96-1420 ,,. .. , �� , � �_� �� $�. PAUL ���� _� R �.- 1.y ao �''�: r � 8'�tAI. QRDER gY FI I�ID. �°' 8 7 WTINti R 7 Ir� th� l�tt�r of impraving the fallvwing �treet� with a new bituminoua raadway, concrete curb gnd gutt�rs, drivewey aprans will be recanstructed with cancr�te end new concrete autwalk�. Boulevard� will be reqraded and 9added and a lantern �tyle street lighting system will be installed: Blair Avenue Gratto ta Dele Lnfond Avenue Grotto to Dnle Edmund Avenue Victoris to Dale Charlee Avenue Victoria to Dale sherburne Avenue Victoria to Dale Avan 5treet University ta Tha$�as Grotto Street i3niver�ity to Thoma� st. Albans street Univeraity ta Van Buren Ta be knawn es the Lgfond/Gratta Residenti�il Street Feving Froject. under Preliminsry Order q � - �` (� a appraved ��, �� , q,q,(A The Council af the City af Seint Paul hes canducted a public heering upan the abave improvement, due nati�e �hereQf having been given as pre�cribed by the City Ch�irter; and WHERFA.S, The Council has heard all p�rsons, objections and recommendations pertaining to aaid propoaed i.mprovement and ha� fully con'idered the �ame; now, therefare, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of 5aint Faul �oes hereby ors�er that the above-de�cribed improvement be made, and the praper City officers are hereby directed and sutharized to proceed with the ia►pravement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of �aid improvement, the proper City officers ahall calculste all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILPER30NS Adapted by Cauncil; Date ��t�� Yess � Nays ✓BJ1,akey Gertified Passed by Council Secretary ✓�ostrom �erin �rris � Itz Fgvor By �/l�egard �ttman �Aqainst �� �/'�une Mayor Public, Hearing Date - November 13, 1996 RE 9-6-96 F.M.S./REAL ESTATE Date: 9-3-96 Green Sheet Number: 34003 DIVISION qb _��{ao � EPAR7MFNI'DIRLCfOR 1 COUNCO. ontsct Person and Phone Nwnber: ITY AttORNEY 2 CLERK ETER WHTPE 2G6-8850 UDGETDIREC70R .tMG7.8VC.DOt YOR(OR AS8ISTANT) ustbeonConncilA endab :9-25-96 Must be in Council Research Office by noon on Friday 9-13-96 OTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL I.00ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CPION REQUESTED: Setting date of Public Hearing for 1996 RSP Project pprove construction of street paving and new lighting in connection with the Lafond/Grotto Area Street Paving and Lighting Project. Finance File: 18807 nor�.veaovcwaewecr�u PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: n""Dm'�CO1°iO�1ON _� 8TAP1'' 1. Has the person/tirm ever worked under a contract for thla department? YES NO aw.seevKxcoea�on . Has thls person/tirm ever been a City employee? YES NO ���� . Does this person/tirm possess a sldll not normnlly possessed by any x lain aU YES smswers on a se arate sheet and attnch. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJEC'TIVC? Nei hborhoods COUNCIL WARD(S) � DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL 7 NITIATING PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who,N7int,When,N'hcre,Wi�y?): As part of the Residentia! Street Paving Program, the remaining oiled streets are being improved. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: ����� �������� ��� ew paving and lighting on streets in the project area. s�P � �. ���s ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: _._ _...� emporary construction disruptions and assessments to affected properties. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: he unimproved streets will deteriorate further and construction costs will increase if put off to a later date. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACI'ION: $ COS1'/REVGNUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO UNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITl'NUMBER: NANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAII� COSTS: $1,620,643 FINANCING: ASSESSMENTS $ 421,249 199�j'CIB $1,199,394 ' ��c�—�`'�-° SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS LAFOND / GROTTO RESIDENTIAL STREET PAVING CITY PROJECT 97-P-8095 NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATION MEETING XXX XX, 1996 PUBLIC HEARING NOVEMBER 13, 1996 PROJECT: Construction of concrete curb and gutter, a new bituminous surfaced roadway, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding, tree planting, water and sewer service connections and reconnections, sanitary sewer repairs, and construct a lantern style lighting system in an area referred to as Lafond/Grotto RSP (Area40), bounded by Pierce Butler to the north, Dale to the east, University to the south, and Victoria to the west. EXISTING CONDITIONS: The oiled streets, some of which have intermittent sections of curb, or no curb, are in generally poor condition. The majority of the street fighting in the project area is NSP wood pole lighting. The following are oiled streets with intermittent sections of concrete curb: BLAIR - Grotto to Dale LAFOND - Grotto to Dale EDMUND - Victoria to Dale CHARLES - Victoria to Dale SHERBURNE - Victoria to Dale AVON - University to Thomas GROTTO - University to Thomas ST. ALBANS - University to Van Buren PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: New bituminous roadways with concrete curb and gutter are being proposed. All driveways will be reconstructed with concrete, and new concrete outwalks will be constructed for each home. Boulevards will be regraded and sodded. A lantern lighting system will be used throughout the project area. Construction for the following streets will be to a width as indicated: BLAIR - Grotto to Dale (32') ' LAFOND - Grotto to Dale (32') EDMUND - Grotto to Dale (32') CHARLES - Victoria to Dale (32') SHERBURNE - Victoria to Grotto (32') SHERBURNE - St. Albans to Dale (32') ��-ly �d AVON - University to Thomas (36' to 32') GROTTO - University to Thomas (36' to 32') ST. ALBANS - University to Van Buren (36' to 32') A new bituminous roadway and a lantern lighting system will be constructed at the following location: (Note: the existing concrete curb and gutter, driveways, outwalks and boulevard will remain in place) SHERBURNE - Grotto to St. Albans (32') Concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveways, concrete outwalks, boulevard regrading and sodding and a lantern lighting system will be constructed on the north side of the street only, at the following location: EDMUND - Victoria to Grotto (32') The existing lantern lighting system will remain undisturbed at the following locations: AVON - Edmund to Thomas GROTTO - Edmund to Thomas ST. ALBANS - Edmund to Lafond Street widths will be selected to minimize interference with boulevard trees. New curb will be hand formed, if necessary, to avoid damaging trees and/or tree roots. Tree trimming may be necessary to facilitate construction. ALTERNATES: To do nothing would be inconsistent with the city's commitment to improve existing oiled streets. POSITIVE BENEFITS: General improvement of the public right-of-way will enhance and add quality to the neighborhood . Street oiling will be eliminated. Lantern style lighting will enhance neighborhood safety and esthetics. ADVERSE EFFECTS: Normal problems associated with construction such as noise, dust, reduced access to property and general disruption will be present. � � �, 14���° EFFECT ON TREES: Street widths will be selected to minimize the loss of trees. New trees will be planted as part of the boulevard restoration. TIME SCHEDULE: The project will begin in the spring of 1997 and will be completed by late fall of 1997. There will be further restrictions on the amount of time allowed to work on individual segments of streets. COST ESTIMATES: Street Paving $1,298,880 Lighting $ 321.763 PROJECT TOTAL: $1 ,620,643 ESTIMATED FINANCING: 1996 CIB $1,199,394 Assessments $ 421,249 PROJECT TOTAL: $1 ,620,643 The 1996 assessment rate (1997 assessment rates have yet to be determined) for the street paving and lighting is: $23.07 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for the street paving on residential streets. $4.08 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for lantern style street lighting on residential streets. SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For additional information, contact the Project Engineer Joe Mueller, at 266-6149. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the project and financing. Respectfully submitted, Stacy Becker Director of Public Works � • � .. . , . � • . T . . . � � F , I � ri1 � . . . . 7 ' v � � p V � . 4, . W ot lu ' . ' ' a 4 J a :�, ��.: . . ��' . �.� .' . l . : 1s � ��do- W . . . � � � + � � � � � � ;� . . . � � �� � � � � � �. - �. : Q a �`O o . .:� :a � . .; •:_•.: z :� :'� _ .o �z � � ,. = 4J �a' f.. ,�,,� �, ° ':' Q �: �°° `� N.d��'��p /� /=/,�/ � . . . : . 2 mi .r"w's: � , 7 / .;, J!'/�l �. . Q• W � ' .. \ � ��. Z Z + � • V ,, z y � ` ' •. : .; , ti . . . �: C x.. ` - ^w:Y: � � � \Gi�Ji �` • ' ' ✓ � � � , • . . � . . y; J : • . � � .♦ • �� � � . . I 1��l• �r � • . '.. :.aa: . . ,� ` ! . � � . . .:. : � � . � ;; '* tt1 . .. . . • m, � . • . � ` Z : ' . . .. � � � : , � d i �!"O l � t'"� N - .. � . . ,: . . . .. . O � . . : , � . . . : . 4 �' � . ' .. '. � � � . � � . Vr . NOl'11W 'N � �� � --1 `,�/ /� , 1'---� r�—� �—+ r--� �--► �' •.' . ' :,. . � v. . . . : ' :" . . � . �• ` �. � • . ' ' . • � � • . _ . : . . i-°�'b :. . . . � : � : . . . : . . , .. . . ��h .� � :� � . . . . . � . �. ' - . � . . : : - . . . � . �,��� . . ORIG ������'° INAL CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FII.E NO. , � "'''` �I PRELIMINARY ORDER BY � FILE O. R80 , r ; voT � w�xn,� 7 �r� Ia the Mattar af improviny the following streets with e new bituminous rasdwey, concret� curb and gutter�, driveway aprons will he recon�tructed with cancrete and new cUncrete autwalks. Bouleverds will b� regreded and ac�dded ar�d a lantern style 9treet lightinq �y9tem will k,e in�talled: $lrair I�venue Grotto to Pale Lafand Av�nue Grottc� to D�ile Edmund Avenue Victoria to Dale Charles Avenue Victoria to Dale Sherburne Avenue Victoria to Dt�le Avon Street University tU Tt�amas Grotto Street University to Thamas St. Alban� Street Univer�ity to Van Buren To be known a� the Lafond/Grotto Reaidential Street Paving Project. The Cauncil of the City of 3aint Faul having received the repart of the Mayvr u�an the abave improvement, snd having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. Tt�at ttie said repart and the same is hereby appraved with no alternative9, and that the estim�ted co9t triereof is $1, 620, 643 financed by 1997 Cepital Improvement Bc�nds and Asgessments $421,249. L. Tt�at a public hearing �+e r�ad an said impravement an tr�e 13th day of Novemher. 1996. at 4 :30 o'clock P.M. , in the Council Chambers of the Lity Hall and Court House Building in the City of 5aint Paul. 3. That r�otice of seid public heeriiig be giver� to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearir�g, the nature of the improvement and the tatal cost triereaf as estimated. COUNCILFERSONS Adopted by Cauricil: Dete � �l �yg� Yeas Nays Blskey ✓�o9trom Certified Pa'�ed by Cauncil 3ecretary ✓Guerin �-Iarri9 �In Favor By �Megsrd �ttman � Again�t Thune Mayor