96-1595 Council File # ``e \� 1� Ordinance # Green Sheet #���� � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA L�' Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED: That application (ID #14259)for a Cigarette, Grocery-C, and Off Sale Ma1t License by 2 Corner Express Foods DBA Corner Express Foods (Ying Thao, Co-Partner) at 1658 7th 3 Street East be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Nays Absent 7 B a e,y ✓ 8 Guerin ✓ Office of License, Inspections and 9 Ha r 10 Me ✓ Environmental Protection 11 Re m ✓ 12 T ✓ 13 Bostrom �— 14 � _ , �- / 15 C'�,l.l--J 16 Adopted by Council: Date /a G By' 17 18 Adoption C tified by ou c'1 ecretary Form Approved by City Attorney 19 �, 2 0 `�' �-I� 21 By: "� � 22 // By' 23 Approved by Mayo : Date � Z �� `1 p 24 25 Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 By: � Council 27 By: . � � � �"`� \� LIEP Licensin �mA D �REEN SHEET N° 3.�4 7 5 o��►���o��� o��� __ �� Christine Rozek 266-9108 �� �cm�rroRNer �cmci.e�m IL ( ) pp�npp �BUD(iET DIqECTOR �FIN.d MGT.BERVICE8 DMi. 2�0 9� o�en p a►,,,ron coa�r�u�rn p For hearin : T9DTAL AF OF SKiNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIONATUR� ACTWM RECUE8TED: Carner Express Foods D�A Corner Express Foods requests Council approval of its application for a Cigarette,- Grocery-C, and Off Sale Ma1t License located at 1658 lth Street Bast (ID 14259) . REC�IMENDI1TbN8:Appruw(A)a Rej�d(R) P8R$ONAI sERVICE CCINTRACT'S MUST ANSWER ThE POILOMIINO�t1E8TfONS: _PLldrNlNCi CO�MAI8810N T CqIM.SERVICE COMM18S10N 1. Has Mis psrson/firm ever worked under a conVact hu tlNs dop�rtmsM t ����E _ YES NO 2. Nu this psnon/flrm ever be�a dty employee? —�� — YfS NO _o�T11�cr t�uRr _ s. �oes this p.rsoNHrin possess a sku�na namallr P�dY�r��r enlpb�yw? SUPPOpTB WHK�1 COUNdI.OB,IECTWE4 YES NO Ezplaln�N y�s an�wsrs on s�p�nb tl�t and Mt�ah to Ona�sla�t N�1171ATII�IO I+ROBlEM.188UE.OPPORTUNI7'Y MRw�W1M.When�VVhsn.WhYY . RE�E1���1 . �CT 11 1996 ����: CITY ATTQR� DISADMANTAQE8 IF APP�VED: . Counc� �����w�,°�i C�����r NOV 2 5 1�y6 018ADVAP1711fiES IF NOf APPFiOVED: - - ---�...^"'"'- ____ TOTAL AMOUNT Of TRANSACTION = C08T/REVENUE SUOOETBD(CIRC4E ONE) YES NO FUNDIH�i sOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) � �a� . .. ��_\��� , CLASS III CIT'Y OF SAINT PAUL LICENSE APPLICATION OKce of License,.Inspactions and En��ironmental Protection ?SO S�Pau S�Suite?00 Q I� Saim Pau1.Ninouaa Syl� ' (612):664Q90 fu(6 i:)=(�-91:! � • THIS APPLICATIO'� SLBJECT TO REVIEVV BY THE PL�BLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRL\"T LN L\K Tvpe of License s)being applied for: ����6 � 0�'�F s�[� �- �8g•°� - _- � 7 r G �1M�0 .� - 020 �3t ,�o co��y�:�: Cn r v�r F�X' n,�._Fa�c�� Corporation/Parme:ship/Sole Proprietorship If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation: Doin2 Business.4s: G�1r �`e Y C ,�w�" J �� S Business Phone: 777 ' ��7� Business Addresr. � [�5� `7 y h �� J� � ,�� -�i Sl O Svcet Address Ciry State Zip Betv��een��hat cross streets is the business located? K �1'1�1�JI�S �f' V�'hich side of the street? O �'1 r/ th� Are the premises now• occupied?� VS'hat T�Pe of Business? �2.0[�� Si�1J�� r 'vl�.ul To Address: � �oti r� � ty1 5�' F Lid' Q�.P /�/� r7 S �� �, �-- Sveet Address Ciry State Zip Applicant Information: `/ " Pp,�,{Y�t� lame and Tide: �M � �� � A� . Fi. t Diiddle (Aiaiden) I.ast Tide Home Address: � ��� .