96-1382 � � r E�' ° r LL t � � � ;� Y 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL IL F LE �b � ��� a 9 PRELIMINAR.Y ORDER FILE IaO, 1��36 VcSTING W 2 In the Mettnr of imprave the alleys in Ki7ispel'� Subdivlsiun by constructir�c� stc�rm �ewer, catch ra�in� anci by qra�linq und paving with k�itismin�,�as m�.terial, (bc��an��e� by C�hio� FagE, Ct�erltc,n �ir�d sidr,ey) The Council af the �ity af Saint Faul having received the report af th� Meyur uF��n th� ab�ve improvement, and tiaving cc�nsi�ered sz�i� rE���rt, herek�y r��c�lvea; 1, That the �aid report and the �ame i� hereby �pproved with no elt�rnetiv�s, and that tr�� estimated cost thereaf is $22,57f3.00 financeci by FubZic Im�rc,v�mc�nt �Li.d �8, 923.Q0 and As�ea�ment� $14, 155.00, 2. That a publia hearing �e riad on said improvement on th� 8th clay af January� 1�9`j� at 4:3U o'cic�ck P.M., in the �ouncil Ghembers crf the City Hall snd Court Fiouae Buildinq in the City af �aint P�ul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be qiven to the person9 and in the manner �rovic3ed by th� Charter, stating the tim� and place of hearing, the na�ure of the impr�vement and the total �aat there�f a� e�timated. Pl lpl r�urn � GOUN�:ILPER���N3 Adapte� �y cY�,uncil; Pate ��� Yess N$y� NOV 2 31996 �akey �strom G�rtifie�3 F'essed by Council Secretary ✓�;'ue rin t/�arris �In P'svc�r By � �eqard s�n' Rett�an — �bS�,,�}- Q,�yainst /vL��i � �une M$yor ( ���h� --._ .. �• Public He�rin Date- Januar 8, 199 7 RE 11-1-96 - �,,��,E,�,��,��,��. DATE iNITIATED G R E E N S H E ET N o. 36334 Public Works Department �. 3, 1996 INITIAUDATE IN�TIAL/DATE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE DEPARTMENT DtRECTOR CITY COUNCIL Paul S't.Martin �TAI.NO.ZsB-S��8� N�B�� CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII AGENDA BY(DATE) 11-2 0-9 6 �� BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MGT.SERVICES DIR. Must be in Council Research Office �MAYOR(ORASSISTANn t Counc� Researoh b noon on Frida 11-8-96 TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � ASSOCIATE � DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNTANT ACTION REWESTED /,� .. ��Q� 11 U rove the all s in SPTISPEL'S SUBDIVI9ION unded b Ohio P e Charlton and Sidn b co s ctin s o c s an a o s e so,con emning an g an easement in e an necessary or e s opes, cuts an s, inc u ing ri t o remo o te support from subject Iand or remainder thereof,occasioned by excavations thereof or constructbn of slopes in grading and paving of said alley. File No. 18836 RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(ly a Reje�t(R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION _CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• H���S�ES �r NOer worked under a contract for ihis departrnentl CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a city employee? — — YES NO A sTaFF _ 3. Doea this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry — employee? DfSTRICT COUNCII YES NO — — Explain all y�s answan on s�pant�shaat and attach to gre�n shaet SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE7 Neighborhoods Ward 2 � INITIATIN(3 PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(WHO,WHAT,WHEN,WHERE,WHY): This improvement was initiated by a petition signed by 65%of the property owners. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGE3 IF APPROVED: Normal problems associated with construction, such as noise, dust, and general disruption will occur. _.F, � -,- 4t�€.�4'`r ..._ �.. � '<<:.y r, ,. ��. ,���. ��; � � � �{;���C3 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: • TOTAL AMWNT OF TRANSACTION S ��78 00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES No FUNDINGSOURCE ecececmuntc�lA Lon�Sir�A S�ih�i[i�( ACITVITYNUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPIAIN)