Presented B�
Referred To
_ M.r�a,. �, a�o�
Council FIle # Q �� 0�.�0
Green Sheet # t� n 3 0 3
2 WHEREAS, Antioch Christian Center, in zoning file no. O1-123-422, made application
3 to the Saint Paul Planning Commission (hereinafter, the "Commission") for a special condition
4 use permit to operate a transitional housing facility for 13 adult residents and minor children in
5 their care, for properry commonly known as 740 Dayton Avenue and legally described as Lots 1
6 and 2, Block 6, Nininger & Donnelly's Addition to Holcombe's Addition; and
WHEREAS, on January 4, 2001, the Commission's zoning committee conducted a
public hearing after having provided notice to affected properry owners. The Commission, based
upon the following findings and conclusions, as set forth in its Resolution no. 00-06, adopted
February 9, 2001, granted the application subject to the condition that the use is reviewed during
the winter or spring of 2002 for the purposes of determining what impact the use has had on
pazking and to further determine if additional conditions aze necessary to regulate off-street
pazking or otherwise limit the number of cars associated with the use:
A. Section 60.433(2) permits transitional housing facilities serving seven (7) to sixteen (16)
adult facility residents and minor children in their care in the RT-2 zoning district subject
to the following:
1. It shall not be located in a two family or multifamily dwelling unless the facility
occupies the entire structure.
This condition is met. The proposed facility would occupy the entire multifamily
2. A minimum distance of one thousand three hundred twenty (1, 320) radial feet from
other transitional housing or shelters for battered persons, licensed human service
community residential facilities, license correctional community residential facflities,
emergency housing, health department-Zicensed community residential facilities or
overnight shelters.
This condition is met. PED records of residential facilities with either licenses or
some prior zoning approval indicate that there are no such facilities within 1320 feet
of 740 Dayton Avenue. The closest faciliry is 565 Dayton, which is 1880 feet away.
2 3. One (I) off-street parking space for every two (2) facility residents.
4 This condition is not met. The building has no off=street pazking spaces.
5 StafFrecommends modificarion of the condirion for the following reasons:
7 l. The e�sting building has never had off-street pazking and there is no alley
8 access to the building.
10 2. The property is located on a corner, and theze is sufficient on-street pazking in
11 the area.
4. It shall not be located in a planning district in which one (1) percent or more of the
population Zives in licensed human service community residential facilities, Zicensed
correctioreal community residential facilities, health department-licensed community
residential facilities, emergency housing facilities, overnight shelters, shelters for
battered persons and/or transitional housing facilities.
This condition is met. With the closing of Dayton House, a 26-bed facility previously
in the building, there aze 139 beds in the Summit Universiry (District 8) community.
That is 0.76% of the population —less than one percent. Adding the 13 beds proposed
for this facility would result in there being 152 beds in the planning district — or
5. Permfssion for special condition use applies only as long as the number offacility
residents is not increased and its purpose or location do not change and other
conditions of the permit are met.
The applicant understands this condition.
B. Section 64300(d) of the zoning code requires that before the planning commission may grant
approval of a principal use subject to special conditions, the commission shall find that:
The extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial compliance with the
Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any applicable subarea plans which were
approved by the city council.
This condition is met. The Saint Paul Housing Plan and the Saint Paul / Ramsey
County Five-Year Housing and Homeless Services Plan both call for the development
of 250 units of transitional housing serving single adults, families and youth.
2. The use will provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize traff c congestion in the
public streets.
This condition is met. The proposed use is not expected to generate significant traffic.
There are no alleys or driveways that would affect tr�c circulation in the area.
3. The use will not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the
immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and general welfare.
This condition is met. The use will fit into an existing structure that has served as a
community residential facility for twice as many residents for a number of years.
ai- 33a
2 Residents will be serviced by supportive services through the Antioch Christian
3 Center located neazby. The intensity ofthe use (13 adult facility residents) will be
4 similar to that of a 4-plex that would be a permitted use in the district.
4. The use wi11 not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the
surrounding property for uses permitted in the district.
This condition is met. The azea has a number of vacant pazcels that would benefit
from this building being fully occupied and managed by a community-based
5. The use shaZ1, in a11 other respects, conform to the applicable regulations ofthe
district in which it is Zocated.
With the exception of the off=street pazking requirement discussed above, the use
conforms to all applicable regulations.
C. Section 64300(fl of the zoning code states, "The planning commission, after public hearing,
may modify any or a11 special conditions, when strict application of such special conditions
would unreasonably limit or prevent otherwise lawful use of a piece of properry or an
existing shucture and would result in exceptional undue hazdship to the owner of such
properiy or structure; provided, that such modification will not impair the intent and purpose
of such special condition and is consistent with health, morals and general welfaze of the
community and is consistent with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent properiy."
The property never had on-site parking, and there is no alley. Conshucting on-site pazking
would be very costly due to the difference in grade, and the church has limited funding
resources. The property is located on a corner, and has eight on-street parking spaces. There
are many vacant parceis and buildings in the area, and there is no plan to develop them in the
near future.
WFIEREAS, Pursuant to the provisions of Leg. Code § 64.206, Rick Igo, duly filed with the
City Clerk an appeal from the determination made by the Planning Commission, requesting that a
hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the
said Commission; and
WHEREAS, Acting pursuant to Leg. Code §§ 64.206 - 64.208, and upon notice to affected
parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by the Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday,
Febniaxy 28, 2001, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and
WHEREAS, The City Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the
application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the zoning committee and of
the Commission and acting pursuant to Leg. Code § 64.207, does hereby
RESOLVE, to affirm in all things the Commission's decision made in this matter and to
adopt as its own the facts and findings of the Commission as set foth in its February 9, 2001
resolution with the following modification:
In keeping the intensity of use similaz to that of the previous use, the masunuxn number
of persons who may reside, occupy or otherwise utilize this transition facility at any time
is limited to twenty-six (26) persons.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the appeal of Rick Igo be and is hereby if
appeal grm�led�erdenied; and, be it
FINALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Antioch
Christian Center, Rick Igo, the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission.
Adopted by Council: Date ryq�_�O1
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
BY: � � � '�n r � _
Approved by Mayor: Date _��f',t'�J /
r�- 1
BY� r�______i��
Requested by Department of:
Fosm Approved by City Attorney
BY: �.,,� l✓G�� 3-b- o /
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
� 1-a 30
v�n�.i renamamvnc p L
v s4
March 7, 2001
ovummrt ew�era�
No 110303
❑ cn�neurr ❑ anaau�
Memorializing City COuncil action taken February 28, 2001, denying the appeal of Rick Igo
to a decision of the Planning Commission approving a Special Condition Use Permit for a
transitional housing facility at 740 Dayton Avenue.
Hu thb p�noNArm �wr xrorlud unGr � oontnot for thb d�rtm�M7
w.. fh�. w�onmrm.wr bwn e onr.mpwy.n
YE8 " NO
Don fhb GnoNAim poxw s Ndll not norm�IlYP� bY ��Y aumM oHy �mplcyM
I� ihN pmoNfirm � S�rpNW wndoR
Interdepartmental Memorandum
DATE: Mazch 7, 2001
TO: Councilmember Jerry Blakey
FROM: Peter W. Warner,
Assistant City Attorney
RE: Antioch Christian Center
City Council Appeal
Public Hearing: February 28, 2001
Councilmember Blakey:
Attached please find the Resolution memorializing the decision of the City Council in the above-
referenced matter to deny the appeal of the decision of the Planning Commission to give the
Antioch Christian Center a special condition use permit for a transitional housing facility at 740
Dayton Avenue. The Resolution reflects that the Council moved to amend the special condition
use permit granted by the Commission to limit the occupancy of the structure at 740 Dayton
Avenue to 26 persons at any given time.
I would ask that you introduce this Resolution under suspension for approval for the purposes of
complying with the requirements of Minnesota Statute § 15.99.
;,,� _.;� :,.
March 7, 2001
To: Council President Bostrom
Councilmember Jay Benanav
Counciimember Chris Coleman
Councilmember Patrick Harris
Councilmember Lantzry
Councilmember Jim Reiter
Subj ect:
Councilmember Jerry
Suspension Item for March 7� 2001 �ty�ouncil Agenda
Please review the attached resolution memorializing the decision of the City Council regazding
the Antioch Christian Center.
Thank you.
Gerry Strathman
Nancy Anderson
THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102-1615 651/266-8610
s �ae
Pnnred on Recycled Paper
Baan Sweeney, Dlrector
Norm Coteman, Mayor
February 12, 2001
Ms. Nancy Anderson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Deaz Ms. Anderson:
T would like to confirm that a public hearing befi
28, 2001 for the following appeal of a Planniiig �
2� WestFwnzh Sbeet
SaintPaul, MN 55102
� �
Pernnt cvith conditions:
Appellant: Rick Igo
File Nwnber: #01-123-422
Purpose: Appeal of a plaiuiing co�
Permit for a transitional hc
Address: 740 Dayton; SW corner of
Legal Description: Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, P
Previous Action:
Plam�ing Commission Recommendation: Ap,
a lac���
___...�.�„s; vote: unanimous, January 12,
Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval with conditions; vote: 6-0, January 4, 2001.
My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the February 28, 2001
City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. I have
confirmed with Councilmember Blakey's office that he will be at the Council meeting on February 28,
2001. Please call me at 266-6659 if you have any questions.
�� �
Yang Zhang
CiTy Planner
cc: File # O1-123-422,
Paul Dubruiel,
Cazol Martineau
_ .��.
"17�e Saint Paui City Couvcil will can-
duet a pnbHc hearing on Wednesday,
February 28, 2001, at 5:30 p.m. id fhe Ctty
Countil ChamUers, "R�Ird- Floor Clty Hall-
Cowtliouse, 15 West %ellogg Bonlevard.
Saint Paiil. MN, to conslder the appeat of
Ihck Igo to a decision of fhe Plani�ing
Commisston approvIng a Special Cond[tion
Use Pennit for a transitional housingYacil-
ity at 740 Daytnn Avenue (south�dest cor-
ner of Dayton and Gmtto).
Dated: Februaiy 13, 2001 _
Assislaat City Council Setretary . .
' (Febn�azy 151 �
02018621 - . -.
Telephone: 6� I-26G6655
Facsimele: 6� I -228-3314
, •a �
t+�L`7�d;� ��ov�:';.. .,..`'i:.'
� � � ± � EE;��
& 6C0\O\tIC 1)itVELOPUG\T
Br1an Sweeney. D�rector
Norm Coleman, Mayor
February 14, 2001
Ms. Nancy Anderson
Sccretart� to the City Council
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
C �
Rc: Zoning File #01-123-422:
City Council Hearing:
25 Wes1 Fourth Street
Salnt Po�d, MN 55102
February 28, 2001
Telephone, 651-166GG55
Facsmttfe: G51-??8-3314
PURPOSE: Appeal a Planning Commission decision approving a special conditional usc permit to
altou� a transitional housing facility with 13 adults and minor children in thcir care on
propert}� located at the south�eest corner of Da}�ton Avenue and Grotto Street.
SUPPORT: one person spoke. Tt�e Summit-University Community Council voted to support the special
conditional use permit.
OPPOSITION: no persons spoke.
Dear Ms. Anderson:
RICK IGO has appealed the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission to appro��e a special
conditional use permit to allo�v a transitional housing facilit} �cith thirteen (13) adult rzsid'ents and minor
children in their care located at the southwest comer of Da�ton Avenue and Grotto Strzet. The Zoning
Committee of the Saint Paul Planning Commission held a public hearing on the request on January 4, 2001.
The applicant addressed the committze. At the close of the public hearine the committee voted 6-0 to
rewmmend approval of the perznit ��ith the condition that the use be revie�ced in ��intzr-spring of 2002 to
determine if there has been an}� impact related to parking demand. and based on that rz� iew, the}� ma}•
require off-street parking or limit thz number of cars associated ��ith the use. The Planning Commission
upheld the Zoning Committee�s recommendation for approcal on a unanunous cote on Januan 12. 2001.
This appeal is scheduled to be heard by the CiTc Council on February 28, 2001. Pleasz notifc me (266-
66�9) if any member of the Cih Council ��ishes to have slides of the site presented at rhe public hearing.
� � .
Yang Zhang
City Planner
Cc: Ciry Council members
Brirsn Sweeney, Di+'etmr'
Norm Co(enmq Mn}'ar
DATE: February 20, 2001
2i {G"ut Fo�vth Street
Snin[ Pnuf, hLV 5�l0?
Dan Bostrom, President, and members of the Saint Paul City Council
Yang Zhang, City Planner, 266-6659 � j�
o�-as o
Teleplrone: 651-266-6655
Fauimile: 65/-228-3314
RE: Zoning File # O1-123-422
Appeal of a Planning Commission decision to approve a Special Conditional Use
Permit for a transitionat housing facility at 740 Dayton Avenue
In his grounds for appeal, Rick Igo states he belie�•es the Planning Commission made four errors of fact
or finding in its decision to approve a Special Conditional Use Permit for a transitional housing facility
at 740 Dayton Avenue. Following is a summary of Mr. Igo's four main points together with a response
b}• zoning staft.
� l. In fiirding tl:at the 1310 foot separatia� reguirenient for tr housiTrg facitities serving
more tAarz 7 adrdt residents artd lice�rsed commiu:iry residential facilities is �r:et, the PZa�:i:ing
Comn:issioit Resokuion states tleat d:e closest facilitj• is l880 feet aivay at 565 Dayton. The
appellcuu states lhat 565 Dayto�t is currently a siagle family l:on:e, and has not been a
conumotity residential faciliry for n:ore than tkree years. The appellcznt a[so contends that in
addition to jacilities rhat /tave specinl permits or licenses, the distarice requirement should also
apply to u•ansitional l:ousingfaeilities serving fow• or feu•er adtdu.
Resnonse: 565 Dayton is not on the list of current transitional housing and community residential
facilities. Staff erred in using an old map that has �65 Dayton on it. The closest facility is actually even
farther a�vay: Pineview Residence at 69 IvT. n4ilton is 2360 feet a�vay. Thus, with the closing of the
facility at 565 Dayton, the proposed facility at 740 Dayton is ecen more conformine with the minimum
distance requirement.
Bzcause uansitional housing facilities servins four or fe�ver adult residents are permitted uses with no
separation requirement from larger transitional housing facilities, it follows that transitional housing
facilities servin� 7 to 16 adult residents can be established �vith no separation requirement from facilities
senina four or fewer adult residents. This �aas the clear intent �vhen the Zonine Code requirements �vere
adopted. Because transitional housing facilities servin� four or fewer adult residents require no special
permits or licenses, they can be established �vithout City l�o�aledee, and the City does not track their
locations. If someone proposing a facility serving five or more adult residents �ti to lmow the
location of facilities serving four or fewer residents, thz City «ould not have that information.
Dan Bostrom and members of the City Council Zoning File # O 1-123-422
February 20, 2001 �
Page 2
2. The appella�:t coitteieds t<iat the Plan�eing Comir:issio�e erred ift findi�tg tlaat the conditiore for a
masin:uui of oire percent of plm�riing district populafion in this type ojfaciliry is met, and that
lra�rsitiorial hoersi�:g facilities serving foa�r or feiver adulu shotrZd be inckrded irt rriaki�tg this
deterrnirratiorr. He ezpresses concern tha[ a totivnhouse project, for example, cocdd have rnore
than one u•ansitionat l:ousixg facility wit3:out being included in the percentage calcedation as
loizg as each facility serves four or fewer adtdt resiclents.
Resnonse: Because transitional housing facilities serving four or fewer adult residents are permitted uses
with no percentage of population requirement, it follows that such facilities would not be inchided in the
caiculation of the percentage of dishict population living in licensed community residential facilities,
transitional housing facilities ser� in� five or more adult residents, and other similar facilities requiring
special permits or licenses. Because transitional housing facilities serving four or feFVer adult residenis
require no special permits or licenses, they can be established without City kno�cled�e, and the City does
not track their locations.
3. T/�e aypellanl takes issue u ith the state�nent in the Plmmii�� Contn�ission Resolutiwr that "the
in�ensity of the use (13 adult � eside�rts) ivill be similar to tkat of a 4 ple.r that would be a
pernaitted use in t/:e riish-ict. " He notes Uiat, includin; d�e rninor children i�i their care, dte
proposed facilitti n ould lrare n�ore resirtents thma a normal4-ples.
Resoonse: The appellant has a good point here. The sentence he disaerees with, �vhich is part of the
discussion under required finding y 64300(d)(3), should not be in the resotution. The sentence is not
necessary to make the required findin� that "the use �vill not be detrimental to the existing chazacter of
the development in the immzdiatz neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and general
welfare." The intensity of the proposed use is allowed under the RT-2 zoning of the site and area.
4. The appellmzt disagrees iritJ: tke Plarutir:g Commissia:'s finding that "the t�se wi11 not in:pede
tLe normal arid w rlerelopme�it of the surroimding property� for uses pern:itted in the
district. " He states t1:at an over-concerttration of this type offacility and over-occupane}� of this
b«ilding woidd deter other develapers or individuals from derelopiag surroundin� vcrcarzt
parcels into uses that are compatible tvith !he permitted uses of the dish
Resnonse: The proposed use meet; Zonine Code requirements for separation from other similar facilities
and percentaee of plannin� district population in such facilities, desi�ned to a��oid an over-concentration
of such faciIities. In addition to the Special Condition Use Permit the use will require a Certificate of
Occupanc}•, �vhich will specify thz total number of beds allo�ved in the facility based on Housine Code
standards and an inspection by the Fire Marshall, and thus avoid over-occupancy of the building.
Conclusion: The conditions impo>ed by the Zonins Code for the proposed use are rnet, except for off-
street parkin�. The Plannins Commission decision to approve a Special Condition Use Permit for a
transitional housin� facility sen�ing 13 adul[ residents and minor children in their care at 740 Dayton
Avemie, subj ect to the condition that in �vinter-sprina 2002 the Plannin� Commission will review the use
regardin� any impact relating to parking demand, and based on that recie�c may require off-street parkina
or limit the number of cars associated with the use, should bz upheld. The appeal should be denied.
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Zoning FFte
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permit, deqsion or r
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�� ►q+�Y You feetfher� rias been an errar in acry ,squirement,
made by an adminFs�afite ofEciat, or an error in fact. proardcus ar
of Z�nfng AFP�s ot tfie Pk rx�ing C�Ommission.
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�Zick Igo's grounds for a�peal af Ant�och Christian C`enter Speezal
Use Permit £or 740 Daytau Ave_ fi1e #00-06
I believe the following faets are in e�r�z:
• The �ol�tion sra��s that the ciosest facziity Ys 1880 feet � way wtiich is
located at Sb5 Dayton Avezrue. This Prol�ertY has not bee n a faciIity for
more than three years_ Xt is curreutty occupied as a single :amity home
and has been since ruIy of 1998. I Personatly infonmed ci .y sta�Fof
numerous ;Facilities witbin the i320 radiai £eet ofthis proF osed propezty
in December of 2000_ City staff either disteg,ard� ��, I, r�i�s or
st�ted #� me that. faczlities with four or Iess uruts do not qu 31ify under fhis
statue. Section number 6Q.433 (2}b cieariy states tYya,t �s ��i� � not
be located �itlxin � 320 feet frorn any other facilit�,. It clea rly dc>es not
designate the size of the facility.
• The resolution states that Svmmit Uz,ivezsity (Di.sttict 8) a xnmunity only
has Q.83% sahaation ofthis iype of facility. 7n my conver;ations with
city sta� zt Ieads me to beIieve that any faciIity of four or .ess uaits is not
�n �his catculation of the 0.83%. T was toid that sraatlez� eui ts do not
�u�t, meaniizg they would not be oa the list 11�Iy ��h ��ound that �
there are numerous faciIifies of tIus type which are not corz ited and that
the city staff has no acc�uafe iisting and no way to calculat� : whether this
faczIity would exceed the 1% s�t�� �z �owed by 1 aw. City
staff's intezpretation of the staiue dea}ing with the �°!o sat�n ation, I
beIieve is an error. One example ofthis is: I was in,formed by city staf.E'
�at if there was a tovvn house project vrtthin the 1320 feet �>f let's say
�°n3' �ts, this wouid not be counted on the Iist because ea:� unit wautd
have its own se��e !� u�, usiug this anatysi s, every sir�e
buiid'zne in the enrire dishict o£ four or Iess units couId be o: cugied as
this type of faciiity and not be coumed_ I beIieve that this is nat in spizit
and intent of this stat�e- IvxY ��'Pret�on of this statue is � eot to create
an over of this type of facility, which in doi�; so would be
detrimezrtal to the economzc character and would endanger }�ubiic health,
safety, and genezai welfare.
• in the resoIution, it states the int�� of the use will be sin ilar to that of
a fovr-pleX that wouId be a pe�mittea use in the dis�i�, I� a't believe
this to be fact.ual due ta my extensive reak estate experience hat a nozmal
four plex should be occupied with no more than szxteen � duIts aad 01-a�'G
children. 'I'heir P�P�1 wzth thirteen. aduits, and Iet's sa � that those
thirteea adults are sinoIe paz�ts with the riational averag�; of 2.2 kicls,
tbis would bzing total oceupanCY to approximately ten pe�,ple per �m;t
More than two and haIf times the norm.
