96-1599 ;. , , Council File # ��-� J� t " Ordinance #. Green 3heet# 35418 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �a Presented By Referred To Committeea Date 1 RESOLVED: That application, ID #54414, for a new Gamblinq Manager's License by 2 Julie Lynn Sayovitz DBA Saint Paul Festival & Heritage Foundation at 3 Coaches Pub, 1195 N. Dale Street, be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 6 Requested by Department of: 7 �g�,� Nays Absent 8 Bae,y 9 Guer.�,n � Office of License, Insvectiona and i0 Harrz� � ✓ Environmental Protection 12 �_ 13 Bostrom �— Adopted by Council: Date G gy; �� ��� Adoption ertified b C u i Secretary Form Approved by City Atto_ ney B C �� � y� � cc�O By: Approved by Ma or: Date �i a'` "lG Approved by Mayor for Submissfon to c���C L�Q�,�� Council By: , By: � DATE INITIATED O � `��� LIEP GREEN SHEET _N_ 3 5 418 �' �DEPARTMENT DIREC7�OR I���� �CITY COUNCIL �m�� William F. Gunther - 266-9132 �N �CITVATTORNEY �CITIICLERK — � � e ev( ) ��"�0R �suoaer oiRec� ��.a Marr.s�vw�s a�. Hearing: 02 �p 01�" �w►voA coR�sr�wr► � TOTAL#t OF SKiNATURE Wt�iE8 (CUP ALI.LOCATION8 FOR SIGNATURE) �c'rio�l�uESree: Julie Lynn Sayovitz DBA Saint Pau1 Festival & Heritage Foundation requests Council approval of her application for a new Gambling Manager's License at Coaches, 1195 N. Dale St. (ID #54 14) RECOMMENW►TIONS:Approw(A)a Ry�ct(R) PERSONAl SHRVICE CONTRACT8 MUST ANd1NER TIiE FO�L01NIN0 CUEST10N8: _PLANNING COAAMISSION _CIVIL SERV�E f)OMM188WM 1. Hes this psnonAfrm ever worksd urWer a contraCt for this dspudhe�t? - _C�COMIAmEE � YES NO _$� _ 2. Has thls psreoNHrm ever been a city empbyee,? YfS NO —���T�RT — 3. Does d�is perooMfirm possses a skill rat nom�ally poaseased by any curront cUy srt�floyee4 BUPPORTB WNICN Ca1NCll OBdECTrvE4 YES NO Explain dl yss�n�w�rs on sp��sl�t a�d�ttaah to pn�n sM�t INITIATIPKM PRO�LEM�ISSUE.OPPORTUN(TY(Who.Wlwt.VN�m�VVIw►e.YVhY): ���-�C� My i1 '(' - ,- ���� ����.� D�C 10 1996 ADVANTAOES IF APPR011ED: DISADVANTAAES IFAPPROVED: DIBADVANT/�fiES IF NOT MPROVED: � �� � �=�; 1 i 1';��j TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANfACTiON S COST/REYENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNOIHG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FMIANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 35418 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: j In Tracke�? o npp'n Received / App'n Processed ��-���� License ID # 54414 License Type: Gamblinr� Manager Company Name: Julie Lvnn SB.yovltz DBA: St_ Pa �1 F G i v 1 & He i agP F�in_ Business Addresss: 1195 N. Dale St. (Coaches Pub) Business Phone: 223-4700 Contact Name/Address: 332 Nubbesita St. ��102-E 55101 Home Phone: 223�4�on Date to Council Research: /��6 �9.� Public Hearing Date: �-�� l q`f� Labels Ordered: N/A Notice Sent to Applicant: /�- /�c�9.