96-1603 � ' k ���� �'; � �/J /Z/ZG /9 Council File # \� ���� h . � � C � . . :._. /�//r��i✓��U L ? �a Green Sheet #�U � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA S6 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 WHEREAS, North End Towing has failed to complete an application for renewal for 6 the 1996 license year, has operated without a license in violation of Saint Paul Legislative 7 Code §361.02, and has failed to maintain a twenty-four hour lot in violation of Saint Paul 8 Legislative Code §361.05; now, therefore, be it 9 10 RESOLVED, that the Tow Truck/Wrecker Vehicle License, (License ID No. 55452) 11 held by North End Towing, Inc., Gregory Kaufenberg, owner, is hereby suspended until such 12 time as a renewal application has been completed and approved; and be it 13 14 FURTHER RESOLVED, that a fine of$500.00 is hereby imposed on the license 15 for the violations stated above. 16 17 This Resolution and the action taken above are based upon the facts contained in the 18 letter of September 16, 1996 to the licensee, the October 8, 1996 letter to the licensee, his 19 failure to contact the Office of LIEP or their attorney to indicate that he contested the 20 charges, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: a e �- ostrom � arris � uerin ✓ e ar ✓ / e tman ✓ une ✓ BY� Form Approved by City Attor ey Adopted ncil: D / � Adop ion Certified b u ecretary gy. �- L< ` /� � �,1,`� By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by ayor: Date � By: � N �3�'�l"u.r0 By. ��-��c�� 4 �24� AFFICE/COUNCIL °"TE'"'T'^�° G R E E N S H E ET Office of LIEP 12-12-96 CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Robert Kessler 266-9112 ASSIGN �CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON COUN IL ApENDA 8Y DATE) ROUTING �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.a MQT.$ERVICES DIR. T 2 1996 P. hearin ORDER O MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN� � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�U�$TED: Concerning adverse action against licenses held by North End Towing, Inc., 1850 University Avenue. (Uncontested) RECOMMENDATIONS:Apprqy+(N or RejeCt(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MU8T AN8WER TFIE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNINti COMMISS�QN — CIVIL SERVICE COMMI3SION �• Hes this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depertment? _GB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _STAFF 2. Haa this pereonlfirm ever been a cNy employee? — YES NO _DISTRICT COUR7 _ 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee7 SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGII OBJECTIVE7 YES NO Explaln sll yes an�wsn on separats thest end attach to presn shest INITIATING PROBIEM,IaAUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,WMre,Why); ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: '� �5����"� �va•�:x�,r� ��",�ni�i' �"�� 1 � I:�:Jti -_ ��......�...� DI3ADVANTAGE3 IF NOT APPROVED: � �� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION Z COST/REVENUE BUD(iETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORIi6ATION:(EXPLAIN) ' r OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY r,morlry E Mwr� Gry.laorney ����� CIT'Y OF SAINT PAUL Crvi1 Division Norm Coleman,Mayor 400 Ciry Hall Telephune: 612 266-8710 1 S West Kellogg Blvd. Facsimile: 612 I98-5619 Saint Pau� �nnesotQ 55102 w� December 11, 1996 . NOTICE OF COUNCIL IiEARING Mr. Gregory Kaufenberg North End Towing, Inc. 1850 University Avenue West Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 Re: Licenses of North End Towing, Inc. d/b/a North End Towing, Inc. for the premises located at 1850 University Avenue West License ID No. : 55452 ° Our File Number: G96-0456 Dear Mr. Kaufenberg: Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 4:30 p.m. Thursday, December 26, 1996 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. . Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that you have not disputed the facts contained in the notice of violation dated September 16, 1996 . You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. � The recommendation of the license office will be for a $2, 000 . 0�0 fine and immediate suspension of your business license until you complete the license application process. " Page 1 � ' �l9-\�.�`� If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710 . Sincerely, �.I�s� / ' '� � �-'-.� V ��.�'.-�, U Virginia D. Palmer ' Assistant City Attorney � - cc : Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP ' Julian Loscalzo, Exec. Director, Lexington-Hamline Community Council, 1160 Selby Ave. , St. Paul, MN 55104 Ed Bower, Community Organizer, Merriam Park and Snelling- Hamline Community Council, 1573 Selby Ave. , Suite 311, St . Paul, NII�T 55104 I ; � Page 2 - � � ��-���3 UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Name: North End Towing, Inc. d/b/a North End Towing Address: 1850 University Avenue West Council Hearing Date: December 26, 1996 Violation: Failure to submit required information for License Renewal Application: St. Paul Legislative Code § 361.05 Operating Without a License: St. Paul Legislative Code § 361.02 Failure to maintain a 24-Hour lot: St. Paul Legislative Gode § 361.05 Date: For The Year of 1996 Place: Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Immediate Suspension + $2,000.00 Fine � Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Second Letter form City Attorney's Office 3. Notice of Violation 4. License information 5. Tow Complaint , -'� OFFI ��OF THE CITY ATTORNEY . � • Tunahy z. Max, Ciry Arror»ey ��`�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL crv;r nN�;o,► Norm Colemc», Mayor 400 Ciy Ha!! Te%phone: 612?66-87I0 JS West Kellogg B1vd Facsimilt:612 298-5619 Saint Paul, �nnesota SS102 October 8, 1996 , Mr. Gregory Kaufenberg North End Towing, Inc. . 1850 University Avenue West Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 Re: Licenses of North End Towing, Inc. d/b/a North End Towing, . . Inc. for the premises located at 1850 University Avenue West License ID No. : 55452 Our File Number: G96-0456 Dear Mr. Kaufenberg: Our office sent you a letter dated September 16, 1996, in which you were notified that your renewal application for North End Towing was being denied because you have failed to .submit information required for the renewal and because you have violated conditions of the applicable ordinance. The letter asked that you contact this office to let us know whether you disputed those" violations. If you admit to the violations, this matter will be scheduled before the Saint Paul City Council to determine what, if any, penalty to impose. If you wish to dispute the violations, then this matter will be scheduled for an evidentiary hearing before and administrative law judge. If we have not received anything in writing by Wednesday, October 16, 1996, we will proceed to schedule this matter for the administrative hearing. We will send you a notice which will tell you when and where the hearing is to be held. � In addition to the penalty, the city will also be seeking reimbursement for the cost of the administrative hearing, since there appears to be no genuine dispute that you have failed to provide the required information for licensure. - Page 1 - _. � � ��-���3 I still ask that you call, so that we may discuss the matter. I can be reached at 266-8710 . Sincerely, � ���1 � r ���itix.