• The zesoltltion staies t8at tt�is wi21 not impede the normal �ad orc�.eriy
deve2opment and improvement of swrtouuding Px'��es- Y beIieUe that
an over concentration of tbis type of {aciIZiy �d over occi ip�� o � �
builc�iug would de�ter other deveiopezs or individvais from developing
surroundinb vacartt pazceis iuto uses ttzxt are compauble �z ith the
PeTmitted uses ofthe districk
Z hereby rec�vest of the baard of zoning aPl�s to ga#her tYes t zte artd
accurate faets so the praper and ethicaI deciszons can be made orz this request
for a special use pezm�t
--� ` .�, ���� �
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APPUCANT: Antioch Chrisiian Center
PURPOSE: Special Condition Use Permit for a transitional housing facifity for 13 aduit reside•
and minor children in their care.
740 payton Avenue
Approval with condition.
Approvai with condition.
CONDlTIONSOFTHISPERMIT: (nwintar-springof2002,the?IanningCommissionwiflreviewtheuseregardingary
impact related to parking demand, and based on that review may require off-street parking or limit the number of cars
associated with the use.
Gladys Morton, Commission Chairperson
I, the undersigned Secretary to the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission for City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do
hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the originai record in my office; and find the same to be a true
and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof, as based on minutes of the Saint Paul Planning Commission
meeting held on January 12, 2001, and on record in the Saint Paui Planning Office, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul,
This permit will expire one year from the date of approva{ if ifie use herein permitted is not estabiished.
The decision to grant this permit 6y the Pfanning Commission is an administrative action su6ject to appeai to the City Coun�
Anyone affected by this action may appeal this decision by filing the appropriate application and fee at the Zoning Office,
1400 City HaII Annex, 25 West Fourth Street. Any such appeal must be filed within 15 calendar days of the mailing date
noted below.
Violation of the conditions of this permit may resuit in its revocation.
�,r�_� �hnC'����
Carol A. Martineau
Secretary to the Saint Paui
Zoning Committee
Copies to: App{icant
File No.
Zoning Admi�[strator
License inspector
District Council
Antioch Christian Cenier
Wendy �ane
Christine Rozek
Mailed: 1/19/41
city of saint paul
planning commission resolution
file number
�� �.
WHEREAS, Antioch Christian Center, fi1e #00-15I-318 has applied for a Special Condition
Use Permit for the property at 740 Dayton, situated at the southwest corner of Dayton and
Grotto, to operate a transitional housing facility for 13 adult residents and minor chiidren in
their care; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Pianning Commission, on January 4, 2001, heid a
public hearing at which all persons present were given an opporiuniiy to be heard pursuant to
said application in accordance �vith the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paui
Legislative Code; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its
Zoning Comminee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the
following findings of fact:
1. The property is currently owned by Stephen and Rose Scalzo and used as a boarding home for
the mentally / physically cfiallenged. The applicant is plannin� on purchasin� the property in
March 2001. The applicant has a purchase a�reement with the current owner.
The transitiona] housin� facility will have 24-hour onsite staff. The fundinJ of the facility will
mostly come from rent paid by facility residents. There witl be a kitchen on site.
2. Section 60.433(2) permits transitional housing facilities serving seven (7) to sixteen (16) adu[t
facility residents and minor children in their care in the RT-2 zonin� district subject to the
1. It sha7! not be located in a nvo fan:ily or multifnmily cfivelling unless the facility
occupies ihe entire structure.
This condition is met. The proposed facility would occupy the entire multifamily
moved by Field
seconded by
iu favor Unanimous
Zoning File #00-151-318
Page TFVO of Resotution
2. A minim:em drsiance of one thoarsand three h:a:dred hvetrty (1, 320) radiad feet from �
other traruitiorJCrl hoirsirJg or sheltersfor battered persons, licensed h:eman service
comn:unity residetrtial facilities, license carreclional commt�nity residentia! faci[ities,
emergency housing, health departnrent-licensed commurtity residential facilities or
ovemight shelfers.
This condition is met. PED records of residentiai facitities with either licenses or some
prior zonin� approval indicate that there are no such facitities within 1320 feet of 740
Dayton Avenue. The c(osest facility is 565 Dayton, tivhich is 1880 feet atvay.
3. Of�e (1) off-street perrkitrg space for evejy rivo (2) facility reside�us.
This condition is not met. The building has no off-street parking spaces.
Staff recommends modification of the condition for the followin� reasons:
1. The exisfing buildin� has never had off-street parkin� and there is no alley access to
the buitdin�.
2. The property is located on a corner, and there is sufficient on-street parkin� in the
=1. It shall rtot be locaiect itr a plar:r�ing district in tivhich or:e (1) percent or n7ore of the
�oprrlation lii•es in Ircettsed human service community resic�erttial facilities, lrcensed
correctiojral conanzrrr7ity ��esidentia! facilities, health dzpm�mtefat-Zicetised conanurnit}•
resrdetatial facili(ies, en:ergertcy ho:rsir:gfaciliti�s, oLertzight slaelters, sheltersfor
battered petsons artd%r irattsitional kousingfacilities. �
This condition is met. �Vith the closing of Dayton House, a 26-bed facility previously
in the building, there are 139 beds in the Summit L3niversity (District S) communit}�.
That is Q.76% of the population —less than one percent. Adding the 13 beds proposed
for this facility «•ould result in there bein� 152 beds in the planning district — or 0_S3°ro.
�. Per for specic�l condition use appties oralJ� ns [ofag as ihe riumfier of fc�cility
residents is �rot increased anc� its purpose or location clo rzot change and other,
corzdr[ions of the permit rn•e raet.
Tne applicaat understands this condition.
3. Section 6�3Q0(d) of the zoning code requires that before the plannino commission may grant
app; o��a1 of a principzl use subject to special conditions, the commisr.on shall find that:
1. The exte�zt, lacatiojz atrd irrtensit}� of t1�e rrse zs•ill be irr szrbstantial compliairce tivith tlie
Sairrt Paul Comprehensrve Plan at:d arry npplicable subarea plrnts i��hich zcere
approced by lhe cit}� council.
This condition is met. The 5aint Paul Housing PI2n and the Saint Paut / Ramsey
Cour�ty Five-Year Housin� and Homeless Services Plan both call for the development
of 2�0 units of transitional housin� sening sinQle aduIts, families and youth.
? The use ivill provide adequate in arac� egress to mirzimize traffrc cotigestion iri the .
p+tblic streets.
Zoning File #00-ISI-3I8
Page Three of Resolution
This condition is met_ The proposed use is not expected to generate significant traffic.
There are no alleys or driveways that would affect traffic circulation in the area.
3. The use tvill rtot be detrimental lo the existirzg character of the devetopment in ihe
immediate rieighborhood or endanger fhe pz�blic health, safety and general welfare.
This condition is met. The use wili fit into an existing structure that has seeved as a
community residential facility for trvice as many residents for a number of years.
Residents will be serviced by supportive services through the Antioch Christian Center
located nearby. The intensity of the use (13 adult facility residents) tivili be similar to
that of a 4-plex that cvould be a permitted use in the district.
-f. The z+se tivill noi impede the normal and orderZy developnaent and inaprovement of the
st�rro:rr:ding pr•operty for uses permitted iri the district.
This condition is met. The area has a number of vacant parcels that would benefit
from this buildin� being fully occupied and mana�ed by a community-based
5. Tdre use shall, in all other respects, cor fornr to the applicable regidntions of the
C�fSlY1CI lil 1V�71C{1 (!' !S IOCQI2L�.
R'ith the exception of the off-street parl, requirement discussed above, the use
conforms to all applicable re�uiations.
4 Section 64.300(� ofthe zonin� code states, "The ptanning commission, after public hearin�,
may modify any or all special conditions, when strict apptication of such special conditions
would unreasonably limit or prevent othenvise ]awFul use of a piece of property or an existing
structure and tivould result in exceptional undue hardship to the owner of such property or
structure; provided, that such modification �vill noY impair the intent and purpose of such
special condition and is consistent with health, morals and general welfare of the community
and is consistent with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property."
The property never had on-site parking, and there is no atley. Constructing on-site parkin�
�vould be very costly due to the difference in grade, and the church has limited fundin�
resources. The property is located on a corner, and has ei�ht on-street parking spaces. There
are many vacant parcels and buildin�s in the area, and there is no plan to develop them in the
Nd��', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paui Ptanning Commission that the
application of Antioch Christian Center for a Special Condition Use Permit to allow a
transicional housin� facility servina thirteen (13) adult residents and minor children in their
care located at the south�vest corner of Dayton and GroTto (740 Dayton} as indicated in ihe
application is hereby approved with a modification of the parkin� requirement subject to the
condidan [hat in winter-sprina of 20U2, the Ylatuung Comniissivn �vili revie�� iliC us�
re�ardin� any impact related to parking demand, and based on Yhat revie�v may require off-
street parking or limit the number of cars associated �vith the use.
7A�N PAu� P�N;��s� C�oM�,��«� ����T�s ,���unaY ta,a�1-
�1pp�ous� F.��var�y g , 2.c�L
IIOTION: Conur:issioner Field nto�•ed rq�pro�•al of rootriixg kouse witk 2 gues[ roonrs, wit/iotrt
lot rtma n�odiftcntion, a�rd ivitle ndrlilioreal cnnditions. Motioa appraved ort a ureaniu:o�cr voice �
#00-151-253 Maria and Larry Ranta��a - Establishment of legal nonconforming use status for
1 home piano studio that provides group iessons for 3 to ? students at a iime. 1398 Grantham St.
(Donna Drummond, 266-6556)
Commissioner Fietd reported that no district comment was received. No one spoke in support, no
one spol:e in opposition. The hearing was ctosed and on a vote of 6-0, the Zoning Committee
recommends approval.
�10TION: Cotnst:issioner Field n:oved tl�e Zoning Co��unittee recot�rme�tdation to approve
estnblis/:raet:t of lee af nor:cot forrr:ir:g use stnuu. Tlre fnotion carried ou n tnranimous voice
#00-151-Z54 Joseoli Schum�chcr- Rezone from RT-I to OS-3 to ailow a purification center.
330 N. Prior A� (James Zdon, 266-6559)
Commissioner Field repoRed that tltie h4erriam Park Communit}• Couocil recommended appro��al
a itli the condition tliat a r�stricti�e co� etiant b� placed on tlie property limiting any future uses to
an OS- l classification. No one spoke in suppoR, no one spoke opposition. The public hearin�
was ctosed and on a� ote of 6-0 the Zonin, Committee recomntends approvaL �
DIOTI011: Contmissioirer Field nzoved tlre Zonir:a Cornn:ittee reconnuertclatior: to approre �
rezoniiig jrovr RZ-7 to OS-I 10 allnw a prrrifrcation center. Tlre inatior: carrie�l an a
trtrmzi��lorrs voice vote.
�00-151-530 Diatthe«� O'Hara - Rezonin� from B-2 to RT-I to allo�c conversion to a duplex.
225 Tv�. R'ilder St. (Donna Drummond, 266-65�6)
Commissioner Fie{d reported the Merriant Park Community� Council supports the rezoning. No
one spoke in support, no one spoke in opposition. The pubiic hearine �cas closed and on a vote of
6-0 the Zonin2 Committee recommends appro� ai. �
P�IOTION: ContFnissiot:er Field tteoverl the Zotritsg Cosn»:ittee recorrt»:erzdntiot: to approve
rezonirag fro»z B-2 ro RT-1 to a11ow cot:versiort to n tlarple�. The n:otior: carried on a
cu�rtrtimo�er voice rote.
� r00-151-315 Antioch Christian Center - Special Condition �1se Permit for a transitionai
' I�ousin� facilit}• for 13 adult residents and minor ch3{dren in their care. 740 Dayton Avenue.
(l'ana Zhan�, 266-66�4)
Commissioner Field repoRed no district comment rzceired. One person spoke in support, no one
spoke in opposition. The pu6lic hearin, ��•as ctosed and on a vote of 6-0 the Zonine Committee
recommends appro�•al witfi condition. � �
31 - r
MOTIOjI: Co�:tmissiotrer Field n:oredYlae Zottiitg Corr:iuiitee recov�rne�:dation to approve with
• condiriota.
Commissioner Kramer stated there were parking issaes with this case. He stated that use of tha
house would chan�e from 26 handicapped residenu �vith no cliildren, �vl�ere the masimum
number of residents in the buildi�g was fixed at 26. Commissioner Kramer's concern is that noGv
with 13 adutt residents and minor dtildren in their care, there �vou(d be no upper limit on tlte
number of children in the bui(dina. S[iould there be a directive from the Commission to ask LIEP
fo establish the number of peopie that would be ailowed?
Commissioner Faricy stated she had the same concerns.
Commissioner Field stated that they are u�aiving the parking requirements because most of the
residents will be using public transpoRation and the site is on a corner with plenty of on-street
parking, so the si� spaces on site may not be necessary. They added a condition for Plannin�
Commission revie�e of parkino need in one year. There is iand adjacent to [he bailding whidi
they wotdd like to use for a play area, but if �ve need the parkina space they are going to have to
provide it and that nia}' be ��fiere they �cil( have to provide it.
Commissioner Field also stated that there »�ere four bathrooms, and ���ith li adults and their
children, he ���otild like to hear from LIEP as to ho« man} people can occupy tliis bui(din�.
Commissioner Atton also questioned Iro}�� man} people can occupy the buildin�. He stated that
the Commission sliould deFer to L1EP.
� Mr. Allan Torstenson stated that there is a Certificate of Occupancy requirement here. There are
hvo clear options and both are fi»e. One �coi4d be for the Commission to direct or as[: LIEP in
issuing ihe CeRificate of Occupancy (icense set a masimum. The other ��ouid be to send it back
to committee so �ve sec some information from LIEP and set an upper timit in our permit. It can
be done either �cay.
Commissioner Gordon stated that it �vas his anderstandin� that LiEP «rould revie�v Yhe facility
and make a determination as to the ma�imum number. That is ivhy he �cas comfortable not
fuRher addressin� that issue at the Zonin� Cotnmittee. Coiumissioner Gordon su��ested that�the
Cotnmission should �'ote on tfie resolution as it has been presented.
Commissioner Field stated that based on tlie understandine that based on the number of
restraoms and ihe size of Uie buildiii�, LIEP has criteria that they wi11 objectively will apply to
this building for the Certificate of Occupanc�, he �` ill support the motion at this time.
T/ze rnnlion is carried o�t a trnm2imm�s voice rote.
Commissioner Field announced the agenda for tiie Zonins Comntittez meetin� on January 18,
Z001, at 3:30 p.m.
� 12
Recorded and prepared by
Mary Braton, Planning Commission Secretary
Planning and Economic Development Department,
City of Saint Pau!
Respectfuity submitted,
Larry S d rholm
Plannin dministrator
Approved 0� —� q � � �
:�t�� .�rantferEt�i C�6�-.D�S �'!'IO�2Toec
Seefeta�}=of the Planning Commission
G ffr-?i 1Z
piinutes I-12-0I 14 . �
Thursday, January 4, 2000 - 3:30 p.m.
City Counci( Chambers, 3` Floor
City Hatl and Gourt House
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
Faricy, Field, Gordon, Kramer, Mardell and Morton
Engh and Gervais
Peter Warner
Carol Martineau, Allan Torstenson, and Yang Zhang of PED
The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field.
a � •y��o
Antioch Christian Center - 00-151-37 8- Special Condition Use Permit for a transitional housing
facility for 13 adult residents and minor cfiildren in tfieir care. 740 Dayton Avenue.
Yang Zhang showed slides and presented the staff report. Ms. Zhang stated a letter was received
by District 8 stating they support the Special Condition Use Permit. 7he Zoning Staff recommends
approval of the permit with a modification fo the parking requirement.
At the questior+ of Commissioner Field, Ms. Zhang explained that the only availahle history dates
back to 1946 for a rooming house in a C residentiai district which is RT- 2 or RM-1.
Mr. Torstenson further explained thai in 1946 the Zoning Code did not require a Speciai Condition
Use Permit.
At the question of Commissioner Morton, Ms. Zhang stated there would be six to seven parking
spaces needed for this facility. There are currently eight on-street parking spaces availabie. Also,
the building has no alley and never had parking in the past.
Pastor Debra Messenger, the applicant, appeared and stated there is a need to establish
transitional housing because of a housing shortage. She also explained that most people in
transitionai housing do not have transportation and the bus line that is tocated one block away
makes fransportation convenient for the occupants.
At the question of Gommissioner Faricy, Pastor Messenger stated the occupants, consisting of
families, usually stay for a period of 18 months to two years and approximately haif wouid own cars.
At the question of Commissioner Kramer, Pastor Messenger expiained there would be 13 rooms
at their disposa! for families with two to three children.
Ms. Sheliy Brown, 670 Van Buren Avenue, explained that transitio�a! housing people do not have
veh+cies of their own so being on the bus line wil! be convenient for the residents. She also stated
she supports the transitional housing because of the housing shortage and if wouid be an
advantage to the community.
At the question of Commissioner Faricy, Ms. Brown stated it would be a hardship to create parking
in the side yard but would cansider it in the future if the need arises.
No one spoke in oppositian.
Zoning Committee Minutes
January 4, 2001
File #: 00-15-318
Page 2
The public hearing was ciosed.
Commissioner Kramer asked whether handicapped parking is required in the zoning code, and
staff responded that if off-street parking requirement is waived, the handicapped parking
requirement wouid be waived as well. Commissioner Gordon added that handicapped parking can
probably be accommodated by putting a handicapped parking sign on street.
Commission Faricy expressed further concerns with the lack of off-street parking. Commissioner
Field suggested that the Pianning Commission approve the speciai conditional use permitwith the
condition that the Planning Commission will review the case in a year with regards to the parking
dsmand, and reserves the right to enforce off-street parking. Gommissioner Kramer suggested
restricting the number of cars associated with the use to 10. Commissioner Field questioned the
abifity of the city to enforce that restriction.
Cammissioner Faricy made a motion to approve the transitional housing faci(ity with a modification
of the parking requirement subject to the condition that in winter-spring of 2002, the Pianning
Commission wiif review the use regarding any impact related to parking demand, and based on that
review may require off-street parking or Ilmit the number of cass associated with fhe use.
The motion passed with a vote of 6-0.
Adopted Yeas - 6 Nays - 0
Qrafted by:
Submitted by:
�Q.L���LGC�G7L (>
Carol Martineau
Recording Secretary
Yang Zhang
Zoning Section
o � -�.�o
FTLE # 00-li 1-318
1. APPLICANT: Antioch Christian Centez DATE OE HF,ARIl�IG: 1/4/Ol
2. CLASSIFICATTON; Special Coudition Use Permit
3. LOCATION: 740 Day[on Avenue (S�V comer of Grotto and Dayton)
5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lou I and 2, BIock 6, Nininger & DonneIly's Addition to Holcombe's
8. DATE ItECEIVED:12-5-00
A. PURPOSE: Special condidon use permit for trmsidonal housing for 13 adult facilin residenu.
C. EXISTING LAND USE: Boardin; house for 26 mentally / phr•sicaity chalienged residents.
B. PARCEL SIZE; 9,066 square feet; 73 feet on Dayton by 119 feet on Grotto
North: Aparunent building across Dayton Avenne (RT-2j
East: Vacant pazceI across Grotto (RT-2)
South; 4-caz garage and a boazded up commercial building (B-3)
�Vest: Vacant pazcel zoned RT-2.
E. ZONTNG CODE CITATIOAI: Sections 60.433(2) and 64300(dj of the zonuig coQe pertnit transitional
housing facilities secving seven (7) to si�cteen (I6) adult faciliry residents and minor children in their care
subject to conditions detailed in findin,s �2 and �3 of this report.
G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOhIiVIENDATTON: No recommendation had been received at the time this staff
report w�as prepazed.
1. The propem� is currentlg onned by Stephen and Rose ScaIzo and used as a boazding home for the
mentally ! physically challen�ed. The applicant is planning on purchasing the propem� in March 2001
and using it as a 13-adult transitional housing faciliry. The applicant has a purchase a�ee`ment nith the
current ocvner.
The transitional housing faciliry will have 24-hour onsite staff. The funding of the faciiitc will mostiy
Zoning Pi1e nOQ-151-318
Staff report
Page two
come from rent paid by facilit}• residents. There will be a kitchen on site.
2. Section 60.433(2) permits [ransitional housing facilities serving seven {7) to sixieen (16) adult facility
residents and minor children in their caze in the RT-2 zoning dis[rict subject to ihe Followina:
a. It shall not be located in a Zwo-family or mulhfamily dwelling unless the faci(ity occupies the
eatire structure.
Tlus condilion is met The proposed faciliry would occupy the emire multifamily structure.
b. A minimum disYance of one thousand three hundred iwenty (1,320) radial feet from other
transitional housing or shelters for battered persons, licensed human servic¢ cnmmunity
residertfial faciLilies, [icense rorrecrional commuri.y residentia[facilitie.s, emergency housing,
health deparhnent-licensed community residentiaf facililies or overrtight skel2ers.
This condition is met. The closes[ other faciiity> is located at Sb5 Dayton Avenue —1,880 feet away.
c. One (I) off-stred parking space for every Lwo (2f faci[ity teszdents.
This condition is not met. The building f�as no off-s7eet pazking spaces. A modification of this
reqcrirement is reques[ed.
