96-1598 Council File # ��'���� Ordinance ,� Green Sheet ,� ����� RESOLUTION C/ CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MI�VNESOTA J Presented By ,� +- � Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED: That application(ID #87016)for a Dance or Rental Hall License by Liquor City Inc. 2 DBA Abetto's Pizzeria&Deli (Leo Scheu, President) at 560 Como Avenue be and the 3 same is hereby approved. 4 6 � Nays Absent Requested by Department of: 7 B a ey 9 Haer.{n � Office of License Inspections and 10 a � Environmental Protection 11 n 12 � 13 Bostrom ✓ 14 � p 15 �(�. 16 Adopted by Council: Date By' 17 ,, 18 Adoption rtified by C '�1 Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 � � �._ � � , 22 By• I By' � G1''�. �v`c`'. 23 Approved by May r: Date / �/ � � 24 25 ^,, , � s-���� Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 By: - {���� Council � 27 By: ' `�lo--���1� LIEP/Licensin � � iNmA � ,GREEN SHEET _N_ _3 �377 a �DEPARTMENT�RECTOR�TIALJOATE O CITYCOIMICIL ,..INRlAUW1TE Christine Rozek, 266-9108 � �cmarror�ev �cmrc�� �. ( ) �� �suocier aRecroa �flN.8 MOT.SERVICE8 DIR. For hearin : L 2 4 �p� ��"0R�OR�'�"n � TOTAL N OF SIONATURE PAt#E8 (CLIP ALL WCATION8 FOR SIONATURISJ ACTK)N RlCUESTED: Liquor City Inc. DBA Abetto's Pizzeria & Deli requests Council approval of its appli.cation for a Dance or Rental Hall License located at 560 Como Avenue (ID #87018) . REOOMMENDATIONB:Mpran�(Ai c►Ryax(R) PERSONAL 8ERVICE CONTRACT$MUST ANSWER TME ROLIOWINO OUESTION�: _PLANNN�Q C�AISSION _�GN[IL BERVICE t�AAAM8810N 1. Has HMi psr9oNflrm e�worked undsr Y c�nhact tOr tl�is d�MrhrNrN? - _C�COM�AmEE _ YES NO 2. Has this p�rson/Hrm sver been a dty smplqee4 —�� — YES NO _018TRiCT COUii'f _ 3. Doss this psrsonMim�poseeu a sklN not normallY P�bY�Y a��Y e��? &►PPORTS wNICFI Wt1NCIL OdJEC71vE4 YES NO . Explefn pll yq anwwn on ap�ab sM�t�nd�tt�ch to�wn�M�t �mA'nno PnOet.c�wt.reBUE.o�oRruNmr(wpo.wnn.wn.n.wh.re.wMl� . R�CEI�/�� OCT 2z 1g96 _ CIrY A�ORNEY �ov�rrr�es��novEa as�owurr�oea��o: � COUncil ���:,��.r;�� �;�����r NOV 2 5 �996 ; _._..___..,.�...�;..�...� o�snov�rrr�oES ia aro�r��ROVeo: ._ -- TOTAI.AMOUNT OF TRANBACTION = COST/REVENUE BUDG�TBD(CIRClE ONE) YES NO FUNOINO 80URCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFOFlMATION:(EXPLAIN) _ � CLASS III � ���, vU ��CITY OF SAII�TI'PAUL� LICENSE APPLICATION�� �� �� O�ce of License.����o�s and Enviro;vnental Protection ��-�� ) 33Q S�Pau 5�Suite:+W ��,^;„ ,_ w/ (,tJ��•-QSaint Paul.�iinne.caa 5�10? �`''" � ���t�(6�ti?;9J tu(6I?):C�-91_I l �r � THIS APPLICA'I�IOV 1S SLBJECT TO REVIEW BY'I'HE PL�BLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRA'T L\L\K Rental Hall License (�5��� - T�pe of License(s)being applied for: Company:�amz: Liquor City,Inc. Corporation/Partne:ship/Sole Proprietorship If business is incorporated,give date of incorporation: 10/1/73 _ � — oi 7 Doin�Business.As: Act One (Banq,uet Hal1,Z, �___.__. ._ Business Phone: '��0 Business Address: 560 Como Ave St Paul Mn. 5510� Street Address City St�te Zip Betv�•een w�hat cross streets is the business]oca�ed? Dale and Kent V�'hich side of the street? South Are the premises now occupied? YeS «'hat T�Pe of Business? Banquet Hall '�1ai1 To Address: �n ('mm� Avc Ct P���1 Mn SS1(1R Svat Ad3ress City State Zip Applicant Information: ' lame and Title: Leo A. Scheu President . _ . Fi.-st . . Diiddle , (?�Saiden) LL�uu Tide Home Address: Sveet Address Ciry State Zip Date of Birth: place of Birth: Home Phone: Have you ever been convicted of any felony,crime or violation of any city ordinance other than�affic? YES_ NO_� Date of arrest: V�'here? � Chazge: � Con��iction: Senteace: List the names and residences of three persons of good moral chazacter, li�•ing Within the T�•in Cides Meuo Area, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business,�•ho may be referred to as ro the applicant's chazacter: NAI�� ADDRES S PHO:�'E Gary Geller List licenses�•hich you currendy hold,formerly beld,or may ha��e an interest in: Off , Sale Liq. .On .Sale Wine and 3..2 Malt Rest. Catering and Grocery Have any of the above named licenses e��er been revoked? YES X TO If yes,list the dates and reasons for revocation: Are you going to opente this business personally? �_YES NO If not,W�ho will operate it? Fust A'ame Middle Initial (fvlaiden) Last Dau of Birth Home Address: Saut!�ame Ciry State tip.� Phone Number � Are ydu eoing to ha�•e a mana:er or assistant in this business? �_YES 10 lf the manager is not the same as the o�rator,tlease complete the follo��ing information: �l�—����g first Tame '.:id�le lnicial (�Saiden) I.