� District Council #: nh Notice Sent to Public: N�A Ward #: 05 Department/ Date Inspections Comments � City Attorney � �/��,/ ��I�`/�� /°'L"/!D/9c� . � Environmental Health N� �- Fire /V�� License Site Plan Received: l.ease Rec�ived: N �- Police �eC�,�„J /'7 �� ������ r u ��1! f��9,� �� Zoning /V � LG212 .` �"l���cl�'1 (Rev. 7/2/92) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY BASE UC# SEQ#� Minnesota Lawfui Gam.biing FEE Gambling Manager Application CHK DATE INIT ���>�i�:<:::><.:;_>.:.>::.::<;::::>::>::.<:z:>:::::>::»,:>::»:za::<:::;::;::<::<:::s:;:.;:.;:.:.;:<.:•>;::,::;:.;;:.:;;;�:.;:.;:.;::•>;:.;::;::;;:::;::.:�::::.�::•::.�::::.�::::::::::::::::.�::.::::.:::•:::::::::.:...................................... ,:;:::.::::;::�:i;:::::::::::i::::::.::f:'�"�":::i:::'<:::::::' . . �.... ............... Q ::::::::x..�::::::::::::.�:::.:::.�:::::::::.�::::.�:.�.�::::::.�::: .�.5:� ::': � �YG ::;: lI , : ::::::::':»;:<:;':`'»>;`.><».:.::�::>::><:::::>::>::::«::>:::::::»::<::»::>::::::>:::<:>::::::>:<<::;:::�::::::>:::::::�::::>::::::::::>:::::::»>::><>::>::::>::::»::::>::>:<:::::»:;�:»;;:::>::>�:>;::;::<>::»:::;:::::>::>:::<:>::::::»:>::::::>::>::::::::>::: >::: : tt0 ;;:.;:.;;;;;>;;:.;::::<:>:::<::::;;:.;:,.;;;:;;.;;;;;>;:.;;:;.::;;;;;:<.;;:;.;;>;�;::::::.�:::.:::::::::::::::::::.::::::.:�:::::::.:::.�.�:.�:,:::.�::::.:.:.................................. �'P :,.�. 1��?.. _. _ �..........:.:.....:.:............ .::....:.:.......:.:....................:..::....:....:.:::.:....................................................:....::...:...:.................::.. � New Give date that the two-day gambling manager seminar was completed.�_/_�/4L Location of�aining_ Shoreview (��H) � Renewal Give date of training received within three years prior to the date of the application for renewal._!/ Loca6on of training ........:I��.t?'?...:.......:.: _ _ :»:::;: �ait�tfii�rt ,Dlanta :: :.3'i�i� »»fitat��vi�i ..... :<:;:><::::::<:::<::<. _ .::::::»<:>:>«:<:>::::>�::;::: . ... ............................:::::::.::::::.�:::.:,. .::::::::::::::::.;.:,:<:.::::.:�.;:.:,::.:.>:.:<:.::.:;::.:>:.;:.:.:.::;.;:.;:<;.;: LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME MAIDEN Date of Birth Sx.Securiry Number Sayovitz Julie Lynn Kresl 7-23-68 398-72-+449 Address State Zp Code Daytime Phone 4 16 Cardigan Road, Shoreview MN 55126 {612� !+90-5090 MEMBERSHIP:Date gambling manager became a member of the organization � � /�/ �10 Sex: ❑Male � Female . /�� ::;></:::::;:>�::���:5:::::;'::<�:<'�����:::�:::::::;:::�:<::«::;::;;::::>:::?:>;>�>:::::::::<:;:»»:<::::::::<:>:��><::::::;>::>`•�»::::>::':::>:::::::::>::[:>�:>�::::<::;::z::::::::<:>::;::::>::::::>:»:>::::::::>:::::z::i::;:>;:<::>::>;::::>::::>::::::>::::z:::::::>:::::>:::::::>:>::::>::>:::<:<:<;:::::>::>::>::::;::::::>:>::;<::>:>:::::;::»>:<: � ..��:::K�L�sja�'.� �4K� �-�. :� . . . .;.... ::::i:;i:::;:::::i::::::j ........::''':"."':':':':':::c::;::::::::::::::::::::::::i:::t::::;':::;::i:::::i::::::Y::i::::::::::::::::'::::':;:::::::::::::;:::`.:.