96-1396 Council File # - 3
Ordinance #
Green Sheet # 3 � �� �
Presented By ,���-- _��r�
Referred To Committee: Date
RESOLVED, that the currency exchange license application by Richard Barr, Michael
Levitt, Bruce Balonick, William Barnett JR. , Joseph Judah, Ardyth Kennedy, and Alice
Gunderson, dba New Money Express, Inc. , for the premises located at 785 East Seventh
Street in Saint Paul, is recommended for approval. Minnesota Statute section 53A.04
requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the local governing
This resolution and action taken above are based upon the proceeding before the
Administrative Law Judge, the documents and exhibits introduced therein, the testimony
offered by and on behalf of the licensee during the Council hearing on November 6, 1996,
anc� the deliberation of the Council in open session. The Council adopts the findings of
fact and conclusions of law of the Administrative Law Judge contained in his report.
The Report of the ALJ is incorporated in and made part of this resolution.
A copy of this resolution, as adopted, shall be sent by first class mail to the
Administrative Law Judge and to the license holder. In addition, a copy of this
resolution as adopted shall be delivered by the Office of Licensee, Inspections and
Environmental Protection to the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce.
� Nays Absent Requested by Department of:
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Bost�m Office of License. Insnections and
Meaard � EnvirorLment?1 Protection
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Adopted by Council: Date �� („ _ ��� „ B}"
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Form Approved by City Attorney
By: u.l�(,t- �,
Approved by Mayor: Date 7J �
`� � r���� Approved by Mayor for Submission to
�` Council
By: �G
N° 35177 ��- ��q
USt be �11 C�UT1C11 Agenda by: UDGET DIRECTOR FIN. & MGT. SVC. DIR.
CTION REQUESTED: Approval of recommendation of ALJ and LIEP to renew
the currency exchange license held by New Money Express located at 785 East
Seventh Street in Saint Paul.
PLANNING CON1f1ISSI0N CIVIL SERVICE COhII�1ISSI0N 1. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department?
STAFF _ . Has this person/firm ever been a City employee?
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
laia all YES ansaera oa a separate sheet and attach.
ew Money Express will continue to operate in St. Paul .
ew M�ney Express will not continue operating in St. Paul.
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Norm Coleman, Mayor
1. Notice of Hearing letter to license applicants.
Attachments include: Notice of Public Hearing
Chapter 381, Legislative Code
2. Affidavit of service by mail for license applicant's letter.
3. Notice of hearing letter to interested persons.
4. Affidavit of service by mail for interested persons.
5. Affidavit of publication, Tuesday, September 24, 1996.
6. Minn. Stat. ch. 53A (6pp.).
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In Re: The Currency Exchange License FINDINGS OF FACT
Application of: New Money Express, inc. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATlON
785 East Seventh Street
St. Paul, M N 55106
The above-entitled matter came on for hearing before Administrative Law Judge
George L. Carlson, on October 1, 1996 in the Ramsey County Courthouse. The record
closed at the conclusion of the scheduled hearing.
Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney, City of St. Paul, 400 City Hall and
Courthouse, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102, appeared on behalf
of the City of St. Paul. Ms. Alice Gunderson, Manager for the Applicant appeared on
behalf of New Money Express, Inc., without benefit of counsel.
This Report is a recommendation, not a final decision. The Council of the City of
St. Paul will make the final decision after a review of the record which may adopt, reject
or modify the Findings of Fact, Conclusions, and Recommendations contained herein.
Pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 310.05 (c-1), the final decision of the City
Council shall not be made until this Report has been made available to the parties to the
proceeding and the applicant has been provided an opportunity to present oral or written
arguments alleging error on the part of the of the administrative law judge in the
application of the law or the interpretation of the facts and an opportunity to present
argument related to any recommended adverse action. The applicant should contact
Council of the City of St. Paul, 310 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102, to ascertain the
procedure for presenting argument.
Should this application for a currency exchange license, under Minn. Stat. Chapter
53A, be approved by the Council of the City of St. Paul, after published notice and
Based upon all of the proceedings herein, the Administrative Law Judge makes
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1. The Notice of Public Hearing in this matter was served by the City of St.
. Paul on the Applicant on September 23, 1996 by mail.
2. In accordance with Minn. Stat. § 53A.04 and Chapter 381 of the St. Paul
Legislative Code, Troy Gilbertson, License Enforcement Auditar, notified interested
persons of the public hearing, scheduled for October 1, 1996 by publication and by letter, _
on September 24, 1996.
3. The Applicant by Ms. Gunderson, the Assistant City Attorney, Ms. Palmer,
and Mr. Ted Koeppl of the City of St. Paul Office of License, Inspections and
Environmental Protection appeared at the scheduled public hearing. No testimony was
taken. The hearing was scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. After waiting until 9:40 a.m. for
possible appearance by members of the public, the undersigned, the Applicant, Ms.
Palmer and Mr. Koeppl concurred that there was no need to take testimony or to
otherwise proceed with a formal hearing. Ms. Palmer submitted the City's exhibits. It
was indicated that no interested persons had contacted the City after the issuance of the
Notice of Public Hearing and that the application was in order.
Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact, the Administrative Law Judge makes
the following:
1. The Council of the City of St. Paul and the Administrative Law Judge have
jurisdiction in this matter pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 14.55 and the St. Paul Legislative
Code, Minn. Stat. §§ 381.02, 310.05, and 310.06.
2. The City of St. Paul has fulfilled all relevant substantive and procedural
requirements of law and rule.
3. The City of St. Paul has given proper notice of the hearing in this matter
including proper notice in accordance with the requirements set forth in Minn. Stat.
Chapter 53A and Chapter 381 of the Legislative Code of the City of St. Paul.
4. The Applicant has fully complied with the application requirements
specified by law.
5. No members of the public have opposed the application for licensure.
Based upon the foregoing Conclusions, the Administrative Law Judge makes
the following:
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IT IS RESPECTFULLY RECOMMENDED: that the Council of the City of St. Paul
approve the currency exchange license appiication of New Money Express, Inc.
Dated this 28th day of October, 1996
� �
eorge L.. arlson
Administrative Law Judge
Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 53A.04, the Council of the City of Saint Paul is
required to forward its approval or disapproval of the license application to the
Commissioner of Commerce of the State of Minnesota for the Commissioner's
approval or disapproval. If the application is denied, the Commissioner shall mail
notice of the denial and the reason therefore to the applicant. The applicant upon
denial may request a further hearing as provided for Minn. Stat. § 53A.04 (b).
Robert Kessler,Director Q ( ��/�Ca f
� b 1 �P
CITY OF SAINT PAUL LICENSE AND Telephotte:612-266-9100
Norm Coleman, Mayor INSPECTfONS Facsimile:612-266-9124
350 St. Peter Street
Suite 300
Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 .
October 4, 1996
Ardyth Kennedy
2442 Union Street #2
San Diego, CA 92101
Re: Application for Currency Exchange License for the premises located at 785 East
Seventh Street, Saint Paul, MN 55106.
-Dear Mr. Kennedy, � , 3 p � ,m ,
Please take notice that a hearing on the report of the Administrative Law Judge oncerning
your application for a currency exchange license has been scheduled for . . .,
November 6, 1996 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and
Ramsey County Courthouse.
You have the opportunity to file exceptions to the report with Nancy Anderson, Assistant
Secretary to the City Council, at any time during normal business hours. You may also
present oral or written argument to the Council at the Hearing. No new evidence will be
received or testimony taken at this hearing. The Council will base its decision on the
record of the proceedings before the Administrative Law Judge and on the arguments
made and exceptions filed, but may depart from the recommendations of such Judge as
permitted by law in the exercise of its judgement and discretion.
�,� ��,l,G,�-
Troy Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer
Christine Rozek
Nancy Anderson
STbI�Y:�L I"4 d .�..�'�t'i;i`F�Y:it.�*'t 5P�',�Y�R�i .
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Robert Kessler,Director '
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CITY OF SAINT PAUL LICENSE AND Telephone:612-266-9100
Norm Colemun,Mayor INSPEC170NS Facsimile:612-26h-9124
350 St. Peter Street
Suite 300
Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 •
October 4, 1996
Alice Gunderson
8705 lZth Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55425
Re: Application for Currency Exchange License for the premises located at 785 East
Seventh Street, Saint Paul, MN 55106.
Dear Ms. Gunderson,
Please take notice that a hearing on the report of the Administrative Law Judge concerning
your application for a currency exchange license has been scheduled for 3:30 p.m.,
November 6, 1996 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and
Ramsey County Courthouse.
You have the opportunity to file exceptions to the report with Nancy Anderson, Assistant
Secretary to the City Council, at any time during normal business hours. You may also
present oral or written argument to the Council at the Hearing. No new evidence will be
received or testimony taken at this hearing. The Council will base its decision on the
record of the proceedings before the Administrative Law Judge and on the arguments
made and exceptions filed, but may depart from the recommendations of such Judge as
permitted by law in the exercise of its judgement and discretion.
Troy Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer
Christine Rozek
Nancy Anderson
Robert Kessler,Director
a � -I '� q �
CITY OF SAIIVT PAUL LICENSE AND Telephone:612-266-911�
Nnnn Coleman,Mayor INSPECTlONS Facsimi[e:612-266-9124
350 St. Peter Street
Suite 300
Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ,
October 4, 1996
Joseph Judah
5421 E. River Road #615
Chicago, IL 60656
Re: Application for Currency Exchange License for the premises located at 785 East
Seventh Street, Saint Paul, MN 55106.
Dear Mr. Judah,
Please take notice that a hearing on the report of the Administrative Law Judge concerning
your application for a currency exchange license has been scheduled for 3:30 p.m.,
November 6, 1996 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and
Ramsey County Courthouse.
You have the opportunity to file exceptions to the report with Nancy Anderson, Assistant
Secretary to the City Council, at any time during normal business hours. You may also
present oral or written argument to the Council at the Hearing. No new evidence will be
received or testimony taken at this hearing. The Council will base its decision on the
record of the proceedings before the Administrative Law Judge and on the arguments
made and exceptions filed, but may depart from the recommendations of such Judge as
permitted by law in the exercise of its judgement and discretion.
� �.
Troy Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer
Christine Rozek
Nancy Anderson
Xobert Kess[er,Director .
�{� — t �� c�
C�Y �F �]tiL1V 1 PA�.. I.ICENSEAND Telephone:612-266-9100
Norm Colemart, Mayor INSPEC770NS Facsimile:612-266-9124
350 St. Peter Street
Suite 300
Saint Paul,Mi�uiesota 55102
October 4, 1996
William Barnett, JR.
10099 Litzinger Road
St. Louis, MN 63124
Re: Application for Currency Exchange License for the premises located at 785 East
Seventh Street, Saint Paul, MN 55106.
-Dear Mr. Barnett, Jr.,
Please take notice that a hearing on the report of the Administrative Law Judge concerning
your application for a currency exchange license has been scheduled for 3:30 p.m.,
November 6, 1996 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and
Ramsey County Courthouse.
You have the opportunity to file exceptions to the report with Nancy Anderson, Assistant
Secretary to the City Council, at any time during normal business hours. You may also
present oral or written argument to the Council at the Hearing. No new evidence will be
received or testimony taken at this hearing. The Council will base its decision on the
record of the proceedings before the Administrative Law Judge and on the arguments
made and exceptions filed, but may depart from the recommendations of such Judge as
permitted by law in the exercise of its judgement and discretion.
� �
Tro �ilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer
Christine Rozek
Nancy Anderson
Robert Kessler,Director
� � - I�� �
CITY OF SAINT PAUL LlCENSE AND Telephone:612-266-9100
Norm Coleman,Mayor INSPEGTIONS Facsimile:612-266-9124
350 St. Peter Street
Suite 300
Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
October 4, 1996
Bruce Balonik
367 Charal Lane
Highland Park, IL 60035
Re: Application for Currency Exchange License for the premises located at 785 East
Seventh Street, Saint Paul, MN 55106.
Dear Mr. Balonik,
Please take notice that a hearing on the report of the Administrative Law Judge concerning
your application for a currency exchange license has been scheduled for 3:30 p.m.,
November 6, 1996 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and
Ramsey County Courthouse.
You have the opportunity to file exceptions to the report with Nancy Anderson, Assistant
Secretary to the City Council, at any time during normal business hours. You may also
present oral or written argument to the Council at the Hearing. No new evidence will be
received or testimony taken at this hearing. The Council will base its decision on the
record of the proceedings before the Administrative Law Judge and on the arguments
made and exceptions filed, but may depart from the recommendations of such Judge as
permitted by law in the exercise of its judgement and discretion.
`/ �
Troy ilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer
Christine Rozek
Nancy Anderson
Robert Kessler,Director
�� -i �a�
CITY OF SAINT PALTI., LICENSE AND Telepltone:612-266-9100
Norn� Colemait,Mayor INSPEGTIONS Facsinti[e:612-266-9124
350 St. Peter Street
Suite 300
Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102.
October 4, 1996
Michael Levitt
2230 W. Palmer
Chicago, II, 60614
Re: Application for Currency Exchange License for the premises located at 785 East
Seventh Street, Saint Paul, NIN 55106.
Dear Mr. Levitt,
Please take notice that a hearing on the report of the Administrative Law Judge concerning
your application for a currency exchange license has been scheduled for 3:30 p.m.,
November 6, 1996 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and
Ramsey County Courthouse.
You have the opportunity to file exceptions to the report with Nancy Anderson, Assistant
Secretary to the City Council, at any time during normal business hours. You may also
present oral or written argument to the Council at the Hearing. No new evidence will be
received or testimony taken at this hearing. The Council will base its decision on the
record of the proceedings before the Administrative Law Judge and on the arguments
made and exceptions filed, but may depart from the recommendations of such Judge as
permitted by law in the exercise of its judgement and discretion.
� ��
y Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer
Christine Rozek
Nancy Anderson
Robert Kessler,Director '
��- ('���
CITY OF SAINT PAIJI., GICENSE AND Telephone:612-266-9100
Norni Coleman, Mayor INSPECI70NS Facsimile:612-266-9124
350 St. Peter Street
Suite 300
Saint Paul,Muinesota 55102.
October 4, 1996
Richard A. Barr
85 Hibbard Road
Winnetka, IL 60093
Re: Application for Currency Exchange License for the premises located at 785 East
Seventh Street, Saint Paul, MN 55106.
Dear Mr.Barr,
Please take notice that a hearing on the report of the Administrative Law Judge concerning
your application for a currency exchange license has been scheduled for 3:30 p.m.,
November 6, 1996 in the City Couneil Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and
Ramsey County Courthouse.
You have the opportunity to file exceptions to the report with Nancy Anderson; Assistant
Secretary to the City Council, at any time during normal business hours. You may also
present oral or written argument to the Council at the Hearing. No new evidence will be
received or testimony taken at this hearing. The Council will base its decision on the
record of the proceedings before the Administrative Law Judge and on the arguments
made and exceptions filed, but may depart from the recommendations of such Judge as
permitted by law in the exercise of its judgement and discretion.
� ��
1 �
Tro ilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer
Christine Rozek
Nancy Anderson
RobertKessfer,Director �� J i ,� Q r
� �O
CITY OF SAINT PAUL LICENSEAND Telephone:612-266-9100
Norm Coleman,Mayor INSPECTIONS Facsimile:612-266-912�1
350 St.Peter Street
Suite 300
SaintPaul,Minnesota 55103
Currency Exchange License Application
of New Money Express, Inc.
785 East Seventh Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106
Office of Administrative Hearings
on the behalf of the
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that testimony will be taken from interested persons, including
. those in the community with respect to the application of New Money Express, Inc. to
operate a currency exchange by license issued under Minn. Stat. §53A.02.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
governing body, after published notice and hearing, within 60 days after receipt of the
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge from the Minnesota Office
of Administrative Hearings, on behalf of the Council of the City of Saint Paul. His or her
report, and recommendation for action, will be forwarded to the Council for its action.
Date of Public Hearing:Tuesday October 1, 1996
Time :9:30 a.m.
Location of Public Hearing:
Ramsey County Courthouse
Room 42, Lower Level
15 West Kellog Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
If you have any questions, please call Christine Rozek, Office of License, Inspections
and Environmental Protection at 266-9108.
� J .
�� _ J � � �
Ch�pter 381. Currency Exchanges
Sec. 381.01. St�te license requi►•ed; definition.
No person shall engaae in the business of a currency exchange in Saint Aaul �vithout a
license as provided by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 53A.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 2, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.02. Procedures; hearing; fee.
(a)Procedt�res. Upon receipt of a completed application from the commissioner of
commerce for either a new license or the renewal of an existing license, the matter shall be
referred to the office of license, inspections and environmental protection for initiation of a
hearing as required by state law within the period allowed for the response of the governing body.
The hearin� shall be for the purpose of taking testimony from interested persons, including those
in the community in which the applicant is located or is proposing to be located, as required by
law, and upon grounds or issues as to which notice has been given in accordance with the
requirements of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code. The said office shall publish
and give notice as required by law.
(b)Hearing. The hearina shall be held before an independent hearing examiner in
conformity with the provisions of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Leaislative Code, and the
rules of the office of administrative hearings, to the extent such rules are not in conflict with
sections 310.05 and 310.06.
(c)Fee; costs. The applicant shall pay, within fifteen (15) days followinJ receipt of the
application by the city, a fee covering the costs of administering and processing the application in
an amount to be established in conformity with the procedures in section 310.09(b) of the
Legislative Code. The applicant shall also reimburse the city, within fifteen (15) days following
action by the city council on the application, for its costs in conducting the hearing or hearings
prescribed by state law, including publication costs and the cost of the administrative proceedings
and hearing before an independent hearing examiner.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 3, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.03. Grounds for disapproval, etc.
(a)Discrpproval. The council may by resolution disapprove an application and, if so, shall
state therein its reasons for so doing. It may adopt in whole or in part the findings of fact and
conclusions of!aw of the independent hearin� examiner and may amend the same to conform to
its decision on the record and the testimony. Notice of the disapproval may be communicated to
the commissioner of commerce before the effective date of any such resolution where necessary
to avoid a presumption of concurrence. �
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(b) G�'o�rrrds for c�isappr•oval. Disapproval of an application may be based on one (1) or
more of the followin� grounds, in addition to any otiler jround allowed by law:
(1) Violation of any provision of the state currency exchanae law contained in Chapter
53 A.
(2) Any one (1) or more ofthe reasons, conditions, or standards for adverse action
under section 310.06 of the Le�islative Code.
(3) Failure of the applicant to pay the city fee and costs prescribed above.
(4) (i) The location of a new currency exchange as proposed would cause
significant adverse consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods
within three hundred (300) feet of the exchange. Such anticipated effect
must be shown by clear and convincing evidence.
(ii) The existing currency exchanJe has caused sianificant adverse
consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods within three hundred
(300) feet of the exchange.
(5) Failure of the applicant to ajree to reasonable conditions upon the operation of the
. business in accordance with the procedures in section 310.05 and the grounds of
310.06. Such conditions could include, but are not limited to, hours of operation,
off-street parking requirements, bondinJ in an amount greater than that rec�uired by
state law, and annual audits at the licensee's expense.
(6) The applicant is not of good moral character and repute and/or is unfit.to operate
such a business. �
(7) The applicant is not at least eighteen (18) years of age.
(8) The applicant is not the rea] party in interest in the application.
(9) The location of the business for which a new currency exchange license is sought is
within one-half mile of an existin� currency exchange licensed by the state.
(10)) The applicant or its proposed business location does not comply with applicable
zoning, building, fire and health codes.
(c)Persons and co�porations. If an applicant is a partnership, the application may be
denied if there is a basis for denial as to any partner. If the applicant is a corporation, the
application may be denied if there is a basis for denial as to any (i) shareholder holdin; more than
five (5) percent of the outstandin� or issued stock of the corporation, or(ii) officer or director of
the corporation, or (iii) employee of the enterprise having policy or mana�ement control over the
enterprise. �
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(C.F. No. 94-46, � 4, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.04. Definitions.
The followin� words and/or phrases shall have the following meaning when used in this
cilapter and in Chapter 310 of the Legislative Code.
(a)Applicartl. The term "applicant" includes persons, partnerships, firms and corporations
and all other forms of business ventures. It also includes employees who exercise manaaement or
policy control over the enterprise, general and limited partners, shareholders of more than five (5)
percent of the outstandin� or issued shares of a corporation, and corporate managers, officers and
(b)Application. The term "application" includes applications for both new and renewal
(c)Licerise. The term "license" refers to the state currency exchange license provided for
in Minnesota Statutes Section 53A.02.
(d) C�rrrency excharrge. The term "currency exchange" is defined in Minnesota Statutes
Section 53A.01, subdivision 1. Currency exchange means any person, except a bank, trust
� company, savings bank, savings and loan association, credit union, or industrial loan and thrift
company, engaged in the business of cashing checks, drafts, money orders or travelers' checks for
a fee. Currency exchange does not include a person who provides these services incidental to the
person's primary business if the charDe for cashin� a check or draft does not exceed one dollar
($1.00) or one (1) percent of the value of the check or draft, whichever is greater.
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 5, 2-2-94) �
' � � �`( �-l.3 9lr
Robert Kessler,Drrector
CITY OF SAINT PAUL c.owRr PRO�ssioN.�c, Telephone:612-266-9090
Norm Coleman,A-fayor BUlLDING Facs�mrle: 612-?66-9099
Surte 300 612-266-91?�t
350 St.Peter Street
SaintPaul,Minnesota SSl03-1S/0
September 23, 1996
Alice Gunderson
8705 12th Avenue South
� Bloomington, MN 55425
Re: Currency Exchange License Application
Dear Ms. Gunderson:
The City of Saint Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has
received notification from the Minnesota Department of commerce of your currency
exchange license application for New Money Express at 785 East Seventh Street, Saint
Paul, Minnesota 55106.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
local governing body after published notice and hearing.
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge on behalf of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul. The hearing will be held Tuesday, October 1, 1996 at 9:30
a.m. in the Ramsey County Courthouse, room 42, 15 West Kellog Boulevard, Saint
Paul, Minnesota. Your attendance at this hearing is extremely important, especially if
any adverse testimony is presented to which you wish to respond.
The Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 381.02(c) directs the license applicant to pay a
fee to the City covering the costs of administering and processing the cunency exchange
application. The fee for this application is $317.00 and must be paid within (15) days
of the receipt of this letter. The Code further requires the applicant to reimburse the
City for its costs in conducting the hearing(s) prescribed by State Law. You may be
billed for those costs after the hearing(s).
� � �� ��� �
For your convenience, a copy of the notice of hearing as well as the City Ordinance
Section 381 has been enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact Christine
Rozek at 266-9108.
� �
Troy Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney
, y ' , OFFICE OF LICE�ISE,[�SPECTIO�lS AND �� �/� ��f'
Robert Kessler,Director
Norm Coleman,Mayor BUILD/NG Facsrmile: 612-266-909v
Suite 300 612-366-91?�1
350 St.Peter Street
Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102-I SIO
September 23, 1996
Joseph D. Judah
5421 E. River Road �#615
Chicago, IL 60656
Re: Currency Exchange License Application
Dear Mr. Judah:
The City of Saint Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has
received notification from the Minnesota Department of commerce of your cunency
exchange license application for New Money Express at 785 East Seventh Street, Saint
Paul, Minnesota 55106.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
local governing body after published notice and hearing.
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge on behalf of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul. The hearing will be held Tuesday, October 1, 1996 at 9:30
a.m. in the Ramsey County Courthouse, room 42, 15 West Kellog Boulevard, Saint
Paul, Minnesota. Your attendance at this hearing is extremely important, especially if
any adverse testimony is presented to which you wish to respond.
The Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 381.02(c) directs the license applicant to pay a
fee to the City covering the costs of administering and processing the currency exchange
application. The fee for this application is $317.00 and must be paid within (15) days
of the receipt of this letter. The Code further requires the applicant to reimburse the
City for its costs in conducting the hearing(s) prescribed by State Law. You may be
billed for those costs after the hearing(s).
�� -�� ��
For your convenience, a copy of the notice of hearing as well as the City Ordinance
Section 381 has been enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact Christine
Rozek at 266-9108.
Troy Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor �
cc: Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney
Norm Coleman,Mayor BUlLDGVG Facsimile: 612-266-9099
Suire 300 612-266-912�J
350 St.Peter Street
SaintPaul.Minnesota SSIO?-l.i10
September 23, 1996
William Barnett, Jr.
10099 Litzinger Road
Sr. Louis, MO 63124
Re: Currency Exchange License Application
Dear Mr. Barnett, Jr.:
The City of Saint Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has
received notification from the Minnesota Department of commerce of your currency
exchange license application for New Money Express at 785 East Seventh Street, Saint
Paul, Minnesota 55106.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the �
local governing body after published notice and hearing.
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge on behalf of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul. The hearing will be held Tuesday, October 1, 1996 at 9:30
a.m. in the Ramsey County Courthouse, room 42, 15 West Kellog Boulevard, Saint
Paul, Minnesota. Your attendance at this hearing is extremely important, especially if
any adverse testimony is presented to which you wish to respond.
The Saint Paul I.egislative Code Section 381.02(c) directs the license applicant to pay a
fee to the City covering the costs of administering and processing the currency exchange
application. The fee for this application is $317.00 and must be paid within (15) days
of the receipt of this letter. The Code further requires the applicant to reunburse the
City for its costs in conducting the hearing(s) prescribed by State Law. You may be
billed for those costs after the hearing(s).
� � �'� �/��1�
�or your convenience, a copy of the notice of hearing as well as the City Ordinance
Section 381 has been enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact Christine
Rozek at 266-9108.
� �ti���
Troy Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney
Robert Kessler,Director
CITY OF SAINT PAt1I. LOGVRY PRUFESSIOt�:4L Telephone:612-266-9091i
Norrn Coleman.Mayor BUILDING Facsimile: 611-266-909J
Suite 300 612-266-91?a
350 St.Peter Street
SaintPat�l,A-finnesota SSl02-ISID
September 23, 1996
Richard A. Ban
85 Hibbard Road
Winnetka, IL 60093
Re: Currency Exchange License Application
Dear Mr.Barr:
The City of Saint Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has
received notification from the Minnesota Department of commerce of your cunency
exchange license application for New Money Express at 785 East Seventh Street, Saint
Paul, Minnesota 55106.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
local governing body after published notice and hearing.
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge on behalf of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul. The hearing will be held Tuesday, October 1, 1996 at 9:30
a.m. in the Ramsey County Courthouse, room 42, 15 West Kellog Boulevard, Saint
Paul, Minnesota. Your attendance at this hearing is extremely important, especially if
any adverse testimony is presented to which you wish to respond.
The Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 381.02(c) directs the license applicant to pay a
fee to the City covering the costs of administering and processing the cunency exchange
application. The fee for this application is $317.00 and must be paid within (15) days
of the receipt of this letter. The Code further requires the applicant to reimburse the
City for its costs in conducting the hearing(s) prescribed by State Law. You may be
billed for those costs after the hearing(s).
l � / ����
For your convenience, a copy of the notice of hearing as well as the City Ordinance
Section 381 has been enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact Christine
Rozek at 266-9108.
Troy Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney
Robert�essler,Director �� /� ��
CITY OF SAINT PAUL LOGVRY PROFESS/Olv:4L Telephone:6/2-266-9090
Norm Coleman.A-/ayor BU/LDING Facsimrle: 612-266-9099
Suite 300 612-?66-91?J
350 St.Peter Street
Saint Paul.Minnesota SS102-l.i 10
September 23, 1996
Michael Levitt
2230 W. Palmer
Chicago, IL 60614
Re: Currency Exchange License Application
Dear Mr. Levitt:
The City of Saint Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has
received notification from the Minnesota Department of commerce of your cunency
exchange license application for New Money Express at 785 East Seventh Street, Saint
Paul, Minnesota 55106.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the �
local governing body after published notice and hearing.
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge on behalf of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul. The hearing will be held Tuesday, October 1, 1996 at 9:30
a.m. in the Ramsey County Courthouse, room 42, 15 West Kellog Boulevard, Saint
Paul, Minnesota. Your attendance at this hearing is extremely important, especially if
any adverse testimony is presented to which you wish to respond.
The Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 381.02(c) directs the license applicant to pay a
fee to the City covering the costs of administering and processing the currency exchange
application. The fee for this application is $317.00 and must be paid within (15) days
of the receipt of this letter. The Code further requires the applicant to reimburse the
City for its costs in conducting the hearing(s) prescribed by State Law. You may be
billed for those costs after the hearing(s).
�� �
� �/ �
For your convenience, a copy of the notice of hearing as well as the City Ordinance
Section 381 has been enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact Christine
Rozek at 266-9108.
% � ��
�" .�
Troy Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney
Roberr Kessler,Direcror ` r��
� � �� �
Norm Colentan,Mayor BUILDING Facsimrle: 612-�66-9099
Surte 300 612-266-91?a
350 St.Peter Street
SaintPaul,A�lrnnesota SSIOLIS/0
September 23, 1996
Bruce H. Balonik
367 Charal Lane
Highland Park, IL 60035
Re: Currency Exchange License Application
Dear Mr. Balonik:
The City of Saint Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has
received notification from the Minnesota Department of commerce of your currency
exchange license application for New Money Express at 785 East Seventh Street, Saint
Paul, Minnesota 55106.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the �
local governing body after published notice and hearing.
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge on behalf of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul. The hearing will be held Tuesday, October 1, 1996 at 9:30
a.m. in the Ramsey County Courthouse, room 42, 15 West Kellog Boulevard, Saint
Paul, Minnesota. Your attendance at this hearing is extremely important, especially if
any adverse testimony is presented to which you wish to respond.
The Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 381.02(c) directs the license applicant to pay a
fee to the City covering the costs of administering and processing the currency exchange
application. The fee for this application is $317.00 and must be paid within (15) days
of the receipt of this letter. The Code further requires the applicant to reimburse the
City for its costs in conducting the hearing(s) prescribed by State Law. You may be
billed for those costs after the hearing(s).
�c� -��� �
For your convenience, a copy of the notice of hearing as well as the City Ordinance
Section 381 has been enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact Christine
Rozek at 266-9108.
� �
Troy Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
� Enclosure
cc: Virginia PaLner, Assistant City Attorney --
e � , '
Ro6ert Kessler,Director � J v� W
Norm C'oleman,Nlayor BU/LDING Facsimile: 612-266-9099
Suite 300 612-266-912�1
350 St.Peter Street
Saint Paul,Mirrnesota SSl02-I510
September 23, 1996
Ardyth Kennedy
2442 Union street #2
San Diego, CA 92101
Re: Cunency Exchange License Application
Dear Mr. Kennedy:
The City of Saint Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has
received notification from the Minnesota Department of commerce of your currency
exchange license application for New Money Express at 785 East Seventh Street, Saint
Paul, Minnesota 55106.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
local governing body after published notice and hearing.
