01-232Council File # o�— a3a RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached 2 � Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul, the Professional Employees Assocation, Inc. (PEA) and the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO) to amend the collective bazgaining agreements regarding the placement of the classification of Landscape Architect IV from PEA to SPSO. Requested by Department oE Office of Labar Relations / By: Form Approi�ed by C"� ttorney By: � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary SY ���- � . 1�. � • — Approved by Mayor: Date !��/�/�/(CU' U�i ��tJ' � By: � Approved by ayor for Submission to Council By: Green Sheet # 106827 Adopted by Council: Date ��'��_ �.pO� DEPARTMENT/OFF[CE/COUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 106827 'LABOR RELAT'IONS March 5, 2001 � 1•�►'� �. CONTACi' PERSON & PHONE: � wTe ltvn7pLnnTE JLTLIE KRAUS 266-6513 �IGY 1 DERARTMENT DIR. 4 CITY COUNCIL iV[JMBER 2 CITY ATTORNEY CTI'P CLERK MUST BE ON COTJNCII. AGENDA BY (DA1'E� FOR BUDGEL DIIL � FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIIL RO[TfING 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[IRE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncnorr �xeQv�.sren: This resolution approves the aitached Memorandum of Agreement between the Ciry of Saint Paul, the Professional Employees Association, Ina (PEA) and the Saint Paut Supervisors Organization (SP50) to amend the collective bazgaining agreements regazding the placement of the classification of Landscape Architect ' IV from PEA to SPSO. RECOMMENDAI'IONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTTONS: . PLANNING COMbIISSION _CIVSL SERVIC£ COMMISSION 1. Hu this persoNfirm ever wodced under a conhact for tlils depaztrnenCt CIB C0�9�i11'fEE Yea No � _STAFF 2. Has th�s person/firm ever been a ciry employee? _DISTAICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTI VE? 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any cu¢ent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes anrners on separah sheet and attach to green sheet INCfIA1TNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTI'P (Who, W6ap When, Where, Why): „ , { .. ._ � 4i� y.;"� , �c�� " . v��t` Kd . ,4llVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� °� ������ �.��� ����� ���� DISADVANTpGES IF APPROVED: " DiSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMO[1NT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: - FUNDINGSOURCE: A(:TIVITYNUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIIV) 0�.�.3a � NIEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAIN'T PAUL AND TI� PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATTON, INC. AND TI� SAINT PAUL SUPERVISORS ORGAI�IZATION This agreement is entered into by and between the City of St Paui, the Professional Employees Association, Inc (PEA) and the St Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO) to mutually agree to amend the collective bargaining agreements regazding the placement of the classification of Landscape Architect IV from PEA to SPSO. The parties agree that the classification of Landscape Architect IV, currently in the PEA collective bazgaining agreement, shall be moved into the collective bazgaining agreement of SPSO. This title shall then be subject to all terms and conditions of the SPSO collective bazgaining agreement upon approval of the City of St Paul. • The parties further agree that based upon a classification study performed and completed by the Human Resource Department of the City of St Paul, this title shall be placed in grade 24 of the salary schedule as in appendix A of the SPSO collective bazgaining agreement. The parties agree that this language is not precedential and shall only pertain to the instant case. City of St Paul � �� Z Te�ity Haltiner Labor Relations Manager Professional Employees Association, Inc. �� ili:�p�/ Irl/..[�Q Mike Wilde Business Rep./Legal Counsel St Paul Supervisors Organization .�%6CYGeee/v Helga essler President • OFFiCE OF FNMAN RESOURCES JoJm Hmtilton, D'veaor c�•a3� CT1Y OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 City Hall Asu+u Telephane: 65]-266fi500 ISWestFovrhStreet TDD/lTY.� 651-266fi501 S�+t Pmd, Sfvmuara 55102-I634 ]obline: 651-26�6502 Facs�+ile: ' . 