Staff recommends modification of the rnndidon for the following reasons:
1. The e.Yis6ng building has never ttad off-stree[ pazldng and there is no alley access to the building. �
2. The property u locazed on a comer, and there is sufficient an-street parking in the area.
d It shall not 6e located in a planning disirrct in which one (I) percent or more ojthe population
lives in ticensed human service community residential facilities, licensed corredional rnmmunity
residential facilities, heatlh department-licensed community residential jacilities, emergenty
houszng faciliiies, overnight shelters, shekers for batt¢red persoru and/or irattsitinaal kousing
This condition is met. With the closing of Dayton House, a 26-bed facilitc previously in the building,
there are 239 beds in the Sumnut Unive�i±y m3�.;.�; 8j ��„tnnnity i nat is 0:76% of the population
-iess flian one percent Adding ffie I3 beds proposed for this faciliry would result in there being 152
6eds in the planning dis�icc — or 0.83%.
e Permisszon for speciat condition use applies anly as long as the number offacility re.sidents is not
increared and its purpose ar locafion do not change and other carzdi[ions ojthe permit are meG
The applicani understands this condifion.
3. Section 64.3D0(d) of tbe zoning code requi:es that before the planning commission may gcant approvai of
a principal use subject to special conditions, the com shall find tbat:
a. Tke ezten� tocation and intensity of the use ivitl be in subsraxiial complianre with the Sainf Paul
Comprehensive Plan and any applicabte subarea plans which were approved by the city councrt
This rnndiaon is met The Saint Paul Housing PIan and the Saint Paul / Ramsey Counry Five-Year �
Housing and Homeless Services Plan botfi call for the devefopment of 250 uniu of transizionai
. housing serving sinale adults, families and youth.
• ZoningFiler00-1�I-318
Staff report
Pagz three
b. The use x711 provide adequate ingress and egress ta minimite traff:c congestion in the pu6lic
This condition is met. The proposed use is not expected to generate sigtrif'icant �c. There aze no
alleys or drive�tays that �vould affect traffic circulation in the azea.
c. The use tivill not be detrimental to the �isting character of the development in the immediate
neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and general x•e[fare.
This condiuon is met. The use �cill fit into an e�cisting structure that has sen�ed as a comm¢niry
residential facility for nVice as many residents for a number of years. Residents �vill be seniced by
supportive senzces through the Antioch Christian Center located nearby. The intensity of the vse (13
aduli facility residenu) �rill be similaz to that of a 4-ple� that would be a permitted use in the district.
d, The use will not impede the normal and order[y devetopment and improvement of the surrounding
property for uses permitted in the disYrici.
This condition is met. The azea has a number of vacant pazcels that would benefit from this building
being fuliy occupied and managed by a communiry-based organization.
e. The use shall, in all other respects, cnnform to the applicable regulatioxs of tke district in which it
is [ocated.
� With [he exception of the off-street parking rzquirement discussed above, the use confoims to all
applicable regulations.
4. Section 64300(� of the zoning code states, `The pianning commission, after public hearing, ma}• modify
any or all special conditiou, when strict application of such special condiuons �couId unreasonabIy Iimit
or precent othenvise lac�ful use of a piece of property or an e.�isflng structure and zcould result in
exceptional undue hazdsirip to the owner of such property or stnicture; provided, that such modifrcation
aill noi impair the inzent and pur�wse of such special condition and is consistent �rith health, morals and
general �r�elfare of the community and is consistent ccith reasonable enjo�meni of adjacent propem:"
The property never had on-site paddn;, and there is no alley. Constructina on-aite pazkinb would be cery
costly due to the difference in grade, and the church has Iimited funding resources. The propem• is
located on a comer, and has eighi on-street parkin, spaces. Thexe are many vacan[ pazcels and buildings
in the area, and there is no pIan to develop them in the neaz future. Therefore, staff recommends a
cnodification to the pazking requirement to allotic the special conditional use permit.
I. STAFF RECOYIIIENAATION: Based on findings 2 thzough 4, staff recommends approval of the special
condition use permit r�izth modification of the condiuon retated to pazking to allow the transitional hovsin�
facilin for 13 adult facility residents.
$rran Sn�eemey, Director
Nonn Caleraan, Mayor
2544'es�ForvthStreet 7efephae�e:651-266-6655 •
Sa�rstPaid,A1N55102 Facsimde:651-?28-3313
DATE: January 4, 2001
TO: Litton Field, Chair, and members of the Zoning Committee
FROM: Yang Zhang
RE: Zoning File # 00-151-318
Antioch Christian Center Special Condition Use Permit
740 Dayton Avenue
After the staff report on ttus application evas released staff received a phone cali from a neighborhood
resident identif}�ng 138 and 142 N. Grotto as transitional housing facilities located about 440 feet a�vay
from 740 Da��ton, less than the 1320 foot separation requirement for transitional housing facilities scrving
7 to 16 adidt residents under �60.433(2)(b) of the Zoning Code. A LIEP inspector verified that these t�co
properties are operatin� as transitional housin� facilities, but that they serve four or fe�cer adult residents
plus minor children in their care and therefore are peanitted uses in atl residential districts �cithout any�
separation requirement under §60.412(12) of the Zoning Code.
Because transitional housin� facilities serving four or fe�cer adult residents are permitted uses �sith no
separation requirement from larger transitional housing facilities, it follo�cs that transirional housing
facilities serving 7 to 16 adult residents can be established �crith no separation requirement from facilities
servin� four or fe�ver adult residents. Nancy Homans, author of Zoning Code language for transitional
housing facilities, assures me that this �cas the clear intent �c•hen the language �cas adopted_
If the esistin� language is unclear, a text amendment to clarif}� that the distaaca * yuir�;r�zrt onir app'ties to
facitities serving morP tha.n f;;,;: auuit residents could be included in the nest Zonin� Code minor text
amendment package.
I:: Cazes 2001 A01513186memo.npd !
�-05.-00 12��8 PM AHTIOCH CHRZSTIAN CENTE� 651 224 $�47 P.02
L' 13:'t4 �T F�l F• FNNIrIG 8 ECO�v 651e2°.a3t� P.Q1��4
� sat,tt PauCZvntrig af�'ice
1� City 3fa.tC�lnnwY
�3 �YlSt�eurfF_ Streat
Sai}ct ?avj �1fN5,�1 oz
z66 b584
Cit�'�,'-��_,__,St,,, �;S/d Daytltne
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PROPEcR7Y Address/Lace:fon
lOCA'f10N - �egnl descr;p;ion:
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TYPE �F pERt1SiT: Appi�cation Is he�eby Pnada under the provisians of �haptar
Section��, Paragr�ph Z- ot the 2or�ing Cade for e:
� Specia' Conditipn Use Permit L7 Modifketlon at River Corr�cor Sxandrrds
❑ Fl�ar Cortidor Cor.ditional Uas Fermit •
EUPPORTING ffIF6RMAT10N. c�ypty the intormatlon thet la 6Dp���Abia to your typa ci permit {attech
aF.O�cional shaete 1! nitocser�l ., .
• 9PEC1Al C��NDITION USE: Expletn how the use wili moit oeeh of the apocid eondit�one,
� RIYER CORRIdOR CUNDiTlOtiAL USE: DencriCa how the use wlll maet t�e eppi�:shfe cenCftions.
• M001FICA1'IGN OF IVER CORRIDOR BTAUDAR05: Explein w5y mvd�fice7ions arn needed.
C� at'tan c�o��
Qwrl�as e.
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C?ate�� tlty 8gent��
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D FC-05-00 12=57 PM RNTIOCM CHRISTIPN CENTER 651 224 8a47 P.01
83� laurd Avewe St. Pflul. MN 5510q
Phane:851-222�4410 fex: 851-?28.83q)
O Urg�nt x Por R�vt.w ❑ Pis�sa Comm�nt ❑ Pfsas� R�piy O Pb�sa R+cyals
��n• nanE� �
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DF,G-05-00 12:58 PM RNTZOCH CHRISTIPN CENTER 651 224 8547
� t� C����%�t (�el��
°Builr�ing On A Fo�nda�ian Of Love"
630 LaLr¢1 �19Bnva Sf, Pau( Mf7 6dI0f
Phartc 661-s� Far Bst-�°£f-8s6
P� r p a 5�-- S�.%t�c-u^� =
Conditions for s Special Condirion Use Pcrmit for Transiflonel Housirtg foz 13 adult facility res3denu:
a. It shall n�x be located in a:wo family or multlfamily dwelling unless the facility oaupies thc cnGre
The Propased faciliry would occupy the entire multifamlly strucnue.
b. A minimam distance of 1320 radial Ceet from otlur twncitionaI housing or st�elter for batteced persons,
licensed hwnan serv3ce community msidential facilities, licensed cocrectional eommuniry residentiat
facilicics, emergency housing, health departmentdieensed communiry trsidentia] facilities or rnemip�t
The dose:st other facility is located at 565 Da}^zon Avenuc —1,880 fcet away.
One off-::ueet parking space for every two facility residents.
� The building tias no off-stieet parking spaces. A moditication of the reqaircmaei is requested. The
existing lnuldiqg has nevec had off street parking and ihere is no alley access to the building. Tnere is
sufFicien: on-stzeet parkir�; in the arra
d. it stiatl not be located in a pianning district in which one (1) percent or more of the population lives i�
Licensed human scrvice cammunity iesida�tial faciliiies licensed eoneeeional eommun[ry residential
faciiities. health depanment•licensed community residendal facilities, emcrgency housing faalides,
ovemight shcltcrs, sheltus for bancred Dcrsons andlor tiansitional housing faciiities.
With the closing of Dayton House, a 26-bcd facitity previousty in this bailding, there are 139 beds in
the Summit Universiry (D'utrict 8) communiry. 'tl�ai is .76% of the populafion-2ess cLan onc percent.
Adding 23 beds proposed for this facility would result in iliae bcing 152 beds in the planning district —
or .83%.
e. Pcnnission for special condirion nse appl3es only as long as the number of facility resid:nts is not
increaseci and its putpose or tocation do nof change and other conCicions af the pecmit aze met.
We undcntand this mnditioa
Genesal Conditions
(1? �e exient, locztion and intensity of !he use wili be in substan5sl eompliance with C1e Saint Pau?
Campmlunsive PIan and any applicable subarea plans which were approved by the city eouncil.
Ttce 5air.t Paul Housiag P1an and the Saini PavURamsey County Five-Year Housing and Aomeless
Services Plan both rall for the Qevetopmcnt of 250 uniu of r.ransitional housing sening s3ngle afiilts,
familles and youth
(2} 'Ihe use wilt provide adequate ingress and egzess to minimize �c eongestion in the pub2ic strects.
The proFased ttsc is noi e�pccted to genaate significant traPtit. There src no ffileys or drivcKays tbat
woutd afFect traflic eirculatton in area.
ULL ��S�dd S2:S9 PM RNTIOCM CHRISTIRN CENTER 651 224 so47 Y.e4
(3) 3he use wili not be detiimental to tiu ezisting ct�'aciet of devnlopment in the immediate ,
ncighborhood or endanget the public health, safety and general welfare.
Ihe use will fit into an e;�sHag strucnue that has seNed as a community res�dential facility for twia
as many residents for a number of years. Rcaidrnu wi11 be served by supportive services tt�raugh the
Antioch ChriAian Ccntet neazby. The intensiry of the use (13 facility tesidenis) wilt bc similaz to tYat
of a 4 pL•L�c ttiat would be pernutted use in the distric�
(4) Tlu use •�vili not impede the normal sad orderly development and impzovcment oP the surrounding
psopecry for uscs perm[tted in U+e distric�
1he azea tia5 e number af vacant pa�els tl�a[ would benefit from this building being fully occupSed end
managet. by a armmuniry-based organi�ation.
(S) The use shall, in all oUur respects, contonn �o the applicable regulation of the district in wluch it is
With the exception of the off-street pazking requirement discussed above, the uu canfw�ms to all
agplicabic regulations.
04:49p 627 Selby Rve Office (6511 225-1108
o � -a-x
627 Sdby
Telephone 651-228_I855 • FAX 652-225-2108
January 3, 200 ]
Lifton Field, 7r., Chair
2aning Commiree
1400 City Hall Annex
St. Pau(, Minnesota 55102
RE: Antioch Ctiristian Cenfer File #F 00-] 51-318
The Summit University planning Counci)'s I3e:ghborhooQ Development Committee�lield a Community Issues meetittg on
December 2$, 2000 regarding the Special Condition Use Permit for [ransitionaf housing for I3 adult facility residents
requested by [he Antioch Christian Center. 1�'e distributed flyers within two and one-half blocks in each direction from
740 bayton Avettue im�iting residents to 8�e meeting to discuss ttte permrt appiication and [o voice their concerns. IR spite
of [he big snotiv-stornt, ten people attended thz mezfing. Six of the ten were residents and the remaining four were
members of the chureh there in support of thz Antioch Christian Center. Only the residents were allo�ved to vote on this
�tors Charles and Debra Messenger explained the transitional housing program to the atfendees and ans�vered questior.s
from thc residents, Summit University Planning Counci! staffand the tu�o board members who hosted the meeting.
Residents that live at 667 Iglehart and 740 Marshall spoke in favor of the program and the nzed far hansitional housittg to
help homeless women and their children through a crisis. Resident BiHy Smith made a motion to approve the special
condition use permit for transitional housing, Pasror Debra Messenger 2"� ehe motion and it passed witn no objections from
an}�one in attendance.
Two members of the Exzcutive Committee of tt:e SUPC Board of Directors (David Singteton, President, and Matt Mejia,
Neighboriiood De��elopment Committee Chzi:) agreed that in vieu� of the above events, che Summit University Planning
Council finds no reason to deny the Specia! Cer.dition Use Permit to the Antioch Christian Center. Thts deci,iun w�U bc
presented to the full boazd at its regulaz meeting on January 23, 2001.
Si cerely,
r V
David Sinele;on
d President
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'U�POSE �C-�� �-�� zoning districi Gou�dary
:t��C�C� ( S E'3 � d DATE � subj'-d prop�rY
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Presented B�
Referred To
_ M.r�a,. �, a�o�
Council FIle # Q �� 0�.�0
Green Sheet # t� n 3 0 3
2 WHEREAS, Antioch Christian Center, in zoning file no. O1-123-422, made application
3 to the Saint Paul Planning Commission (hereinafter, the "Commission") for a special condition
4 use permit to operate a transitional housing facility for 13 adult residents and minor children in
5 their care, for properry commonly known as 740 Dayton Avenue and legally described as Lots 1
6 and 2, Block 6, Nininger & Donnelly's Addition to Holcombe's Addition; and
WHEREAS, on January 4, 2001, the Commission's zoning committee conducted a
public hearing after having provided notice to affected properry owners. The Commission, based
upon the following findings and conclusions, as set forth in its Resolution no. 00-06, adopted
February 9, 2001, granted the application subject to the condition that the use is reviewed during
the winter or spring of 2002 for the purposes of determining what impact the use has had on
pazking and to further determine if additional conditions aze necessary to regulate off-street
pazking or otherwise limit the number of cars associated with the use:
A. Section 60.433(2) permits transitional housing facilities serving seven (7) to sixteen (16)
adult facility residents and minor children in their care in the RT-2 zoning district subject
to the following:
1. It shall not be located in a two family or multifamily dwelling unless the facility
occupies the entire structure.
This condition is met. The proposed facility would occupy the entire multifamily
2. A minimum distance of one thousand three hundred twenty (1, 320) radial feet from
other transitional housing or shelters for battered persons, licensed human service
community residential facilities, license correctional community residential facflities,
emergency housing, health department-Zicensed community residential facilities or
overnight shelters.
This condition is met. PED records of residential facilities with either licenses or
some prior zoning approval indicate that there are no such facilities within 1320 feet
of 740 Dayton Avenue. The closest faciliry is 565 Dayton, which is 1880 feet away.
2 3. One (I) off-street parking space for every two (2) facility residents.
4 This condition is not met. The building has no off=street pazking spaces.
5 StafFrecommends modificarion of the condirion for the following reasons:
7 l. The e�sting building has never had off-street pazking and there is no alley
8 access to the building.
10 2. The property is located on a corner, and theze is sufficient on-street pazking in
11 the area.
4. It shall not be located in a planning district in which one (1) percent or more of the
population Zives in licensed human service community residential facilities, Zicensed
correctioreal community residential facilities, health department-licensed community
residential facilities, emergency housing facilities, overnight shelters, shelters for
battered persons and/or transitional housing facilities.
This condition is met. With the closing of Dayton House, a 26-bed facility previously
in the building, there aze 139 beds in the Summit Universiry (District 8) community.
That is 0.76% of the population —less than one percent. Adding the 13 beds proposed
for this facility would result in there being 152 beds in the planning district — or
5. Permfssion for special condition use applies only as long as the number offacility
residents is not increased and its purpose or location do not change and other
conditions of the permit are met.
The applicant understands this condition.
B. Section 64300(d) of the zoning code requires that before the planning commission may grant
approval of a principal use subject to special conditions, the commission shall find that:
The extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial compliance with the
Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any applicable subarea plans which were
approved by the city council.
This condition is met. The Saint Paul Housing Plan and the Saint Paul / Ramsey
County Five-Year Housing and Homeless Services Plan both call for the development
of 250 units of transitional housing serving single adults, families and youth.
2. The use will provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize traff c congestion in the
public streets.
This condition is met. The proposed use is not expected to generate significant traffic.
There are no alleys or driveways that would affect tr�c circulation in the area.
3. The use will not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the
immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and general welfare.
This condition is met. The use will fit into an existing structure that has served as a
community residential facility for twice as many residents for a number of years.
ai- 33a
2 Residents will be serviced by supportive services through the Antioch Christian
3 Center located neazby. The intensity ofthe use (13 adult facility residents) will be
4 similar to that of a 4-plex that would be a permitted use in the district.
4. The use wi11 not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the
surrounding property for uses permitted in the district.
This condition is met. The azea has a number of vacant pazcels that would benefit
from this building being fully occupied and managed by a community-based
5. The use shaZ1, in a11 other respects, conform to the applicable regulations ofthe
district in which it is Zocated.
With the exception of the off=street pazking requirement discussed above, the use
conforms to all applicable regulations.
C. Section 64300(fl of the zoning code states, "The planning commission, after public hearing,
may modify any or a11 special conditions, when strict application of such special conditions
would unreasonably limit or prevent otherwise lawful use of a piece of properry or an
existing shucture and would result in exceptional undue hazdship to the owner of such
properiy or structure; provided, that such modification will not impair the intent and purpose
of such special condition and is consistent with health, morals and general welfaze of the
community and is consistent with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent properiy."
The property never had on-site parking, and there is no alley. Conshucting on-site pazking
would be very costly due to the difference in grade, and the church has limited funding
resources. The property is located on a corner, and has eight on-street parking spaces. There
are many vacant parceis and buildings in the area, and there is no plan to develop them in the
near future.
WFIEREAS, Pursuant to the provisions of Leg. Code § 64.206, Rick Igo, duly filed with the
City Clerk an appeal from the determination made by the Planning Commission, requesting that a
hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the
said Commission; and
WHEREAS, Acting pursuant to Leg. Code §§ 64.206 - 64.208, and upon notice to affected
parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by the Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday,
Febniaxy 28, 2001, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and
WHEREAS, The City Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the
application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the zoning committee and of
the Commission and acting pursuant to Leg. Code § 64.207, does hereby
RESOLVE, to affirm in all things the Commission's decision made in this matter and to
adopt as its own the facts and findings of the Commission as set foth in its February 9, 2001
resolution with the following modification:
In keeping the intensity of use similaz to that of the previous use, the masunuxn number
of persons who may reside, occupy or otherwise utilize this transition facility at any time
is limited to twenty-six (26) persons.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the appeal of Rick Igo be and is hereby if
appeal grm�led�erdenied; and, be it
FINALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Antioch
Christian Center, Rick Igo, the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission.
Adopted by Council: Date ryq�_�O1
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
BY: � � � '�n r � _
Approved by Mayor: Date _��f',t'�J /
r�- 1
BY� r�______i��
Requested by Department of:
Fosm Approved by City Attorney
BY: �.,,� l✓G�� 3-b- o /
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
� 1-a 30
v�n�.i renamamvnc p L
v s4
March 7, 2001
ovummrt ew�era�
No 110303
❑ cn�neurr ❑ anaau�
Memorializing City COuncil action taken February 28, 2001, denying the appeal of Rick Igo
to a decision of the Planning Commission approving a Special Condition Use Permit for a
transitional housing facility at 740 Dayton Avenue.
Hu thb p�noNArm �wr xrorlud unGr � oontnot for thb d�rtm�M7
w.. fh�. w�onmrm.wr bwn e onr.mpwy.n
YE8 " NO
Don fhb GnoNAim poxw s Ndll not norm�IlYP� bY ��Y aumM oHy �mplcyM
I� ihN pmoNfirm � S�rpNW wndoR
Interdepartmental Memorandum
DATE: Mazch 7, 2001
TO: Councilmember Jerry Blakey
FROM: Peter W. Warner,
Assistant City Attorney
RE: Antioch Christian Center
City Council Appeal
Public Hearing: February 28, 2001
Councilmember Blakey:
Attached please find the Resolution memorializing the decision of the City Council in the above-
referenced matter to deny the appeal of the decision of the Planning Commission to give the
Antioch Christian Center a special condition use permit for a transitional housing facility at 740
Dayton Avenue. The Resolution reflects that the Council moved to amend the special condition
use permit granted by the Commission to limit the occupancy of the structure at 740 Dayton
Avenue to 26 persons at any given time.