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge on behalf of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul. The hearing will be held Tuesday, October 1, 1996 at 9:30
a.m. in the Ramsey County Courthouse, room 42, 15 West Kellog Boulevard, Saint
Paul, Minnesota. Your attendance at this hearing is extremely important, especially if
any adverse testimony is presented to which you wish to respond.
The Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 381.02(c) directs the license applicant to pay a
fee to the City covering the costs of administering and processing the currency exchange
application. The fee for this application is $317.00 and must be paid within (15) days
of the receipt of this letter. The Code further requires the applicant to reimburse the
City for its costs in conducting the hearing(s) prescribed by State Law. You may be
billed for those costs after the hearing(s).
T a
� � � �� �
For your convenience, a copy of the notice of hearing as well as the City Ordinance
Section 381 has been enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact Christine
Rozek at 266-9108.
Troy Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney
. .
c�� _ � �� c�
Troy Gilbertson, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on
September 23, 1996 he served the attached Notice of Hearing , on the
following named people by placing a true and correct copy thereof
in envelopes addressed as follows :
Bruce Balonik
Ardyth Kennedy 367 Charal Lane
2442 Union Street #2 Highland Park, IL 60035
San Diego, CA 92101
Michael Levitt
Alice Gunderson 2230 W. Palmer
8705 12th Avenue South Chicago, I1 60614
Bloomington, NIN 55425
Richard A. Barr
Joseph Judah 85 Hibbard Road
5421 E. River Road #615 Winnetka, IL 60093
Chicago, IL 60656
William Barnett, Jr.
10099 Litzinger Road
St . Louis, MO 63124
(which is the last known addresses of said person) and depositing
the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at Saint
Paul, Minnesota.
�--, ��,
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 23rd day of September, 1996 .
Notary Public
��rp,� /L�y OJsa��
■ s
!�!y Com�nbsbn 6QirosJan.31,2000
� x
��,= (�a c�
Troy Gilbertson, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on
September 24, 1996 he served the attached Notice of Hearing, on the
following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof
in an envelope addressed as follow:
Arlington Hills Library DAYTONS BLLTFF CTR CIV L Swede Hollow Nbrhd Assc
Librarian Community Organizer Cazol Cazey,Staff
I 105 Greenbrier SVeet 281 MARIA AVENLIE 733 E 7TH STREET
Saint Paul,MN 55106 SAINT PAiJL.MN 55106 Saint Paul,MN 55106
Rep Steve Trimble Dayton's Bluff NHS KIM HLTNTER
Minnesota Legislature James Erchul,Dir PARTNERS
491 State Office Bldg 951 East Sth SVeet 907 PAYNE AVE
Saint Paul,MN 55155 Saint Paul,MN 55106 ST PAUL MN 55101
Editor East Side Nbrhd Dev Co District Planner
Sunrise Jan Morlock,Director Lucy Thompson
P O Box#6767 907 Payne Avenue 1100 City Hall Annex
Saint Pnul,MN 55106 Saint Paul,MN 55101
East Sector Police
Senntor Sandra Pappas Senator Randy Kelly Commander
Minnesota Legislature Minnesota L.egislature 722 Payne Ave.
State Capitol G-24 State Capitol G-27 Saint Paul,MN 55101
Saint Paul,MN 55155 Saint Paul,MN 55155
Dayton's Bluff
East Side Area BUS ASSN Payne-Arcade Bus Assn Donavan Cummings,Pres
ANN TINNUCI ANDERSON Director 770 East 6th SVeet
707 MINNEHAHA AVE P O Box#6934 Saint Paul,MN 55106
SAINT PAUL MN 55106 Saint Paul,MN 55106
(which is the last known addresses of said person) and depositing
the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at Saint
Paul, Minnesota.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 24th day of eptember, 1995 .
otary Public
x s
x � My Commlas(on Expiree Jan.31,2000
r •
Cus�'saxe�yu� .,..,..-o ale aq� �V 'S - . uot1��5... ._
»�lou s{R�3 p nbai - r�ii1.F���p9�ose�;oi�iaqi sa�rijOG�Qssatu.
unouzs aul _
� •so;nle�ojqe�iidde;o sluauio�S aq3 ql1 ° oseat vun�u� .
ue a��lon Ii� P� 'a8e�l?oy�i :•�3�;5�'lE�l olnQlilgsPa�l�i s�u 3� oauens:� ;
qi13o oansotoaao3 pa8 a8E81ioy� °K3_ _.- - •ttas o; i�mod`aql 1�11g. •BajPP1�L, - ..
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'n namoas 3Q�P?ul 30.??o��esajaoae ol:" - �;o a38p Ki � ����A�VIT OF PUBLICATION • •.
��� � .
State of Minnesota � � �
County of Ramsey ,
Samuel E. Lewis, Jr., being duly sworri, on oath says that he is the
publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Legal Ledger and has
full knowledge of the facts which are stated below:
(A) The newspaper has complied with all the requirements constituting
as a qualified legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute
331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amended.
(B) The printed notice of public hearing which is attached was cut from
the columns of said newspaper and was printed and published once; it
was published on Tuesday, the 24th day of September, 1996; and
printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both
inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of
: _tvnP-.•��a =-- �- �mposition and publication of said notice:
Currency Eachange License Application
-of New Money Eapress,Inc. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
785 East Seveath Street
Saint Panl,Minnesota 55106
Office of Administrative Hearings
on the behalf of the
�ASE TAKE NOTICE that testimony will be taken from interested persons,
luding those in the community with respect to the application of
.v Money Express. Inc. to operate a currency exchange by license issued
jer Minn.Stat. §53A.02.
in.Stat.553A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of[he state application
the governing body,after published notice and hearing.within 60 days after
eipt of the application.
e hearing will be conducted by•an administrative law judge from the
nnesota Office of Administrative Hearings, on behalf of the Council of the �
:y of Saint Paul. His or her report, and recommendation for action, will be
�warded to the Council for its action.
Date of Public Hearing: Tuesday October 1. 1996
Time:9:30 a.m.
Location of Public Hearing:
Ramsey County Courthouse
Room 42, Lower Level i to before me this 24th day of September, 1996
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
St. Paul, Minneso[a 55102
you have any questions, please call Christine Rozek, Office of License,
spections and Environmental Protection at 266-9108.
(September 24, 1996) _
------- -- ---.... .._.V_�..�_...,.......�,... �
� My Comm.Expirss Jan 3� 2ppQ
Rate Information �
� (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space is$N/A.
(2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above publication is$44.34. '
, . ..(3)Rate actually charged for the above publication is$38.56. _ ' �=-
_ . ,t .
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;�' '' �;�����j. Sube�i�•icion 1.C�rrenc�•exchange."Cur;enc�•exch�nge�near, � pers�� t
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�- '+'- h- .x►'�.
�"�..��a�1 ter if the place of��s;-ess to be operated ur.��er ihe licerse is located or p;oposed to
` �h��"`"�"=� be leczted �•ith:n c-�-h�lf nni!e of a:;o,�er licenstd cur,enc�• exc�:ar.ge. The distznce
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h entity l0 1i�eilc£C i': CLi�2AC�' CXC}:z,-._e business. This SJC•CT;�•is;on does not p;ohibit
==:a--_ . '
� �s;'`xa- �"=• the licer,see f;om r,—., o��ir.
;,,� � . ,.1 , g persens to op�ra�e a cur,enc�• exci:z^ge facility,
�~ -��- .:: Histon�: 1989c :=7s?; 1992cSG-fs2
,�;, ,:
' �b:� - ,.—r:
T� �'s''-� $< 53.�,.03 .4PPLICATIO\ FOR LICE\SE; FEES. CA{�t,��i��1j� S� ��}�; � �
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-��-�` ��) •a� �PF>i<<����� `or a license r,�st be in u•r;tine, under cztb, �n� i� t;:e form
� �:
' -�h��a`4.i�: �: prescribed and fu,—,::stied by ihe co,—:,;.,issioner�r.d must cor,tzia the fo]lo�•ing:
L -�:�;.���' _ � (1) thc full nz:,:��ad zdd;ess !
(both of resider.ce�nd p ace of bLSiness)of the�ppli-
- -%`-` � car.t, �nd if the zp�;icant is a parr,ers�ip or 2ssociztion, of e�•ey menber, and the
::t.=.�,��,.? - �" nzme 2nd business z�d;ess if the zpplicant is a corporation;
'���x,-. �
�, .;. (2) the county s;,d mu�icipality, w•ith street and number, if znv, of�ll cu;,ency
�'-°-�'�-� ��• ezchzn e locatio,^.s e�erated b the a I�cznt• zad
^�:vC�:•.,.�'�'�`'.r�:�;; 8 r Y PP � ,
' �.,t��. (3) the applicznt's occupation or p,-ofession,for the ten±�e�rs immediztely p:eced-
„� �.�=. �`.: ing the application; p;esent or pre�•ious connection �•ith zny o�5er currency exchznge
�_ ;,�::.•
e .�s�� *�:. in this or any other stz;e;w•hether the�pplicant h::s e�•er been con��icted of any crime;
s,��� . _; and the natu;e of t1:c zpplicant's occup�ncy of the premises to be licensed;and if the
applic2nt is a partne;ship or a eorporation,the information specified in this par2gr2ph
must be supplied for each partner and each o„ cer and director of the eorporation. Jf
' ' - - - -�-'+-. -' '_ "- � _ ' - -'_ Y.�,��•= - �� `�i.�^.. �j
, , =_3--�'� `�: �
z ., �-- �,. r -
<, ?-:<; ti ...
�' �--.���;:a'�;:r*=—;.r=�:;�;'.
``�` s;
i:�9 � ,. ";��:'�:�=�":-.',.;:r-
r�w. � '%
Cl'F �R.E` {'�, � r_`�.-`�ti.:- 'r�.�.-.
� CH.�\GF$c3A.05 �r r 's��s�'�5;.:�:s�;=�;-?,�,
Ihe �!ir,t is a p.: �ers�' er a r � � b ��-`=='�" ' �'��;!<
/� �y '4..
`�r 'n� %P .o':publ:c�yheid —,. .;o� } "l � l �' .� ��' ��=:�=;
:s _�.a.
f.�ed in t . c: . t ,e f r;,:atien s� �: • =y :�'��`_T�,r;==•+�
� pa;zgraph i:?LSl �t ;equ;;td of each - ' 1i ° reci- � ;a..,�=���;��;-.,.,,-�
p���..=- �::�d e2ch o„�cer, dirzetor,2nd �' �''���`"
s�ocicho!dz;s o•::ni�g i� excess of te�pe;cer.t of the c:-a-a;e stotk of t�e co� �`�''�Y'�;�'����'��
'poratioa. F �`�"`�`�
�b� ��G 2���:C2i:0;1 5�2II�`2 cCCO' ei?1Cd bV 2 ' - + `�~���J�f�
re�•i2':J � i � • , ._...:iL'��c�i7:2 ;ee ef c�: r f` f'�� ���'•:
c�f t;.e nitial 2-+ licz��oa. LP �' o •zl b�� O,or t}:�e � �}��=:;_�,-�
: ; r ea a}.p; � ..._ co.-�iss:ener �d' ' ��� �:.:�;:=1,'�<;..,. �
� i2i:SC i 2 Qf�:0 nust t•e pa:d by i}?e 2}^.�)1Cc;:t 25 e;l :--;Lx � � � � 2:1 c iii0;121 � .•��
..� �.C2ri_2� _ i c�`'`<='."
;- �.- --"1
�er of t:;e ca�Z^��r��ear. ' ^+� 1 ., " 2t l0i 1}7C i2,7i21R- =.�+,��,t_':
."�� �%::...a.�ice,.se fe.°Of S��_': �',�� �Of 2cCf1 SL'�52�U2;:(C2�2R- ? f�r
G�cr )'fei Gi O��ieilC;l ��QD SL'�.^„ISS;on ef a licen_. :•-�.. '` ��.:�'�:�"-�`=��'
�� '^��� �p��ICet101 G� Of�,'2i07G � ,..��`'`�
DtCC;:l�+Zf I. FF2S f,:•USI L�Z �2�,t;5;i2t� 1Z ii?2 Sici2 ii.'c`'-:.' ': '"�`�'��'���'y
c�+d cre�ited i0 i�e feP.2fc� + �`��~~��
fur.d. Upe� p2�:aer,t ef the rec��i;ed �ar:u�l licer,sz ;- • �- ���'�#''
. i�:Z CQiTi7?:755:0.^.2f 5�'IZ�� 155lle $• '�'Y'�'
2 );cease fer tt: �'2ef t't��;�i]lf:�Jci L2;�' J, ..��-y,�'�-x`"�.
(c) ?,`.e ce,;,nissio.^.er sh '1 �i ' �`{`;�
c, i2Ci� 72 i!'i:cy7��1C2i:i:: 5��•-�ii 10 2�eCl:fiCLAd Ii:�'GS- � `������}
L'Ect101[Q;�LCted b�'1}��L'f2eL OfC;,;'I;P2I c}'�F,r2;;:'::�� �5 a conditioa oi lice,.cure. '` ���'
.�5 pc�Of iLe�ackgrou;:d i��•est;Ec1!Oi1r Ii�C tiJLiC2U Qi i--;•i:�i�c��i2}?fi,SjG:1 5�.�1 COII- _ 4-�� C�
GiL'CICi1Sii�:72�}i:5i0t1'CiS:C�501�ii^�250i3i.'COidSci:C:: ci;i;•OrIZZt1i02XC}:c;:£Z�P.£�r' ` '-��
+�'� tne Federa� �U;;cll �
pr;nts w�••, of 1n�•es;:gztion � -��'�"`r
��cke;oe-�d c�:rck of the r�,io;,al Slzs. The cost of t==i,� � �`rese of a crin;,zl �.:--
t;;e �pp;ic:::�t. . . e_ti��.ioz n�st bz pzid b �'�°��-�
Y ' �`�:;�
�, ��
(�) Fcr purposes of this sect:on, "zPPlicant, i�c;__;s �� e^� lo��ee �, ' �'_�t'�
T^�r.a€e;,;e�t er po?ic}•co�uel o��.I 1}'ie CG;�'+c^�' g�ij,-; F }+0 GC2fUSt5 ���-_
r , .�r,aZ o,,.�er,a 1i,m;;ed orgen- , ;Tc�
Ci c��ei t.^.Cf�2 7'•c;l;:�2�,Of e S�"-,!;oldzr holci,-:�mo:2: .=���;]�2iC��;j Of l�^2 O�i51e.^.d- T
liig SlOik 0J i�lz COi�OIei:Oi!. ' -
His;on�: 19�9c?;is 3; 15��?c:G�s3 - ` ��=
" ¢ �-''�;;��
�3.�.0-! �.PPROti'.-�L O� DE\L�I. OF.a\AppLIC.=.TIO\. ��
(�) ��'it^in =0 dz�s af:er t=e rece;pt of a com�le;: --.,'�--•: ~'�=
c�!2i1 G�2��Y i'Z 2rj,�ic<<ie� er s��::,it i�: c-�r + • r _:r.:�c.i0:1, i�'12 C01;,�;.1SSIOACr =`�'�:�
rr�•Ccti0:1 SO :� � EQ�•z,^„jr��o;�•�f�he leczl �
u::il Of£0�'2:-•,�::;:t in .�h:ch tce�rplica::t is Ieca:ed o;:� - � ' •�
co:,,.,.issi • - r���o ir.g to be lecated.�e t` ;;,
Q'.'r r,.z�•r,ot ar;:,;o,�e i.i�2}^,��ica,ie�w�;tho�,:-;CO�CLITeace ett:;e go�•en- -<�
i,.g boe�y. i;: ge�•e;�i::g bo�y s.`.�11 gi��e p�,;b1;s�:ed no:::: cr i�s i,:te�tio� to consi�er "-�
iil2' ISSi.'Z 2'•� C?�ci� SOi:CiI t.'SiL:�O�V iiQ::l 17�Zi25:2d " $ ^c ' �
r.: o..., iaclt�ing t}:ese ia t};e
CO;��;:L';�li�'1;7 tt';-;j�h l�:•t 2��ilCe�t is loc�ted or is p;opcs:-;to be lecaied.II 1};t EO�'Cr,,- , ��x
ir.g bo�y h,:s r,et �p�;o�•:d or�:s2pp;o�•td the issue �.�:;=: . ' `�'�
a 60 da�s of rzce;pt cf t?�t =�'
�pplic2tion,co:,Ct'f:C1][2 is p;cs�,;ed.i;;e cor:-,missio;.:;--L�t � '= ^�-�
the�pplic,:�ic�,��•i�hin ±0 e'a�• • PPro�•e cr d:sa�p;o�•e ,- •
s fren recei�•i:: t5e der's<:� � "'
go�•en:;,g b�c}• � , � c�i t..e go•,•ern;r.g bodv.The i' T�
S:]2:� hc�'. 1}lG SO,t 72Sr0�,57�i;�li�' fOi 1;5 C:C7S;07. 1�e S:cie 5�2�1 }l'c�'G � �l
no respo,-,si�+;li,}•;or that �ecisio�. � "`�
� ��
�5� Jf i}C c��i:C2i701 iS �2P.1:�: r;;e comn;ssioner S'c.� Sz,d b�•nail ao,ice ofthe r:: • ���
�e�1e� 2;;d ;Le rezso� for ii Z d2;ij2� IO 1}i2 �y�?jjCenj �; ;'Z �ddress contai.-,ed in t}e ;�
��`a�:C2i107. Jfe;l 2y���IC2i10I115�.'.^.ltd� iLG c}��)1C27I I?:2': •»iihlil ��G�2\' ' �'Y�
the r.otice ofa�enjc�,f2�L25I a co�tes;ed case hearino p_•-��-r S 01 f2CCi�7^g �`.,
c �l t0 C}7c�ltt 1�;��p\•j(;�d ,' x?
that if the de;:ia1 is based upa�t'.;e re;LSal of t;;e go�•er;:;-g; �f
�ng body must �;;ord the � o�)'to coacer the go�•ern- �
pplicz;:t a hea�ne. The �pp�:c�:t s521) h��•e no ri�„t to the �
hearin3 p;o�•;�rd for i� this sectioa if t?:e de„ial is b�st3 a�e� the Eo�•eni,g bod�'s `• ���
refuszl to ceacLr but sha?1 ha�•e a hezri;:g before the gc•:;;,.ir.g body, ,�r=
.. �. ;�
c) This section zpplies to initi�l �pp!icatio�s and ;::eu•al applicztions. �: �_
(d) The s:z;e s`,all hz�•e ro responsibiJity ;or the ac::ci of the go�•erning body, t.� � f
k' S:.
History: 1959 c 397 s;; 1 S9?c SO4 s 4 ;._ �^
=� � -:;
53.4.05 CH.�.\GE OF\.a�1E, 01ti:\c,RcHIP, OR LOCATIO\'.
Subdi�•isio� 1.\ame or]ocarion.Jfa licensee proposes to char.ee the name or]oca- �V� �
tion of any or zll of its currency exchanees, the license; shall file aa applicztion tor �
2pproval of t;:e char.ge ayth the commission�r. The cor-�::�issioner shzll not a �
a change of loc2tion if the requirements of sectio,s 53.-�.G?,subdivision 2,and 53A 04
ha�•e not been satisfied. 1f the change is approti•ed by the co�missioner, the commis-
F. ;;;��-:,��r:_���= - - ;
l_�1 CL'nSE�'C1'E\ �' ct r: 'c�-��.4T;: ._��•-- _'�_
CHA GfS A.11 � 'j:t-��-�1-"�-T:ti`4'.: ti,,:
v �-::�-''Y;�r-,_;:::.ti-,,;--;..:
(5) a reasa�zble p;e5t for a cu„e�cy exrhange e:-._;ion; and � .,�� `"-` -`�`'yY�°ti==�;'=
c, -?•r�.4�`=��;' - _
��� cI1V Cii:Zf �ii�li2i 1LZ CQfi1:�755:0;72C �CC�;�S 2rz:'ii7cie. F ��=`•..`--1:__^�'
The coTmissie;2C 5;;2i� S�t 3 SC}�2�eiz f2IC, C0�515iZ;.i .�5 I}:e aoo��e St2�d2;�5 fOf �` 'b��.`"'^.`.�� '
' � . -r_:,'�:•`-'���=
chzeks issued by a go�'er,:;::e�t tr,ti�y ia zn a„�ount up t�5�00 to be cashed by a e�r- �°. _��- ----�:.�:�:_�,
renc}• exch�r.�e. � �, :r":z,�`,:_:-_'?.
� ��`_�;�-
Histon•: 1�S9 c?47 s i �� � � E .'�•�yV-= -=
� "'=��`� - -
�3.�.03 BO\D. c,•' `-.��~�`=-'^`-_
,y.;,.��� �-�
B2f0I2��iC2i;Se f�::\�bz issued i0 2 CUi i CP.C)'C\C};c'S',i�z 2}7��1Ce7T ShC��1''`G1JiIL� GT�- -`�'i''
�Jly•��ith 2r.d `a�•e appro�•ed by�,`,e ce.,�:-issioner a s:..::v •��``�-=�=�=�='.
` bc;,d, issted by a boadi„g ; �-^ =��= ,
!�t'�-�! -
cor.�pany 2e��:e:ized to do busir.�ess ia this state in t;:� r;�::c;�al z:�:ount of 510,000. ' �::}:_���-_=-`-,
The bor:d r,:LSt nn to ��e ce�r-�issio:,er and is fer ��e -.;e�t of creditors of the cur- � �''-=�'��`-'-��=
' ° �� -�;•.��::.-
tZi,CY tXC}:2,^.fe i0f�le�l�ii�'1T;CL,iCt��)'I},C CUri2AC)'fSC".a::£z QA 7;:OIIZy'O�G�2i5 lSSLed - '-:�,i�.��L.��
C '1 ? n^`.y ' ��'�Sy:_�'•r�^y'7
or old �y tl:e cu:-re�.cy txc}:zng.., fcr 1;aSili,y i:,c..,, .}• the cLr;z;,cy e�char:gt for -:s;.�=�.�:r.;
t, t f 'k.v_.�.. F=.
svns due to a Ya�•ee or enco;s:e ofa c,.:c,c,d;a:i,or rr.c-:�•o;der left•.:;th the currency s;�,��_
exch2;,�e fcr ce??ectio�, and fe;lia'�ili;y incur;rd by tt; iL';,2�C�'fXCflz;:ge in connec- :,;��—.�:
110;1 �'ll.•1 pro�'s�:A$ CLi:t�:CV CXCi:cA£t 5211'��25. li�t i:::ii:'175510i:2i TT:cV fZQ,lil,-e a � '�'��=��;•
�?C2i�5.'Z i0 i:�� 2 bOAa IA e:l 2�Cji170Ac�efilOL'i,l lf ii1C CC-'::a:SS:Cii2f C0;S1C�zi5 7l P.ZCtS- �4�a.���
S::i�'l0::,221 i}2 i�QC;i 2.T.t�i5 Of l}::5 5.'Clion.I� dete,:i:;'i'�l�t 2�G'�li!Oilcl ar;.ount ef •�: �-�.�
l�;t���^d W'i7:C�7 1i7�}'bt ;tCi"..'I:C�, ihe cornmissio,^.2f 1'c�':Zi,U1it l�?Z Ilfff:SCt i0 i]�G 1i5 � ���x..��
r7:ic;1Cl"e] rrcorG�S,i:]C�'��1;.E 2��bc�:}:S�c:2i,i2;1iS, }2!'le:^:'?to the sale of r,ene�•erders �`-�^=
for the przced;'r.g 13•n:o;�;h per,'od. J� no rse may ,::: '+o::d be less than the initi�l � �'`s``
5 lO,QGt� cr merz �h�a the ou;stz^di::g !i�bi!i:ies. '����'-„�'--'_:�
Histon•: 15S9c ?-;is3; 199?c=GTs6 - - �
- --_'�`_,'_'�"��,.��..�_---�
��.�.OS1 �\\L'.aL F.EPORT A\D I\��STIG.�TIO��. , � ::�
ct_�,;i�•isie� 1. .4nn��a1 report.O�er befo:e �fa;c5 1, a!:censee sha;l 5;e�n �aae�l x'=�'="
- ���.�-r�
fzy^OT1 u'li`� t;^e co;��;ssio;,er for ifG p:2�'IOL'S C212i.C2f�:�r. The repo�t r;ust ce�uin _�;���c�
1;:;0:;.:etlQ� i�31 iL2 C�i'�i;i:S51Q;IZT 7L��Y TPc50�2�;`' ;t�'_;:t CO.^.C��1i72, e.^.d ;or the Y1���
r i3}�CSG G1 2\::Til:�:i:�.1:;°.t+l5ii:2SS e.^,tj OrZTa:ions of ec::i�2iZi�5zd CL•iTZ�C}'ZSC�12.i fC. _�5�.;��
$ � � `'- �' ' c c o c ; �%+y�
u�d. . In rs;i don.i t;e ce;,,::�;s_ior::r rr.zy at a-���:,^..e z,^:d `�JI �t Iza_t once �� ,,�^r�v:_
11 22Ci1}'2ar in��ts:;E�iC i}12 CL„2P.C\'CSC;icP.£2�JL'S1f,Z55 O1 c':}•licer.see�^d ef e��en•pzr- �' ��
501, }^.2f'i�.2f5�'1:�: cS50Cl3i1Q�, �nd co rora�io� e.^.ga£:d i� i�;t �i:5li.ess ef oper�l7;1�2 ��T="�
C.:i�C1'iC)' tXCtici:EG 1:1 i�G f'i,�Ail2f P;O�'l�.'d U;,G�'.r sect;e� :�.0��. �
� --•:�z
S;:bd. 3. Fees ar.d expenses.The licensee s;�all pay t:�costs of�� exzr.�i�a�ioa or Y :'a
v, 3
1J'i�'CSi:�ci10:1 I:l l}:� r::.li+2i F'i,-0�']�ta L;7G'2i S:CS10T1 E+�n.��� SU�+tjl�'i510R �. � r'�i-._'+1
H;s;on�: �s9?�:oa S � .��
• =�-�:
�3.�.09 PO��'ERS; L1�IIT.4TIO�S; PROHIBITIO�S. .�-��
..: yh.^.�:
.�CL'T7Cl1C}'GXCiiel:£t 1T.Z)'AOl 2CCf�t PlO�t)'Qf CL'TTe-c�•for depos;T�Of 2Ci as bai?ee +: - :��!
� ' ^? .�=::tt+^
er aEtr.t ,or perso�s, fi�;,.s, pa��ne;ships, zsseciatior,s, or ceaporatio�s to hold mo�ey y •�--w.'�=
� _ �-�:�^
Of CU�it,C�' )A CSC'iCti�' :or ethers for zny unese. Hotit�e��er, a cu„ency exchan C f^Z • -r '
P r � Y : �-Y.�:�
cCI 25 zgr�t fer the iss�er ef noney o;�:;5 Of If2�'C�2i5� C:,.'C�:S. � .���
. � '„�'=`'-'�
Histon•: 19d9 c?=7 s 9 „ s�'u�-
�3.�.10 �ZOL�.TIO\S. i �'��
; 'a.c--r'�
.4ny erso� firn zssoci2tion,pzrt�ers!�i or co, o;a�ion that�•iolates Law•s 1939 �: �`��
P , � �� "� � `-�.�.�,
chapter 3�#7, shzll bt gLilty of a mis�e;,,eanor. '
� '-'��.`
History: 1y59 c ?97 s 10 = �,�
- � �:'s�:
�3.�..11 BOO}:S OF ACCOU\T; .4\\UAI.REPORT. "-�'';;
:. c r,�
The licensee shall keep and use in the licens:e's busi;,ess the books,accounts,and ���
recor�s that w�ill enable the commissioner to deternine w•hetber the licensee is comply- �:
ing With the pro�•isions of Izw�s 1959, chapter 2�7, a:,d w�t'� the rtiles adopted by the ="' '
;,�:=';f_::,y 'i:"-yyi� -
i��.���-�i� - .-=��~ � /� (
`°-c-- ��-'° � � ' ' J� �O
��ti i. :,•^:._�:' '
.;�kt:`� ��.•-,��� ;
:'R}'�:j ' "!"f�:'`':'•
y�c„��"- ` - 53.�.05 CL'RRE�CI'E\C'r_ti��GE� 1:90
is��Y__'._•_ '_.�r;:
_4',v�Z;=� si?�:.•
'����`C?`-' a'•�t�`_-���;`• �
�..��.►:�;�..::;���::,,.:_=: sioner shall issue a� _....n�zd lice;,se i�the licensee's new r.ar-�e er location.a 5�0 fee ;
���:y� ::>=:'•:g� }• :—.G;7�2� IICtfISe.
_- _ ;��, r;,ust be paid for t, , _.. '
„;-�-:=_ - ._:�.w�;;. Subd. ?. 0 ."^ ;,.,e
�....��:..r �1'AEi: .�.T'r.e l:cer,see shall no�i;y the cor:�miss ��..r 30 business da}•s
�2.���-��-�=`���``�^• ia �d�•znce ef any c:.=_-_e in o,��;:ership of the cL„ency exch�r.�e. The commissioner .
_�=�:•�:•��=.-���=�-��"-�� nay re�•okz a�e ccr.:-c}' exc;;arce licer,se if t�:e r.e��• o�ti��2i5�1i� �t'CL�a }1a�•e resulttd
:-+�.ti,_^'�ry� .C:: __�a+s' iC2�iSC' �� epter �3.�. �
�v.�-�;�;c ;::�=id�:::. i� a Lenial cf the i-...:1 1 L�der the �ro isions of ch .
;r z4��r�";=_�:,�_t;.' Histon�: 1S�9 c _=i s �; 199?c :�OY s 5
.�:.�. _ �:.
�. y�t i� !'.�?'T=��.a
=,��''"`_:'•� ;�.�.,-�•-:. �3.�,.06 FI�E, St'�rE\SIO�, OR RE�'OC.�TIO\ OF LICE�SF.
�=�r-�:���,_�:.�=��:��.::' �a) The ce,-nr•.:::::,2T I:12)'S::S�ef:�Of It�'O�:Z 2;IV IIC2i SZ L".:der section��.0?7 if
'�._:�.r'M .::.�=rti';•. . . ._
S re�;� ;�"=�=�= the co;ar,-,:ss:oaer ;:.._s �`at:
����` - ^`�=y��'` �1� 1�'Z� CCiiS.'e 'S ..��:�l0�i�)'��1Z c;1RL'c��1C2;lSZ it2 Of l0 7�,clilicl;l lIl 2�ftl itiC
�'.-�.r'L�:�_�-�s�:,�,��--5;=: ; :- .= , , .