1°Oprion: 651-292-7035 2'� Option: 657-192-7656 TO: FROM: DATE: • RE: Vic VJittgenstein, DirecTOr Pazits and Recreation Helga Kessler, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO) Mike Wilde, Business Agent Professional Employees Association (PEA) John Shockley Sr. Human Resources Consultant February 26,2001 Determination and 20 Day Notice We have conducted a study of the positions allocated to the Landscape Architect IV class. The purpose of the study was to determine whether these two positions should be allocated to a professionai supervisory classification and at what compensation level. We reviewed job profile information and information gathered regazding the supervisory respon'sibilities of the positions. We also evaluated the positions using the QES job evaluation system. Based upon the aforementioned information, it has been determined that the two positions allocated to the Landscape Architect N class held by Tim Aeness and Don Ganje aze supervisory under the definitions as provided in the Public Employment Labor Relations AcY (PELRA). It has also bean determined that the Landscape Architect IV ciass should be assigned to the Saint Paui Supervisors Organization (SPSO) bazg '�g imit in grade 24. It has been further determined that the Landscape Architect N tide should be abolished in the Professional Employees Association {PEA) bazgaining unit Attached is a proposed class specification for the new Landscape Arciutect IV class and the current Landscape Architect IV ciass specification. Please notify me within 20 days if you have any objections or wish to discuss ttris action. • My phone number is (651) 266-6482. If I do not heaz from you within 20 days, I will assume agreement and I will proceed with the process. c � -a.aa • Determination and 20 Day Notice Page -2- If there aze no objections, we will notify the Labor Relations Office to put together the necessary Memorandums of Understanding (MOL� moving the class to SPSO in grade 24. Following passage and approval of the resolution implementing the MOU, Human Resources will make the appropriate changes to employment and payroll records of the incumbents. JS/tf � I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of abolishing the Landscape Architect IV in PEA class. a a�o Date G:�Stared�HICCOMMOmsEIOCtQ.EY�t.anawape.nrct<.aecamenazo.wpa � o � a3a. • Detemvnation and 20 Day Notice Page -2- If there aze no objections, we will notify the Labor Relations Office to put together the necessary Memorandums ofUnderstanding (MOi� moving the class to SPSO in grade 24. Following passage and approval of the resolution implementing the MOU, Human Resources will make the appropriate changes to employment and payroll records of the incumbents. JS/tf I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of abolishing the Landscape Architect IV in PEA class. • � Name �vsbarea�xco�onnsxoc�.asv.�a�.wr�r.a.aoc�,azo.wyn Z-Z S-O l Date � O 1-�3a. � MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN T`F� CITY OF SA1NT PAUL AND T'HE PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION, INC. AND TI�, SAIN'T PAUL SUPERVISORS ORGANIZATION This agreement is entered into by and between the City of St Paul, the Professional Employees Association, Inc (PEA) and the St Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO) to mutually agree to amend the collective bargaining agreements regazding the piacement of the classification of Landscape Architect IV from PEA to SPSO. The parties agree that the classification of Landscape Architect IV, currently in the PEA collective bargaining agreement, shall be moved into the collective bargaining agreement of SPSO. This title shall then be subject to all terms and conditions of the SPSO collective bargaining agreement upon approval of the City of St Paul. • The parties fiirther agree that based upon a classification study performed and completed by the Human Resource Department of the Ciry of St Paul, this title shall be placed in grade 24 of the salary schedule as in appendix A of the SPSO collective bazgaining agreement. The parties agree that this language is not precedential and shall only pertain to the instant case. City of St Paul � �.L�� ` Z Te�rry Haltiner Labor Relations Manager Professional Employees Association, Inc. �a� �li%�p�� lil/�-�'�P Mike Wilde Business Rep./Legal Counsel St Paul Supervisors Organization � �:6�YGYx/v Helga essler President • OFFtCE OF Ht7MAN RFSOURCES Ja3m H�+i1to2 D'veeto� O, ���^ CT1Y OF SAIN'T PAUL Norm Colemars, Mayo� Vic �ttgenstein, Director Parks and Recreation rer�r,o„�: esl-aes-6soo IDD/l7Y.