�� ��� Sacet Addras City State Zip Date of Birth: � � — � `� Place of Birth: Home Phone: _ Have you ever been convicted of any felony,crime or�riolation of any city ordinance other than traffic? YES_ TO_� Date of arrest: V�'here? ' Char=e: � Con�•iction: Sentence: List the names and residences of three persons of good moral character, li��ing w�ithin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or fmancially interested in the premises or business,who may be referred to as to the applicant's character: NAME ADDRESS PHO'�'E �o�,�cc ��c�,C� � List licenses which you curr ndy hold,formerly held,or may 6ave an interest in: Have any of the above named licenses ever been revoked? YES NO If yes,list the dates and reasons for revocation: Are you going to openu this business personally? �YES NO If not,who v►�ill operate it? —/ � 1'�/Cs W , ' `T rN�� � � t Name Middle lnidal (Mtiden) List Date of B'vth Ciry State tip - Phone Numbet Are}�ou going to ha��e a mana�er or assistant in this business? �1'ES \O If che manager is not the same as the operator,please complete the follow•ing information: C��—\��=t� ' • �1��r-�-� � F'���;�� Atiddfe lnitial (1iai�en) Ia�t Date of Birth Home Address: Sreet'�ame Ci:�• State Zip Phone T'umber Please list our emplo;�ment history fer the pre��ious fi�•e(�)}'ear period: � Busines lo�znent ddres �3 2..'VL�R"1.. ,,,�-Q�-����S� C�.�-i� I.,��O GvL_ �,a.e�z. �.��,, hl�� ozcn; �� e,►�, � � ���.P �i� �S 1 a l_ List all other officers of the corporatien: OFFICER TITLE HO:viE HO'�� BliSI��SS DATE OF 1p,.'�� (Office Held) ADDRESS PHO\� PHO\� BIRTH .i ��� � � - � If business is a parmership,please inclvde the follow•ing info:mation for eac6 partner(use additional pages if necessar}�): _�� R�lah-�-a�1 � 1-.b r • 7"l�-� �-� First:�a. '�iiddle Lti[ial ('�iaiden) Last Date of Birth ��� � Ci;y State Zip Phone?�umber , / � �N � + — � V First!� Middle Initial (Maiden) Dace of Birth ��" ,�� � � Home ddras: Sar,et Kame Ciry State Trp Phone A'umber ML1:'�'ESOTA TAX IDE.'v'TIF�7CATi0y hti:�ER-Pursuant to the Laws of Ivfinnesota, 1984,Chapter 502,Article 8,Section 2(270.�2) (Tax Clearance;Issuance of Licenses),licensing autborities are required to pro�•ide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, . the Minnesota business tax idendfication aumber and the social securiry number of each license applicant Under the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974,we are required to ad��ise you of the following regarding the use of the Minnesota Taz Identification Number: -T'his information may be used to deny the issuance or renew�al of your license in the event you owe Atinnesota sales,employer s a•ithholdiag or motor vehicle excise tazes; -Upon receiving this infocmation,the licensing authority w�ill supply it only to the Muinesota Depaztment of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreement,the Department of Revenue may supply this information to the Intemal Revenue Service. Minnesota'faz Identification T'umbers (Sales & Use Taz �'umber) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Pazk Plaza(612-296-6181). Social Security Number: Minnesota Taz Identification Number: If a Minn�sota Taz Identification:�'umber is not required for the business being opented,indicate so by placing aa"X" in the boz. CERTIFICATIO\OF V�'ORKERS'CO'�4PE\'SATION CO�'ERAGE PURSUA.