96-1584 ' � Council File # �1.�-�5�� ` r Green Sheet # l"�v��� - �-, RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ap Presented By � Referred to Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul, Division of Parks and Recreation has received monies and 2 maintains a fund for Japanese Garden maintenance, and 3 WHERERS, Repairs to the Japanese Garden Tea House in the amount of approximately $11, 000 4 are required in 1996,and 5 6 WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.01 of the City Charter, does certify that 7 there are available for appropriation, revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1996 8 budget, and 9 WHEREAS, Council File 277520, adopted October 1, 1981 did establish certain Special Fund 10 policies, and 11 WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1996 budget: 12 DEPARTMENT OF COMM[JNITY SERVICES 13 DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION 14 COMO PARK CONSERVATORY SUPPORT 1S CURRENT AMENDED 16 FINANCING PLAN BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 17 361-53115-9830 Use of Fund Balance 0 11, 000 11, 000 18 361 All Other Financing 9, 005 0 9, 005 19 9, 005 11, 000 20, 005 2 O SPENDING PI,AN 21 361-53115-0219 Fees, Other Prof Services 0 11, 000 11, 000 22 361 All Other Spending 9, 023 0 9, 023 23 9, 023 11, 000 20, 023 24 2 5 Page 1 of 2 ' � ������ 26 27 28 2 9 BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1996 budget. 30 31 �'Y�- v�-�� Yeas Nays Absent BZakey ✓ Requested by: S Bostrom ✓ E Guerin ✓ Divi ' o ark d Recreation Harris ,i Megard ,i Rettman / By: "�="'"L-- Thune ✓ Form App ed by City Attorney Adopted by uncil: Da e . � G / yG � Adoptio Certified by C �i Secretary By: � gy �� ApProved by Mayor for Submission to 2 �r �G Council Approved by May Date: �/� A /� s�'����� _ j�J2��� B "l� 1, By: �Gc. y. a � DE44RTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED �� \�g� � . � GREEN SHEET �S� NO. 404 4 Parks and Recreation 11-7-96 CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAL/DATE Lynn Wolfe � DEPAHTMENT DIflECTOR rJ CITY COUNCi� ASSIGN q NUMBER FOFi _y+_CI TTORNEY CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY IDATE) R�T�' W6ET DIRECTOR FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. MAYOR IOR ASSISTANT �_Chief Accountent 7 PtrH TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGES�(CIJP ALL LOCM90NS FOR SKiMATURq ACTION REQUESTED: R�E�D Approval of Resolution to use fund balance for repairs to Japanese Garden Tea House. D�C � 1 �9��� � M�1Y0#i'8 OFFICE RECOMMENOATIONS: Approv�IA1 or Rejeet IR) P6i80MAL SBMCE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWQi THE FOL40WINO QUFfT10NS: PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Hp this perooMtirm evu worked under a cont�act ta thia depxtment? CIB COMMITTEE YES NO � /4 STAFF 2. Ha�tFws person/firm ever besn a city employee? DISTRICT COUNCIL VES NO I 3. Does this psrooNfirm possesa s skill not normally possess�d by any cvrent tity employee? SUPPORTS WMtCH COUNCIL OBJECTIVEt YES NO 6cpldn dl yq www�on wpaab rhset and sttech to yrean�Met. � INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY tWho,What,WF�x+,Where,Why1: The roof of the Japanese Garden Tea House is in need of repairs. ADVANTAGES�F AAPROVED: Protect investment in much utilized facility, that is in great demand and booked up to 1 year in advance. DISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Cot�n��l ��s��rcfi C€3�tar None. DEC 13 1996 D�C 05 �996 �ITY ATTORNEY ; DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � I I The needed repairs will not be completed. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S � �.00O COSTIREV9�IUE BUDOET�(CIRCLE ONE1 YES NO FUNDIN6 SOURCE Fund Balance ACTIVITV NUMBFR 361-531 1 5-021 9 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) . � ( �