96-1385 r"� E �°'`' R p � y COLIACll F'�1@ � � � - '�O � P r Y , _ j E <<.� Y , i ��..., � 6 W , „m Ordinance # Green Sheet #` �"�"�'lO RESOLUTION _ ITY F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA , L` ��-J Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED: That application(ID#67380) for a Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle License by 2 Highland Auto Collision Center DBA Highland Auto Collision Center(John Ritter, 3 Owner) at 2042 7th Street West be and the same is hereby approved w.ith tne following condition: l. Vehicles for sale may not be displayed outdoors. 4 5 Requested by Department ofz 6 7�ae .� Nays Absent 7 B s ey .� 9 Guer.�n _�� �I Office of License. Insnections and 10 1 � Environmental Protection 11 a 12 T iune 13 Bostrom rl 15 ( gy; ��^��'�"'`� � �!� 16 Adopted by Council: Date � �e �al� � _ 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 21 By: � . � By. 22 23 Approved by Mayor: Date � �Z�� 24 r n Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 By: �l�i �%�ZL,� Council 27 By: `��- 13�'S �� DATE INITIATED �REEN SHEET �N° 3�4 6 7 LIEP L cen i - - � � " a DEAARTMENT DIRECTOR ITIALIDATE ❑CITV COUNCIL INITIAUD/RE �M �CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK IL ( ) p��p� �BUDfiET OIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.BERVICE8 DIR. ��� �MAYOR(OR AS818T� � TOTAL#t OF SKiNATURE PAbES (CLIP ALL LQCA NS FOR SIGNATURE� ACTION REQUESTED: Highland Auto Collision Center DBA. Highland Auto Collision Center requests Council approval of its appli�ation for a Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle License located at 2042 7th Street West (ID 4�67380). �����$'��°w(�)°f���R� PER80NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLIOWINQ QUE�TION3: _PLANNar3 COMMIBSION _CrvIL SERVICE C�MMt8810N 1. Has ihls psrson/Nrm 9VBr worksd under a cOntract for M�d�partmsnt? _CI8 COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has Mis pe�n/firm ever beer►a dty employee? —�� — YES NO _olsrn�cr cOUar _ s. ooss mfe ps►sonntrm poesees a sku�rwt norma�ly possessed M anr a►►er�t dlr�ree? 8uPPORTB vVMIG1 COUP�IL o8�1ECTIVE9 YES NO ' . Ezpiain ali ys�an�wsn on u�nN�M�t and�thch to�n�n�Mst iNmnT�o PROB�EM.issuE.o�R'TUNrrv lHna,wnat.wnm�,wnme.wMl� _ RECEIV�� . SEP 19 1998 CIT'Y A��� �ov�wr�oes��aoveo: • DISADVANTAf3E81F APPROVED: D18ADYANTIK#ES IF 1�TAPPRWED: ' Counc� F�eseau�h Cert#!r . OCT 2 8 1996 , TOTAL AMOUNT OF TtiANBACTION $ COSTlREYBNUE.BUD�iETED(CIRCLE ONH) YES NO FUNDIFJ�i SOURCE ACTIVITII NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOfiMAT10N:(EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 35467 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 9J6�97 / ����� �s In Tracke�'? App'n Received / App'n Processed License ID # 67380 Lfcense Type: Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle Company Name: Highland Auto Collision Center DBA: same Business Addresss: 2042 7th St W, 55116 Business Phone: 699-0340 Contact Name/Address:John Ritter, Home Phone: Date to Council Research: �< Public Hearing Date: �� Labels Ordered: y����� Notice Sent to Applicant: ,� �f���� � District Council #: /.� ��.� Notice Sent to Public: ' !�� �� Ward #: Department/ Date Inspectlons Comments , City Attorney � �L1� D• � • Environmental Health I`� • � Fire 1 � � 1� O• � • License Site�an�aec:eived: • Lease�ived: ' ���' � �(.r9 �`� c�-w/I W�",GK:vLl�/Y� i-' t � � � G�� Police lo ►5 �t!� D� � . Zoning �� � �� p,� . � . , . _._ - — - --------- — - - ° - q�.-1��'S CLASS III CITY OF SAINT PAUL LICENSE APPLICATION orr�roris��„«,in����o�t and Em•ironmcntal Protcction 350 St.Pder St.