96-1402 w' .�-�-{�� * , �'! �;� f'� � �^ y � c ��: �� i�e �� City af St. Faul C�UNC ILE NO. ��;Tj�� �� RSSOLUTI�1 RATIFYING AND C�1FZIdKIN6 BY :�.� C�tATI�i At� ARARDB O�' DA��S AND ASSESSI+��NT TI�REFOR File Na. 18832 In the mstter af Condemnation and taking af temporary eeseai�nts necessary fc�z the Edgertan Straet Bridge can�tructian project, near Edgertcsn and Whitall Streeta, as stiawn an th� map an file with the Department of Finance and M�.nagement Services, Raam 140 City Hall, marked aheet 3 of 3, Bridge Project B1170. Said eaaementa to expire Jsnuary I, 1998, or at completion of project, whichever accurs first. Preliminary Order 9fr-773 approved July 10, 1996 �"in�l arder 96-g77 aPPraved Auqust 19, 199f A public hearinq i-iaving been had upan the taking �nd aandemn�tian �f tris land� or easementa therein, for the above improvement, and the gward of damages therefor, and alaa upan the a'�e�ament of benefit� therefar, and the Cauncil having duly cansid�red the� same, now theref�re be it RESOLVED, That the takinc� and condemnatian af the lands described in the annexed t��ae�9ment roll, identified by the �ignature of the I�irector of Finance and made a part hereof, and th� awards af dr�mages ta the awEnrs af such lands for said taking and condemnation �a �et forth in aaid as�e�ament roll, be and the aame i� hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. AE90LVED BVRTI�R, That the said as�essment of benefita, be and the aame ia hereby in ell repects ratified, snd the same is �iereby s�rdered to b� submitted to the Di�trict Caurt for canfirmatian. �cl��� Adc�pted by the Cauncii: Detc 1�1C-v .�'3_ \C�� (a Ye_ a�a Nays fi" ✓�$�-r$k�Y C�rtified Passed }�y Cauncil Secretery ✓�B 9trom ✓Gyerin n gy �`"��_��p� ✓�arria ' 1 In Favor -�„ I gard ///1,� �ttm�xn � Ag�inat i/Ti�une Mayar +� � . . . . ��� + Public Hearing Date - November 6, 1996 RE 8-30-96 l � —�y�a- F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: August 27, 1996 Green Sheet Number: 34238 EPARTMENT DIRECTOR 1 I1Y COUNCIL ontact Person and Phone Number. � . �� � ITY ATTORNEY ITY CLERK Peter Whit 266-8850 °"°°' UDGET DIRECTOR IN.�MGT.SVG DIR. YOR(OR ASSISTANI) ust be on Council A enda b : 9-18-96 Must be in Council Research Office by noon Friday 9-6-96 OTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES - (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATIIRE) ' GTION REQUESTED: 1. Set ratification hearing date to approve the award of damages in connection ivith the taking of temporary � asements for the construction of the new Edgerton Street Bridge .Approve said awards of damages COMMENDATIONS:APPROVE(A)OR REJECT(R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS N[UST ANS�VER THE FOLLOWING: . 