� 657-266-6501 Joblme: 65]-166-6502 Faaintile: 1° Optian: 651-292-iO35 2'�Optiorr 657-292-7656 TO: FROM: DATE: • RE: aoo c=ryxmr.a,� 25 West Finath S6eet Samt Pmd ,N'wrrsota 55102-1634 Helga Kessler, President Saint Paui Supervisors Organization (SPSO) Mike Wilde, Business Agent Professional Employees Association (PEA) 7ohn Shockiey Sr. Human Resources Consultant February 26, 2001 Determination and 20 Day Notice We have conducted a study of the positions allocated to the Landscape Architect IV class. The purpose of the study was to determine whether these two positions should be allocated to a professional supervisory classification and at what compensation level. We reviewed job pmfile information and information gathered regazding the supervisory responsibilities of the positions. We also evaluated the positions using the QES job evaluation system. Based upon the aforementioned information, it has been determined that the two positions allocated to the Landscape Arclutect IV class held by Tim Agness and Don Ganje aze supervisory under the definitions as provided in the Public Employment Labor Relations Act (PELRA). It has also been determined that the Landscape Arc3utect IV ciass should be assigned to the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO) bazg '�g unit in giade 24. It has been further determined that the Landscape Architect N title should be abolished in the Professional Employees Association (PEA) bazgaining unit Attached is a proposed ciass specification for the new Landscape Architect IV class and the current Landscape Architect IV class specification. • Please notify me within 20 days if you have any objecrions or wish to discuss this action. My phone number is (651) 266-6482. If I do not heaz from you within 20 days, I will assume agreement and I will proceed with the process. o �.a3 �. � Determination and 20 Day Notice Page -2- If there aze no objections, we will notify the Labor Relations Office to put together the necessary Memorandums of Undetstanding (MOiJ) moving the class to SPSO in grade 24. Following passage and approval of the resolution implementing the MOU, Human Resources will make the appropriate changes to employment and payroll records of the incumbents. JS/tf � I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of abolishing the Landscane Architect N in PEA class. G\Sl�azed�FIItCOMMOMSHOCHI,EY�Lmdscapa.Atct.4Aetammd20.wpd a �o Date • o�_�.�a. � Determination and 20 Day Notice Page -2- If there are no objections, we will notify the Labor Relations Office to put together the necessary Memorandums of Understanding (MOLn moving the class to SPSO in grade 24. Following passage and approval of the resolution implementing the MOU, Human Resources will make the appropriate changes to employment and payroll records of the incumbents. JS/tf I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of abolishing the Landscape Architect IV in PEA class. • N� Z Date cr.�Snazed�FIItcoA-Il.�tolv�sxocKi.sY�Lanascape.a.at.a.aecammazo.wpa • Council File # o�— a3a RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached 2 � Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul, the Professional Employees Assocation, Inc. (PEA) and the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO) to amend the collective bazgaining agreements regarding the placement of the classification of Landscape Architect IV from PEA to SPSO. Requested by Department oE Office of Labar Relations / By: Form Approi�ed by C"� ttorney BY � � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary SY ���- � . 1�. � • — Approved by Mayor: Date !��/�/�/(CU' U�i ��tJ' � By: � Approved by ayor for Submission to Council By: Green Sheet # 106827 Adopted by Council: Date ��'��_ �.pO� DEPARTMENT/OFF[CE/COUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 106827 'LABOR RELAT'IONS March 5, 2001 � 1•�►'� �. CONTACi' PERSON & PHONE: � wTe ltvn7pLnnTE JLTLIE KRAUS 266-6513 �IGY 1 DERARTMENT DIR. 4 CITY COUNCIL iV[JMBER 2 CITY ATTORNEY CTI'P CLERK MUST BE ON COTJNCII. AGENDA BY (DA1'E� FOR BUDGEL DIIL � FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIIL RO[TfING 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[IRE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncnorr �xeQv�.sren: This resolution approves the aitached Memorandum of Agreement between the Ciry of Saint Paul, the Professional Employees Association, Ina (PEA) and the Saint Paut Supervisors Organization (SP50) to amend the collective bazgaining agreements regazding the placement of the classification of Landscape Architect ' IV from PEA to SPSO. RECOMMENDAI'IONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTTONS: . PLANNING COMbIISSION _CIVSL SERVIC£ COMMISSION 1. Hu this persoNfirm ever wodced under a conhact for tlils depaztrnenCt CIB C0�9�i11'fEE Yea No � _STAFF 2. Has th�s person/firm ever been a ciry employee? _DISTAICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTI VE? 