96-1411 F--, e .^:.. s � (�� _ � _� � , � t �� e . . � . _ 17 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. ��p -- ��", t l FRELII++IINARY ORDER By FILS NO. 18837 V�OTIIJG WARD 2 In the Matter af imprc�viny Shepard Road fram Rendolph Avenue to Jacksvi7 Street wit2� a new roa�3way, ccsncrete rurb and quttar, �torm aewer, right of way lan�9ca�inq, tree planting, the construction af pedestrien and bike trails, a lighting system ar�d all ather work nece�9ary to campletE said impravements for the Shepard Road Reconstruction Project. ThE Caur�cil of the City af Saint Faul hr�ving rec�ivec� the rep�+rt af the M&�7GY upon the above improvement, e�nd havinq con'idered s�xid report, hereby reaolvea: 1. That th� aai� rep�rt and the aam� i� hEr�+by apprc,ved with n� alternativ�s, and that the estimat�d cost ther�af is $18, 075, 000 fir,anced by Munincipal State Aid $16,267,500 and Capital Improvement Bonds $1,807,5G0. 2. Thet e public hearing be had c�n said impiavemer,t on tt�e 11th day af Decemher, 1996. st 4:30 a'clock P.M., in the Council Gh�mber� of the City Hall end Court House Building in the City of Saint Psul. 3. That notice cf seid public hearing �+E given ta the persons and in t2�e manner provided by the C."harter, �tatinq the time and place �f he�ring, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNGILPERSONS Adapted �+y Council: Date 3 ��q� Yea� /� Nay� VB�akey ��o9tram Certified �a�aed by Cauncil �ecretary �uerin ✓�iarris � In Favor By ✓��arc3 ✓Rettman QAgainst � �ne PIIAI�euGn Mayc�r NOV 161996 r � ' ► t Request Public Hearing Date: December 11, 1996 xE 11-8-96 +� ( F.M.S./REAL ESTATE Date: 11-6-96 Green Sheet Number: 39499 DIVISION � , ro,��. ontact Person nnd Phone Number: ♦no�wcv 2 cvauc PETER WIIITE &NAN ORTIZ 266-8850 DVAATMCH�O�tLCfOROD667DO1LCTOR •rar..vc.nu. voa�on,�astar,vrrr onm aw.�ea� MustbeonCouncilA endab : 11-27-96 TO SET THE DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR 12-11-96 OTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SICNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: pprove construction of Shepard Road f'rom Randolph Ave. to Jackson St. �avrm�nw�s:�rraovc�,yoanuccrpq ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MI75T ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: •'°"1N1NOCO1n'OB6ON �. �*"�T 1. Aas the person/firm ever worked under a contract for thLa departmentT YES NO rnu.su�dcon�wnoN . Iiaa tWa penon/tirm ever becn a Clty employee? YES NO ��o�� . Does tlJs person/firm poasess a aldll not normally possesaed by any Ez In1n ull YES nnswers on a se nrnte sheet and attnch. UPPORTS WIIICII COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Sewer Se aration COUNCIL WARD(S� � DISTRICf PLANNING COUNCIL 9 � �7 [NITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who.What,When,Where,�Yl�y?): o continue construction of the new portion of Shepard Road, a Fin�l Order appoving the work is needed. VANTACES IF APPROVED: Said project will continue as scheduled. DISADVANTACES iF APPROVED: emporary traflic disruptions due to construction. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Major portions of this project are completed, to discontinue would not be advantageous. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAGTION: $1$�O7S�OOO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE OIVE) YES NO FUNDINC SOURCE: ACfIVITY NUMBER: INANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAII� Municipal State Aid $16,267,500 Capital Improvement Bonds $ 1,807,500