1. Hos the person/firm ever worked wider a contract for this department' YES NO PLANN[IVCCOMMISStOH A STAPF . Has this person/finn ever been a City employee'! YES NO CML SERVICB COMMf55ION . Doesthis persoidfirm possess a s1311 not no��nally possessed by any YES NO current City employee'! CIB COMMITTEE Ex lain nil YES nnswer�on u se arate aheet und attach UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) 5 � (� DISTRICP PLANNINC COUNCIL � IDIITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(R'ho,�Vlwt,�Yhen,��7iere,��•'hy7): ' � he old Edgerton Bridge is to be demolished and replaced. Temporary easements on the adjoining properties � both for the construction and for access to the construction site are being acquired, and the amounts of the damages to be awarded need to be approved. DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: wards can be made, and new bridge can be constructed �s planned !"'�"� 3 " �n�'� ISADVANTAGES IF APPRUVED: amages would have to be paid to compensate the property owners for the temporary loss of use of their land. ISADVANTACES IF NOT APPROVED: � � C«I� ew bridge coutd not be built as planned. AUG 3 0 1996 OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAGTION: $5830.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO _._ _._._.. _.__. UNDING SOURCE: 1994 MSA ACTIVITY NUMBER: EINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAII� , � � r � y � � C:ity of St. Paul �'t�UNCIL FILE NO. R�PORT 08' DIR$CTdR 08' SI2�iANC� �Y ON CONDE1�iATIQN OF LANDS File Na, 18832 Iri the mr�tt�r c�f �.�r�dEmnati�r� fiYYt� taking Uf t�mperary ea5�m�xit� necessgry for tt�� Edger��n Street �ridge conatru�ti�n gr�ject, ne�r Edgerton an� Whitall street�, ua shawn on thE map r�r� file with the Uepartater�t c�f Finer�ce end Manec}ement 5�rvices, Room 140 City Hall, marketl sheet 3 c�f 3, �ri�ge Project B117Q. Said ea�ement9 to Exgire January 1, 15�8, or at completion af project, whichever occurs fir't. Preliminary c�rder 9b-773 approved July 10, 155b Final C�rder 9�-977 apgraved Augu�t 14, 199f TO 't'HE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The Director of Finance hereby report': That he ha.� fixed and determined the value �f the l�nd, lands or ea�ement� t2xerein taken and appropriated for the above imprc�vement and the am�urlt:� of the awarda of damaqee therefor to the owners �hereof, and the per9on9 to whc�m such awards drE pay�bl�; that ��e has �ls� fix�d ar�d d�termin�d tt�� aincur�t c�f b�n�fits ta property, from the making af a�id improvement, not ex�eeding the r��t thereof, ancl that attached is an es�e�sment rc�ll Entitlec� a� a�vve and ider�tifiec� with tr�e si_qnature of the undersigned, containi g the undersigned'9 finding an ssi� matt�r. �Directar af Finance ��� � � Q� City �,f St. P�ul �UUNTIL FILE NO. t�10TIC� 8�' I�A�tING IN �FI�tATIC�t BY PROCEEDIN63 File No. 16832 In th� matter of Cvndemn�itian and takir,c� of t�m�arary eas�mer�tr� YY�C�ggBY)7 for the Edgerton �treet Bridge c�n�truction project, near E�gerton �.nd Whitull Street�, �� �hc�wri or� the map oii filE witr� th� L7E�,artment of Finan�e and Manayement Service�, Rc�om 144 �'ity Iiall, markEd aheet 3 af 3, Bridqe Project B117Q. �aid easement� to er�pire January 1, 1998, or at completion of �,roject, whichever occurs firat. Freliminrry t�rder 9�-773 ag�,r�ved July �0, 1S9G Final arder 9f-577 approved Auqu�t 14, 1996 TO WHOM IT MAY CONGERN: Nc�tice ia h�reby given that a �ublic hearing will be had befc�re the