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any cu¢ent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes anrners on separah sheet and attach to green sheet INCfIA1TNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTI'P (Who, W6ap When, Where, Why): „ , { .. ._ � 4i� y.;"� , �c�� " . v��t` Kd . ,4llVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� °� ������ �.��� ����� ���� DISADVANTpGES IF APPROVED: " DiSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMO[1NT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: - FUNDINGSOURCE: A(:TIVITYNUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIIV) 0�.�.3a � NIEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAIN'T PAUL AND TI� PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATTON, INC. AND TI� SAINT PAUL SUPERVISORS ORGAI�IZATION This agreement is entered into by and between the City of St Paui, the Professional Employees Association, Inc (PEA) and the St Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO) to mutually agree to amend the collective bargaining agreements regazding the placement of the classification of Landscape Architect IV from PEA to SPSO. The parties agree that the classification of Landscape Architect IV, currently in the PEA collective bazgaining agreement, shall be moved into the collective bazgaining agreement of SPSO. This title shall then be subject to all terms and conditions of the SPSO collective bazgaining agreement upon approval of the City of St Paul. • The parties further agree that based upon a classification study performed and completed by the Human Resource Department of the City of St Paul, this title shall be placed in grade 24 of the salary schedule as in appendix A of the SPSO collective bazgaining agreement. The parties agree that this language is not precedential and shall only pertain to the instant case. City of St Paul � �� Z Te�ity Haltiner Labor Relations Manager Professional Employees Association, Inc. �� ili:�p�/ Irl/..[�Q Mike Wilde Business Rep./Legal Counsel St Paul Supervisors Organization .�%6CYGeee/v Helga essler President • OFFiCE OF FNMAN RESOURCES JoJm Hmtilton, D'veaor c�•a3� CT1Y OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 City Hall Asu+u Telephane: 65]-266fi500 ISWestFovrhStreet TDD/lTY.� 651-266fi501 S�+t Pmd, Sfvmuara 55102-I634 ]obline: 651-26�6502 Facs�+ile: ' . 1°Oprion: 651-292-7035 2'� Option: 657-192-7656 TO: FROM: DATE: • RE: Vic VJittgenstein, DirecTOr Pazits and Recreation Helga Kessler, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO) Mike Wilde, Business Agent Professional Employees Association (PEA) John Shockley Sr. Human Resources Consultant February 26,2001 Determination and 20 Day Notice We have conducted a study of the positions allocated to the Landscape Architect IV class. The purpose of the study was to determine whether these two positions should be allocated to a professionai supervisory classification and at what compensation level. We reviewed job profile information and information gathered regazding the supervisory respon'sibilities of the positions. We also evaluated the positions using the QES job evaluation system. Based upon the aforementioned information, it has been determined that the two positions allocated to the Landscape Architect N class held by Tim Aeness and Don Ganje aze supervisory under the definitions as provided in the Public Employment Labor Relations AcY (PELRA). It has also bean determined that the Landscape Architect IV ciass should be assigned to the Saint Paui Supervisors Organization (SPSO) bazg '�g imit in grade 24. It has been further determined that the Landscape Architect N tide should be abolished in the Professional Employees Association {PEA) bazgaining unit Attached is a proposed class specification for the new Landscape Arciutect IV class and the current Landscape Architect IV ciass specification. Please notify me within 20 days if you have any objections or wish to discuss ttris action. • My phone number is (651) 266-6482. If I do