%:i:`.::':::::'ii:i:::::.':.>..;::t:::.::::i;::.i::k:':::.:::: tOTC 71 Q17TL.Q���I::;>:>:::::::::»:::;«;;::::.:::::::::,:;:;::;:;;;;;::::.;:.;:.;:.;:;;:.;;:;.:.:;.;•:;:::.._::::::.::.::::.::::.:::.:.;;:;<.:.;;:;.:_:.:;.;.:.;•,.:::::::..::._::::::::::::::;:.::::.::.;;:.;:.;;:. ...............................,..:.::::::..:::::::::::::::.:::.:::.,::::.:: Name of Organization License Number _ St. Paul Festival and Herita e Foundation Address City/State Zip Code Phone 322 Minnesota Street 102-E St . Paul, MN 55101 �612 �223-4700 .:;;;;:.::::<::<:::>::; _ :.;:::.;:.:;:<:>;;:<.: _ _ __.,;::;;>;::.>:.;:-:,._:;:: ;,;..:.:::;:::<::.::>:<.::.:.:..:::::...<::::::>:��:>:::<;:::::>:.:�<::::::::;:::;:<:>;::>;:::::�>;:<:::;:<::<:>:�;:»::;... ;:>::;::»::>:;:»>: _...... _ .::.�:._.::::::::::::. `��7 Orm Bon�` t` a fYOr�;�<:><:«<><;::::::<::>:;::.:;:»:>::>.::;:::::::��.:;::::::�>::::<:::><::»:::;:>:::;::;::«::::::>::>�<:;:;:<:;;:::::;::<:::<�><<::<::;::«:::>::>::>;:>:,:<:::>::::>:�{»::>.<:>;:::::::><::::<:<:::�:>::>::>::>:>;.:::::<:::�:<:<:::::;:::;�::>:::::::>::<:::>:::::�:::::::::::>:::::::: —�--� --A$10,000 fideliry bond in favor of the organiza6on must be obtained for the gambling manager. Name of insurance company(do not use agency name) O 1 d R e pub 1 i c S u r e t y�. gond Number R P S 4 4 5 5 7 1 r�::,::>:z, ::>::;'>:::>;:'.::>�>:::::;«-'::�>;:::'.:::::;�>:'.::<:>::::::>��::::�:�:<::><:>::>:::::::::>::»:::::::>::>::::::::::>:::s>::::::<:>::::>::: C ,.::.�����±�� � �:::::::::':;:;:>::�;<: e rt t><>?:>:�:>:::::>�<>:::�::<>�:;:>::�:�:;y:.:;;;�:<::'>?:::'<::::>€:<::;;:�_:;:;.:::;'�::.�;:;;::;;';�::�;:;;;::>::.::;;:;><<:<;<�>;:::::<:::::>::><;;::;<<::;:;:�:>`:>:'::>:���>:`::;�:>>::::><<::::;::>::::::>>�<:>:�:�<<:':::;:':><::>::�>:::':::::.::<':;<:;>-;;::;<::>;<::::: ..�.............:............. : ............. ........ ......... ... ...... ......... ......... ........ ......... ........:�..::::::.::.:::::.::.:.::,::.:.... ......:: I dedare that • I have read this application and all information submiued to the board; • all infomiation is true,accurate and complete; • all other required informadon has been fully disdosed; • I am the onfy gambling manager of the organization; • I will familiarize myself with the laws of tvGnnesota goveming lawful gambling and rules of the board and agree,if licensed,to abide by thosa laws and niles,induding amendments to them; • any changes in applicadon infoRnation will be submitted to the board and local unit of govemment within 10 days of the change; • An a�davit for gambling manager has been completed and attached,and • I understand that failure to provide required information or providing false information may result in the denial or revocation of the license. Signature of Gambling Manager � I Date ► 3 2� �cR Send the co pleted application and all required attachments to: Gambling Control Board Sutte 300 S. 1711 W. County Road B Rosevllle,MN 55113 .� '��/�t