I would ask that you introduce this Resolution under suspension for approval for the purposes of
complying with the requirements of Minnesota Statute § 15.99.
;,,� _.;� :,.
March 7, 2001
To: Council President Bostrom
Councilmember Jay Benanav
Counciimember Chris Coleman
Councilmember Patrick Harris
Councilmember Lantzry
Councilmember Jim Reiter
Subj ect:
Councilmember Jerry
Suspension Item for March 7� 2001 �ty�ouncil Agenda
Please review the attached resolution memorializing the decision of the City Council regazding
the Antioch Christian Center.
Thank you.
Gerry Strathman
Nancy Anderson
THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102-1615 651/266-8610
s �ae
Pnnred on Recycled Paper
Baan Sweeney, Dlrector
Norm Coteman, Mayor
February 12, 2001
Ms. Nancy Anderson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Deaz Ms. Anderson:
T would like to confirm that a public hearing befi
28, 2001 for the following appeal of a Planniiig �
2� WestFwnzh Sbeet
SaintPaul, MN 55102
� �
Pernnt cvith conditions:
Appellant: Rick Igo
File Nwnber: #01-123-422
Purpose: Appeal of a plaiuiing co�
Permit for a transitional hc
Address: 740 Dayton; SW corner of
Legal Description: Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, P
Previous Action:
Plam�ing Commission Recommendation: Ap,
a lac���
___...�.�„s; vote: unanimous, January 12,
Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval with conditions; vote: 6-0, January 4, 2001.
My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the February 28, 2001
City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. I have
confirmed with Councilmember Blakey's office that he will be at the Council meeting on February 28,
2001. Please call me at 266-6659 if you have any questions.
�� �
Yang Zhang
CiTy Planner
cc: File # O1-123-422,
Paul Dubruiel,
Cazol Martineau
_ .��.
"17�e Saint Paui City Couvcil will can-
duet a pnbHc hearing on Wednesday,
February 28, 2001, at 5:30 p.m. id fhe Ctty
Countil ChamUers, "R�Ird- Floor Clty Hall-
Cowtliouse, 15 West %ellogg Bonlevard.
Saint Paiil. MN, to conslder the appeat of
Ihck Igo to a decision of fhe Plani�ing
Commisston approvIng a Special Cond[tion
Use Pennit for a transitional housingYacil-
ity at 740 Daytnn Avenue (south�dest cor-
ner of Dayton and Gmtto).
Dated: Februaiy 13, 2001 _
Assislaat City Council Setretary . .
' (Febn�azy 151 �
02018621 - . -.
Telephone: 6� I-26G6655
Facsimele: 6� I -228-3314
, •a �
t+�L`7�d;� ��ov�:';.. .,..`'i:.'
� � � ± � EE;��
& 6C0\O\tIC 1)itVELOPUG\T
Br1an Sweeney. D�rector
Norm Coleman, Mayor
February 14, 2001
Ms. Nancy Anderson
Sccretart� to the City Council
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
C �
Rc: Zoning File #01-123-422:
City Council Hearing:
25 Wes1 Fourth Street
Salnt Po�d, MN 55102
February 28, 2001
Telephone, 651-166GG55
Facsmttfe: G51-??8-3314
PURPOSE: Appeal a Planning Commission decision approving a special conditional usc permit to
altou� a transitional housing facility with 13 adults and minor children in thcir care on
propert}� located at the south�eest corner of Da}�ton Avenue and Grotto Street.
SUPPORT: one person spoke. Tt�e Summit-University Community Council voted to support the special
conditional use permit.
OPPOSITION: no persons spoke.
Dear Ms. Anderson:
RICK IGO has appealed the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission to appro��e a special
conditional use permit to allo�v a transitional housing facilit} �cith thirteen (13) adult rzsid'ents and minor
children in their care located at the southwest comer of Da�ton Avenue and Grotto Strzet. The Zoning
Committee of the Saint Paul Planning Commission held a public hearing on the request on January 4, 2001.
The applicant addressed the committze. At the close of the public hearine the committee voted 6-0 to
rewmmend approval of the perznit ��ith the condition that the use be revie�ced in ��intzr-spring of 2002 to
determine if there has been an}� impact related to parking demand. and based on that rz� iew, the}� ma}•
require off-street parking or limit thz number of cars associated ��ith the use. The Planning Commission
upheld the Zoning Committee�s recommendation for approcal on a unanunous cote on Januan 12. 2001.
This appeal is scheduled to be heard by the CiTc Council on February 28, 2001. Pleasz notifc me (266-
66�9) if any member of the Cih Council ��ishes to have slides of the site presented at rhe public hearing.
� � .
Yang Zhang
City Planner
Cc: Ciry Council members
Brirsn Sweeney, Di+'etmr'
Norm Co(enmq Mn}'ar
DATE: February 20, 2001
2i {G"ut Fo�vth Street
Snin[ Pnuf, hLV 5�l0?
Dan Bostrom, President, and members of the Saint Paul City Council
Yang Zhang, City Planner, 266-6659 � j�
o�-as o
Teleplrone: 651-266-6655
Fauimile: 65/-228-3314
RE: Zoning File # O1-123-422
Appeal of a Planning Commission decision to approve a Special Conditional Use
Permit for a transitionat housing facility at 740 Dayton Avenue
In his grounds for appeal, Rick Igo states he belie�•es the Planning Commission made four errors of fact
or finding in its decision to approve a Special Conditional Use Permit for a transitional housing facility
at 740 Dayton Avenue. Following is a summary of Mr. Igo's four main points together with a response
b}• zoning staft.
� l. In fiirding tl:at the 1310 foot separatia� reguirenient for tr housiTrg facitities serving
more tAarz 7 adrdt residents artd lice�rsed commiu:iry residential facilities is �r:et, the PZa�:i:ing
Comn:issioit Resokuion states tleat d:e closest facilitj• is l880 feet aivay at 565 Dayton. The
appellcuu states lhat 565 Dayto�t is currently a siagle family l:on:e, and has not been a
conumotity residential faciliry for n:ore than tkree years. The appellcznt a[so contends that in
addition to jacilities rhat /tave specinl permits or licenses, the distarice requirement should also
apply to u•ansitional l:ousingfaeilities serving fow• or feu•er adtdu.
Resnonse: 565 Dayton is not on the list of current transitional housing and community residential
facilities. Staff erred in using an old map that has �65 Dayton on it. The closest facility is actually even
farther a�vay: Pineview Residence at 69 IvT. n4ilton is 2360 feet a�vay. Thus, with the closing of the
facility at 565 Dayton, the proposed facility at 740 Dayton is ecen more conformine with the minimum
distance requirement.
Bzcause uansitional housing facilities servins four or fe�ver adult residents are permitted uses with no
separation requirement from larger transitional housing facilities, it follows that transitional housing
facilities servin� 7 to 16 adult residents can be established �vith no separation requirement from facilities
senina four or fewer adult residents. This �aas the clear intent �vhen the Zonine Code requirements �vere
adopted. Because transitional housing facilities servin� four or fewer adult residents require no special
permits or licenses, they can be established �vithout City l�o�aledee, and the City does not track their
locations. If someone proposing a facility serving five or more adult residents �ti to lmow the
location of facilities serving four or fewer residents, thz City «ould not have that information.
Dan Bostrom and members of the City Council Zoning File # O 1-123-422
February 20, 2001 �
Page 2
2. The appella�:t coitteieds t<iat the Plan�eing Comir:issio�e erred ift findi�tg tlaat the conditiore for a
masin:uui of oire percent of plm�riing district populafion in this type ojfaciliry is met, and that
lra�rsitiorial hoersi�:g facilities serving foa�r or feiver adulu shotrZd be inckrded irt rriaki�tg this
deterrnirratiorr. He ezpresses concern tha[ a totivnhouse project, for example, cocdd have rnore
than one u•ansitionat l:ousixg facility wit3:out being included in the percentage calcedation as
loizg as each facility serves four or fewer adtdt resiclents.
Resnonse: Because transitional housing facilities serving four or fewer adult residents are permitted uses
with no percentage of population requirement, it follows that such facilities would not be inchided in the
caiculation of the percentage of dishict population living in licensed community residential facilities,
transitional housing facilities ser� in� five or more adult residents, and other similar facilities requiring
special permits or licenses. Because transitional housing facilities serving four or feFVer adult residenis
require no special permits or licenses, they can be established without City kno�cled�e, and the City does
not track their locations.
3. T/�e aypellanl takes issue u ith the state�nent in the Plmmii�� Contn�ission Resolutiwr that "the
in�ensity of the use (13 adult � eside�rts) ivill be similar to tkat of a 4 ple.r that would be a
pernaitted use in t/:e riish-ict. " He notes Uiat, includin; d�e rninor children i�i their care, dte
proposed facilitti n ould lrare n�ore resirtents thma a normal4-ples.
Resoonse: The appellant has a good point here. The sentence he disaerees with, �vhich is part of the
discussion under required finding y 64300(d)(3), should not be in the resotution. The sentence is not
necessary to make the required findin� that "the use �vill not be detrimental to the existing chazacter of
the development in the immzdiatz neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and general
welfare." The intensity of the proposed use is allowed under the RT-2 zoning of the site and area.
4. The appellmzt disagrees iritJ: tke Plarutir:g Commissia:'s finding that "the t�se wi11 not in:pede
tLe normal arid w rlerelopme�it of the surroimding property� for uses pern:itted in the
district. " He states t1:at an over-concerttration of this type offacility and over-occupane}� of this
b«ilding woidd deter other develapers or individuals from derelopiag surroundin� vcrcarzt
parcels into uses that are compatible tvith !he permitted uses of the dish
Resnonse: The proposed use meet; Zonine Code requirements for separation from other similar facilities
and percentaee of plannin� district population in such facilities, desi�ned to a��oid an over-concentration
of such faciIities. In addition to the Special Condition Use Permit the use will require a Certificate of
Occupanc}•, �vhich will specify thz total number of beds allo�ved in the facility based on Housine Code
standards and an inspection by the Fire Marshall, and thus avoid over-occupancy of the building.
Conclusion: The conditions impo>ed by the Zonins Code for the proposed use are rnet, except for off-
street parkin�. The Plannins Commission decision to approve a Special Condition Use Permit for a
transitional housin� facility sen�ing 13 adul[ residents and minor children in their care at 740 Dayton
Avemie, subj ect to the condition that in �vinter-sprina 2002 the Plannin� Commission will review the use
regardin� any impact relating to parking demand, and based on that recie�c may require off-street parkina
or limit the number of cars associated with the use, should bz upheld. The appeal should be denied.
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Zoning FFte
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permit, deqsion or r
firlding trtade by the
�� ►q+�Y You feetfher� rias been an errar in acry ,squirement,
made by an adminFs�afite ofEciat, or an error in fact. proardcus ar
of Z�nfng AFP�s ot tfie Pk rx�ing C�Ommission.
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�Zick Igo's grounds for a�peal af Ant�och Christian C`enter Speezal
Use Permit £or 740 Daytau Ave_ fi1e #00-06
I believe the following faets are in e�r�z:
• The �ol�tion sra��s that the ciosest facziity Ys 1880 feet � way wtiich is
located at Sb5 Dayton Avezrue. This Prol�ertY has not bee n a faciIity for
more than three years_ Xt is curreutty occupied as a single :amity home
and has been since ruIy of 1998. I Personatly infonmed ci .y sta�Fof
numerous ;Facilities witbin the i320 radiai £eet ofthis proF osed propezty
in December of 2000_ City staff either disteg,ard� ��, I, r�i�s or
st�ted #� me that. faczlities with four or Iess uruts do not qu 31ify under fhis
statue. Section number 6Q.433 (2}b cieariy states tYya,t �s ��i� � not
be located �itlxin � 320 feet frorn any other facilit�,. It clea rly dc>es not
designate the size of the facility.
• The resolution states that Svmmit Uz,ivezsity (Di.sttict 8) a xnmunity only
has Q.83% sahaation ofthis iype of facility. 7n my conver;ations with
city sta� zt Ieads me to beIieve that any faciIity of four or .ess uaits is not
�n �his catculation of the 0.83%. T was toid that sraatlez� eui ts do not
�u�t, meaniizg they would not be oa the list 11�Iy ��h ��ound that �
there are numerous faciIifies of tIus type which are not corz ited and that
the city staff has no acc�uafe iisting and no way to calculat� : whether this
faczIity would exceed the 1% s�t�� �z �owed by 1 aw. City
staff's intezpretation of the staiue dea}ing with the �°!o sat�n ation, I
beIieve is an error. One example ofthis is: I was in,formed by city staf.E'
�at if there was a tovvn house project vrtthin the 1320 feet �>f let's say
�°n3' �ts, this wouid not be counted on the Iist because ea:� unit wautd
have its own se��e !� u�, usiug this anatysi s, every sir�e
buiid'zne in the enrire dishict o£ four or Iess units couId be o: cugied as
this type of faciiity and not be coumed_ I beIieve that this is nat in spizit
and intent of this stat�e- IvxY ��'Pret�on of this statue is � eot to create
an over of this type of facility, which in doi�; so would be
detrimezrtal to the economzc character and would endanger }�ubiic health,
safety, and genezai welfare.
• in the resoIution, it states the int�� of the use will be sin ilar to that of
a fovr-pleX that wouId be a pe�mittea use in the dis�i�, I� a't believe
this to be fact.ual due ta my extensive reak estate experience hat a nozmal
four plex should be occupied with no more than szxteen � duIts aad 01-a�'G
children. 'I'heir P�P�1 wzth thirteen. aduits, and Iet's sa � that those
thirteea adults are sinoIe paz�ts with the riational averag�; of 2.2 kicls,
tbis would bzing total oceupanCY to approximately ten pe�,ple per �m;t
More than two and haIf times the norm.
• The zesoltltion staies t8at tt�is wi21 not impede the normal �ad orc�.eriy
deve2opment and improvement of swrtouuding Px'��es- Y beIieUe that
an over concentration of tbis type of {aciIZiy �d over occi ip�� o � �
builc�iug would de�ter other deveiopezs or individvais from developing
surroundinb vacartt pazceis iuto uses ttzxt are compauble �z ith the
PeTmitted uses ofthe districk
Z hereby rec�vest of the baard of zoning aPl�s to ga#her tYes t zte artd
accurate faets so the praper and ethicaI deciszons can be made orz this request
for a special use pezm�t
--� ` .�, ���� �
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APPUCANT: Antioch Chrisiian Center
PURPOSE: Special Condition Use Permit for a transitional housing facifity for 13 aduit reside•
and minor children in their care.
740 payton Avenue
Approval with condition.
Approvai with condition.
CONDlTIONSOFTHISPERMIT: (nwintar-springof2002,the?IanningCommissionwiflreviewtheuseregardingary
impact related to parking demand, and based on that review may require off-street parking or limit the number of cars
associated with the use.
Gladys Morton, Commission Chairperson
I, the undersigned Secretary to the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission for City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do
hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the originai record in my office; and find the same to be a true
and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof, as based on minutes of the Saint Paul Planning Commission
meeting held on January 12, 2001, and on record in the Saint Paui Planning Office, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul,
This permit will expire one year from the date of approva{ if ifie use herein permitted is not estabiished.
The decision to grant this permit 6y the Pfanning Commission is an administrative action su6ject to appeai to the City Coun�
Anyone affected by this action may appeal this decision by filing the appropriate application and fee at the Zoning Office,
1400 City HaII Annex, 25 West Fourth Street. Any such appeal must be filed within 15 calendar days of the mailing date
noted below.
Violation of the conditions of this permit may resuit in its revocation.
�,r�_� �hnC'����
Carol A. Martineau
Secretary to the Saint Paui
Zoning Committee
Copies to: App{icant
File No.
Zoning Admi�[strator
License inspector
District Council
Antioch Christian Cenier
Wendy �ane
Christine Rozek
Mailed: 1/19/41
city of saint paul
planning commission resolution
file number
�� �.
WHEREAS, Antioch Christian Center, fi1e #00-15I-318 has applied for a Special Condition
Use Permit for the property at 740 Dayton, situated at the southwest corner of Dayton and
Grotto, to operate a transitional housing facility for 13 adult residents and minor chiidren in
their care; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Pianning Commission, on January 4, 2001, heid a
public hearing at which all persons present were given an opporiuniiy to be heard pursuant to
said application in accordance �vith the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paui
Legislative Code; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its
Zoning Comminee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the
following findings of fact:
1. The property is currently owned by Stephen and Rose Scalzo and used as a boarding home for
the mentally / physically cfiallenged. The applicant is plannin� on purchasin� the property in
March 2001. The applicant has a purchase a�reement with the current owner.
The transitiona] housin� facility will have 24-hour onsite staff. The fundinJ of the facility will
mostly come from rent paid by facility residents. There witl be a kitchen on site.
2. Section 60.433(2) permits transitional housing facilities serving seven (7) to sixteen (16) adu[t
facility residents and minor children in their care in the RT-2 zonin� district subject to the
1. It sha7! not be located in a nvo fan:ily or multifnmily cfivelling unless the facility
occupies ihe entire structure.
This condition is met. The proposed facility would occupy the entire multifamily
moved by Field
seconded by
iu favor Unanimous
Zoning File #00-151-318
Page TFVO of Resotution
2. A minim:em drsiance of one thoarsand three h:a:dred hvetrty (1, 320) radiad feet from �
other traruitiorJCrl hoirsirJg or sheltersfor battered persons, licensed h:eman service
comn:unity residetrtial facilities, license carreclional commt�nity residentia! faci[ities,
emergency housing, health departnrent-licensed commurtity residential facilities or
ovemight shelfers.
This condition is met. PED records of residentiai facitities with either licenses or some
prior zonin� approval indicate that there are no such facitities within 1320 feet of 740
Dayton Avenue. The c(osest facility is 565 Dayton, tivhich is 1880 feet atvay.
3. Of�e (1) off-street perrkitrg space for evejy rivo (2) facility reside�us.
This condition is not met. The building has no off-street parking spaces.
Staff recommends modification of the condition for the followin� reasons:
1. The exisfing buildin� has never had off-street parkin� and there is no alley access to
the buitdin�.
2. The property is located on a corner, and there is sufficient on-street parkin� in the
=1. It shall rtot be locaiect itr a plar:r�ing district in tivhich or:e (1) percent or n7ore of the
�oprrlation lii•es in Ircettsed human service community resic�erttial facilities, lrcensed
correctiojral conanzrrr7ity ��esidentia! facilities, health dzpm�mtefat-Zicetised conanurnit}•
resrdetatial facili(ies, en:ergertcy ho:rsir:gfaciliti�s, oLertzight slaelters, sheltersfor
battered petsons artd%r irattsitional kousingfacilities. �
This condition is met. �Vith the closing of Dayton House, a 26-bed facility previously
in the building, there are 139 beds in the Summit L3niversity (District S) communit}�.
That is Q.76% of the population —less than one percent. Adding the 13 beds proposed
for this facility «•ould result in there bein� 152 beds in the planning district — or 0_S3°ro.
�. Per for specic�l condition use appties oralJ� ns [ofag as ihe riumfier of fc�cility
residents is �rot increased anc� its purpose or location clo rzot change and other,
corzdr[ions of the permit rn•e raet.
Tne applicaat understands this condition.
3. Section 6�3Q0(d) of the zoning code requires that before the plannino commission may grant
app; o��a1 of a principzl use subject to special conditions, the commisr.on shall find that:
1. The exte�zt, lacatiojz atrd irrtensit}� of t1�e rrse zs•ill be irr szrbstantial compliairce tivith tlie
Sairrt Paul Comprehensrve Plan at:d arry npplicable subarea plrnts i��hich zcere
approced by lhe cit}� council.
This condition is met. The 5aint Paul Housing PI2n and the Saint Paut / Ramsey
Cour�ty Five-Year Housin� and Homeless Services Plan both call for the development
of 2�0 units of transitional housin� sening sinQle aduIts, families and youth.
? The use ivill provide adequate in arac� egress to mirzimize traffrc cotigestion iri the .
p+tblic streets.
Zoning File #00-ISI-3I8
Page Three of Resolution
This condition is met_ The proposed use is not expected to generate significant traffic.
There are no alleys or driveways that would affect traffic circulation in the area.
3. The use tvill rtot be detrimental lo the existirzg character of the devetopment in ihe
immediate rieighborhood or endanger fhe pz�blic health, safety and general welfare.
This condition is met. The use wili fit into an existing structure that has seeved as a
community residential facility for trvice as many residents for a number of years.
Residents will be serviced by supportive services through the Antioch Christian Center
located nearby. The intensity of the use (13 adult facility residents) tivili be similar to
that of a 4-plex that cvould be a permitted use in the district.
-f. The z+se tivill noi impede the normal and orderZy developnaent and inaprovement of the
st�rro:rr:ding pr•operty for uses permitted iri the district.
This condition is met. The area has a number of vacant parcels that would benefit
from this buildin� being fully occupied and mana�ed by a community-based
5. Tdre use shall, in all other respects, cor fornr to the applicable regidntions of the
C�fSlY1CI lil 1V�71C{1 (!' !S IOCQI2L�.