not heaz from you within 20 days, I will assume agreement and I will proceed with the process. c � -a.aa • Determination and 20 Day Notice Page -2- If there aze no objections, we will notify the Labor Relations Office to put together the necessary Memorandums of Understanding (MOL� moving the class to SPSO in grade 24. Following passage and approval of the resolution implementing the MOU, Human Resources will make the appropriate changes to employment and payroll records of the incumbents. JS/tf � I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of abolishing the Landscape Architect IV in PEA class. a a�o Date G:�Stared�HICCOMMOmsEIOCtQ.EY�t.anawape.nrct<.aecamenazo.wpa � o � a3a. • Detemvnation and 20 Day Notice Page -2- If there aze no objections, we will notify the Labor Relations Office to put together the necessary Memorandums ofUnderstanding (MOi� moving the class to SPSO in grade 24. Following passage and approval of the resolution implementing the MOU, Human Resources will make the appropriate changes to employment and payroll records of the incumbents. JS/tf I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of abolishing the Landscape Architect IV in PEA class. • � Name �vsbarea�xco�onnsxoc�.asv.�a�.wr�r.a.aoc�,azo.wyn Z-Z S-O l Date � O 1-�3a. � MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN T`F� CITY OF SA1NT PAUL AND T'HE PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION, INC. AND TI�, SAIN'T PAUL SUPERVISORS ORGANIZATION This agreement is entered into by and between the City of St Paul, the Professional Employees Association, Inc (PEA) and the St Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO) to mutually agree to amend the collective bargaining agreements regazding the piacement of the classification of Landscape Architect IV from PEA to SPSO. The parties agree that the classification of Landscape Architect IV, currently in the PEA collective bargaining agreement, shall be moved into the collective bargaining agreement of SPSO. This title shall then be subject to all terms and conditions of the SPSO collective bargaining agreement upon approval of the City of St Paul. • The parties fiirther agree that based upon a classification study performed and completed by the Human Resource Department of the Ciry of St Paul, this title shall be placed in grade 24 of the salary schedule as in appendix A of the SPSO collective bazgaining agreement. The parties agree that this language is not precedential and shall only pertain to the instant case. City of St Paul � �.L�� ` Z Te�rry Haltiner Labor Relations Manager Professional Employees Association, Inc. �a� �li%�p�� lil/�-�'�P Mike Wilde Business Rep./Legal Counsel St Paul Supervisors Organization � �:6�YGYx/v Helga essler President • OFFtCE OF Ht7MAN RFSOURCES Ja3m H�+i1to2 D'veeto� O, ���^ CT1Y OF SAIN'T PAUL Norm Colemars, Mayo� Vic �ttgenstein, Director Parks and Recreation rer�r,o„�: esl-aes-6soo IDD/l7Y.� 657-266-6501 Joblme: 65]-166-6502 Faaintile: 1° Optian: 651-292-iO35 2'�Optiorr 657-292-7656 TO: FROM: DATE: • RE: aoo c=ryxmr.a,� 25 West Finath S6eet Samt Pmd ,N'wrrsota 55102-1634 Helga Kessler, President Saint Paui Supervisors Organization (SPSO) Mike Wilde, Business Agent Professional Employees Association (PEA) 7ohn Shockiey Sr. Human Resources Consultant February 26, 2001 Determination and 20 Day Notice We have conducted a study of the positions allocated to the Landscape Architect IV class. The purpose of the study was to determine whether these two positions should be allocated to a professional supervisory classification and at what compensation level. We reviewed job pmfile information and information gathered regazding the supervisory responsibilities of the positions. We also evaluated the positions using the QES job evaluation system. Based upon the aforementioned information, it has been determined that the two positions allocated to the Landscape Arclutect IV class held by Tim Agness and Don Ganje aze supervisory under the definitions as provided in the Public Employment Labor Relations Act (PELRA). It has also been determined that the Landscape Arc3utect IV ciass should be assigned to the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO) bazg '�g unit in giade 24. It has been further determined that the Landscape Architect N title should be abolished in the Professional Employees Association (PEA) bazgaining unit Attached is a proposed ciass specification for the new Landscape