�ct Date of irth HomeAddress: S.eet\ame Ci:y State Zip Phone:�umber Please list}'our emplo��ment history for the pre�•ious fi��e(5);�ear period: ' Business/Err�le�ment ddres Liquor City Inc 560 Como Ave St Paul Mn 55103 _ List all other officers of the corporation: OFFTCER TITLE HO:�� HO'�� BLJSI\�SS DATE OF '�p,►�� (Office He)d) ADDRESS PHO\"E PHO�� BIRTH Leo A Scheu �i�� �TF�r���� If business is a parmership,please include the follow�ing informatioo for each parcner(use additional pages if necessar��): Firse'�ame '�iiddle Inival ('�iaiden) I.ut Dau of Binh Home Address: S�ut'�ame City Sta[e Zip Phone Number Firsc'�ame Middle Initial (:�taiden) Iact ' Dau of Binh Home Addras: Saret Tame Ciry State Zip Phone h'umber ML�T�SOTA TAX IDEIv'T'IFICATIOti h'UMBER-Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984,Chapter 502,Article 8,Section 2(270.72) (Taz Clearance;Issuance of Licenses),licensing authorities are required to pro�•ide to the State of Minnesoea Commissioner of Revenue, . the Minnesota business taz idendfication number aod the social security number of each license applicant Under the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974,we aze required to ad�•ise you of the following regarding the use of the Minnesota Taz Identification Number: -This information tnay be used to deny the issuance or renew•al of your license in the event you ou•e?��innesota sales,employer's w•ithholding or motor vehicle ezcise taxes; -Upon receiving[his iaformation,the licensing authority will supply it only to the Muinesota Departnxnt of Revenue. However, under the Federal Ezchange of Information Agreement,the Department of Revenue may snpply this information to the Intemal Revenue Service. Minnesota Taz Identification Numbers (Sales & Use Tax :�'umber) may be obtained from the State of?�'Iinnesota, Business Records Department, IO Ri��er Park Plaza(612-296-6181). : , � Social Security Number. Minnesota Taz Identification Number: _ If a Minnesota Taz Identiflcadon h'umber is not required for the business being operated,indicate so by placing an"X"in the boz. � CER�'IFICATIO\OF V�'ORKERS'CO�'iPE\SATION CO\�RAGE PURSUA\-I'TO;�'ILINESOTA STANTE 176.182 1 hereby certify that I,or my company,�n in compliance w•ith che�•orkers'compensation insurance co��erage requiremenu of?�4innesota Statute 176.182,subdivision 2. I also understand that pro��isioa of false information in this certification constitutes su�cient�rounds for ad��erse action against all licenses held,including revocatioa�d suspension of said licenses. ��—���g �ame of Insurance Company: Minnesota Workers Compensation Assigned Risk Policy\umber: 04-033694-7 Co��erage from 12-3-95 to 12-3-96 I ha��e no employees covered under w•orkers'compensation in�urance • A'�1'FALSffICATI0:�10F A1S«ERS GI�'EN OR'�LATERIAL SL�B'��TTED R-II,L RESULT I\DE\ZAL OF THIS APPLICATIOV I hereby state that I have ans��ered all of the preceding questioas,and that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my};now•ledge and belief. I hereby state fiuther that I ha�•e recei�•ed no money or other consideration,by w•ay of loan,gift,contribution, or otherwise,other than already disclosed in the application a�hich I herewith submitted. I also understand this premise may be inspected by police,fire,bealth and other city officials at any and all dmes When the business is in operation. � �� ///� � Signature(REQL'IRED for all applications) Date """�ote: If this application is Food/Liquor related,please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Health Inspector,Ste��e Olson(266-9139),to re��iew plans. If any substantial changes to structure are anticipated,please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Plan Ezaminer at 266-9007 to apply for building permits. If there are any changes to the pazl:ing lot,floor space,or for new operations,please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. Additional application requirements,please attach: A detailed description of the design,location and square footage of the premises to be licensed(site plan). The foUo�sing data should be on the site plan(preferably on an 81/l"x 11"or 81R"a 14"paper): -Name,address,and phone number. -The scate should be stated such as 1"=20'. ^\'should be indicated to�ard the top. -Placement of all pertinent featutes of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating areas,Idtchens,offices,repair area,parL�ng,rest roams,eta - If a request is for an addition or e�pansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the current azea and the proposed ex-pansion A copy of}•our lease agreement or proof of ownership of the property. FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATION REQUIREATE;vTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>>' Greensheet # 35377 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 10/16/96 L In Tracker? app'n Heceived / App'n Processed G�-\S�� License ID # 87016 License Type: Dance or Rental Hall CompanyName: Liquor City Inc. DBA: Abetto�s Pizzeria & Deli Business Addresss: 560 Como Avenue Business Phone: 488-4040 Contact Name/Address: Leo Scheu, ����1��3��� Date to Council Research: /� Public Hearing Date: 2-�o Labels Ordered: ����/Y(D Notice Sent to Applicant: �1 District Council #: l� � , o�..Z� Notice Sent to Public: � � Ward #: � Department/ Date Inspections Comments , City Attorney 12.'�I lo �� K • Environmental Health II ��'q� �� � ' Fire I I •2�p11� co��n� - �U��v� -�� �-i°�?�t� License Site Plan Received: Lease Received: J/,�S- j Co o�� Police . �. � . Zoning I I � � 2�9� � � '