96-1586 • • „ F� t �. ! � Council File # ��—��� Green Sheet # `� U `�`P RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By ��rn��-- ,>�,2���- Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 FINAL PLAT FOR ���r�� 3 OAK BLUFF ADDITION 4 D�� 3 0 1996' s 6 WHEREAS, Robert and Sharon Ondrusik have submitted the attached final p ;`�t��cil approval; 7 and 8 9 WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council was held on October 26, 1994 for the preliminary plat 10 at which all interested parties were heard, and the City Council approved the preliminary plat; and 11 12 WHEREAS, approval of a preliminary plat is deemed as an expression of approval of the design and is to 13 be used as guide in the preparation of the final plat, and 14 15 WHEREAS, Robert and Sharon Ondrusik bought the property from the owner with the approved preliminary 16 plat and have modified the original preliminary plat reducing the number of single family building lots from 17 13 lots to 5, and 18 19 WHEREAS, the appropriate City departments have reviewed the new final plat and found it meets the 20 requirements of Chapter 67 of the Zoning Code; 21 ,. 22 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves the attached final plat 23 for Oak Bluff Addition. Ye�s Navs Absent Requested by Department of: a e �— ostrom v uerin � annin & Eco omi Develo ment arris ✓ e ar ✓ e t tman ✓ B . �.��� ,�-�-��_- une � Adopted by Council: te �1 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption �er if' d by il Secretary By. � By: ,,,r�� ���,r•�, /2-//-9'L Approved by Ma r: Date ?70 �G Approved by Mayor for Submission to B�unci_ � By: . . < ,�,.. #/' L DAT ������ �� ����g GREEN S T �p �py p INITI D INITIAUDATE t�'�Illei"E 266-6583 �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �CITYCOUNCIL AS81GN ���'ry ATTORNEY _ �CITY CLERK NUMBHR FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL A(iENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING UDG�T DIRECTOR �FIN.&MaT.SERVICES DIR. � O� Q y� � �/ �G� ORDER MAYOR(OR A3SISTANn � �_� �.. 1� "i TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt resolution approving the fmal plat for the property at 2160 Highwood Avenue. Approval allows recording with Ramsey County the new plat to allow subdivision of the property into 5 single family home lots. RECOMMENDA7IONS:Approve(A)or Re)ect(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACT3 MUST AN8WER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNINO COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this personffirm ever wo�ked under e contrect fo��department? _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO E;�p �S7AFF _ 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO �� ��� _D�STRICT COURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not norma e8 urrent cl e ty mployeel SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OB.IECTIVE? YES NO Explaln sll yes answers on ssparete shest end,q�ypg�y,��p6sNSi�r�r Mf1TtJRa lJrrea.�. INITIATINCi PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPpRTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Where,Why): Adopt resolution allowing the applicant to record the fmal plat of the property to a11ow 5 single family lots. A public hearing before the City Council was held on October 26, 1994,at which all interested parties were heard and at which,the City Council approved the preliminary plat for a 13 lot single family home subdivision. In 1996 the current owner/applicant pwchased the pmperty from the original owner/developer of the pmposed 131ot preliminary plat. The owner/applicant now wishes subdivide the property,but reduce the number of lots from 13 to 5. The new final plat removes the proposed road and the 81ots accessing it and retains the remaining appmximate 4.8 acres with the existing house. Since an approved preliminary plat is a guide in the preparation of the final plat,the applicant may modify the pmposal from the preliminary to final plats. The ownedapplicant has maintained the original concept of the approved preliminary plat. City Council action is required to allow recording of the new final plat document. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Approval of the fmal plat allows recording of the new subdivision and retains the existing house and creates 4 new building lots for single family home construction. The subdivision allows home buyers an additional option in the St. Paul housing market. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � � ��y1a�.rv�..y ` . .. �i,.,P„�.,F� . �,a none �¢,� � ,� ���� DISADVANTA(iE3 IF NOT APPROVED: Applicant could not record the new plat to subdivide the property as intended. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIiG 80URCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) � �ilo\�`'6� � _ � � � N � � I � � � a � � � � � � � � � � � � � �g � s� � � � �^ � �� � � gg � $ � � � �� � �! �r _, � � ' � �� b . i� 0 � A � y fy� . s = �I � � � � �� � e �� � �� � �� ��� � �� � �� � � e�# ' � �� � �s r � � a ��'� s O & � aa �s � � 5����� � � . , � �� ����� � �. € Q � � �� ��at�� �d � � � �� �����#� � � ' � � � r � , . �� . � � � ��1�i`� � . .. . 1M . . - 1 . � �� � . � `�'�� � � � �� 1� ��s�e� � Q �� � ` Y I� ������� � ` �� I� � � d � � � . � �s y �� a� � �� ��5a � �n � � � � � � � � �� � �� � � � � � � j� � � �� �_s �3' _�e�E�� � &� l �i � � �g � < � � � i " g �� �� � a# $�� ��� �� �g � �� Y t s '�� � t � •� s�� . g� � � � ��� . ��� �d$ �,�, g �1 ��� �� ��� ; � �i _ i ���� � � � � �g � C; . � � �[�s E��� S;� �� . {� � �.i�� �fg �s� i� _ < y � . .. � ���� � t � � (.'� . ;;.. � �i=, ���� �� �7 ' �� s � , � ; � � � . . .. . . �. � � � , . ���� �#� �� � � �� �� ��� . �:, ;- ..� � �;: . � , { ,; : . , . . �' " ``� y" �Y.. 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