Architect IV class and the current Landscape Architect IV class specification. • Please notify me within 20 days if you have any objecrions or wish to discuss this action. My phone number is (651) 266-6482. If I do not heaz from you within 20 days, I will assume agreement and I will proceed with the process. o �.a3 �. � Determination and 20 Day Notice Page -2- If there aze no objections, we will notify the Labor Relations Office to put together the necessary Memorandums of Undetstanding (MOiJ) moving the class to SPSO in grade 24. Following passage and approval of the resolution implementing the MOU, Human Resources will make the appropriate changes to employment and payroll records of the incumbents. JS/tf � I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of abolishing the Landscane Architect N in PEA class. G\Sl�azed�FIItCOMMOMSHOCHI,EY�Lmdscapa.Atct.4Aetammd20.wpd a �o Date • o�_�.�a. � Determination and 20 Day Notice Page -2- If there are no objections, we will notify the Labor Relations Office to put together the necessary Memorandums of Understanding (MOLn moving the class to SPSO in grade 24. Following passage and approval of the resolution implementing the MOU, Human Resources will make the appropriate changes to employment and payroll records of the incumbents. JS/tf I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of abolishing the Landscape Architect IV in PEA class. • N� Z Date cr.�Snazed�FIItcoA-Il.�tolv�sxocKi.sY�Lanascape.a.at.a.aecammazo.wpa • Council File # o�— a3a RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached 2 � Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul, the Professional Employees Assocation, Inc. (PEA) and the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO) to amend the collective bazgaining agreements regarding the placement of the classification of Landscape Architect IV from PEA to SPSO. Requested by Department oE Office of Labar Relations / By: Form Approi�ed by C"� ttorney BY � � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary SY ���- � . 1�. � • — Approved by Mayor: Date !��/�/�/(CU' U�i ��tJ' � By: � Approved by ayor for Submission to Council By: Green Sheet # 106827 Adopted by Council: Date ��'��_ �.pO� DEPARTMENT/OFF[CE/COUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 106827 'LABOR RELAT'IONS March 5, 2001 � 1•�►'� �. CONTACi' PERSON & PHONE: � wTe ltvn7pLnnTE JLTLIE KRAUS 266-6513 �IGY 1 DERARTMENT DIR. 4 CITY COUNCIL iV[JMBER 2 CITY ATTORNEY CTI'P CLERK MUST BE ON COTJNCII. AGENDA BY (DA1'E� FOR BUDGEL DIIL � FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIIL RO[TfING 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[IRE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncnorr �xeQv�.sren: This resolution approves the aitached Memorandum of Agreement between the Ciry of Saint Paul, the Professional Employees Association, Ina (PEA) and the Saint Paut Supervisors Organization (SP50) to amend the collective bazgaining agreements regazding the placement of the classification of Landscape Architect ' IV from PEA to SPSO. RECOMMENDAI'IONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTTONS: . PLANNING COMbIISSION _CIVSL SERVIC£ COMMISSION 1. Hu this persoNfirm ever wodced under a conhact for tlils depaztrnenCt CIB C0�9�i11'fEE Yea No � _STAFF 2. Has th�s person/firm ever been a ciry employee? _DISTAICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTI VE? 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any cu¢ent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes anrners on separah sheet and attach to green sheet INCfIA1TNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTI'P (Who, W6ap When, Where, Why): „ , { .. ._ � 4i� y.;"� , �c�� " . v��t` Kd . ,4llVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� °� ������ �.��� ����� ���� DISADVANTpGES IF APPROVED: " DiSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMO[1NT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: - FUNDINGSOURCE: A(:TIVITYNUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIIV) 0�.