��';;: -;;=;�,��:. reeui;ed bo:id OI t0 C:"-:}''.1}' �t'lih 2i1y'OiG��f, G�tC1510�, Of �7^jl^�oCthe comrn;ss;0A2t
,�..�;-`= -� =_;;�=��z u��er Lz"�s 1SS9, c:._,- er 34;;
.�`.r,-�=.=:',`;=:,'-•°.,—�:.:_ / — ;_
- � i.:���•- � thz liC2i.S2e, cr�-:}'Q�:CZf Oi�.�2ClOf Of 2 f0ip0ict2 ilC2i752C,hzs.•iotated Zny
• .���;;_?�•,;?.f '^ \'�
} -��;:' - �'�r�=�.��=- prc��is�on cf La•::s 1:_�', chap:er?�7, or aay nle er order of t,`,�co„�nissio,er u�dzr
=C: .��� .
�=� -� - ��� this chapter or eha_ :: -�•
:;��;;.� ,
�=��~'`-��y-��=�. (:) the licznse.'!�i a;�•a'ncer or director of a corpor::tZ�iCZi�52c'�}I�5�'10�2i2d "c!ly
- othzr law �ti�!:ich �,e�_:� i::�:r:e ttiat �he person is untn:s,�����hy or not quali6ed to
-;;_5�=�;.�-=— �; ,,. __
4; �,�=w.�.. ope;a�e a cL„ency .:.::::.a£e; or
:'s��:=' '' e:i)'�eCl Cf i�'�1i30:1 tX15:S�ti'i?:C:l, lf]l }1ca CXISl2a el li?2 tine ef ihe o;i�r.al
fy.^i�v'����.."'�'�-�"';- Oi f2t 2tt•c]2rr�:Cc ii�':i.•f 1L2�:C2i.5�,�t'OL`��}?c\'2 W'c�i2�itd l�:CC��17'1;SS:Oi�2f i tfL`51;��
�:�-'�—'^` .
-xc=1_���. l}1t 1551:2;:C2 Of ltz i:::'SC. .
-,a._ '�-c;J� •
--=�'°�°=r (b) .�lice::se r.._•�::ot be re��e;:ed Lntil thz licensee h::s}:2d^etice efa hea;,ne pL;-
��..'::_*'��:, �. � ' e r 1-l.
��F=��' suant to tr:e p;o�'i .a-s of c,:::p:
.�.�= -"�.•c'•= �C� .�i:CEiiS.°t-c�'S:!�;:f1�2T e.-.\'�'CZ:,S�LJ)'L�2�1�'Cil'TO T;;2 fOT:11711SSioner.The s'..'i-
_i�ui�5':� ^ '
�---'� T2AG�2f G�OtS^OI?.i�::�•:''Z�:CC�lS.°Z�s ci��il or cr,:,inzl L'ebl�ll)'i0i eC;s committrd be`o.e
~'�� �.
�'�'�`�=� 1};L SL';i2;,der, OJ' c-::I i;:t �:2}'i;:i)' e� t;�e bond rrquired b�• t::is act, or ent;tle the
.�;r:`?�+- - .
'yY���, -�, lice,^.see to a ;etu„� c� ��y part ef�r.y liceasz ize. .
-��t, � = �G� �2iG:£ SCS;::5:0:1 Of r2�'GC2tio� ef the license, lrC CQ1:1�Ti155:0:,t� T7:.�' fine a
s�=�`"� '-� licensze fcr ���elzt�e-s cf L���s l SS9, ci;z�ter '47, ss au:horized ur.der chapter 4�.
3�,� 3''. Histon�: 1�59 c _=i s 6
s�"' `�=`� �3.�.07 FILI\G Oc FEES; t�-REASO\.�BLE FEES.
, �-x�,..
'Y"' .
��y�.j: S�.:be'i��;s:on 1..�iYro��al of fees.Fees ch�;ged zt each loc�tion for check cashing ser-
"��l.ti�"�-ti_,^','_,^__.'. \'jC25 J:'1L'St �'Z �IJ2a '�':i] zr,d �pp;o�'ed by t„e connissioner.
+���.��' Subd. 2. .�menc,-:ent of fees. A lice,.see ma�• zmend its fees at any tirne by fi;ing
��.;a��-�; .
�-....' the �o osed a,,.e-::-::n�s u�iih t`,e commissioner. The zYp!icztioa for a;atndment
r�� ¢ . ..��: P" P .
'-�, ��; s,`,z�l be in��ritin¢,::::�er oa;h, aad in the for„� �rzscribed b}•the comrn�ssior,er.A fee
:n��.. -�
��..-��_.��'�-',� of 5:0 shaU acco,:.ra-_y the ap�lir�ion. T}:z commisroner shz?1 zppro�•e or de�y the
��,?:. ��i applicztio:� 60 da��s �s:er t}:e filir.g of a co:nplzte application to �nend its fees.
=" �;.,.,_�� SLbd. 3. Stand_ds; unreasonable fees prohibited. The ccmmiss;oner may diszp-
.L�-� _
`�>�— p:o�•e the tees filed;,�•a cur;enc.•excha�ee if they are not;air z,.d;e�sonable.In deter-
�� �„'� mir.ing w�hzther a :`ee is fair and reasonzble, the conrnissioner snzll take i�to
�,• eo:,si�eratio�:
�'3�� (1) rxtes char::d :n the pzst for c�shing of checks by tho�e pe;sor.s znd organiz2-
'�'�* ` tions pro��iding ch:ck cashir.g ser••ices in the stzte of�linnesota;
-�--�• . (?) the inco,;:e,cest,ar.d experience of the operations of curency exchanees exist-
'. ,�;�� � �; ing prior to this e;:zct„ient or in other s;�tes under similzr conditions or regulations;
��r^i ' (3) the amou�t of risk in��ol�•ed in the t.�'pe of check to be cash:d and the location ,
w•here the currency exchange operates;
_ (4)�the generzl cost of doing business,insurance costs,security costs,ban3:ing fees,
`� znd other costs associated w7th the operations of the panicular cur,er.cy exchznge;
- ;
_ . � .�...._ _ - '__'.�- __.�s: v-f��.r-'�..- rS ' —-�=L� .�::�:.-�'�:—" ^�� F�ti,;'-��c.��' - _ , .
�a `'
y"- " r���;
:��'�-� :::-:��_r
�`��5-�-'~„r�'?` =_ -�t�"� l � - '�� b
�,,A,.'i[• *"- -'ti'.- c
��;:==�__;.�.=��?:�:�_-_• 3A.11 CL'nRE�CI'�:;C���CES 1 S
��.4�..r:� ` _?l �r, ^� '- 2
�,���;- _�_ • = � commissio�er. .� ;:c:r.sez sh.:,l preser�e the boo.l•s, acce��r�ts, zad records for at least
;�.��.�:�s� ':=-��� t�:�o �•ea;s zfter r-_Lng the 5na1 entry.
-���'=�-`��'�y'"'�`��: Histon•• Iy���c?=7s I1
�rt'Y ti-;'.�:�ti;.�i:��;�. .
�-���:� ;._.'"�: •- 53:�.12 RLZES
�--�. „�;.-�_:-:✓fr;r��;:'^• .
��- : ,;:..�=._. " . .
'•�- :��.'3'�' T}:e comr,,:ss:_•-er nay zdopt rules under chap;er 1; as nay be r.ecesszry to
; �rt��s=�:`${1' adnir.ister aad z-._rce this chzp�er. , '
=�;=- '_w'��-;''� Histon•• 19�R: c ?47 s 12
'.� � .T"•`��.-�y.`..�� � .
'� '����� - `�°�^�� �3A.13 FEE \OTICE; F.�I.SE AD��R�'ISI\G; PE\.4L,T�'.
�. ;;::; �s:_ -�-:
Y �,�-'`"_ `��`"`=" Subdi�•isio� l. Fee norice. The fees ch2rged by curre„cy exct;anges for ren�ering
�:'i -�= �',�=?:=
`�'�- _��-�=�i•� �hc�=�ed b th's act r' on the p;enisu of
_:i �;,_,_�= a,^.y sen�ice 2u y : nust be prorinzn�ly d;s�,a��ed
-�;;z_ V;F;��.' the cur;e;:cy exctz-ge ia the fashio� re ui;ed by the c ^. 's `
_ _ -- -;��,:;;=• 4 0„ ,;:: s:oner.
_� _. . ��•-;;
��: = - s�_• . Subd. 2. Fal;e :.d��erising. .4 licr,:see may not ad�•enis:, print, displz.�, publis5,
'' :r�z:��''_:' diSiT]bL`iG, OI' biC'c;.CcSt a;l)' SS3I2;71f::t Of TCPT2SL;II21101 1}:et IS i215C, 7i7;5�t2C'1;£, Ot
<r:- ���s;s., decepti�•e, or that c-:�s materi�l in�ornatio�.
l�Y.y;� -���.�T� .�
__ - _:�_�;=_�;- Subd. �.Ci�;l I:_bilih-;pen�h'.A pe;son�•ho�'iol2tes a;,�•s�bdi�•isioa of th:s chap-
_ __�:,.-��:>:
- - - -�--�'.--•- ter is liable to the ,::son darnaged b�•the�•iola;ien for actLal ca;,�zges.The ceun may
_ ��j=,�'p'?i==--
-�:oi���,:.�: zw•zrd rtasonaFJit �:,orr,ey fees 2Ad COSiS.
_ �...�l�Y �`�yYY� .
t.-=•��,..�.,; Historti•: 19�9 c ?97 s 13 �
+_=;..°:?�� �3.4.14 [Repea'; , 1992 c SQ� s SJ ,
�s'.'�\ � Y
-�...�yi=G �:'
- ������ .
<C�;�'r ��:
'�G �"T t.
_� ' Y..
: ����L.
_ �-,;;.��
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.�;�� :
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�i"�t y+�'��'>,S
h ��r...�'a.s.<'.
;4�.,`-'�S,r �,¢�V
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,:...���'`�; .
_ .r ��,.
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S t'y'�:
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�e�;�S� �' .
,� �,•�+4. .
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.__, -�_.�� �� _ .4' "�fr^' _ �.>_Ti� ..r• '"�t - .... ...� - •.� _
_.__.�_� ��'�__. . . �l�' ��" ..��YY%Ty. -. . _ '
. .. � :V`' . . . ♦.�
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c-r-� ;��`Y ;,T a����,�_..��
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lE9 �°Y.�=a i��-:C� �;e.^�T
Cl'nRE\Cl'EX \ $c7.�.Q �-�r �..` �•-
CH.� GE 3 � ..-�s=�: '�;-.-;,-
ry •r i_S'e.'"-"7`'?%y�+��' �,�...
/� (JI �"^:=:1-:'i�'--' Y..---+•-~�IS.�Y%i
CH.-�PTE � . ��=i1F`.+�j"'" ?li�
..%r -,,:"�=_.,, s..""-��.i;' .e:.•
R �3�. GC�' �J ;���j�:�.::K�-�:�,-�:�:
� �:'. -.:' `�::�-�=�=-��-<
,��>,''-::-ir - =•4:,.�..�
r c41.`v.j�a i'1�,.,j�"'� ...
CliRRE\CY E�CH�\GES '�K-.��'°'�` -=��",=-�`;��
': -�:` �.:A
+���`_ ;�''';�r�..."�:;°'.<y�=.�
"��-' .,. �,-�T'r;-r`'�.``�t.�+�r
,_ . _ �.. �,�..
: •_., . - �: -�'y�-y•.r s
:4.C•3 ..,,!i:.:ics.`cr liccas:.fe:s. a�•� -�.. ��__,_-.�::.YL�:
�2+'=4�°'2;r�'�:�:,yw:_x Z
53.4.03 .�P C IO\• F ��>:T� _::_ :--�:rd.�:��
PLI AT OR LICE\�E• FEES. �'='=cw�:.-'�''"'�=''
' ��'-�;'":_�";���,;:
(a) A� �ppGcatien for a licens: ,;,�st be i� �•;iti;.�: �_=cer e<<h, z�d in the ,`orm -ti�<�=���:���`�.�
���:� �.__a:.�_,:�:
prescribed "c'd iL'T�15iCd �\'i:,2 C0-•1';�JSSiQi72f 2�i� ;TiL'S: :G'ic;7 1iG i �t� �i��!='-'::}C==r�=c.�::`_
��� lriC iL'lI;7iFiE�r:d'cCC�.*255�''�' c' ._ G1�0 1,-iE: '_ :�!��_:�'�'-��:y��.�'
��:lQf*2.:Ce^C�eP.0 :CG Qt�115 c� , --K•`�';�'�..•,--�_' w•�
nd :f;he z �^es_ of�he sppli. . '�:x.,:�.-.�:�--.ti•�...�
�' �-�-� ��.��.:�--.- .:c,,.
Ccill, c Yr��Cc,^.t 15 3 }2;�':f5:::� CT 255G�1'ci:G'; Oi 2�'C;1' T;�2;,:ber, 2�d iiiC ''^' �`=+"^`�_`.:,".`�`z��a
�"`�;.�:-?'-��•r-:::: �,!�'
name cP.d �L'Sii:255 ctJt�,ieSS :1 i,:G 2^'+liCc� "'� � . p`-L`•''":'S• - .".��- �``
rr ':i I$ 2 C0� Oie:. .l � e ;Y.�,.;_��- •,•1 L�:
L. . • r t -=,�'^=•°:�f'c'•==�'•%�-'✓�`=�
��� li�C COui:i�' E7tj iTiL77:C1}c�l:\•� 1�'litl 51 E r lf :7�' Of S�� � �''`" ��Y—��• '�
h^ ; ct zad r•_-:=� , z , cu;;ency „`= =�=�=�,.�::�'"r`'� ;
C\C ci:£C �OCeiiG^S 0}2ict�� �1'itf e�'+�:C2Slif cild ,�"'�'^�-:�-t-.�� �''-�-'
1; t r ',r.L��'..ti`{?�.iTh�'• ���
��� L.2 e}rl:Cenl�S OCCLYeli0:1 Ci�;Or2c5:0i1�;er t�e:•- ��ea 'z;elti•pi tCG'�- � ��"°������J-ti�:.
;5 1Ti:�fG�! i:
ing the app?ir;ien; -escnt er�' \'j�• � j ' �' � =�`�'-��+�►� '*`?r
t�� }.Z �.:5 CO3 ,-:2CI Q� �t'il e')' Oi�er cu„er.c�•exchZ, � .;e'�,�-•''�' �`�;�-�i`�`-�•�q`'y`
^f� �.��'...�'�s-•si�_`x'�''GC�
ia this er�ny C•:Ltr 5�'eiC; ��'}itiPtf i;:t er�1,:�c;:t i cs e�•er::::1 C0i1�'1tltd Of cP.Y crir.ne; :_,�,�:-�y�-``.�-+.-'z��•�;
�;:d the nzture ef ttie 2pp;ir-t's occ_r�-�cy ef the pre-:z:s to c+e lice s: �-=T�� �` '�'=�
�"� �1Ccri ch _.• r _ ;i �; z�d if the � �-`'LY`:,-��a'_;,
}.'r� t is a }z,—�ne; .ip or a c��-���::,;c�l ii]2 1� Qi7T:2i �'+: �c ^�f��-c��a_�,:��r.:-'_'�--�
�. t v :�.. .r r,.,ed i�t'�:$rei�£fc}^,tl a.y-��:.s'�» _..:;:iD�'�.�%*'-�.
�r;::st be sL :;d ;er e�ch a d � ' of the c '��'`�'�"'�'''"�-'.�""`
�Y� } ii.-�2i e;i �eCil Q�. C2f c�ld C::::iC•f GlYOi2110:1. ]f �`-- ^C•-.�'�'�'^'-`-'x`=�
:LC c}��7Cci.t�5 2�ei�:^.fi5}l:}7 Gr 2:^.G-�r;;j!iCi}'ii2��COT}G"�::J:l�iL:C :i::OTi:�eil0l$}7CC!- c��^���:�••"'>'.��:'�
�'Y.>'�'_�� tw.r.i
�2d 1;1 i;':JS *'c,-2E;2� �� � �- � ' � ���,`�---�`�-����-��'2.
r• t�l f'?L_( �e seeei:td cf ecCil ei�.,2r e'.'. :cC� 0:7C.r� CltfCiOr� ci)d ��"'=��:�-%�-�ra�
stockhe;ce,-s o'•�;:7LQ in excess of i2:1 �:;i2.-:(Of tiC CO,"+}.C�"e:: SiOCK C•1�'�e ce tor�ioa. �s���'�"��-�^--a--��
(b) The z-+-'�c�::0:1 Sil'c�� �'. cCCO:-reP.;�d �)•2 ;lOL::�.:'•L2�iZ `'ee of c2:0 for ii:C ' i�'a�^-��,.`,-,,.'ti.�--{`�,.> 'i
rY�' � _��—'- �j��
re�•ie«' Of 1L1C i:::::�� Gt��ICCiiG7. L�t�'.l 'e�r:0�'e� .}'i)' 1}:C C:--;ccj0:?Gf� �7 eC°G°I::OAcl �'+s'=�:��s"'�i''�s��
l:cense fee of 5���?:L`51 LJe}7c7Q��'ii�z e��lj : � ==r �-�:+•••..c'3
r Cc:�l 'c5�:1 ci:7:�c1'. ce,-,se.CG iOT 1}1G iC^e17- � .�:��'+����L^9
�er of i�C C2�2�i,cr�ezr..�n e.*.�L��e�1;CZS15G;ee of S:0 is c::;:er ezch SU�+ceQL'tilt C2��;7- ��-
ris' � �M"-r°'t�=� � :
dar.�e�r of op°"ciIQ;1 L�01 SL'b:�;ssi�� cf a lice�se rene�-z� er�)ica�;en ea or b.°iOiG ,���t�3�, ���
Sep1Ci,tJ2r �. Fees �i:i51 �G �C}QS::Cd iA i'�t SieiG i;t25li:1'�-� �;Z�j;ed 10 ir•G £��tfE� �W�����
- �. �,: "'''-a
fL'7'id. L'pon pa�;r.•e;,t ef the i2GL1;C� e;:,'•�c� �jCZ�c� ;ee, t : �p;++;,:1cc:0;1CI SL2�] 15SUC �
�`'' ,r•'�.���;':
2 licer,se for the ��ear beginni;:g ?a�La;,• 1. � .���.
(c) The co.ii^1i557G�Gr S�'ic��:2CL'i:G it•G c'� �1C2At 10 � � �^ ��'�"`�-���
tr� �'=_•'.71 10 2 ,.cC�:E;OU�d 1A�Y5- r
l:E2i10� COAdL'Ci: , . • , -'r'��'•, ^'
d��•the bLrru of c�.;,:;:,zl app;ehens:ea::s a co�di;i�a of licer,sure. � •
.�s pz;t etthe bPCl:frotnd ir,�•es�icatie�,t;,e�L;e�u ofcr'-::-z�e'� c c r � -���
';..�_ ..._..�--
r�;e en_�on ?�211eo�- ��--:�:;=s,*�
C�i]Cl Ci 177'J7i1c�t:S:Cf1'C}'ieC�:S Of��il;::�;$Qi2 i tCO;G°5 c::d IS e;::=orized to exc`�nFe fi�eer- t-'" 4..��� �yO?�:,,�-�+�
prin;s With �he Fe�e;�l BL-ezu ef J;:��es,;��;io� for ;=: � + "��'''�- '�'�.`==`-�
�u:pc_e c1 a criminal ��.� �;;�u�
�2ckerour,d c`eck ef�he n�tio��l {;es. Tt�e co.t ef th� ' .s,� `�- �
� :' '.�atioa r„ust be f �="-
the applica,-,t. '• Paid by ,� �,�.�
� ���_4'�
(d) For p�reses ef this sec:io�, `zr?1ic�r:t" incluces �� em o��ee v.�:: c - ^���"`�;�'""�y��
pJ o exerci_es �—�x N�
i .3�.Lr� .r".�.�i-Ci-]^��• • .
i77c;1c¢f;,iCril Of�O�IC)'C07t70�0�'tt:fit C0:71}'�2,-,v 2 G�;;e��p,- -�'j ' `�`� �'' -.�='�-'�
.� ,��o„ cer,a)in:ted or een- -��.��'�� °-;;.=��
2fc1 p2rir.er,a m���Eer,or a sharehol�er}ol�ir,e ne,-G 1}1e.i::��;fCCi1i Of the oct512nd- �'��'r���1�
i�g stock af the co;�eration. ' �'��';"���
Histon�: 1 y93 c 3:9 s 1 .��f�=���rh,�.�
" -�,.�.
j��,`^' -'{' ~..;r,._�-''c*
. �.-'�`�'r�'e:t��..j�'
;'�.f-.�c�=_�,.r .'T�.e
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.ti��iv,r�i = . ..�.._...��_.'A
:'.i�O�u° �' ° 1 .,� � S�
100 Washington Square, Suite 1700
__ 100 Washington Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138
Author•s Direct Address: 110 Bank Street SE - No. 905
Minneapolis, NII�T 55414
(612) 331-2791
October 28, 1996
Council of the City of St . Paul
310 City Hall
St. Paul, NIl�i 55102
virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney,
City of St . Paul
400 City Hall and Courthouse
15 west Kellogg Boulevard
St . Paul, Minnesota 55102
New Money Express, Inc .
785 East Seventh Street
St . Paul, NIl�T 55106
Re: The Currency Exchange License Application of: New Money
Express, Inc . ; OAH Docket No. 86-2111-10753-3
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Enclosed herein and served upon you by U.S. Mail, please find the
Findings of Fact, Conclusions, and Recommendation in the above
Very truly yours,
� . C%�---`
George L. Carlson
Administrative Law Judge
cc : Troy Gilbertson, License Enforcement Auditor
Providing Impartial Hearings for Government and Citizens
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Administrative Law Section&Administrative Services(612)341-7600 �TDD No. (612)341-7346 � Fax No. (612)349-2665
. ` ���- ( `���
86-21 1 1-1 0752-3
In Re: The Currency Exchange License FINDINGS OF FACT
Application of: Check Express Minnesota CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION
1532 University Avenue West, #100
St. Paul, MN 55104
The above-entitled matter came on for hearing before Administrative Law Judge
George L. Carlson, on October 1, 1996 in the Ramsey County Courthouse. The record
closed at the conclusion of the scheduled hearing.
Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney, City of St. Paul, 400 City Hall and
Courthouse, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102, appeared on behalf
of the City of St. Paul. Cary Geller, President of the Applicant appeared on behalf of
Check Express Minnesota, without benefit of counsel.
This Report is a recommendation, not a final decision. The Council of the City of
St. Paul will make the final decision after a review of the record which may adopt, reject
or modify the Findings of Fact, Conclusions, and Recommendations contained herein.
Pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 310.05 (c-1), the final decision of the City
Council shall not be made until this Report has been made available to the parties to the
proceeding and the applicant has been provided an opportunity to present oral or written
arguments alleging error on the part of the of the administrative law judge in the
application of the law or the interpretation of the facts and an opportunity to present
argument related to any recommended adverse action. The applicant should contact
Council of the City of St. Paul, 310 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102, to ascertain the
procedure for presenting argument.
Should this application for a currency exchange license, under Minn. Stat. Chapter
53A, be approved by the Council of the City of St. Paul, after published notice and
Based upon all of the proceedings herein, the Administrative Law Judge makes
the following:
, ��_ I � �
1. The Notice of Public Hearing in this matter was served by the City of St.
Paul on the Applicant on September 23, 1996 by mail.
2. In accordance with Minn. Stat. § 53A.04 and Chapter 381 of the St. Paul
Legislative Code, Troy Gilbertson, License Enforcement Auditor, notified interested
persons of the public hearing, scheduled for October 1, 1996 by publication and by letter,
on September 24, 1996.
3. The Applicant by Mr. Geller, the Assistant City Attorney, Ms. Palmer, and
Mr. Ted Koeppl of the City of St. Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental
Protection appeared at the scheduled public hearing. No testimony was taken. The
hearing was scheduled to begin at 9:45 a.m. After waiting until 9:55 a.m. for possible
appearance by members of the public, the undersigned, the Applicant, Ms. Palmer and
Mr. Koeppl concurred that there was no need to take testimony or to otherwise proceed
with a formal hearing. Ms. Palmer submitted the City's exhibits. It was indicated that no
interested persons had contacted the City after the issuance of the Notice of Public
Hearing and that the application was in order.
Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact, the Administrative Law Judge makes
the following:
1. The Council of the City of St. Paul and the Administrative Law Judge have
jurisdiction in this matter pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 14.55 and the St. Paul Legislative
Code, Minn. Stat. §§ 381.02, 310.05, and 310.06.
2. The City of St. Paul has fulfilled all relevant substantive and procedural
requirements of law and rule.
3. The City of St. Paul has given proper notice of the hearing in this matter
including proper notice in accordance with the requirements set forth in Minn. Stat.
Chapter 53A and Chapter 381 of the Legislative Code of the City of St. Paul.
4. The Applicant has fully complied with the application requirements
specified by law.
5. No members of the public have opposed the application for licensure.
Based upon the foregoing Conclusions, the Administrative Law Judge makes
the following:
. ' � � �� �
� �
IT IS RESPECTFULLY RECOMMENDED: that the Council of the City of St. Paul
approve the currency exchange license application of Check Express Minnesota.
Dated this 28th day of October, 1996
� •
eorge L. arlson
Administrative Law Judge
Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 53A.04, the Council of the City of Saint Paul is
required to forward its approval or disapproval of the license application to the
Commissioner of Commerce of the State of Minnesota for the Commissioner's
approval or disapproval. If the application is denied, the Commissioner shall mail
notice of the denial and the reason therefore to the applicant. The applicant upon
denial may request a further hearing as provided for Minn. Stat. § 53A.04 (b).
: STATE OF MINNESOTA � �- � ��4°
100 Washington Square, Suite 1700
100 Washington Avenue South
••��. .`.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138
October30, 1996
Fred Owusu
City Clerk
170 City Hall
15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55102
Re: In the Matter of the Currency Exchange License Application of New
Money Express, Inc.; OAH Docket No. 86-2111-10753-3
Dear Mr. Owusu:
On October 28 1996, Administrative Law Judge Carlson served the Findings of
Fact, Conclusions and Recommendation in the above-entitled matter. Enclosed is the
official record, with the exception of the tape recording of the hearing. If you would like
a copy of those tapes, please contact our office in writing or telephone 341-7615. Our
file in this matter is now being closed.
Very truly yours,
a ��� • `,�Zt.�'�a'°
Nancy M. Thomas
Docket Clerk
Telephone: 612/341-7615
Providing Impartial Hearings for Government and Citizens
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Administrative Law Section&Administrative Services(612)341-7600 •TDD No. (612)341-7346 � Fau No. (612)349-2665
�( C�- �'���
In Re: The Currency Exchange License Application of: New Money Express, Inc.
) ss
George L. Carlson, being first duly sworn, hereby deposes and says that on the
28th day of October 1996, at the City of Minneapolis, county and state aforementioned,
he served the attached Findinqs of Fact. Conclusions and Recommendation: 86-2111-
10753-3 by depositing in the United States mail at said City of Minneapolis, a true and
correct copy thereof, properly enveloped, with first class postage prepaid and addressed
to the individuals named herein.
Council of the City of St. Paul Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney,
310 City Hall City of St. Paul
St. Paul, MN 55102 400 City Hall and Courthouse
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
New Money Express, Inc.
785 East Seventh Street
St. Paul, MN 55106
eorge L. arlson
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 28th day of October, 1996
�U�-m � ' _
Notary Public
Y� My Comm.Expires Jan.31,2000.
�(� - l�y �
In Re: The Currency Exchange License FINDINGS OF FACT
Application of: New Money Express, Inc. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION
785 East Seventh Street
St. Paul, MN 55106
The above-entitled matter came on for hearing before Administrative Law Judge
George L. Carlson, on October 1, 1996 in the Ramsey County Courthouse. The record
closed at the conclusion of the scheduled hearing.
Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney, City of St. Paul, 400 City Hall and
Courthouse, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102, appeared on behalf
of the City of St. Paul. Ms. Alice Gunderson, Manager for the Applicant appeared on
behalf of New Money Express, Inc., without benefit of counsel.
This Report is a recommendation, not a final decision. The Council of the City of
St. Paul will make the final decision after a review of the record which may adopt, reject
or modify the Findings of Fact, Conclusions, and Recommendations contained herein.
Pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 310.05 (c-1), the final decision of the City
Council shall not be made until this Report has been made available to the parties to the
proceeding and the applicant has been provided an opportunity to present oral or written
arguments alleging error on the part of the of the administrative law judge in the
application of the law or the interpretation of the facts and an opportunity to present
argument related to any recommended adverse action. The applicant should contact
Council of the City of St. Paul, 310 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102, to ascertain the
procedure for presenting argument.
Should this application for a currency exchange �icense, under Minn. Stat. Chapter
53A, be approved by the Council of the City of St. Paul, after published notice and
Based upon all of the proceedings herein, the Administrative Law Judge makes
the following:
��/ �, ����
1. The Notice of Public Hearing in this matter was served by the City of St.
Paul on the Applicant on September 23, 1996 by mail.
2. In accordance with Minn. Stat. § 53A.04 and Chapter 381 of the St. Paul
Legislative Code, Troy Gilbertson, License Enforcement Auditor, notified interested
persons of the public hearing, scheduled for October 1, 1996 by publication and by letter,
on September 24, 1996.
3. The Applicant by Ms. Gunderson, the Assistant City Attorney, Ms. Palmer,
and Mr. Ted Koeppl of the City of St. Paul Office of License, Inspections and
Environmental Protection appeared at the scheduled public hearing. No testimony was
taken. The hearing was scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. After waiting until 9:40 a.m. for
possible appearance by members of the public, the undersigned, the Applicant, Ms.
Palmer and Mr. Koeppl concurred that there was no need to take testimony or to
otherwise proceed with a formal hearing. Ms. Palmer submitted the City's exhibits. It
was indicated that no interested persons had contacted the City after the issuance of the
Notice of Public Hearing and that the application was in order.
Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact, the Administrative Law Judge makes
the following:
1. The Council of the City of St. Paul and the Administrative Law Judge have
jurisdiction in this matter pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 14.55 and the St. Paul Legislative
Code, Minn. Stat. §§ 381.02, 310.05, and 310.06.
2. The City of St. Paul has fulfilled all relevant substantive and procedural
requirements of law and rule.
3. The City of St. Paul has given proper notice of the hearing in this matter
including proper notice in accordance with the requirements set forth in Minn. Stat.
Chapter 53A and Chapter 381 of the Legislative Code of the City of St. Paul.
4. The Applicant has fully complied with the application requirements
specified by law.
5. No members of the public have opposed the application for licensure.
Based upon the foregoing Conclusions, the Administrative Law Judge makes
the following:
�f�7�_ �����
IT IS RESPECTFULLY RECOMMENDED: that the Council of the City of St. Paul
approve the currency exchange license application of New Money Express, Inc.
