96-1596 Council File # �� �� ordinance # Green Sheet� 35420 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� �C9' _����_ . Presented By �- ��` _ Referred To Coa�pittee: Date 1 RESOLVED: That application, ID #79739, for a new Gambling Manager's License by 2 Scott R. Venne DBA White Bear Avenue Business Association, 880 E. ?th �O � 3 Street, be and the same is hereby approved. �,�j��� 4 5 6 Requested by Department of: 7 � Navs_ Absent 8 Ba �Y 10 Guer,�n ✓ � Office of License, InspectionB and 11 ar � Environmental Protection 12 ✓ 13 e � Bostrom ✓ Adopted by Council: Date . ,t By' �1�L�»' �����"�' Adopt' n Cer ified y Co ncil Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney �, r�BY� By: � � Approved by M yor: Date � 3l _ � Approved by Mayor for Submission to By. �`L -��,���,� Council By: ������ � �N��A GREEN SHEET :N_ 3 5 4 2 0 i �DEPARTMENT OIRECTW��T�^�►,� o���„�„ - _ . ,N�� � 13 2 �N �CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK ) WNp�� �BUD(iET DIRECTOR �Fw.a Mor.seAV�s oaa. �6 � ❑�,���►,,��T�, p TOTAL#►OF SION�TU�iE PAGE�3 (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SKiNATURl� � �crwN a�ouesr�o: Scott R. Venne DBA White Bear A�enue Business Association requests Gounc3l approval of his application for a new Gambling Manager's License at Pebbles, 880 E. 7th St. (ID #79739) 'Ap�°w IA)a R�(R) PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS ANl8T ANSYYER TME fOLLOWiNG�llE�TIONS: .._PLANMMIO cOMMis61oN _crvll sERVICE cO�AtYMSSiori �. Has mis pwaonrtkm evsr woHc.d under a oonVacx for uds d.p.rbnern? - _C�CoMAA1TTEE _ YES NO _8TAFF _ 2. Flas this psraonMrm svsr besn a city employee? YES NO _DISTRICT COURT _ 3. DOes tMs perSOMfimt pOSeess 8 skili not nonnaNY P�d bY�Y����Y e�loye�? BuPPORTB wH�FI COUNC�I OBJECnvE4 YES NO Explaln all yq an�on s�p�nt��hNt a�d stlsoh to pn�n sM�t �wrr�rnao�M.issuE,oPaoaruNm nww,wna,vw�,wne►e,wnr): � ��4�f��� D�C 1 p � �����o: _ �����: �������o: t�l R�� C�rt� DEC 16 1996 TOTA�AMOUNT OF TRAN=ACTION = COST/REVENUE BlIDtiETED(GIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FNUWCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ��\���o Greensheet # 35420 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST �ate: / In Tracker? App'n Received / App'n Processed License ID # 79739 Llcense Type: Gambling Manager Company Name: SCOtt R. Venne DBA: Whi e Rear AVP_ Ri1Rl1'1PRR Acsnr BusinessAddresss: 880 E. 7th St. (Pebbles) BusinessPhone: ���-�nqn Contact Name/Address: 1410 White Bear Ave. 55106 Home Phone: ���-�nAn Date to Council Research: /02�1(o 191� Public Hearing Date: �-c.��, 1`jYL Labels Ordered: N/A Notice Sent to Applicant: �TI b�4b District Council #: 04 Notice Sent to Public: N�A Ward #: 07 Department/ Date Inspections Comments , City Attorney / /3 9/ � n,i �_f�_�� / �g:` � � [� L� � J7F77 !/� /02�10 fo / Environmental Health ��� Fire /v�� License Stte�an Received: Lease Received: �J�/ ' Police �/�-/g� �e�'-OT� ��!'r'�°-e�Ci `�'i��� � IUO C�?.c�'�s�'�n�� G�a Fra��S D ,� � Zoning ' "�� " � LG212 V_ ::��;',/ � i/ �e ���� � / (Rev. 7/2'�2) �� i'; ,��� � FOR OFFICE � � BASE L1C� � SEQ #_ , ������ Minriesota La.wful Gambiing FEE � :�GC,. o0 Gambling Manager Application cHK �� DATE i--- !C� ' `'(� INIT �-SF' ,. e . _ A Iicattort. ; ;;.. .. ; ;: ; =ti,� __. New Give date that the two-day gambling manager seminar was completed.�/�/�� �j 1 ` l q,�, ' \ Location of training_ � �(�� (ci;�) � Renewa! Give date of training received within th�se years prior to the date of the appliation for renewai._/_/_ Location of training >:<;:::.<;;:;;;;.;::;.:;:.;;:.;;;;;:.>;:.>;;:.;:;.::.;>;;;;>;;;;;;:;;:::.:::::.::::,:::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::(�!:�Y):.::::::.,:.::::::::.....:................_....... .. Gainb��rt ,Mand er::3'ri :oririatibn.... ' ' _ _..:�. _. , :..:: ;..�:.::._. ,:.. LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME MAIDEN Date of Birth Soc.Security Number % ca � ,'c ha�-� - G-S� � �7 -6 - .�`�� Address State Zip Code Daytime Phone � sGo� c��� 7/- O MEMBERSHIP: Date gambling manager became a member of the organization �/=/� Sex : �Male ❑ Female Or ctniidtiort In' orinctttori <., , ;_ _ . Name�Organization � � � l_i�ns�umbgy..- � ,(� u S 5� n `-t" D� . Address Ciry/State Zip Code Phone _ ( b(z) 777-�?� ; ,, . � Bonct �nforniatiort_ <. . --A $10,000 fidelity bond in favor of ti�e organizaUon must be obtained for the gambling manager. Name of insuranca company (do not use agency name) ��(�i)�.1' �Rt�T!Bond Number �G OO,s�]1 p {� ,:::....:.:::.. .. ;: :.;:::::>::::>;>;:;;:;:::: .:..;;><::;��::.��. ;;;.:>;::>::>�::: < : ,:.>::;::�.;. .. . .::,....:.::.:.: .: > :;;�.:..;;::<: Acknowledqr�ierit.. . ` ', :.: :: I dedare thaL • I have read this application and ali informabon submitted to the board; • all information is true, accurate and complete; • all odier reouired information h2s been fuliy disdosed; • I am the only gambling manager of the organization; � I will familiarize myself with the laws of Minnesota governing law(ul gambiing and rules o(the board and agree, if licensed, to abide by those laws and rules, induding amendments to them; • any changes in application information will be submitted to the board and local unit of government within 10 days of the change; • An affidavit for gambling manager has been completed and attached, and • I understand that failure to provide required information or providing false information may result in the deniai or revocapon of the license. ' Signature Gambling Manager I Date 7� 9� Send the completed application and all required attachments o: `��'��'"J ���� r�'C- Gambling Contro �•f, �'�' ?{` � I Board � ' ?,� ,� � Suite 300 S. - ¢� � . _✓/ "�X� � 1711 W. County Road B � � � `�,� Rosevllle, MN 55113 / _' �,1�. y�,�-� �'`,rr�::�cti� q �j f �J� �,�,`�.� _ .: - j f � � _ , �� � Q�.-����_ � 4�,� �.� �.� ����m _ i�l �!1�� � . � .. �- ✓.