\'I'TO TiL1T'ESOTA STATLiTE 176.182 1 hereby certify that I,or my company,am in compliance v�'ith the w•orkers'compensation insurance co��erage requiremenu of A4innesota � Statute 176.182,subdi�•ision 2. I also understand that pro��isioa of falce information in this cer[ification constitutes su�cient grounds for ad�•erse action against all licenses held,including revocation and suspension of said licenses. �(g���N� \'ame of Insurance Company: Policy i�'umber: Co�•erage from to I ha�•e no employees co��ered under w�orkers'compensation insurance_j '' ' /" A'�Y FALSffICATIO'�OF A.\SRERS GI�'EN OR�iATERIAL SL�B:IIITTED RTLL RESULT I\DE\IAL OF THIS APPLICATI0:�1 I hereby state that I ha�•e answered all of the preceding questions,and that the information contained herein is irue and correct to the best of my 1:noWIedLe and belief. I hereby state furtber that I hat•e received no money or other consideration,by v��ay of loaa,gift,contribution, or otberwise,other than already disclosetl in the application R�hich I herew�ith submitted I also understand this premise may be inspected b��police,fire,health and ot6et ciq�officials at any and all times w•hen the business is in operation. , �� /�-g�6 Signature(REQ D or all applications) Date "*'�ote: If this ap�lication is Food/I_iquor related,please conta:t a Cit}�of Saint Paul Healtb Inspector,Steve Olson(266-9139),to review plaas. If any substantial changes w strucuu�e are anticipated,ple.ase contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Plan Ezaminer at 266-9007 w apply for building pemuts. If there are any changes to the parking]ot,floor spa:e,or for new openrions,please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Zoning Inspecror at 266-9008. Additional application requirements,please attach: A detailed description of the design,locauon and square footage of the premises to be licensed(site plan). The follo�ing data should be on the site plan(preferably on an 81/2"x 11"or 81R"x 14"paper): -T'ame,address,and phone number. -The scale should be stated such as 1"=20'. ^\'sbould be indicated to�card the top. -Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating areas,l�tchens,offices,repair area,parl3ng,rest rooms,etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion o[the licensed facility, indicate both the current area and the proposed expansion A copy of}our lease agreement or proof of o�r►ership of the property. FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATION REQUIRE?�sEN'TS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>>•� c-'l�--\�`�l� Greensheet # 35475 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST �ate: 10-7-96 / In Tracker? App'n Received / App'n Processed License ID # 14259 License Type: Cigarette, Grocery-C, and Off Sale M?1 t Company Name: Corner Express Foods DBA: same Business Addresss: 1658 7th St E Business Phone: 774-6444 Contact Name/Address: Yin� Thao, Home Phone: �� Date to Council Research: Public Hearing Date: ' � � ' � Labels Ordered: �D/O" 9� Notice Sent to Applicant: � � , District Council #: ���, �� Notice Sent to Public: /I�� ��/-"� Ward #: � Department/ Date Inspections Comments , City Attorney � Z�•°!�o O.�. Environmental Health ��'���YJ v• � , Fire �� ' z�• �� � ' License S�e�an Received: l.ease Received: i/� 2�" �`� � � Police l l • ZD •qlp Q, � . Zoning � i � zoa� o. � ������ From: Tasha Edwards To: CCouncil.COUNCIL.nancya Date: 11/26/96 12:42pm Subject: Notification of a change on a hearing date Nancy, in Christine Rozek�s absence 2 am notifying you of a hearing date change. Green Sheet #35475, Corner Express Foods at 1658 7th Street is being postponed from 12/11 to be heard 12/26 per Bostrom's office. If you need any other information from me please let me know. Thanks much