Dated this 28th day of October, 1996
� .
eorge L. arlson
Administrative Law Judge
Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 53A.04, the Council of the City of Saint Paul is
required to forward its approval or disapproval of the license application to the
Commissioner of Commerce of the State of Minnesota for the Commissioner's
approval or disapproval. If the application is denied, the Commissioner shall mail
notice of the denial and the reason therefore to the applicant. The applicant upon
denial may request a further hearing as provided for Minn. Stat. § 53A.04 (b).
I lv- 1� I 1�
Author�s Direct Address: 110 Bank Street SE - No. 905
Minneapolis, NIl�i 55414
(612) 331-2791
October 28, 1996
Council of the City of St . Paul
310 City Hall
St . Paul, NII�T 55102
Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney,
City of St . Paul
400 City Hall and Courthouse
15 west Kellogg Boulevard
St . Paul, Minnesota 55102 ,
New Money Express, Inc.
785 East Seventh Street
St. Paul, NIl�T 55106
Re: The Currency Exchange License Application of : New Money
Express, Inc . ; OAH Docket No. 86-2111-10753-3
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Enclosed herein and served upon you by U.S. Mail, please find the
Findings of Fact, Conclusions, and Recommendation in the above
Very truly yours,
George L. Carlson
Administrative Law Judge
cc: Troy Gilbertson, License Enforcement Auditor
Robert Kessler,Director
Norm Co[eman,Mayor Suite 300 Facsimile: 612-266-9099
350 St.Peter Street 6]2-266-9124
SaintPaul,Minnesota 55102-I510
September 23, 1996
Judge George Carlson
110 Bank Street NE #909
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Dear Judge Carlson,
Enclosed you will find the notice of hearing and cover letter addressed to the license applicants
for the two currency exchange hearings to be held October 1, 1996. The hearings are routine
license matters and I do not expect the recommendations to be contested.
Please contact me at 266-9101 for any questions you may have.
�-=---,,j `.i__,
:� � '�
License Enforcement Auditor
P �
Rober[Kessler,Director ���
��, - '
Norm Coleman,Mayor BUILDING Facsimile: 612-266-9099
Suite 300 612-266-9124
350 St.Peter Street
SaintPaui.Minnesota 55102-I510
September 23, 1996
Ardyth Kennedy
2442 Union street #2
San Diego, CA 92101
Re: Currency Exchange License Application
Dear Mr. Kennedy:
The City of Saint Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has
received notification from the Minnesota Department of commerce of your currency
exchange license application for New Money Express at 785 East Seventh Street, Saint
Paul, Minnesota 55106.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
local governing body after published notice and hearing.
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge on behalf of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul. The hearing will be held Tliesday, October 1, 1996 at 9:30
a.m. in the Ramsey County Courthouse, room 42, 15 West Kellog Boulevard, Saint
Paul, Minnesota. Your attendance at this hearing is extremely important, especially if
any adverse testimony is presented to which you wish to respond.
The Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 381.02(c) directs the license applicant to pay a
fee to the City covering the costs of administering and processing the currency exchange
application. T'he fee for this application is $317.00 and must be paid within (15) days
of the receipt of this letter. The Code further requires the applicant to reimburse the
City for its costs in conducting the hearing(s) prescribed by State Law. You may be
billed for those costs after the hearing(s).
1 �
��� �.1���
For your convenience, a copy of the notice of hearing as well as the City Ordinance
Section 381 has been enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact Christine
Rozek at 266-9108.
Troy Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney
, . r
, �
RobertKessler,Director I (�
� 4- "'`, `
CITY OF SAINT PAUL LICENSEAND Telephone:612-266-9100
Norm Coleman,Mayor INSPECTIONS Facsimile:611-266-912�1
350 St.Peter Street
Suite 300
SainiPaul,Minnesota 55102
Currency Exchange License Application
of New Money Express, Inc.
785 East Seventh Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106
Office of Administrative Hearings
on the behalf of the
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that testimony will be taken from interested persons, including
those in the community with respect to the application of New Money Express, Inc. to
operate a currency exchange by license issued under Minn. Stat. §53A.02.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
governing body, after published notice and hearing, within 60 days after receipt of the
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge from the Minnesota Office
of Administrative Hearings, on behalf of the Council of the City of Saint Paul. His or her
report, and recommendation for action, will be forwarded to the Council for its action.
Date of Public Hearing:Tuesday October 1, 1996
Time :9:30 a.m.
Location of Public Hearing:
Ramsey County Courthouse
Room 42, Lower Level
15 West Kellog Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
If you have any questions, please call Christine Rozek, Office of License, Inspections
and Environmental Protection at 266-9108.
�t �,\'�°��
Ch�pter 381. Curre�icy Exchanges
Sec. 381.01. St1te license required; definition.
No person shall engage in the business of a currency exchange in Saint Paul without a
license as provided by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 53A.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 2, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.02. Procedures; hearing; fee.
(a)Procedi�res. Upon receipt of a completed application from the commissioner of
commerce for either a new license or the renewal of an existing license, the matter shall be
referred to the office of license, inspections and environmental protection for initiation of a
hearing as required by state law within the period allowed for the response of the governing body.
The hearing shall be for the purpose of taking testimony from interested persons, including those
in the community in which the applicant is located or is proposing to be located, as required by
law, and upon grounds or issues as to which notice has been given in accordance with the
requireinents of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code. The said office shall publish
and give notice as required by law.
(b)Hearing. The hearing shall be held before an independent hearing examiner in
conformity with the provisions of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code, and the
rules of the office of administrative hearings, to the extent such rules are not in conflict with
sections 310.05 and 310.06.
(c)Fee; costs. The applicant shall pay, within fifteen (15) days following receipt of the
application by the city, a fee covering the costs of administering and processing the application in
an amount to be established in conformity with the procedures in section 310.09(b) of the
Legislative Code. The applicant shall also reimburse the city, within fifteen (15) days following
action by the city council on the application, for its costs in conducting the hearing or hearings
prescribed by state law, including publication costs and the cost of the administrative proceedings
and hearing before an independent hearing examiner.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 3, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.03. Grounds for disapproval, etc.
(a)Disapproval. The council may by resolution disapprove an application and, if so, shall
state therein its reasons for so doing. It may adopt in whole or in part the findings of fact and
conclusions of!aw of the independent hearing examiner and may amend the same to conform to
its decision on the record and the testimony. Notice of the disapproval may be communicated to
the commissioner of commerce before the effective date of any such resolution where necessary
to avoid a presumption of concurrence.
r . , •
, �
� � - I � � �
(b) Urounds for disapproval. Disapproval of an application may be based on one (I) or
more of the followina grounds, in addition to any other ground allowed by law:
(1) Violation of any provision of the state currency exchange law contained in Chapter
53 A.
(2) Any one (1) or more ofthe reasons, conditions, or standards for adverse action
under section 310.06 of the Legislative Code.
(3) Failure of the applicant to pay the city fee and costs prescribed above.
(4) (i) The location of a new currency exchange as proposed would cause
significant adverse consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods
within three hundred (300) feet of the exchange. Such anticipated effect
must be shown by clear and convincing evidence.
(ii) The existing currency exchange has caused significant adverse
consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods within three hundred
(300) feet of the exchange.
(5) Failure of the applicant to agree to reasonable conditions upon the operation of the
business in accordance with the procedures in section 310.05 and the grounds of
310.06. Such conditions could include, but are not limited to, hours of operation,
off-street parking requirements, bondina in an amount greater than that required by
state law, and annual audits at the licensee's expense.
(6) The applicant is not of good moral character and repute and/or is unfit.to operate
such a business. �
(7) The applicant is not at least eighteen (18) years of age.
(8) The applicant is not the real party in interest in the application.
(9) The location of the business for which a new currency exchange license is sought is
within one-half mile of an existina currency exchange licensed by the state.
(10)) The applicant or its proposed business location does not comply with applicable
zoning, building, fire and health codes.
(c) Persons and corporations. If an applicant is a partnership, the application may be
denied if there is a basis for denial as to any partner. If the applicant is a corporation, the
application may be denied if there is a basis for denial as to any (i) shareholder holding more than
five (5) percent of the outstandina or issued stock of the corporation, or (ii) officer or director of
the corporation, or (iii) employee of the enterprise having policy or management control over the
i . . ,
� _ ���(�
C.F. No. 94-46 4 2-2-94 �
( � § , )
Sec. 381.04: Definitions.
The following words and/or phrases shall have the following meaning when used in this
chapter and in Chapter 310 of the Legislative Code.
(a)Applicant. The term "applicant" includes persons, partnerships, firms and corporations
and all other forms of business ventures. It also includes employees who exercise management or
policy control over the enterprise, general and limited partners, shareholders of more than five (5)
percent of the outstanding or issued shares of a corporation, and corporate managers, officers and
(b)Application. The term "application" includes applications for both new and renewal
(c)Licerzse. The term "license" refers to the state currency exchange license provided for
in Minnesota Statutes Section 53A.02.
(d) Cz�r•r•errcy e�charrge. The term "currency exchange" is defined in Minnesota Statutes
Section 53A.01, subdivision l. Currency exchange means any person, except a bank, trust
� company, savings bank, savings and loan association, credit union, or industrial loan and thrift
company, engajed in the business of cashing checks, drafts, money orders or travelers' checks for
a fee. Currency exchange does not include a person who provides these services incidental to the
person's primary business if the charge for cashing a check or draft does not exceed one dollar
($1.00) or one (1) percent of the value of the check or draft, whichever is greater.
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 5, 2-2-94)
Robert Kessler,Director
�� ' I� 1 �
Norm Coleman,Mayor BUILDlNG Facsimile: 612-266-9099
Suite 300 612-266-9124
350 St.Peter Street
SaintPaul,Minnesota 55102-1510
September 23, 1996
Alice Gunderson
8705 12th Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55425
Re: Cunency Exchange License Application
Dear Ms. Gunderson:
The City of Saint Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has
received notification from the Minnesota Department of commerce of your currency
exchange license application for New Money Express at 785 East Seventh Street, Saint
Paul, Minnesota 55106.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
local governing body after published notice and hearing.
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge on behalf of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul. The hearing will be held Tuesday, October 1, 1996 at 9:30
a.m. in the Ramsey County Courthouse, room 42, 15 West Kellog Boulevard, Saint
Paul, Minnesota. Your attendance at this hearing is extremely important, especially if
any adverse testimony is presented to which you wish to respond.
The Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 381.02(c) directs the license applicant to pay a
fee to the City covering the costs of administering and processing the currency exchange
application. The fee for this application is $317.00 and must be paid within (15) days
of the receipt of this letter. The Code further requires the applicant to reimburse the
City for its costs in conducting the hearing(s) prescribed by State Law. You may be
billed for those costs after the hearing(s).
� �
G7 � - l� l T
For your convenience, a copy of the notice of hearing as well as the City Ordinance
Section 381 has been enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact Christine
Rozek at 266-9108.
� �
Troy Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney
Robert Kessler,Director � � w
CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL LICENSEAND Telephone:6/2-266-9100
Norm Coleman,Mayor lNSPECTIONS Facsimile:612-266-9124
350 St.Peter Street
Suite 300
SaintPaul,Minnesota 55102
Currency Exchange License Application
of New Money Express, Inc.
785 East Seventh Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106
Office of Administrative Hearings
on the behalf of the
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that testimony will be taken from interested persons, including
those in the community with respect to the application of New Money Express, Inc. to
� operate a currency exchange by license issued under Minn. Stat. §53A.02.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
governing body, after published notice and hearing, within 60 days after receipt of the
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge from the Minnesota Office
of Administrative Hearings, on behalf of the Council of the City of Saint Paul. His or her
report, and recommendation for action, will be forwarded to the Council for its action.
Date of Public Hearing:Tuesday October 1, 1996
Time :9:30 a.m.
Location of Public Hearing:
Ramsey County Courthouse
Room 42, Lower Level
15 West Kellog Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
If you have any questions, please call Christine Rozek, Office of License, Inspections
and Environmental Protection at 266-9108.
�� � - ��� �
Chapter 381. Currency Exchanges
Sec. 381.01. State license required; definition.
No person shall en;age in the business of a currency exchange in Saint Paul �vithout a
license as provided by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 53A.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 2, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.02. Procedures; helring; fee.
(a) Procedzrr•es. Upon receipt of a completed application from the commissioner of
commerce for either a new license or the renewal of an e�sting license, the matter shall be
referred to the office of license, inspections and environmental protection for initiation of a
hearing as required by state law within the period allowed for the response of the governing body.
The hearing shall be for the purpose of takinD testimony from interested persons, including those
in the community in which the applicant is located or is proposing to be located, as required by
law, and upon grounds or issues as to which notice has been given in accordance with the
requirements of sectians 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code. The said office shall publish
and give notice as required by law.
(b)Hearing. The hearin� shall be held before an independent hearing examiner in
conformity with the provisions of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code, and the
rules of the office of administrative hearings, to the extent such rules are not in conflict with
sections 310.05 and 310.06.
(c)Fee; costs. The applicant shall pay, within fifteen (15) days followina receipt of the
application by the city, a fee covering the costs of administering and processing the application in
an amount to be established in conformity with the procedures in section 310.09(b) of the
Legislative Code. The applicant shall also reimburse the city, within fifteen (15) days following
action by the city council on the application, for its costs in conducting the hearing or hearings
prescribed by state law, including publication costs and the cost of the administrative proceedings
and hearing before an independent hearing examiner.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 3, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.03. Grounds for disapproval, etc.
(a)Disappr•oval. The council may by resolution disapprove an application and, if so, shall
state therein its reasons for so doing. It may adopt in whole or in part the findin�s of fact and
conclusions of!aw of the independent hearing examiner and may amend the same to conform to
its decision on the record and the testimony. Notice of the disapproval may be communicated to
the commissioner of commerce before the effective date of any such resolution where necessary
to avoid a presumption of concurrence.
� �` ����
(b) Grourrds for disapproval. Disapproval of an application may be based on one (1) or
more of the followina grounds, in addition to any other ground allowed by law:
(1) Violation of any provision of the state currency exchange law contained in Chapter
(2) Any one (1) or more of the reasons, conditions, or standards for adverse action
under section 310.06 of the Legislative Code.
(3) Failure of the applicant to pay the city fee and costs prescribed above.
(4) (i) The location of a new currency exchange as proposed would cause
significant adverse consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods
within three hundred (300) feet of the exchange. Such anticipated effect
must be shown by clear and convincing evidence.
(ii) The existing currency exchange has caused significant adverse
consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods within three hundred
(300) feet of the exchange.
(5) Failure of the applicant to agree to reasonable conditions upon the operation of the
. business in accordance with the procedures in section 310.05 and the grounds of
310.06. Such conditions could include, but are not limited to, hours of operation,
off-street parking requirements, bonding in an amount greater than that required by
state law, and annual audits at the licensee's expense.
(6) The applicant is not of good moral character and repute and/or is unfit.to operate
such a business. �
(7) The applicant is not at least eighteen (18) years of age.
(8) The applicant is not the real party in interest in the application.
(9) The location of the business for which a new currency exchan�e license is sought is
within one-half mile of an existing currency exchange licensed by the state.
(10)) The applicant or its proposed business location does not comply with applicable
zoning, building, fire and health codes.
(c) Per•sons and corporations. If an applicant is a partnership, the application may be
denied if there is a basis for denial as to any partner. If the applicant is a corporation, the
application may be denied if there is a basis for denial as to any (i) shareholder holding more than
five (5) percent of the outstanding or issued stock of the corporation, or (ii) officer or director of
the corporation, or (iii) employee of the enterprise having policy or management control over the
��_ ��`��
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 4, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.04. Definitions.
The following words and/or phrases shall have the following meaning when used in this
chapter and in Chapter 310 of the Legislative Code.
(a)Applicant. The term '�applicant" includes persons; partnerships, firms and corporations
and all other forms of business ventures. It also includes employees who exercise management or
policy control over the enterprise, general and limited partners, shareholders of more than five (5)
percent of the outstanding or issued shares of a corporation, and corporate managers, officers and
(b)Application. The term "application" includes applications for both new and renewal
(c)Licerrse. The term '�license" refers to the state currency exchanae license provided for
in Minnesota Statutes Section 53A.02.
(d) Curr•ency exchange. The term "currency exchange" is defined in Minnesota Statutes
Section 53A.01, subdivision 1. Currency exchange means any person, except a bank, trust
company, savings bank, savings and loan association, credit union, or industrial loan and thrift
company, en�aged in the business of cashing checks, drafts, money orders or travelers' checks for
a fze. Currency exchange does not include a person who provides these services incidental to the
person's primary business if the charge for cashing a check or draft does not exceed one dollar
($1.00) or one (1) percent of the value of the check or draft, whichever is greater.
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 5, 2-2-94)
Robert Kessler,Director (,� � _ I ��1 �
Norm Coleman,Mayor BUlGDING Facsimile: 612-266-9099
Suite 300 612-266-9124
350 St.Peter Street
SaintPaui,Minnesota SS102-ISIO
September 23, 1996
7oseph D. Judah
5421 E. River Road #615
Chicago, IL 60656
Re: Cunency Exchange License Application
Dear Mr. Judah:
The City of 5aint Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has
received notification from the Minnesota Department of commerce of your cunency
exchange license application for New Money Express at 785 East Seventh Street, Saint
Paul, Minnesota 55106.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
local governing body after published notice and hearing.
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge on behalf of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul. The hearing will be held Tuesday, October 1, 1996 at 9:30
a.m. in the Ramsey County Courthouse, room 42, 15 West Kellog Boulevard, Saint
Paul, Minnesota. Your attendance at this hearing is extremely important, especially if
any adverse testimony is presented to which you wish to respond.
The Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 381.02(c) directs the license applicant to pay a
fee to the City covering the costs of administering and processing the currency exchange
application. The fee for this application is $317.00 and must be paid within (15) days
of the receipt of this letter. The Code further requires the applicant to reimburse the
City for its costs in conducting the hearing(s) prescribed by State Law. You may be
billed for those costs after the hearing(s).
�{ (� -- I �� �
For your convenience, a copy of the notice of hearing as well as the City Ordinance
Section 381 has been enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact Christine
Rozek at 266-9108.
Troy Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor �
cc: Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney
Robert Kessler,Director �y j , ���
��� lo
Norm Coleman,Mayor INSPECTIONS Facsimile:612-166-9124
350 St.Peter Street
Suite 300
SainrPaul,Minnesota 55102
Currency Exchange License Application
of New Money Express, Inc.
785 East Seventh Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106
Office of Administrative Hearings
on the behalf of the
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that testimony will be taken from interested persons, including
those in the community with respect to the application of New Money Express, Inc. to
operate a currency exchange by license issued under Minn. Stat. §53A.02.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
governing body, after published notice and hearing, within 60 days after receipt of the
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge from the Minnesota Office
of Administrative Hearings, on behalf of the Council of the City of Saint Paul. His or her
report, and recommendation for action, will be forwarded to the Council for its action.
Date of Public Hearing:Tuesday October 1, 1996
Time :9:30 a.m.
Location of Public Hearing:
Ramsey County Courthouse
Room 42, Lower Levef
15 West Kellog Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
If you have any questions, please call Christine Rozek, Office of License, Inspections
and Environmental Protection at 266-9108.
� � � � � � �
Chapter 381. Currency Exchanges
Sec. 381.01. State license required; definition.
No person shall engage in the business of a currency exchange in Saint Paul without a
license as provided by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 53A.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 2, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.02. Pi•ocedures; hearing; fee.
(a)Pr•ocedures. Upon receipt of a completed application from the commissioner of
commerce for either a new license or the renewal of an existing license, the matter shall be
referred to the office of license, inspections and environmental protection for initiation of a
hearing as required by state law within the period allowed for the response of the governing body.
The hearing shall be for the purpose of taking testimony from interested persons, including those
in the cominunity in which the applicant is located or is proposing to be located, as rec�uired by
law, and upon grounds or issues as to which notice has been given in accordance with the
requirements of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Leaislative Code. The said office shall publish
and give notice as required by law.
(b)Hearing. The hearing shall be held before an independent hearing examiner in
conformity with the provisions of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code, and the
rules of the office of administrative hearings, to the e�ent such rules are not in conflict with
sections 310.05 and 310.06.
(c)Fee; costs. The applicant shall pay, within fifteen (15) days following receipt of the
application by the city, a fee covering the costs of administering and processing the application in
an amount to be established in conformity with the procedures in section 310.09(b) of the
Legislative Code. The applicant shall also reimburse the city, within fifteen (15) days following
action by the city council on the application, for its costs in conducting the hearing or hearings
prescribed by state law, including publication costs and the cost of the administrative proceedings
and hearing before an independent hearing examiner.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 3, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.03. Grounds for disappi•oval, etc.
(a)Disapproval. The council may by resolution disapprove an application and, if so, shall
state therein its reasons for so doing. It may adopt in whole or in part the findings of fact and
conclusions of!aw of the independent hearing examiner and may amend the same to conform to
its decision on the record and the testimony. Notice of the disapproval may be communicated to
the commissioner of commerce before the effective date of any such resolution where necessary
to avoid a presumption of concurrence.
� � c�� _ � � � �
(b) Grotrn�s for disapproval. Disapproval of an application may be based on one (1) or
more of the followin; grounds, in addition to any other ground allowed by law:
(1) Violation of any provision of the state currency exchange law contained in Chapter
53 A.
(2) Any one (1) or more of the reasons, conditions, or standards for adverse action
under section 310.06 of the Legislative Code.
(3) Failure of the applicant to pay the city fee and costs prescribed above.
(4) (i) The location of a new currency exchange as proposed would cause
significant adverse consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods
within three hundred (300) feet of the exchange. Such anticipated effect
must be shown by clear and convincing evidence.
(ii) The existing currency exchange has caused significant adverse
consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods within three hundred
(300) feet of the exchange.
(5) Failure of the applicant to agree to reasonable conditions upon the operation of the
� business in accordance with the procedures in section 310.05 and the grounds of
310.06. Such conditions could include, but are not limited to, hours of operation,
off-street parking requirements, bonding in an amount greater than that required by
state lavv, and annual audits at the licensee's expense.
(6) The applicant is not of good moral character and repute and/or is u�t to operate
such a business. �
(7) The applicant is not at least eighteen (18) years of age.
(8) The applicant is not the real party in interest in the application.
(9) The location of the business for which a new currency exchange license is sought is
within one-half mile of an existing currency exchange licensed by the state.
(10)) The applicant or its proposed business location does not comply with applicable
zoning, building, fire and health codes.
(c)Persons and corporations. If an applicant is a partnership, the application may be
denied if there is a liasis for denial as to any partner. If the applicant is a corporation, the
application may be denied if there is a basis for denial as to any (i) shareholder holdin; more than
five (5) percent of the outstanding or issued stock of the corporation, or (ii) officer or director of
the corporation, or (iii) employee of the enterprise having policy or management control over the
/ ,� �
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 4, 2-2-94) � l�� �
Sec. 381.04. Definitions.
The following words and/or phrases shall have the following meaning when used in this
chapter and in Chapter 310 of the Legislative Code.
(a)Applicar�l. The term '�applicant" includes persons, partnerships, firms and corporations
and all other forms of business ventures. It also includes employees who exercise management or
policy control over the enterprise, general and limited partners, shareholders of more than five (5)
percent of the outstanding or issued shares of a corporation, and corporate managers, officers and'
(b)Application. The term "application" includes applications for both new and renewal
(c)Licefrse. The term "license" refers to the state currency exchange license provided for
in Minnesota Statutes Section 53A.02.
(d) C'z�r�r•ency exchange. The term "currency exchange" is defined in Minnesota Statutes
Section 53A.01, subdivision 1. Currency exchan�e means any person, except a bank, trust
� company, savings bank, savings and loan association, credit union, or industrial loan and thrift
company, engaged in the business of cashing checks, drafts, money orders or travelers' checks for
a fee. Currency exchange does not include a person who provides these services incidental to the
person's primary business if the charge for cashing a check or draft does not exceed one dollar
($1.00) or one (1) percent of the value of the check or draft, whichever is greater.
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 5, 2-2-94) �
Rohert Kessler,Director / A/
..� l.�
Norm Coleman,Mayor BUILDING Facsimile: 612-266-9099
Suite 300 612-266-911.=J
350 St.Peter Street
SaintPaul,Minnesota 55102J510
September 23, 1996
William Barnett, Jr.
10099 Litzinger Road
Sr. Louis, MO 63124
Re: Currency Exchange License Application
Dear Mr. Barnett, Jr.:
The City of Saint Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has
received notification from the Minnesota Department of commerce of your currency
exchange license application for New Money Express at 785 East Seventh Street, Saint
Paul, Minnesota 55106.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
local governing body after published notice and hearing.
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge on behalf of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul. The hearing will be held Tuesday, October 1, 1996 at 9:30
a.m. in the Ramsey County Courthouse, room 42, 15 West Kellog Boulevard, Saint
Paul, Minnesota. Your attendance at this hearing is extremely important, especially if
any adverse testimony is presented to which you wish to respond.
The Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 381.02(c) directs the license applicant to pay a
fee to the City covering the costs of administering and processing the cunency exchange
application. The fee for this application is $317.00 and must be paid within (15) days
of the receipt of this letter. The Code further requires the applicant to reimburse the
City for its costs in conducting the hearing(s) prescribed by State Law. You may be
billed for those costs after the hearing(s).
. , �' - � �q �
For your convenience, a copy of the notice of hearing as well as the City Ordinance
Section 381 has been enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact Christine
Rozek at 266-9108.
�� �ti��ti�_
Troy Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney
Robert Kessler,Director �r / v ( � q �
� �� �
CL 1 1 �F' St-111V 1 PAVL LICENSEAND Telephone:612-266-9100
Norm Coleman,Mayor INSPECTIONS Facsirnile.•612-266-9124
350 St.Peter Street
Suite 300
SainlPaul,Minnesota SSIO?
Currency Exchange License Appiication
of New Money Express, Inc.
785 East Seventh Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106
Office of Administrative Hearings
on the behalf of the
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that testimony will be taken from interested persons, including
those in the community with respect to the application of New Money Express, Inc. to
operate a currency exchange by license issued under Minn. Stat. §53A.02.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
governing body, after published notice and hearing, within 60 days after receipt of the
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge from the Minnesota Office
of Administrative Hearings, on behalf of the Council of the City of Saint Paul. His or her
report, and recommendation for action, will be forwarded to the Council for its action.
Date of Public Hearing:Tuesday October 1, 1996
Time :9:30 a.m.
Location of Public Hearing:
Ramsey County Courthouse
Room 42, Lower Level
15 West Kellog Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
If you have any questions, please call Christine Rozek, Office of License, Inspections
and Environmental Protection at 266-9108.
i �� �
Chl�ter 381. Currency Exchanges � �
Sec. 381.01. State license required; definition.
No person shall engage in the business of a currency exchange in Saint Paul without a
license as provided by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 53A.
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 2, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.02. Procedures; hearing; fee.
(a) Procedz�r•es. Upon receipt of a completed application from the commissioner of
commerce for either a new license or the renewal of an e�sting license, the matter shall be
referred to the office of license, inspections and environmental protection for initiation of a
hearing as required by state law within the period allowed for the response of the governing body.
The hearing shall be for the purpose of taking testimony from interested persons, including those
in the community in which the applicant is located or is proposing to be located, as required by
law, and upon grounds or issues as to which notice has been given in accordance with the
requireinents of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code. The said office shall publish
and give notice as required by law.
(b)Hear•ing. The hearing shall be held before an independent hearin� examiner in �
conformity with the provisions of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code, and the
rules of the office of administrative hearings, to the extent such rules are not in conflict with
sections 310.05 and 310.06.
(c)Fee; costs. The applicant shall pay, within fifteen (15) days following receipt of the
application by the city, a fee covering the costs of administering and processing the application in
an amount to be established in conformity with the procedures in section 310.09(b) of the �
Legislative Code. The applicant shall also reimburse the city, within fifteen (15) days following
action by the city council on the application, for its costs in conducting the hearing or hearings
prescribed by state law, including publication costs and the cost of the administrative proceedings
and hearing before an independent hearing examiner.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 3, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.03. Grounds for disapproval, etc.
(a)Disappr•oval. The council may by resolution disapprove an application and, if so, shall
state therein its reasons for so doing. It may adopt in whole or in part the findings of fact and
conclusions of!aw of the independent hearing examiner and may amend the same to conform to
its decision on the record and the testimony. Notice of the disapproval may be communicated to
the commissioner of commerce before the effective date of any such resolution where necessary
to avoid a presumption of concurrence.
, �
�1 �11 �y �
(b) Gro�.rrlds for disapprovcrl. Disapproval of an application may be based on one (1) or
more of the followin� grounds, in addition to any other ground allowed by law:
(1) Violation of any provision of the state curr.ency exchange law contained in Chapter
53 A.
(2) Any one (1) or more of the reasons, conditions, or standards for adverse action
under section 310.06 of the Legislative Code.
(3) Failure of the applicant to pay the city fee and costs prescribed above.
(4) (i) The location of a new currency exchange as proposed would cause
significant adverse consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods
within three hundred (300) feet of the exchange. Such anticipated effect
must be shown by clear and convincing evidence.
(ii) The existing currency exchange has caused significant adverse
consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods within three hundred
(300) feet of the exchange.
(5) Failure of the applicant to agree to reasonable conditions upon the operation of the
_ business in accordance with the procedures in section 310.05 and the grounds of
310.06. Such conditions could include, but are not limited to, hours of operation,
off-street parking requirements, bonding in an amount greater than that required by
state law, and annual audits at the licensee's expense.
(6) The applicant is not of good moral character and repute and/or is unfit to operate
such a business. �
(7) The applicant is not at least eighteen (18) years of aje.
(8) The applicant is not the real party in interest in the application.
(9) The location of the business for which a new currency exchan;e license is sought is
within one-half mile of an existinJ currency exchan�e licensed by the state.
(10)) The applicant or its proposed business location does not comply with applicable
zoning, building, fire and health codes.
(c)Persons and corporations. If an applicant is a partnership, the application may be
denied if there is a basis for denial as to any partner. If the applicant is a corporation, the
application may be denied if there is a basis for denial as to any (i) shareholder holdin� more than
five (5) percent of the outstandina or issued stock of the corporation, or (ii) officer or director of
the corporation, or (iii) employee of the enterprise having policy or management control over the
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 4, 2-2-94) C� � — ( ���O
Sec. 381.04. Definitions.
The following words and/or phrases shall have the following meaning when used in this
chapter and in Chapter 310 of the Legislative Code.