R'ith the exception of the off-street parl, requirement discussed above, the use
conforms to all applicable re�uiations.
4 Section 64.300(� ofthe zonin� code states, "The ptanning commission, after public hearin�,
may modify any or all special conditions, when strict apptication of such special conditions
would unreasonably limit or prevent othenvise ]awFul use of a piece of property or an existing
structure and tivould result in exceptional undue hardship to the owner of such property or
structure; provided, that such modification �vill noY impair the intent and purpose of such
special condition and is consistent with health, morals and general welfare of the community
and is consistent with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property."
The property never had on-site parking, and there is no atley. Constructing on-site parkin�
�vould be very costly due to the difference in grade, and the church has limited fundin�
resources. The property is located on a corner, and has ei�ht on-street parking spaces. There
are many vacant parcels and buildin�s in the area, and there is no plan to develop them in the
Nd��', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paui Ptanning Commission that the
application of Antioch Christian Center for a Special Condition Use Permit to allow a
transicional housin� facility servina thirteen (13) adult residents and minor children in their
care located at the south�vest corner of Dayton and GroTto (740 Dayton} as indicated in ihe
application is hereby approved with a modification of the parkin� requirement subject to the
condidan [hat in winter-sprina of 20U2, the Ylatuung Comniissivn �vili revie�� iliC us�
re�ardin� any impact related to parking demand, and based on Yhat revie�v may require off-
street parking or limit the number of cars associated �vith the use.
7A�N PAu� P�N;��s� C�oM�,��«� ����T�s ,���unaY ta,a�1-
�1pp�ous� F.��var�y g , 2.c�L
IIOTION: Conur:issioner Field nto�•ed rq�pro�•al of rootriixg kouse witk 2 gues[ roonrs, wit/iotrt
lot rtma n�odiftcntion, a�rd ivitle ndrlilioreal cnnditions. Motioa appraved ort a ureaniu:o�cr voice �
#00-151-253 Maria and Larry Ranta��a - Establishment of legal nonconforming use status for
1 home piano studio that provides group iessons for 3 to ? students at a iime. 1398 Grantham St.
(Donna Drummond, 266-6556)
Commissioner Fietd reported that no district comment was received. No one spoke in support, no
one spol:e in opposition. The hearing was ctosed and on a vote of 6-0, the Zoning Committee
recommends approval.
�10TION: Cotnst:issioner Field n:oved tl�e Zoning Co��unittee recot�rme�tdation to approve
estnblis/:raet:t of lee af nor:cot forrr:ir:g use stnuu. Tlre fnotion carried ou n tnranimous voice
#00-151-Z54 Joseoli Schum�chcr- Rezone from RT-I to OS-3 to ailow a purification center.
330 N. Prior A� (James Zdon, 266-6559)
Commissioner Field repoRed that tltie h4erriam Park Communit}• Couocil recommended appro��al
a itli the condition tliat a r�stricti�e co� etiant b� placed on tlie property limiting any future uses to
an OS- l classification. No one spoke in suppoR, no one spoke opposition. The public hearin�
was ctosed and on a� ote of 6-0 the Zonin, Committee recomntends approvaL �
DIOTI011: Contmissioirer Field nzoved tlre Zonir:a Cornn:ittee reconnuertclatior: to approre �
rezoniiig jrovr RZ-7 to OS-I 10 allnw a prrrifrcation center. Tlre inatior: carrie�l an a
trtrmzi��lorrs voice vote.
�00-151-530 Diatthe«� O'Hara - Rezonin� from B-2 to RT-I to allo�c conversion to a duplex.
225 Tv�. R'ilder St. (Donna Drummond, 266-65�6)
Commissioner Fie{d reported the Merriant Park Community� Council supports the rezoning. No
one spoke in support, no one spoke in opposition. The pubiic hearine �cas closed and on a vote of
6-0 the Zonin2 Committee recommends appro� ai. �
P�IOTION: ContFnissiot:er Field tteoverl the Zotritsg Cosn»:ittee recorrt»:erzdntiot: to approve
rezonirag fro»z B-2 ro RT-1 to a11ow cot:versiort to n tlarple�. The n:otior: carried on a
cu�rtrtimo�er voice rote.
� r00-151-315 Antioch Christian Center - Special Condition �1se Permit for a transitionai
' I�ousin� facilit}• for 13 adult residents and minor ch3{dren in their care. 740 Dayton Avenue.
(l'ana Zhan�, 266-66�4)
Commissioner Field repoRed no district comment rzceired. One person spoke in support, no one
spoke in opposition. The pu6lic hearin, ��•as ctosed and on a vote of 6-0 the Zonine Committee
recommends appro�•al witfi condition. � �
31 - r
MOTIOjI: Co�:tmissiotrer Field n:oredYlae Zottiitg Corr:iuiitee recov�rne�:dation to approve with
• condiriota.
Commissioner Kramer stated there were parking issaes with this case. He stated that use of tha
house would chan�e from 26 handicapped residenu �vith no cliildren, �vl�ere the masimum
number of residents in the buildi�g was fixed at 26. Commissioner Kramer's concern is that noGv
with 13 adutt residents and minor dtildren in their care, there �vou(d be no upper limit on tlte
number of children in the bui(dina. S[iould there be a directive from the Commission to ask LIEP
fo establish the number of peopie that would be ailowed?
Commissioner Faricy stated she had the same concerns.
Commissioner Field stated that they are u�aiving the parking requirements because most of the
residents will be using public transpoRation and the site is on a corner with plenty of on-street
parking, so the si� spaces on site may not be necessary. They added a condition for Plannin�
Commission revie�e of parkino need in one year. There is iand adjacent to [he bailding whidi
they wotdd like to use for a play area, but if �ve need the parkina space they are going to have to
provide it and that nia}' be ��fiere they �cil( have to provide it.
Commissioner Field also stated that there »�ere four bathrooms, and ���ith li adults and their
children, he ���otild like to hear from LIEP as to ho« man} people can occupy tliis bui(din�.
Commissioner Atton also questioned Iro}�� man} people can occupy the buildin�. He stated that
the Commission sliould deFer to L1EP.
� Mr. Allan Torstenson stated that there is a Certificate of Occupancy requirement here. There are
hvo clear options and both are fi»e. One �coi4d be for the Commission to direct or as[: LIEP in
issuing ihe CeRificate of Occupancy (icense set a masimum. The other ��ouid be to send it back
to committee so �ve sec some information from LIEP and set an upper timit in our permit. It can
be done either �cay.
Commissioner Gordon stated that it �vas his anderstandin� that LiEP «rould revie�v Yhe facility
and make a determination as to the ma�imum number. That is ivhy he �cas comfortable not
fuRher addressin� that issue at the Zonin� Cotnmittee. Coiumissioner Gordon su��ested that�the
Cotnmission should �'ote on tfie resolution as it has been presented.
Commissioner Field stated that based on tlie understandine that based on the number of
restraoms and ihe size of Uie buildiii�, LIEP has criteria that they wi11 objectively will apply to
this building for the Certificate of Occupanc�, he �` ill support the motion at this time.
T/ze rnnlion is carried o�t a trnm2imm�s voice rote.
Commissioner Field announced the agenda for tiie Zonins Comntittez meetin� on January 18,
Z001, at 3:30 p.m.
� 12
Recorded and prepared by
Mary Braton, Planning Commission Secretary
Planning and Economic Development Department,
City of Saint Pau!
Respectfuity submitted,
Larry S d rholm
Plannin dministrator
Approved 0� —� q � � �
:�t�� .�rantferEt�i C�6�-.D�S �'!'IO�2Toec
Seefeta�}=of the Planning Commission
G ffr-?i 1Z
piinutes I-12-0I 14 . �
Thursday, January 4, 2000 - 3:30 p.m.
City Counci( Chambers, 3` Floor
City Hatl and Gourt House
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
Faricy, Field, Gordon, Kramer, Mardell and Morton
Engh and Gervais
Peter Warner
Carol Martineau, Allan Torstenson, and Yang Zhang of PED
The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field.
a � •y��o
Antioch Christian Center - 00-151-37 8- Special Condition Use Permit for a transitional housing
facility for 13 adult residents and minor cfiildren in tfieir care. 740 Dayton Avenue.
Yang Zhang showed slides and presented the staff report. Ms. Zhang stated a letter was received
by District 8 stating they support the Special Condition Use Permit. 7he Zoning Staff recommends
approval of the permit with a modification fo the parking requirement.
At the questior+ of Commissioner Field, Ms. Zhang explained that the only availahle history dates
back to 1946 for a rooming house in a C residentiai district which is RT- 2 or RM-1.
Mr. Torstenson further explained thai in 1946 the Zoning Code did not require a Speciai Condition
Use Permit.
At the question of Commissioner Morton, Ms. Zhang stated there would be six to seven parking
spaces needed for this facility. There are currently eight on-street parking spaces availabie. Also,
the building has no alley and never had parking in the past.
Pastor Debra Messenger, the applicant, appeared and stated there is a need to establish
transitional housing because of a housing shortage. She also explained that most people in
transitionai housing do not have transportation and the bus line that is tocated one block away
makes fransportation convenient for the occupants.
At the question of Gommissioner Faricy, Pastor Messenger stated the occupants, consisting of
families, usually stay for a period of 18 months to two years and approximately haif wouid own cars.
At the question of Commissioner Kramer, Pastor Messenger expiained there would be 13 rooms
at their disposa! for families with two to three children.
Ms. Sheliy Brown, 670 Van Buren Avenue, explained that transitio�a! housing people do not have
veh+cies of their own so being on the bus line wil! be convenient for the residents. She also stated
she supports the transitional housing because of the housing shortage and if wouid be an
advantage to the community.
At the question of Commissioner Faricy, Ms. Brown stated it would be a hardship to create parking
in the side yard but would cansider it in the future if the need arises.
No one spoke in oppositian.
Zoning Committee Minutes
January 4, 2001
File #: 00-15-318
Page 2
The public hearing was ciosed.
Commissioner Kramer asked whether handicapped parking is required in the zoning code, and
staff responded that if off-street parking requirement is waived, the handicapped parking
requirement wouid be waived as well. Commissioner Gordon added that handicapped parking can
probably be accommodated by putting a handicapped parking sign on street.
Commission Faricy expressed further concerns with the lack of off-street parking. Commissioner
Field suggested that the Pianning Commission approve the speciai conditional use permitwith the
condition that the Planning Commission will review the case in a year with regards to the parking
dsmand, and reserves the right to enforce off-street parking. Gommissioner Kramer suggested
restricting the number of cars associated with the use to 10. Commissioner Field questioned the
abifity of the city to enforce that restriction.
Cammissioner Faricy made a motion to approve the transitional housing faci(ity with a modification
of the parking requirement subject to the condition that in winter-spring of 2002, the Pianning
Commission wiif review the use regarding any impact related to parking demand, and based on that
review may require off-street parking or Ilmit the number of cass associated with fhe use.
The motion passed with a vote of 6-0.
Adopted Yeas - 6 Nays - 0
Qrafted by:
Submitted by:
�Q.L���LGC�G7L (>
Carol Martineau
Recording Secretary
Yang Zhang
Zoning Section
o � -�.�o
FTLE # 00-li 1-318
1. APPLICANT: Antioch Christian Centez DATE OE HF,ARIl�IG: 1/4/Ol
2. CLASSIFICATTON; Special Coudition Use Permit
3. LOCATION: 740 Day[on Avenue (S�V comer of Grotto and Dayton)
5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lou I and 2, BIock 6, Nininger & DonneIly's Addition to Holcombe's
8. DATE ItECEIVED:12-5-00
A. PURPOSE: Special condidon use permit for trmsidonal housing for 13 adult facilin residenu.
C. EXISTING LAND USE: Boardin; house for 26 mentally / phr•sicaity chalienged residents.
B. PARCEL SIZE; 9,066 square feet; 73 feet on Dayton by 119 feet on Grotto
North: Aparunent building across Dayton Avenne (RT-2j
East: Vacant pazceI across Grotto (RT-2)
South; 4-caz garage and a boazded up commercial building (B-3)
�Vest: Vacant pazcel zoned RT-2.
E. ZONTNG CODE CITATIOAI: Sections 60.433(2) and 64300(dj of the zonuig coQe pertnit transitional
housing facilities secving seven (7) to si�cteen (I6) adult faciliry residents and minor children in their care
subject to conditions detailed in findin,s �2 and �3 of this report.
G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOhIiVIENDATTON: No recommendation had been received at the time this staff
report w�as prepazed.
1. The propem� is currentlg onned by Stephen and Rose ScaIzo and used as a boazding home for the
mentally ! physically challen�ed. The applicant is planning on purchasing the propem� in March 2001
and using it as a 13-adult transitional housing faciliry. The applicant has a purchase a�ee`ment nith the
current ocvner.
The transitional housing faciliry will have 24-hour onsite staff. The funding of the faciiitc will mostiy
Zoning Pi1e nOQ-151-318
Staff report
Page two
come from rent paid by facilit}• residents. There will be a kitchen on site.
2. Section 60.433(2) permits [ransitional housing facilities serving seven {7) to sixieen (16) adult facility
residents and minor children in their caze in the RT-2 zoning dis[rict subject to ihe Followina:
a. It shall not be located in a Zwo-family or mulhfamily dwelling unless the faci(ity occupies the
eatire structure.
Tlus condilion is met The proposed faciliry would occupy the emire multifamily structure.
b. A minimum disYance of one thousand three hundred iwenty (1,320) radial feet from other
transitional housing or shelters for battered persons, licensed human servic¢ cnmmunity
residertfial faciLilies, [icense rorrecrional commuri.y residentia[facilitie.s, emergency housing,
health deparhnent-licensed community residentiaf facililies or overrtight skel2ers.
This condition is met. The closes[ other faciiity> is located at Sb5 Dayton Avenue —1,880 feet away.
c. One (I) off-stred parking space for every Lwo (2f faci[ity teszdents.
This condition is not met. The building f�as no off-s7eet pazking spaces. A modification of this
reqcrirement is reques[ed.
Staff recommends modification of the rnndidon for the following reasons:
1. The e.Yis6ng building has never ttad off-stree[ pazldng and there is no alley access to the building. �
2. The property u locazed on a comer, and there is sufficient an-street parking in the area.
d It shall not 6e located in a planning disirrct in which one (I) percent or more ojthe population
lives in ticensed human service community residential facilities, licensed corredional rnmmunity
residential facilities, heatlh department-licensed community residential jacilities, emergenty
houszng faciliiies, overnight shelters, shekers for batt¢red persoru and/or irattsitinaal kousing
This condition is met. With the closing of Dayton House, a 26-bed facilitc previously in the building,
there are 239 beds in the Sumnut Unive�i±y m3�.;.�; 8j ��„tnnnity i nat is 0:76% of the population
-iess flian one percent Adding ffie I3 beds proposed for this faciliry would result in there being 152
6eds in the planning dis�icc — or 0.83%.
e Permisszon for speciat condition use applies anly as long as the number offacility re.sidents is not
increared and its purpose ar locafion do not change and other carzdi[ions ojthe permit are meG
The applicani understands this condifion.
3. Section 64.3D0(d) of tbe zoning code requi:es that before the planning commission may gcant approvai of
a principal use subject to special conditions, the com shall find tbat:
a. Tke ezten� tocation and intensity of the use ivitl be in subsraxiial complianre with the Sainf Paul
Comprehensive Plan and any applicabte subarea plans which were approved by the city councrt
This rnndiaon is met The Saint Paul Housing PIan and the Saint Paul / Ramsey Counry Five-Year �
Housing and Homeless Services Plan botfi call for the devefopment of 250 uniu of transizionai
. housing serving sinale adults, families and youth.
• ZoningFiler00-1�I-318
Staff report
Pagz three
b. The use x711 provide adequate ingress and egress ta minimite traff:c congestion in the pu6lic
This condition is met. The proposed use is not expected to generate sigtrif'icant �c. There aze no
alleys or drive�tays that �vould affect traffic circulation in the azea.
c. The use tivill not be detrimental to the �isting character of the development in the immediate
neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and general x•e[fare.
This condiuon is met. The use �cill fit into an e�cisting structure that has sen�ed as a comm¢niry
residential facility for nVice as many residents for a number of years. Residents �vill be seniced by
supportive senzces through the Antioch Christian Center located nearby. The intensity of the vse (13
aduli facility residenu) �rill be similaz to that of a 4-ple� that would be a permitted use in the district.
d, The use will not impede the normal and order[y devetopment and improvement of the surrounding
property for uses permitted in the disYrici.
This condition is met. The azea has a number of vacant pazcels that would benefit from this building
being fuliy occupied and managed by a communiry-based organization.
e. The use shall, in all other respects, cnnform to the applicable regulatioxs of tke district in which it
is [ocated.
� With [he exception of the off-street parking rzquirement discussed above, the use confoims to all
applicable regulations.
4. Section 64300(� of the zoning code states, `The pianning commission, after public hearing, ma}• modify
any or all special conditiou, when strict application of such special condiuons �couId unreasonabIy Iimit
or precent othenvise lac�ful use of a piece of property or an e.�isflng structure and zcould result in
exceptional undue hazdsirip to the owner of such property or stnicture; provided, that such modifrcation
aill noi impair the inzent and pur�wse of such special condition and is consistent �rith health, morals and
general �r�elfare of the community and is consistent ccith reasonable enjo�meni of adjacent propem:"
The property never had on-site paddn;, and there is no alley. Constructina on-aite pazkinb would be cery
costly due to the difference in grade, and the church has Iimited funding resources. The propem• is
located on a comer, and has eighi on-street parkin, spaces. Thexe are many vacan[ pazcels and buildings
in the area, and there is no pIan to develop them in the neaz future. Therefore, staff recommends a
cnodification to the pazking requirement to allotic the special conditional use permit.
I. STAFF RECOYIIIENAATION: Based on findings 2 thzough 4, staff recommends approval of the special
condition use permit r�izth modification of the condiuon retated to pazking to allow the transitional hovsin�
facilin for 13 adult facility residents.
$rran Sn�eemey, Director
Nonn Caleraan, Mayor
2544'es�ForvthStreet 7efephae�e:651-266-6655 •
Sa�rstPaid,A1N55102 Facsimde:651-?28-3313
DATE: January 4, 2001
TO: Litton Field, Chair, and members of the Zoning Committee
FROM: Yang Zhang
RE: Zoning File # 00-151-318
Antioch Christian Center Special Condition Use Permit
740 Dayton Avenue
After the staff report on ttus application evas released staff received a phone cali from a neighborhood
resident identif}�ng 138 and 142 N. Grotto as transitional housing facilities located about 440 feet a�vay
from 740 Da��ton, less than the 1320 foot separation requirement for transitional housing facilities scrving
7 to 16 adidt residents under �60.433(2)(b) of the Zoning Code. A LIEP inspector verified that these t�co
properties are operatin� as transitional housin� facilities, but that they serve four or fe�cer adult residents
plus minor children in their care and therefore are peanitted uses in atl residential districts �cithout any�
separation requirement under §60.412(12) of the Zoning Code.
Because transitional housin� facilities serving four or fe�cer adult residents are permitted uses �sith no
separation requirement from larger transitional housing facilities, it follo�cs that transirional housing
facilities serving 7 to 16 adult residents can be established �crith no separation requirement from facilities
servin� four or fe�ver adult residents. Nancy Homans, author of Zoning Code language for transitional
housing facilities, assures me that this �cas the clear intent �c•hen the language �cas adopted_
If the esistin� language is unclear, a text amendment to clarif}� that the distaaca * yuir�;r�zrt onir app'ties to
facitities serving morP tha.n f;;,;: auuit residents could be included in the nest Zonin� Code minor text
amendment package.
I:: Cazes 2001 A01513186memo.npd !
�-05.-00 12��8 PM AHTIOCH CHRZSTIAN CENTE� 651 224 $�47 P.02
L' 13:'t4 �T F�l F• FNNIrIG 8 ECO�v 651e2°.a3t� P.Q1��4
� sat,tt PauCZvntrig af�'ice
1� City 3fa.tC�lnnwY
�3 �YlSt�eurfF_ Streat
Sai}ct ?avj �1fN5,�1 oz
z66 b584
Cit�'�,'-��_,__,St,,, �;S/d Daytltne
n ,
PROPEcR7Y Address/Lace:fon
lOCA'f10N - �egnl descr;p;ion:
� J
TYPE �F pERt1SiT: Appi�cation Is he�eby Pnada under the provisians of �haptar
Section��, Paragr�ph Z- ot the 2or�ing Cade for e:
� Specia' Conditipn Use Permit L7 Modifketlon at River Corr�cor Sxandrrds
❑ Fl�ar Cortidor Cor.ditional Uas Fermit •
EUPPORTING ffIF6RMAT10N. c�ypty the intormatlon thet la 6Dp���Abia to your typa ci permit {attech
aF.O�cional shaete 1! nitocser�l ., .
• 9PEC1Al C��NDITION USE: Expletn how the use wili moit oeeh of the apocid eondit�one,
� RIYER CORRIdOR CUNDiTlOtiAL USE: DencriCa how the use wlll maet t�e eppi�:shfe cenCftions.
• M001FICA1'IGN OF IVER CORRIDOR BTAUDAR05: Explein w5y mvd�fice7ions arn needed.
C� at'tan c�o��
Qwrl�as e.