�.3a � NIEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAIN'T PAUL AND TI� PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATTON, INC. AND TI� SAINT PAUL SUPERVISORS ORGAI�IZATION This agreement is entered into by and between the City of St Paui, the Professional Employees Association, Inc (PEA) and the St Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO) to mutually agree to amend the collective bargaining agreements regazding the placement of the classification of Landscape Architect IV from PEA to SPSO. The parties agree that the classification of Landscape Architect IV, currently in the PEA collective bazgaining agreement, shall be moved into the collective bazgaining agreement of SPSO. This title shall then be subject to all terms and conditions of the SPSO collective bazgaining agreement upon approval of the City of St Paul. • The parties further agree that based upon a classification study performed and completed by the Human Resource Department of the City of St Paul, this title shall be placed in grade 24 of the salary schedule as in appendix A of the SPSO collective bazgaining agreement. The parties agree that this language is not precedential and shall only pertain to the instant case. City of St Paul � �� Z Te�ity Haltiner Labor Relations Manager Professional Employees Association, Inc. �� ili:�p�/ Irl/..[�Q Mike Wilde Business Rep./Legal Counsel St Paul Supervisors Organization .�%6CYGeee/v Helga essler President • OFFiCE OF FNMAN RESOURCES JoJm Hmtilton, D'veaor c�•a3� CT1Y OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 City Hall Asu+u Telephane: 65]-266fi500 ISWestFovrhStreet TDD/lTY.� 651-266fi501 S�+t Pmd, Sfvmuara 55102-I634 ]obline: 651-26�6502 Facs�+ile: ' . 1°Oprion: 651-292-7035 2'� Option: 657-192-7656 TO: FROM: DATE: • RE: Vic VJittgenstein, DirecTOr Pazits and Recreation Helga Kessler, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO) Mike Wilde, Business Agent Professional Employees Association (PEA) John Shockley Sr. Human Resources Consultant February 26,2001 Determination and 20 Day Notice We have conducted a study of the positions allocated to the Landscape Architect IV class. The purpose of the study was to determine whether these two positions should be allocated to a professionai supervisory classification and at what compensation level. We reviewed job profile information and information gathered regazding the supervisory respon'sibilities of the positions. We also evaluated the positions using the QES job evaluation system. Based upon the aforementioned information, it has been determined that the two positions allocated to the Landscape Architect N class held by Tim Aeness and Don Ganje aze supervisory under the definitions as provided in the Public Employment Labor Relations AcY (PELRA). It has also bean determined that the Landscape Architect IV ciass should be assigned to the Saint Paui Supervisors Organization (SPSO) bazg '�g imit in grade 24. It has been further determined that the Landscape Architect N tide should be abolished in the Professional Employees Association {PEA) bazgaining unit Attached is a proposed class specification for the new Landscape Arciutect IV class and the current Landscape Architect IV ciass specification. Please notify me within 20 days if you have any objections or wish to discuss ttris action. • My phone number is (651) 266-6482. If I do not heaz from you within 20 days, I will assume agreement and I will proceed with the process. c � -a.aa • Determination and 20 Day Notice Page -2- If there aze no objections, we will notify the Labor Relations Office to put together the necessary Memorandums of Understanding (MOL� moving the class to SPSO in grade 24. Following passage and approval of the resolution implementing the MOU, Human Resources will make the appropriate changes to employment and payroll records of the incumbents. JS/tf � I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of abolishing the Landscape Architect IV in PEA class. a a�o Date G:�Stared�HICCOMMOmsEIOCtQ.EY�t.anawape.nrct<.aecamenazo.wpa � o � a3a. • Detemvnation and 20 Day Notice Page -2- If there aze no objections, we will notify the Labor Relations Office to put together the necessary Memorandums ofUnderstanding (MOi� moving the class to SPSO in grade 24. Following passage and approval of the resolution implementing the MOU, Human Resources will make the appropriate changes to employment and payroll records of the incumbents. JS/tf I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of abolishing the Landscape Architect IV in PEA class. • � Name �vsbarea�xco�onnsxoc�.asv.�a�.wr�r.a.aoc�,azo.wyn Z-Z S-O l Date � O 1-�3a. � MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN T`F� CITY OF SA1NT PAUL AND T'HE PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION, INC. AND TI�, SAIN'T PAUL SUPERVISORS ORGANIZATION This agreement is entered into by and between the City of St Paul, the Professional Employees Association, Inc (PEA) and the St Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO) to mutually agree to amend the collective bargaining agreements regazding the piacement of the classification of Landscape Architect IV from PEA to SPSO. The parties agree that the classification of Landscape Architect IV, currently in the PEA collective bargaining agreement, shall be moved into the collective bargaining agreement of SPSO. This title shall then be subject to all terms and conditions of the SPSO collective bargaining agreement upon approval of the City of St Paul. • The parties fiirther agree that based upon a classification study performed and completed by the Human Resource Department of the Ciry of St Paul, this title shall be placed in grade 24 of the salary schedule as in appendix A of the SPSO collective bazgaining agreement. The parties agree that this language is not precedential and shall only pertain to the instant case. City of St Paul � �.L�� ` Z Te�rry Haltiner Labor Relations Manager Professional Employees Association, Inc. �a� �li%�p�� lil/�-�'�P Mike Wilde Business Rep./Legal Counsel St Paul Supervisors Organization � �:6�YGYx/v Helga essler President • OFFtCE OF Ht7MAN RFSOURCES Ja3m H�+i1to2 D'veeto� O, ���^ CT1Y OF SAIN'T PAUL Norm Colemars, Mayo� Vic �ttgenstein, Director Parks and Recreation rer�r,o„�: esl-aes-6soo IDD/l7Y.� 657-266-6501 Joblme: 65]-166-6502 Faaintile: 1° Optian: 651-292-iO35 2'�Optiorr 657-292-7656 TO: FROM: DATE: • RE: aoo c=ryxmr.a,� 25 West Finath S6eet Samt Pmd ,N'wrrsota 55102-1634 Helga Kessler, President Saint Paui Supervisors Organization (SPSO) Mike Wilde, Business Agent Professional Employees Association (PEA) 7ohn Shockiey Sr. Human Resources Consultant February 26, 2001 Determination and 20 Day Notice We have conducted a study of the positions allocated to the Landscape Architect IV class. The purpose of the study was to determine whether these two positions should be allocated to a professional supervisory classification and at what compensation level. We reviewed job pmfile information and information gathered regazding the supervisory responsibilities of the positions. We also evaluated the positions using the QES job evaluation system. Based upon the aforementioned information, it has been determined that the two positions allocated to the Landscape Arclutect IV class held by Tim Agness and Don Ganje aze supervisory under the definitions as provided in the Public Employment Labor Relations Act (PELRA). It has also been determined that the Landscape Arc3utect IV ciass should be assigned to the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO) bazg '�g unit in giade 24. It has been further determined that the Landscape Architect N title should be abolished in the Professional Employees Association (PEA) bazgaining unit Attached is a proposed ciass specification for the new Landscape Architect IV class and the current Landscape Architect IV class specification. • Please notify me within 20 days if you have any objecrions or wish to discuss this action. My phone number is (651) 266-6482. If I do not heaz from you within 20 days, I will assume agreement and I will proceed with the process. o �.a3 �. � Determination and 20 Day Notice Page -2- If there aze no objections, we will notify the Labor Relations Office to put together the necessary Memorandums of Undetstanding (MOiJ) moving the class to SPSO in grade 24. Following passage and approval of the resolution implementing the MOU, Human Resources will make the appropriate changes to employment and payroll records of the incumbents. JS/tf � I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of abolishing the Landscane Architect N in PEA class. G\Sl�azed�FIItCOMMOMSHOCHI,EY�Lmdscapa.Atct.4Aetammd20.wpd a �o Date • o�_�.�a. � Determination and 20 Day Notice Page -2- If there are no objections, we will notify the Labor Relations Office to put together the necessary Memorandums of Understanding (MOLn moving the class to SPSO in grade 24. Following passage and approval of the resolution implementing the MOU, Human Resources will make the appropriate changes to employment and payroll records of the incumbents. JS/tf I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of abolishing the Landscape Architect IV in PEA class. • N� Z Date cr.�Snazed�FIItcoA-Il.�tolv�sxocKi.sY�Lanascape.a.at.a.aecammazo.wpa •