�G',- +� 1, �n1,r'\ C� - Virginia D. Palmer . Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP • Christine Rozek, Deputy director, LIEP Julian Loscalzo, Exec. Director, Lexington-Hamline Cornmunity Council, 1160 Selby Ave. , St. Paul, MN 55104 Ed Bower, Community Organizer, Merriam Park and Snelling- Hamline Community Council, 1573 Selby Ave. , Suite 311, St . Paul, NIl�T 55104 _ � Page 2 � .. c�����3 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICL BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on October 8, 1996, she served the attached LETTER on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows : Mr. Gregory Kaufenberg North End Towing 1850 University Avenue West St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the - same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St . Paul, Minnesota. JOANNE G CLEMENTS Subscribed a sw n to before me ' this 8th d to er, 996. Notary ub cj , OFFI�-=',OF THE CITY ATTORNEY - ` Timoti., �Mara� Cfry.ltrorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Civil Drvisiar ��-\� � Norm Co%nc�,Mayor 400 Ciry Haq Tekpham:61?266-87J0 IS West!Cellogg Blvd Facsimik: 612 298-3619 Saint Par�� M'auusota SSIOI September 16, 1996 Mr. Gregory Kaufenberg North End Towing, Inc. 1850 University Avenue West Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 Re: Licenses of North End Towing, Inc. d/b/a North End Towing, Inc. for the premises located at 1850 University Avenue West License ID No. : 55452 Dear Mr. Kaufenberg: Your renewal application is being denied because you have not provided the information required by Saint Paul Legislative Code � §361.05, specifically: . ' 1) a liet of all contracted or otherwise used private property towing locations aad persons with authority to siga tow order forms; " 2) a list of established fees and drop chargea; -. !tit�+::.�. � � �_3) : provision of a tweaty-four hour lot for the release � of towed motor vehicles; and . � '�4), . a 'current list of the aames and addresses of all �' � '��: drivers employed by North Ead. ' � You also have not made your vehicles available for iaspection by the Department of Licease, Iaspections and Eavironmental Protection, and they are curreatly not licensed. � Additionally, on August 22, 1996 a vehicle owaed by North End Towing towed a vehicle to a lot which was not opea tweaty-four hours, and charged the violator for an additional day's storage. At the time the vehicle was towed, North End's license had expired and they had not renewed their license. This constitutes operating, without a license and operating in violation of the conditioas of the ordinance. �l�-`��3 If you do not dispute the above facts, this matter will be scheduled before the City Council for a hearing on your license renewal application. You will be allowed to speak on yourbehalf at that hearing. 2 will need to have a letter from you saying that you do not dispute the facts if we are going to follow that path. On the other hand, if you dispute the above facts, I will schedule the evidentiary hearing on •the facts before an Administrative Law Judge. In that event, you will receive a notice of hearing so you will know when and where to appear, and what the basis for the hearing will be. In either case, you should contact me within ten days from the date of this letter. If I do not hear from you, I will schedule the hearing, and you may be responsible for the costs of the hearing if you do not then appear and contest the facts. Please call me or have your attorney caZl me at 266-8710 . Very truly yours, v � � G����� �� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Julian Loscalzo, Exec. Director, Lexington-Hamline Community Council, 1160 Selby Ave. , St. Paul, NIl�1 55104 Ed Bower, Community Organizer, Merriam Park and Snelling- Hamline Community Council, 1573 Selby Ave. , Suite 311, St. Paul, NR�T 55104 � , . � Page 2 ��-���J� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and sals that on September 17, 1996, she served the attached LETTER on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows : Mr. Gregory Kaufenberg North End Towing, Inc. 1850 University Avenue West Saint Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the � same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. G 0 LE S Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of September, 1996 . . . N a u i � • KATH�YN J.McLAUGH�IN� �'' � NOTARY PUBUC-MIF�iJESOiA � aAnns�r couNnr � MY Comm.E�iros Jan.91.2000 ����v� Lic ID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55452 STAT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AC Business Name. . . . . . . . . . . . NORTH END TOWING INC Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1850 UNIVERSITY AVE W Zip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55104 Doing Business As. . . . . . . . NORTH END TOWING INC License Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . TOW TRUCK OR WRECKER . TOW TRUCK/WRECKER VEHICLE Exp Date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12/31/96 Insurance Carrier. . . . . . . . FIRST NATIONAL Ins. Policy Number. . . . . . . BA7754424A • Insurance Effective Date. 12/29/94 Ins. Expiration Date. . . . . CONT NOTE AREA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OWNER . 8/27/96 FILE FORWARDED TO GINGER PALMER,' . RECOMMENDING DENIAL. Tax Id. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0103333 Worker Comp Exp Date. . . . . Telephone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645-4073 Press ' C' to continue, ' P' to print, or 'R' to redisplay. . . . Alt-Z FOR HELP° VT102 ° FDX ° 9600 E71 ° LOG CLOSED ° PRINT OFF ° i � ` t` � � � � RE��t��,�, a����� ��F1vh .. _ .t..0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL MAYOR & COUNCIL INFORMATION an��COf�LA�p10�'I� CITIZEN SERVICE PROGRAIN L� v � 1T0 CITY HALL 55102 266-8989 (Phone) 266-8689 (Fax) ID NiJN1BER: 19867210467LEP ORIGINAL CMPLT DATE: 08-23-96 T0: GARY PECHMANN LICENSfi, INSPECTIONS & ENV. PROTECTION 300 FR: SHARI MOORE INFO AND COMPLAINP OFFICE LOCATION OF COMPLAINT: 1850 UNIVERSITY AVB W WARD 04 DISTRICT 13 CENSUS 33200 LICENSE Fee Owner • THE FOLLOWING IS STATED BY Tf� COMPLAINANT. . . . HAR-MAR INC COMP'S SON WORKS AT THE FAIR AND PARKED ON 8-22 73ND SLAWIK REALTY INC AT 8AM AT A APT BUILDING PARKING LOT THAT SAID 01951 UNIVERSITY AVE NOT PARKING. . .VIOLATORS TOWED. , WHEN TFiB SON ST PAUL NtTT 551043427 RETURNED TO HIS CAR HE FOUND OUT IT HAD BEEN TOWED AT 9PM BY NORTHEND TOWING, 1850 UNIV. AT Tax Owner . 2:00 AM THEY TRIED TO RETRIEVE IT, BUT THE LOT HAROLD J SLAWIK PROPERTIES WAS CLOSED. TODAY (8-23) AT 9AM COMP HAD TO PAY 01951 UNIVERSITY AVE $158.85 TO GET THE CAR BACK. $125 FOR THE TOW ST PAUL NIld 551043427 AND $30 FOR THE SECOND DAY. . .EVEN THOUGH IT WAS TOWED LESS TFiAN 12 HOURS BEFOAE. COMP SPOKS WITH CORRINE IN LIEP WHO SAID THB COMPANY IS • LICENSED TO TOW FOR THE CITY, NOT PRNATS COMPANIES AND MUST BE OPEN 24 HOURS. THEIR LICENSB NUA'�ER IS 55452. COMP PAID IN CASH AND Complainant Information Also RODNEY PATRIN Sent to: - PHONE: _ 779-5556 ' � _ 1,::� ' Respond within,4 working days:�3 Send response to 170 CITY HALL:- _====���=a��a=ccc�==asac�=xcccxc=�=c��=x�sac==��c�aa��msc��cc�=oax�ncaae=o��o�=�sa=a����. RESPONSE BY: �vS" FOLLOW-UP DATE: CLOSED DATFs:. RESPONSE DATE: � / (� ** Either FOLLOW-UP or CLOSED date MUST be entered ** TH8 RBSPONSS YOII ENTSR CAN BB DISCLOS�3D TO TH8 PIIBLIC. ��� �j i ss t,�r-Q- `�° �'� -1"'� ' � rp CQ.