�S/d E /✓T ' � /7� � ��� // Bingo Occasions Lf applying for a class A or C per.nit, fill in day-s and beginninj & ending hours of bingo occasions: tio more than seti°en bindo occasions may be conducted by your_4rganiz�tion per week. � Day Deg;rzing/Ending Hours Day �e�r.ir:g/Ending Hours Day Beginnir;g JEnd:,^.g How s to to ro to to to to If bingo�rill not be conducted,check hore � ,.... _ ,:_. ..: , Gambli Prernises Inforination >: ..: ` ' �$._ > . ... .. . . - ' ...,; ... ;.: . ..;;;.. Name of establishment where gambling will '�e conducted Sireet Address{do not use a post ottic�j box number) � �'-�_�A_____7 N� SE V F N �'A L o o.+i ����, 3/C- G✓ 7�N ST ST YiQt/L /�1/+� SS/o Z Is the premises located witt�in city limits? �Yes �No If no, is township C, organized 0 unorganized Q unincarporated City and Ccunry where gambfing premises is lo.;a;ed OR Township and County where gambling premises is located if outs:de of city limits -s� ��� , M�✓ G�AM s�Y I Name and address of legal owner of prem�T' ses City State Zip Code � Ll � C' c�/ic/E �A G fj-����D ��F`r /�I� SS/Z Z Does your organi�abon own the uddng where the gambling wdl t�e w ducted? � YES NO if no,attach the(ollowing: •.a copy of tfie tease{fwm LG202)wiG`i terms for at least one year. • a copy of a sketch of the floor plan wi�dimensions, showing what porUon is being leased. A lease and sketch are not required for Class D appiications. , _ . ,.., ;: ,::.:.. > Address of storage space of gambIing equipment =�t,�P a?o t�x��m�f.. : ' Address Ciry State Zip code Mi��K9Hd A M�N� S?oRAGE �`/y/ �v.v>i,�G �AccEY �� S; �Av�l M�✓, SS/oR Minnesota Lau�,fu1 Gambling Premise Pernzit Application - Part 2 of 2 � (� - �'`��� , . ; � , .> . , : , . Garnbitnq BanTc Accoicnt Informatio� .:< :: > ' 6ank Name Bank Ac-:;unt Number FRSr 8A�/X �ooQ(�U,QY #�`�73o1S9o�y9 (sqv�,✓�s A«r�#/73�6oSSSS3� �CH�c�i�G Bark Address City State Zip Code 70Sd Vf�L C�Y �RE�� �L A 7 A 1�1�0 oJt!�[/ iy1 N S�cS��2 c�' Name,ac+dress ar,d 5he alflers.o+�s a:�'iar,zed ta srgrt i�ecks'arid make depc,s,s and n�Gji�wa�s: _ _ .;. . > aniza�orr's bsasurzr:riia�"�ot F,anc�le'dam66ri"funds :... . : . .. .: .... ,..._. . .....:.. . .. .. .. .. . . ... ame ress itle i{/olj� .�/•v.vELL 2Y88 B�PIt?�EVIFw CT, N1�,�dofA l7TS, t✓1'v, SS/Zo V1cE'PlrEsi,dF,v �(EV�.� 0 CaNNFC� 22s7 �o6E�S Cr, �►'IE�v4orA l�rs. iv1,� ss/zo pRESIdE.� -7- ,�i�d A FScN QAcfi y6 y �o.��sa.v W. Sr�Av� �� SS//8 ,BoRRd ME�►BE2 Q i�c.........Ki 4cN G E.ss N E.. ........................�.7-s.......✓..��N..:,�.::Sr::�:,Srr,l�A.d L.:::/V1 ill.::S��6S,�921 ,:FJN.l���E,: Co�r r� >:�:.>::;:�.::::::> :_:.:;�:�;:<::::::::::::;>::;.:::::<:: :.::>:;<:;::::>::>::>::r>:<•,;::::>.: "<;;: ;.:::.;.:::.:.....:.:. . �:..::.:.:.::.;::. _ ; wled eni' a� <:;::<;:;>:;::��::::�>;:�;:�:::::»>::<::><?::;::::>:'::::>;:;:«::::`::�:::::�`� Ac�o... ... . e :>. . .. :; ::g.;:: ...: .. ,: ... .. . ,., ;: .;:.. ,. _ .. .... ,. 9.. ..._. _.. _ . Gambling Site Authorizatioa •I am the chief executive o�-ficer of the or anization; I hereby consent that bcal faw enforcement officers,the •I assume full responsibility ior the fair and lawful opera• bcard or agenis ot�he board, or the commissioner of tion of ail activities to be conduc:ed; �avenue or public salety, or aCents of the commissioners, .�Will familiarize myself with the laws oi Minnesota ray enter the premises to enforce tha law. governing lawful gambling and rules cf the board ar�d Bank Records Information agree, 'rf licensed,to abide by tncsa lzws ard rules, Tna bcard is authorized to ins�ed the bank records of the , .� inc,uding amendments to ,-em; 7a-�biing account whenever recessay to fuYiil •Q�y changes in zpplicaUcn intor^ation wiil oe subn;?=d �= ::�ic!'flc'�i5 Oi CL'ff�fll C�ambiing rules and !aw. ;o i`'O t'C2fG� �nd Iccal urr ci gevernr2nt w��htfl i�C2}'S Oath of the change; and I decl�re that: •I understand that failure to provide required infcrma;icn •I hzve read this application a�d all ir!ormation submitted or providing false or nisleading infcrmaticn may result in ;o ;he board is true, accurate and conplete; the deniai or revocation oi the license. •�;I cther required information has been fully disclosed; �:^^atur ot" � ive o�ficer Da!e + / / % �' �� / G� _ ,: , < : Loca1 Governmeri.t Acknowiedgement' 4. A coov ot the local u�.�t of ccvernment's reselutien ao- 1. Tne city 'must sign this a�,licaticn if the gambling prem- Drcvine this a�olication must be attached to tnis z�olica'iony �ses is loczted within city limits. 5. li this application is denied by the local unit of gevernmert, 2. The county "AND township••must sign this appiication rf � should net be submitted to the Gambling Control Board. t`e garbling premises is loca:ed within a township. 3. Tha local unrt government (ciry or county) must pass a Township: By signature below, the township ackncw!edges res�lut�on specifically approving or denying ihis appl'�cation. that the organization is a�lying for a premises permi;within township limits. Cit ` or Count " Townshi •' C�y or ounty Nar�e Township Name � � (�° L, p�� �� �t•iv � S;gr�ature t person receivin appiiqoon Signature of person reoeiving application ��i,� �t,�.,n, r ;.� ,.� �l�` Ti;!e I Da�e Rc-�ceivcd Tide I Da;e Received Cr��1;1•��:c � � ,. � �� j D Reler to the insVUCtions (or required attachmen[s. Mail to: Gambilnfl Control Board Rosewood Plaz� South,3rd Floor 1711 W.County Road B . Roeevllle, I.IN 55113 LG214(Part 2) (nsr 7,25�9 t)