\ J
�'�w�-�v.� :
C?ate�� tlty 8gent��
b ` ��,�t'
12 �� �
D FC-05-00 12=57 PM RNTIOCM CHRISTIPN CENTER 651 224 8a47 P.01
83� laurd Avewe St. Pflul. MN 5510q
Phane:851-222�4410 fex: 851-?28.83q)
O Urg�nt x Por R�vt.w ❑ Pis�sa Comm�nt ❑ Pfsas� R�piy O Pb�sa R+cyals
��n• nanE� �
Wt ��
DF,G-05-00 12:58 PM RNTZOCH CHRISTIPN CENTER 651 224 8547
� t� C����%�t (�el��
°Builr�ing On A Fo�nda�ian Of Love"
630 LaLr¢1 �19Bnva Sf, Pau( Mf7 6dI0f
Phartc 661-s� Far Bst-�°£f-8s6
P� r p a 5�-- S�.%t�c-u^� =
Conditions for s Special Condirion Use Pcrmit for Transiflonel Housirtg foz 13 adult facility res3denu:
a. It shall n�x be located in a:wo family or multlfamily dwelling unless the facility oaupies thc cnGre
The Propased faciliry would occupy the entire multifamlly strucnue.
b. A minimam distance of 1320 radial Ceet from otlur twncitionaI housing or st�elter for batteced persons,
licensed hwnan serv3ce community msidential facilities, licensed cocrectional eommuniry residentiat
facilicics, emergency housing, health departmentdieensed communiry trsidentia] facilities or rnemip�t
The dose:st other facility is located at 565 Da}^zon Avenuc —1,880 fcet away.
One off-::ueet parking space for every two facility residents.
� The building tias no off-stieet parking spaces. A moditication of the reqaircmaei is requested. The
existing lnuldiqg has nevec had off street parking and ihere is no alley access to the building. Tnere is
sufFicien: on-stzeet parkir�; in the arra
d. it stiatl not be located in a pianning district in which one (1) percent or more of the population lives i�
Licensed human scrvice cammunity iesida�tial faciliiies licensed eoneeeional eommun[ry residential
faciiities. health depanment•licensed community residendal facilities, emcrgency housing faalides,
ovemight shcltcrs, sheltus for bancred Dcrsons andlor tiansitional housing faciiities.
With the closing of Dayton House, a 26-bcd facitity previousty in this bailding, there are 139 beds in
the Summit Universiry (D'utrict 8) communiry. 'tl�ai is .76% of the populafion-2ess cLan onc percent.
Adding 23 beds proposed for this facility would result in iliae bcing 152 beds in the planning district —
or .83%.
e. Pcnnission for special condirion nse appl3es only as long as the number of facility resid:nts is not
increaseci and its putpose or tocation do nof change and other conCicions af the pecmit aze met.
We undcntand this mnditioa
Genesal Conditions
(1? �e exient, locztion and intensity of !he use wili be in substan5sl eompliance with C1e Saint Pau?
Campmlunsive PIan and any applicable subarea plans which were approved by the city eouncil.
Ttce 5air.t Paul Housiag P1an and the Saini PavURamsey County Five-Year Housing and Aomeless
Services Plan both rall for the Qevetopmcnt of 250 uniu of r.ransitional housing sening s3ngle afiilts,
familles and youth
(2} 'Ihe use wilt provide adequate ingress and egzess to minimize �c eongestion in the pub2ic strects.
The proFased ttsc is noi e�pccted to genaate significant traPtit. There src no ffileys or drivcKays tbat
woutd afFect traflic eirculatton in area.
ULL ��S�dd S2:S9 PM RNTIOCM CHRISTIRN CENTER 651 224 so47 Y.e4
(3) 3he use wili not be detiimental to tiu ezisting ct�'aciet of devnlopment in the immediate ,
ncighborhood or endanget the public health, safety and general welfare.
Ihe use will fit into an e;�sHag strucnue that has seNed as a community res�dential facility for twia
as many residents for a number of years. Rcaidrnu wi11 be served by supportive services tt�raugh the
Antioch ChriAian Ccntet neazby. The intensiry of the use (13 facility tesidenis) wilt bc similaz to tYat
of a 4 pL•L�c ttiat would be pernutted use in the distric�
(4) Tlu use •�vili not impede the normal sad orderly development and impzovcment oP the surrounding
psopecry for uscs perm[tted in U+e distric�
1he azea tia5 e number af vacant pa�els tl�a[ would benefit from this building being fully occupSed end
managet. by a armmuniry-based organi�ation.
(S) The use shall, in all oUur respects, contonn �o the applicable regulation of the district in wluch it is
With the exception of the off-street pazking requirement discussed above, the uu canfw�ms to all
agplicabic regulations.
04:49p 627 Selby Rve Office (6511 225-1108
o � -a-x
627 Sdby
Telephone 651-228_I855 • FAX 652-225-2108
January 3, 200 ]
Lifton Field, 7r., Chair
2aning Commiree
1400 City Hall Annex
St. Pau(, Minnesota 55102
RE: Antioch Ctiristian Cenfer File #F 00-] 51-318
The Summit University planning Counci)'s I3e:ghborhooQ Development Committee�lield a Community Issues meetittg on
December 2$, 2000 regarding the Special Condition Use Permit for [ransitionaf housing for I3 adult facility residents
requested by [he Antioch Christian Center. 1�'e distributed flyers within two and one-half blocks in each direction from
740 bayton Avettue im�iting residents to 8�e meeting to discuss ttte permrt appiication and [o voice their concerns. IR spite
of [he big snotiv-stornt, ten people attended thz mezfing. Six of the ten were residents and the remaining four were
members of the chureh there in support of thz Antioch Christian Center. Only the residents were allo�ved to vote on this
�tors Charles and Debra Messenger explained the transitional housing program to the atfendees and ans�vered questior.s
from thc residents, Summit University Planning Counci! staffand the tu�o board members who hosted the meeting.
Residents that live at 667 Iglehart and 740 Marshall spoke in favor of the program and the nzed far hansitional housittg to
help homeless women and their children through a crisis. Resident BiHy Smith made a motion to approve the special
condition use permit for transitional housing, Pasror Debra Messenger 2"� ehe motion and it passed witn no objections from
an}�one in attendance.
Two members of the Exzcutive Committee of tt:e SUPC Board of Directors (David Singteton, President, and Matt Mejia,
Neighboriiood De��elopment Committee Chzi:) agreed that in vieu� of the above events, che Summit University Planning
Council finds no reason to deny the Specia! Cer.dition Use Permit to the Antioch Christian Center. Thts deci,iun w�U bc
presented to the full boazd at its regulaz meeting on January 23, 2001.
Si cerely,
r V
David Sinele;on
d President
DISTRICT 8� x° M°° z"4_- __"� ,� �
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'U�POSE �C-�� �-�� zoning districi Gou�dary
:t��C�C� ( S E'3 � d DATE � subj'-d prop�rY
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Presented B�
Referred To
_ M.r�a,. �, a�o�
Council FIle # Q �� 0�.�0
Green Sheet # t� n 3 0 3
2 WHEREAS, Antioch Christian Center, in zoning file no. O1-123-422, made application
3 to the Saint Paul Planning Commission (hereinafter, the "Commission") for a special condition
4 use permit to operate a transitional housing facility for 13 adult residents and minor children in
5 their care, for properry commonly known as 740 Dayton Avenue and legally described as Lots 1
6 and 2, Block 6, Nininger & Donnelly's Addition to Holcombe's Addition; and
WHEREAS, on January 4, 2001, the Commission's zoning committee conducted a
public hearing after having provided notice to affected properry owners. The Commission, based
upon the following findings and conclusions, as set forth in its Resolution no. 00-06, adopted
February 9, 2001, granted the application subject to the condition that the use is reviewed during
the winter or spring of 2002 for the purposes of determining what impact the use has had on
pazking and to further determine if additional conditions aze necessary to regulate off-street
pazking or otherwise limit the number of cars associated with the use:
A. Section 60.433(2) permits transitional housing facilities serving seven (7) to sixteen (16)
adult facility residents and minor children in their care in the RT-2 zoning district subject
to the following:
1. It shall not be located in a two family or multifamily dwelling unless the facility
occupies the entire structure.
This condition is met. The proposed facility would occupy the entire multifamily
2. A minimum distance of one thousand three hundred twenty (1, 320) radial feet from
other transitional housing or shelters for battered persons, licensed human service
community residential facilities, license correctional community residential facflities,
emergency housing, health department-Zicensed community residential facilities or
overnight shelters.
This condition is met. PED records of residential facilities with either licenses or
some prior zoning approval indicate that there are no such facilities within 1320 feet
of 740 Dayton Avenue. The closest faciliry is 565 Dayton, which is 1880 feet away.
2 3. One (I) off-street parking space for every two (2) facility residents.
4 This condition is not met. The building has no off=street pazking spaces.
5 StafFrecommends modificarion of the condirion for the following reasons:
7 l. The e�sting building has never had off-street pazking and there is no alley
8 access to the building.
10 2. The property is located on a corner, and theze is sufficient on-street pazking in
11 the area.
4. It shall not be located in a planning district in which one (1) percent or more of the
population Zives in licensed human service community residential facilities, Zicensed
correctioreal community residential facilities, health department-licensed community
residential facilities, emergency housing facilities, overnight shelters, shelters for
battered persons and/or transitional housing facilities.
This condition is met. With the closing of Dayton House, a 26-bed facility previously
in the building, there aze 139 beds in the Summit Universiry (District 8) community.
That is 0.76% of the population —less than one percent. Adding the 13 beds proposed
for this facility would result in there being 152 beds in the planning district — or
5. Permfssion for special condition use applies only as long as the number offacility
residents is not increased and its purpose or location do not change and other
conditions of the permit are met.
The applicant understands this condition.
B. Section 64300(d) of the zoning code requires that before the planning commission may grant
approval of a principal use subject to special conditions, the commission shall find that:
The extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial compliance with the
Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any applicable subarea plans which were
approved by the city council.
This condition is met. The Saint Paul Housing Plan and the Saint Paul / Ramsey
County Five-Year Housing and Homeless Services Plan both call for the development
of 250 units of transitional housing serving single adults, families and youth.
2. The use will provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize traff c congestion in the
public streets.
This condition is met. The proposed use is not expected to generate significant traffic.
There are no alleys or driveways that would affect tr�c circulation in the area.
3. The use will not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the
immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and general welfare.
This condition is met. The use will fit into an existing structure that has served as a
community residential facility for twice as many residents for a number of years.
ai- 33a
2 Residents will be serviced by supportive services through the Antioch Christian
3 Center located neazby. The intensity ofthe use (13 adult facility residents) will be
4 similar to that of a 4-plex that would be a permitted use in the district.
4. The use wi11 not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the
surrounding property for uses permitted in the district.
This condition is met. The azea has a number of vacant pazcels that would benefit
from this building being fully occupied and managed by a community-based
5. The use shaZ1, in a11 other respects, conform to the applicable regulations ofthe
district in which it is Zocated.
With the exception of the off=street pazking requirement discussed above, the use
conforms to all applicable regulations.
C. Section 64300(fl of the zoning code states, "The planning commission, after public hearing,
may modify any or a11 special conditions, when strict application of such special conditions
would unreasonably limit or prevent otherwise lawful use of a piece of properry or an
existing shucture and would result in exceptional undue hazdship to the owner of such
properiy or structure; provided, that such modification will not impair the intent and purpose
of such special condition and is consistent with health, morals and general welfaze of the
community and is consistent with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent properiy."
The property never had on-site parking, and there is no alley. Conshucting on-site pazking
would be very costly due to the difference in grade, and the church has limited funding
resources. The property is located on a corner, and has eight on-street parking spaces. There
are many vacant parceis and buildings in the area, and there is no plan to develop them in the
near future.
WFIEREAS, Pursuant to the provisions of Leg. Code § 64.206, Rick Igo, duly filed with the
City Clerk an appeal from the determination made by the Planning Commission, requesting that a
hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the
said Commission; and
WHEREAS, Acting pursuant to Leg. Code §§ 64.206 - 64.208, and upon notice to affected
parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by the Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday,
Febniaxy 28, 2001, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and
WHEREAS, The City Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the
application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the zoning committee and of
the Commission and acting pursuant to Leg. Code § 64.207, does hereby
RESOLVE, to affirm in all things the Commission's decision made in this matter and to
adopt as its own the facts and findings of the Commission as set foth in its February 9, 2001
resolution with the following modification:
In keeping the intensity of use similaz to that of the previous use, the masunuxn number
of persons who may reside, occupy or otherwise utilize this transition facility at any time
is limited to twenty-six (26) persons.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the appeal of Rick Igo be and is hereby if
appeal grm�led�erdenied; and, be it
FINALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Antioch
Christian Center, Rick Igo, the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission.
Adopted by Council: Date ryq�_�O1
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
BY: � � � '�n r � _
Approved by Mayor: Date _��f',t'�J /
r�- 1
BY� r�______i��
Requested by Department of:
Fosm Approved by City Attorney
BY: �.,,� l✓G�� 3-b- o /
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
� 1-a 30
v�n�.i renamamvnc p L
v s4
March 7, 2001
ovummrt ew�era�
No 110303
❑ cn�neurr ❑ anaau�
Memorializing City COuncil action taken February 28, 2001, denying the appeal of Rick Igo
to a decision of the Planning Commission approving a Special Condition Use Permit for a
transitional housing facility at 740 Dayton Avenue.
Hu thb p�noNArm �wr xrorlud unGr � oontnot for thb d�rtm�M7
w.. fh�. w�onmrm.wr bwn e onr.mpwy.n
YE8 " NO
Don fhb GnoNAim poxw s Ndll not norm�IlYP� bY ��Y aumM oHy �mplcyM
I� ihN pmoNfirm � S�rpNW wndoR
Interdepartmental Memorandum
DATE: Mazch 7, 2001
TO: Councilmember Jerry Blakey
FROM: Peter W. Warner,
Assistant City Attorney
RE: Antioch Christian Center
City Council Appeal
Public Hearing: February 28, 2001
Councilmember Blakey:
Attached please find the Resolution memorializing the decision of the City Council in the above-
referenced matter to deny the appeal of the decision of the Planning Commission to give the
Antioch Christian Center a special condition use permit for a transitional housing facility at 740
Dayton Avenue. The Resolution reflects that the Council moved to amend the special condition
use permit granted by the Commission to limit the occupancy of the structure at 740 Dayton
Avenue to 26 persons at any given time.
I would ask that you introduce this Resolution under suspension for approval for the purposes of
complying with the requirements of Minnesota Statute § 15.99.
;,,� _.;� :,.
March 7, 2001
To: Council President Bostrom
Councilmember Jay Benanav
Counciimember Chris Coleman
Councilmember Patrick Harris
Councilmember Lantzry
Councilmember Jim Reiter
Subj ect:
Councilmember Jerry
Suspension Item for March 7� 2001 �ty�ouncil Agenda
Please review the attached resolution memorializing the decision of the City Council regazding
the Antioch Christian Center.
Thank you.
Gerry Strathman
Nancy Anderson
THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102-1615 651/266-8610
s �ae
Pnnred on Recycled Paper
Baan Sweeney, Dlrector
Norm Coteman, Mayor
February 12, 2001
Ms. Nancy Anderson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Deaz Ms. Anderson:
T would like to confirm that a public hearing befi
28, 2001 for the following appeal of a Planniiig �
2� WestFwnzh Sbeet
SaintPaul, MN 55102
� �
Pernnt cvith conditions:
Appellant: Rick Igo
File Nwnber: #01-123-422
Purpose: Appeal of a plaiuiing co�
Permit for a transitional hc
Address: 740 Dayton; SW corner of
Legal Description: Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, P
Previous Action:
Plam�ing Commission Recommendation: Ap,
a lac���
___...�.�„s; vote: unanimous, January 12,
Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval with conditions; vote: 6-0, January 4, 2001.
My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the February 28, 2001
City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. I have
confirmed with Councilmember Blakey's office that he will be at the Council meeting on February 28,
2001. Please call me at 266-6659 if you have any questions.
�� �
Yang Zhang
CiTy Planner
cc: File # O1-123-422,
Paul Dubruiel,
Cazol Martineau
_ .��.
"17�e Saint Paui City Couvcil will can-
duet a pnbHc hearing on Wednesday,
February 28, 2001, at 5:30 p.m. id fhe Ctty
Countil ChamUers, "R�Ird- Floor Clty Hall-
Cowtliouse, 15 West %ellogg Bonlevard.
Saint Paiil. MN, to conslder the appeat of
Ihck Igo to a decision of fhe Plani�ing
Commisston approvIng a Special Cond[tion
Use Pennit for a transitional housingYacil-
ity at 740 Daytnn Avenue (south�dest cor-
ner of Dayton and Gmtto).
Dated: Februaiy 13, 2001 _
Assislaat City Council Setretary . .
' (Febn�azy 151 �
02018621 - . -.
Telephone: 6� I-26G6655
Facsimele: 6� I -228-3314
, •a �
t+�L`7�d;� ��ov�:';.. .,..`'i:.'
� � � ± � EE;��
& 6C0\O\tIC 1)itVELOPUG\T
Br1an Sweeney. D�rector
Norm Coleman, Mayor
February 14, 2001
Ms. Nancy Anderson
Sccretart� to the City Council
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
C �
Rc: Zoning File #01-123-422:
City Council Hearing:
25 Wes1 Fourth Street
Salnt Po�d, MN 55102
February 28, 2001
Telephone, 651-166GG55
Facsmttfe: G51-??8-3314
PURPOSE: Appeal a Planning Commission decision approving a special conditional usc permit to
altou� a transitional housing facility with 13 adults and minor children in thcir care on
propert}� located at the south�eest corner of Da}�ton Avenue and Grotto Street.
SUPPORT: one person spoke. Tt�e Summit-University Community Council voted to support the special
conditional use permit.
OPPOSITION: no persons spoke.
Dear Ms. Anderson:
RICK IGO has appealed the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission to appro��e a special
conditional use permit to allo�v a transitional housing facilit} �cith thirteen (13) adult rzsid'ents and minor
children in their care located at the southwest comer of Da�ton Avenue and Grotto Strzet. The Zoning
Committee of the Saint Paul Planning Commission held a public hearing on the request on January 4, 2001.
The applicant addressed the committze. At the close of the public hearine the committee voted 6-0 to
rewmmend approval of the perznit ��ith the condition that the use be revie�ced in ��intzr-spring of 2002 to
determine if there has been an}� impact related to parking demand. and based on that rz� iew, the}� ma}•
require off-street parking or limit thz number of cars associated ��ith the use. The Planning Commission
upheld the Zoning Committee�s recommendation for approcal on a unanunous cote on Januan 12. 2001.
This appeal is scheduled to be heard by the CiTc Council on February 28, 2001. Pleasz notifc me (266-
66�9) if any member of the Cih Council ��ishes to have slides of the site presented at rhe public hearing.
� � .
Yang Zhang
City Planner
Cc: Ciry Council members
Brirsn Sweeney, Di+'etmr'
Norm Co(enmq Mn}'ar
DATE: February 20, 2001
2i {G"ut Fo�vth Street
Snin[ Pnuf, hLV 5�l0?
Dan Bostrom, President, and members of the Saint Paul City Council
Yang Zhang, City Planner, 266-6659 � j�
o�-as o
Teleplrone: 651-266-6655
Fauimile: 65/-228-3314
RE: Zoning File # O1-123-422
Appeal of a Planning Commission decision to approve a Special Conditional Use
Permit for a transitionat housing facility at 740 Dayton Avenue
In his grounds for appeal, Rick Igo states he belie�•es the Planning Commission made four errors of fact
or finding in its decision to approve a Special Conditional Use Permit for a transitional housing facility
at 740 Dayton Avenue. Following is a summary of Mr. Igo's four main points together with a response
b}• zoning staft.
� l. In fiirding tl:at the 1310 foot separatia� reguirenient for tr housiTrg facitities serving
more tAarz 7 adrdt residents artd lice�rsed commiu:iry residential facilities is �r:et, the PZa�:i:ing
Comn:issioit Resokuion states tleat d:e closest facilitj• is l880 feet aivay at 565 Dayton. The
appellcuu states lhat 565 Dayto�t is currently a siagle family l:on:e, and has not been a
conumotity residential faciliry for n:ore than tkree years. The appellcznt a[so contends that in
addition to jacilities rhat /tave specinl permits or licenses, the distarice requirement should also
apply to u•ansitional l:ousingfaeilities serving fow• or feu•er adtdu.
Resnonse: 565 Dayton is not on the list of current transitional housing and community residential
facilities. Staff erred in using an old map that has �65 Dayton on it. The closest facility is actually even
farther a�vay: Pineview Residence at 69 IvT. n4ilton is 2360 feet a�vay. Thus, with the closing of the
facility at 565 Dayton, the proposed facility at 740 Dayton is ecen more conformine with the minimum
distance requirement.
Bzcause uansitional housing facilities servins four or fe�ver adult residents are permitted uses with no
separation requirement from larger transitional housing facilities, it follows that transitional housing
facilities servin� 7 to 16 adult residents can be established �vith no separation requirement from facilities
senina four or fewer adult residents. This �aas the clear intent �vhen the Zonine Code requirements �vere
adopted. Because transitional housing facilities servin� four or fewer adult residents require no special
permits or licenses, they can be established �vithout City l�o�aledee, and the City does not track their
locations. If someone proposing a facility serving five or more adult residents �ti to lmow the
location of facilities serving four or fewer residents, thz City «ould not have that information.
Dan Bostrom and members of the City Council Zoning File # O 1-123-422
February 20, 2001 �
Page 2
2. The appella�:t coitteieds t<iat the Plan�eing Comir:issio�e erred ift findi�tg tlaat the conditiore for a
masin:uui of oire percent of plm�riing district populafion in this type ojfaciliry is met, and that
lra�rsitiorial hoersi�:g facilities serving foa�r or feiver adulu shotrZd be inckrded irt rriaki�tg this
deterrnirratiorr. He ezpresses concern tha[ a totivnhouse project, for example, cocdd have rnore
than one u•ansitionat l:ousixg facility wit3:out being included in the percentage calcedation as
loizg as each facility serves four or fewer adtdt resiclents.
Resnonse: Because transitional housing facilities serving four or fewer adult residents are permitted uses
with no percentage of population requirement, it follows that such facilities would not be inchided in the
caiculation of the percentage of dishict population living in licensed community residential facilities,
transitional housing facilities ser� in� five or more adult residents, and other similar facilities requiring
special permits or licenses. Because transitional housing facilities serving four or feFVer adult residenis
require no special permits or licenses, they can be established without City kno�cled�e, and the City does
not track their locations.
3. T/�e aypellanl takes issue u ith the state�nent in the Plmmii�� Contn�ission Resolutiwr that "the
in�ensity of the use (13 adult � eside�rts) ivill be similar to tkat of a 4 ple.r that would be a
pernaitted use in t/:e riish-ict. " He notes Uiat, includin; d�e rninor children i�i their care, dte
proposed facilitti n ould lrare n�ore resirtents thma a normal4-ples.
Resoonse: The appellant has a good point here. The sentence he disaerees with, �vhich is part of the
discussion under required finding y 64300(d)(3), should not be in the resotution. The sentence is not
necessary to make the required findin� that "the use �vill not be detrimental to the existing chazacter of
the development in the immzdiatz neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and general
welfare." The intensity of the proposed use is allowed under the RT-2 zoning of the site and area.
4. The appellmzt disagrees iritJ: tke Plarutir:g Commissia:'s finding that "the t�se wi11 not in:pede
tLe normal arid w rlerelopme�it of the surroimding property� for uses pern:itted in the
district. " He states t1:at an over-concerttration of this type offacility and over-occupane}� of this
b«ilding woidd deter other develapers or individuals from derelopiag surroundin� vcrcarzt
parcels into uses that are compatible tvith !he permitted uses of the dish
Resnonse: The proposed use meet; Zonine Code requirements for separation from other similar facilities
and percentaee of plannin� district population in such facilities, desi�ned to a��oid an over-concentration
of such faciIities. In addition to the Special Condition Use Permit the use will require a Certificate of
Occupanc}•, �vhich will specify thz total number of beds allo�ved in the facility based on Housine Code
standards and an inspection by the Fire Marshall, and thus avoid over-occupancy of the building.
Conclusion: The conditions impo>ed by the Zonins Code for the proposed use are rnet, except for off-
street parkin�. The Plannins Commission decision to approve a Special Condition Use Permit for a
transitional housin� facility sen�ing 13 adul[ residents and minor children in their care at 740 Dayton
Avemie, subj ect to the condition that in �vinter-sprina 2002 the Plannin� Commission will review the use
regardin� any impact relating to parking demand, and based on that recie�c may require off-street parkina
or limit the number of cars associated with the use, should bz upheld. The appeal should be denied.
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�Y�kALT �fC. St.�.Ztp Da� ,GZt,. yFir�e
Zoning FFte
'on is he1'ehy made for an :�ppeal fo the:
��s D City Cot�ta7
of -IZ3-1�LL
(Sa '� 0�-��0
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-'e�Ct. `
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unaer the provisians bf CFtapter 64, section p
aPPeal a Becision maide the �l ' �P� af the "sansR9 Ca3e, fo
bY �I�#1`,t.�i; �'.v..._.
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tdate otder�o � F�e number. �—f51-31�
permit, deqsion or r
firlding trtade by the
�� ►q+�Y You feetfher� rias been an errar in acry ,squirement,
made by an adminFs�afite ofEciat, or an error in fact. proardcus ar
of Z�nfng AFP�s ot tfie Pk rx�ing C�Ommission.
4�� y �+�u,Q,
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�Zick Igo's grounds for a�peal af Ant�och Christian C`enter Speezal
Use Permit £or 740 Daytau Ave_ fi1e #00-06
I believe the following faets are in e�r�z:
• The �ol�tion sra��s that the ciosest facziity Ys 1880 feet � way wtiich is
located at Sb5 Dayton Avezrue. This Prol�ertY has not bee n a faciIity for
more than three years_ Xt is curreutty occupied as a single :amity home
and has been since ruIy of 1998. I Personatly infonmed ci .y sta�Fof
numerous ;Facilities witbin the i320 radiai £eet ofthis proF osed propezty
in December of 2000_ City staff either disteg,ard� ��, I, r�i�s or
st�ted #� me that. faczlities with four or Iess uruts do not qu 31ify under fhis
statue. Section number 6Q.433 (2}b cieariy states tYya,t �s ��i� � not
be located �itlxin � 320 feet frorn any other facilit�,. It clea rly dc>es not
designate the size of the facility.
• The resolution states that Svmmit Uz,ivezsity (Di.sttict 8) a xnmunity only
has Q.83% sahaation ofthis iype of facility. 7n my conver;ations with
city sta� zt Ieads me to beIieve that any faciIity of four or .ess uaits is not
�n �his catculation of the 0.83%. T was toid that sraatlez� eui ts do not
�u�t, meaniizg they would not be oa the list 11�Iy ��h ��ound that �
there are numerous faciIifies of tIus type which are not corz ited and that
the city staff has no acc�uafe iisting and no way to calculat� : whether this
faczIity would exceed the 1% s�t�� �z �owed by 1 aw. City
staff's intezpretation of the staiue dea}ing with the �°!o sat�n ation, I
beIieve is an error. One example ofthis is: I was in,formed by city staf.E'
�at if there was a tovvn house project vrtthin the 1320 feet �>f let's say
�°n3' �ts, this wouid not be counted on the Iist because ea:� unit wautd
have its own se��e !� u�, usiug this anatysi s, every sir�e
buiid'zne in the enrire dishict o£ four or Iess units couId be o: cugied as
this type of faciiity and not be coumed_ I beIieve that this is nat in spizit
and intent of this stat�e- IvxY ��'Pret�on of this statue is � eot to create
an over of this type of facility, which in doi�; so would be
detrimezrtal to the economzc character and would endanger }�ubiic health,
safety, and genezai welfare.
• in the resoIution, it states the int�� of the use will be sin ilar to that of
a fovr-pleX that wouId be a pe�mittea use in the dis�i�, I� a't believe
this to be fact.ual due ta my extensive reak estate experience hat a nozmal
four plex should be occupied with no more than szxteen � duIts aad 01-a�'G
children. 'I'heir P�P�1 wzth thirteen. aduits, and Iet's sa � that those
thirteea adults are sinoIe paz�ts with the riational averag�; of 2.2 kicls,
tbis would bzing total oceupanCY to approximately ten pe�,ple per �m;t
More than two and haIf times the norm.
• The zesoltltion staies t8at tt�is wi21 not impede the normal �ad orc�.eriy
deve2opment and improvement of swrtouuding Px'��es- Y beIieUe that
an over concentration of tbis type of {aciIZiy �d over occi ip�� o � �
builc�iug would de�ter other deveiopezs or individvais from developing
surroundinb vacartt pazceis iuto uses ttzxt are compauble �z ith the
PeTmitted uses ofthe districk
Z hereby rec�vest of the baard of zoning aPl�s to ga#her tYes t zte artd
accurate faets so the praper and ethicaI deciszons can be made orz this request
for a special use pezm�t
--� ` .�, ���� �
_ �
��.-01 - �\
�2 � C�� � o �
APPUCANT: Antioch Chrisiian Center
PURPOSE: Special Condition Use Permit for a transitional housing facifity for 13 aduit reside•
and minor children in their care.
740 payton Avenue
Approval with condition.
Approvai with condition.
CONDlTIONSOFTHISPERMIT: (nwintar-springof2002,the?IanningCommissionwiflreviewtheuseregardingary
impact related to parking demand, and based on that review may require off-street parking or limit the number of cars
associated with the use.
Gladys Morton, Commission Chairperson
I, the undersigned Secretary to the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission for City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do
hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the originai record in my office; and find the same to be a true
and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof, as based on minutes of the Saint Paul Planning Commission
meeting held on January 12, 2001, and on record in the Saint Paui Planning Office, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul,
This permit will expire one year from the date of approva{ if ifie use herein permitted is not estabiished.
The decision to grant this permit 6y the Pfanning Commission is an administrative action su6ject to appeai to the City Coun�
Anyone affected by this action may appeal this decision by filing the appropriate application and fee at the Zoning Office,
1400 City HaII Annex, 25 West Fourth Street. Any such appeal must be filed within 15 calendar days of the mailing date
noted below.
Violation of the conditions of this permit may resuit in its revocation.
�,r�_� �hnC'����
Carol A. Martineau
Secretary to the Saint Paui
Zoning Committee
Copies to: App{icant
File No.
Zoning Admi�[strator
License inspector
District Council
Antioch Christian Cenier
Wendy �ane
Christine Rozek
Mailed: 1/19/41
city of saint paul
planning commission resolution
file number
�� �.
WHEREAS, Antioch Christian Center, fi1e #00-15I-318 has applied for a Special Condition
Use Permit for the property at 740 Dayton, situated at the southwest corner of Dayton and
Grotto, to operate a transitional housing facility for 13 adult residents and minor chiidren in
their care; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Pianning Commission, on January 4, 2001, heid a
public hearing at which all persons present were given an opporiuniiy to be heard pursuant to
said application in accordance �vith the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paui
Legislative Code; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its
Zoning Comminee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the
following findings of fact:
1. The property is currently owned by Stephen and Rose Scalzo and used as a boarding home for
the mentally / physically cfiallenged. The applicant is plannin� on purchasin� the property in
March 2001. The applicant has a purchase a�reement with the current owner.
The transitiona] housin� facility will have 24-hour onsite staff. The fundinJ of the facility will
mostly come from rent paid by facility residents. There witl be a kitchen on site.
2. Section 60.433(2) permits transitional housing facilities serving seven (7) to sixteen (16) adu[t
facility residents and minor children in their care in the RT-2 zonin� district subject to the
1. It sha7! not be located in a nvo fan:ily or multifnmily cfivelling unless the facility
occupies ihe entire structure.
This condition is met. The proposed facility would occupy the entire multifamily
moved by Field
seconded by
iu favor Unanimous
Zoning File #00-151-318
Page TFVO of Resotution
2. A minim:em drsiance of one thoarsand three h:a:dred hvetrty (1, 320) radiad feet from �
other traruitiorJCrl hoirsirJg or sheltersfor battered persons, licensed h:eman service
comn:unity residetrtial facilities, license carreclional commt�nity residentia! faci[ities,
emergency housing, health departnrent-licensed commurtity residential facilities or
ovemight shelfers.
This condition is met. PED records of residentiai facitities with either licenses or some
prior zonin� approval indicate that there are no such facitities within 1320 feet of 740
Dayton Avenue. The c(osest facility is 565 Dayton, tivhich is 1880 feet atvay.
3. Of�e (1) off-street perrkitrg space for evejy rivo (2) facility reside�us.
This condition is not met. The building has no off-street parking spaces.
Staff recommends modification of the condition for the followin� reasons:
1. The exisfing buildin� has never had off-street parkin� and there is no alley access to
the buitdin�.
2. The property is located on a corner, and there is sufficient on-street parkin� in the
=1. It shall rtot be locaiect itr a plar:r�ing district in tivhich or:e (1) percent or n7ore of the
�oprrlation lii•es in Ircettsed human service community resic�erttial facilities, lrcensed
correctiojral conanzrrr7ity ��esidentia! facilities, health dzpm�mtefat-Zicetised conanurnit}•
resrdetatial facili(ies, en:ergertcy ho:rsir:gfaciliti�s, oLertzight slaelters, sheltersfor
battered petsons artd%r irattsitional kousingfacilities. �
This condition is met. �Vith the closing of Dayton House, a 26-bed facility previously
in the building, there are 139 beds in the Summit L3niversity (District S) communit}�.
That is Q.76% of the population —less than one percent. Adding the 13 beds proposed
for this facility «•ould result in there bein� 152 beds in the planning district — or 0_S3°ro.
�. Per for specic�l condition use appties oralJ� ns [ofag as ihe riumfier of fc�cility
residents is �rot increased anc� its purpose or location clo rzot change and other,
corzdr[ions of the permit rn•e raet.
Tne applicaat understands this condition.
3. Section 6�3Q0(d) of the zoning code requires that before the plannino commission may grant
app; o��a1 of a principzl use subject to special conditions, the commisr.on shall find that:
1. The exte�zt, lacatiojz atrd irrtensit}� of t1�e rrse zs•ill be irr szrbstantial compliairce tivith tlie
Sairrt Paul Comprehensrve Plan at:d arry npplicable subarea plrnts i��hich zcere
approced by lhe cit}� council.
This condition is met. The 5aint Paul Housing PI2n and the Saint Paut / Ramsey
Cour�ty Five-Year Housin� and Homeless Services Plan both call for the development
of 2�0 units of transitional housin� sening sinQle aduIts, families and youth.
? The use ivill provide adequate in arac� egress to mirzimize traffrc cotigestion iri the .
p+tblic streets.
Zoning File #00-ISI-3I8
Page Three of Resolution
This condition is met_ The proposed use is not expected to generate significant traffic.
There are no alleys or driveways that would affect traffic circulation in the area.
3. The use tvill rtot be detrimental lo the existirzg character of the devetopment in ihe
immediate rieighborhood or endanger fhe pz�blic health, safety and general welfare.
This condition is met. The use wili fit into an existing structure that has seeved as a
community residential facility for trvice as many residents for a number of years.
Residents will be serviced by supportive services through the Antioch Christian Center
located nearby. The intensity of the use (13 adult facility residents) tivili be similar to
that of a 4-plex that cvould be a permitted use in the district.
-f. The z+se tivill noi impede the normal and orderZy developnaent and inaprovement of the
st�rro:rr:ding pr•operty for uses permitted iri the district.
This condition is met. The area has a number of vacant parcels that would benefit
from this buildin� being fully occupied and mana�ed by a community-based
5. Tdre use shall, in all other respects, cor fornr to the applicable regidntions of the
C�fSlY1CI lil 1V�71C{1 (!' !S IOCQI2L�.
R'ith the exception of the off-street parl, requirement discussed above, the use
conforms to all applicable re�uiations.
4 Section 64.300(� ofthe zonin� code states, "The ptanning commission, after public hearin�,
may modify any or all special conditions, when strict apptication of such special conditions
would unreasonably limit or prevent othenvise ]awFul use of a piece of property or an existing
structure and tivould result in exceptional undue hardship to the owner of such property or
structure; provided, that such modification �vill noY impair the intent and purpose of such
special condition and is consistent with health, morals and general welfare of the community
and is consistent with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property."
The property never had on-site parking, and there is no atley. Constructing on-site parkin�
�vould be very costly due to the difference in grade, and the church has limited fundin�
resources. The property is located on a corner, and has ei�ht on-street parking spaces. There
are many vacant parcels and buildin�s in the area, and there is no plan to develop them in the
Nd��', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paui Ptanning Commission that the
application of Antioch Christian Center for a Special Condition Use Permit to allow a
transicional housin� facility servina thirteen (13) adult residents and minor children in their
care located at the south�vest corner of Dayton and GroTto (740 Dayton} as indicated in ihe
application is hereby approved with a modification of the parkin� requirement subject to the
condidan [hat in winter-sprina of 20U2, the Ylatuung Comniissivn �vili revie�� iliC us�
re�ardin� any impact related to parking demand, and based on Yhat revie�v may require off-
street parking or limit the number of cars associated �vith the use.
7A�N PAu� P�N;��s� C�oM�,��«� ����T�s ,���unaY ta,a�1-
�1pp�ous� F.��var�y g , 2.c�L
IIOTION: Conur:issioner Field nto�•ed rq�pro�•al of rootriixg kouse witk 2 gues[ roonrs, wit/iotrt
lot rtma n�odiftcntion, a�rd ivitle ndrlilioreal cnnditions. Motioa appraved ort a ureaniu:o�cr voice �
#00-151-253 Maria and Larry Ranta��a - Establishment of legal nonconforming use status for
1 home piano studio that provides group iessons for 3 to ? students at a iime. 1398 Grantham St.
(Donna Drummond, 266-6556)
Commissioner Fietd reported that no district comment was received. No one spoke in support, no
one spol:e in opposition. The hearing was ctosed and on a vote of 6-0, the Zoning Committee
recommends approval.
�10TION: Cotnst:issioner Field n:oved tl�e Zoning Co��unittee recot�rme�tdation to approve
estnblis/:raet:t of lee af nor:cot forrr:ir:g use stnuu. Tlre fnotion carried ou n tnranimous voice
#00-151-Z54 Joseoli Schum�chcr- Rezone from RT-I to OS-3 to ailow a purification center.
330 N. Prior A� (James Zdon, 266-6559)
Commissioner Field repoRed that tltie h4erriam Park Communit}• Couocil recommended appro��al
a itli the condition tliat a r�stricti�e co� etiant b� placed on tlie property limiting any future uses to
an OS- l classification. No one spoke in suppoR, no one spoke opposition. The public hearin�
was ctosed and on a� ote of 6-0 the Zonin, Committee recomntends approvaL �
DIOTI011: Contmissioirer Field nzoved tlre Zonir:a Cornn:ittee reconnuertclatior: to approre �
rezoniiig jrovr RZ-7 to OS-I 10 allnw a prrrifrcation center. Tlre inatior: carrie�l an a
trtrmzi��lorrs voice vote.
�00-151-530 Diatthe«� O'Hara - Rezonin� from B-2 to RT-I to allo�c conversion to a duplex.
225 Tv�. R'ilder St. (Donna Drummond, 266-65�6)
Commissioner Fie{d reported the Merriant Park Community� Council supports the rezoning. No
one spoke in support, no one spoke in opposition. The pubiic hearine �cas closed and on a vote of
6-0 the Zonin2 Committee recommends appro� ai. �
P�IOTION: ContFnissiot:er Field tteoverl the Zotritsg Cosn»:ittee recorrt»:erzdntiot: to approve
rezonirag fro»z B-2 ro RT-1 to a11ow cot:versiort to n tlarple�. The n:otior: carried on a
cu�rtrtimo�er voice rote.
� r00-151-315 Antioch Christian Center - Special Condition �1se Permit for a transitionai
' I�ousin� facilit}• for 13 adult residents and minor ch3{dren in their care. 740 Dayton Avenue.
(l'ana Zhan�, 266-66�4)
Commissioner Field repoRed no district comment rzceired. One person spoke in support, no one
spoke in opposition. The pu6lic hearin, ��•as ctosed and on a vote of 6-0 the Zonine Committee
recommends appro�•al witfi condition. � �
31 - r
MOTIOjI: Co�:tmissiotrer Field n:oredYlae Zottiitg Corr:iuiitee recov�rne�:dation to approve with
• condiriota.
Commissioner Kramer stated there were parking issaes with this case. He stated that use of tha
house would chan�e from 26 handicapped residenu �vith no cliildren, �vl�ere the masimum
number of residents in the buildi�g was fixed at 26. Commissioner Kramer's concern is that noGv
with 13 adutt residents and minor dtildren in their care, there �vou(d be no upper limit on tlte
number of children in the bui(dina. S[iould there be a directive from the Commission to ask LIEP
fo establish the number of peopie that would be ailowed?
Commissioner Faricy stated she had the same concerns.
Commissioner Field stated that they are u�aiving the parking requirements because most of the
residents will be using public transpoRation and the site is on a corner with plenty of on-street
parking, so the si� spaces on site may not be necessary. They added a condition for Plannin�
Commission revie�e of parkino need in one year. There is iand adjacent to [he bailding whidi
they wotdd like to use for a play area, but if �ve need the parkina space they are going to have to
provide it and that nia}' be ��fiere they �cil( have to provide it.
Commissioner Field also stated that there »�ere four bathrooms, and ���ith li adults and their
children, he ���otild like to hear from LIEP as to ho« man} people can occupy tliis bui(din�.
Commissioner Atton also questioned Iro}�� man} people can occupy the buildin�. He stated that
the Commission sliould deFer to L1EP.
� Mr. Allan Torstenson stated that there is a Certificate of Occupancy requirement here. There are
hvo clear options and both are fi»e. One �coi4d be for the Commission to direct or as[: LIEP in
issuing ihe CeRificate of Occupancy (icense set a masimum. The other ��ouid be to send it back
to committee so �ve sec some information from LIEP and set an upper timit in our permit. It can
be done either �cay.
Commissioner Gordon stated that it �vas his anderstandin� that LiEP «rould revie�v Yhe facility
and make a determination as to the ma�imum number. That is ivhy he �cas comfortable not
fuRher addressin� that issue at the Zonin� Cotnmittee. Coiumissioner Gordon su��ested that�the
Cotnmission should �'ote on tfie resolution as it has been presented.