�.n� '' �"`�" _ _. � �,�. �� n�;�.��-- � �.,,o, c �� �--���� � . �-�� � ��-�-�-,�- �' � �.�.-�, �- �(.,� -� �j`Ov�.(X .= �� '''�`'U`J�°_' � , � Z� 1�.� . �� m �4�-\'�� Saint- Paul .__ . . eRar,cH � -- -- -- _.... ... . _ - -- . � cmroF ..� COMPLAINT --- -6- 5-1 6 5 6 7�� T��S, . . : STATE OF MINNESOTA-RAMSEY COUNTY DISTRICT COURT The undersipned,beinp duly swom.upon Ais oath deposes and says:. � "-' � � -- - - ------ _.. _. . _ , . PareM's name, � -- - :~ ' ._._ _..._. Phone�. it jwenile _ --- - .. _. ,19 ,at �� . R . . _.. _._.._ . a,cne dey or , .._ _ --,- � • __- -- ---_ . . ._ _ ---- —:"�: �_,��H�- 22� Heather Wav _ - n,n.r , ; Na,,,e Gregory Kauf enberg-- - --�'� ��;y�---OAKDALE'�-��- "" " �" � � �" �s��eMN zv c� 55128 : ' - " .1... .__.. --� -- . . _ ... ._ Race.. ' � BirtA Dats I��+I G H - . - D.�.t�o._ ...--- -. __ ._. �._�. ---State ►�. w�. Sex_/_DID.IN THE CI1Y OF:.� unlawlully(Opsrate)(Perk)I.ieense No. .-- - -- - -- _. ----i9_State ....--�Make M Colw - -,- �. r- of Yiolation ' Locatioo of oflenseMleter No.: ��.1 Q � 1�/X 1f S�I �S,(w) � -• --- -- _ . � bcated in tAe unty an0 Ssate aforesad,and d�d tlien antl therc commil Me tollwvmp offense. . � _ CN N .. ". ' - StatJOrd.No.•.-. . _ - peseription- "' . �-;"�' i- _GN► �--�'-- In Aceident- - . • � ❑ Endergst LNe or P��Y i_i LC361`��� � Wreckers` and�Tow Trucks '�� ' ❑ PI:PeBOnallnjury_. � ❑.Hs:andousMateriela�� ❑ PD:Property Damape Placerdsd ' --------- - ° ----. -.-._.•-- - _ ----�._.___ • :. ..... - --------- — _ _ _ _ ° . ', _> __-1:-, ; . � PedesMeo. _ ❑ CortrmrcW Vshid�, } . , ; �_� -- - _ .. ..__. . .-� Fata�-.:. D b�owrcydb ; � ! : '` . - unsefe Condibons • ` 1 -�+ . :..� ' . f.:, 'L.� -v .�*�" ; s�Jii' ._.Yi i� � ... �''Y�.a�y ... ��k' T $�y r , !=/: SPEED 1691�} .�. �.:�"•'`rt�n i°�''a�•?�`Zbt s�" %_'[FaO�:w�e�`r s�eatbeltt� s�` it .n:f� _. . .. .. . - - - • . • • . p ' :,d: �,;...,ti�. :'....,...�...��.G�.c.- _ri �.' . ''_:_ ' .._"... -d .�"f��l�. _ �' PARIONG ;�k•. EXPIRED''• :-�•'•'_? c"� IqPARK RUSH}i'J{i�' 1AUCK�' ,p�IpED . � WWpIGIp._ FIRE SNOW ' •FBiE OTNER � . � vaumoris.' O�a, �av�a+�.. O mr� . D mr� O za�_ 0 ru�s O zq+E.-:- O►fm�rr:_. ❑�ac.oAO. ❑w+� D a.��u.P� " P TO RESPOND.70 THIS CITATpN WITFIti 11 DAYS ` ::`':..:���:� : t ... t - - _ •' >.-..;, . . .. i THAT.IF I FAIL,A WARRANT WH MY._.__�._ . . � .. . _, ,. _ .. � � ARR B UED AND NOTICE YVA1 BE SElif TO THE ._ --.�. -• + CfnOt�. ' ��:. � p� . . ° �q � STATE DRIVER'S UCENSE DIVISION. -' -° -- , •.. � � ._ Ol6oK . . ..• Nunb�r V� ' . � ,The PLAINANT swoni mekes canPla��►td the above Nmed CouA tl�at the feCtt Steted below ea[abfieh Drobade ptae to bel'ieve tl�at � � PROBABLE CAUSE S�ATEMEN��:�.�M���'"�,�,���above:: . �a :,_.� s _ ._ _ .... . . . _„ _.. .. . .• -: _ � � , �, -- • � � eratin :without ..the,a ro� riate.•business �1 c e - � - : G �. � .. - ' . . ..,.•.�.. ��t.. , .;. ._, - � - - - Y -. - � .. � � �- '4 .. .: .:.- -,. r � � r s _. � � . . �... . .- . . . _� . . . `_ : � . . . . , . - '. . .. -.. ... . . ., _ ., , . . . .._. . .. . . : . �Y/.: - ! � _ COMPLAINANT . . - APPROV/1LTOPFiOSECUTE .. . ._ . .,�.,.DATE:�,,`•1�-c _�JUOICIALOFF►CER, . -. • �1 �7 _:A� 'y�`,Z0 d l t 4.''9�"q"+�d aM.�" ,�� - '•��L6 L t:£Z 966 i-BZ-�JIItJ �� ,s s��: � ,. l .: t . .. ,� �h� �� F op�1 1 •..�� � . . . ���� Z; '� �� r� . . . v'! d n �•' �`:, y•,,;}�"" - r�t.r a'. zX:_:v.. , VY�A � 1 •� � i t:� h.^t + �t , . . . .. � � � . q' �•h r + `w - .- - , , f 6. �/!' � .. . 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