(a)Applicant. The term "applicant" includes persons, partnerships, firrns and corporations
and all other forms of business ventures. It also includes employees who exercise mana;ement or
policy control over the enterprise, general and limited partners, shareholders of more than five (5)
percent of the outstanding or issued shares of a corporation, and corporate managers, officers and
(b)Application. The term "application" includes applications for both new and renewal
(c) Licerzse. The term "license" refers to the state currency exchanae license provided for
in Minnesota Statutes Section 53A.02.
(d) Czrr•r•errcy exchange. The term "currency exchange" is defined in Minnesota Statutes
Section 53A.01, subdivision l. Currency exchange means any person, except a bank, trust
� company, savings bank, savings and loan association, credit union, or industrial loan and thrift
company, engaged in the business of cashing checks, drafts, money orders or travelers' checks for
a fee. Currency exchange does not include a person who provides these services incidental to the
person's primary business if the charge for cashing a check or draft does not exceed one dollar
($1.00) or one (1) percent of the value of the check or draft, whichever is greater.
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 5, 2-2-94) �
Robert Kessler,Director
�� � _ � �`( �
Norm Coleman,Mayor BUlLDING Facsimile: 6/2-266-9099
Suite 300 612-266-91?4
3S0 St Peter Street
Saint Pau1,Minnesota 55102-1 SIO
September 23, 1996
Bruce H. Balonik
367 Charal Lane
Highland Park, IL 60035 .
Re: Currency Exchange License Application
Dear Mr. Balonik:
The City of Saint Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has
received notification from the Minnesota Department of commerce of your cunency
exchange license application for New Money Express at 785 East Seventh Street, Saint
Paul, Minnesota 55106.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the �
local governing body after published notice and hearing.
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge on behalf of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul. The hearing will be held Tuesday, October 1, 1996 at 9:30
a.m. in the Ramsey County Courthouse, room 42, 15 West Kellog Boulevard, Saint
Paul, Minnesota. Your attendance at this hearing is extremely important, especially if
any adverse testimony is presented to which you wish to respond.
The Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 381.02(c) directs the license applicant to pay a
fee to the City covering the costs of administering and processing the currency exchange
application. The fee for this application is $317.00 and must be paid within (15) days
of the receipt of this letter. The Code further requires the applicant to reimburse the
City for its costs in conducting the hearing(s) prescribed by State Law. You may be
billed for those costs after the hearing(s).
�� �,_ �7q �
For your convenience, a copy of the notice of hearing as well as the City Ordinance
Section 381 has been enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact Christine
Rozek at 266-9108.
� ����
Troy Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney
Robert Kessler,Director
� � r I �� �
CTTY OF SAINT PAUL LICENSEAND Telephone:612-266-9100
Norm Coleman,Mayor lNSPECTlONS Facsimile:612-266-9124
350 St.Peter Street
Suite 300
SaintPaul,Minnesota 55102
Currency Exchange License Appiication
of New Money Express, Inc.
785 East Seventh Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106
Office of Administrative Hearings
on the behalf of the
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that testimony will be taken from interested persons, including
those in the community with respect to the application of New Money Express, Inc. to
operate a currency exchange by license issued under Minn. Stat. §53A.02.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
governing body, after published notice and hearing, within 60 days after receipt of the
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge from the Minnesota Office
of Administrative Hearings, on behalf of the Council of the City of Saint Paul. His or her
report, and recommendation for action, will be forwarded to the Council for its action.
Date of Public Hearing:Tuesday October 1, 1996
Time :9:30 a.m.
Location of Public Hearing:
Ramsey County Courthouse
Room 42, Lower Level
15 West Kellog Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
If you have any questions, please call Christine Rozek, Office of License, Inspections
and Environmental Protection at 266-9108.
Chapter 381. Currency Exchanges �i / r I � � �
l l�� �
Sec. 381.01. State license required; definition.
No person shall engaje in the business of a currency excllange in Saint Paul without a
license as provided by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 53A.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 2, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.02. Procedures; hearing; fee.
(a)Prvicedures. Upon receipt of a completed application from the commissioner of
commerce for either a new license or the renewa] of an existing license, the matter shall be
referred to the office of license, inspections and environmental protection for initiation of a
hearing as required by state law within the period allowed for the response of the governing body.
The hearing shall be for the purpose of taking testimony from interested persons, including those
in the cominunity in which the applicant is located or is proposing to be located, as required by
law, and upon grounds or issues as to which notice has been given in accordance with the
requirements of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code. The said office shall publish
and give notice as required by law.
(b)Hearing. The hearing shall be held before an independent hearing examiner in '
conformity with the provisions of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code, and the
rules of the office of administrative hearings, to the extent such rules are not in conflict with
sections 310.05 and 310.06.
(c)Fee; costs. The applicant shall pay, within fifteen (15) days following receipt of the
application by the city, a fee covering the costs of administering and processing the application in
an amount to be established in conformity with the procedures in section 310.09(b) of the
Legislative Code. The applicant shall also reimburse the city, within fifteen (15) days following
action by the city council on the application, for its costs in conducting the hearing or hearings
prescribed by state law, including publication costs and the cost of the administrative proceedings
and hearing before an independent hearing examiner.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 3, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.03. Grounds for disapproval, etc.
(a) Disapproval. The council may by resolution disapprove an application and, if so, shall
state therein its reasons for so doing. It may adopt in whole or in part the findings of fact and
conclusions of law of the independent hearing examiner and may amend the same to conform to
its decision on the record and the testimony. Notice of the disapproval may be communicated to
the commissioner of commerce before the effective date of any such resolution where necessary
to avoid a presumption of concurrence.
� (� - � � � �
(b) G�'oacrtds.for•disappr•oval. Disapproval of an application may be based on one (1) or
more of the followin; grounds, in addition to any other ground allowed by law:
(1) Violation of any provision of the state currency exchange law contained in Chapter
53 A.
(2) Any one (1) or more of the reasons, conditions, or standards for adverse action
under section 310.06 of the Legislative Code.
(3) Failure of the applicant to pay the city fee and costs prescribed above.
(4) (i) The location of a new currency exchange as proposed would cause
significant adverse consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods
within three hundred (300) feet of the exchange. Such anticipated effect
must be shown by clear and convincing evidence.
(ii) The existing currency exchange has caused significant adverse
consequences or iinpacts upon the neighborhoods within three hundred
(300) feet of the exchange.
(5) Failure of the applicant to agree to reasonable conditions upon the operation of the
. business in accordance with the procedures in section 310.05 and the grounds of
310.06. Such conditions could include, but are not limited to, hours of operation, �
off-street parking requirements, bonding in an amount greater than that required by
state law, and annual audits at the licensee's expense.
(6) The applicant is not of good moral character and repute and/or is unfit.to operate
such a business. �
(7) The applicant is not at least eighteen (18) years of age.
(8) The applicant is not the real party in interest in the application.
(9) The location of the business for which a new currency exchange license is sought is
within one-half mile of an e�stin� currency exchange licensed by the state.
(10)) The applicant or its proposed business location does not comply with applicable
zoning, building, fire and health codes.
(c)Per•sons and corporations. If an applicant is a partnership, the application may be
denied if there is a liasis for denial as to any partner. If the applicant is a corporation, the
application may be denied if there is a basis for denial as to any (i) shareholder holding more than
five (5) percent of the outstanding or issued stock of the corporation, or (ii) officer or director of
the corporation, or (iii) employee of the enterprise having policy or management control over the
enterprise. �
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 4, 2-2-94) ��j ' , � � �
Sec. 381.04. Definitions.
The following words and/or phrases shall have the following meaning when used in this
chapter and in Chapter 310 of the Legislative Code.
(a)Applicar�t. The term '�applicant" includes persons, partnerships, firms and corporations
and all other forms of business ventures. It also includes employees who exercise management or
policy control over the enterprise, general and limited partners, shareholders of more than five (5)
percent of the outstanding or issued shares of a corporation, and corporate managers, officers and
(b)Application. The term "application" includes applications for both new and renewal
(c) License. The term "license" refers to the state currency exchange license provided for
in Minnesota Statutes Section 53A.02.
(d) Czcrr�ency exchange. The term "currency exchange" is defined in Minnesota Statutes
Section 53A.01, subdivision l. Currency exchange means any person, except a bank, trust
� company, savings bank, savings and loan association, credit union, or industrial loan and thrift
company, en�aged in the business of cashing checks, drafts, money orders or travelers' checks for '
a fee. Currency exchange does not include a person who provides these services incidental to the
person's primary business if the charge for cashing a check or draft does not exceed one dollar
($1.00) or one (1) percent of the value of the check or draft, whichever is greater.
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 5, 2-2-94)
Robert Kessler,Director �
c�� - ���'
Norm Coleman,�fayor BUILDlNG Facsimile: 612-266-9099
Suite 300 612-266-9!24
350 St.Peter Street
SainrPaul,Minnesota 55J02-I510
September 23, 1996
Michael Levitt
2230 W. Palmer
Chicago, IL 60614
Re: Currency Exchange License Application
Dear Mr. Levitt:
The City of Saint Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has
received notification from the Minnesota Department of commerce of your currency
exchange license application for New Money Express at 785 East Seventh Street, Saint
Paul, Minnesota 55106.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the �
local governing body after published notice and hearing.
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge on behalf of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul. The hearing will be held Tuesday, October 1, 1996 at 9:30
a.m. in the Ramsey County Courthouse, room 42, 15 West Kellog Boulevard, Saint
Paul, Minnesota. Your attendance at this hearing is extremely important, especially if
any adverse testimony is presented to which you wish to respond.
The Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 381.02(c) directs the license applicant to pay a
fee to the City covering the costs of administering and processing the currency exchange
application. The fee for this application is $317.00 and must be paid within (15) days
of the receipt of this letter. The Code further requires the applicant to reimburse the
City for its costs in conducting the hearing(s) prescribed by State Law. You may be
billed for those costs after the hearing(s).
� � - � �� �
For your convenience, a copy of the notice of hearing as well as the City Ordinance
Section 381 has been enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact Christine
Rozek at 266-9108.
% �.���
Troy Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney
Robert Kessler,Director ' � �G �
/'J � _ l
CITY OF SAINT PAUL LICENSEAND Telephone:612-266-9100
Norm Coleman,Mayor INSPECTIONS Facsimile:612-266-9I2�
350 St.Peter Street
Suite 300
Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
Currency Exchange License Application
of New Money Express, Inc.
785 East Seventh Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106
Office of Administrative Hearings
on the behalf of the
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that testimony will be taken from interested persons, including
those in the community with respect to the application of New Money Express, Inc. to
operate a currency exchange by license issued under Minn. Stat. §53A.02.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
governing body, after published notice and hearing, within 60 days after receipt of the
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge from the Minnesota Office
of Administrative Hearings, on behalf of the Council of the City of Saint Paul. His or her
report, and recommendation for action, will be forwarded to the Council for its action.
Date of Public Hearing:Tuesday October 1, 1996
Time :9:30 a.m.
Location of Public Hearing:
Ramsey County Courthouse
Room 42, Lower Level
15 West Kellog Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
If you have any questions, please call Christine Rozek, Office of License, Inspections
and Environmental Protection at 266-9108.
/ �� �
Ch�pter 381. Currency Exchanges � lD (
Sec. 381.01. State license required; definition.
No person shall engage in the business of a currency exchange in Saint Paul without a
license as provided by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 53A.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 2, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.02. Pi•ocedures; hearing; fee.
(a)Procedtrr•es. Upon receipt of a completed application from the commissioner of
commerce for either a new license or the renewal of an existing license, the matter shall be
referred to the office of license, inspections and environmental protection for initiation of a
hearing as required by state law within the period allowed for the response of the governing body.
The hearing shall be for the purpose of takina testimony from interested persons, including those
in the community in which the applicant is located or is proposing to be located, as required by
law, and upon grounds or issues as to which notice has been given in accordance with the
requirements of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code. The said office shall publish
and give notice as required by law.
(b)Hearirtg. The hearing shall be held before an independent hearing examiner in '
conformity with the provisions of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Lejislative Code, and the
rules of the of�'ice of administrative hearings, to the extent such rules are not in conflict with
sections 310.05 and 310.06.
(c)Fee; costs. The applicant shall pay, within fifteen (15) days following receipt of the
application by the city, a fee covering the costs of administering and processing the application in
an amount to be established in conformity with the procedures in section 310.09(b) of the
Legislative Code. The applicant shall also reimburse the city, within fifteen (15) days following
action by the city council on the application, for its costs in conducting the hearing or hearings
prescribed by state law, including publication costs and the cost of the administrative proceedings
and hearing before an independent hearing examiner.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 3, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.03. Grounds for disapproval, etc.
(a)Disappr•oval. The council may by resolution disapprove an application and, if so, shall
state therein its reasons for so doing. It may adopt in whole or in part the findings of fact and
conclusions of!aw of the independent hearing examiner and may amend the same to conform to
its decision on the record and the testimony. Notice of the disapproval may be communicated to
the commissioner of commerce before the effective date of any such resolution where necessary
to avoid a presumption of concurrence.
�� - � �`� �'
(b) Grour�ds for disappr•oval. Disapproval of an application may be based on one (1) or
more of the followina grounds, in addition to any other ground allowed by law:
(1) Violation of any provision of the state currency exchange law contained in Chapter
53 A.
(2) Any one (1) or more ofthe reasons, conditions, or standards for adverse action
under section 310.06 of the Legislative Code.
(3) Failure of the applicant to pay the city fee and costs prescribed above.
(4) (i) The location of a new currency exchange as proposed would cause
significant adverse consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods
within three hundred (300) feet of the exchange. Such anticipated effect
must be shown by clear and convincing evidence.
(ii) The existing currency exchange has caused significant adverse
consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods within three hundred
(300) feet of the exchange.
(5) Failure of the applicant to agree to reasonable conditions upon the operation of the
. business in accordance with the procedures in section 310.05 and the grounds of
. 310.06. Such conditions could include, but are not limited to, hours of operation,
off-street parking requirements, bonding in an amount greater than that required by
state law, and annual audits at the licensee's expense.
(6) The applicant is not of good moral character and repute and/or is unfit to operate
such a business.
(7) The applicant is not at least eighteen (18) years of age.
(8) The applicant is not the real party in interest in the application.
(9) The location of the business for which a new currency exchange license is sought is
within one-half mile of an existing currency exchange licensed by the state.
(10)) The applicant or its proposed business location does not comply with applicable
zoning, building, fire and health codes.
(c)Per•sons and corporations. If an applicant is a partnership, the application may be
denied if there is a basis for denial as to any partner. If the applicant is a corporation, the
application may be denied if there is a basis for denial as to any (i) shareholder holdina more than
five (5) percent of the outstanding or issued stock of the corporation, or (ii) officer or director of
the corporation, or (iii) employee of the enterprise having policy or management control over the
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 4, 2-2-94) � b� ( �� �
Sec. 381.04. DeCnitions.
The following words and/or phrases shall have the following meaning when used in this
chapter and in Chapter 310 of the Legislative Code.
(a)Applicar7t. The term "applicant" includes persons, partnerships, firms and corporations
and all other forms of business ventures. It also includes employees who exercise management or
policy control over the enterprise, general and limited partners, shareholders of more than five (5)
percent of the outstanding or issued shares of a corporation, and corporate managers, officers and
(b)Application. The term "application" includes applications for both new and renewal
(c)License. The term."license" refers to the state currency exchange license provided for
in Minnesota Statutes Section 53A.02.
(d) Cr�rrency exchange. The term '�currency exchange" is defined in Minnesota Statutes
Section 53A.01, subdivision 1. Currency exchange means any person, except a bank, trust
- company, savings bank, savinas and loan association, credit union, or industrial loan and thrift
company, engaged in the business of cashing checks, drafts, money orders or travelers' checks for
a fee. Currency exchange does not include a person who provides these services incidental to the
person's primary business if the charge for cashing a check or draft does not exceed one dollar
($1.00) or one (1) percent of the value of the check or draft, whichever is greater.
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 5, 2-2-94) �
Robert Kessler,Director
�� �j — ( �� �
Norrn Coleman,Mayor BUILDING Facsimile: 611-166-9099
Suite 300 612-266-912�1
3SU St.Peter Street
SaintPaul,Minnesota 55102-IS10
September 23, 1996
Richard A. Ban
85 Hibbard Road
Winnetka, IL 60093
Re: Currency Exchange License Application
Dear Mr.Barr:
The City of Saint Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has
received notification from the Minnesota Department of commerce of your cunency
exchange license application for New Money Express at 785 East Seventh Street, Saint
Paul, Minnesota 55106.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
local governing body after published notice and hearing.
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge on behalf of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul. The hearing will be held Tuesday, October 1, 1996 at 9:30
a.m. in the Ramsey County Courthouse, room 42, 15 West Kellog Boulevard, Saint
Paul, Minnesota. Your attendance at this hearing is extremely important, especially if
any adverse testimony is presented to which you wish to respond.
The Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 381.02(c) directs the license applicant to pay a
fee to the City covering the costs of administering and processing the currency exchange
application. The fee for this application is $317.00 and must be paid within (15) days
of the receipt of this letter. The Code further requires the applicant to reimburse the
City for its costs in conducting the hearing(s) prescribed by State Law. You may be
billed for those costs after the hearing(s).
�� - � '��
For your convenience, a copy of the notice of hearing as well as the City Ordinance
Section 381 has been enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact Christine
Rozek at 266-9108.
Troy Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney
Robert Kessler,Director ��� /
�r _ _ �)
CTTY OF SAINT PAUL I,ICENSEAND Telephone:612-266-9100
Norm Co[eman.Mayor INSPECTIONS Facsimile:612-266-912�1
350 St.Peter Street
Suite 300
SaintPaul,Minnesota SS102
Currency Exchange License Application
of New Money Express, Inc.
785 East Seventh Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106
Office of Administrative Hearings
on the behalf of the
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that testimony will be taken from interested persons, including
those in the community with respect to the application of New Money Express, Inc. to
operate a currency exchange by license issued under Minn. Stat. §53A.02.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
governing body, after published notice and hearing, within 60 days after receipt of the
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge from the Minnesota Office
of Administrative Hearings, on behalf of the Council of the City of Saint Paul. His or her
report, and recommendation for action, will be forwarded to the Council for its action.
Date of Public Hearing:Tuesday October 1, 1996
Time :9:30 a.m.
Location of Public Hearing:
Ramsey County Courthouse
Room 42, Lower Level
15 West Kellog Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
If you have any questions, please call Christine Rozek, Office of License, Inspections
and Environmental Protection at 266-9108.
� �_ «q �
Chapter 381. Cui•rency Exchanges �
Sec. 381.01. State license required; definition.
No person shall engage in the business of a currency exchange in Saint Paul without a
license as provided by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 53A.
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 2, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.02. Procedures; hearing; fee.
(a)Procedirres. Upon receipt of a completed application from the commissioner of
commerce for either a new license or the renewal of an existing license, the matter shall be
referred to the office of license, inspections and environmental protection for initiation of a
hearing as required by state law within the period allowed for the response of the governing body.
The hearing shall be for the purpose of taking testimony from interested persons, including those
in the coinmunity in which the applicant is located or is proposing to be located, as required by
law, and upon grounds or issues as to which notice has been given in accordance with the
requirements of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code. The said office shall publish
and give notice as required by law.
(b)Hearing. The hearing shall be held before an independent hearing examiner in
conformity with the provisions of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code, and the
rules of the office of administrative hearings, to the extent such rules are not in conflict with
sections 310.05 and 310.06.
(c)Fee; costs. The applicant shall pay, within fifteen (15) days following receipt of the
application by the city, a fee covering the costs of administering and processing the application in
an amount to be established in conformity with the procedures in section 310.09(b) of the
Legislative Code. The applicant shall also reimburse the city, within fifteen (15) days following
action by the city council on the application, for its costs in conducting the hearing or hearings
prescribed by state law, including publication costs and the cost of the administrative proceedings
and hearing before an independent hearing examiner.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 3, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.03. Grounds for disapproval, etc.
(a)Disappro>>al. The council may by resolution disapprove an application and, if so, shall
state therein its reasons for so doing. It may adopt in whole or in part the findin;s of fact and
conclusions of!aw of the independent hearing examiner and may amend the same to conform to
its decision on the record and the testimony. Notice of the disapproval may be communicated to
the commissioner of commerce before the effective date of any such resolution where necessary
to avoid a presumption of concurrence.
_ � �q �
(b) G��o�rnc�s for disapproval. Disapproval of an application may be based on one (1) or
more of the followin� �rounds, in addition to any other ground allowed by law:
(1) Violation of any provision of the state currency exchange law contained in Chapter
53 A.
(2) Any one (1) or more of the reasons, conditions, or standards for adverse action
under section 310.06 of the Legislative Code.
(3) Failure of the applicant to pay the city fee and costs prescribed above.
(4) (i) The location of a new currency exchange as proposed would cause
significant adverse consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods
within three hundred (300) feet of the exchange. Such anticipated effect
must be shown by clear and convincing evidence.
(ii) The existing currency exchange has caused significant adverse
consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods within three hundred
(300) feet of the exchange.
(5) Failure of the applicant to agree to reasonable conditions upon the operation of the
_ business in accordance with the procedures in section 310.05 and the grounds of
310.06. Such conditions could include, but are not limited to, hours of operation,
off-street parking requirements, bonding in an amount greater than that required by
state law, and annual audits at the licensee's expense.
(6) The applicant is not of good moral character and repute and/or is unfit to operate
such a business. �
(7) The applicant is not at least eighteen (18) years of age.
(8) The applicant is not the real party in interest in the application.
(9) The location of the business for which a new currency exchanae license is sought is
within one-half mile of an e�sting currency exchange licensed by the state.
(10)) The applicant or its proposed business location does not comply with applicable
zoning, building, fire and health codes.
(c)Persons and corporations. If an applicant is a partnership, the application may be
denied if there is a basis for denial as to any partner. If the applicant is a corporation, the
application may be denied if there is a basis for denial as to any (i) shareholder holding more than
five (5) percent of the outstanding or issued stock of the corporation, or (ii) officer or director of
the corporation, or (iii) employee of the enterprise having policy or management control over the
��� _ i �� �
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 4, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.04. Definitions.
The followin� words and/or phrases shall have the following meaning when used in this
chapter and in Chapter 310 of the Legislative Code.
(a)Applicant. The term "applicant" includes persons, partnerships, firms and corporations
and all other forms of business ventures. It also includes employees who exercise management or
policy control over the enterprise, general and limited partners, shareholders of more than five (5)
percent of the outstanding or issued shares of a corporation, and corporate managers, officers and
(b)Application. The term "application" includes applications for both new and renewal
(c)License. The term "license" refers to the state currency exchan�e license provided for
in Minnesota Statutes Section 53A.02.
(d) Currer�cy excharige. The term "currency exchange" is defined in Minnesota Statutes
Section 53A.01, subdivision 1. Currency exchanae means any person, except a bank, trust
company, savings bank, savings and loan association, credit union, or industrial loan and thrift
company, engaged in the business of cashing checks, drafts, money orders or travelers' checks for
a fee. Currency exchange does not include a person who provides these services incidental to the
person's primary business if the charge for cashing a check or draft does not exceed one dollar
($1.00) or one (1) percent of the value of the check or draft, whichever is greater:
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 5, 2-2-94)
STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � b + ( � (�
Troy Gilbertson, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on
September 23, 1996 he served the attached Notice of Hearing on the
following named people by placing a true and correct copy thereof
in envelopes addressed as follows:
Bruce Balonik
Ardyth Kennedy 367 Charal Lane
2442 Union Street #2 Highland Park, IL 60035
San Diego, CA 92101
Michael Levitt
Alice Gunderson 2230 W. Palmer
8705 12th Avenue South Chicago, I1 60614
Bloomington, MN 55425
Richard A. Barr
Joseph Judah 85 Hibbard Road
5421 E. River Road #615 Winnetka, IL 60093
Chicago, IL 60656
William Barnett, Jr.
10099 Litzinger Road
St . Louis, MO 63124
(which is the last known addresses of said person) and depositing
the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at Saint
Paul, Minnesota.
� ' �
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 23rd day of September, 1996 .
Notary Public pf�K
/�a-rP'7 /��cy
s�Mn� s
�!y Commbsbn 6qirasJan.S1�2000
ti �
Robert Kessler,Direcror 'Y
� �-� �q �s
CTTY OF SAINT PAUL LICENSEAND Telephone:61?-266-9/00
Norm Coleman,Mayor INSPECTIONS Facsimile:612-266-912-1
350 St.Peter Street
Suite 300
SaintPaul,Minnesota 55102
Currency Exchange License Application
of New Money Express, Inc.
785 East Seventh Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106
Office of Administrative Hearings
on the behalf of the
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that testimony will be taken from interested persons, including
those in the community with respect to the application of New Money Express, Inc. to
operate a currency exchange by license issued under Minn. Stat. §53A.02.
Minn. Stat. �53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
governing body, after published notice and hearing, within 60 days after receipt of the
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge from the Minnesota Office
of Administrative Hearings, on behalf of the Council of the City of Saint Paul. His or her
report, and recommendation for action, will be forwarded to the Council for its action.
Date of Public Hearing:Tuesday October 1, 1996
Time :9:30 a.m.
Location of Public Hearing:
Ramsey County Courthouse
Room 42, Lower Level
� 15 West Kellog Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
If you have any questions, please call Christine Rozek, Office of License, Inspections
and Environmental Protection at 266-9108.
��� _ � �q �
Troy Gilbertson, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on
September 24, 1996 he served the attached Notice of Hearing on the
following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof
in an envelope addressed as follow:
Arfington Hills Library DAYTONS BLUFF CTR CIV L Swede Hollow Nbrhd Assc
Librazian Community Organizer Cazol Cazey,Staff
1105 Greenbrier SVeet 281 MARIA AVENUE 733 E 7TH STREET
Saint Paul,MN 55106 SAINT PAiJL MN 55106 Saint Paul,MN 55106
Rep Steve Trimble Dayton's BIuffNHS KIM HLTNTER
Minnesota L,egislature James Erchul,Dir PARTNERS
491 State Office Bldg 951 East Sth Street 907 PAYNE AVE
Saint Paul,MN 55155 Saint Paul,MN 55106 ST PAUL MN 55101
Editor East Side Nbrhd Dev Co District Planner
Sunrise Jan Modock,Direc[or Lucy Thompson
P O Box#6767 907 Payne Avenue 1100 City Hall Annex
Saint Paul,MN 55106 Saint Paul,MN 55101
East Sector Police
Senator Sandra Pappas Senator Randy Kelly Commander
Minnesota Legislature Minnesota L.egislature 722 Payne Ave.
Staxe Capito]G-24 State Capitol G-27 Saint Paul,MN 55101
Saint Paul,MN 55155 Saint Paul,MN 55155
Dayton's Bluff
East Side Area BUS ASSN Payne-Arcade Bus Assn Donavan Cummings,Pres
ANN TINNUCI ANDERSON Director 7�0 East 6th SVeet
707 MINNEHAHA AVE P O Box#6934 Saint Paul,MN 55106
SAINT PAUL MN 55106 Saint Paul,MN 55106
(which is the last known addresses of said person) and depositing
the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at Saint
Paul, Minnesota.
� J
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 24th day of eptember, 1995 .
otary Public
x ■
s • My Commlesion Expirea Jan.31,2000
r x
_ - -
_-: - -�-M�ICLr OF P�HLIG S'L�l1RII�F .
_ ' Cnrnncy Ezchante License Application �
of lpew Moaey Lzpress.Inc. ' �
785 Lrast Se�eath Street [T OF PUBLICATION
Ssint Panl.Miaaesota 66106
• Ofiic�of Administrative Heariags q /
on the behalf of the . � � -� � f !O
PLEASE TAKE NOTI�E that testi p licatioa of
�incIuding those in the community with respect to the lieense issuedlttly SWOn1, on oath says that he is the
�New Money Express, Inc. to operats a currency exchange by �� � �e St. Paul Legal Ledger and has
�under Minn. Stat. �53A.02. pp pp �h are stated below•
Minn.Stat.�53A.04 requires,the approval qr disa roval of the atate a lication� ,
�by the governing body,after published notice and hearing,within 60 days after
receipt of the application. 'd with all the re uirements constitutin
The hearing will be`conducted by an administrative law judge from the� Q g
i Minnesota Office of Administrative Hear3ags. on behalf of the Council of the�r, as provided by Minnesota. Statute
'City of Saint Paul. His or her report, and recommendation for action, will be yplicable laws, as amended.
'forwarded to the Council for it�action.
Date of Pnblic Heariag:Tuesday October 1, isss hearing which is attached was cut from
Time: s:so a.m. and was printed and published once; it
Location of Pnbllc Searing: �e 24th day of September, 1996; and
Ramsey eounty courthouse lower case alphabet from A to Z, both
Room 42,1.ower Level
15 west Kellogg Boulevard lowledged as being the size and �ind of
st. Paul, Minnesota 55102 d ublication of said notice•
IIf you have any questions, piease call Christine Rozek, Office of License, P •
,Inspections and Environtriental Protection at 266-9108. ���opqrstuvwxyz
(September 24, 1996),
-- ----
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of September, 1996
My Comm.Ezpires Jan.31,2000
Rate Information
(1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space is$N/A.
(2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above publication is$44.34. •
(3J Rate actually charged for the above publlcation is$38.56.
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-Ki;�';�y",., �� pe;son a�ho p;o�•:�.'S L:2Se s,n�ices i�r,'den;�J 10 I;72 p2f50��5 �i�„1cTl' bUSir.ess if the
. ' ���,.�, �.�r.
ch�rez for cashir.g 2 i;i2Ck Oi �i2fT �025 AOi 2XC22d S1 Of Gi:2 }�2;C2P,t Of lhZ �'elue of
i -'t���,�{. , i:
;�- -_�;�.��� r� the check or dra,`t, •;�che�•er is Erez,2f.
' x a� y �
:���,�'����;� Sli�d. �. COfT1,;.:_510I]ET. ��COT;T155:Oi:er� ;7;2e7S I}'i2 C0:;.7'�!SSi�A2f 0{C07,��,:iCe.
,;: .ar.�. .
- ���-'°�' Histon-: 1959 c '=i s 1
_ �{.����:
''����= �3.�.02 LICE\SE.
�-� _ .
x �;�°`�-+`��.�,. �� Subdi�•:sio� I.�e uirement..�pe,-_on ma�•r.ot er.g..f2];]t�2�JU_.ne_s ef..c�„e,.cy
y it���� �i c o c, c o ,-- -�
-.,�.r. _ _+�-.�-•�:$ '
�, exchar,ge u:1bout �-t obtziniag a 1ic,;,se ;ron ttie ce,;:n:ssior.er.�ot mo;e than one
-� °�� �' p?ace of business -ay�e ope;ei2d L,':�',r t�:e se,;,2 I:Cf:152,L�CI i�':C C'O,;:f;::5S10;,er m2V
_ ' . '�t:'`':
� �. �,�; ISSL'2 7SIO:C i}i2n 0;::�:C2;,SC?O I;':C 52�:.2�IC2P.SfZ L'l70A C0:'7y�:e;,Ce�V l}12 2�7F7�1C2;11�;'lI�l
-. �'`� zll ihe p;o�•isioas o;��is cnapter for e�ch new• licease issued.
-L-c. , -�'-7��
Y � ���; Subd. 2.Dist:.nce limitarion.\o license mz�•be issuzd cr re;:e•���ed ur.der�h;s c;��p-
-� y �� .a��' ter if the place of��s;�ess to be o}�e;ated u;:�er the licer,se is located or proposed to
-�-> "`�"`�� be loc2ted Within c-e-half mi!e of aaot�er licensed cur,e;,cy exchar.Ee. The distznce
� -
~�� � 1ir„it2tio� i:nposed 'c�•this subdi��ision is r„easLred b��a s:rir��:t line f;o;:i the clesest
�:. � points of t'�e closes� st;tictures i,�•ol��ed.
- -°' ��• Subd. 3. Prohibirion.A lice;.see r,:a}•not cont:act�t•i;h anot�:er perso�or busi�ess
`-»- - h
�:- � _� entity to maa�ee t::� cur;eac}• exch�;,ge business. This su�•d;'�•ision does not p;ohibit
�� � ',�;� the licensee from e,.-.Ylo�•ir.g persons to oper�te a currency exch�r.ez facility.
- ~.� ;:" fiiston•: 1989 c ==i s �; 1992 c SG4 s 2
.x� ^ r,$;.:
�:..� � .: 53.4.03 APPLIC.�TIO\ FUR L10E\SE; FEES. �qE�6,�li���� SF,� �f�}�� � �
�;`" `' """'` (a) •4� appliczt:oa for a 1icease r;�st be ia ��•ritin¢, under ezt�, zn� in t;:e form
�a�;�;,,, -� �
� �;,�,.�.. �; prescribed 2nd fu,—,::s'�ed by the co;*�,,;,issioner and must cor,tzi� the follo�•ine:
�-� � (1) the full nzn:e�nd address(both of res:der.ce�nd p!ace of b�siness)ofthe zppli- .
_ � car.t, and if the ap�;icz�t is a par;ne,-�hip or associztion, of e�•ery menber, znd the
_ `": name and business z�d;ess if the 2pplicant is a corporation;
� .�., .
• �,x.� (2) the county �nd municip�lity, w•ith street and nunber, if any, of all cu„ency
-���,'�'�.-,,,_,�� exch�nge locations ererated by the applicant; aad
� ,f� (3) the applicz;,i's occupation or p;ofession,for the ten;�e2rs immediately p;eced-
..�-�«=.�. ing the app)ication; p;esert or pre�•ious connection w•ith zny other currency exchange
�. ;,�:•.
�, in this or any other s�ate;w�hether ihe applicant has e��er been convicted of any crime;
.; znd the natu;e of the zpp)icznt's occupancy of the premises to be licensed; and if the
applicznt is a partne;ship or a corporation,the information specified in this paragraph
must be supplied for each pznner and each officer and director of the corporation. If
��yi r�i��i
'_ _ _ ' '_ ' � _ ' ' - ' _ _' '_��+.'+'l�i'' � ' �'tT��l�... 1-`��;�G�::�^J)L:.ir�?'�-.�ly��..r.N''' ��'`
'+y: 4"}���-�'�.i�:Y� �
i �' � •����.I.�Y.y'i,,,•�'�sr'
. �.' �~ �;.�.'�'.-��`�:1`i�
I:C� ���.i�,._✓:j„�=i
Cl'FF�E�'C1"EXCH.i.�C c �=. '°"�✓''%�.-::`;::c
FS 3.i.05 �; � � �-��':r.�_`•'�:
�: -},-`�;<
�-x-,:�_ .
I}le e�r1,;Ce,t is a p�rtr.ers?�ip or a;,o-:publ:c�y held�::_��:c;10�,ihe i;�rorr,:�+ien s�eci- �. .�`, ��~�-��
� �1
fed I:1 i�:;S r2gr2 }l 1'!LST �2 :2 u;;ed ofe..C}1 �,,..:- =:;d ezch o„�cer, G�j x� ��~�~�~J`Y`
F` p ' 4 r' �-L>=�.'=r��,..��
, p___ rector, and �: -�_�;�.�:�''-��
stoc};ho?de;s o•�,.ing in excess of ten Fe;ce;:t of thz c;:-�•-�tz �tock of the co;portion. �-� �"�"'=
-�� .�,�,�'���
(b) T:`.e a�alicz;;on shall be acco:;;p��ied by a -_-.,°iLi7G�2bI2 ;ee ef 52:0 for t?�,z �� =�:���_:'�"
re�•iew of t'�e initizl z ; * ^ :}.�„ •�-��-
���1f21 0:1. j,}70:1 'e};�;Ov2� ��' :.:� C , 75 � � -�ui';:.,ti!
liczr.se f e ef�.`�TilUSI�• _� C'-'i:l 5:0712f, c:l 'eU'd',i10�e1 � f �Q ;. '"�r-`5"�""'°-">
Z��'d�)'ihe��7}7jjCe^l 25 2;1 c..'L'cl]:Ctfi52;ee ior the re;,,ain- C ` '� ���� A�
der of t�;e ca�2^�u��e�r..�n cP.;^,L'2I I7C2P,$C f2.°Of S�Q:: ��2;pr 2eC;l SL�52CUCiii C2)2R- i �������
�2T �'CcI' Gi 0}��iet1C� L`}�0� SLv^,ilSS;o� ef a ]icens� ;":'a'�� �p�)j�e110:1 G� Of�'2i07G �. ����'=�
i:- :i=:].;i
Dzcember 1. Fees r,;�st be de^osi�ed ii th � � �,.�.
N e _t�te t;,_;_.; �nd c;edited to the Eeazr�l �` ,��::
furd. L�pcn pz�:,,ent of t!�,e rec��ired �;:nusl licer,se �_e, thz co,;,r,;��sioner shall issue ` �'��
a ]ice�se ier the ��ear be�i;nire Januz;y l, `' Y�-u:
t t
�C� 1 i:2 CO;ii7i1LS70�2f Shc;�i 2QU?,-2 i}iE c�7�,`�1C2i:i:= SL`�vT.11 i0 2�zckg;cund i::�•es- ' "'�
tiE�t�on co:e�LCted b��t}�bure�u of cr:ni��) zppre;;;-::��� �s 2 condition of IicensLrz, w�
.�5 pz;t oft';e bzck¢rou;:d ia�•es:;Edi!OA;lil2 tiJU;eau e;c=-:;na)g. -�- �� C�
dL'CI Cr]:^�;?c�}1:5i071'CL:[�5 O1�i;IIP,z5G�3 reCOi d5 ci,C:: � �r'zhe;,S7G;]5��..I COP.- 3?';
au�,.orized to exch��ge fingcr- �-��
�,'f1A15 W;ib tne Fedzr�� BUi:eU of 1r.�•estigation �" i'Z F1?nj C52 0{ 2 Cf117i.c�
�ac�e:oL�d c�:eck of ihe ;:atio,-,al files. The cost of t=> �:��e�t���;ion r,nust �e paid b �'``�
Y `�=�
the app;ica-t. ' :t��
(d) Fcr pur;�oses of this sec;:on "z-+p1' ���:_ s-�
� r �cant" inc,__;s za er.�plo��ee �ho exercises �
J:2ef1e£en;�t er polic}•conuel o��er the compa,;v,a di;;�;.-r;cZ 0�,,.^.ef,a)imi;ed orgen-
e%2�Fe;i.^.2t,2 i?ie;?ecZr,er a s�a,-;'.;ol�er holci„g mo;Z:.';:?;���27Cc,:I Of 1;;2 OL'i51e.^.d- � �
li7�P SlOI�C Ol i�t CQi�Ofei:OP„ - J�
His;ory: 1y59 c?;i s 3: IS�?c:0;s 3 '��
_ �
�3.�.0-t .�PPRO�'.�I, OR DE\L�I.OF A\.�pPLIC�TIO\. �
: :*�
(a) �t'it�:i� :0 da.s a;?er t^e rece;pt of a com�le;; --,';--•' �� r• -
r :�..��,�on, t'�e conmissio�er < �:�
c}?21� C°2i�ti'i'Z 2*'�^�:Cci:Cil Of c•,", + �' �.Celi01 IO :': £ �' � •.qi
rY ��"�.l i�.'. c•�r` � g bod��of i, e lerl �
• r� .. o zrni,. �; .;is
Li?;l Of£Oti'c^i?i�;?j j7�t'};;�}�ij;Z�r��j[c:;i IS�OCc:2t� Oi:5 �;o�,osir.¢to be)oca�ed.i�� `�
CO:i�.TJ5570';!f;:e)'AOI 2}j,;0�'2 i.i'. 2p��icatie�w�;thoi;:::;C0;]CL1T:�ce eftae go��en- f. �r
1i.� t?O��•. 1:2 £C�'C�^�1•^.P,� rOC')' SL2�� £+.�'2 PL�j);s;:ed no::;� CI 1�5 Ii�l'.;]liOA 10 [OLSiC�2i Y'�
T±]Z 7SSL'Z 2'� S�ici� SOi?Cil i25i1�:�0�V iiQ;:'1 7T1I2i25;2d ' V'
��771T'.1:7:i}'11 w;:1C}l l�:•Z 2��7�1Cc;:115�OCci2d Oi IS f0 C5�'cJ^`� '�C,L���g 1rC5C 1.1 tr�C , _ �
P p _to be loca;ed.Ii the go��en- �.#
ir.g bo�y has r,et app;o�•ed or d;sappro�•zd the issue �.::=;� 60 da.s of rzce; ' ,=�
pI Cf ihZ �' }-�
�pplica�ion, co;cer;ence is presc.,;ed.The commissior.:::-est appro�•e or d;sapp;o�•e .
t h e � . . != ..=
j���7Ce1:0f1 �:'ii}ilil �0 e�a��s fre,:i recei��i,:g t!�e dec75;�::: oi the go��ern;,g bO�V.T}7C �
£0�'2f71i1Q tip�:�'S:12:1 hc�'2 1}1G 50;2 7z5r^.O��Si S 1t�' {Of 1;5 C:C1S7077. 1 i:z S:iie 5�7e�] }12�'C �, � �
no respons;'�;1i,}• for that �ec;sie�. ��
.: -
O lf t}e �pp,�rtio� ;s �er.i:d, rhe comn;ssioner s=a:1 se,d b}•mzil notice of t;�e r�` ��
G�e�12� 2i:d ;Le reaso� i0I iiit d2i112� l0 l�'i2 2 ilCcJ]t ci i:.2 2 c i
PP ddre_s cont�i,-,ed in t!;e ;- ,�
��?�7�JC2S107. 1fc;1 2}7��1C2i1011 15�:.^,:Zd�i�iC 2�t7�1C27T 1?;c':,'::iihin :0 da��s ofrece;�i.^.� �� �.-'`�
the no�ice ofa�eni�),fC�L251 2�O�i2512G�C2SC}]2ef'71]�}�L"c�a,-,t to chapter 1-�r;a;p�•j�Pd � �
th�t if the de�i�l ;s bzsed upaa t!;e re;LS�I of the go�•en;-_�o�y to concer the go�•ern- " ��'
�ng body must ar;ord the zpplica;:t a hz�;ine. The 2 l:c--t s5z11 ha�•e no rie.,;t to the ^`
PP � � ::
hearing p;o��ided for i:� t?;is sectio� if t!:e de;,;�l is bas�� ��oa the Eo�•erni,^.g bod�'s `� �
refusa] to cencLr but sha)1 ha��e a hezr;;,g before the ec:;,;:ir.g body. `•= �"''
c) ?his section app)ies to initial applications and ;,::e•.�•al applicztions. �� �_
(d) The s+.z;e sha11 ha�•e r,o responsibility for the �c::ca of the go�•erning body. `�� � '•f
History: I9S9 c�97 s;; 1992 c SO-�s 4 ;.� F"
.• �
� =- �
53.4.05 CH.��GE OF\.a�1E, 0�1:\LRcHIP, OR LOC.4TI0\'. �� y�
Subdi�•ision 1.\ame or locstion.Ifa licensee proposes to char.ee ihe name or loca- �V ''
tion of any or all of its currency exchznees, the licensee sha11 fi1e an applicziion for �� �
2pproval of the ch2nge a�ith the commissionPr. The cor.;:7issioner shall noi a �
a chznge of]ocztion if the requirements of sectior.s 53A.G3,subdivision 2,and 53A 04
ha�•e not bzen satisfied. If the ch2nge is appro�•ed by the co„�missioner, the commis-
_. "�'• ., .' '.�-.'.':1"✓
.lrwt.ti=;%`~: ,:�/=.�+:~�� �
��� : �
-�..y�. .a- �.
t���a�,���� _��t�-��•= C�r � ( J l
-`��-�-�= '`� 5?A.OS CL'RRE�CY EXC:ti�'GES l lJ ��"��
�,.,�_�._�;�:;�^.:-�` sioner shall issue an a-e;;�ed license in the licensee's ne�v r.ar-�e er loc2tion.a 5�0;ee ;
�v- �w ���, ;•ati:,�r; � �;.• :-C;I�2a I1C�17S2. �
... ¢ _ :��; must be paid ,or t, . �..
`� {��=`.- �" '�'`` Subd. ?. T}:e licensee shaJl notify the cor*inissioner 30 busin:ss da��s
,� __�_�=+^'-�'�j�:`:� �1i'T7Ei$t�i. .
-�<``_��;';� ia ad�•znce ef any c::a-.;e ia o�*�nership of the cure�cy exch�r.�e. The commiss:oner ,
'- =''=r�'=':`.'�'�='-='�=`� n�ay re��okz t�e cur::-c}' ezch2r,ge liczr.se if�?:z ne��• ow�ne;shi� ���ould ha�•e resulted
,��.�::_';,*,_.-,:_:: •
_ �->.�;,.� _�,.. . .
� -�.,-.=:'���s_ .: in a deni�l cf the i-:::z1 l;ce;�se Lnder the pro�•isions of chapter �3.a. .
"��,Y,����:, --
='� 3`�-;����r. Histor: 19�9c _=is �; 199?c :04s5
. _t.�...=__. :�=�;�.;
� :�::.��Y-s
y`' .y_:��`�'.�,• `�_xa�;s, c \� �, OR RE�'OCATIO\ OF LICE�SE.
�u;�, .:::�.�:.�-,���: �3.�..06 FI�E, St' rt IO.
r5._��_,s;'=. ,�.;.��..� . .
-���;_;;�4�:;��,:;< (a) Tl;e cemm::s:.�er na��s��sper.d or re�'oke any]icz,se L.^.der section 4�.037 if
:�.^c,-r_,_`x-t`'`:'. . . G_ l.
��=`�~:-:-r�=��s° the conr,-,:ss:o;�er ,:.._s t, zt:
'``�="�"=�==��``'' (1) t`:e];cens:e`:s':.i?ed to pa}'the 2�nLa1]icense;ee or to mai�tain in e�ect the
�'-'���.=�._f=::,,�:3: '_ ' '
""�"``'"`�"�`�^� required bo:,d or to c.:-:ply ��'i�h ��y o;der, cecision, or findir.g of the commissioner
_Y��',a_,' w�^. .
- �.^=��:°::,=,�s��: under La���s 1 SS9, c-_=:er 24 i;
�`=��•=�`�;:������ (3) the I;ce,.see; cr a-:�•e=cer or d:rector ef a corporate licensee, has�•iolated any
Y��z-ji�r;�==: pro��ision cf La�•.s 1:z�, chap:er'�7, or any nle er order ef the comnissioner under
}>�:_�.,;:,,:.°,,.��-..-.�';,. �- L
' �' �-° x;��� this ch�pter or cha_:.: .�;
�-.��s:�.-_�_:. •
•'-�1�Y:��r.,; (:) the license.,�;zr.)•o:�cer or director of a corpora:e l;ce,^.see,has��iolated any
�'�=�..�.'��``' other law �ti�!:ich ���e�_:� i-:dic�:e tbat �he person is untnst��or�h)' or not quzlified to
�„�=�:�;� .
��"?��:�;; operate a cu„ency :x,:a.^.ge; or
'�`"�""°'�' " 27>'rcCi Oi iC':�li1Q:1 2�15:5�t'i?7Ci'l, if it h2a fX1512a cT 1i:2 i1J772 Qf i�2 0;]£.'P.cl
��,-s-z'4�,,.>:__=; �`�
�r.zY���": Oi Tzi Z«'��er�,�:CciiC'�:Of 1�52�ice;.s.',�i•oLld hc\'2 K'::T2�i2d l�:G CCTT'iST7;S5:0i,2f i2fL'$1T70�
-?,���� .... '-
,,,-�-4`'-��=. the issuance of the ::.:-se. ,.
.r.�<'.���f' •
�---.},#`"--..�,r��?:, ('�) .�license r.._•:-ot be r���e�ed until the licensee has had retice ofa hear,ne pu;-
��:�:�: • '
�,$- . suznt io tr:e pro.�is:c-s of chzp:er 14.
r`�-'����� � (c) ,�;ice;,seZ-°_ti'SJ„C��2i c��)'J7i2as:by del;��e;�•to t;�e conr,.iss;oner.The s��r-
�s����� . . ,
y..�J��� re�der does r.ot a�.:.;:-e licensee s ci��il or c;,:�:i;,�]l;zbilit�•fot ac;s com�itttd befo.e
�:��.��J 1 J � 1� 1:�1'i:T
,� _ the sL;re��er, or z..:.t t„z L�..,' �� ea the bond requ;red by t`�is act, or entitle the
�-`=- , Q: lice,^.see to a ;ztu� ci any part ef 2r.y license Iee.
l��,D,-�- = �C� �2�Ci� SL'S�:-5701 Of T2�'GC2lioa ef the ]icense, l};2 COJ'1�T,155:Oner ma�• fine a
�'-��� .=�= licensee for,�iolatie-s ef La��s 1SS9, ch�pter ?�7, �s authorized ur.der ch�pur 4�.
_- � f
s. 3. . Histon�: 1939 c _=i s 6
" ':
�:�_�t .
' ='`� �3A.07 FILI\G OF FEES; t�RE.�SO\ABLE FEES.
` "�� S�.:bdi�;sien l..�prro��al of fees.Fees charged at each Jocatioa for check cashing ser-
� ��ices must be filzd •�:ta znd app;o��ed by the comnissioner.
�:t`t-�~'{: Subd. 2. .�menc-:ent of fees. A lice,^,see may amend its fees at any time by fi;ing
�. ��-�'�',' zhe proposed ame-:c-:enu w�iih i4,e commissioner. The application for amendment
,��� - -�; s;�all be in w�ritir.g,c^�er ozth, and in the for,-n prescribed b�•the commissior,er.A fee
����� ��: of S�0 shall acco;?;�=-v the z 1'c<<ion. The commiss;o;,er shzll appro�•e or deny the
-�:�: p� ; _.
-Y?; �.:,L-'i applicztioa 60 da��s a::er the filir.g of a co:r,plete zpplication to �nend its fees.
�`�' _.�. SLbd. 3. Stand=*ds; unreasonable fees prohibited. The commissioner may disap-
'�-=- p;o��e the fees filed�}•a cur;enc�•exchz�ee if they are not fair�nd,-easonzble.In deter-
'� mining w�;:ether a `ee is fair �nd reasonzble, the comrnissioner shall take into
� (I) rates chzr�:d in the past for c�shing of checks by those pe;sor.s znd oreaniza-
"'�'�� " tions pro��iding ch:ck rshir,g ser��ices in the state of�linnesota;
� (3) the inco;,e,cest,and expzriente of the operations of currency exchanees exist-
` ^ �-' � ��, ing prior to ihis er.�ct;;�ent or in other states under similar conditions or regulations;
�rr~�'� ' (3) the amount of risk invol�•ed in the t��pe of check to be cashed and the location ,
w•here the currency exchange operates;
� ' (4)�the general cost of doing business,insurance costs,security costs,banking fees,
'� 2nd other costs associzted w•ith the operations of the particulzr currency exchange;
t: �y�::'j�-�� -
, , F :�.�r:e���'--_=��.':=
�� • C ��".�.'.-�::=':::�
. �_cl Cl'RRE�C1'EXCHA�'GESS?A.11 � "°~�=,`;4'`_%�`�i;_.
�'. .k.`���'-��`iY���._•..
� c^,;? 1 5 ,— o ; "`tc��..•;•'r•``:-t
(_) a rez_� able �,ro�.t for a cL„ency exch..nge e:c-_;.on• and � • �--:-:.�-•--�.-ti:
� �:, ��,.-r.�:::-__ ^
��� e�V Oi;:2� 7i72ii2f l;;t COl7];�,75510;12f �2e;�]S Sy^.:�ri7ciC. F F"'��v;;r�' �z
The coT,misr'o^2C 5;;2i� Set 3 sep2ieiC I2iC, CQ�SlSi2;.i '�:�5 l}:2 abo��e stand�;d5, fOf � ��„`, y�:�':::
c�:.� � ._
checks issued by a go��ernnent er,tity i� zn �mount L? :�S�00 to be cashed by a cur- r� �`�-c<==�';'-=�`:;=
rency exchar,�e. �� u� =?�
_ � ��,,�-.�,;�,����
:� -..��e;_:_--.-_�;t:
Histon•: 1�E9 c?-;7 s i � '-'�"�'=:;3=,�`-_
./ �� ��y,` ' ' `
�3.�.03 BO�D. _ ; t_: �:�_�_�_�';?
��,, �' ti`-�=;`';'=
� -, � c � '� 1 ��' ;;. .�`�`'�'�,=:>-�:=
Bzfore );ce,.se m�}�be is_ued to a cur;e,.cy exc};a-_:,t,.e zpplicaat shall fi.e a�nu- �: .��._q_,:.,.;
�lly���ith 2rd ;:a�•e appro��ed by�he co:nmissioner a s�::;y bond, isseed by a bondir,g -x-��--�,-;;;,i
COi7�j�2J7V 2L'ii:C:]Z2d 10 C�O bU51TiC55 11 1};7S Sicle Iil li:: riiP.C;�i� 27:OL;Jt Of 51����0. �' •P' �^�"�:?f,=�•�-
� ':�r-�,r�
The bond rr.LSt nnn to the co:,�nissie:,er znd is tor t`:e ::�efit of credi:c�;s of the cur- --�;��-_,
f2„Cy CXC}:2,^.ge,`or 1i�bil;ty ir,cL„ed by t},e cur;ency exc:.�::gC Oi] Ti?OL2y Oide;s issued - - ;,�;���
� .c:..:•3.,�•
or sold b}� tht cu:rency exchzn�z, for lizbili�y i;,cu„e� :}• the cLr;ercy excha,^.ge for -;�,+��-r-s��
sums due to a p���ee or enco;s:e ofa c}::ck,d;a'•'t,or r;,o-:�•e;der left��;ih the currency ���:
e�ch2nge for cei'ection, and fo;lia'�ility incur;ed b}•t`�: CL';i2�C�'C�Cn2;i£2 lA COADfC- �s.����
T10A w']li1 pf0�'ld:ng cu,:C,-:CV fXC;:e;:Et Sfl,'7C25. 1}iZ i�::�i:'1i55701"i2f Tl�2V f2C�,Ul;e a ��
�?C2i�5.'e,o file a bond in e:] c�G�i1;0i,c�21T1Jlli�t if the ce-::�:SSCi�2T CQi S7C�2TS lI P.ZCfS- ` ��=�'"�
�. �'�,
S:.i�'10 7221 1}z i.°QL'ii2.T.t'P.iS Of l}ii5 S�CllO�. I;1 C�Clfi:i,;'."g l�z 2�dli!Oilel amou�t ef .�:
the b��r.d w•hich nav be requi:ed, the commissior,er r,.a��:equi;e thz licer.see to 5Je iu s�,:�
fi:,�ncial rtco;�s, includi;:g all bcA}�Si2:2i��27iS, }2f12:^:''?to the sale of money orde;s
for the przcedi:g 13•r^onth perioj. Jn no case nay ,:; `�ond be less thaa the initial -� ;�,�
S]O,QGO or more �h�n the outsta::di�g !i�bili:ies. ;�
Histon•: 1 SS9 c ?;i s 3; 199?c:GT s 6 �-�
_ �xt��
�3.�,.OS1 .�\�L'.�L REPORT.��D I\«STIGaTIO��, ``a=.:�
S�.:bdi��ision 1..4nnu�1 report.Oa er befo*e�fa;ch 1, a?ice�see sha;l fi:e zn ::nneal ^�"=
r�y^OT'[w'li�l 1}:2 f01?'1^":;SSiC�2i fOI�he p:r��ious cal2,^.C2I�:cf. T}:2 f2�011 f'1l]Sl COi1127i] �ti'"
li:iOiT,�e110?1 iC�I 1�:2 COi:71;];SS1Q�2T f;:2y reason::��V i2�J::Z CO:1C2f;:IA2� c^d ;or the �-'=��
p;:nese of exe:Ti1:�;L'?.1�C�US1.^.255 2^t�0}�,2T2:IO:l$O{2�C:i�ictnsed cL„znc�•e�ch2A£E. �„f_���
$U�d. 3. In��es;igarion.1 rZ C'0�„]?I;S5101'i:f JT2}'ci e'�'i;f;C ei,d 5�12)� 2T I225I OiICC .._. �:�
� _
1;1 C2i�1�'2ar in��est;E�ie i}'i2 C'L�;2AC\'CXC;I2P.£2 SL'SIl'i255 Oi c':��licer.set�r.d of e�•ery per- �' '�=-;.�
son, pan;.ershi�, zssociation, 2na CO rOr2i10;1 C.^.£2£2d ',:'1 the busi,^.ess ef oper�ting a =` -"��
� � +,�
cur;ency excha,ge i� thz rn�nnzr p;o��ided under sect;e� ��.037. ��
S;:�d. 3. Fees ar,d expenses.7he licensee s;�2ll pay t:::costs of aa e�aminatioa or �. �:---�'"�.�,
'_ +.;�•�
ir,��esti��tion i� the m�n;�er p;o��i�ed under section 60.�.03, subdi�ision �. � "'�'��
Histon•: 199?c:G4 s 7 _=�-�,;
�3.-�.09 P011'ERS; LI�IIT.4TIO�S; PROHIBITIO�S. `� "�''=�'�
A CL'ITCnC\'f�Ci�2;:�Z T:2)'IIOl 2[Cf�7l P.70•^.2}'Of CUT7e-.c}•for depos;t,or act zs be1��2 +: � ;�.'�
Of 2£2P.t ;or pzrsonc, �f';,;5, F2i i1727551rS, zsseciations, or co:poratio�s to hold money k ,.�-.,�;.
Of CLi�2iICV in esc;e��• `or others for any purpese. Hetiti�e��rr, a cu„ency exchan£e r,:ay h �.'Y
r +�ir:�
�ct �s C�ZiIt lO� the iss��er ef money ordz,-s or tra�•e!ers' c;�ecks. � -�:�
Histon•: 19d9 c?�7 s 9 �. s� �;
r +��
�3.�.I0 �ZOL�TIO\S. r .; �
.�ny person,firr�,zssociation,part�ership,or co;po;ztion that�'iolates Law�s 1439, ,:.. ._
chapter 3�7, shzli be guilty of a misdemeznor. � ;;��`
H;ston•: 1959 c Z97 s JO �. �;�;
� 4�
�3.a.11 B003:S OF ACCOU\T; Ati\UAI,REPORT. �� �"'�
The licensee shall keep and use in the licensee's busi;,ess the books,accounts,znd � -=
records that w�ill en�ble the commissioner to determine w�hether the licensee is com pl y- ^�._
ing w•ith the pro�•isions of I.aw•s 19S9, chapter 247, and w�th the rules adopted by the
- _ •.���=' - " _ - _ � 1� :Y���.� _ _ - — �
F •`,���;:__ _.._:y� "� x 'i.�._
F'o.��,,,_,�.�`z�.:!.� ,- '- J.. - -
`�.�1.4�...�i� :ti:�_ �;r
':�+��'.^":= :_`''.=:`
�'-'�_✓tiY?ti;' '��r�.`i�_'�: �f I' ) l.'!
}_��'i`���7- ii`..�r�`���' . (,/] � -� /
�:� . �';;1!-_M,-ix:_<s,;,~�. 53A.11 Ct'RRE�C1'�:;C�4�GES i
��- �:; .'.,-*� ';�;_- 1?S2
��i�:�_ ���;'�_-`��� commissioner. .4 ;:ce�see sha;l preser�e the boo�s acce�.:nu and rec for at least
�� .�- =.�;'.':• , , , , ords
;� - '�'''� = s fte r r.-• 5 1 e nt ry.
�-�- ,��.���~:_ _ _! t��o }�ea; a _.;^g the , na
-' ��: � `��3 �� History• 19�?c%-7 s 11
�r, ��e��." `- :�i j�ti:�:.'
t�>> %���`'�:�'� �'''V'—�r':=..
���:�i;::_,�z_.3ti-.^. 53:�.12 RLZES.
^�=='�'��' "��''���:' The comr,�,iss`o-�r nay adopt rules under chap�er 14 �s may be r.ecessary to
:�. •.:-. �_l,. �-t�
N` —''�;������ �-�1" adninister and z-..�,-ce this chapter. , '
;, :� ��..:�- �'
'� =4h- _--'__�;`� Histor�: 19�>c 197 s 12
;� ;�� _r;''<>;�:.-,=_
� ,��:.Y - _;=;���_ �3.4.13 FEE \OTICE; F.-�I,SE i,Dti-ERTISI\G; PE\AI.1�'.
- '-`�='����"�`"�'` Subdi�•isioa 1. Fee norice. The fees ch2rged by curre;,cy exchanges for re;,�ering
��;�.� - .. .f:a_�;.
.�r_ _..;._;�->:
- '���������=�r���•��== 2ny ser�ice autha=z�d by this act nust be prominently�;sri��•ed on tht p;emises of
' �rz_ =T�`�=': the cur;e;:cy e�c?:a-:e in the fashion requi;ed by the con;r.issioner.
r "='r�%--�.�"�-=�:t;: . Subd. 2. Fal:e adrertising. .4 licensee may not ad�•enise, p;i,^.t, display, publis5,
T:;.�,_ =�.;.:_.
_' .ss_-:::--:-;r?;�T�.; d;51f7bL'iC, Or bTC��CcSi 8;1)' 51312;,�ert Of fepr2S2Alei101 1}7ct �5 i2�SC, n'135�22�1;?Q, Or
�""`�''y�f�., decepti�•e, or that c.:::�s material in,or,:,atioa.
_- .���t-.: �
.�.:;;:_ �.� —�•
' {YS_!"�+�C_T^•'�' .
- �t- -:'���:��;-��= Subd. 3.Ci�;l I:=bilin•;penalr•.A pe;son w�ho�•iolates a;,}•s�bdi�•ision ofthis chap-
•��-� -�.•�, ' ter is liable to the i;:son dam��ed b}•the�•iola;ion for�ctLal e�mages.The ceurt may
:�� �7_�p.,�_.Y.-
�"°�.._:�`"��: �a•ard reasonab;e :..torney fees and costs.
�: a`';�sr: .
���,..�= Histon: 19�:c 97s 13 �
�.•::_ �`, k� �
7 '�'�;=�..
_ ���;��_;=- 53.�.I4 [Repea';^, I 992 c �Q-7 s 5) _
- .:����;`.�
_- �'��. �`=�
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=-�' �'
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'.�.-1?y ^ .
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_ _ _ f _ _ '�="�.Y1:�;'.��_:•."-•-:,';'-.�_:: --...�\`
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169 CL'nRE�C1'E\CHA\GES 5?.�.03 `''' `��'�"'�' ��"'''".
�F�i ���°':'
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CliRRE\ `. �?��=�`'���:�°'
CY E:�CH�.\GES � �`�
'��'l�LzfY'3'L.. ��.
+��'i�':Y.: �'�=S-F�+�7��..
""'n"�".,.. ]7'���'�-.f�+V=to�.�!r�Y.i
}'f+""'�.�i . .
.`F�'."- -�sa'.�^^'Ysti��[J.�Y�
_T`..,�'.-iY._, �'�:
`?A.C�3 A;'i:<:ic-,`or liar.sr,`e;s. �:�
"�,:� `'_`�;' z
53.4.03 APPLIC.�TIO\ FOR LICE\SE• FEES. �--�:::�.��=��=f'�
, -���?-��'��`'�y�'-�_r��
�2� .�.'I �pplic�tion for a license ,;,;:st be i� ��riti;.F, �_-cer ezt�1, znd in the ,`orm --��- �cl��=-''�^ 'G`•�;.�
prescribed 'c^d iL'r�15iiEd �.'V i}i2 C0-�1;�;5510�2T cii� Ti�_5: iC;ie;;] IiC i0J)O�t'1;7P�: �-��l �� h�
(1) the;uiln�r„e2rd e ss �o:� '- -^s`� ``'��=`'��i '�
c C�i2 �� c�freside;�CZ cP.0 .:_CG Qf�U$7^255�Of�he appli- �''��_---��j.y'��
cant, znd ;'f:he �pplic�,:t ;s a p�;�a;rs;:ip cr associ<<i�-, cf e�•ery r,;enber, and �he ��-_'--���'���
nzm i;:e ;
C ciI �L'S 55 ��dress if !:C c���iCci:i 15 2 C � • ��-�'----�-�'��'"'=�?�-��+-
rr• � t.�ie:.�:�! r'`�5�++�.
��''^p' Y Itzr—.v
:5 e+�`r,�,���°'
�2� liiC CO��i:i�' e7� iuLi7'C1}c�l��'� 11'7i�1 SifEEI and n�_--�:f� lf�;lY� Of zll cu,-;ency �'�-' �i'��
exch.., �e n � ed b�•t � !' • � .�;�";"��::;
=-: )oc<<;o S 0},2I'cl te ��p.;cant; zad �'�`����- z'
��) ihe�ppi;c2nl�S OCCL}^,eii0:l Ci�;Qr255jo�,;�r the:,-:�'2e;5)7,.,ediz;el�•p;eced- ��� �r 1��.
ing the �pp?irtien; p,-csent er p:2�':�;;5 CO;:i:cC110A W'ii�] c-�' OI�]er cu„ency exchc^fC ' �`�'�5��'�
in this or�ny G:��f Sl2iC;»'�'i2ii:�f itt eY�1.j�c;:i };2s e�•er`ce:] CO;]�')C;ed of cP.Y crine; yMY�'s-��r,�`M°�-
a,d the natu;e cf t;�e � ;icz:,t's occ_ --c�� �''�`�'`-
FP ;��•: �ef the pre-::_s to be licens;d• znd if�he '=�K���
c}'�,*r1�ICcJil 7S 2 �c;�;12i 1 Of 2 i�:r�.cii0l;ii 21�r0;7T:�i1C.: r CiuCd 1i11�1IS FcieEfc},�1 � ;,�s .r��r-
}, c1;'}7 �---»-- �.�` c �=,:_.�.- r
'i -�'•u'?' .�.k.;i
mcst be st �',d ;er e2C� e,�.,zr c;,� fef5 0;'�2i 2Dd �:';;,C? Of i};2 CG�0;2U0;1. )f T"��^�� ''�^��'-��"'
F�t'..e }_.r_ -�^=�s^.�r,.,-'�`.�.c'.��,.�`�.
liiC c}'�}7)7Cci.l IS 2�ei�^2iSh:}7 Gf 2^G-�r���;Ci�'ii2��CO1 rC;c::C:l,iLC:;:i01T:7ci70;1 S}'��C1• �j'� -����'��
rl2d li1 1}l75 �^,c;2£ier� 1:':L'Sj �e i2CL'1:2� Of 2cCi] �2i��Ef�'.'. :cC�l 07CEf, director, 2„d , + ' �=� .,��'s?�'�
stockhe;�2;5 O'�i:l,:£;� excess of ic:7 r;r.e;:t of the co,��.o-�:; SiOCK Gf ��e ce ro;a;ion. �r��
(b) The �'�^''C2::0:1 5}Ic�� �.° cCCO.T,YeP.i�d �)' 3 70:i:-' '•G'c�it �E2 Of C�`� � � •
rY�' :.. �Of ii.e - �°�.�"'k-�a'��
re��ie«• Gf I�C )P.:i:e� cY��)CciiG7. L�tC'.l 'e�r:0�'c� �J1' 1}:C C.-:,�issio-!er, 2i1 eG°C�,ll:0i�8� `;"''"r�r�_""'��
�:GC,�Se f22 Gf S�O�?iL'S1 tJ2}7e;d�\'i};Z cJr�)Cc:�l�5 c:1 e;:f:�cl��CC;iSC�eC i0T l;�E;f,^21�- :������
der of i�iC Cc�2:Ji.2i 1 eer.A;1 c.*.•AL'el iicense fee of S�0 is c.::er e2c'� subsecue�t r�C7- '
dar��ear of opesa;ion L�O� SL'b:r.;ssio� ef a licence rene•��1 er J� � - -`
p �cz�;en e� or befo;e ...�r,�
SepiC^iber 1. Fees ;�;L'Sl tJG �e}'�Q57:2d IA i�it SieiC 1,-2�Sli:1'c:;� �;��j;ed l0 the ge�erz� � "''
fund. L'pon p��;,:e�t of the ;eoui;ed a;:r.u�l license fee, :=.: coT�r,:issioner s;;z11 issue �
a license tor the ��ear beginni;:g?�nLa�• 1. �
(c) The co:Tif:1;SSIG�CT Sue��:2CL'i;G�`e zpplicant to s�•`•:-;t to a bc�};ffOU�d IA�'tS-
ligation conducied by;he bureau of r,:;,:i�z1�pp;ehensie�as a conci;i�� of]icer,sure.
.'�S pa�t etthe b8C1:£;OL'7d lfi�'CSi:£2i1C:1,i;,e bi:re�u of cr:-:i-��c� :"
r�;ehension shal]con- _ ,,,�. ��.:::'�
d�ct criminzl his:er�•checks of'�fir.;,ese:z recor�s a;:d is z:::=orized to exc,`.ange 5aeer- � � � �;"�
prin�s ��iih the Fede;al Bu;ezu of J;:��esuga:ion for ;=: pu:pese of a criminzl � - ���
bzckeround c,`,eck cf�he nation�l `1es. Tt�e cost ef the i;.•.;s;� '
.gation must be pa;d by ���',�"�
the app)ica;,t.
(d) For pu reses of ihis sec:io�, `�r�lirr.t" incluces aa emplo��ee u:':o er.ercises � '�"`��
�.-��,�� .�`'�.'�'�
i7]2AcEE„�2ri1 Of�O�1C�'CO;11f0�0�'ei:f C t0;ri�eiiV.2 G�;;eCiC�,-,cn o�cer,2�1T7ited or een-
erzl partner,a m�naEer,or a shareho!�er}ol�ir,e ne;e th�s,::��erce�t efthe outstznd- r '-` � ��
ing stock of the co;�oralion. ; ,����
Histon�: J993 c.�54 s 1 °�; ��
� ��;�_�
r-�'��°'^f! ._�, .
_ V�-����^�
�ti .- � ��'``� '�_'�
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�f,b ���� �<
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\:'1��;��=%� �
��� ti���
, �� /�� 1 ti'�'�. ""�
,�_; ��yz •,�:.3t`-'��:�"�
�a�.��-�+' ='_w -�=;
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„'� �','V-��t`��j-:�.�-�ii
.r�i.r!�t"= . ._s.-:w�� �:�
� th
RobertKessler,Director �/' . I
Norm Coleman,Mayor BUILDING Facsimile: 612-266-9099
Suite 300 612-266-9124
350 St.Peter Street
Saint Paul,Minnesota SSIO?-1 SIO
September 23, 1996
Ardyth Kennedy
2442 Union street #2
San Diego, CA 92101
Re: Currency Exchange License Application
Dear Mr. Kennedy:
The City of Saint Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has
received notification from the Minnesota Department of commerce of your cunency
exchange license application for New Money Express at 785 East Seventh Street, Saint
Paul, Minnesota 55106.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
local governing body after published notice and hearing.
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge on behalf of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul. The hearing will be held 'I�esday, October 1, 1996 at 9:30
a.m. in the Ramsey County Courthouse, room 42, 15 West Kellog Boulevard, Saint
Paul, Minnesota. Your attendance at this hearing is extremely important, especially if
any adverse testimony is presented to which you wish to respond.
The Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 381.02(c) directs the license applicant to pay a
fee to the City covering the costs of administering and processing the currency exchange
application. The fee for this application is $317.00 and must be paid within (15) days
of the receipt of this letter. The Code further requires the applicant to reimburse the
City for its costs in conducting the hearing(s) prescribed by State Law. You may be
billed for those costs after the hearing(s).
� � � i�q�
For your convenience, a copy of the notice of hearing as well as the City Ordinance
Section 381 has been enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact Christine
Rozek at 266-9108.
�O �
Troy Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney
Robert Kessler,Director
� � - � � ��
CTTY OF SAINT PAUL LICENSEAND Telephone:6l2-266-9100
Norm Coleman,Mayor INSPECTIONS Facsimrle:612-266-9124
350 St.Peter Street
Suite 300
SaintPaul,Minnesota 55102
Currency Exchange License Application
of New Money Express, Inc.
785 East Seventh Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106
Office of Administrative Hearings
on the behalf of the
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that testimony will be taken from interested persons, including
those in the community with respect to the application of New Money Express, Inc. to
operate a currency exchange by license issued under Minn. Stat. §53A.02.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
governing body, after published notice and hearing, within 60 days after receipt of the
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge from the Minnesota Office
of Administrative Hearings, on behalf of the Council of the City of Saint Paul. His or her
report, and recommendation for action, will be forwarded to the Council for its action.
Date of Public Hearing:Tuesday October 1, 1996
Time :9:30 a.m.
Location of Public Hearing:
Ramsey County Courthouse
Room 42, Lower Level
15 West Kellog Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
If you have any questions, please call Christine Rozek, Office of License, Inspections
and Environmental Protection at 266-9108.
Chapter 381. Currency Exchanges � � ` �� L �
Sec. 381.01. State license required; de�nition.
No person shall engage in the business of a currency exchange in Saint Paul without a
license as provided by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 53A.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 2, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.02. Procedures; hearing; fee.
(a)Procedzrres. Upon receipt of a completed application from the commissioner of
commerce for either a new license or the renewal of an existing license, the matter shall be
referred to the office of license, inspections and environmental protection for initiation of a
hearing as required by state law within the period allowed for the response of the governing body.
The hearing shall be for the purpose of taking testimony from interested persons, including those
in the community in which the applicant is located or is proposing to be located, as required by
law, and upon grounds or issues as to which notice has been given in accordance with the
requirements of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code. The said office shall publish
and give notice as required by law.
(b)Hearing. The hearing shall be held before an independent hearing examiner in
conformity with the provisions of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code, and the
rules of the office of administrative hearings, to the extent such rules are not in conflict with
sections 310.05 and 310.06.
(c)Fee; costs. The applicant shall pay, within fifteen (15) days following receipt of the
application by the city, a fee covering the costs of administering and processing the application in
an amount to be established in conformity with the procedures in section 310.09(b) of the
Legislative Code. The applicant shall also reimburse the city, within fifteen (15) days following
action by the city council on the application, for its costs in conducting the hearing or hearings
prescribed by state law, including publication costs and the cost of the administrative proceedings
and hearing before an independent hearing examiner.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 3, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.03. Grounds for disapproval, etc.
(a)Disappr•oval. The council may by resolution disapprove an application and, if so, shall
state therein its reasons for so doing. It may adopt in whole or in part the findings of fact and
conclusions of!aw of the independent hearing examiner and may amend the same to conform to
its decision on the record and the testimony. Notice of the disapproval may be communicated to
the commissioner of commerce before the effective date of any such resolution where necessary
to avoid a presumption of concurrence.
� � -� I ��t�
(b) Urourrds for•disappr•ovcrl. Disapproval of an application may be based on one (1) or
more of the following grounds, in addition to any other jround allowed by law:
(1) Violation of any provision of the state currency exchange law contained in Chapter
(2) Any one (1) or more ofthe reasons, conditions, or standards for adverse action
under section 310.06 of the Legislative Code.
(3) Failure of the applicant to pay the city fee and costs prescribed above.
(4) (i) The location of a new currency exchange as proposed would cause
significant adverse consequences or impacts upon the neiahborhoods
within three hundred (300) feet of the exchange. Such anticipated effect
must be shown by clear and convincing evidence.
(ii) The existing currency exchange has caused significant adverse
consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods within three hundred
(300) feet of the exchange.
(5) Failure of the applicant to agree to reasonable conditions upon the operation of the
_ business in accordance with the procedures in section 310.OS and the grounds of
310.06. Such conditions could include, but are not limited to, hours of operation,
off-street parking requirements, bonding in an amount greater than that rec�uired by
state law, and annual audits at the licensee's expense.
(6) The applicant is not of good moral character and repute and/or is unfit.to operate
such a business. �
(7) The applicant is not at least eighteen (18) years of age.
(8) The applicant is not the real party in interest in the application.
(9) The location of the business for which a new currency exchange license is sought is
within one-half mile of an e�stin� currency exchange licensed by the state.
(10)) The applicant or its proposed business location does not comply with applicable
zoning, building, fire and health codes.
(c)Persons anc�corporations. If an applicant is a partnership, the application may be
denied if there is a basis for denial as to any partner. If the applicant is a corporation, the
application may be denied if there is a basis for denial as to any (i) shareholder holding more than
five (5) percent of the outstandina or issued stock of the corporation, or (ii) officer or director of
the corporation, or (iii) employee of the enterprise having policy or management control over the
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 4, 2-2-94) ( � ' '� 1 �
Sec. 381.04: Definitio�is.
The following words and/or phrases shall have the following meaning when used in this
chapter and in Chapter 310 of the Legislative Code.
(a)Applicant. The term "applicant" includes persons, partnerships, firms and corporations
and all other forms of business ventures. It also includes employees who exercise management or
policy control over the enterprise, general and limited partners, shareholders of more than five (5)
percent of the outstanding or issued shares of a corporation, and corporate managers, officers and
(b)Application. The term "application" includes applications for both new and renewal
(c)License. The term "license" refers to the state currency exchan�e license provided for
in Minnesota Statutes Section 53A.02.
(d) Cacrr•ency excharrge. The term "currency exchange" is defined in Minnesota Statutes
Section 53A.01, subdivision l. Currency exchange means any person, except a bank, trust
� company, savings bank, savings and loan association, credit union, or industrial loan and thrift
company, engaged in the business of cashing checks, drafts, money orders or travelers' checks for
a fee. Currency exchange does not include a person who provides these services incidental to the
person's primary business if the charae for cashing a check or draft does not exceed one dollar
($1.00) or one (1) percent of the value of the check or draft, whichever is greater.
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 5, 2-2-94)
� :
Robert Kessler,Director
� � -l� q�
Norrn Coleman,Mayor BUILDING Facsimile: 6/2-266-9099
Suite 300 612-266-9124
350 St.Peter Street
SarnlPaul,Minnesota 55102-1 SIO
September 23, 1996
Alice Gunderson
8705 12th Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55425
Re: Currency Exchange License Application
Dear Ms. Gunderson:
The City of Saint Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has
received notif'ication from the Minnesota Department of commerce of your currency
exchange license application for New Money Express at 785 Fast Seventh Street, Saint
Paul, Minnesota 55106.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
local governing body after published notice and hearing.
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge on behalf of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul. The hearing will be held Tuesday, October 1, 1996 at 9:30
a.m. in the Ramsey County Courthouse, room 42, 15 West Kellog Boulevard, Saint
Paul, Minnesota. Your attendance at this hearing is extremely important, especially if
any adverse testimony is presented to which you wish to respond.
The Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 381.02(c) directs the license applicant to pay a
fee to the City covering the costs of administering and processing the currency exchange
application. The fee for this application is $317.00 and must be paid within (15) days
of the receipt of this letter. The Code further requires the applicant to reimburse the
City for its costs in conducting the hearing(s) prescribed by State Law. You may be
billed for those costs after the hearing(s).
�1� - l ���
For your convenience, a copy of the notice of hearing as well as the City Ordinance
Section 381 has been enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact Christine
Rozek at 266-9108.
Troy Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney
� c. -- � � °� c�
Norm Coleman,Mayor INSPECTIONS Facsrmile:612-266-91?�l
350 St.Peter Street
Suite 300
SaintPaul,Minnesota 55102
Currency Exchange License Application
of New Money Express, Inc.
785 East Seventh Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106
Office of Administrative Hearings
on the behalf of the
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that testimony will be taken from interested persons, including
those in the community with respect to the application of New Money Express, Inc. to
` operate a currency exchange by license issued under Minn. Stat. §53A.02.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
governing body, after published notice and hearing, within 60 days after receipt of the
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge from the Minnesota Office
of Administrative Hearings, on behalf of the Council of the City of Saint Paul. His or her
report, and recommendation for action, will be forwarded to the Council for its action.
Date of Public Hearing:Tuesday October 1, 1996
Time :9:30 a.m.
Location of Public Hearing:
Ramsey County Courthouse
Room 42, Lower Level
15 West Kellog Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
If you have any questions, please call Christine Rozek, Office of License, Inspections
and Environmental Protection at 266-9108.
Chapter 381. Currency Exchanges � � I � � �
Sec. 381.01. State license required; definition.
No person shall engage in the business of a currency exchange in Saint Paul �vithout a
license as provided by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 53A.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 2, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.02. Procedures; helring; fee.
(a)Procedirr•es. Upon receipt of a completed application from the commissioner of
commerce for either a new license or the renewal of an existing license, the matter shall be
referred to the office of license, inspections and environmental protection for initiation of a
hearing as required by state law within the period allowed for the response of the governing body.
The hearing shall be for the purpose of taking testimony from interested persons, including those
in the community in which the applicant is located or is proposing to be located, as required by
law, and upon grounds or issues as to which notice has been given in accordance with the
requireinents of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code. The said office shall publish
and give notice as required by law.
(b)Hearing. The hearing shall be held before an independent hearing examiner in
conformity with the provisions of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code, and the
rules of the office of administrative hearings, to the extent such rules are not in conflict with
sections 310.05 and 310.06.
(c)Fee; costs. The applicant shall pay, within fifteen (15) days following receipt of the
application by the city, a fee covering the costs of administering and processing the application in
an amount to be established in conformity with the procedures in section 310.09(b) of the
Legislative Code. The applicant shall also reimburse the city, within fifteen (15) days following
action by the city council on the application, for its costs in conducting the hearing or hearinJs
prescribed by state law, including publication costs and the cost of the administrative proceedings
and hearing before an independent hearing examiner.
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 3, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.03. Grounds for disapproval, etc.
(a)Discrpproval. The council may by resolution disapprove an application and, if so, shall
state therein its reasons for so doing. It may adopt in whole or in part the findin;s of fact and
conclusions of law of the independent hearing examiner and may amend the same to conform to
its decision on the record and the testimony. Notice of the disapproval may be communicated to
the commissioner of commerce before the effective date of any such resolution where necessary
to avoid a presumption of concurrence.
��- i ��.�
(b) Grozrrrds for disapproval. Disapproval of an application may be based on one (1) or
more of the followin� Drounds, in addition to any other ground allowed by law:
(1) Violation of any provision of the state currency exchange law contained in Chapter
(2) Any one (1) or more of the reasons, conditions, or standards for adverse action
under section 310.06 of the Legislative Code.
(3) Failure of the applicant to pay the city fee and costs prescribed above.
(4) (i) The location of a new currency exchange as proposed would cause
significant adverse consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods
within three hundred (300) feet of the exchange. Such anticipated effect
must be shown by clear and convincing evidence.
(ii) The existing currency exchange has caused significant adverse
consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods within three hundred
(300) feet of the exchange.
(5) Failure of the applicant to agree to reasonable conditions upon the operation of the
. business in accordance with the procedures in section 310.05 and the grounds of
310.06. Such conditions could include, but are not limited to, hours of operation,
off-street parking requirements, bonding in an amount greater than that required by
state law, and annual audits at the licensee's expense.
(6) The applicant is not of good moral character and repute and/or is unfit to operate
such a business. �
(7) The applicant is not at least eighteen (18) years of age.
(8) The applicant is not the real party in interest in the application.
(9) The location of the business for which a new currency exchange license is sought is
within one-half mile of an existin; currency exchange licensed by the state.
(10)) The applicant or its proposed business location does not comply with applicable
zoning, building, fire and health codes.
(c)Per•sons and corporations. If an applicant is a partnership, the application may be
denied if there is a basis for denial as to any partner. If the applicant is a corporation, the
application may be denied if there is a basis for detiial as to any (i) shareholder holding more than
five (5) percent of the outstanding or issued stock of the corporation, or (ii) officer or director of
the corporation, or (iii) employee of the enterprise having policy or management control over the
� �-- l ���
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 4, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.04. Definitions.
The following words and/or phrases shall have the followina meaning when used in this
chapter and in Chapter 310 of the Legislative Code.
(a)Applicant. The term "applicant" includes persons, partnerships, firms and corporations
and all other forms of business ventures. It also includes employees who exercise management or
policy control over the enterprise, general and limited partners, shareholders of more than five (5)
percent of the outstanding or issued shares of a corporation, and corporate managers, officers and
(b)Application. The term "application" includes applications for both new and renewal
(c)License. The term "license" refers to the state currency exchange license provided for
in Minnesota Statutes Section 53A.02.
(d) Cirrr•ency exchange. The term "currency exchange" is defined in Minnesota Statutes
Section 53A.01, subdivision 1. Currency exchange means any person, except a bank, trust
� company, savings bank, savings and loan association, credit union, or industrial loan and thrift
company, en;aged in the business of cashing checks, drafts, money orders or travelers' checks for
a fze. Currency exchange does not include a person who provides these services incidental to the
person's primary business if the charge for cashing a check or draft does not exceed one dollar
($1.00) or one (1) percent of the value of the check or draft, whichever is greater.
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 5, 2-2-94) �
Robert Kessler,Director
_ ` b' I ���
Norm Coleman,Mayor BUILDING Facsirni[e: 612-266-9099
Suite 300 612-?66-9124
350 St.Peter Street
Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102-1 SIO
September 23, 1996
Joseph D. Judah
5421 E. River Road #615
Chicago, IL 60656
Re: Cunency Exchange License Application
Dear Mr. Judah:
The City of Saint Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has
received notification from the Minnesota Department of commerce of your currency
exchange license application for New Money Express at 785 East Seventh Street, Saint
Paul, Minnesota 55106.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
local governing body after published notice and hearing.
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge on behalf of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul. The hearing will be held Tuesday, October 1, 1996 at 9:30
a.m. in the Ramsey County Courthouse, room 42, 15 West Kellog Boulevard, Saint
Paul, Minnesota. Your attendance at this hearing is extremely important, especially if
any adverse testimony is presented to which you wish to respond.
The Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 381.02(c) directs the license applicant to pay a
fee to the City covering the costs of administering and processing the currency exchange
application. T'he fee for this application is $317.00 and must be paid within (15) days
of the receipt of this letter. The Code further requires the applicant to reimburse the
City for its costs in conducting the hearing(s) prescribed by State Law. You may be
billed for those costs after the hearing(s).
�� - ( '�`I �
For your convenience, a copy of the notice of hearing as well as the City Ordinance
Section 381 has been enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact Christine
Rozek at 266-9108.
Troy Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney
Robert Kessler,Director
�1c�— ( �� �
CTTY OF SAINT PAUL LICENSEAND Telephone:612-266-9100
Norm Coleman,Mayor INSPECT/ONS Facsrmile:612-266-9124
350 St.Peter Sireet
Suite 300
SaintPaul,Mrnnesota 55102
Currency Exchange License Application
of New Money Express, Inc.
785 East Seventh Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106
Office of Administrative Hearings
on the behalf of the
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that testimony will be taken from interested persons, including
those in the community with respect to the application of New Money Express, Inc. to
� operate a currency exchange by license issued under Minn. Stat. §53A.02.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
governing body, after published notice and hearing, within 60 days after receipt of the
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge from the Minnesota Office
of Administrative Hearings, on behalf of the Council of the City of Saint Paul. His or her
report, and recommendation for action, will be forwarded to the Council for its action.
Date of Public Hearing:Tuesday October 1, 1996
Time :9:30 a.m.
Location of Public Hearing:
Ramsey County Courthouse
Room 42, Lower Level
15 West Kellog Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
If you have any questions, please call Christine Rozek, Office of License, Inspections
and Environmental Protection at 266-9108.
Chapter 381. Currency Exchanges C��` "- l � � �O
Sec. 381.01. State license required; definition.
No person shall engage in the business of a currency exchange in Saint Paul without a
license as provided by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 53A.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 2, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.02. Pi•ocedures; hearing; fee.
(a)Procedures. Upon receipt of a completed application from the commissioner of
commerce for either a new license or the renewal of an existing license, the matter shall be
referred to the office of license, inspections and environmental protection for initiation of a
hearing as required by state law within the period allowed for the response of the governing body.
The hearing shall be for the purpose of taking testimony from interested persons, including those
in the community in which the applicant is located or is proposing to be located, as required by
law, and upon grounds or issues as to which notice has been given in accordance with the
requirements of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the LeDislative Code. The said office shall publish
and give notice as required by law.
(b)Hearing. The hearing shall be held before an independent hearing examiner in
conformity with the provisions of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code, and the
rules of the office of administrative hearings, to the extent such rules are not in conflict with
sections 310.05 and 310.06.
(c)Fee; costs. The applicant shall pay, within fifteen (15) days following receipt of the
application by the city, a fee covering the costs of administering and processing the application in
an amount to be established in conformity with the procedures in section 310.09(b) of the
Legislative Code. The applicant shall also reimburse the city, within fifteen (15) days following
action by the city council on the application, for its costs in conducting the hearing or hearings
prescribed by state law, including publication costs and the cost of the administrative proceedings
and hearing before an independent hearing examiner.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 3, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.03. Grounds for disapproval, etc.
(a) Disapprovccl. The council may by resolution disapprove an application and, if so, shall
state therein its reasons for so doing. It may adopt in whole or in part the findings of fact and
conclusions of!aw of the independent hearing examiner and may amend the same to conform to
its decision on the record and the testimony. Notice af the disapproval may be communicated to
the commissioner of commerce before the effective date of any such resolution where necessary
to avoid a presumption of concurrence.
� � - � �� �
(b) Grotrnds for disappr•oval. Disapproval of an application may be based on one (1) or
more of the followin� grounds, in addition to any other ground allowed by law:
(1) Violation of any provision of the state currency exchange law contained in Chapter
53 A.
(2) Any one (1) or more of the reasons, conditions, or standards for adverse action
under section 310.06 of the Legislative Code.
(3) Failure of the applicant to pay the city fee and costs prescribed above.
(4) (i) The location of a new currency exchange as proposed would cause
significant adverse consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods
within three hundred (300) feet of the exchange. Such anticipated effect
must be shown by clear and convincing evidence.
(ii) The existing currency exchange has caused significant adverse
consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods within three hundred
(300) feet of the exchange.
(5) Failure of the applicant to agree to reasonable conditions upon the operation of the
� business in accordance with the procedures in section 310.05 and the grounds of
310.06. Such conditions could include, but are not limited to, hours of operation,
off-street parking requirements, bonding in an amount greater than that required by
state law, and annual audits at the licensee's expense.
(6) The applicant is not of good moral character and repute and/or is unfit to operate
such a business. �
(7) The applicant is not at least eighteen (18) years of age.
(8) The applicant is not the real party in interest in the application.
(9) The location of the business for which a new currency exchange license is sought is
within one-half mile of an existing currency exchange licensed by the state.
(10)) The applicant or its proposed business location does not comply with applicable
zoning, building, fire and health codes.
(c)Persons and corporations. If an applicant is a partnership, the application may be
denied if there is a liasis for denial as to any partner. If the applicant is a corporation, the
application may be denied if there is a basis for denial as to any (i) shareholder holdin� more than
five (5) percent of the outstandina or issued stock of the corporation, or (ii) officer or director of
the corporation, or (iii) employee of the enterprise having policy or management control over the
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 4, 2-2-94) "l � � � '� �°
Sec. 381.04. Definitions.
The followin� words and/or phrases shall have the following meaning when used in this
chapter and in Chapter 310 of the Legislative Code.
(a)Applicant. The term "applicant" includes persons, partnerships, firms and corporations
and all other forms of business ventures. It also includes employees who exercise management or
policy control over the enterprise, general and limited partners, shareholders of more than five (5)
percent of the outstanding or issued shares of a corporation, and corporate managers, officers and
(b)Application. The term "application" includes applications for both new and renewal
(c)Licerise. The term "license" refers to the state currency exchange license provided for
in Minnesota Statutes Section 53A.02.
(d) C'zrrr•ertcy exchar�ge. The term "currency exchange" is defined in Minnesota Statutes
Section 53A.01, subdivision 1. Currency exchange means any person, except a bank, trust
� company, savings bank, savings and loan association, credit union, or industrial loan and thrift
company, engaged in the business of cashing checks, drafts, money orders or travelers' checks for
a fee. Currency exchange does not include a person who provides these services incidental to the
person's primary business if the charge for cashing a check or draft does not exceed one dollar
($1.00) or one (1) percent of the value of the check or draft, whichever is greater.
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 5, 2-2-94)
Robert Kessler,Director
� (� - � �� �
Nonn Coleman,Mayor BUILDING Facsimile: 612-266-9099
Suite 300 612-266-91?=1
350 St.Peter Street
SaintPaul,tifinnesota SS/O2-ISIO
September 23, 1996
William Barnett, Jr.
10099 Litzinger Road
Sr. Louis, MO 63124
Re: Currency Exchange License Application
Dear Mr. Barnett, Jr.:
The City of Saint Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has
received notification from the Minnesota Department of commerce of your currency
exchange license application for New Money Express at 785 East Seventh Street, Saint
Paul, Minnesota 55106.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the �
local governing body after published notice and hearing.
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge on behalf of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul. The hearing will be held Tuesday, October 1, 1996 at 9:30
a.m. in the Ramsey County Courthouse, room 42, 15 West Kellog Boulevard, Saint
Paul, Minnesota. Your attendance at this hearing is extremely important, especially if
any adverse testimony is presented to which you wish to respond.
The Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 381.02(c) directs the license applicant to pay a
fee to the City covering the costs of administering and processing the cunency exchange
application. The fee for this application is $317.00 and must be paid within (15) days
of the receipt of this letter. The Code further requires the applicant to reimburse the
City for its costs in conducting the hearing(s) prescribed by State Law. You may be
billed for those costs after the hearing(s).
�� �- ( �q �
For your convenience, a copy of the notice of hearing as well as the City Ordinance
Section 381 has been enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact Christine
Rozek at 266-9108.
�� �.c�f`�+�v-�
Troy Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney
Robert Kessler,Director
�`� -- I '�°I �
CTTY OF SAINT PAUL LICENSEAND Telephone:6l2-266-9/00
Norm Coleman,Mayor INSPECTlONS Facsimile:612-266-9/24
350 St.Peter Street
Suite 300
Saint Paul,Minnesota 5510?
Currency Exchange License Application
of New Money Express, Inc.
785 East Seventh Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106
Office of Administrative Hearings
on the behalf of the
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that testimony will be taken from interested persons, including
those in the community with respect to the application of New Money Express, Inc. to
� operate a currency exchange by license issued under Minn. Stat. §53A.02.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
governing body, after published notice and hearing, within 60 days after receipt of the
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge from the Minnesota Office
of Administrative Hearings, on behalf of the Council of the City of Saint Paul. His or her
report, and recommendation for action, will be forwarded to the Council for its action.
Date of Public Hearing:Tuesday October 1, 1996
Time :9:30 a.m.
Location of Public Hearing:
Ramsey County Courthouse
Room 42, Lower Level
15 West Kellog Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
If you have any questions, please call Christine Rozek, Office of License, Inspections
and Environmental Protection at 266-9108.
� �
Chapter 381. Currency Exchinges l `" � � l �O
Sec. 381.01. St1te license required; definition.
No person shall engage in the business of a currency exchange in Saint Paul without a
license as provided by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 53A.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 2, 2-Z-94)
Sec. 381.02. Procedures; hearing; fee.
(a) Procedzrr•es. Upon receipt of a completed application from the commissioner of
commerce for either a new license or the renewal of an existing license, the matter shall be
referred to the office of license, inspections and environmental protection for initiation of a
hearing as required by state law within the period allowed for the response of the governing body.
The hearing shall be for the purpose of taking testimony from interested persons, including those
in the community in which the applicant is located or is proposing to be located, as required by
law, and upon grounds or issues as to which notice has been given in accordance with the
requirements of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code. The said office shall publish
and give notice as required by law.
(b)Heat�ing. The hearing shall be held before an independent hearing examiner in �
conformity with the provisions of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code, and the
rules of the office of administrative hearings, to the extent such rules are not in conflict with
sections 310.05 and 310.06.
(c)Fee; costs. The applicant shall pay, within fifteen (15) days following receipt of the
application by the city, a fee covering the costs of administering and processing the application in
an amount to be established in conformity with the procedures in section 310.09(b) of the
Legislative Code. The applicant shall also reimburse the city, within fifteen (15) days following
action by the city council on the application, for its costs in conducting the hearing or hearings
prescribed by state law, including publication costs and the cost of the administrative proceedings
and hearing before an independent hearing examiner.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 3, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.03. Grounds for disapproval, etc.
(a)Discrpprovczl. The council may by resolution disapprove an application and, if so, shall
state therein its reasons for so doing. It may adopt in whole or in part the findings of fact and
conclusions of!aw of the independent hearing examiner and may amend the same to conform to
its decision on the record and the testimony. Notice of the disapproval may be communicated to
the commissioner of commerce before the effective date of any such resolution where necessary
to avoid a presumption of concurrence.
�l � - I'���
(b) Gro�-rf�ds for disapproval. Disapproval of an application may be based on one (1) or
more of the followin� grounds, in addition to any other ground allowed by law:
(1) Violation of any provision of the state currency exchange law contained in Chapter
53 A.
(2) Any one (1) or more ofthe reasons, conditions, or standards for adverse action
under section 310.06 of the Legislative Code.
(3) Failure of the applicant to pay the city fee and costs prescribed above.
(4) (i) The location of a new currency exchange as proposed wot►ld cause
significant adverse consec�uences or impacts upon the neighborhoods
within three hundred (300) feet of the exchange. Such anticipated effect
must be shown by clear and convincing evidence.
(ii) The existing currency exchange has caused significant adverse
consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods within three hundred
(300) feet of the exchange.
(5) Failure of the applicant to agree to reasonable conditions upon the operation of the
_ business in accordance with the procedures in section 310.05 and the grounds of
310.06. Such conditions could include, but are not limited to, hours of operation, '
of�street parking requirements, bonding in an amount greater than that required by
state law, and annual audits at the licensee's expense.
(6) The applicant is not of good moral character and repute and/or is unfit.to operate
such a business. �
(7) The applicant is not at least eighteen (18) years of age.
(8) The applicant is not the real party in interest in the application.
(9) The location of the business for which a new currency exchange license is sought is
within one-half mile of an e�sting currency exchange licensed by the state.
(10)) The applicant or its proposed business location does not comply with applicable
zoning, building, fire and health codes.
(c)Persons and corporations. If an applicant is a partnership, the application may be
denied if there is a basis for denial as to any partner. If the applicant is a corporation, the
application may be denied if there is a basis for denial as to any (i) shareholder holdin� more than
five (5) percent of the outstandina or issued stock of the corporation, or (ii) officer or director of
the corporation, or (iii) employee of the enterprise having policy or management control over the
v .
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 4, 2-2-94) ��� _ I � y �
Sec. 381.04. Definitions.
The following words and/or phrases shall have the following meaning when used in this
chapter and in Chapter 310 of the Legislative Code.
(a)Applicant. The term "applicant" includes persons, partnerships, firms and corporation�
and all other forms of business ventures. It also includes employees who exercise mana�ement or
policy control over the enterprise, general and limited partners, shareholders of more than five (5)
percent of the outstanding or issued shares of a corporation, and corporate managers, officers and
(b)Application. The term "application" includes applications for both new and renewal
(c)Licerise. The term "license" refers to the state currency exchange license provided for
in Minnesota Statutes Section 53A.02.
(d) Czrrrency exchange. The term "currency exchange" is defined in Minnesota Statutes
Section 53A.01, subdivision 1. Currency exchange means any person, except a bank, trust
- company, savings bank, savings and loan association, credit union, or industrial loan and thrift
company, engaged in the business of cashing checks, drafts, money orders or travelers' checks for
a fee. Currency exchange does not include a person who provides these services incidental to the
person's primary business if the charge for cashing a check or draft does not exceed one dollar
($1.00) or one (1) percent of the value of the check or draft, whichever is greater.
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 5, 2-2-94) �
� +
�1 (� 17q �
Norm Co[eman,Mayor BUILDING Facsimile: 612-266-9099
Surte 300 612-166-9124
350 St.Peter Street
Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102-1 SIO
September 23, 1996
Bruce H. Balonik
367 Charal Lane
Highland Park, IL 60035
Re: Cunency Exchange License Applieation
Dear Mr. Balonik:
The City of Saint Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has
received notification from the Minnesota Department of commerce of your currency
exchange license application for New Money Express at 785 East Seventh Street, Saint
Paul, Minnesota. 55106.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
local governing body after published notice and hearing.
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge on behalf of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul. The hearing will be held T�esday, October 1, 1996 at 9:30
a.m. in the Ramsey County Courthouse, room 42, 15 West Kellog Boulevard, Saint
Paul, Minnesota. Your attendance at this hearing is extremely important, especially if
any adverse testimony is presented to which you wish to respond.
The Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 381.02(c) directs the license applicant to pay a
fee to the City covering the costs of administering and processing the currency exchange
application. The fee for this application is $317.00 and must be paid within (15) days
of the receipt of this letter. The Code further requires the applicant to reimburse the
City for its costs in conducting the hearing(s) prescribed by State Law. You may be
billed for those costs after the hearing(s).
�l � - ��� �
For your convenience, a copy of the notice of hearing as well as the City Ordinance
Section 381 has been enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact Christine
Rozek at 266-9108.
� ���
Troy Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney
Robert Kessler,Director
�1L - 1 �q�
CTTY OF SAINT PAUL LICENSEAND Telephone:612-266-9100
Norm C;oleman,Mayor INSPECTIONS Facsimile:612-266-9124
350 St.Peter Street
Suite 300
Sai»t Paul,Minnesota 55102
Currency Exchange License Application
of New Money Express, Inc.
785 East Seventh Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106
Office of Administrative Hearings
on the behalf of the
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that testimony will be taken from interested persons, including
those in the community with respect to the application of New Money Express, Inc. to
operate a currency exchange by license issued under Minn. Stat. §53A.02. �
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
governing body, after published notice and hearing, within 60 days after receipt of the
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge from the Minnesota Office
of Administrative Hearings, on behalf of the Council of the City of Saint Paul. His or her
report, and recommendation for action, will be forwarded to the Council for its action.
Date of Public Hearing:Tuesday October 1, 1996
Ti me :9:30 a.m.
Location of Public Hearing:
Ramsey County Courthouse
Room 42, Lower Level
15 West Kellog Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
If you have any questions, please call Christine Rozek, Office of License, Inspections
and Environmental Protection at 266-9108.
Chapter 381. Currency Exchanges � ��- ��� �O
Sec. 381.01. St�te license required; definition.
No person shall engage in the business of a currency exchange in Saint Paul without a
license as provided by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 53A.
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 2, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.02. Procedures; hearing; fee.
(a)Procedures. Upon receipt of a completed application from the commissioner of
commerce for either a new license or the renewal of an existing license, the matter shall be
referred to the office of license, inspections and environmental protection for initiation of a
hearing as required by state law within the period allowed for the response of the governing body.
The hearing shall be for the purpose of taking testimony from interested persons, including those
in the community in which the applicant is located or is proposing to be located, as required by
law, and upon grounds or issues as to which notice has been given in accordance with the
requirements of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code. The said office shall publish
and give notice as rec�uired by law.
(b)Hearing. The hearing shall be held before an independent hearing examiner in �
conformity with the provisions of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code, and the
rules of the office of administrative hearings, to the extent such rules are not in conflict with
sections 310.05 and 310.06.
(c)Fee; costs. The applicant shall pay, within fifteen (15) days following receipt of the
application by the city, a fee covering the costs of administering and processing the application in
an amount to be established in conformity with the procedures in section 310.09(b) of the
Legislative Code. The applicant shall also reimburse the city, within fifteen (15) days following
action by the city council on the application, for its costs in conducting the hearing or hearings
prescribed by state law, including publication costs and the cost of the administrative proceedings
and hearing before an independent hearing examiner.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 3, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.03. Grounds for disapproval, etc.
(a) Disapproval. The council may by resolution disapprove an application and, if so, shall
state therein its reasons for so doing. It may adopt in whole or in part the findinas of fact and
conclusions of law of the independent hearing examiner and may amend the same to conform to
its decision on the record and the testimony. Notice of the disapproval may be communicated to
the commissioner of commerce before the effective date of any such resolution where necessary
to avoid a presumption of concurrence.
a� - i �� �
(b) CTro�rr�ds.for•disappr•v>>al. Disapproval of an application may be based on one (1) or
more of the followii�j grounds, in addition to any other ground allowed by law:
(1) Violation of any provision of the state currency exchange law contained in Chapter
53 A.
(2) Any one (1) or more of the reasons, conditions, or standards for adverse action
under section 3 I 0.06 of the Legislative Code.
(3) Failure of the applicant to pay the city fee and costs prescribed above.
(4) (i) The location of a new currency exchange as proposed would cause
significant adverse consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods
within three hundred (300) feet of the exchange. Such anticipated effect
must be shown by clear and convincing evidence.
(ii) The existing currency exchange has caused significant adverse
consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods within three hundred
(300) feet of the exchange.
(5) Failure of the applicant to agree to reasonable conditions upon the operation of the
_ business in accordance with the procedures in section 310.05 and the grounds of
310.06. Such conditions could include, but are not limited to, hours of operation,
off-street parking requirements, bonding in an amount greater than that required by
state law, and annual audits at the licensee's expense.
(6) The applicant is not of good moral character and repute and/or is unfit to operate
such a business.
(7) The applicant is not at least eighteen (18) years of age.
(8) The applicant is not the real party in interest in the application.
(9) The location of the business for which a new currency exchange license is sought is
within one-half mile of an existin� currency exchange licensed by the state.
(10)) The applicant or its proposed business location does not comply with applicable
zoning, building, fire and health codes.
(c) Persons and corporations. If an applicant is a partnership, the application may be
denied if there is a basis for denial as to any partner. If the applicant is a corporation, the
application may be denied if there is a basis for denial as to any (i) shareholder holding more than
five (5) percent of the outstanding or issued stock of the corporation, or (ii) officer or director of
the corporation, or (iii) employee of the enterprise having policy or management control over the
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 4, 2-2-94) l l�- " l � I �
Sec. 381.04. Definitions.
The following words and/or phrases shall have the following meaning when used in this
chapter and in Chapter 310 of the Legislative Code.
(a)Applicarlt. The term "applicant" includes persons, partnerships, firms and corporations
and all other forms of business ventures. It also includes employees who exercise management or
policy control over the enterprise, general and limited partners, shareholders of more than five (5)
percent of the outstanding or issued shares of a corporation, and corporate managers, officers and
(b)Application. The term "application" includes applications for both new and renewal
(c)License. The term "license" refers to the state currency exchange license provided for
in Minnesota Statutes Section 53A.02.
(d) Czcrr•ertcy exchange. The term "currency exchange" is defined in Minnesota Statutes
Section 53A.01, subdivision l. Currency exchange means any person, except a bank, trust
� company, savings bank, savings and loan association, credit union, or industrial loan and thrift
company, engaged in the business of cashing checks, drafts, money orders or travelers' checks for �
a fee. Currency exchange does not include a person who provides these services incidental to the
person's primary business if the charge for cashing a check or draft does not exceed one dollar
($1.00) or one (1) percent ofthe value ofthe check or draft, whichever is greater.
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 5, 2-2-94)
�� s �
Robert kessler,Director
�� � - I ���.
Norm Coleman,Mayor BUILDING Facsimile: 6/2-266-9099
Suite 300 612-266-9124
350 St.Peter Street
SaintPaul,Minnesota 55102-I510
September 23, 1996
Michael Levitt
2230 W. Palmer
Chicago, IL 60614
Re: Currency Exchange License Application
Dear Mr. Levitt:
The City of Saint Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has
received notification from the Minnesota Department of commerce of your currency
exchange license application for New Money Express at 785 East Seventh Street, Saint
Paul, Minnesota 55106.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
local governing body after published notice and hearing.
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge on behalf of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul. The hearing will be held Tuesday, October 1, 1996 at 9:30
a.m. in the Ramsey County Courthouse, room 42, 15 West Kellog Boulevard, Saint
Paul, Minnesota. Your attendance at this hearing is extremely important, especially if
any adverse testimony is presented to which you wish to respond.
The Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 381.02(c) directs the license applicant to pay a
fee to the City covering the costs of administering and processing the currency exchange
application. The fee for this application is $317.00 and must be paid within (15) days
of the receipt of this letter. The Code further requires the applicant to reimburse the
City for its costs in conducting the hearing(s) prescribed by State Law. You may be
billed for those costs after the hearing(s).
� ,
-l � ' � `3 ( �
For your convenience, a copy of the notice of hearing as well as the City Ordinance
Section 381 has been enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact Christine
Rozek at 266-9108.
/ �.���
Troy Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney
Robert Kessler,Director
�C� - 1�9 �
CITY OF SAINT PAUL LICENSEAND Telephone:612-266-9100
Norm Coleman,Mayor INSPECTIONS Facsimile:612-266-9124
350 St.Peter Street
Suite 300
Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
Currency Exchange License Application
of New Money Express, Inc.
785 East Seventh Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106
Office of Administrative Hearings
on the behalf of the
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that testimony will be taken from interested persons, including
those in the community with respect to the application of New Money Express, Inc. to
� operate a currency exchange by license issued under Minn. Stat. §53A.02. �
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
governing body, after published notice and hearing, within 60 days after receipt of the
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge from the Minnesota Office
of Administrative Hearings, on behalf of the Council of the City of Saint Paul. His or her
report, and recommendation for action, will be forwarded to the Council for its action.
Date of Public Hearing:Tuesday October 1, 1996
Time :9:30 a.m.
Location of Public Hearing:
Ramsey County Courthouse
Room 42, Lower Level
15 West Kellog Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
If you have any questions, please call Christine Rozek, Office of License, Inspections
and Environmental Protection at 266-9108.
Chapter 381. Currency Exchanges
�l� - ��� �
Sec. 381.01. State license required; definition.
No person shall engage in the business of a currency exchange in Saint Paul without a
license as provided by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 53A.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 2, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.02. Procedures; hearing; fee.
(a)Procedtrr•es. Upon receipt of a completed application from the commissioner of
commerce for either a new license or the renewal of an existing license, the matter shall be
referred to the office of license, inspections and environmental protection for initiation of a
hearing as required by state law within the period allowed for the response of the governing body.
The hearing shall be for the purpose of taking testimony from interested persons, including those
in the community in which the applicant is located or is proposing to be located, as required by
law, and upon grounds or issues as to which notice has been given in accordance with the
requirements of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code. The said office shall publish
and give notice as required by law.
(b)Hearing. The hearing shall be held before an independent hearing examiner in '
conformity with the provisions of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Lejislative Code, and the
rules of the office of administrative hearings, to the extent such rules are not in conflict with
sections 310.05 and 310.06.
(c)Fee; costs. The applicant shall pay, within fifteen (15) days following receipt of the
application by the city, a fee covering the costs of administering and processing the application in
an amount to be established in conformity with the procedures in section 310.09(b) of the
Legislative Code. The applicant shail also reimburse the city, within fifteen (15) days following
action by the city council on the application, for its costs in conducting the hearing or hearings
prescribed by state law, including publication costs and the cost of the administrative proceedings
and hearing before an independent hearing examiner.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 3, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.03. Grounds for disapproval, etc.
(a)Disapproval. The council may by resolution disapprove an application and, if so, shall
state therein its reasons for so doing. It may adopt in whole or in part the findings of fact and
conclusions of?aw of the independent hearing examiner and may amend the same to conform to
its decisiori on the record and the testimony. Notice of the disapproval may be communicated to
the commissioner of commerce before the effective date of any such resolution where necessary
to avoid a presumption of concurrence.
� c� — � �� �
(b) G��ound.s for disapproval. Disapproval of an application may be based on one (1) or
more of the followina grounds, in addition to any other ground allowed by law:
(1) Violation of any provision of the state currency exchange law contained in Chapter
(2) Any one (1) or more of the reasons, conditions, or standards for adverse action
under section 310.06 of the Legislative Code.
(3) Failure of the applicant to pay the city fee and costs prescribed above.
. .
(4) (i) The location of a new currency exchange as proposed would cause
significant adverse consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods
within three hundred (300) feet of the exchange. Such anticipated effect
must be shown by clear and convincing evidence.
(ii) The existing currency exchange has caused significant adverse
consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods within three hundred
(300) feet of the exchange.
(5) Failure of the applicant to agree to reasonable conditions upon the operation of the
_ business in accordance with the procedures in section 310.05 and the grounds of
310.06. Such conditions could include, but are not limited to, hours of operation,
off-street parking requirements, bonding in an amount greater than that required by
state law, and annual audits at the licensee's expense.
(6) The applicant is not of good moral character and repute and/or is unfit to operate
such a business.
(7) The applicant is not at least eighteen (18) years of age.
(8) The applicant is not the real party in interest in the application.
(9) The location of the business for which a new currency exchange license is sought is
within one-half mile of an existing currency exchange licensed by the state.
(10)) The applicant or its proposed business location does not comply with applicable
zoning, building, fire and health codes.
(c) Persons and corporations. If an applicant is a partnership, the application may be
denied if there is a liasis for denial as to any partner. If the applicant is a corporation, the
application may be denied if there is a basis for denial as to any (i) shareholder holdina more than
five (5) percent of the outstanding or issued stock of the corporation, or (ii) officer or director of
the corporation, or (iii) employee of the enterprise having policy or management control over the
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 4, 2-2-94) �� _ ��p�
Sec. 381.04. Definitions.
The following words and/or phrases shall have the following meaning when used in this
chapter and in Chapter 310 of the Legislative Code.
(a)Applicant. The term '�applicant" includes persons, partnerships, firms and corporations
and all other forms of business ventures. It also includes employees who exercise management or
policy control over the enterprise, general and limited partners, shareholders of more than five (5)
percent of the outstanding or issued shares of a corporation, and corporate managers, officers and
(b)Application. The tenn "application" includes applications for both new and renewal
(c)License. The term."license" refers to the state currency exchan�e license provided foi-
in Minnesota Statutes Section 53A.02.
(d) C�arr�erzcy excharlge. The term "currency exchange" is defined in Minnesota Statutes
Section 53A.01, subdivision 1. Currency exchange means any person, except a bank, trust
- company, savings bank, savings and loan association, credit union, or industrial loan and thrift
company, engaged in the business of cashing checks, drafts, money orders or travelers' checks for
a fee. Currency exchange does not include a person who provides these services incidental to the
person's primary business if the charge for cashing a check or draft does not exceed one dollar
($1.00) or one (1) percent of the value of the check or draft, whichever is greater.
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 5, 2-2-94) �
� _ �
�`� j _ �7�1�
Norm Coleman, Mayor
1. Notice of Hearing letter to license applicants.
Attachments include: Notice of Public Hearing
Chapter 381, Legislative Code
2. Affidavit of service by mail for license applicant's letter.
3. Notice of hearing letter to interested persons.
4. Affidavit of service by mail for interested persons.
5. Affidavit of publication, Tuesday, September 24, 1996.
6. Minn. Stat. ch. 53A (6pp.).
�� -_ � �� �
Norm Coleman,Mayor BUILDING Facsrmile: 612-266-9099
Suite 300 6/2-266-91?�t
350 St.Peter Street
SaintPaul,Minnesota SSI02-ISIO
September 23, 1996
Richard A. Barr
85 Hibbard Road
Winnetka, IL 60093
Re: Currency Exchange License Application
Dear Mr.Barr:
The City of Saint Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has
received notification from the Minnesota Department of commerce of your cunency
exchange license application for New Money Express at 785 East Seventh Street, Saint
Paul, Minnesota 55106.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
local governing body after published notice and hearing.
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge on behalf of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul. The hearing will be held Tuesday, October 1, 1996 at 9:30
a.m. in the Ramsey County Courthouse, room 42, 15 West Kellog Boulevard, Saint
Paul, Minnesota. Your attendance at this hearing is extremely important, especially if
any adverse testunony is presented to which you wish to respond.
The Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 381.02(c) directs the license applicant to pay a
fee to the City covering the costs of administering and processing the cunency exchange
application. The fee for this application is $317.00 and must be paid within (15) days
of the receipt of this letter. The Code further requires the applicant to reimburse the
City for its costs in conducting the hearing(s) prescribed by State Law. You may be
billed for those costs after the hearing(s).
�,,� � ��9 �
For your convenience, a copy of the notice of hearing as well as the City Ordinance
Section 381 has been enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact Christine
Rozek at 266-9108.
Troy Gilbertson,
License Enforcement Auditor
cc: Virginia Palmer, Assistant City Attorney
�� ---( 7 � �
CTTY OF SAINT PAtJL LICENSEAND Telephone:612-266-9100
Norm Coleman,Mayor ITISPECTIONS Facsimile:612-266-9124
350 St.Peter Street
Suite 300
Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
Currency Exchange License Application
of New Money Express, Inc.
785 East Seventh Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106
Office of Administrative Hearings
on the behalf of the
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that testimony will be taken from interested persons, including
those in the community with respect to the application of New Money Express, Inc. to
� operate a currency exchange by license issued under Minn. Stat. §53A.02.
Minn. Stat. §53A.04 requires the approval or disapproval of the state application by the
governing body, after published notice and hearing, within 60 days after receipt of the
The hearing will be conducted by an administrative law judge from the Minnesota Office
of Administrative Hearings, on behalf of the Council of the City of Saint Paul. His or her
report, and recommendation for action, will be forwarded to the Council for its action.
Date of Public Hearing:Tuesday October 1, 1996
Time :9:30 a.m.
Location of Public Hearing:
Ramsey County Courthouse
Room 42, Lower Level
15 West Ketlog Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
If you have any questions, please call Christine Rozek, Office of License, Inspections
and Environmental Protection at 266-9108.
Chapter 381. Currency Exchanges -L�" l �9 �
Sec. 381.01. State license required; definition.
No person shall engage in the business of a currency exchange in Saint Paul without a
license as provided by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 53A.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 2, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.02. Procedures; hearing; fee.
(a)Procedzrres. Upon receipt of a completed application from the commissioner of
commerce for either a new license or the renewal of an existing license, the matter shall be
referred to the of�'ice of license, inspections and environmental protection for initiation of a
hearing as required by state law within the period allowed for the response of the governing body.
The hearing shall be for the purpose of taking testimony from interested persons, including those
in the coinmunity in which the applicant is located or is proposing to be located, as required by
law, and upon grounds or issues as to which notice has been given in accordance with the
requirements of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code. The said office shall publish
and give notice as required by law.
(b)Hearing. The hearing shall be held before an independent hearing examiner in '
conformity with the provisions of sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Legislative Code, and the
rules of the office of administrative hearings, to the extent such rules are not in conflict with
sections 310.05 and 310.06.
(c)Fee; costs. The applicant shall pay, within fifteen (15) days following receipt of the
application by the city, a fee covering the costs of administering and processing the application in
an amount to be established in conformity with the procedures in section 310.09(b) of the
Legislative Code. The applicant shall also reimburse the city, within fifteen (15) days following
action by the city council on the application, for its costs in conducting the hearing or hearings
prescribed by state law, including publication costs and the cost of the administrative proceedings
and hearing before an independent hearing examiner.
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 3, 2-2-94)
Sec. 381.03. Grounds for disapproval, etc.
(a)Discrppro>>al. The council may by resolution disapprove an application and, if so, shall
state therein its reasons for so doing. It may adopt in whole or in part the findings of fact and
conclusions of!aw of the independent hearing examiner and may amend the same to conform to
its decision on the record and the testimony. Notice of the disapproval may be communicated to
the coininissioner of commerce before the effective date of any such resolution where necessary
to avoid a presumption of concurrence.
�C� -i�� �
(b) Uj�ozrnds fo��disappr•oval. Disapproval of an application may be based on one (1) or
more of the followina �rounds, in addition to any other ground allowed by law:
(1) Violation of any provision of the state currency exchange law contained in Chapter
(2) Any one (1) or more of the reasons, conditions, or standards for adverse action
under section 310.06 of the Legislative Code.
(3) Failure of the applicant to pay the city fee and costs prescribed above.
(4) (i) The location of a new currency exchange as proposed would cause
significant adverse consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods
within three hundred (300) feet of the exchange. Such anticipated effect
must be shown by clear and convincing evidence.
(ii) The existing currency exchange has caused significant adverse
consequences or impacts upon the neighborhoods within three hundred
(300) feet of the exchange.
(5) Failure of the applicant to agree to reasonable conditions upon the operation of the
. business in accordance with the procedures in section 310.05 and the grounds of
310.06. Such conditions could include, but are not limited to, hours of operation, �
off-street parking requirements, bonding in an amount greater than that rec�uired by
state law, and annual audits at the licensee's expense.
(6) The applicant is not of good moral character and repute and/or is unfit.to operate
such a business. �
(7) The applicant is not at least eighteen (18) years of age.
(8) The applicant is not the real party in interest in the application.
(9) The location of the business for which a new currency exchanae license is sought is
within one-half mile of an e�sting cunency exchange licensed by the state.
(�0)) The applicant or its proposed business location does not comply with applicable
zoning, building, fire and health codes.
(c)Persons and corporations. If an applicant is a partnership, the application may be
denied if there is a liasis for denial as to any partner. If the applicant is a corporation, the
application may be denied if there is a basis for denial as to any (i) shareholder holding more than
five (5) percent of the outstanding or issued stock of the corporation, or (ii) officer or director of
the corporation, or (iii) employee of the enterprise having policy or management control over the
(C.F. No. 94-46, � 4, 2-2-94) ���° ��� �
Sec. 381.04. Definitions.
The followin� words and/or phrases shall have the following meaning when used in this
chapter and in Chapter 310 of the Legislative Code.
(a)Applicant. The term "applicant" includes persons, partnerships, firms and corporations
and all other forms of business ventures. It also includes employees who exercise management or
policy control over the enterprise, general and limited partners, shareholders of more than five (5)
percent of the outstanding or issued shares of a corporation, and corporate managers, officers and
(b)Application. The term "application" includes applications for both new and renewal
(c)License. The term "license" refers to the state currency exchan�e license provided for
in Minnesota Statutes Section 53A.02.
(d) Curr�er�cy exchange. The ter-m "currency exchange" is defined in Minnesota Statutes
Section 53A.01, subdivision 1. Currency exchange means any person, except a bank, trust
- company, savings bank, savings and loan association, credit union, or industrial loan and thrift
company, engaged in the business of cashing checks, drafts, money orders or travelers' checks for
a fee. Currency exchange does not include a person who provides these services incidental to the
person's primary business if the charge for cashing a check or draft does not exceed one dollar
($1.00) or one (1) percent of the value of the check or draft, whichever is greater:
(C.F. No. 94-46, § 5, 2-2-94) �