$uim?CU Saim F�ul.?tinnaaa 1510? (6121:66�A,"�?J fzz(61?).�(��9124 - - - ��� 3�7.i T}�1S APPLICATIO\' IS SUB7ECT TO REVIF_W BY'THE PL BL1C �� PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT L'�'I\�K T��pe of License(s)being applied for: ��4�' ��� ���� ��' Company�ame: Corpor tion!Partnership/Sole Proprietorship If business is incorporated, �i��e date of incorporation: �� J� Doing Business As: •����_�!��`/���€�.. Business Phone: �—v3t�(� Business Address: �U � � �J ��J7 �{^ �'-�A I�.c� � ��(�� Sveet Address City State 7_ip Betw�een���hat cross streets is the bu�i ess Iocated? �� °/ /��,lJ�'i.���f V1'hich side of the street� �ZS Are the prenuses now occupied? � • «'hat T}�e of Bu�iness? Cp�-��o ���5/�1�� I Mail To,Address: ��SF Z LCJ � �' �� �( f�p—c_ ,L,t� S-�S //� Svect.Address City State 7_ip Applicant lnformation: � ` '�ame and Title: ,r!fJ/'�� ,�" ' ` ��� �LU't-�� First 1.4iddle (�laider) Lxst Ti;le Hotne Address: �'( - Strect Address Ciry State "Lip Date of IIirth: / ��� (� Plac.e of Birtt�: --/�-''�-� Home Phone: ` Have you e��er been con��icted of any felony,crime or��iola:ion of an �city ordinance other than traffic? YES� :��0_ Date of arrest: � V,'here? �� !"�} -C-�L--- 2 � -" �-.S ��.�tC � �� Charge: /�'�s � � Con��icvoo: Sentence: ��—� List the names and residences af ttuee persons of good moral c6aracter, li��ing ��ithin the T��in Cities Meuo Area, not related to the applicant or financially ineerested in the premises or business,��ho may be referred to as to the applicant's character: NANIE ADDRESS PHONE a� `�o�-.-�� �"�� � List lice,�se��t�hich I��curren�y hold, fom�erly held, or may ha�•e an interest in: � � j � Have any of the above named licenses e��er been revoked? YES �NO If yes,list the dates and reasons for revocation: Are you going to opente this business personally? �YFS NO If not,w�ho will operate it? First Natne Tliddle Initial ('�Saiden) Last Date of Birth liome Addrecs: Strcct lame Gty State Zip Fhonc Number � �\O If thc rluina�er is not t��e same as tlie o r�toi"+r � %��� .Are��ou �oin�to ha�•c a m�uia��cr or��si�t:nt in t}�is businc�c. 1'ES � � ` v r-�- comp]etc die follo�'ing information: � q l� —�� b''S First;�'ame Afiddle lnitial (�laidcn) I,zst � Datc of nirth Heme Address: SLre.et�ame Ci;�• State Zip Phone Numbc� Plea�e list your em�lo��ment history for ttie pre�•ious fivc(�) �ear period: � Bu�' ss/E Jo�nient � ' Address _� �--it._� °�S�� List all other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME HO'��fE BL'SI:��SS D.4TE OF �p�� (Officc Held) ADDRESS PHO:�E PH01'E BIRTH If business is a partnership,please include the follow�ing info:mation for each partner (use additional pages if necessar��): First T�azne �4iddle Ini�iaJ (;�taiden) �� Datc ot Birth Home Address: Sveet'�ame City S[ate Zip Phone Num!�er `.laiden Last 'Date of Birth First'�ame '�liddle Ini;ial �� ) Home Address: Streei:�ame City Staee Zip Phone Numbcr NIL�':�ESOTA TAX IDE.'�'TIFlCATIO:�'h`UT'IBE,R-Pursuant to the Laws of A4innesota, 1984,Chapter 502,Art3cle 8,Section 2(270.72) (Taz Clearance;Issuance of Licenses),licensing autborities�:re required to pro�•ide to the State of I�tinnesoea Comr.zissioner of Revenue, , the Minnesota business eaa ideoufication number and the sa.ial security number of each license applicant. Under the Minnesota Govenunent Data Practices Act and the Federal Pri��acy Act of 1974,we are required to advise you of the follo��ing regarding the use of tbe Minnesota Tu Identification Number. -This information may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the e��ent you owe T4innesota sales,emplo��er's w�ithholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; -Upon receiving tlus infomzation,the licensing au�hority��ill supply it only to the?