Cauncil of the City of St. Faul, irl tt�� Cauncil Chamher, in trie Cc�urt House ir� the City of St. Paul, on the day of at four thirty o'cl�ck F.M., upar� th� repvrt c�f the virect�ir of Finance as ta the amount �f damagee tv be awarded to the owner �r ownsr� ryf the land� ar easements therein, ta be appropriated for the abave improvement�, and the persons to whom euch awards were payable and far the canfirmation of such sw�rds, alsa upon the sssessment of benetit9 to the property from the m�kinq of �a.id improvement. Objc�ction, to the takinq af 9uGh landa or eaaementa therein, c�r the w�rd9 of d�mag�s ther�for must be in writing and filed with tr�� Council at th� time herein fixed for �aid hearing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto. Dated � , wn , Dirrc.t��r :�f Fir.a.nc�: �11 V 1 � : � 2`. ��� ------------- F- X `C a $ � � �� w ' x cO Z y��. � m 6 O g . � �� f � u� � � a`� a � rt'w ta h � � �W kt� a`� , W� � rn xv � b a i 6 d ,� k � �� °g o 6�z� �gg � � : � ( �,� a� [ac7 P�' } � *� 5 i:�� . W ��i� d r'��. .^:�p�: _ �>.!� � 40 z�"'< � Q��� .v�.���.:a. .� m h�^ "i'{h � �i; 4: *�#�.•: ��i / / / � $;< j/ � � .. � -0-.�9 � i+�. . OYOiI JNLLSI%3 � jFy � O� i /' D �D e �� N �.: #1 � \ 3 � °��L� � � � � e � � ���� I I I I � ���� I I i I � - h I� I I �z >F � =��� I W I I cwa ��� a S -� ��u ° o � � � � � i �i�§< I I I I � de .. .g��6 � � � � 6u7 ���Z�� la I I ! JO 0 F/ R S S ,� O ! .7 A1 S l� y � �'�/�' �n��; I �' I i ., � L__. _.._-. _ ' ' '___ - "''_._ ____"___ __ -_. _... -'_' _'.. . _; . 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PAR EL 4 ' PA CE� 5 21 LOT(S) 16 & 7, BLOCK 1 l� i' � LOT(S) 5, 8 9, 12, & 13, BLOCK 1 �j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STIN�ON'� AD ITION _ � � _ _ STINSON'S DDITION _ _ _ _ _ � q — — — — - — — — P.I.D. 29-2 -22-33-00� �!' � 1�— — — 9 P.I.D // 29-19-22-34-0001 8 5 JVF�TERN RY KAILWASTE INC. '/0 = • • W � �oT(s) AREA = 24,400 SQ. fT. % UNITED WASTE' � R/W AREA = 1,556 SQ. FT./ � R/W AREA 3,748 SQ. FT. sYS�rEMS� � �17/ a�'-o• /'// %//i i � iii / � !///// �, ` NOiE/IHES�RAC S v r O I �0 BE�RELOCAT�D Y w � . i. v.; - — � ///,� o OTHERS. - o r+ / � INSfALL X 4� /Q � E F'ENCE- - w o � �� / , � � �o - �__` ---- a ie.. _�._ ._a_.s._s_ i_..��_.i_ .. �u_.i . � -- - -- 5.63' ----- -- - ------—---- — — — — — — .. � s - �------------------ - ._4.. � �� --�------–-------�_`. � ____ _ Q n 0450 � � STA. 14+7250= � � � =Lti J , ��} J� � � I STA. 15+90= ,� o R NU. 4 � / OF PIER N0. � p _ w iv I �t. I END FULL DFPTH �� � BIT. RDWY. F- 0 a ' � - - - - - - �l -- -- -=-r=—==--— � � _ �-+____ _ _ _,�_ —_- - -- � — _ `` _— � — ___ - - � _ _- - - - i=— �q = — , —__ --- _ --15 I 16 0 - - - - � — v�- - - 17- - - -- - - - - - - � I o - 1- I l I = ��'(� I o OF � STA. 15+39.7 9 �� � � w� I r { � 'o I � � OF BRG.- NORTIf ABUTM�N� II — � z �� N I I + �- a� � p � �- ----�# � � ------ 'o v' �-U _ U- jc � _--=F- .___-_ _ � __' ____.____-- � -' _ ' ' _ " " " ' _ _ ._ . _- __ _ . _ _ _ -._ _ .-__. . _'-_ k-' - _;�_ --y� ' _ -_' _ _ _ _ ' _ ' " "_ ". ... .. _ . �POINT )� INIMU CLEAR � C � _ _— _-- -_-- � ' �- - - -�' - - R PFRT�E AILWASTE INC. C/0 � / / UNITED WAS E SYSTFM �y INSTALL F NCE- 0 90'-0" � � PARCEL 7 CONSTRUCT GUARDR: p � LOT(S) 25,2 ,27,28,29,30 31,32,33 & 4, BLOCK 46 �127� / C ARLES WEIDES SUBDIVISIO RAI WASTE INC. ,R ILWA TE INC. C/0 a/ ,, ��' O„ P..D. // �9-29 22-43-012 C/ UN�T / UNI ED STE S�STEMS 5�0 �c r(s) AREA = 29,051 sa r. 9 PA CEL 6 �� T . AREA = 1, 50 SQ. FT. WA TE// / . . . . . , v,/ SY TLMS CH RLES W IDE'S SUBDIVISION /� E w�5 ERN RY P•I � � � 29-22-43-0127� ��� 33 32 31 30 r 29 28 _._ R AREA = 1,350 SQ. FT,/ �� - - - - - - - - - - -- _. .- - - -- - - — 7 CrJ �/� / � �jy C H �l S. W E I D F' S S U 13 D. OF 1 � � I � , --� I I D I ~�;<= G � i i i i ����m � � �A��j �za�m �\ � � � � �i m,A-�„ 6�. I ^'��o-� n � I I I ~K�� � >O O Z�� ITI I I I I �^��D � r ci.., ° � ��N +n � ( �( ��^x `v o�o z � � P� �e�� � . m ° I I I I ���Z m I I I I DNON o Z I ( I I o�irAi m \a � � � I I �r�� d d a n \ F m v V O \ • O �Q £ T N O} i 2� � Q Q a O ./ h � EXISTINC ROAD ;' 60'–O" � � . / � / � % P / � rn � � � � 0 .L2> LJ N n !� � S y O !n O � �� x � a� �� �z�a � �� (w �� � 9��9 z $� �D � c7 x (7 �i o � � C� � 4 �I� . �. � �9 � � ?0� � �d C7 � � �� � � � � � �- � y� pj, y � p9°m � D � Q t�x a � ���� � lv ° � � Ul ~ ---------- ----- � I� � � � • , A'\ `��� J /�0 / � � I � I � � L.... City af 5t. Peul CGUN�.IL FILE NO. N RE30LUTION APPROVING A83E33MENT By Ti�, i 1wn sixn�a Tn� oa� �nRrNa Tx�uoN AND FIXING TIl� OF FIEARING ON TF� File Na. 18832 AWARD 08' bAt�9►i�lEB In the mntter of Condemnation �nd taking af temporary ea�ement� nece9�ary for the Edgertan Street BridgE cor�struction project, near Edgerton ar�d Whit�ll �treets, as �hown on the map on file with the Depurtment of Finnnce and Management service�, Room 140 City Hell, markec� sheet 3 �f :3, Bridge Project 81170. 5aid easem�nts tc� expire January 1, 1998, or at compl�tion of project, whichever occur� first. Freliminery Grder 96-773 appraved_July 1U, :1996 Finel ord�r 96-977 epproved Augugt 14, 1996 Tr�e Directar af F'inance having submitted his repart in the aL�ove matt�r ss ta the �mount of damage9 awarded for the taking of the land or ea�ementa therin appropriated far the above improvement and to whom payable; and also heving submitted hia asse9ament of benefits to property from the making of �rxid improvement, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the said sssessment of benefits be and the game is hereby npproved. R$90LVED FVRTHER, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon �aid report and for a confirmatian of the award of damages made by th� directar af F'inance and also upon the �aid a��e��ment af benefit�; at the Cauncil Chamber, in the Court Hou9e in the City of St. Paul on the 6th day of November, 1996, at the hour of four thirty o'clock P.M. and that the Directar of Fin�nce re and he is directed to give notice of 9aid hearing as pre'cribed by the Charter. COUNCILPERSGIN Adopted by the Cauncil: Date �q � Yea� Naya Blakey Certified Passes by Council Secretary �9trom �erin By �._� c� , ��,�^ �rri' �In Favor � Megard - lab�e+�i- ✓�R'ettman �Again9t Mayor v�hune 1 R��e r.i N