Commissioner Field stated that based on tlie understandine that based on the number of
restraoms and ihe size of Uie buildiii�, LIEP has criteria that they wi11 objectively will apply to
this building for the Certificate of Occupanc�, he �` ill support the motion at this time.
T/ze rnnlion is carried o�t a trnm2imm�s voice rote.
Commissioner Field announced the agenda for tiie Zonins Comntittez meetin� on January 18,
Z001, at 3:30 p.m.
� 12
Recorded and prepared by
Mary Braton, Planning Commission Secretary
Planning and Economic Development Department,
City of Saint Pau!
Respectfuity submitted,
Larry S d rholm
Plannin dministrator
Approved 0� —� q � � �
:�t�� .�rantferEt�i C�6�-.D�S �'!'IO�2Toec
Seefeta�}=of the Planning Commission
G ffr-?i 1Z
piinutes I-12-0I 14 . �
Thursday, January 4, 2000 - 3:30 p.m.
City Counci( Chambers, 3` Floor
City Hatl and Gourt House
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
Faricy, Field, Gordon, Kramer, Mardell and Morton
Engh and Gervais
Peter Warner
Carol Martineau, Allan Torstenson, and Yang Zhang of PED
The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field.
a � •y��o
Antioch Christian Center - 00-151-37 8- Special Condition Use Permit for a transitional housing
facility for 13 adult residents and minor cfiildren in tfieir care. 740 Dayton Avenue.
Yang Zhang showed slides and presented the staff report. Ms. Zhang stated a letter was received
by District 8 stating they support the Special Condition Use Permit. 7he Zoning Staff recommends
approval of the permit with a modification fo the parking requirement.
At the questior+ of Commissioner Field, Ms. Zhang explained that the only availahle history dates
back to 1946 for a rooming house in a C residentiai district which is RT- 2 or RM-1.
Mr. Torstenson further explained thai in 1946 the Zoning Code did not require a Speciai Condition
Use Permit.
At the question of Commissioner Morton, Ms. Zhang stated there would be six to seven parking
spaces needed for this facility. There are currently eight on-street parking spaces availabie. Also,
the building has no alley and never had parking in the past.
Pastor Debra Messenger, the applicant, appeared and stated there is a need to establish
transitional housing because of a housing shortage. She also explained that most people in
transitionai housing do not have transportation and the bus line that is tocated one block away
makes fransportation convenient for the occupants.
At the question of Gommissioner Faricy, Pastor Messenger stated the occupants, consisting of
families, usually stay for a period of 18 months to two years and approximately haif wouid own cars.
At the question of Commissioner Kramer, Pastor Messenger expiained there would be 13 rooms
at their disposa! for families with two to three children.
Ms. Sheliy Brown, 670 Van Buren Avenue, explained that transitio�a! housing people do not have
veh+cies of their own so being on the bus line wil! be convenient for the residents. She also stated
she supports the transitional housing because of the housing shortage and if wouid be an
advantage to the community.
At the question of Commissioner Faricy, Ms. Brown stated it would be a hardship to create parking
in the side yard but would cansider it in the future if the need arises.
No one spoke in oppositian.
Zoning Committee Minutes
January 4, 2001
File #: 00-15-318
Page 2
The public hearing was ciosed.
Commissioner Kramer asked whether handicapped parking is required in the zoning code, and
staff responded that if off-street parking requirement is waived, the handicapped parking
requirement wouid be waived as well. Commissioner Gordon added that handicapped parking can
probably be accommodated by putting a handicapped parking sign on street.
Commission Faricy expressed further concerns with the lack of off-street parking. Commissioner
Field suggested that the Pianning Commission approve the speciai conditional use permitwith the
condition that the Planning Commission will review the case in a year with regards to the parking
dsmand, and reserves the right to enforce off-street parking. Gommissioner Kramer suggested
restricting the number of cars associated with the use to 10. Commissioner Field questioned the
abifity of the city to enforce that restriction.
Cammissioner Faricy made a motion to approve the transitional housing faci(ity with a modification
of the parking requirement subject to the condition that in winter-spring of 2002, the Pianning
Commission wiif review the use regarding any impact related to parking demand, and based on that
review may require off-street parking or Ilmit the number of cass associated with fhe use.
The motion passed with a vote of 6-0.
Adopted Yeas - 6 Nays - 0
Qrafted by:
Submitted by:
�Q.L���LGC�G7L (>
Carol Martineau
Recording Secretary
Yang Zhang
Zoning Section
o � -�.�o
FTLE # 00-li 1-318
1. APPLICANT: Antioch Christian Centez DATE OE HF,ARIl�IG: 1/4/Ol
2. CLASSIFICATTON; Special Coudition Use Permit
3. LOCATION: 740 Day[on Avenue (S�V comer of Grotto and Dayton)
5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lou I and 2, BIock 6, Nininger & DonneIly's Addition to Holcombe's
8. DATE ItECEIVED:12-5-00
A. PURPOSE: Special condidon use permit for trmsidonal housing for 13 adult facilin residenu.
C. EXISTING LAND USE: Boardin; house for 26 mentally / phr•sicaity chalienged residents.
B. PARCEL SIZE; 9,066 square feet; 73 feet on Dayton by 119 feet on Grotto
North: Aparunent building across Dayton Avenne (RT-2j
East: Vacant pazceI across Grotto (RT-2)
South; 4-caz garage and a boazded up commercial building (B-3)
�Vest: Vacant pazcel zoned RT-2.
E. ZONTNG CODE CITATIOAI: Sections 60.433(2) and 64300(dj of the zonuig coQe pertnit transitional
housing facilities secving seven (7) to si�cteen (I6) adult faciliry residents and minor children in their care
subject to conditions detailed in findin,s �2 and �3 of this report.
G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOhIiVIENDATTON: No recommendation had been received at the time this staff
report w�as prepazed.
1. The propem� is currentlg onned by Stephen and Rose ScaIzo and used as a boazding home for the
mentally ! physically challen�ed. The applicant is planning on purchasing the propem� in March 2001
and using it as a 13-adult transitional housing faciliry. The applicant has a purchase a�ee`ment nith the
current ocvner.
The transitional housing faciliry will have 24-hour onsite staff. The funding of the faciiitc will mostiy
Zoning Pi1e nOQ-151-318
Staff report
Page two
come from rent paid by facilit}• residents. There will be a kitchen on site.
2. Section 60.433(2) permits [ransitional housing facilities serving seven {7) to sixieen (16) adult facility
residents and minor children in their caze in the RT-2 zoning dis[rict subject to ihe Followina:
a. It shall not be located in a Zwo-family or mulhfamily dwelling unless the faci(ity occupies the
eatire structure.
Tlus condilion is met The proposed faciliry would occupy the emire multifamily structure.
b. A minimum disYance of one thousand three hundred iwenty (1,320) radial feet from other
transitional housing or shelters for battered persons, licensed human servic¢ cnmmunity
residertfial faciLilies, [icense rorrecrional commuri.y residentia[facilitie.s, emergency housing,
health deparhnent-licensed community residentiaf facililies or overrtight skel2ers.
This condition is met. The closes[ other faciiity> is located at Sb5 Dayton Avenue —1,880 feet away.
c. One (I) off-stred parking space for every Lwo (2f faci[ity teszdents.
This condition is not met. The building f�as no off-s7eet pazking spaces. A modification of this
reqcrirement is reques[ed.
Staff recommends modification of the rnndidon for the following reasons:
1. The e.Yis6ng building has never ttad off-stree[ pazldng and there is no alley access to the building. �
2. The property u locazed on a comer, and there is sufficient an-street parking in the area.
d It shall not 6e located in a planning disirrct in which one (I) percent or more ojthe population
lives in ticensed human service community residential facilities, licensed corredional rnmmunity
residential facilities, heatlh department-licensed community residential jacilities, emergenty
houszng faciliiies, overnight shelters, shekers for batt¢red persoru and/or irattsitinaal kousing
This condition is met. With the closing of Dayton House, a 26-bed facilitc previously in the building,
there are 239 beds in the Sumnut Unive�i±y m3�.;.�; 8j ��„tnnnity i nat is 0:76% of the population
-iess flian one percent Adding ffie I3 beds proposed for this faciliry would result in there being 152
6eds in the planning dis�icc — or 0.83%.
e Permisszon for speciat condition use applies anly as long as the number offacility re.sidents is not
increared and its purpose ar locafion do not change and other carzdi[ions ojthe permit are meG
The applicani understands this condifion.
3. Section 64.3D0(d) of tbe zoning code requi:es that before the planning commission may gcant approvai of
a principal use subject to special conditions, the com shall find tbat:
a. Tke ezten� tocation and intensity of the use ivitl be in subsraxiial complianre with the Sainf Paul
Comprehensive Plan and any applicabte subarea plans which were approved by the city councrt
This rnndiaon is met The Saint Paul Housing PIan and the Saint Paul / Ramsey Counry Five-Year �
Housing and Homeless Services Plan botfi call for the devefopment of 250 uniu of transizionai
. housing serving sinale adults, families and youth.
• ZoningFiler00-1�I-318
Staff report
Pagz three
b. The use x711 provide adequate ingress and egress ta minimite traff:c congestion in the pu6lic
This condition is met. The proposed use is not expected to generate sigtrif'icant �c. There aze no
alleys or drive�tays that �vould affect traffic circulation in the azea.
c. The use tivill not be detrimental to the �isting character of the development in the immediate
neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and general x•e[fare.
This condiuon is met. The use �cill fit into an e�cisting structure that has sen�ed as a comm¢niry
residential facility for nVice as many residents for a number of years. Residents �vill be seniced by
supportive senzces through the Antioch Christian Center located nearby. The intensity of the vse (13
aduli facility residenu) �rill be similaz to that of a 4-ple� that would be a permitted use in the district.
d, The use will not impede the normal and order[y devetopment and improvement of the surrounding
property for uses permitted in the disYrici.
This condition is met. The azea has a number of vacant pazcels that would benefit from this building
being fuliy occupied and managed by a communiry-based organization.
e. The use shall, in all other respects, cnnform to the applicable regulatioxs of tke district in which it
is [ocated.
� With [he exception of the off-street parking rzquirement discussed above, the use confoims to all
applicable regulations.
4. Section 64300(� of the zoning code states, `The pianning commission, after public hearing, ma}• modify
any or all special conditiou, when strict application of such special condiuons �couId unreasonabIy Iimit
or precent othenvise lac�ful use of a piece of property or an e.�isflng structure and zcould result in
exceptional undue hazdsirip to the owner of such property or stnicture; provided, that such modifrcation
aill noi impair the inzent and pur�wse of such special condition and is consistent �rith health, morals and
general �r�elfare of the community and is consistent ccith reasonable enjo�meni of adjacent propem:"
The property never had on-site paddn;, and there is no alley. Constructina on-aite pazkinb would be cery
costly due to the difference in grade, and the church has Iimited funding resources. The propem• is
located on a comer, and has eighi on-street parkin, spaces. Thexe are many vacan[ pazcels and buildings
in the area, and there is no pIan to develop them in the neaz future. Therefore, staff recommends a
cnodification to the pazking requirement to allotic the special conditional use permit.
I. STAFF RECOYIIIENAATION: Based on findings 2 thzough 4, staff recommends approval of the special
condition use permit r�izth modification of the condiuon retated to pazking to allow the transitional hovsin�
facilin for 13 adult facility residents.
$rran Sn�eemey, Director
Nonn Caleraan, Mayor
2544'es�ForvthStreet 7efephae�e:651-266-6655 •
Sa�rstPaid,A1N55102 Facsimde:651-?28-3313
DATE: January 4, 2001
TO: Litton Field, Chair, and members of the Zoning Committee
FROM: Yang Zhang
RE: Zoning File # 00-151-318
Antioch Christian Center Special Condition Use Permit
740 Dayton Avenue
After the staff report on ttus application evas released staff received a phone cali from a neighborhood
resident identif}�ng 138 and 142 N. Grotto as transitional housing facilities located about 440 feet a�vay
from 740 Da��ton, less than the 1320 foot separation requirement for transitional housing facilities scrving
7 to 16 adidt residents under �60.433(2)(b) of the Zoning Code. A LIEP inspector verified that these t�co
properties are operatin� as transitional housin� facilities, but that they serve four or fe�cer adult residents
plus minor children in their care and therefore are peanitted uses in atl residential districts �cithout any�
separation requirement under §60.412(12) of the Zoning Code.
Because transitional housin� facilities serving four or fe�cer adult residents are permitted uses �sith no
separation requirement from larger transitional housing facilities, it follo�cs that transirional housing
facilities serving 7 to 16 adult residents can be established �crith no separation requirement from facilities
servin� four or fe�ver adult residents. Nancy Homans, author of Zoning Code language for transitional
housing facilities, assures me that this �cas the clear intent �c•hen the language �cas adopted_
If the esistin� language is unclear, a text amendment to clarif}� that the distaaca * yuir�;r�zrt onir app'ties to
facitities serving morP tha.n f;;,;: auuit residents could be included in the nest Zonin� Code minor text
amendment package.
I:: Cazes 2001 A01513186memo.npd !
�-05.-00 12��8 PM AHTIOCH CHRZSTIAN CENTE� 651 224 $�47 P.02
L' 13:'t4 �T F�l F• FNNIrIG 8 ECO�v 651e2°.a3t� P.Q1��4
� sat,tt PauCZvntrig af�'ice
1� City 3fa.tC�lnnwY
�3 �YlSt�eurfF_ Streat
Sai}ct ?avj �1fN5,�1 oz
z66 b584
Cit�'�,'-��_,__,St,,, �;S/d Daytltne
n ,
PROPEcR7Y Address/Lace:fon
lOCA'f10N - �egnl descr;p;ion:
� J
TYPE �F pERt1SiT: Appi�cation Is he�eby Pnada under the provisians of �haptar
Section��, Paragr�ph Z- ot the 2or�ing Cade for e:
� Specia' Conditipn Use Permit L7 Modifketlon at River Corr�cor Sxandrrds
❑ Fl�ar Cortidor Cor.ditional Uas Fermit •
EUPPORTING ffIF6RMAT10N. c�ypty the intormatlon thet la 6Dp���Abia to your typa ci permit {attech
aF.O�cional shaete 1! nitocser�l ., .
• 9PEC1Al C��NDITION USE: Expletn how the use wili moit oeeh of the apocid eondit�one,
� RIYER CORRIdOR CUNDiTlOtiAL USE: DencriCa how the use wlll maet t�e eppi�:shfe cenCftions.
• M001FICA1'IGN OF IVER CORRIDOR BTAUDAR05: Explein w5y mvd�fice7ions arn needed.
C� at'tan c�o��
Qwrl�as e.
\ J
�'�w�-�v.� :
C?ate�� tlty 8gent��
b ` ��,�t'
12 �� �
D FC-05-00 12=57 PM RNTIOCM CHRISTIPN CENTER 651 224 8a47 P.01
83� laurd Avewe St. Pflul. MN 5510q
Phane:851-222�4410 fex: 851-?28.83q)
O Urg�nt x Por R�vt.w ❑ Pis�sa Comm�nt ❑ Pfsas� R�piy O Pb�sa R+cyals
��n• nanE� �
Wt ��
DF,G-05-00 12:58 PM RNTZOCH CHRISTIPN CENTER 651 224 8547
� t� C����%�t (�el��
°Builr�ing On A Fo�nda�ian Of Love"
630 LaLr¢1 �19Bnva Sf, Pau( Mf7 6dI0f
Phartc 661-s� Far Bst-�°£f-8s6
P� r p a 5�-- S�.%t�c-u^� =
Conditions for s Special Condirion Use Pcrmit for Transiflonel Housirtg foz 13 adult facility res3denu:
a. It shall n�x be located in a:wo family or multlfamily dwelling unless the facility oaupies thc cnGre
The Propased faciliry would occupy the entire multifamlly strucnue.
b. A minimam distance of 1320 radial Ceet from otlur twncitionaI housing or st�elter for batteced persons,
licensed hwnan serv3ce community msidential facilities, licensed cocrectional eommuniry residentiat
facilicics, emergency housing, health departmentdieensed communiry trsidentia] facilities or rnemip�t
The dose:st other facility is located at 565 Da}^zon Avenuc —1,880 fcet away.
One off-::ueet parking space for every two facility residents.
� The building tias no off-stieet parking spaces. A moditication of the reqaircmaei is requested. The
existing lnuldiqg has nevec had off street parking and ihere is no alley access to the building. Tnere is
sufFicien: on-stzeet parkir�; in the arra
d. it stiatl not be located in a pianning district in which one (1) percent or more of the population lives i�
Licensed human scrvice cammunity iesida�tial faciliiies licensed eoneeeional eommun[ry residential
faciiities. health depanment•licensed community residendal facilities, emcrgency housing faalides,
ovemight shcltcrs, sheltus for bancred Dcrsons andlor tiansitional housing faciiities.
With the closing of Dayton House, a 26-bcd facitity previousty in this bailding, there are 139 beds in
the Summit Universiry (D'utrict 8) communiry. 'tl�ai is .76% of the populafion-2ess cLan onc percent.
Adding 23 beds proposed for this facility would result in iliae bcing 152 beds in the planning district —
or .83%.
e. Pcnnission for special condirion nse appl3es only as long as the number of facility resid:nts is not
increaseci and its putpose or tocation do nof change and other conCicions af the pecmit aze met.
We undcntand this mnditioa
Genesal Conditions
(1? �e exient, locztion and intensity of !he use wili be in substan5sl eompliance with C1e Saint Pau?
Campmlunsive PIan and any applicable subarea plans which were approved by the city eouncil.
Ttce 5air.t Paul Housiag P1an and the Saini PavURamsey County Five-Year Housing and Aomeless
Services Plan both rall for the Qevetopmcnt of 250 uniu of r.ransitional housing sening s3ngle afiilts,
familles and youth
(2} 'Ihe use wilt provide adequate ingress and egzess to minimize �c eongestion in the pub2ic strects.
The proFased ttsc is noi e�pccted to genaate significant traPtit. There src no ffileys or drivcKays tbat
woutd afFect traflic eirculatton in area.
ULL ��S�dd S2:S9 PM RNTIOCM CHRISTIRN CENTER 651 224 so47 Y.e4
(3) 3he use wili not be detiimental to tiu ezisting ct�'aciet of devnlopment in the immediate ,
ncighborhood or endanget the public health, safety and general welfare.
Ihe use will fit into an e;�sHag strucnue that has seNed as a community res�dential facility for twia
as many residents for a number of years. Rcaidrnu wi11 be served by supportive services tt�raugh the
Antioch ChriAian Ccntet neazby. The intensiry of the use (13 facility tesidenis) wilt bc similaz to tYat
of a 4 pL•L�c ttiat would be pernutted use in the distric�
(4) Tlu use •�vili not impede the normal sad orderly development and impzovcment oP the surrounding
psopecry for uscs perm[tted in U+e distric�
1he azea tia5 e number af vacant pa�els tl�a[ would benefit from this building being fully occupSed end
managet. by a armmuniry-based organi�ation.
(S) The use shall, in all oUur respects, contonn �o the applicable regulation of the district in wluch it is
With the exception of the off-street pazking requirement discussed above, the uu canfw�ms to all
agplicabic regulations.
04:49p 627 Selby Rve Office (6511 225-1108
o � -a-x
627 Sdby
Telephone 651-228_I855 • FAX 652-225-2108
January 3, 200 ]
Lifton Field, 7r., Chair
2aning Commiree
1400 City Hall Annex
St. Pau(, Minnesota 55102
RE: Antioch Ctiristian Cenfer File #F 00-] 51-318
The Summit University planning Counci)'s I3e:ghborhooQ Development Committee�lield a Community Issues meetittg on
December 2$, 2000 regarding the Special Condition Use Permit for [ransitionaf housing for I3 adult facility residents
requested by [he Antioch Christian Center. 1�'e distributed flyers within two and one-half blocks in each direction from
740 bayton Avettue im�iting residents to 8�e meeting to discuss ttte permrt appiication and [o voice their concerns. IR spite
of [he big snotiv-stornt, ten people attended thz mezfing. Six of the ten were residents and the remaining four were
members of the chureh there in support of thz Antioch Christian Center. Only the residents were allo�ved to vote on this
�tors Charles and Debra Messenger explained the transitional housing program to the atfendees and ans�vered questior.s
from thc residents, Summit University Planning Counci! staffand the tu�o board members who hosted the meeting.
Residents that live at 667 Iglehart and 740 Marshall spoke in favor of the program and the nzed far hansitional housittg to
help homeless women and their children through a crisis. Resident BiHy Smith made a motion to approve the special
condition use permit for transitional housing, Pasror Debra Messenger 2"� ehe motion and it passed witn no objections from
an}�one in attendance.
Two members of the Exzcutive Committee of tt:e SUPC Board of Directors (David Singteton, President, and Matt Mejia,
Neighboriiood De��elopment Committee Chzi:) agreed that in vieu� of the above events, che Summit University Planning
Council finds no reason to deny the Specia! Cer.dition Use Permit to the Antioch Christian Center. Thts deci,iun w�U bc
presented to the full boazd at its regulaz meeting on January 23, 2001.
Si cerely,
r V
David Sinele;on
d President
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