�4innesota Departrnent of Re��enue. However, under the Federal Ezchange of Inforniacion Agreen�ent,the Department of Re��enue may supply this information to the Intemal Revenue Service. Minnesota Taz Identification I�'umbers (Sales & Use Taz Number) may be obtaioed from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Pazk Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Security Number. ��� � ��� . ~ Minnesota Taz Idcntification Number: � If a Minnesota Taz Identificatioo:�'umber is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placi�g an "X" in the boz. �:�.-;._ . . �. �'__,� • i `� •��`+ERTII=IC.ATIO\ OF��'ORki�KS' CO'�1I't,\'SA"I-iON CO��ER�,GE PLFSL'.-�\T TO'�iL�:�ESOTA STATliTE 176.152 �. I hereby certifj�that 1,or my con�any, am in conu�liance ���it� ehe ���orkers'c�r��-x.nsation insurance co��erabe re.quircil�ents of Minnesota °'� Statute 176.182,sut�i��ision 2. I�iso understand that pro�'i�ion of false infornlation in this ccrtification constitutes sufficient �rounds for \ s ad��erse aceioo aE�inst�I1 licenses hc)ci, includinR re��ocation �,�d suspencion of said licenses. � , �c� -I:3g'.s ^ i�'an�c of Insurance Compa��y: �Q����-�-t � � i Policy�'umber: ��11�� .� 3 J Co�•eraEC from 7 " `�' � to 2 '�' � I ha��e no emplo��ees co�'ered undcr«•or}:ers'compensation insurance • A�Y FALSIFICATION OF A\S«�RS GI�'E:�OR'�1.ATERIAL SUB:�IITTED �i'ILL RESULT IN L>E\IAL OF THIS APPLICATIO:�t I hereby state that I have ans�vered all of the prece.ding questions, and that the inforrnation contained herein is true and correct to the best of my}:now�ledge and beiief. I hereby state fiuZher that I ha��e received no mone}'or ottier considera[ion,by���ay of loan,gift,contribuUon, or otherwise,other than already disclo�ed in the application a hich I berew�ith submitted. I also understand this prenvse may be inspected I'� b���lice, fire,healt�and other city officials at any and all ti�s�•hen the business is in operation. �S�-�ar�b Sign ;ur (RL-QL'IRED for all applications) Datc � � � a 3 1 "*'�ote: If this applicaeion is Food/Liquor relatccl,please con;act a City of Saint Paul Heaith Inspector, Steve Oison(266-91�9),to re��iew pl ans. If any substantial changes to swc[ure are anticipateci,p]ease contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Ezaminer at 266-9007 to apply for bui]dinE�e;mits. If tbere are any changes to the r�arking lot,floor spa:e,or for new operations,please contact a Cit}�of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. Additional application requirements, please attach: A detailed description of ttie design,loca4ion and square footage of the premises to be licensed(site plan). Thc folto�cing data should be on the sifc pian(preferably on an 8 1/2," z 11" or 8 1/Z"x 14" paper): i, -Name,address,and phone number. ' -T'he scale should be stated such as i" =20'. ^;�T should be indicated toward the top. -Ptacement of all pertinent features o4'the interior of the licensed facility such as seating areas,kitchens,ofiices,repair area,parking,rest rooms,ctc - If a reqvest is for an addition or ezpansion of the licensed facllity, indicate both the current area and the proposed ex-pansion. A cop}of}•our lease agrecmen4 ar proof of o��nc�rship of the property. FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATION REQUIFtEME;�TS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE > > > >