96-1579 �3 f'1 � � � A � �; � Council File # ��\�� ` ! ' i0 � � Green Sheet # �U Z�� RESOLUTION CITY O S INT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� r Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental 6 Protection (LIEP) initiated adverse action against the license application of Ra.ymond Hessler, 7 d/b/a Smith Avenue Rental Hall, 627 South Smith Avenue, Saint Paul, MN, seeking 8 conditions to be placed on the license, with neighbors seeking denial of the license 9 application; and 10 11 WHEREAS, an administrative hearing was held before Administrative Law Judge 12 Richard Mosman on October 29, 1996, with David Essling, Esq. appearing on behalf of the 13 license applicant and Virginia D. Palmer, Esq., appearing on behalf of LIEP; and 14 15 WHEREAS, at the administrative hearing LIEP took the position that the license 16 should be denied because the applicant had rented the Hall during the pendency of the license 17 application, and therefore operated without a license, and a hearing was held, each party 18 submitting oral testimony and documents into the record at the hearing, with the matter being 19 taken under advisement; and 20 21 WHEREAS, the administrative law judge in his Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law 22 and Recommendation found that the applicant had demonstrated that he was of good moral 23 character and met the minimum qualifications for the issuance of the Class III license for a 24 Dance/Rental Hall; and 25 26 WHEREAS, the administrative law judge further concluded that the conditions initially 27 sought by LIEP would be adequate to protect neighbors from problems with noise, traffic and 28 parking problems and disorderly conduct by patrons of the Hall; and 29 30 WHEREAS, at a public hearing on December 4, 1996 to consider the 31 Recommendations of the Administrative Law Judge, the license applicant's spouse appeared 32 and presented testimony on the recommendation, and agreed to some suggested changes and 33 additions in the conditions initially recommended; now, therefore, be it 34 35 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, after due deliberation based 36 upon all of the files, records and proceedings herein, including the documents and e�chibits 37 submitted to the Administrative Law Judge, the adoption of the ALJ's Findings, Conclusions 38 and Recommendation issued subsequent thereto and the arguments of the license applicant's 39 representative at the public hearing, does hereby order: 40 41 1. That the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation of the Administrative Law 42 Judge shall be adopted and shall be attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, �l° ���� 1 except that the conditions referred to in the Recommendation shall be amended as set fo 2 below. 3 4 2. That the application by Raymond Hessler d/b/a Smith Avenue Rental Hall, 6�7 5 South Smith Avenue, Saint Paul for a Class III Dance/Rental Hall license, be and the same 6 hereby is granted, subject to the following conditions: 7 8 a) The Hall and the entire licensed premises must be closed by 11:00 p.m. Sunday 9 through Thursday, and by midnight on Friday and Saturday, and no patrons, guests or 10 members of the public shall be on the licensed premises after the closing time. 11 12 b) The licensee, Raymond Hessler, shall be responsible for making sure that patrons, 13 guests and members of the public exiting the Hall do so in a quiet and orderly fashion, so as 14 to not disturb the adjacent neighbors. 15 16 c) The licensee, Raymond Hessler, shall be responsible for insuring that one or more 17 security persons are on duty at all functions taking place at the Hall. Said security sha11 18 remain until all patrons, guests and members of the public have left the area, and shall insure 19 that no one leaving the Hall loiters around or near the building. 20 21 d) The licensee, Raymond Hessler, shall provide a telephonic means to contact both 22 the licensee and the on-site manager at all times that the Ha11 is being used. The numbers for 23 contact are: on-site hall manager: 291-7167; Raymond Hessler, 228-1155, pager #908-1156; 24 Rental Hall phone #:298-1411. 25 26 e) There shall be no parking in the alley immediately south of the building by anyone 27 associated with the Hall. In addition, the City will enforce the no-parking ban for residents, 28 as well. 29 30 � The licensee, Raymond Hessler, shall be responsible for clean-up of the outside area 31 immediately adjacent to the Hall, on a daily basis. 32 33 g) There shall be no sale of liquor or beer to anyone on the premises at any time. The 34 City will consider the collection of an entry fee or admission charge or donation collected 35 when alcohol is being served or consumed on the premises to be a sale of alcohol and such 36 sale will be deemed a violation of this condition. 37 38 h) There shall be no sale, consumption or possession of liquor or beer on the part of 39 underage persons. The licensee, Ra.ymond Hessler, shall be responsible for adverse license 40 action if a minor sells, consumes or has in his/her possession any alcoholic beverage on the 41 premises. 42 43 i) No alcoholic beverages, including beer, spirits or wine, shall be taken outside the 44 Hall. 45 46 j) The licensee, Raymond Hessler, shall provide a list of all rentals on a monthly basis 47 to both the Office of LIEP and the Central Team Commander of the Saint Paul Police 48 Department. 49 50 k) The licensee shall provide a copy of the license conditions to all parties renting the 51 Hall and shall post a copy in a place visible to all patrons, guests and members of the public. 52 �to-��-tGt 1 1) The licensee has been advised of and is aware of the provisions of Chapter 267 of 2 the Saint Paul Legislative Code relating to the excessive consumption of police services, and 3 sha11 be subject to the provisions in the event of repeated police calls to the Hall to deal with 4 problems arising out of rental of the Hall. 5 6 m) Any violation of any of the foregoing conditions shall be grounds for adverse 7 action against all licenses held by the licensee, including suspension and revocation. 8 9 10 A copy of this Resolution, as adopted, shall be sent by first class mail to the Licensee and the 11 Administrative Law Judge. .. ,,._ . ^ , . . . � . � Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: a e J os rom •� arri s ✓ uerin ✓ e ar •� e t tman .� une .� BY� U Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted ot cil: Date .�, ZG,, i yy� � � - , Adoption Certified y 1 Secretary By: �/ �_ � � By�( � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by ayor: Date ?j �l � Council By: �"` �� BY� ����Z�t 4d�40 O�MR�AENTIOFFICFI�COUNCII DATE INITIATED LIEP GREEN SHEET CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR NITIAUDATE ❑CITY COUNCIL INITIAUDATE Robert Kessler ASSIGN �CITYATfORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMBER FOR MU3T BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DATE) ROUTINp �BUDOET pIRECTOR �FIN.3 MRT.$�RVICE3 DIR, ORDER MAYOR(OR AS3ISTANn December 26, 1996 � ❑ TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUE3TED: Finalizing City Council action taken on December 4, 1996 granting the application for a license to Raymond Hessler, dba Smith Avenue Rental Hall, 627 South Smith Avenue. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Re)ect(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSIQN _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a�Mract for this department7 _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _3TAFF — YES NO _DISTRICT COUFiT _ 3. Ooes this person/firm possess a Skfll not normall y possessed by any current city employeeT BUPPORTB WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVEI YES NO Explaln ell yes snswers on saparats shsst and attach to�resn shest INITIATINO PROBLEM,133UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): ADVANTAGE3 IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: sv n i _ �e.,s6 7IJr� . _� �1 e.�,,.:c'..,. DE� 1. 1 +��� _ ._. _._"..-ar DISADVANTACiE3 IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWQ�SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORWSATION:(EXPLAIN) OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY��_��-14 T:motlry E. Marx, City Attorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Civil Division Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 City Hall Telephone: 612 266-8710 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Facsimile: 612 298-5619 Saint Paul, �nnesota 55102 �� December 9, 1996 Nancy Anderson 310 City Hall RE: Thursday, December 26, 1996 Council Hearing Item for Consent Agenda: 1 . Smith Avenue Rental Hall Nancy: Attached are two resolutions relating to the Smith Avenue Rental Hall; the first is the denial of a license to the Cameroon Group, LLC, and the second is the conditional approval of a license to Mr. Raymond Hessler, the property owner. Please schedule these for the Consent Agenda for the Council Hearing on Thursday, December 26, 1996 . Thank you. Since ely � �' Peter P. Pangbor �L��\ Paralegal E:'�1�1��°�! �'?���►,��� � 1!f t��,�; 1 ;� �� -. � STATE OF MINNESOTA .••''u�"••.. OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS �� '� � ��� 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700 100 Washington Avenue South ��. .ti• Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138 November 1 g, 1996 Fred Owusu City Clerk 170 City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 Re: In the Matter of the License Application of Raymond Hessler for Rental at Smith Avenue Rental Hall; OAH Docket No. 62-2111-10764-3 Dear Mr. Owusu: On November 15, 1996, Administrative Law Judge Mosman served the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendation in the above-entitled matter. Enclosed is the official record, including a copy of the tape recording of the hearing. Our file in this matter is now being closed. Very truly yours, i;`� . �`G�fi�'� ��� ancy M. Thomas Docket Clerk Telephone: 612/341-7615 NT Enc. Providing Impartial Hearings for Government and Citizens An Equal Opportunity Employer Administrative Law Section&Administrative Services(612)341-7600 �TDD No. (612)341-7346 � Fax No. (612)349-2665 q� -���q AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) Richard A. Mosman of the city of New Brighton, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota deing duly sworn, says that on the 15 day of November, 1996, she/he served the annexed Order on Intervention upon: City of St Paul West Side Organization Attn: Ms. Virginia Palmer 625 Stryker Ave 400 City Hall St Paul, Minnesota 55107 15 W Kellogg Blvd St Paul, Minnesota 55102 West Side Safe Neighborhood Council Attn: Ms Sue Nipe Mr. Raymond Hessler 209 W Page St. % Mr. David Essling St Paul, Minnesota 55107 Attorney at Law 1217 W 7th St St Paul, Minnesota 55102 Smith-Dodd Business Assn Attn: Mr. Rick Aguilar 602 Smith Ave. St Paul, Minnesota 55107 the parties or attorneys for the parties to the action herein, by mailing to the named attorneys, and/or parties, copies thereof, enclosed in an envelope, first class postage prepaid, and by depositing the same in the post office at Richfield, Minnesota. ----1�'''-��-� /C� � Richard A. Mosman Subscribed and sworn to before me this �,�"day of 1���.yr��,_ 19a1 ; _sl.1��1��1�.�-���-'-�'---- Notary Public • �p��NNE,�SOTA • DAICOTA COUNTY :� •...• � My Commission Expires Jan.31,2000 , �.c.c.c.., .c �s� Nf�� � � .���► ' � OFFICE OF THE CI�uA�TORNEY Timothy E. Marx, City Attorney �/_ � � G�� �D 'J CITY OF SAINT PALJL Civil Drvision Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 City Hall Telephone: 612 266-8710 IS West Kellogg Blvd. Facsimile: 612 298-5619 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � November 5, 1996 The Honorable Richard Mossman Administrative Law Judge 604 Richfield Bank 6625 Lyndale Avenue South Richfield, MN 55423 RE : In the Matter of the License Application of Raymond Hessler Dear Judge Mossman: This matter is before you on the license application by Raymond Hessler to operate a dance/rental hall pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §405 for the premises located at 627 South Smith Avenue, Saint Paul, known as the Smith Avenue Rental Hall ( "Hall") . The property was originally owned by Shekinah Lodge No. 171, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and was sold on a contract for deed to Raymond Hessler. Mr. Hessler operated the premises until early 1994, when he sold it under a contract for deed to The Cameroon Group. Cameroon Group operated the premises until early in 1996 . In July of 1995 the City of Saint Paul passed an ordinance which required licenses for the operation of a public dance or rental hall . The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection sent a notice to all premises or individuals likely to be affected by the new ordinance notifying them that they would need to apply for a license . Gregory Langason and the Cameroon Group were at that time the tenants of the Hall, and they duly applied for a dance hall license. At the time of the initial license application, LIEP supported issuance of a license with conditions attached to deal with a variety of complaints neighbors had regarding noise, disruption, operation after hours, and disorderly conduct by patrons . Neighbors opposed the grant of the license and the matter was scheduled for an administrative hearing. Prior to the initial hearing on Cameroon' s application LIEP changed its recommendation because of evidence that the conditions which Langason had agreed to were not being complied with. While the action was pending on the license application by the Cameroon �� I��� Letter Memorandum November 5, 1996 Page 2 Group, Raymond Hessler started action to cancel the Contract for Deed with Cameroon Group, and was successful in repossessing the property. The Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge in the license matter involving the Cameroon Group went to a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council on August 27, 1996, at which time the City Council denied the license application. Because of the contract for deed cancellation proceedings, Cameroon Group had physically been out of the building for some time, and Mr. Hessler had applied for a license on May 26, 1996 . His license application was on the same Council agenda for consideration. At the hearing on Mr. Hessler' s application there was public testimony by neighbors in opposition to granting the license, and the matter was referred to an Administrative Law Judge. At the public hearing before the City Council LIEP recommended issuance of a license to Mr. Hessler, with the same conditions which had originally been recommended for the license sought by the Cameroon Group. By letter dated October 23 , 1996 the applicant was informed that the recommendation of the Licensing Office had changed because of information they had received that Mr. Hessler had been operating the Hall without a license . Pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code �310 . 06 (b) (6) , adverse action may be taken against a license when: a. The licensee or applicant (or any person whose conduct may by law be imputed to the licensee or applicant) has violated, or performed any act which is a violation of, any of the provisions of these chapters or of any statute, ordinance or regulation reasonable related to the licensed activity, regardless of whether criminal charges have or have not been brought in connection therewith; or c . The licensee or applicant (or any person whose conduct may by law be imputed to the licensee or applicant) has engaged in or permitted a pattern or practice of conduct of failure to comply with laws reasonably related to the licensed activity or from which an inference of lack of fitness or good character may be drawn. It is the position of the LIEP Office that Mr. Hessler has operated the Hall prior to obtaining a license, in violation of Saint Paul Legislative Code §405, and that together with his past conduct in the operation of Highbridge Sports Club shows a pattern or 0��- 15�� Letter Memorandum November 5, 1996 Page 3 practice of failure to comply with laws reasonably related to the licensed activity. Additionally, his disregard of the licensing requirements both in 1989 and prior to the hearing indicate that he is not likely to take seriously the need to comply strictly with conditions on the license. Issue #1 : Did Raymond Hessler operate the Hall without a license in violation of Saint Paul Legislative Code �405? Saint Paul Legislative Code �405 . 01 (a) states : "No person shall operate a public dance or rental hall in Saint Paul without a license. " There is evidence in the record that Mr. Hessler applied for a license to operate a rental hall in May, 1996 . Neighbors testified about continuous operation of the Hall . Mr. Hessler stated at the hearing that he was told that he could continue renting the Hall and complete rentals first booked by Gregory Langason. The Director and a senior license inspector from LIEP both testified that they had not given Hessler authority to operate without a license, nor had they agreed to let him continue rentals booked by Langason. They further testified that they had requested copies of the contracts for bookings, but had not received that information. By letter dated September 10, 1996, Hessler was told that he could not operate the Hall . His manager, Karen Mishler, stated that she was told by Kristina Schweinler that, despite the letter, they could continue rentals booked by Langason. Ms . Schweinler testified that she did not make that representation and that she had advised Ms . Mishler to speak to an attorney. Sue Synstegaard testified that she called Smith Avenue Rental Hall on October 22 , 1996 and was told that the Hall was available for rental that weekend, Saturday or Sunday, October 26 or 27, 1996 . Mr. Hessler stated on cross-examination that he did not know that he needed a license to operate the Hall until the September 10, 1996 letter from Mr. Kessler, but admitted applying for a license before that . He continued to deny knowing that there was a requirement for a license for a dance/rental hall even though he attended a hearing during the administrative law hearing process on the former applicant . He also denied ever receiving his own copy of the September 10, 1996 letter, and denied receiving copies of his attorney' s correspondence on the subject . Mr. Hessler' s testimony on cross-examination on these points was not credible . There is ample evidence that he operated the Hall as a rental hall from the time that he took the property back from Gregory Langason and the Cameroon Group. He signed contracts with Elite Catering and Harvest Fellowship Church, he honored bookings by Langason, and neither he nor his manager ever complied with the requests from LIEP to provide information about when events were booked, beyond the faxes sent notifying LIEP of dates the Hall was rented. No Letter Memorandum �'�- r�lq November 5, 1996 Page 4 information regarding the dates of the rental, the contracts signed or other information was provided. Even if he had been told that he could continue rentals booked by Langason, he failed to provide any information that would show his rentals were limited to prior bookings . Issue #2 : Was Mr. Hessler entitled to rent the Hall without a license because of its previous use as a rental hall? The memorandum of law submitted by Mr. Essling seems to rely on a theory that, because the premises at 627 South Smith Avenue have been operated as a rental hall prior to the ordinance being passed, that the hall can continue in operation without a license. The cases cited deal primarily with the effects of zoning changes and non-conforming uses . It is true that in the context of zoning regulations, a use which lawfully exists may continue as a non- conforming use . However, the facts at hand differ in two respects . First, this is not a zoning issue, but a licensing ordinance, and as such, is an exercise of the police powers of the municipality. Second, while the hall itself may have been continuously operated as a rental hall, it does not follow that Mr. Hessler, who did not continuously own the hall, may operate it as such. " [T] he right of an owner of property to use it in his own way and for his own purposes is subject to the police power of the state, under which new burdens may be imposed upon property and new restrictions placed upon its use when the public welfare demands. " McQuillan, Municipal Corporations, Vo1 . 6A, §24 . 05 . A property owner whose business enterprise is prohibited by passage of an ordinance is not deprived of his property. Murphy v. California, 225 U.S. 623 , 32 S .Ct . 697 (1911) (involving the challenge of a municipal ordinance prohibiting the keeping of billiard and pool tables for hire by the proprietor of an existing billiard hall and pool room) . The propriety of ordinances designed to license and regulate dance halls, pool and billiard halls or other public entertainment places is well established. See, Town of Linden v. Fischer, 191 N.W. 901 (Minn 1923) . Most of the testimony of the neighbors regarding problems with the hall make it clear that there are concerns about noise of people coming and going, automobile doors being slammed, people drinking outside, fighting, urinating on yards and littering, all issues which support the City' s exercise of the police power to enact a licensing statute that can attempt to eliminate or limit these problems . In enacting a licensing ordinance for rental halls, the City has not in any way eliminated a pre-existing use, but has required that in order to carry on that business there must be a license . "To require a license as a condition precedent to the right to " l� � ���� I Letter Memorandum November 5, 1996 Page 5 carry on a certain type of business is a legitimate exercise of a city' s police power. " State v. Northern Raceway Corp. , 381 N.W.2d 526, 528 (Minn. App. 1986) , citing Lvons v. City of Minneapolis, 63 N.W. 2d 585, 588 (Minn. 1954) . Thus, Mr. Hessler is not entitled to continue the rental of the Hall because it has been operated as a rental hall prior to passage of the ordinance. Even if he had such a right through Mr. Langason' s previous operation, that right was effectively stopped on August 28, 1996, when Mr. Langason' s license application was denied. Issue #3 : Is Raymond Hessler a fit applicant for a dance/rental hall license in view of his previous pattern or practice of failure to abide by laws reasonably related to the licensed activity? The neighbors and the City have had experience with Mr. Hessler' s operation of the premises at 627 South Smith, when it was operated as a "private billiard club" , and have reason to believe that he will not abide by conditions designed to control the problems a rental hall poses to the neighbors . Mr. Hessler, despite his stated willingness to cooperate with the neighbors in enforcing the conditions, has displayed a lack of willingness to comply with the licensing laws . One witness testified that during his management of the Highbridge Sports Club Mr. Hessler had stated that he did not need a license and should be able to run his business any way that he wanted. The property was the subject of investigations for illegal activity and for unlicensed operation. The City took action against the premises in the form of an action for an Injunction. The Stipulation submitted as part of Mr. Hessler' s own exhibits shows a settlement of the Nuisance Abatement Action, but he testified that he only entered into the stipulation because he planned to sell the property. Nonetheless, the Stipulation is clear in Paragraph #4 that Hessler can rent the hall subject to licensinQ requirements and in Paragraph #5 the Stipulation says "Hessler shall comply with such requirements before beginning any such other legitimate use . " (emphasis added) . Despite the prior involvement with City licensing personnel and his business background and knowledge, Mr. Hessler claims that he did not know he could not operate the Hall before having a license . Mr. Hessler appears to believe that his own interests are paramount, and that he can bend the rules because he is doing the neighborhood a favor by owning and operating a business there. This attitude simply emphasized his disregard of the licensing requirements, and shows that he is not a fit person to have a license for a rental hall . Letter Memorandum �C� �/��� November 5, 1996 Page 6 Issue #4 : Is the location of the Hall in an area which is inherently unsuitable for the proposed use and therefore likely to cause conditions that unreasonably annoy, injure or endanaer the safetv, health, morals, comfort or repose of any considerable number of inembers of the public? Merely because an application for a license meets the standards of the applicable ordinance does not mean that a license must be issued. In Country Liquors, Inc. v. City of Minneapolis, 264 N.W. 2d 821, (Minn. 1978) , the Minnesota Supreme Court upheld a denial of an applicant' s request to transfer the location of a liquor license based upon testimony of residents that the premises to be operated were unsuitable as a location for a liquor store . Neighbors testified of the projected ill effects on the neighborhood if a liquor store was allowed at the location, which was presumably correctly zoned for such an enterprise. In the present case, neighbors testified that the location of the Hall and the surrounding neighborhood made it an unsuitable location for the business of a rental hall . Even with the numerous conditions originally proposed to deal with the problems neighbors have had over the years, the Hall is situated in an area with little or no available parking, within several hundred feet of neighbors' back doors, and surrounded by businesses which are primarily small, local, daytime businesses . All of the neighbors who testified indicated that it was the short-term evening rentals of the Hall which caused them the most disturbance and that they had not difficulty with the long-term tenants . Although this ground was not raised by the City as a basis for denial of the license, it appears to be the crux of the neighbor' s argument . For all of the foregoing reasons, the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection for the City of Saint Paul respectfully requests that you make Findings of Fact reflecting that the applicant has violated Saint Paul Legislative Code §405 by operating the Hall without a license, and denying him a license. Sincerely, -/ �J �,-,•c.�L VirginG� Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc : David Essling Rf��p���, � ESSLING, LTD. L�� - � �� 1996 ���������� DnvID Essi.nvG 1217 Wrs'r Ssv�r SZ�r Snnv'r PAUI,,Mu�rNESarA SS102 OF COUNSEI.: WT7 7 iA1N W.ESSLING �612�22¢�1g (612)2244810 FA7c November 4, 1996 Richard Mosman Administrative Law Judge 604 Richfield Bank 6625 Lyndale Avenue South Richfield, MN 55423 Re: Hessler Application for Rental Hall License at Smith Avenue Rental Hall Dear Judge Mosman: Enclosed is our Argument in favor of the license application of Raymond Hessler. I am sending a copy to Virginia Palmer with the copy of this letter. � Yours truly, . � � , , , � David Essling DE:aw Enclosure cc: Virginia Palmer Raymond Hessler , � . �'�- ��'1� In the Matter of the Application of Raymond Hessler for a Rental Hall ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF License for the Smith Avenue APPLICANT HESSLER Rental Hall There is no dispute that the Smith Avenue Rental Hall has been regularly and consistently used as a rental hall since 1962. The St. Paul ordinance requiring a license for rental ha11s was passed in July of 1995. Under these circumstances, Raymond Hessler is entitled to a license, see cases cited in Memorandum of Law submitted at the hearing and Tamarac Inn, Inc. v. Cit,�f Lon�Lake, 310 N.W.2d 474, 477 (Minn. 1981); E.T.O. Inc., d/b/a"Fergie's Bar", 375 N.W.2d 815 (Minn. 1985). Even if Hessler is required to apply for and obtain a license, there is no basis for denying a license. The Notice of Hearing(City E�ibit 2) cited the neighbors contention that the manner in which Hessler operated the premises in the past are an indication that he is unfit or not of good character and should not be granted a license. Since this is the only basis for denial cited in the Notice of Hearing, this constitutes the only issue before the Court. The legal basis for this issue is Uniform License Procedure § 310.06(6)c.l (See page 9 of Respondent's Exhibit 1). It is also noteworthy that the reference to an Administrative Law Judge from the City Council did not specify what issue was to be decided by the Administrative Law Judge. Apparently there was not even a written resolution by the Council. There is no evidence that Mr. Hessler operated the premises"in a manner which indicates he i� `unfit' or `not of good character'." Raymond Hessler has never been convicted of any act of misconduct in connection with the rental hall. His only citation for alleged misconduct was in 1 At the hearing the City Attorney also cited § 310.06(6)a. However, this section is essentially the same standard as § 310.06(6)c (contained on page 9 of Respondent's E�ibit 1). ' . �C�� 15�'1 1989, and he was acquitted in that case.2 In 1991, the City of St. Paul in a settlement of a civil suit with Hessler, agreed that Hessler"may use the Property for hall rentals for weddings, receptions, dinners and similar purposes." (Page 54 of Respondent's Exhibit 1). The City agreed at that time that there was no basis to deny Hessler a rental hall license is such a license was required in the future. (Page 54 ofRespondent's Exhibit 1). Furthermore, the license application of Mr. Hessler in this case was supported by the licensing division, subject to conditions, when this matter was before the City Council on August 29, 1996. The Court should also consider the following language in the licensing procedure ordinance. With respect to any license for activities entitled to the protection of the First Amendment, notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, neither the lack of good moral character or fitness of the licensee or applicant nor the content of the protected speech or matter sha11 be the basis for adverse action against the license or application. (Page 10 of Respondent's Exhibit 1). The activities at the Smith Avenue Rental Ha11 include regular activities of the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe. In addition, the hall is the only facility used by Harvest Fellowship. Harvest Fellowship holds its church services at the hall every Sunday. These religious activities are "activities entitled to the protection of the First Amendment." Under the specific terms of the uniform license procedures, the license cannot be denied. The opponents of the license offered no specific examples of activities by Raymond Hessler which would justify denial of a license. Any problems described by neighbors are simply the result of traffic in and out of the hall, which traffic can be adequately controlled by the license 2 The City attempted to use citations to 3rd parties in 1989 as a basis for denial of the license. We contend those citations are irrelevant, as the Court originally ruled. -2 - � .; „ �C� (S`7�1 conditions required by the license department. Furthermore, the testimony by John Nees of the West Side Safe Neighborhood Council and Sandra Levine of Westco should be disregarded entirely. The uniform license procedures prohibit ex parte contacts with council members, § 310.05 c-2. (Page 7 of Respondent's E�ibit 1). Both persons admitted such contacts in their testimony, and City E�ibit 9 is a specific example of such a contact. Councilman Thune did not announce his recusal in this matter until questioned by the Administrative Law 7udge. Councilman Thune voted affirmatively on the reference of the license application to the Administrative Law Judge. Finally, at the hearing, the license department attempted to change its recommendation in favor of a license to a recommendation against a license. The basis for this change was the license department's claim that Hessler could not use the hall, even for previous commitments, during the application process. This belated, arbitrary, and juvenile argument is not worthy of consideration for the following reasons. 1. Hessler is entitled to a license under the cases cited dealing with grandfathered rights. 2. The Notice of Hearing did not raise this as an issue. 3. The hall is entitled to a license because"the protection of the First Amendment." 4. There is noting in the uniform license procedures which prohibits rentals pending applications. The uniform license procedure only allows sanctions after a license has been denied or canceled, § 310.05(j). (Page 8 of Respondent's Exhibit 1). 5. Other applicants in the position of Hessler, including the Cameroons, were allowed to operate while their application was pending.3 Hessler stepped into the shoes of 3 Other applicants were provided a letter to this effect by the license department. The Court requested a copy of the letter. Assistant City Attorney Palmer promised to send the undersigned a copy of the letter, but hasn't done so. - 3 - � � �i� -iS7� the Cameroons when he canceled their Contract for Deed, took possession of the property, and applied for a license. 6. The license department's change of position was based on Director Kessler's mistake that a license had been issued to the Cameroons and then revoked. In fact, no license was ever issued to the Cameroons. Kessler could not explain why it was proper for Hessler to operate the hall until the Council referred the matter to an Administrative Law Judge, but not after the referral. For the foregoing reasons, we ask that the Court recommend to the Council that Raymond Hessler is entitled to a rental hall license. Respectfully submitted, � ' f Date: :/�-� � , 1996 ^� � David Essling (27601) Attorney for Raymond Hessler 1217 West Seventh Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 -4 - P� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTO���V 1� �p� �mothy E. Marx, City Anorney Jp r -'1�`I Y�i f�- i�r #'.j,��_ �-y� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � - � {�� ' Civil Division Norm Coleman,Mayor ��} �(�� 2� ��� �!: `�� I S Wes�Kelllogg Bhd. Falc�mJle.•��2 9865619 � . _ Saint PauJ, �nnesota 55102 f;�..f ��I� t�t�, � �`�,,_ t�6�a ,,re�.,. ,�i�_ht�;il:t7; October 25, 1996 VIA FAX AND U.S. MAIL Judge Richard Mosman c/o Louise Cooper Office of Administrative Hearings 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138 RE: License Application of Raymond Hessler d/b/a Smith Avenue Rental Hall for the premises located at 627 Smith Avenue South, St. Paul License ID No.:78764 Our File No.: G96-0429 Deaz Judge Mosman: The purpose of this letter is to request a subpoena pursuant to Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000 relating to the above-mentioned contested case hearing that is scheduled to be heard before you on Tuesday, October 29, 1996. This request is made of behalf of Ms. Virginia Palmer, the attorney assigned to this matter. In order to ensure this individual will be in attendance to testify, the City of St. Paul requests from the State Office of Administrative Hearings a subpoena for the following individual: 1.) Tom Oeistreich Harvest Fellowship Church 627 South Smith Avenue St. Paul, MN 55107 The hearing is scheduled to start at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 29, 1996, in Room 41, St. Paul City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, MN 55102. If you need additional information or have any questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact me at 266-8776. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincer , ° � j"z\ Peter P. Pangbo Paralegal ` i �'��S_ STATE OF MINNESOTA � ! ` � OFFICE OF ADM[NISTRATIVE HEARINGS ���1 ��q J 100 Washington Square,Suite 1700 100 Washington Avenue South :' ': Minneapolis,Minnesota 55401-2138 October 23, 1996 BY FAX AND BY MAIL Sue M. Nipe, Director West Side Safe Neighborhood Council 209 West Page Street St. Pauf, MN 55107 RE: Smith Avenue Rental Hall v. St. Paul; OAH Docket No. 62-2111-10764-3. Dear Director Nipe: Per your correspondence of October 18, 1996, enclosed are the subpoenas you requested. Sincerely, ! � � Ci L�'r �7 �'C��- r , LAVON REGAN Legal Secretary Telephone: 612/341-7448 LR:Ir Enclosure Providing Impartial Hearings for Government and Citizzens An Equ�Opportuniry Employer Administrative Law Section 8 Administrative Services(612)341-7600�TDD No.(612)341-7346�Fax No.(612)349-2665 STATE OF MlNNESOTA C�� ��7 - ( OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATlVE HEARINGS 100 Washington Square,Suite 1700 - 100 Washington Avenue South :� ': Minneapolis,AAinnesota SSd01-2138 No. of Pages � (Including this Cover) DATE: �D����Cl� TIME: /: /� �� TO: �P /�. ��iO+Ei ; ,FAX NO.: �q� - .5' 7 -�1 Co �-- This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in enor, please notify us immediately by telephone and retum the original message to us at the above address via 4he U.S. Postal Service. Thank you. �'�����-� — �I�� J��l — FR�M. TELE. N�. 7 �1� RE: ��-n.� �eu �C�'-��� L�ftc-�E ✓, �L. ��t�� ��lH /�o . �Od - ari � — to ���- 3 fF THERE ARE PROBLEMS RECEIVING THIS TRANSMISSION, PLEASE CALL: at Providing Impar�al Hearin�a for Government and Ci6zens An Equal Opportunity Employer Administrative Law Section 8 Administrative Senrices(612)341-7600�TDD No. (612)341-7346� Fax No.(612)349-2665 ��- ���� < TRANSACTION REPORT > 10-23-1986CWED) 13:15 C TR ANSM I T ] N0. DATE TIME DESTINATION STATION PG. DURATION MODE RESULT 14610 10-23 13:13 2985796 3 0°01'38" NORMAL OK 3 0°01'38" ��� � �� ,�>....��- STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMII�TISTRATIVE HEARIlVGS ; • HEARING SUBPOENA TO: Sergeant Mark Kempe, St. Paul Police Department, 100 East 11th Street, St. Paul, MN 55101. GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard A. Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at Room 220, City Hall - County Courthouse, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 29th day of October, 1996 at �Q o'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of �mith Avenue Rental Hall v St Paul, OAH DockPt Nr, f 2-2111-10764-3. Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Honorable Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this� of October, 1996. ` � KEVIN E. JOHNS Chief Administrative Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena Requested By: Sue M. Nipe 298-9727 1�1—�';'—I�=��=�6 I :�1�.'�_,P�1 FFUP:1 URL I I'•.I`.=i LAW L��I CE SE�I 1?L�' i='. 2 ��' l ��q Vlt ST SIDE , SAFEti NEIGHBt,?RNOC)D Ci�UNGIL 209 W.PAGE ST. ST. PAUL, MN 551Q7 (612) 28$-9727 FAX� (B12� 298-5796 �ctoher !8, 1996 Richard Mosman Admiaisirative Law Jucige 604 Richtie3d Bank 6625 �.yndalc Avcnue 5uutt� Rich6eld, MN S34z3 PAX: 861-1302 M�. MciQman: Tht West Side 5afe Neighhorfia�d Council is c7pposing thd gt'3nting �f the dance and rentaf hall licensc to the Smicb Avern�� Renrai Ha!], located at 627 Svuth Smith Avenue on the Wrsc Siclt, by the City of St. Paut. This matter hsss hr�A BC�Cdtilecl }�Ui an a�tQiAjSVaUve 1aw he.�uing hc#'ore you an Ocroner 2y, 1�Xi. I jost found uut tltis m�x�ning thdt the city wi11 not subpvcna a poli�e vffiCer wha r.oztciucted a n�id on e�o 5mith Avenue ltental Hal1 and during wt,ich ac�cral pec>pie were anestcd on gumbling and prosticutivn charges and leter conv�ccr.el. A�yiatant Ciry Attarney Virginia Paimer suid we nccdec! ro subpoerra t}►e officer if we want hun ro testify w what he saw dzat ni�t. We tlelieve ihiS infx�rm�tion is rele�Arit t0 thc v►�uy thC halI hes bCCn mattaged and the ptY�t+iems it hab cautted tor the neighbors. The oP'fflCd' al the time who wrote the report at+vvt the raid is now Sgt. M$rk Kemp� wjth rfie Ss. Paul P�>>ice Dc�arcrn�c, 1U0 Ea•� !!th Scre�ec, Si. Pau1, MN 3�IUi. I contacted the Administr�ative Haaringv offlce ragarJing th� �m�czdurt for un to get s sut�pocne. Attorney Mtuk Lewis cosd me this reqvest naalc�i tv ba approved by you and, in vrder ta chake sure we hav� envugh time, everything could be faxed. Nc�waver, he t�ld me tu requesi that yuu fax ycxtr xpprvYal of tbe ex�bpoena, if yuu approve it, to ttsc�r office, and indicatc r2r�t it i.c ulray for them �o fax �C SU�OCRa tp uS. I would apprecia�c i� if you wvulc] bt willing w ap�xove all of this through the faxing pmc�ss. If you have yuestions nr ae�x! nxne infcmnaclon, pl�se f�nl frr,� to cont$ct me. Sincecely. , � � nr s,�� M. r��� � Directvr FAX: Z9$-57yb I��-2�'-1�=��=�6 1 :u i F'P 1 FF'Ut t O�L I P•.IS LAw UFF I GE $6 I 1=;�t�' F'. 1 ��r I��� O�LYNS,NIOSMAN & ASSOC�ATES TEL�PkIONE ATTOfL�E1'S a7 LAW (612)798-HELP pETER T.ORL.INS 604 Rtcx�►�Ln B�;:h Bui��ir.c (612)861-3331 �I���XtD A,.A10SAL1N,Ltd. G625 L�'�n.�t�.A�'e�uE SourH E2ICHFIL"LD,h�Tt��eSOT��55423-2390 FAX:(G12)861-130� . FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET aaTE: /� . �' � � Ta: ���� / �` c�!'-!��;.� •���%c�{'.:�-� i-j � �ax No: => �9�- -� 6�., FROM: ;�� � �/.I!) .�./���/u �ax No. (612) 861-1302/Phone 861-3331 Number of Pages (inciuding this sheet) � If you have any questions or problems with this transmittal, please contact at the above-listed numbers. Thank you. MESSAGE: �; `, • �� �,.f,r ��?-E' �,/' ,�- � �':.•i�1"'i�-�-+-z.�r . . %'' - .}f, / ' . i' . :, �,' �� , '�-�;� .� :�l r'%CIJ.<.--.�r�i% .�) ,��.,!:.�t '''.�' %'''�� .�C�� / �l'�f7-"`:, i - �/ r" � `/ .��-�1���-E'._��')� • ` � /�`� <%��Jl"` �-�!�f ,�-.�? � _` `� .,( �.`>.j ' � '�`, �c`�� � �- ���- l � / — ic���� `� �` � �v-X ����-- , `. -�-�� �,_. This inforr-raation contained in this facsimile message may be privileged and confidential. lt is intended only for the use di the indivic3ual or Entity to whorn it is sent. If the recipient of this transmittai is noti the intended recipient, or an ernployee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended r�cipient. any dissemination, diskribution or copying of this communication is strictly pronibited. If you have received this communication in error, c�lease immediatEly �otify us by telephone, and return the original mess�ge to us at the above addreJJ via the US Postal Service. �l�� �5��' < TRANSACTION REPORT > 10-22-1996(TUE) 14:08 C RECEIVE 7 N0. DATE TIME DESTTNATION STATION PG. DURATION MODE RESULT 14594 10-22 14:06 861 1302 2 0°01' 10" NORM.E OK 2 0°01' 10" , t � � 1��� In the Matter of the Application of Raymond Hessler for a Rental Hall MEMORANDUM OF LAW License. The evidence will show that the building at 627 Smith Avenue South, Saint Paul, Minnesota has been continuously operated as a rental hall since 1962. The St. Paul ordinance requiring that rental halls be licensed was passed in July of 1995. Under these circumstances, the operator of the rental hall is entitled to continue his preexisting use. A long line of cases "recognizes that when a land use lawfully exists prior to the enactment of a restricting government regulation, the landowner has a right to continue the use after the regulation comes into effect." Anplication of Christenson, 417 N.W.2d 607, 614 (Minn. 1987) (citing County of Freeborn v. Clausen, 295 Minn. 96, 203 N.W.2d 323 (1972)). The"uses must either be permitted to remain or be eliminated by the use of eminent domain," Countv of Freeborn v. Clausen, su ra at 325. The new ordinance may only preclude expansion of the existing use. Countv of Lake v.Courtnev, 451 N.W.2d 338 (Minn. App. 1990), see also, SLS Partnership v. City of Apple Valley, 511 N.W.2d 738 (Minn. 1994) (mobile home park); Hooper v. Citv of St. Paul, 353 N.W.2d 138 (Minn. 1984); State ex rel Krausman v. Streeter, 226 Minn. 458, 33 N.W.2d 56 (1948); 4 A.L.R.2d 662. Respectfully submitted, �_ � � �/� • Date: /�� �� � , 1996 __� , � �,: � . �� � David Essling (27601) Attorney For Raymond Hessler 1217 West Seventh Street • Saint Paul, MN 55102 (612) 224-4818 �- � G� - i5�� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS �,.. .. HEARING SUBPOENA TO: Tom Oeistreich Harvest Feliowship Church 627 South Smith Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55107 GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at the St. Paul City Hall, Room 41, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 29th day of October, 1996, at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of the License ARplication of Raymond He����� d/b/a Smith Av n��p RPntal Hall for the Premises located at 627 Smith Aven„p Sn„th� St Pa��l Minnacn4�, Pursuant to the authority r��ar���d at Minn. Stat. § '14.51, �tness, the Honorable Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this 2,$�of October, 1996. KEVIN E. JOH ON Chief Administrative Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Virginia Palmer (612) 266-8710 �o�!,�`?�1 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timoth}�� tiitu:K City.Attun�v �-�I�I Y Ui" J�N`l� i�A V L Civil Dnision :�vrm C�leman, ,Llavor 400 C/n�Ha!! Telaphnne: 612 206-d'!0 1S {Pest 1:ellogs Blv,� F'acsnnile: 61:?9R-5614 S:zint Pat�l, hli�enes0�a 551!)« FAX TRANSMfSSION DAT�: Qctober 25, 1996 TO: Judge Richard Mosman FAX No.: 349-2665 clo Louise Cooper Office of Administrative Hearings NUMBER OF PAGES (including cover page): 2 FRQM: Peter Pangborn FAX No.: 298-5619 Paralegal St. Pau{ City Attomey's Office 400 City Hall If you do not receive aJl pages of thrs transmissior,, p/eQSe contdct: Peter Pangborn Telephone No, 266-8776 T��',� ���9?r,h�r, i=�l �=iI��O '_�:!,.�hJ;��Jllf! :!,1!_i l.,l[i��� ���rbT ��r,r.T—„�'—l��G '-�_i '� ��.-±liJl ��J���� / prr[CE Or THE CITY ATTORNEY Timot/n�E. hlarx, c;lry.�ttorxcy CITY OF SA.Ti�tT PAUI, Cn•il Divrsion Nnrm Colentar4 .'Nat'nr �IUO Crq•Hall Telephone 612�66-5"10 I S {f'�i•!Kellogg Blvd. Fcu.slmilr: Gl1:98•Sr,19 Saint Pazd, Alrnnesata SS10? October 25, 1996 VYA FAX AND U.S. MAIL Judge Richard Mosman c/o I.ouise Gooper Oftice of Adiz�imistrative Hearings 100 Wasliington Square, Suite 1700 Minx�eapolis, Muul�sota 55401-21�8 RE: License Application of Raymond Hessler d/b/a Smith Avenue R�;ntal i-�all for the premises located at 627 Smith Avenue South, St. Paul Liceiise ID No.:787b4 Our File No.: G96-04?9 �ear Judge Mosman: The purpose of this Ietter is t� request a subpoena pursuant to Minnesota Rules, part 140Q.7(l00 relating to the above-mentioned contested case hearing that is scheduled to Lie heard before you �n Tuesday, Octobzr ?9, 1996. This request is inade uf bel�alf of Ms. Virginia Palmer, the attorney �.ssigned to tlus z�xatter. In order to ensure this individu�l wiXl be in attendance to testify, the City of St. Paul requests fra�ri the State O�ce of Adxtzinistrativ� Hearin;�s a subpoena for the followinn� individual: l.) Tom Oeistreich Hanrest Fellowship C'hurch 6Z7 South Smith Avenue St. Paul, MN 55107 'T'he hearing is schcduled to start at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 29, 1996, in Room 41, St. Paul City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. 1'aul, MN 55102. If you need additional i.nformation or have any questions regardin� tlus request, please do nat liesitate to contact me at 266-8776. Thank yot� for your consideratiun in tlus matter. . , Sincer % s .� ,i� �"� , ���_ Peter P. Pangbo Paralegal =kt'�� ��'�,_��b'�r, i�l 3:_!1�.��=� =�:A,�1�l:���11H �.lI=:� �..�i i;�� '��:G'� '?r.��T—�=.-1_�0 �C�1��� < TRANSACT I ON REPORT � 10-25-1996(FRI) 14:52 C TRANSM I T ] N0. DATE TIME DESTINATION STATION PG. DURATION MODE RESULT 14662 18-25 14: 11 612 296 8685 16 0°41'37" NORM.E OK 16 0°41'37" - � � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ' Timothy E. Manr, City Attorney IT'Y F ��D " � ��� C O SAINT PAUL Civil Division Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 Ciry Hal! Telephone: 612 266-8710 IS West Ke/logg Blvd. Facsiniile:612 298-5619 Saint Paul, �nnesota SS101 �r October 23, 1996 - David Essling Essling, Ltd. 1217 West Seventh Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Dance/Rental Hall license application by Raymond Hessler . 627 South Smith Avenue, Saint Paul Dear Mr. Essling: This morning I was informed by my client, the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, that they were changing the recommendation on the license application filed by Mr. Hessler based upon information that he is operating the premises at 627 South Smith without a license. At the time of the hearing, the recommendation will be for denial of the license application because of the continued illegal operation of the premises. The facts upon which this recommendation will be made are as follows : Oa September 10, 1996 your client was sent a letter by the Director of LIEP indicating that he was not licensed to operate a dance/rental hall at 627 South Smith Avenue while the license application was under consideration. The letter further stated that continued operation could result ia criminal prosecution or use of that evidence at the administrative hearing. Sue Synstegaard will testify that she telephoned the rental hall the week of October 21, 1996 and was told that she could rent the hall for $500.00 for either Saturday or Sunday, October 26 or 27, 1996. Robert Ressler will testify that neither the license applicant nor the manager have cooperated with requests by Licensing to provide lists of rentals at the hall and that the long-term tenants are still operating from the premises. - � � In Re the License Application of — Raymond Hessler — Citv's Exh. No. 3 ! � � '��7� William Essling October 23, 1996 page 2 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, • ��.c�.'.a�cl� � G��>� _ �) Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP West Side Citizens Organization, Sandra Levine, Community Organizer, 625 Stryker Avenue, Saint Paul, 55107 West side Safe Neighborhood Council, Sue Nipe, Executive � Director, 209 W. Page Street, Saint Paul, 55107 Smith-Dodd Business Association, Rick Aguilar, Executive Director, 602 Smith Avenue, Saint Paul, 55107 Richard Mossman, Administrative Law Judge, 604 Richfield Bank, 6625 Lyndale Avenue So. , Richfield, 55423 Nancy Thomas, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, 55401-2138 Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, Office of LIEP w q��� � 5� OAH 62 2111 10764 3 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS for the C1TY OF ST PAUL ---------------- In Re: The license application of Raymond Hessler ---------------- By request received by the Administrative Law Judge on October 21, 1996, the of the City of St Paul seeks a prehearing Order regarding intervention in the above-captioned matter. The requests of the City are in accordance with the Rules of the Office of Administrative Hearings and the fundamental concept of notice and due process. Based upon the request and the supporting documentation the Administrative Law Judge makes the following: Order 1. Persons who desire to become Pazties to this proceeding, including neighborhood or business groups, must file a Petition in Intervention with the Administrative Law Judge in accordance with Minn. Rules 1400.6200. The final date for filing a Petition in Intervention in this proceeding as a Party is October 28, 1996. The Petition must state the interests of the petitioning person or organization and contain a statement of the reasons the party opposes or favors a grant of the license at issue and the evidence the party would offer at the hearing to be held on October 29, 1996. Copies of any Petition shall be served upon the City of St Paul, Office of the City Attorney, 400 City Hall, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St .Paul, Minnesota 55102 and Mr. David Essling, Attorney at Law, 1217 W. 7th St, St Paul, Minnesota 55102 2. Persons who do not desire to become Parties to the proceeding, but who may wish to offer testimony at the hearing may do so, in accordance with Minn. Rule 1400.6200. In the event a non-party provides testimony at the hearing which, in the interest of justice, requires additional time for the Parties to respond, the hearing will be continued to allow such a response. . 1�" ��� 3. Persons having similar interests, including neighborhood and business groups are urged to associate themselves together for purposes of this hearing and intervene in this case as a formal Party and to consider being represented by legal counsel. 4. All Petitions in Intervention and correspondence should be served upon the Administrative Law judge as follows: Richard A. Mosman Administrative Law Judge 604 Richfield Bank Building 6625 Lyndale Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55423 5. This Order is effective unmediately and may be modified by the Administrative Law judge on motion of the Parties and for good cause shown. � , � /�/ �' � � �J ,./ { . C/��y ( � � G �V � .G�C.�_ �����__�� _- ��_-� ��- -/_ � date � Richard A. Mosman � Administrative Law Ju e l / i /, l , i . . � �� "��� AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF MINNESOTA ) } SS COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) Richard A. Mosman of the cifiy of New Brighton, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota deing duly sworn, says that on the 21 day of October, 1996, she/he served the annexed Order on Intervention upon: City of St Paul West Side Organization Attn: Ms. Virginia Palmer 625 Stryker Ave 400 City Hall St Paul, Minnesota 55107 15 W Kellogg Blvd St Paul, Minnesota 55102 West Side Safe Neighborhood Council Attn: Ms Sue Nipe Mr. Raymond Hessler 209 W Page St. Mr. David Essling St Paul, Minnesota 55107 Attorney at Law 1217 W 7th St St Paul, Minnesota 55102 Smith-Dodd Business Assn Attn: Mr. Rick Aguilar 602 Smith Ave. St Paul, Minnesota 55107 the parties or attorneys for the parties to the action herein, by mailing to the named attorneys, and/or parties, copies thereof, enclosed in an envelope, first class postage prepaid, and by depositing the same in the post office at Richfield, Minnesota. l ," � L�_'C_'�- - =t�-�� ichard A. Mos a Subscribed and sworn to before me this __day of _____�_, 19__ --------------------------- Notary Public �S u �� � I ��� ORLINS,MOSMAN & ASSOCIATES TELEPHONE ATTOR�EYS AT LAW (612)798-HELP PETER I.ORLINS (>O4 RICHFIELD BA1K BUILDING (612)861-3331 RICHARD A.A'[OSD'IAN,Ltd. 6625 LYTDALE AVENUE SOUTH RICHFIELD,Mi��ESOrn 55423-2390 FAX:(612)861-1302 � FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET DATE: �����/�6 � r TO: [� �j ,f=/ - L c�c-�l5�� �cic�f��,,..-!c-� � FAX N0: �� �'q- :��6G�s`� � FROM: ✓C' t�% /�(� �/t/;,�';/� Fax No. (612) 861-1302/Phone 861-3331 Number of Pages (including this sheet) =� If you have any questions or problems with this transmittal, please contact at the above-listed numbers. Thank you. MESSAGE�� , , / s _. . �- � ,=-- -'C�--�=CC'-.%�.� -r(.. - �..,..�/' ,�y.,✓-r..-�� v _ / .i! , �i"'�_...�,�a /� x--G.!J �i�\�. � K�G-� "J-�'v""-t--'--'�'�, ' t'J �C_%�'�i�t�� � ,% % �, , /j�i% ...�:� ...s, `,J l �..._�._—.— l �/` � _CS�L'�__��..� ��'.i"Z � .�___ /L/' c- �—F' �� ;`- C� �' .._�i-/l � - �C��� `� � � <�-� �t�--��� �-�-�-�.,� <%-�'=� � Cr This information contained in this facsimile message may be privileged and confidential. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is sent. If the recipient of this transmittal is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify us by telephone, and return the original message to us at the above address via the US Postal Service. � ��� ��� LAST TRANSACTION REPORT FOR HP FAX-700 SERIES VERSION: 01 . 03 FAX NAME: ORLINS LAW OFFICE DATE: 22—OCT-96 FAX NUMBER: 861 1302 TIME: 13:08 DATE TIME REMOTE FAX NAME AND NUMBER DURATION p� RESULT DIAGNOSTIC 22—OCT 13:07 S 6123492665 0:01 :03 2 OK 663840100166 ����,��n��x*�� ����*�nn� *n*x��*,�ri�,�,������*����x,�x�����n�n ,�**�nx�*x�n���,�,�x���,���,��,�� �,��,�,�nn S=FAX SENT I=POLL IN(FAX RECEIVED) O=POLLED OUT(FAX SENT) TO PRINT THIS REPORT AUTOMATICALLY, SELECT AUTOMATIC REPORTS IN THE SETTINGS MENU. TO PRINT MANUALLY, PRESS THE REPORT/SPACE BUTTON, THEN PRESS ENTER. � ��- �� ��1 W ST SIDE . SAFE NEIGH60RHOOD COUNCIL 208 W.PAGE ST. ST. PAUL, MN 55�07 t612} 298-9727 FAX: (612} 298-5796 October 18, 1946 Richard Mvsman Administrative Law Juclgr 604 Richfieid Banic 6625 Lyaclale Avenue Scwth ttichftetd, MN 55423 FAX: 861-1j02 Mr. Moaman: Thc We�t Side 5afe Neighhc�fia�d Cauncil is c�pposing the graating vf the dxnce and reasat hsll licensc to the Smith Avem,e Reatai Hall. located at 627 South Sraith Avenu� on the West Side, by the Ciry of St. I'au1. Thia matter t�as h�n �bech�lal far an adminlstraEive law hc�ring t�fore yvu on Octoher 29, 1S?96. 1 just found out this mcuning that the city will noI �bpoen� y police officet wh� con�eted a mid on q3e 5rilith AvCrn�e 1ZBAtAt Hall Atld �lltrfng which aCv�al pEOple weiC 8tt09t�A on gambling and prostitutivn ct�rges and l�ter comictecl. Aaaiatant Ciry Attc�rney Y�rgini4 Pslmer suid we �edec! to subPoe� the offica if we want him w ustify tu what hr saw that night. Wt belleve ttiis infvcmatioa is relevxrt to the way th�s hall hes be� manAged �sd the psobloms it hsa caubed for the neighbors. The ofticer at the tune wtw wcote thc rcp�nt abvut the raid is now Sst. iYtark iCemp�e with the St Paul Pc,lice Department, 100 East Ilth StreC� St. Paul, MN 53101. I contacted the Admiaistrative Hearing� c�ffice regarding the pr►�cedure for uu w gee a sut+poer�. Attons�y M�u'k Lewis tald me d�ia request nCal�i e+r ba spproved by you and. in order to malce sure we tuive enuugh tune, everythiqg eould be faxed• Hc�wevar, he told me tc� request d�st ycw fax ycxa� appr�ral of tbe subpoena, if y�u approve it� to their office, and indicate that it i�► utray f�ar tbem to fax the subpo�na to us. I wwld appreciate it if you wou1J be willing t�u appc�ve all of ihis ttuough the fsxing pracess. If you have yuestions vr nr,�x! m�m infcmnation, Pt�se fr.�l frcx to eont�ct ma. Since�ely� 1�+� ' " � - Sue M. 1�1ipe Director FAX: 298-5796 - ' OPFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timothy.E. Marx. Cily A1lorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL F`'���^`"�`�'h�''t`� `JI�0� I 5�9 Crvi!Division Norm Coleman, Mayor �� a�� �� �M ��2 � �r00 Ciry Hal/ Telephone: 612 266-8710 I S West Kellogg Blvd. Facsrmile: 612 298-5619 �: , ;� �"'� Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 f.��ii' ltetJ�fEil��±�1��'d i=. �� �1:..Mii�t�`vll� �eptember 30, 1996 Mr. David Essling Essling, Ltd. 1217 West 7th Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 NOTICE OF HEARING RE: License Application of Raymond Hessler Dear Mr. Essling: This is to notify you that a hearing will be held concerning your client' s application for a dance�rental hall license pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 405_at the following time, date and place : �' �� -� � �����- / Date: October 29, 1996 Time: 9:30 a.m. � Place: Room 220 City Hall-County Courthouse 15 W. Rellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, NaT 55101 The hearing examiner will be an Administrative Law Judge from the State of Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings : Name: Richard Mosman Administrative Law Judge 604 Richfield Bank 6625 Lyndale Avenue So. Richfield, I�i 55423 Telephone: 861-3331 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has referred the question of whether to deny your client' s license application for a hearing in accordance with the procedures of Saint Paul Legislative Code §�310 . 05 and 310 . 06 . Under those provisions you are entitled to notice and an opportunity to be heard. The recommendation which the Director of the Office of License, ?nspections and Environmental Protection will present to the l�-1��� Administrative Law Judge will be that your application should be approved, and the license issued with conditions to reduce the noise and disruption that its operation might cause the neighbors . These are the same conditions which your client agreed to prior to the public hearing before the Saint Paul City Council . However, Saint Paul Legislative Code � 310 . 05 (c) permits an Administrative Law Judge to hear "other interested persons" and give them the opportunity to present testimony or otherwise participate in such a hearing. It is anticipated that in this case the West Side Citizen' s Organization, the West Side Safe Neighborhood Council and interested neighbors will wish to participate or intervene in this hearing. The following is a general statement of what I believe their positions to be . The Administrative Law Judge may require a more specific written notice of the grounds upon which denial of your client' s application is urged, and the factual basis for such grounds . The license applicant ran the premises where he seeks a license for a dance/rental hall between 1988 and 1994, opening it as the Highbridge Sports Club in July of 1988. During its operation neighbors voiced concerns about the manner in which Mr. Hessler managed the premises. Mr. Hessler operated the premises as a pool hall for over two years without being licensed, police were actively investigating the establishment for violations of the licensing laws (Saint Paul Police Report CN 9018-882, 2/12/89) , the establishment was raided by the police on 8/13/89 for violations of gambling and prostitution laws (Saint Paul Police Report CN 9114-111) and there were complaints about noise, litter, fighting, drinking in public and urinating in public by patrons of the pool hall. Neighbors believe that the manner in which Mr. Hessler operated the premises in the past are an indication that he is unfit or not of good character and should not be granted a license. The hearing will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of sections 14 . 57 to 14 . 62 of the Minnesota Statutes, and such parts of the procedures under section 310 . 05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as may be applicable . At the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge will outline the procedures for the hearing, and consider any motions which the parties or interested persons may present . Evidence is presented under oath, and witnesses are subject to cross-examination. concluding arguments may be made by the parties . Following the hearing, the Judge will prepare Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council . The City Council is the ultimate decision-maker. You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and witnesses you will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas , - - ���5�� may be available to compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Rules, part 1400 . 7000 . Sincerely, � - "" ���;�-�.u�� 0 � ��.�,� Virgin a D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney • cc : Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP West Side Citizens Organization, Sandra Levine, Community Organizer, 625 Stryker Avenue, Saint Paul, 55107 West Side Safe Neighborhood Council, Sue Nipe, Executive Director, 209 W. Page St . , Saint Paul, 55107 Smith-Dodd Business Assn. , Rick Aguilar, Executive Director, 602 Smith Avenue, Saint Paul, 55107 Richard Mosman, Administrative Law Judge Nancy Thomas, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, 55401-2138 Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, Office of LIEP • • , �� ►�l� e� OFFICE OF LICENSE,INSPECTIONS AND � ��Iyl�� ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECITON Robert Kessler,Director ���a��r;�� f'"��'.:� �►�� l ��q CITY OF SAINT PAUL LOWRY PROFESSION.4L Telephone:612•266-9090 Norm Coleman,Mayor BUILDING Facsimile: 612•266-9099 Suite 300 612-266-9124 350 Sc Peter Saeet Saint PauJ,Minnesota 55102-IS10 �� DATE: September 19, 1995 �������,�� r T0: Saint Paul Rental/Dance Halls NOV 0� �ggg FROM: Christine Rozek Deputy Director/LIEP� ���'y �����NEY 266-9108 RE: Requirements for Licensure On August 8, 1995, the Saint Paul City Council revised the dance hall licensing ordinance to include the requirement that rental halls also obtain a license. This ordinance, Chapter 405 of the Legislative Code (attached) , became effective 9/12/95 and provides the following definitions of halls: RENTAL HALL - any building, room, premises, facility, or portion thereof which is available for use by any person or persons upon the payment of a fee. PUBLIC DANCE HALL - any room, place or space open to general public patronage in which is carried on dancing wherein the public may participate, whether or not a charge for admission for dancing is made, and a public dance is hereby defined to be one which is or may be attended by the public generally, whether or not a charge for admission for dancing is made. It appears that your facility meets the definition of a hall that requires licensure. These licenses do need City Council approval before they are issued and will take at least 30 days to process. For your convenience, a Class III license application is attached. Please complete the application, attach payment for $164.00, and send to: Office of License & Inspections 350 St. Peter Street - Suite #300 Saint Paul, MN 55101-1510 If you question whether you need this license, or have any other questions� please contact me at 266-9108 or Kris Schweinler at 266-9112. Thanks in advance for your cooperation. CAR/j 1 Attachments/Ordinance & Class III Application cc: Robert Kessler Kris Schweinler � � � .,_�:_.,_,:��.�1.��_ ` ' ����� � � �a-�s � _ , .. -�.:�:I:,l.t �. �'� council File � . .---.- - L j r � �'� i �� I N � (, Ordinance # �� ,,,,,. , � � � Green Sheet � ��� � ORDINANCE � CITY � AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Presented sy � Referred To Committee: Date An ordinance to amend Chapter 405 of the Saint Paul Legislative Coc� perta.ining to Dance Halls; allowing that rental halls be required to purchase a license under certa.in circumstances and maldng other modifications. � TIiE COUNCIL OF TfiE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOFS ORDAIIV: Section 1 Section 405.01(b) of the Saint Paul Lrgislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: ,,,v:,,..... .�..>.....:.. "Chapter 405. Dance or;R�Tifa'1 Halls* Siv.•M•iR•�•.vkvc:iSiYM Sec. 40�.01. License required; deCinition; certain exceptions. (a) License. No person shall ea�reE opeiz:e a public dance o�<�ieiita� hall in Saint Paul without a t::::.;:.:..._.� :.:�„�.:.>:.::.;..>:..:;r license. �Tbtwitfistandin' #he#`ore o no li�ense s�� #��`required;i3:iidei��.this��apter<"{��s.f:�e :.:.:<:;..::..::....::::.:g. . g:...�t t., >.>.v<..:..:>:;::,;:..: .:>. ... .��� ri Y`t� � / < T r �� a - Y> S 4 A ^S )yy .� .'.? person propos�g to operate the dance or r�ntal �a� alreac3y Thas;an on-�ai�.u�toucat�ng liquar, restaurant, hotel orsmotel, or en+teriainrueat i�cease fo� ihe pre.mises a#.wh�c� t�e dance ox reat acur-�ties would take place or�u) if Lhe dznc�or rentzi ac�nues fo`r K�hich a�cerise would be ,.:; , , , ,} t. � �. , , > • required would,take place on the campus or.�n ttie facilihes:of a tona fide eTemeniary or s^�ona�y sch`oolt vecahonai or°trade sehool�colIege„or,u?ruvers�t�i,or like:educatio 1 in�tu�on�; :.: . ...>4'.'irnv.m.M 41.v:?+nv..nSA.t::�.P�.i�OF:titSVVY��:t4�:N�4tt4%i. (b) Definicions � „,.>Y:.... "Public dance hall" s}ial� means and includeg any room, place or space open to general public :�>:�:. patronage in which is carried on dancing wherein the public may participate, whether or not a charge for admission for dancing is made, and a public dance is hereby defined to be one which is or may be attended by the public generally, whether or not a charge for admission for dancing is made. • � .'Ni+w' ! ti '+!'i1 4 M ?N +vV "YR M Y K^Y! N !H4 yn'• ♦ ?Y'� >'+/.i^'i�`^V'i'$ ��Zental ��11;' s�.a1l m�an and .�nclude,any build�n;g; ropm, �rer�uses, .�ac�Iity, vr �o�t;on �hexeofR•• ��}uch �s ava�lable for use by,any person or;persons upon the,payment a£a:�ee� &r .a.,.n.:r.:a ...v..... ..,,n.v...........a.....:... ........ � v.s...: • � f f O � M r�3 � 'G'�� ��6 73 , s�aon 2 Section 405.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 405.02, Fee. . . �:+�•: .� n < � xen r w (a) The fee • s�ait b.° set.yby ozclinance accordmg to sectro� 3IOrfl9�b) �f�e ....>..,>.�:.w......:.,,.>...w..............� • .... ...... .... ., �...,...... ...<.��. . ....�w.. ..,...v... ,.�..v.., .........�,.> .......,,,, ......w �eg�slat�v:e:Cod.e:� � YiiYi'F+...ii::•rNiT>:<i!�:•i'v;:"ia:>i'r.::r:L:S:Y. � • � • • • ) � . • • • • • � � • • • • • � � • • • • b ) � q ! • Section 3 Secdon 405.03 of the Saint Paul Legisladve Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 405.03. Licensing requirements. (a) Application. In addition to other required information, the applicant shall submit in #� �i:e r:.�.:..s. application the street number of the building and the floor area ��a€ wherein it is proposed to <....,�.«...,....., »:.,.;.;..s conduct said dance o;r;:rer�.Nta� hall; the occupation of the applicant for the year next preceding the Y-.„..,M,,:..�.,:... ma]dng of his application; whether or not the applicant has previously conducted a dance or;:r�ntal x�..�.w,...���:.::;::. hall, and, if so, when and where; whether or not the applicant has ever been convicted of violation of Chapter 570, Laws of 1913, relating to public dance halls, and if convicted, when and where; whether said dance hall or the stairs or p�ssageway leading thereto adjoins any place having so- called '`private apartments" or '`private rooms" furnished for other than legidmate purposes, and whether sa.id dance hall has direct communication with any room in which intoxicating liquors are sold or given away. (b) Investigation of premises. The proposed licensed premises shall be invesdgated by the director of the ' ' ' ' 't}ffice of�r.cense`�Zn"°�"spect�aru and�`�nviron enta���ot c ion to : M..nY�... hi�<4wa.5:..:C...w.H..�{�w.6.. n»nYn��x�4c{..ww.K..n�.iwJ.�•wiv�:.:444.4k•i%vw�ha•YRWi�WMi:O.W'M�4:4:ti�Kt+iF:wW � determine whether the premises complies with all the requirements and other reguladons ss-Ee � � of'�tie builaia� . . . . y.iwn....,.� „ • iv?iiN'w4iYrM"C4iNYiXJiiiiYTwi•.� code. ��� " , _ _ _ M � � t'� (o'(o'�� ' , ' Section 4 ���� Secdon 405.0� of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 405.04. Regulations; restrictions. y+s} (a) Reports to police. It is hereby made the duty of every owner or manager of a public dG►nnce ot ...,,......,. n......................... :::::. ,..,. ..:.. . ..::,.:.. :::....,..:,,..... . . renta� hall to report to the central police st�tion all dances or_;concerts to be heId in said dance or �• F rental hall at least for�y-�igh� (4$) t�r-e� `-�—�,:r—� hours pnor to the holding thereof. �e I�censee shaIi�cooperate'with the pol�ce ui prov�ding anformatlon to the police abouf �e eYent an� #he arran�e�ents'for it for th� purpose�of f�l�tai�n�'such`secunty, traffic, and park�ng�mYeasure� �;:< a as may�easonablY�be;?e4u,.�md.:�Y:tE�er�ol���:.a'?d sha�:;corrr�?ly.,wrth such�requ}rer�ents� �:>:...v:�»:� (b) Not to admit certain persons. No person to whom a �� �iceuse has been issued shall permit r,>:<.»».<.>,>,.. to be or to remain in any public ' ::. �'ance;:or;;r:e;ntal:;1�`a1� any intoxicated person, any x:.:..::.:.:.::::..:...:...:.»::::>;..�::...:.:::.: prosdtute, any person of }:nown immorality, or any unmarried person under the age of sixteen (16) years unless such person is accompanied by a parent or guardian, nor any unmarried person more than sixteen (16) and under the age of eighteen (18) years unless such is accompanied by a parent ;........,..,....,.. ...., M .w., ,.c�-,.,,.. :., or guardian or presents the written consent of his parent or guardian to Iicerise:;�i:o.3.d:e� ..•iYi..�Y.wtiW.�tw:.:�iii.w 1 � • (c) Intoxicating liquor prohibrted. It is unlawful to sell, ' , ' any intoxicadng liquor at or in connection with any public dznce, and no such dance shall be held or conducted in any room or hall opening into or connected with any place where intoxicating liquors are sold or dispensed. (d) Hours. No public dance shall be held or conducted between the hours of 1�:00 a.m. �m'i�di►ig,�iyt� and 6:00 a.m. of any day; provided, that no public dance shall be held or conducted on Sunday during the hours preceding 12:00 noon thereof. T` '� " `" �-"' :' ''°�-'''� •�_ =�i 4.� , �. . � � o • d " , � .•.� _� . n d b ' 3 �v- �i-�S Section 5 9� '"G 7� , This ordinance sha]1 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from its date of passage, approval, and publication. Requested by Department of: Yea Nays Absent a e uerin � Office of License. Insoections and arris Environmental Protection _ evar �� e man une �` -V-- � rimm O BY� Adopted by Council: . Date Adoption Certified by Council cretary Form Approved by City Attorney . gy; � BY; � . (v�(�•yj. Approved by � or: Date l S Approved by Mayor for Submission to �. // � ' Council By: G'�/l��-���!, �Ci ,���(/ � BY� '"t� a ���/S�e� �/�-9� ,� Are you going to have a manager or assistant in this business? _YES NO If the manager is not the same as the operator, please complete the following information: First Name Middle lnidal (Maiden) Last Date of Birth Home Address: Street Name Ciry Statc Zip Phone Number Please list yow employment history for the previous five (5)yeaz period: Business/Emolovment Address List all other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME HOME BUSINESS DATE OF NAME (Office Held) ADDRESS PHONE PHONE BIRTH If business is a pazmership,please include the following information for each partner(use additional pages if necessary): First Name Middle Initial (Maiden) Latt Date of Birth Home Address: Street Name City State Zip Phone Number First Name Middle Initial (Maiden) Last Dau of Birth Home Address: Street Name City State Zip Phone Number MINNESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2 (270.72)(Tax Clearance;Issuance of Licenses),licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue,the Minnesota business tax identification number and the social securiry number of each license applicant. Under the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the following regarding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification Number: - This information may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of yow license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's withholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; - Upon receiving this information, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Departrnent of Revenue. However,under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreement,the Department of Revenue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. Minnesota Tax Identification Numbers(Sales& Use Tax Number)may be obtained from the State of Minnesota,Business Records Department, 10 River Pazk Plaza(612-296-6181). Social Security Number: Minnesota Tax Identification Number: If a Minnesota Tax Identification Number is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placing an "X" in the box. ' , CLASS III CITY OF SAINT PAUL LICENSE APPLICATION Office of License, ����� and Environmental Protection 350 Sc Peter St.Suiu 300 Saint Pwl,Minnaou SS 102 (612)266-9090 fax(612)26�9124 � THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN INK Type of License being applied for: Company Name: Corporation/Partnenhip/Sole ProprieWrship If business is incorporated,give date of incorporation: Doing Business As: Business Phone: Business Address: Street Address City State Zip Between what cross streets is the business located? Which side of the street? Are the premises now occupied? What Type of Business? Mail To Address: Street Address City State Zip Applicant Information: Name and Title: First Middle (Maiden) I.ast Tide Home Address: Street Address Ciry State Zip Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Home Phone: Are you a citizen of the United States? Native? Naturalized? If you are not a U.S. citizen,you must have work authorization from t6e U.S. Immigration & Naturalization Service. Have you ever been convicted of any felony, crime or violation of any ciry ordinance other than traffic? YES NO � Date of arrest: Where? Charge: Conviction: Sentence: List the names and residences of three persons of good moral character,living within the Twin Cities Metro Area,not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicant's character: NAME ADDRESS PHONE List licenses which you currently hold, formerly held, or may have an interest in: Have any of the above named licenses ever been revoked?_YES _NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocation: Are you going to operate this business personally? YES NO If not, who will operate it? First Name Middle Initisl (Maiden) Lact Date of B'uth Home Address: Street Name City State Zip Phone Number i �. � CERTffICA'TION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATTON COVERAGE PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA S'TATUTE 176.182 I hereby certify that I, or my company, am in compliance with the workers' compensation insurance coverage requirements of Minnesota Statute 176.182,subdivision 2. I also understand that provision of false information in this certification constitutes sufficient grounds for adverse action against all licenses held, including revocation and suspension of said licenses. Name of Insurance Company: Policy Number: Coyerage from to I have no employees covered under workers' compensation insurance ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITTED WILL RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby state that I have answered all of the preceding questions,and that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further that I have received no money or other consideration,by way of loan, gift, contribution, or otherwise,other than already disclosed in the application which I herewith submitted. Signature(REQUIRED for all applications) Date Attsch to this application: 1) A detailed descriptioa of the design, location and square footsge of the premises to be licensed(site plan). T6e following data s6ould be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 1R" z 11" or 8 1/2" z 14" paper): -Name,address,and phone number. -T6e scsle should be stated such as 1" =20'. ^N should be indicated toward the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as sesting areas, kitchens, offices, repair area,parking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansioa of the licensed facility, indicate bot6 the current area and the proposed expansioa. 2) A copy of your lease agreement or proof of owners6ip of the property. � OFFICE OF LICENSE, TIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRO ON n � _� ��� Robert Kessler,Director `�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL LONRYPROFESSIONALBUILDING Telephone:611-266-9090 Norm Coleman.Moyor Suite 300 Focsimile: 612-266-9099 350 St Peter Street 612-266-912t Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102-I510 ' �P -= R�CEIV�� September 10, 1996 SEP 11 199� ; C�TY ATTORNEY Mr. Raymond Hessler 10140 Adam Avenue � Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota 55077 RE: Application for a License at 627 South Smith Avenue Dear Mr. Hessler: As you know, the Saint Paul City Council considered your application for a rental hall license at 627 South Smith Avenue on August 27, 1996, and referred the matter to an administrative law judge for a hearing. At the same meeting, the application for the previous tenant at the same location was denied based on LIEP's recommendation. Currently there is no license to operate a rental or dance hall at 627 South Smith Averiue. I am writing to advise you that if you continue to operate a rental and/or dance hall.at that location, that you are subject to being cited for operating without a license. Additionally, the �peration of the premises as a dance/rental ha11 may be used as evidence at the administrati�'�Tiearing as a basis for adverse action on your pending application. This is a serious matter that requires your immediate attention. If you have questions regarding , this matter please refer them to Assistant City Attorney, Ginger Palmer at 266-8719. Sincerely, 1,�i'G� ����`���. Robert Kessler Director RK:ss cc: Ginger Palmer, Assistant City Attomey Karen Mishler, Hall Manager Sandra Levine, WSCO � Sue Npe, Neighborhood Crime Watch Rick Aguilar, Smith-Dodd Business Association Ann Briseno, Riverview Economic Developme� ■ _ In Re the License Application of Raymond Hessler — Citv's Exh. No. 1 .. � ' �"�5�� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COUNTY OF R.AMSEY ) JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on October 1, 1996, she served the attached NOTICE OF HEARING on the following named attorney by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows : Mr. David Essling Essling, Ltd. 1217 West 7th Street St. Paul, MN. 55102 (which is the last known address of said attorney) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the ' ted States mails at St . Paul, Minnesota. G JO E G. CLEMENTS Subscribed and sworn to before me this lst day of October, 1996 . � Notary Public � � � RITA M. BOSS.';�`;D � �''� �:UTARY PUBUC-MI�:,.�SOTA RAMSEY COUNTY W►y c,omri.�►�dan.a�,2000� • �' !n n � n n N O n � g •r •• •. n ^ 1 A 41 � N � � 1 � „ ( ' i � x X � n � �n 7 � �G C s Z o v' n fv d- I�-', > y i . S I~ o r � T 3 r* � n% '-- n > a N ; V > '! � fil j T n a � � ro n. O S O. • � � y � � If! � � a n oo � n � �• z r� � -, n .. n �-+ � � c a ;; D s i ' = w; �p r-+ c�i r* tn 3 _ rn (D .-7 n 3 r� 's i � � = Cn o Oo 3 r--� p rJ . fD 6� C � 6� � OD r- � > � � • 0 � rt 7 7 't 0: � � ^ 1 6� r• m , , � �> ^ � G. � R 7 r rJ r-� r+ rJ a �.,j r � • n a r� fD S G. 3 �D a w N m n � s� � _ � � O �^ or � rr �D r+ . w n o O ' O rt ? 'G R ? 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Q N tO L -- � a � d ��Ll ~ � � � -.. �a� � Q � � _ � ' C C O� ' �..^� Z � � . - ._ ���s.� C:A:�E 9619640 q� � � ��� CA:E TYPE CM :�TATUS T FILE L)EFN OOO�i090i OFF DATE OS/13/89 INCIDENT ADDR 627 S :�MITH :�T f'AiJL MN COMPLNT DT TIME C'OMPL # 89119111 ORI MN0620900 —OFFIC'ERS— KEMPE MAkK C [VLTMBER OU0394650 TYYE APP REQ AGENCY ST PAUL F'D NOTIFY CITN NO C:HARGES LVL f'LEA/OT(:T1 DIV GM--Sf'F'D O1 t �r� M PG CLRK UATE LHH 08/15/89 AFiRAIc�NMENT �JCIDt;E GOkI�UN SHZJMHKEk CONTIN TU 08/22/89 13:15 (:'C �JLJDGE ' CTFtM AUC MINlJTES: F'LEA/ATTY AC:I) 08/16/89 O1 RLTLE 7 FILEI� HKNC;: YF' 08/22/$9 CRIMINAL C:OURT �71JDc;E J THOMAS MUTT CONTIN TO 09/29/89 10:0U GH JL1Uc�E UONALD C;ROSS c:'TKM AC'D 08/2 89 02 CERTIFICATE OF kEPRESENTATION FILED HkNG: LD �OMNIEiIJS HEARING Jl1DC;E ALRERTc:� MIERA CONTIN Tc.) 10/27/89 09:00 AC' JLTDGE CTkM 1295 CHG 01 DISP: f'LEAI) GUILTY 09/29/89 SENTENC:E — (:'HG O1: $300.00 FINE $30.00 SC ;�0.00 SiJSP SENTENCING JUDGE ALBERTO MIEItA $0.00 COSTS $0.00 REST TIME: YR MO 030D CONFIN #: ' TIME :;L1;;P: Yk MO 030L> NOTES: UAYS SS 1 YR COND 1—NO 2—::AME C)k SIM 2—F'AY FINE MM 10/2 7/8 9 ADM CAL �T1 JDGE CONTIN TO 09/09/9p 09:U0 AC JUUGE CTKM 1245 MINiiTES: YAID IN FTiLL $330 CONTINUED FOR RE(:' CK NAK MM 10/27/89 PAYMENT — CHc� O1 PMT O1: $300.00 FIN $.i0.00 SC ;,0.00 CST TMS 09/09/90 ADM CAL �71IUc.;E MINLiTES: RECURD CLEAR — NO Fi.JRTHER AC'TION —BALANCES— FINE PD FINE DiJE SC' F'U SC Dt.iE �:'C>STS PI� C'OSTS ULIE C'HG O1 $300.00 ;�0.00 $30.00 ;�0.00 ;;0.00 $U.OU TOTALS $300.00 $0.00 ;30.00 $0.00 ;�0.00 $0.00 —DISPLAY COMYLETED— DAN IEL W.IUNDSTROM,Disbict CouR Admit�S6r�t�, Ramsey County,State of Minr�esota�does hereby ce�tify that t�e attached instwnent is a true and correc� c�py of the origin�l on f le and of record in my offioe. Dated this ay of Q G� .19�� DMtIEL W.LUNOSTROM,District CouR A�tm�ator �r� " �h► F1e No. ■ ■ In Re the License Application of — Raymond Hessler — - Citv's Ex�x. No. 5 STATE VS SIMONES, MAFtTIN Lc:�I.iIS !:'ASE 96:i9669 "1� �`�� ('�ASE TYYE CM :">TATLJS T FILE I�EFN OOO��U i�Iy �� � � OFF DATE 08/13/89 INCIUENT ADDR 627 SU :,MITH ST f'ALiL MN COMPLNT DT TIME C'OMPL # 9119111 ORI MN0620900 —OFFICERS— MARKCTSON JON O NUMAER 000993720 TYPE AF'P kEQ AGENCY ST PAUL PD NC�TIFY CITN NO CHARC;ES ' LVL PLEA/OTCT1 DIV — O1 ENCAC�E IN PRC�STITLTTION UM "_:�a�';Y}� M Pc; CLRK DATE PP 09/20/89 CRIMINAL CG?TRT �7LiDGE ALLAN MAKKERT CUNTIN TO lU/17/89 13:30 YT JCTUC;E ALLAN MARKEkT CTFtM TMS ���RE—TRIAL JLTDGE ALLAN MAkKERT CONTIN TO 11/O1/89 09:00 AC: ,TCJIIC�E �:'TkM 1295 MIN�JTE:�: Fc' PAY/Af'F'EAFc CHG O1 OLITCOME: DISMI:;SEU DISF': DISM MUTION PkOSECti 10/17/89 SENTENc:'E — C:HG 02: $50.00 FINE $O.UO SC: ;�0.00 SUSP SENTENC::INC� JUDGE ALLAN ��RT ,0.00 C0:TS ;�0.00 kEST � '��t��� FC 11-1-89 PAY/AYF'EAFi TMS 10/26/89 ADM C'AL �TUc�E MINiJTES: FINE PAID IN FtiLL TMS 10/26/89 PAYMENT — CHcr 02 F'MT O1: $50.00 FIN 50.00 SC ;�0.00 CST TMS 11/O 1/8 9 ADM C'AL �71 JDc�E MINUTES: PAID IN F'CJLL 10-26-89 —BALANCES— FINGE YU FINE`l DUE SC PD SC' DiJE CC>t>TS F^D/ C'O:TS DiJE �RL �Z y`'Q�QD Y'V�00 ��.Q� y`Q��� ti'��11V 4'�.�� TOTALS $50.00 $0.00 ;�0.00 $0.00 ;�0.00 $0.00 —DISPLAY COMPLETED— �ANIEL W.LUNOSTROM,DistriCt Cou�����' RamseY Co�nty,State of Minr�eso�►.does herebY ce�tify triat the attached mshume�►t is a�ue and�oared �opy of the a�ginai on 'le and of record Y � pated d�is day of 19� DANIEL W.L 11NOSTROM,Distt�t Co��� �Y BY Fie No. � ■ In Re the License Application of — Raymond Hessler — City's Ezh. No. 6 _ �,,:.t0 . CASE 96:i9770 �S�' ���� CASE TYPE (.T4 STATUS T FILE UEFN 00051292 ��� OFF UATE 08/13/89 INCIDENT ADDR 627 50 SMITH ST F'AUL MN COMFLNT DT TIME C:i)MPL # 9119111 ORI MN0620900 —OFFIC:ERS— MARKUSON JON O Nt.TMBEk 000993720 TYF'E APP kEQ AGENCY ST PALJL PD NC>TIFY CITN NU C.:HAKC,ES LVL PLEA/OTC'M DIV 3-93168 01 DISORPERLY HOUSE — OPEkATE DM �';� M YG 3-95071 03 ENGAGE IN F'kOSTITUTION UM CLkK DATE LO 01 A:',.;IC.;N APf'EAFt NUTICE PRINTED N YRNTU 09/22/89 HRNc,: 11/02/89 LO 02 ASSIGN APf'EAR NOTIC:E F'RINTEU N FRNTD 11/02/89 HkNG: 11/22/89 LKS 08/19/89 BAIL O1 TYPE: BONU $1500.00 RCPT #: BOND: #ICT�I 20567 SAfi 09/20/89 CRIMINAL CULTkT JUDGE ALLAN MARKERT CONTIN TO 11/02/89 09:00 PT JUDC;E JC�HN c:'ONNOLLY CTkM MINUTES: kTILE 17 REC.EIVED TMS 11/02/89 PRE—TRZAL JUUGE JOHN CUNNOLLY CONTIN TO 11/22/89 09:00 F'T JLJDC;E JAME: CAMPBELL C:Tf(M MINUTES: FC PRE—TRIAL (CLERKS SRID REC'EIVEP NO TAG� WITH �-��) LHH 11/22/89 PRE—TRIRL JI.iDGE JAMES CAMPBELL CONTIN TU 02/28/90 08:30 �7T JUDc�E (:'TRM 801 ACP 12/09/89 03 Mc:>TION FILEI> HkNG: ACD 12/09 „9 09 REQiTEST FOR DISCc)VERY FILEI� HTtNc;: TMS JUkY TRIAL �JIIUGE JAMES C'AMPBELL CONTIN TU 02/19/91 09:00 AC JLIDc:;E (:TkM 1295 MINUTES: Fc: RECc.�kD CHEC'K (NAR) CHG O1 OUTCOME: DISMISSEU DISY: I)I�M MUTION F'RO.EC1.1 CHG 03 OiJTCOME: DISMISSED bISP: UISM Mi>TIC>N�'ROSEC'l.i 02/28/90 SENTENC'E — CHC; 02: $0.00 FINE $0.00 SC' ;0.00 SUSP SENTENC::ING �NI�c,E .JAMES CAMPPELL ;�0.UO Cc7ST5 ;�0.00 REST TIME: YR MO 005U CONFIN #: TIME SLJSP: Yk Mc:> 005I� NOTES: 5 I)AYS — :;S TO ('OLlRT 1Yk C:ONU-1)FC)kFEIT THE MONEY THE F'OLIC'E CONFISCATED 2)LA FC 2-19-91 (NAR) RECORD CHECK AC:P 03/O1/90 05 PET TO PLEAD GUILTY IN MISD FILED HKNC;: Al`I� 03/08/90 06 ORL�ER FILEI� HKNc�: LHH 02/19/91 AL)M CAL JCiUGE MINIJTES: kEC CLEAR NO F'I.JRTHER ACTION; —BALANC'ES— FINE YD FINE I)i.iE SC E'D SC DUE COSTS f'D COt;TS DiTE TOTAL:, $0.00 ;�0.00 ;�0.00 ;�0.00 ;�0.00 ;�0.00 —UISPLAY CUMPLETEL)— OANIEL W.LUNDSTROM�DisiriCt CouR Adndtristrd�. Rams�y Coun;y,State of Minnesota,cbes herebY ce�tify thai�tie attac�rd insVumerit is a iruue and corred copy of the origin�l c i;►e Zn�of re�rc1 in my office. Dated th�� ca�ct .�c� .19� � DANIEL W.LUNOSTFO:1,Disirict Court AdminisUator gY � ./� ,�—��� oepui�► FlieNo. � ■ _ In Re the License Application of _ ` Raymond Hessler Citv's Exh. No. 7 � ` �s;��:. �.� _ �� " �,�-r �.r. �i� � ��- �. ���''p �%L� � q� �l��q In the Matter of The Application of Raymond Hessler for a Rental Hall License . � ��-�s�°� INDEX Page % 1. Rental Hall License Ordinance Passed July 26, 1995 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 i ' 2. Uniform License Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 1 3. Standard Rental Hall Contract for Smith Avenue Rental Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-14 <� '�`"� �� 4. Lease with Long Term Tenant Harvest Fellowship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-21 , 5. Lease with Long Term Tenant Elite Catering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-27 �6. Correspondence between City and Hessler Attorney Regarding Use Pending License Decision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-33 7. Hessler Records Regarding Rentals August 1996 through � September 1996, Faxed to Licensing Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-38 �� - 8. Ray Hessler Agreement of July 11, 1996, to Conditions � Required by Licensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39=40 '� 9�, Stipulation to Discharge Convictions (1994) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-42 _� � ��-- (10. 1990 Suit by City to Declare Nuisance— Complaint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-47 ' '' ; Answer and Counterclaim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-52 : ,���, ' Stipulation of Settlement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53-55 � V `11. ' Documentation Regarding Charge of Permitting Public _ Nuisancein1989 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-57 l Z: 1994 Appraisal by Richard M. Parranto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58� �� ,_ -__ 13. Memorandum of Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � `�! � �v � � sEP-03-1996 16�33 CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE 612 2 6 8 P.01i01 R � 1///y/��_ //'j�////�� . ' 'N��. . , . . �' � �.' -�� . ' l ���� • I Sec.405s01.License required;definition;etrtain exceptions. '� :� (a)License.No persoa sha11 operate a public danee or rental hall in Saust Paul without��llcense•Notwithstanding the foregoing, no license shail be required under this chapter(i)if the person S �- � proposing to operatc the dance or rentai hall already has an on-sale J�� intoxicating tiquor,restaurant,hotel or motel,or entertainment ('1 � , � �S license for the premises at which the dance or rent activities would ��'' � take place,or(ii)if the dance or rental activities for which a . .e�,�.�� lieense would be required would takc:plaee on the campus or in the�� � facilities of a bona fide elementary or secondary school, vocational � or trade school, college or university,or like edueational institutioa. � � (b) Definitions. "Public dance hall" sha11 mean and inelude any room,place vr space open to general public paVonage in which is carried on dancinE wherein the public may participate,whether or not a charge for admission�or dancing is raadc, a�d a public dance is hereby dEfined to be one which is or may be attended by the pubiic gencrally,whethcY or not a charge for admission for dancing is made. "Rental haU"shall mean and include any buiiding,roo�n,premises, �_ facility,or portion thereof,which is available for use by any person or persons upon the payment of a fee. (Code 1956, §�405.01, 404.01,404.08;C.F.No. 95-673, § 1, 7-26-95) ,� _ � �ges� � Os� Note 767� post 1r F� � F�w�+ ^�v� �r TY C j� q o c.�,lo�i� � P„°^@« 2 �O �� ��k F� � 2b� r ��. �; ax« 3 -o�r5 � � � � ; . „ ,�,1 �.� R; , � G�`�'/S�°! ��g� §330.01 I SUBTITI.E A IN GENER.AL Class I licensea means thoae licenses which can be approved and issued or denied by the director, subject to the procedures required by these chap- Chapter 310. Uniform License Procedures ters• The following licenses are so classified, and the numbers shown opposite them correspond to Sec. 510.01. DeBnitions. �e�P����e Legislative Code pertaining to each license: For the purposes of tlus chapter,any chapter of the Legislative Code pertaini.ng to licenses as here- Legislative inafter meationed, and subsequently.enacted or- CO� di.nances establishing or relating to the require- Class I Licenses Chapter meats for Clasa I, Clasa II and Class III licenses Automobile Repair Garage and 315 under authority of the City of Saint Paul,the terms gady Shop defined in this section shall have the meanings ��� Foods Manufacturing 316 ascribed to them: and Distributi.ng Adverse action means the revocation or suspen- ��ement R,ides 31? sion of a license,the imposition of conditions upon Mechanical Amusement Devices 318 a license,the denial of an application for the grant, B�POS�� 319 issuance or renewal of a license,the imposition of Bituminous Contractors 320 a fine, the assessment of the costs of a contested BO��g �d Roominghouses; 321 hearing, and any other discipliaary or unfavor- Dormitories able action taken with respect to a license,licens- Bowling Alleys; Pool Halls 322 ee or applicant for a license. Adverse action in- �8���ee Sales 323 cludes aay of the foregoing directed at one (1) or Cigarettes 324 ('� more licenses held by a licensee at any location in �°�"�t Sales 325 the City of Saint Paul. Adverse action also in- B��g Contractors 326 cludes disapproval of licenses issued by the State �'Y Cleaaing and Dry Dyeing 327 of Minnesota under statutory provisions wluch per- P��; ���es mit the governing body to disapprove the issuance Electrical and Appliance 8epair 328 of the license. ���—�lephone Devices; 329 Apparatus Installers Bond means a bond meeting the requirements ���� 330 of section 310.0?and indemnifying the City of Saint Food License 331 Paul against all claims,judgments or suits caused Fuel Dealers—Liquid Fuel 332 by, resulting from or in connection with any li- �el Dealers—Solid Fuel 333 censed business,activity,premises,thing,facility, Fumigatiag—Pest Control 334 occurrence or otherwise under these chapters. Gasoline �lling Stations 335 Private Fuel Pumps 336 Building official means the official in the office Ha�dware Stores 337 of license, inspections and environmental protec- House Sewer Contractors 338 tion charged with the responsibility of enforce- Ice Cream Processing and Dis- 339 ment of the building code. tributing Mercantile Broker 340 Chapters and these chapters shall mean this Uni- M� 341 form License Ordinance, any chapter of the Leg- Oil—Bulk Storage 3� islative Code pertaining to licenses as hereinafter Opticians 343 mentioned, and subsequently enacted ordinances pawn Shops 3� establishing or relating to the requirements for P��e� 345 Class I, Class II and Class III licenses under au- Soliciting 3� , thority of the City of Saint Paul. '�. Supp.No. 30 2026.3 � � , � �`�� ���� �310.01 LEGI3LATIVE CODE - Legislatiue Legislative Code C1ass Ir Licensea Code Class I Licenses Chapter �ty Gambling Permit Section 402.06 Pet Shops 347 Solicitiag Fands-1"ag Daya Chapter 391 Radio and T�levision Repairs 348 Zlemporary OnSale Beer Section 410.10 Rental of Clothing 349 Temporary Wine and Li- Section 409.Z� Rental of Hospital Equipment 350 _ quor Rental of Kitchenware 351 Rental of Trailers 352 . Class III licenses means those licenses wluch Roller Rinks 353 can be approved or denied only by the couacil, Sanitary Disposal 354 subject to the procedures required by these chap- Secondhand Dealers 355 ters. The following licenses are so classified, and Sidewalk Contractors 356 the numbers shown opposite them correspond to Solid Waste 35? the chapters in the Legislative Code pertaining to Sign and Billboard Construction 358 each license: Sound Trucks and Broadcasting 359 Velucles Legislative Public Swimming Pools 360 C� 1bw 1�ucks--Service Vehicles 361 Class III Licenses Chapter Tree 1�imming 362 Auctioneers 400 Vending Machines 363 Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealer 401 Veterinary Hospital 364 B�go � Window Cleaning 365 B�� H� 403 / Block Parties 366 private Clubs 404 � Tattoo Parlors 367 Dance Halls 405 Wrecking of Buildings 368 Game Rooma 406 Building�rades Business Licens- 369 Hotel 407 � Junk Salvage and Scrap 408 Buildiag Z�ades Certificates of 370 ��fficating Liquor 409 Competency Nonintoxicating Liquor 410 Finishing Shop 371 Entertainment 411 Z�re Recapping Plants 372 Conversation Parlors 413 Transient Merchants 373 Motion Picture Theatres 415 Therapeutic Massage Center 412 Motion Picture Drive-In Theatres 416 Therapeutic Massage Practitia 414 P�,�g� 417 ner Ta�cabs 376 Class II licenses means those licenses which must Gambling License 419 be approved or denied by the director, subject to ' the procedures required by these chapters. The Director means the director of the office of li- following licenses are so classified, and the num- cense, inspections and environmental protection, bers shown opposite them correspond to the chap- �ess otherwise deEtned in the specific chapter, ters in the Legislative Code pertaining to each �on or subdivision referred to. license: Division means the office of license,inspections Legislative and environmental protection as the successor to Class II Licenses Code the former division. Auctioneers—Short Term Chapter 390 Fee means and includes both the license fee and License application fee unless otherwise provided. Supp.No.30 2026.4 � � � , Z�_ /S �� � �� LICENSES �310.02 Inspector as used in these chapters means the quent, on any property,real or personal,situated director of the office of license, inspections and within the City of Saint Paul and used in connec- environmental protection or his or her designee. tion with the business operated under said li- cense. License means and includes all licenses and permits provided for or covered by these chapters. Notwithstanding the previous paragraph, the License also includes licenses issued by the State council,the director or the inspector may issue or of Minnesota under statutory provisions which renew a license if it is found that: permit the goveraing body to disapprove the issu- (1) The applicant has made an agreement sat- ance of such licenses, for the purpose� of making isfactory to the Ramsey County attorney to procedures in Chapter 310 of the Legislative Code pay delinquent taxes in periodic install- applicable to the approval or disapproval of such ments; licenses. (2) The applicant has properly commenced a Person means and includes any persoa, firm, proceeding to contest the amount of tas due corporation, partnership, company, organization, or the valuation of his property, and has agency,club or any group or association thereof.It made all partial payments required by law shall also include any eaecutor, administrator, in connection with such proceeding or trustee, receiver or other representative ap- pointed by law. (3) The business PropertY with respect to wluch tazes are delinquent is not owned by the Zoning administrator means the o�cial charged applicant, but by a lessor, and it would be with responsibility for enforcement of the zoning inequitable to require the lessee to pay code. such taxes. � (Code 1956, § 510.01; Ord. No. 17303, § 3, 10-29- � 85; Ord.No. 17569, § 1, 6-?-88; Ord.No. 17919, § �a license is issued or renewed because of the 1, 3-31-92; C.F. No. 93-1645, § 8, 12-30-93; C.F. �$�nce of an agreement as described in subsec- tion (1) a bove, t he license may be revo k e d i f t he No.94-46,§6,2-2-94;C.F.No.94500,§2,?-6-94; licensee defaults upon such agreement. C.F.No. 94898, § 1, 7-13-94;C.F.No. 95-473, $ 1, 5-31-95) (c) Additional information. The inspector shall prescribe the information required to be submit- 8ec. 310.02. Applicatioa. ted by each applicant in his application, in addi- tion to that required by specific sections in these (a) Form. All applicants for licenses or permits chapters, as may be necessary to carry out and issued pursuant to these chapters shall make enforce any provision hereunder. He shall require both original aad renewal applications to the in every case the applicant to submit his name; inspector on such forms as are provided by the business or corporate name; names of partners, division. Such applications shall not be received officers, directors, shareholders or trustees in- by the inspector until completely filled out,accom- volved in the business; age; address; description panied by all fees, insurance policies, bonds, de- or.bluepri.nt of the premises,if any,and the owner posits, sureties, and indemnifications or certifi- thereof, and locations and addresses of other cates required by these chapters, together with business locations in Minnesota. the certification required in paragraph (b) below. (d) No reapplication within one (1) year af'ter (b) Taxes. No person shall be granted a license denial or revceation. No person may apply for any or a renewal of a license required by the Saint license within one (1) yeaz of the denial or revo- Paul Legislative Code unless, prior to and in cation of the same or similar license by the city addition to any other requirements,rules or ordi- council, if such denial or revocation was based nances heretofore or hereafter required,the Ramsey solely or paztially upon misconduct or unfitness of County Department of Property Taxation certifies the applicant,evidence of violations of law involv- ' that said applicant has paid any and all taxes, ing licensed premises,evidence that the applicant ; real or personal, before said taxes become delin- had been involved in the operation of a nuisance, Supp.No. 33 2026.5 G/ � V � '��� �310.02 LEGI3LATIVE CODE or fraud or deception ia the licenee application.A apply in any case where the applicant for a license license is "similar," within the meaning of this must present a statement in writing ai��d by a paragraph,if the basis upon which the revceation specified number or percentag�e of pezeons that or denial of the original license was made would they have givea their consent to the grant of the have been a relevant basis on which to deny or license. revoke a license of the type aubaequently applied (Code 1956, � 510.02; C.F. No. 95-473, � 2, 5-31- for. 95) (e) Reapplication af�er denial; "interest" of ap- plicant in nuoked license. An application by a �c. 510.03. Investigation and s�eview of new person having an interest in,or whose sharehold- aPPlications,etc. ers or officers have an interest in,any premises or �e inspector shall determine the sufficiency enterprise whose license has been revoked or to �d accuracy of each new application and obtain wluch a license has been denied shall be treated as an application by the person whose license was $uch criminal history information as may be used „. „ under Minnesota Statutea, Chapter 364, and is denied or revoked.The term intereat, as used in this paragraph, includes any pecuniary interest otherwise available by law. The inspector shall in the owaership,operation,management or prof- make reasonable and appropriate investigation of ita of an establishment,but does not iaclude:bona �e premises or personal property, vebicles or fide loans;bona fide rental agreements;bona fide ����' � may be involved in or related to the open accounts or other obligations held with or licensed activity, and shall request,where appro- priate, the assistaace of other city divisions or without security arising out of the ordi.nary and departments in maldng additional investigations regular course of business of selling or leasing foF the purpose of determining whether the appli- merchandise, fixtures or supplies to such estab- �t is or will be ia compliance with all applicable j lishment; an interest in a corporation owning or ordinaaces and atatutes. The approval of such \ operating a hotel but having at least one hundred other divisions or departments is not required for fiRy(150)or more rental units holding a license in �uance of a license unless otherwise required by conjunction therewith; or ten (10)percent or less interest in any other corporation holding a li- �fi� �O���Se chapters.All new appli- cationa shall be reviewed by the zoning adminis- cense. trator or his designee for compliaace with all (fl Prohibition on reapplication;exception. The ��ments of the Saint Paul Zoning Code, and prohibitioa on reapplication herein provided shall no new license shall be granted without full not apply in cases where it is otherwise eapressly compliance with said requirements. All new ap- provided by statute or ordinance. plications involving a premiaes,location,building or structure shall be referred to the director of the (g) Waiting period after filing of petition. Any department of fire and safety services and to the petition required to be filed with the application building official for investigation and recommen- for any license shall not be considered as officially dation. filed and irrevocable until seven(7)working days (Code 1956, § 510.03; Ord.No. 17361, § 1,6-5-86) after a petition is received in the inspector's office. During the seven-day waiting period, any signa- 3ec. 310.04. Levels of approval; recommen- tor of any petition may withdraw his name there- dations. from by written request, and such request shall be appended to the subject petition aad made a (a) Class I licen�s. Where an application for part thereof. After the seven-day waiting period, the grant,issuance or renewal of a Class I license signatures may not be withdrawn unless it is meets all the requirements of law, and there shown they were obtained by fraud or duress. exists ao ground for denial, revocation or suspen- Signatures withdrawn or obtained by fraud or sion of,or the imposition of conditions upon,such duress shall not be counted in determining the license, the director shall grant, issue or renew sufficiency of the petition. This subdivision shall said license in accordance with the application. Supp.No.33 � 2026.6 � � • - � � � � �7�' � �C�g� $310.06 H• (b) Class II licenses. Where an application for eacept on the request of a councilmember, the grant,issuance or renewal of a Class II license which request shall be incorporated in the meets all the requirements of law, and there form a�a council resolution.Upon the pas- effists no ground for denial,revocation or suspen- sage of such resolution, the director ahall sion of,or the imposition of conditions upon,such give written notice of such hearing to the license, the director shall grant, issue or renew affec.�ted neighborhood organizations. Such said license in accordance with the application. public hearing dces not replace or amend any of the procedures set forth in section (c) CZass I and Class II licenses, if denied by 310.05 of the Legislative Code. If no re- director. In the event the director, in�the case of quest for a public hearing is made before both Class I and Class II licenses, determines the eapiration of any such license, and that the application for grant, issuance or re- where there effista no ground for adverse newal of the license dces not meet all the require- action, the director shall issue the license ments of law�or that there effist grounds for in accordance with law denial, revocation, suspension or other adverse �e) Appeal; Class I or Class II licenses. An action against the license or the licensee, the ap�� � �e city council may be taken by any director shall recommend denial of the applica- ��on aggrieved by the grant, issuance or re- ' tion and follow the procedures for notice and newal of a Class I or Class II license; provided, hearing as set forth in section 310.05. however, that the appeal shall have been filed (d) Class III licenses. �� �e city clerk within thirty (30) days after the action by the director. The only grounds for (1) Grant, issuance or transfer. Upon receipt of ap��g�be that there has been an error of law a fully completed application and required � �e grant, issuance or renewal of the license. ( feea for a Class III license, and after the �e appeal shall be in writing and shall set forth _ investigation required, the director shall �p���}�e alleged errors of law The council notify the council.A public hearing shall be shall conduct a hearing on the appeal within held on the grant or issuaace of all Class III ��y (30) days of the date of filing and shall licenses. In any case where the director notify the licensee and the appellant at least ten recommends denial of the grant, issuance (10) days prior to the hearing date. The proce- or renewal of a Class III license, or where dures set forth in section 310.05, insofar as is the council believes that there is evidence practicable,shall apply to this hearing.Following which might result in action adverse to the �e hearing,the council may affirm or remand the original or renewal application, the direc- matter to the inspector or director,or may reverse tor on his or her own initiative, or at the or place conditiona upon the license based on the direction of the council, shall follow the council's determination that the decision was based pmcedures for notice and hearing as set on an error of law.The filing of an appeal shall not forth in section 310.05.Where the applica- stay the issuance of the license. tion for the grant,issuance or renewal of a Class III license meets all the require- �fl No waiver by renewal. The renewal of any ments of law, and where there effists no license; whether Class I, II or III, shall not be ground for adverse action,the council shall deemed to be a waiver of any past violations or of by resolution direct that the director issue �y �°�� for imposition of adverse action such license in accordance with law. ��t such license. (Code 1956,§510.04;Ord.No. 17455,§ 1,5-21-87; (2) Renewal. The director shall in writing no- Qrd.No. 17551, § 1, 419-88; C.F. No.94500, § 1, tify the council, and the affected neighbor- 7-6-94; C.F No. 95-473, § 3, 5-3i-95; C.F. No. hood organization(s)established for citizen 95-1517, 1-31-96) participation purposes, at least sisty (60) days before the expiration date of all Class �• 310.05. Hearing procedures. III licenses. A public hearing on the re- (a) Aduerse action; notice and hearing require- ' newal of any such license shall not be held ments. In any case where the council may or Supp.No.33 2027 � � . � �� � ���� �310.05 LEGI3L�lTlVE CODE intends to consider any adverse action,including The council ahall consider the evidence con- the revocation or suspension of a license, the tained in the record,the hearing esA*n;*+er's rec_ imposition of conditions upon a licenae, or the ommended findings �fact aad conclusions, and denial of an application for the grant,issuance or ahall not consider any factual testimoay not pre- renewal of a license, or the disapproval of a viously submitted to aad considered by the hear- license issued by the State of Minnesota, the ing eaaminer. After receipt of the hearing applicant or licensee shall be given notice and an ezaminer's findings, conclusiona, aad recommen- opportunity to be heard as provided herein. The dations,the council shall provide the applicant or council may consider such adverae actions when licensee an opportunitq to present oral or written recommended by the inspector,by the director,by arguments alleging error on the part of the eaam- the director of any esecutive department estab- iner in the application of the law or interpretation liahed pursuant to Chapter 9 of the Charter, by of the facts, and to present argumeat related to the city attorney or on its own initiative. the recommended adverse action. Upon conclu- sion of that hearing, and after considering the (b) Notice. In each such case where adverse record,the eaaminer's findings and recommenda- action is or will be considered by the council, the tions, together with such additional arguments applicant or licensee ahall have been notified in p�sented at the hearing,the council shall deter- writing that adverse action may be taken against �e what, if any, adverse action shall be taken, the license or application, and that he or she is which action ahall be by resolution. The council entitled to a hearing before action is taken by the may accept,reject or modify the findings, conclu- council. The notice shall be served or mailed a sions and recommendations of the hearing esam- reasonable time before the hearing date, aad ��; shall state the place,date and time of the hearing. The notice ahall state the issues involved or (c-2) Ex parte contacts. If a license matter has grounds upon which the adverse action may be been scheduled for an adverse hearing, council � sought or based. The council may request that m e m b e r s s h a ll n o t d i s c u s s t h e li c e n s e m a t t e r w i t h such written notice be prepared and served or ��other or with any of the parties or interested mailed by the inspector or by the city attorney. Persons involved in the matter unless such dis- . cussion occurs on the record during the hearings (c) Hearing.Where there is no dispute as to the of the matter or during the council's final deliber- facts underlying the violation or as to the facts ations of the matter. No interested person shall, establishing mitigating or aggravating circum- with luiowledge that a license matter has been stances, the hearing shall be held before the scheduled for adverse hearing, convey or attempt council.Otherwise the hearing shall be conducted to convey, orally or in writing, any information, before a hearing eaaminer appointed by the coun- argument or opinion about the matter, or any cil or retained by contract with the city for that issue in the matter,to a council member or his or purpose. The applicant or the licensee shall be her staff until the council has taken final action provided an opportunity to present evidence and on the matter, provided, however, that nothing argument as well as meet adverse testimony or herein shall prevent an inquiry or communica- evidence by reasonable cross-egamination and tions regarding status, scheduling or procedures rebuttal evidence. The hearing eaaminer may in concerning a license matter.An interested person, its discretion permit other interested persons the for the purpose of this paragraph,shall mean and opportunity to present testimony or evidence or include a person who is an officer or employee of otherwise participate in such hearing. the licensee which is the subject of the scheduled adverse hearing, or a person who has a financial (c-1) Procedure;hearing examiner. The hearing iaterest in such licensee. esaminer shall hear all evidence as may be pre- sented on behalf of the city and the applicant or (d) Licensee or applicant may be represented. licensee, and shall present to the council written The licensee or applicant may represent himself findings of fact and conclusions of law, together or choose to be represented by another. with a recommendation for adverse action. Supp.No.33 2028 � � • . LICEN3ES �� ' ���� 310.05 � (e) Recora�evidence.The hearing esaminer shall (j) If the council imposes an adverse action as receive and keep a record of such proceedings, defined in section 310.01 above,a generic notice of including testimony and eshibits, and shall re- such action shall be prepared by the license in- ceive and give weight to evidence,including hear- spector and posted by the licensee so as to be vis- say evidence,which possesses probative value com- ible to the public during the e$'ective period of the monly accepted by reasonable and prudent persons adverse action. The licensee shall be responsible in the conduct of their affairs. for taking reasonable steps to make sure the no- tice remains posted on the front door of the li- (fl Council action, nsolution to contain find- censed premises,and failure to take such reason- ings. Where the council takes adverse action with able precautions may be grounds for further respect to a license, licensee or applicant for a adverse action. license,the resolution by which such action is tak- �k) Imposition of costs. The council may impose en shall contai.n its findings and determination, upon any licensee or license applicant some or all including the imposition of conditions,if any.The of the costs of a contested hearing before an inde- council may adopt all or part of the findi.ngs, con- clusions and recommendations of the hearing es- Pendent hearing examiner.The costs of a contest- aminer,and incorporate the same in its resolution �hearing include,but are aot limited to,the cost of the administrative law judge or independent taking the adverse action. hearing ezaminer, stenographic and recording costs, copying costs, city staff and attorney time (g) Additional pra;edu�s where nquined.Where for which adequate records have been kept,rental the provisions of any statute or ordinance require of rooms and equipment necessary for the hear- additional notice or hearing procedures,such pra ing, and the cost of expert witnesses. The council visions shall be complied with and shall super- may impose all or part of such costs in any given sede inconsistent provisions of these chapters.This case if (i) the position, claim or defense of the � shall include,without limitation by reason of this specific reference,Minnesota Statutes,Chapter 364 licensee or applicant was frivolous, azbitrary or capricious,made in bad faith,or made for the pur- and Minnesota Statutes, Section 340A.415. pose of delay or harassment;(ii)the nature of the violation was serious, or involved violence or the (h) Discretion to hear notwithstanding with- �at of violence by the licensee or employees drawal or surrender of application or Zicense. The �ereof, or involved the sale of drugs by the lic- council may,at its discretion,conduct a hearing or ensee or employeea thereof, and/or the circum- direct that a hearing be held regarding revocation stances under which the violation occurred were or denial of a license, notwithstanding that the ag�avated and serious; (iii)the violation created applicant or licensee has attempted or purported a serious danger to the public health, safety or to withdraw or surrender said license or applica- welfare; (iv) the violation involved unreasonable tion, if the attempted withdrawal or surrender risk of harm to vulnerable persons, or to persons took place after the applicant or licensee had been for whose safety the licensee or applicant is or notified of the hearing and potential adverse ac- was responsible; (v)the applicant or licensee was tion. sufficientl , y in control of the situation and there- fore could have reasonably avoided the violation, (i) Continuances. Where a hearing for the pur- such as but not limited to, the nonpayment of a pose of considering revocation or suspension of a required fee or the failure to renew required in- license or other disciplinary action involving a li- s��ce policies; (vi) the violation is covered by cense has been scheduled before the council, a �e matrix in section 409.26 of the Legislative Code; continuation of the hearing may be granted by the ar(vii)the violation involved the sale of cigarettes council president or by the council at the request � a minor. of the licensee, license applicant, an interested person or an attorney representing the foregoing, (1) Imposition of fines. The council may impose upon a showing of good cause by the party making a fine upon any licensee or license applicant as an the request. adverse license action. A fine may be in such Supp. No.30 2029 � � , , qV ' � ��q . 1 �310.05 LEGISI.ATNE CODE -. amount as the council deems reasonable aad ap- (3) The Ticense was issued in violation of any of propriate, having in mind the regulatory and en- tfie provisions of the Zoning Code, or the forcement purposes embodied in the particular li- premises which are licensed or which are to censing ordinance.A fine may be in addition to or be licenaed do not comply with applicable in lieu of other adverse action in the sole discre- health, housing, fire, zoning and building tion of the council. lb the egteat any other provi- codes and regulations. sion of the Legislative Code provides for the im- position of a fine, both provisions shall be read �4) The license or pernait was issued ia viola- together to the eatent possible; provided, howev- �� of law, without authority, or under a er,that in the case of any conSict or inconsistency, material mistake of fact. the other provision ahall be controlling. � (5) The licensee or applicaat has failed to com- (Code 1956,§510.05;Ord.No. 17551,§2,419-88; ply with any condition set forth in the li- Ord. No. 17559, §§ 1, 2, 5-17-88; Ord. No. 17659, cense, or set forth in the resolution grant- $ 1,6-13-89;Ord.No. 17911,§ 1,3-10-92;C.F.No. ing or renewing the license. 94-46,§7,2-2-94;C.F.No.94898,§§2,3,?-13-94; C.F.No.941340, §2, 10-19-94;C.F.No.95-473, § �6) a. The licensee or applicant (or any per- son whose conduct may by law be im- 4,5-31-95) puted to the licensee or applicant)has Sec. 310.06. Revocation;suspension;adverse �iolated,or performed any act whicIi is a violation of, any of the provisions of actions; imposition of condi- ��e chapters or of any statute, ordi- hO�' � nance or regulation reasonably related (a) Council may take aduerse a.ction. The coun- to the licensed activity, regardless of cil is authorized to take adverse action,as defined whether criminal charges have or have in section 310.01 above,against any or all licenses aot been brought in connection there- � or permits, licensee or a licant for a license as �� provided in and by these chapters. verse ac- b. The licensee or applicant has beea con- tions against entertainment licenses issued under victed of a crime that may diaqualify Chapter 411 of the Legislative Code may be initi- said applicant from holding the license ated for the reasons set forth in subsection (b) in question under the standards and below,or upon any lawfiil grounds which are com- procedures in Minnesota Statutes municated to the license holder in writing prior to �apter 364; or the hearing before the council. Such actions shall be initiated and carried out in accordance with c. The licensee or applicant (or any per- the procedures outline in section 310.05; provid- son whose conduct may by law be im- ed,however,that the formal notice of hearing shall puted to the licensee or applicant)has be used to initiate the adverse action without the engaged in or permitted a pattern or use of prior procedural steps. practice of conduct of failure to comply with laws reasonably related to the li- (b) Basis for action. Such adverse action may censed activity or from which an infer- be based on one (1) or more of the following rea- ence of lack of fitness or good character sons, which are in addition to any other reason may be drawn. specifically provided by law or in these chapters: �7� �e activities ofthe licensee in the licensed (1) The license or permit was procured by mis- activity created or have created a serious representation of material facts, fraud, de- danger to the public health, safety or wel- ceit or bad faith. fare, or the licensee performs or has per- (2) The applicant or one(1)acting in his or her formed lus or her work or activity in an behalf made oral or written misstatements ��e manner. or misrepresentations of material facts in (8) The licensed business, or the way in which or accompanying the application. such business is operated,maintains or per- Supp.No.30 2030 ! 1 � . l� - �� � /__ LICENSFS §310.06 mits conditions that unreasonably annoy, (12) The licensee or applicant has violated sec- intjure or endanger the safety,health, mor- tion 294.01 of the Legislative Code, or has als, comfort or renose of any considerable made or attempted to make a prohibited es number of inembers of the public. parte contact with a council member as pro- (9) Failure to keep sidewalks or pedestrian waqs �d� � $ection 310.05(c-2) of the Legisla- reasonably free of snow and ice as required ��e Code. under Chapter 114 of the Saint Paul Leg- The terms "licensee" or "applicant" for the pur- islative Code. pose of this section shall mean and include any (10) The licensee or applicant has shown by past Person who has any interest,whether as a holder �misconduct or unfair acts or de ; h of more than five(5)percent of the stock of a cor- ��� p �� poration, as a partner, or otherwise,in the prem- ical abuse, assaults or violent actions done �es or in the business or activity which are li- to others, including, but not limited to, ac- cenaed or proposed to be licensed. tions meeting the definition of criminal ses- ual conduct pursuant to Minnesota Stat- With respect to any license for activities entitled utes Sections 609.342 through 609.3451; �o the protection of the First Amendment,notw�ith- segual abuse, physical abuse or maltreat- $��g the foregoing provisions,neither the lack ment of a child as defined in Minnesota Stat- of good moral character or fitaess of the licensee utes Section 626.556,subdivisions 2 and 10e, or applicant nor the content of the protected speech including,but not limited to,acts which con- or matter shall be the basis for adverse action stitute a violation of Minnesota Statutes Sec- ��t the license or application. tions 609.02, subdivision 10; 609.321 (c) Imposition of reasonable conditions and/or through 609.3451;or 617.246;neglect or en- ����� �en a reasonable basis is found to C dangerment of a child as defined in Minne- �pOBe reasonable conditions and/or restrictions sota Statutes Section 626.557, subdivision upon a license issued or held under these chap- 2;the manufacture, distribution, sale, gift, ��� �y one (1) or more such reasonable condi- delivery, transportation, eschange or bar- tions and/or restrictions may be imposed upon such ter of a controlled substance as defined in license for the purpose of promoting public health, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 152; the pos- safety and welfare, of advancing the public peace session of a controlled substance as defined and the elimination of conditions or actions that in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 152 in such constitute a nuisance or a detriment to the peace- quantities or under circumstances giving ful enjoyment of urban life,or promoting security rise to a reasonable inference that the pos- and safety in nearby neighborhoods.Such reason- session was for the purpose of sale or dis- able conditions aad/or restrictions may include or tribution to others; or by the abuse of alca pertain to, but are not limited to: hol or other drugs, that such licensee or �1) A limitation on the hours of o eration of applicant is not a person of the good moral P character or fitness required to engage in a �e licensed business or establishment, or licensed activity, business or profession. on�particular types of activities conducted in or on said business or establishment; (11) The licensee or applicant has materially (2) Alimitation orrestriction as to the location changed or permitted a material change in �� �e licensed business or establish- the design, construction or configuration of inent whose [sic) particular type of activi- the licensed premises without the prior ap- ties may be conducted; proval of the city council in the case of Class � III licenses,the director in the case of Class (3) A limitation as to the means of ingress or II licenses, and the inspector in the case of egress from the licensed establishment or Class I licenses, or without first having ob- its pazlang lot or immediately adjacent area; tained the proper building permits from the (4) A requirement to provide off-street parking I cit3'• in excess of other requirements of law; Supp.No. 30 2031 /v $310.06 LEGISLATIVE CODE �"'� I��� i � (5) A limitation on the manner and means of (5) The extent to which adverse action againat "advertising the operation or merchandise less than all of the licenses or applications of the licensed establishment; would result in difficulty in enforcing and (6) Any other reasonable condition or restric- m����g�e adverse actioa taken; tion limiting the operation of the licensed (6) The hardslup to the licensee or applicant business or establiahment to ensure that that would be caused by applying adverse the business or establishment will harma action to all licenses or applications; and nize with the chazacter of the area in wluch �7� �e bardship and/or danger to the public, it is located,or to prevent the development. or to the public health and welfare, that or continuation of a nuisance. would result from adverse action against The inspector may impose such conditions on Class less than all of the licenses or applications. I licenaes with the consent of the license holder,or (Code 1956,§510.06;Ord.No. 17584,§1,&25-88; may recommend the imposition of such conditions prd. No. 17657, § 15,6-8-89; Ord.No. 17659, §2, as an adverse action against the license or licens- �13-89;Ord.No. 17901,§§2,3, 1-1492;Ord.No. es;the inspector has the same power with respect 17917, §§ 2, 3,3-31-92; Ord. No. 17922, § 1, 42& to Class II licenses.The council may impose such 92; C.F.No. 94500, § 3, 7-6-94; C.F. No. 941340, conditions on Class III licenses with the consent § 3, 10-19-94; C.F. No. 95-473, § 5, 5-31-95) of the license holder, or upon any class of license as aa adverae action against the licenae or licens- �c. 310.0?. 1lermination of licenses; surety es following notice and hearing as may be re- �n�� ��ace contracts. quired. Such conditions may be imposed on a li- cense or licenses upon issuance or renewal thereof, (a) Automatic termination, ninstatement; re- or upoa and as part of any adverse action against sponsibilzty of licensee.All licenses or permits which a license or licenses, including suspension. Con- must,by the prnvisions of these chapters or other f ditions imposed on a license or licenses shall r� ordinances or laws, be accompanied by the filing \. main on such licenaes when renewed and shall and maintenance of insurance policies, deposits, continue thereafter until removed by the council guarantees,bonds or certifications shall automat- in the case of conditions on Class III licenses or i�a11Y tera►inate on cancellation or withdrawal of conditions imposed by adverse action, and by the said policies, deposits, bonds or certifications. No inspector in the case of Class I and II licenses. licensee may coatinue to operate or perform the (d) Standards for multiple license determina- licensed activity after such termination. The lic- tion. In any case in which the council is autha ensee is liable and responsible for the filing and rized to take adverse action against less than all maintenance of such policies, deposits, guaran- of the licenses held by a licensee,or applied for by �$►�nds or certifications as are required in these an applicant,the following standards may be used: chapters, and shall not be entitled to assert the (1) The nature and avi of the acts or omissions of agents, brokers, employees, gr ty grounds found attorneys or any other persons as a defense or by the council to exist upon which the ad- justification for failure to comply with such filing verse action would be based; and maintenance requirements. In the event the (2) The policy and/or regulatory goals for the licensee reinstates and files such policies, depos- particular licenses involved, either as em- its,bonds or certifications within thirty(30)days, bodied in the Legislative Code or as found the license is automatically reinstated on the same aad determined by the council; terms and conditions, and for the same period as (3) The interrelationship of the licenses and originally issued.After thirty(30)days,the appli- their relative importance to the overall busi- cant must reapply for a renewal of his license as ness enterprise of the licensee or applicant; though it were an original application. (4) The management practices of the licensee �b) Bonds and insurance requirements: or applicant with respect to each of such (1) Surety Companies: All surety bonds run- licenses; ning to the City of Saint Paul shall be writ- �, Supp.No. 30 2032 �� . _ , . � � (��l� �� CONTB�CT FOB BENTAL OF SI�IITH �VE1�iQB BBNTAL HAI.L THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 19 , by and between Smith Avenue Rental Hall , 627 S. Smith St . Paul , MN 55107, herein cal�led Lessor and , herein called Lessee . In consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, it is hereby agreed as follows: � 1 . Lessor hereby grants to Lessee the use of the reception hall , subject to all terms and conditions herein stated, situated at 627 S. Smith, St. Paul , ' MN 55107. 2 . The hall may be used by Lessee solely for and f.or incidental purposes related thereto for the period beginning at a.m/p.m on and ending at 1 :00 a.m. on 3 . Lessee shall pay to Lessor the sum of for the use of said hall , payable as follows: One-half the said sum to be paid upon the execution of this agreement and one-half shall be paid at least sixty (60) days prior to the date set forth in paragra�ih 2 . The Lessee shall not be entitle� to any refund of the payment for failure to use said premises . 4. Lessee agrees to pay the Lessor in full , 60 days prior to the date of the event, as rent for the above premises for the period of time set forth in paragraph 2, the sum of: ' ��.��:,,� ��,�,5�t. � a. Damage Fee Depos i t $ b. Hall rental ,si�ownstairs $ c. Upstairs rental fee $ d. TOTAL � e. Down Payment $ f. BALANCE DUE � 5 . Lessee also agrees to the following: a. Seating for the event is b. A damage deposit of $ must be.made 60 days before the date of rental. Damage deposit to be refunded within thirty days unless deductions have to be made for the following: missing articles, breakage, damage, or extra work by custodial service, or extended hours. c. A policeman is required if any alcoholic beverages are served. A uniformed policeman will be on duty from �8 :00 p.m to 12 midnight . � d. A professional caterer must be used, unless otherwise authorized. Caterer must provide /� all of their own serving utensils, bowls , and � mi }C1T�i:1 ts}r.n6 '118 . IJ(� f7i ' 1-',a.: t�'i 11 na nrn�ri �lari . �\ � � i�1�1 t . , ,� ,, e . Lessee is responsible for caterer' s cleanup of ' kitchen facilities. Lessee is responsible for cleanup of the hall . (List of cleanup responsibilities to be posted in hall . ) f . No decorations , cards, signs, etc. may be attached to walls or ceilings without permission of the manager. NO TAPE ALLOWED ON CEILING OR WALL SURFACES. g. All decorations, supplies , and property that belong to Lessee shall be removed, including band equipment from the hall by closing time. h. NO LIQUOR OR SETUPS inJILL BE SOLD ON THE PREMISES. A bartender is required. Lessee , must provide all liquor and setups. IT IS ILLEGAL TO SERVE LIQUOR TO ANYONE UNDER 21 YEARS OF AGE. . 6 . Lessee assumes all responsibility and liability for any harm or damage to persons or property during the rental period and shall hold Lessor harmless and indemnify said Lessor in the event of any such damage. 7. Lessee shall not use premises for any , illegal or immoral pt�rposes and shall comply with all applic- able s�ate and local laws and ordinances. � 8 . Lessee understands and agrees that the music will be stopped and the bar closed promptly at � 1 : 30 p.m. midnight and premises vacated bya2 midnight. RENTER ' S SIGNATURE PHONE ADDRESS Street City State Zip HALL MANAGER ' S SIGNATURE DATE PLEASE MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO SMITH AVENUE RENTAL HALL 627 S. Smith Ave. , St. Paul, MN 55107 298-1411 �� � � , CLEAN[TP OF S'I�iITH AVE BENTAL HALL V I�n -' J��"J 8 8 S P O N S I B ILITY OF LESSEE y� � 1 . ALL TABLES MUST BE CLEANED OFF AFTER DINNER HAS BEEN SERVED. 2 . CATERER MUST LEAVE KITCHEN CLEAN (INCLUDING OVENS) AND TRASH CONTAINERS MUST BE EMPTIED AND PUT IN CONTAINER OUTSIDE ALONG BUILDING. ,. 3 . END OF EVENING LESSEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEARING OFF TABLES, (WE WILL PROVIDE NECESSARY SUPPLIES FOR CLEANUP) AND STACKING CHAIRS ON TOP OF TABLES. • 4. REMOVING ALL DECORATIONS, INCLUDING TAPE AND TACKS. 5. REMOVING ALL PERSONAL BELONGINGS. 6 . FAILIIBE TO COKPLY i�TITH CLE�NUP BESPONSIBILITIES i�iILL RESDLT IN F08FEITQRE OF DAI�IAGE DEPOSIT. SIGNATURE OF LESSEE DATE *********FOR A FEE OF $100.00 LESSEE MAY WAIVE ABOVE CLEANUP RESPONSIBILITIES ?1ND SMITH ****REN*** _ HALL WILL TAKE CARE OF ALL CLEANUP. SIGNATURE OF LESSEE DATE n / �-���� REAL ESTATE LEASE This Lease Agreement (this "Lease") is made effective as of May 18, 1996, by and between Raymond. J. Hessler, ("Landlord") , and Thomas Oestreich/Harvest Fellowship-St. Paul, MN, ("Tenant") . The parties agree as follows: PREMISES. Landlord, in consideration of the lease payments provided in this Lease, leases to Tenant The second floor main meeting room plus two offices as well as the lobby area. On main floor, the rental hall itself. (the "Premises") located at 627 SMITH AVENUE SOUTH, ST. PAUL„ MN 55107. FURNISHINGS. The lease of the Premises includes the furnishings listed on the attached exhibit. Tenant shall return all such items at the end of the lease term in a condition as good as the condition at the beginning of the lease term, except for such deterioration that might result from normal use of the furnishings. STORAGE. Tenant shall be entitled to store items of �ersonal property in The second floor offices: Office located in rear of building on second floor to house musical instruments. Office located up in front on right hand side to be used for day care supplies, etc. Main lobbx upstairs to house information regarding the Church and its functions. during the term of this Lease. Landlord shall not be liable for loss of, or damage to, such stored items. 7-f0 ��-�- TERI�I. The lease term will begin on May 18, 1996 and will terminate on September 30, 1996. �C-��,�,(1 (,,�,�,�- ���,�,C� C'ih!'t�e�✓�� rw�� LEASE PAYMENTS. Tenant shall pay to Landlord monthly payments of $1 ,000.00 per. month, payable in advance on the .First day of each month, for a total annu�,l lease payment of � , 500.00 Lease ����� payments shall be made to the Landlord at 39 Stryker Ave. , -�� , St. Paul„ MN 55107, as may be changed from time to time by Landlord. LATE PAYMENTS. Tenant ;shall pay a late fee equal to $40.00 for each payment that is not paid within Five days after the due date for such late payment. NON-SUFFICIENT FUNDS. Tenant shall be charged $20.00 for each check that is returned to Landlord for lack of sufficient funds. SECURITY DEPOSIT. At �he time of the signing of this Lease, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, in trust, a security deposit of $500.00 to be held and disbursed for Tenant damages to the Premises (if any) as provided by law. POSSESSION. Tenant shall be entitled to possession on the first day of the term of this Lease, and shall yield possession to �s �1� -�5�9 Landlord on the last day of the term of this Lease, unless otherwise agreed by both parties in writing. USE OF PREMISES. Tenant may use the Premises only For their church functions: Band practice on Satur mornings in upstairs rental hall from 8a.m. to 11 a.m. for ban�ractice. Sunday church services to be held upstairs in the rental hall from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. (includes use of all space available upstairs as needed) as well as use of downstairs rental hall from 8 a.m. to 12 noon for bible study classes, or lunches which are to be held the ist Sunday of each month. The Premises may be used for any other purpose only with the prior written consent of Landlord, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Tenant shall notify Landlord of any anticipated extended absence from the Premises not later than the first day of the extended absence. MAINTENANCE. Landlord shall have the responsibility to maintain the Premises in good repair at all times. ACCESS BY LANDLORD TO PREMISES. Subject to Tenant's consent (which shall not be unreasonably withheld) , Landlord shall have the right to enter the Premises to make inspections, provide necessary services, or show the unit to �rospective buyers, mortgagees, tenants or workers. As provided,by law, in the case of an emergency, Landlord may enter the Premises without Tenant's consent. UTILITIES AND SERVICES. Landlord shall be responsible for all utilities and services in connection with the Premises. PROPERTY INSURANCE. Landlord and Tenant shall each be responsible to maintain appropriate insurance for their respective interests in the Premises and property located on the Premises. DANGEROUS MATERIALS. Tenan� shall not keep or have on the Premises any article or thing of a dangerous, inflammable, or explosive character that.Ymight substantially increase the danger of fire on the Premises,- or that might be considered hazardous by a responsible insurance company, unless the prior written consent of Landlord is obtained and proof of adequate insurance protection is provided by Tenant to Landlord. DEFAULTS. Tenarit shall be in default of this Lease, if Tenant fails to fulfill any lease obligation or term by which Tenant is bound. Subject to any governing provisions of law to the contrary, if Tenant fails to cure any financial obligation within 10 days (or any other obligation within 10 days) after written notice of such default is provided by, Landlord to Tenant, Landlord may take possession of the Premises without further notice, and without �rejudicing Landlord's rights to damages. In the alternative, Landlord may elect to cure any default and the cost of such action shall be added to Tenant's financial obligations -2- /� �'�=/ 7 � � under this Lease. Tenant shall pay all costs, damages, and expenses suffered by Landlord by reason of Tenant's defaults. All sums of money or charges required to be paid by Tenant under this Lease shall be additional �rent, whether or not such sums or charges are designated as "additional rent". ASSIGNABILITY/SUBLETTING. Tenant may not assign or sublease any interest in the Premises, nor effect a change in the majority ownership of the Tenant (from the ownership existing at the inception of this lease) , without the prior written consent of Landlord, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. NOTICE. Notices under this Lease shall not be deemed valid unless given or served in writing and forwarded by mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: LANDLORD: Name: Raymond J. Hessler Address: 390 Stryker Ave. St. Paul, MN 55107 TENANT: Name: Thomas Oestreich/Harvest Fellowship-St. Paul, MN Address: 840 Ohio 627 Smith Ave. S. St. Paul„ MN 55107 Such addresses may be changed from time to time by either party by providing notice as set forth above. ENTIRE AGREEMENT/AMENDMENT. This Lease Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties and there are no other promises or conditions in .anx other agreement whether oral or written. This Lease may be modified o� amended in writing, if the writing is signed by the party obligated under the amendment. SEVERABILITY. If any portion of this Lease shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable. If a court finds that any provision o�.-this Lease is invalid or unenforceable, but that by limiting such provision, it would become valid and enforceable, then such provision shall be deemed to be written, construed, and enforced as so limited. WAIVER. The failure of either party to enforce anx �rovisions of this Lease shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of that �arty's right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision of this Lease. -3- 17 G��- rs7� CUMUI�ATIVE RIGHTS. The rights of the parties under this Lease are cumulative, and shall not be construed as exclusive unless otherwise required by law. GOVERNING LAW. This Lease shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of MN. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS. Tenant agrees to clean up after each and ever use of rental hall. Tenant entitled to display church signs inside of building and outside the building with the approval of Raymond J. Hessler. Tenant agrees to work with Raymond Hessler on Sundays when the rental hall downstairs has been booked by Mr. Hessler for a partx. Landlord agrees not to allow customers in the hall on Sunday until �� � �.m. Tenant agrees to work together with Elite Catering if their schedule overlaps Harvest Fellowship's schedule on Sundays. Tenant has the option to rent additional time in rental hall, if available, for an' additional fee. TENANT WILL HAVE USE OF THE DOWNSTAIRS HALL FROM 8a./N. until 3: 00 p.m. on the first Sunday of every month. , --� -4- / � FURNISHINGS �-" ✓ �`' �� Tenants a1l.owed the use of tables and chai�s as needed. Tenants allowed the use of the kitchen for their once a month lunches. EXHIBIT 1 � /� ��- i��� LANDLORD: Ra d J. Hessler R d J essler Ow e TENANT: Tho Oestreich/Harvest Fellowship-St. Paul, MN T om s Oest c /Harves Fe ows ip-St. Pau , MN Pa or --� -5- �/ a SMITH AVENi1E RENTAL HALL /��� '��� 627 Sl�iITH AVENIIE SODTH ��� SAINT PAIIL l�T 55107 (612) 298-1411 LEASE AGREEMENT Lessor : Smith Avenue Rental Hall Lessee : �i Harvest �l�vvf5�'►�� - ST.Pa^%c-- Terms : One Year effective 10/O1/95 to 09/30/96 Monthly payment of $1 ,000.00 due on the first of each month. Conditions: Use of Upstairs Hall every sunday for church services, 8am to 3pm. Use of part of Downstairs Hall ��fa ��� available space upstairs for Sunday /^ school and childcare, 8am to 3pm. Band practice Upstairs Hall 8am to llam. Permanent storage space in backroom west end upstairs by stage. � Lessee agrees to clean up after use. Lessee entitled to display church signs inside and outside the building with approval of S.A.R.H. Si �ture of essee Signatur� of Lessor r� / 1 rj��Z�.�2, \s, �.li'^—'� c'`'`�v�— �.:y r : Da e : Date:�J --' ��� - z- qs ,�iz (�s' ., ��!�r:�.�✓Lt.� .�� �r� ��� (-a �' - � �� � a, � i ( �"� ( Sf--`�J � �-�, � Q�-� � �o ;— � �.� �� L�.r= -- �,g,.��, ..�c.-�� � � ��5, ,-�� � � �i�- �s� REAL ESTATE LEASE This Lease Agreement (this "Lease") is made effective as of May 25, 1996, by and between Raymond J. Hessler, ("Landlord") , and ELITE CATERING, ("Tenant") . The parties agree as follows: PREMISES. Landlord, in consideration of the lease payments provided in this Lease, leases to Tenant Kitchen space located at 627 Smith Ave. South, St. Paul, MN. IIncludes total Kitchen space as well as 1 storage room located in� rear of rental hall, first floor and available basement storage�. (the "Premise,s") locatec� at 627 Smith Av . S. , St. Pa 1, MN 551'07. �.s�?�v�� H�-�✓ ��"'��- s�.�,� a�n a"� �.e,°°'' � �`�.`�' . LEGAL DESCRIPTION. The legal description for the Premises is Lot numbered eighteen (18) except the South eighty-eight (S.88) feet and four (4) � inches thereof, and the North fifty-one (N. 51) ,feet eight (8) inches of Lot numbered nineteen (19) , Marion Addition, St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and record in the Office of the Registrar of Deeds in and for said county. • , STORAGE. Tenant shall be entitled t'o store items of personal property in Storage room located in rear of rental hall on first floor as well as available space located in the basement of the building located at 627 Smith Ave. S. during the term of this Lease. Landlord shall not be liable for loss of, or damage to, such stored items. TERM. The lease term will begin on May 25, 1996 and will terminate on January 15, 1997. LEASE PAYMENTS. Tenant shall pay to Landlord monthly payments of $450.00 per month, payable in advance on the 15th day of each month, for a total annual lease payment of $5,400.00. Lease paxments shall be made tc3 the Landlord at 390 Stryker Ave. , 627 Smith Ave. , St. Paul„ MN 55107, as may be changed from time to time by Landlord. LATE PAYMENTS. Tenant shall pax a late fee equal to $40.00 for each payment that is not paid within $� .after the due date for such late payment. NON-SUFFICIENT FUNDS. Tenant shall �be charged $20.00 for each check that is returned to Landlord for lack of sufficient funds. SECURITY DEPOSIT. At the time of the signing of this Lease, Tenant shall pay to Lancllord, in trust, a security deposit of $450.00 to be held and disbursed for Tenant damages to the Premises (if any) as provided by law. POSSESSION. Tenant shall be entitled to possession on the first day of the term of this Lease, and shall yield possession to Landlord on the last day of the term of this Lease, unless �� � � . ��- �s-�� otherwise agreed by both parties in writing. n� I 1� USE OF PREMISES. Tenant has full use of the kitchen and its �facilities to prepare, cook and store food as needed. The Premises may be used for any other purpose only with the prior written consent of Landlord, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Tenant shall notify Landlord of any anticipated extended absence from the Premises not later than the first day of the extended absence. REMODELING OR STRUCTURAL I1�ROVS[�NTS. Tenant shall have the obligation to conduct any construction or remodeling (at Tenant's expense) that may be required to uselthe Premises as specified above. Tenant may also construct such fixtures on the Premises (at Tenant's expense) that appropriately facilitate its use for such purposes. Such construction shall be undertaken and such fixtures max be erected only with the prior written consent of the Landlord which shall not be unreasonably withheld. At the end of the lease term, Tenant shall be entitled to remove (or at the request of Landlord shall remove) such fixtures, and shall restore the Premises to substantially the same condition of the Premises at the commencement of this Lease. MAINTENANCE. Tenant's obligation for maintenance shall include: - Tenant agrees to clean after the� use the kitchen, i.e. counters, sinks, stove, floor, cabinents. Tenant will provide their own dishwashing, soap and cleaning supplies, i.e. gloves, rags, bleach, for their clean up. Tenant will remove all garbage and dispose of in container located outside the building. Landlord's obligation for maintenance shall include: - the roof, outside walls, and other structural parts of the building '.. - the parking lot, driveways, and sidewalks including snow and ice removal -., - the sewer, water pipes, and other matters related to plumbing - the electrical wiring - the air conditioning system - the heating system - Landlord agrees to maintain the kitchen in a sanitary manner when their custoiners are using the kitchen area. - all other items of maintenance not; specifically delegated to Tenant under this Lease ACCESS BY LANDLORD TO PREMISES. Subject to Tenant's consent (which shall not be unreasonably withheld) , Landlord shall have the right to enter the Premises to make inspections, provide necessary services, or show the unit'; to �rospective buyers, mortgagees, tenants or workers. As provided by law, in the case of an emergency, Landlord may enter the Premises without Tenant's -2- �� ��� i�1� consent. UTILITIES AND SERVICES. Tenant shall be responsible for the following utilities and services in connection with the.Premises: � ,�- o . �� � .�., u�� - gas — i� Y�A.a.��'c' `2�c.� • • � telephone service — 6�us,t. J�ri� - Tenant agrees to carry own insuranceipolicy. Tenant acknowledges that Landlord has fully ex�lained to Tenant the utility rates, charges and services for which Tenant will be required to pay (if any) , other than those to be paid directly to the utility company furnishing the service. Landlord shall be responsible for the following utilities and services in connection with the Premises: - electricity - water and sewer - gas - heating PROPERTY INSURANCE. �Landlord and Tenant shall each be responsible to maintain, appropriate insurance for their respective interests in the Premises and property located on the Premises. �_ ` �,I ILI INS CE. e t sha aintain ility in ance ' ��a to aggregat s of a le $ . 0. nant hall li `1 i � appro iate eviden to Lan d as pr, hat ade e ins ce ���( is in rce. Lan o shall the r' to re th th Land r eceive otic of y te ina ion u ins ce poli ies. INDEHIIdITY REGARDING USE OF PREMISES. Tenant agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Landlord from and against any and all losses, claims, liabilities, and expenses, including.reasonable attornex fees, if any, which Landlord may suffer or incur in connection with Tenant's use or misuse; of the Premises. DANGEROUS MATERIALS. Tenant shall not; keep or have on the Premises any article or thing of a dangerous, ,inflammable, or explosive characte�.that might substantially increase the danger of fire on the Premises, or that might� be considered hazardous by a responsible insurance company, unless the prior written consent of Landlord is obtained and proof of adequate insurance protection is provided by Tenant to Landlord. MECHANICS LIENS. Neither the Tenant nor anyone claiming through the Tenant shall have the right to file mechanics liens or any other kind of lien on the Premises andithe filing of this Lease constitutes notice that such liens are; invalid. Further, Tenant agrees to (1) give actual advance notice to any contractors, -3- � � ! ✓ � �� C5� °( subcontractors or sup�liers of goods, labor, or services that such liens will not be valid, and (2) take whatever additional steps that are necessary in order to keep the premises free of all liens resulting from constructions done by� or for the Tenant. DEFAULTS. Tenant shall be in defaul� of this Leaset if Tenant fails to fulfill any lease obligation or term by which Tenant is bound. Subject to any governing provisions of law to the contrary, if Tenant fails to cure any financial obligation within 10 days (or any other obligation wit�in 10 days) after written notice of such default is provided by Landlord to Tenant, Landlord may take possession of the Premises y�ithout further notice, and without �rejudicing Landlord's rights to damages. In the alternative, Landlord may elect to c�re any default and the cost of such action shall be added to Tenant�s financial obligations under this Lease. Tenant shall pay all costs, damages, and expenses suffered by Landlord by reason of Tenant's defaults. All sums of money or charges required to�be paid by Tenant under this Lease shall be additional rent, whether or not such sums or charges are designated as "additional rent". ASSIGNABILITY/SUBLETTING. Tenant may not assic�n or sublease any interest in the� Premises, nor effect 'a change in the majority ownership of the Tenant (from the ownership existing at the inception of this lease) , without the prior written consent of Landlord, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. NOTICE. Notices under this Lease shall not be deemed valid unless given or served in writing and forwarded by mail, postaqe prepaid, addressed as follows: LANDLORD: Name: Raymond J. Hessler Address: 390 Stryker Ave. _ St. Paul„ MN � 55107 � TENANT: ' Name: ELITE CATERING Address: 627 SMITH AVE. S. ST. PAUL, , NAJ 55107 � Such addresses may be changed from time to time by either party by providing notice as set forth above. ENTIRE AGREEMENT/AMENDMENT. This Lease Agreement contains the entire agreement of the�parties and there are no other promises or conditions in any other agreement whether oral or written. This Lease may be modified or amended in writing, if the writing is signed by the party obligated under the amendment. -4- �� i i , �� ��-�� SEVERABILITY. If any portion of this Lease shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valicl and enforceable. If a court finds that any �rovision of this Lease is inval�d or unenforceable, but that by limiting such,provision, it would �become valid and enforceable, then such provision shall be deemed to be written, construed, and enforced as so limited. , WAIVER. The failure of either party �to enforce anx �rovisions of this Lease shall not be construed as �a waiver or limitation of that �arty's right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision of this Lease. i CUMULATIVE RIGHTS. The rights of the parties under this Lease are cumulative, and shall not be construed as exclusive unless otherwise required by law. ± GOVERNING LAW. This Lease shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of MN. , } , . ; . -5- �� i � ' � vr��� LANDLORD: i Raymond J. Hessler ! . ; Ra n J. ler Owner � TENANT: ' ELITE CATERING � `7 ,E� `� '" , ;EL E CATERING � P sident/CEO -� -6- � l OFFICE OF THE CITY ATT RNEY , Timothy E. Marx, City Attorney ' � CITY OF SAINT PAUL crv;�vrv;�;on Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 City Hall Telephone: 612 266-8710 IS West Kellogg Blvd. Facsrmile: 611 298-5619 Saint Paul, �nnesom 55102 ._�...._ October 23, 1996 David Essling Essling, Ltd. 1217 West Seventh Street Saint Paul, NIlV 55102 RE: Dance/Rental Hall license application by Raymond Hessler 627 South Smith Avenue, Saint Paul Dear Mr. Essling: This morning I was informed by my client, the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, that they were changing the recommendation on the license application filed by Mr. Hessler based upon information that he is operating the premises at 627 South Smith without a license. At the time of the hearing, the recommendation will be for denial of the license application because of the continued illegal operation of the premises. The facts upon which this recommendation will be made are as follows : Oa September 10, 1996 your clieat was seat a letter by the Director of LIEP indicating that he was not licensed to operate a dance/rental hall at 627 South Smith Avenue while the license application was under consideration. The letter further stated that continued operation could result in criminal prosecution or use of that evidence at the administrative hearing. Sue Synstegaard will testify that she telephoned the rental hall the week of October 21, 1996 and was told that she could rent the hall for $500 .00 for either Saturday or Sunday, October 26 or 27, 1996. Robert Ressler will testify that neither the license applicant nor the manager have cooperated with requests by Licensing to provide lists of rentals at the hall aad that the long-term tenants are still operatiag from the preanises. � � � . �� ��5�� William Essling October 23, 1996 page 2 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, /,,. ,it��'_ � iQ,.��. � � c Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc : Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP West Side Citizens Organization, Sandra Levine, Community Organizer, 625 Stryker Avenue, Saint Paul, 55107 West side Safe Neighborhood Council, Sue Nipe, Executive Director, 209 W. Page Street, Saint Paul, 55107 Smith-Dodd Business Association, Rick Aguilar, Executive Director, 602 Smith Avenue, Saint Paul, 55107 Richard Mossman, Administrative Law Judge, 604 Richfield Bank, 6625 Lyndale Avenue So. , Richfield, 55423 Nancy Thomas, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, 55401-2138 Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, Office of LIEP � � i. , , OFFICE OF " CITY ATTORNEY Timothy E. Marx, .,.�y Attorney �/ � � I v� v� � >> � CITY OF SAINT PALJL Civil Division Norm Coleman,Mayor 400 Ci�y Hall Telephone: 612 266-8710 1 S West Kellogg Blvd Facsimile: 611 298-5619 Saint Paul, �nnesota 55102 � September 17, 1996 Mr. David Essling Essling, Ltd. 1217 West 7th Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: License applicatioa by Raymond Hessler Dear Mr. Essling: I have received your letter of September 16, 1996 regarding the pending license application for a dance/rental hall license at 627 Smith Avenue. The matter has been referred to an administrative law judge for a hearing as a result of concerns voiced by neighbors at the Saint Paul City Council hearing on August 28, 1996 . As matters now stand, although the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection recommended the issuance of the license subject to certain conditions, which Mr. Hessler agreed to, the Saint Paul City Council has not approved the license and has referred the matter for an administrative law judge to make findings of fact and a recommendation for action. Thus, Mr. Hessler does not have a license to operate as a dance/rental hall . The City is not able to agree to allow Mr. Hessler to operate without a license, so you must take whatever action you think advisable . Mr. Kessler' s letter of September 10, 1996 states LIEP' s position quite clearly. If Mr. Hessler continues to operate without a license he is subject to either being cited for operating the hall without a license or to that fact being used in the administrative hearing or both. A hearing has been scheduled for 9 :30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 29, 1996 . A more complete notice will be forthcoming within the next day or so, which will outline the position of LIEP and of the various interested parties who wish to intervene or be heard. Sincerely, _ � , � ) , �' � : c�'' u-C�� � -c`�l,-��i �, Virgin�a D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc : Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP �� �.^4 a °C�- rs2� ESSLING, LTD. G�i���a�r�d�oe�nao�ox at�,°aur� DAVID ESSt.ING 1217 W&ST S srv&NT[i STRE6r SA[NT PAV�.,MINNrsso'rA SS102 OF COUNSII.: Wltd.rAM W.EsSI.tNG (612)2244818 (612)224-4810 Fnx VIA FACSIMILE 298-5619 and UNITED STATES MAIL September 16, 1996 Ginger Palmer Assistant City Attorney City Hall, Room 400 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re: Smith Avenue Rental Hall Dear Ms. Palmer: We discussed this matter the other day on the phone. I represent Ray and Katie Hessler, the owners of the hall. Enclosed is a copy of Robert Kessler's letter to my client dated September 10, 1996. We regard this as a serious matter and want to cooperate with the City. This building has been operated as a rental hall for several years even prior to the license requirements. The license division has recommended that a license be issued to Mr. Hessler, subject to twelve (12) written conditions. The Hesslers have agreed in writing to those conditions. The matter of issuing the license has now been referred to an administrative law judge. The basis for that referral, and the issues to be determined by the administrative law judge, are entirely unknown to me. In fact, when we discussed this matter on the phone, you indicated that you were representing the license department and would probably be making a motion to clarify and specify the issues to be determined by the administrative law judge. I would like to join in such a motion. However, I am hampered in that respect by two (2) things. First, I do not know who is opposin� the issuance of a license expect, apparently, unspecified "neighbors". Second, I have not yet received any notice of the time, date, issues, etc., with regard to the hearing. You said you would send me the notice when available. The Hesslers are committed to rental of the hall on some occasions during the next few months. � � •.�. � �:.__ . Gin er Palmer " ✓ ���� g Re: Smith Avenue Rental Hall September 16, 1996 Page 2 We agree to not accept any additional rentals until the license issue is determined if the City will agree that the Hesslers previous commitments can be honored. If we cannot agree on this, or some other settlement, it will probably be necessary for us to seek some injunctive relief- a proposition I would like to avoid. I look forward to hearing from you with respect to the notice concerning the administrative hearing, and the proposal set forth in this letter. Yours truly, , 1 � ,, David Essling DE:aw � Enclosure cc: Ray and Katie Hessler �� �R�M : FRYMASTERiH+T COR?. r""� pHONE N0. : 227 3075 !^� Sep. 1� 1996 04:33�M P1 OFE'fCB OF UCE.�SE.i�SPSC'T10�S A.�D ��^� l 5�� E\V1RO�l�fE�TN.PR01'�C'I70� ��� Robert Kssrkr,Di•scror • CITY OF SATIv"T PAUL lAii�ZYPROF�SS10?��Si.BU'LDi`!G ?aicphons:61:•i��o�o J►ornr Cote�on.Alayor Suiis�00 raetim�:t: 611•166.9099 330 5r.Pne�Snc:t 611•16691 N n ` SointPou2,Min++uoraSSJO°-1310 �`• ��{,•�f�+� � � �- ��� � �� ___.. � � < - � � �� _. .:. September 10, 1996 � �^.� , � ,.`� (.0 � ���-- d .�� � , � . � 3 � � � o �� ��� Mr. Raymand T-�essjer �� 14140 Adam Avenue ° Inver Grave Heights, Minnesota SS077 � � �� �S ,. ���' � RE: Applicatian for a License at 627 South Smith Avenue Dear Mr. Hessler: As you know,the Sain�?aul City Council considered your application for a rental hall license at 627 South Sr.uth Avenue on August 27, 1996, and referred tl'ie matter ta an adrr.itistrative law judge fbr a hearin�. At the sarne me�ting, the application for thc pre�ious tenant at the same ;ocation was denied based on LIEP's recommendation. Currently there is no license to opesate a rental or dance hall at 627 So�th Smith 4venuc. I arn writing to advise you that if you continue to operate a renta! andlor dance hali.at th�t locaiion, that you are subject to being cited for operating without a iicense. Additionally, the operatioa of the premises as a d�.-�cu'rencal hall may be used as evidence at the administs3ting hearing as a basis for adverse action oa your oending applie�tion. 'I'his is a secious mattez that requires your immcdiate atiention. If you have quesiions regazding , this matter please refcr them to Assistant City A�torney, Ginger Palmer at 266-8719. Sincerel� � . � �,. � ,,; �'� ; ,,�` �� k��'..�-��'^ �� f � � . Rabert Kess}er �,� `�" :. p � c a �.��v . � ��.. �i-�rc��{��r � i�. .� ��i "�t� Director ^,w:� �v. , , , w , , �, ` t �^�+`yj������� S�, .- "� -t �' ,'t��R [� ,��.r'� i�-� Y �.J�7 � -� ;{( � , J 1 '�'�f j f��^1 �µX�i �1w 4 rt�g,., �,,:' � 1 ` �� t ` � � ; cc: Ginger Palmer, Assistant City Attorney ' � �X � . � �' a ..,,, ,x; Kazen I��ishlcr, Hall Manager ; :' , ;'. k ;, � Sar,dra I.evine, WSCO ° s ' ���. �jas Sue Np�, Neighborhood Crirne Watch _ ' � � `�"�� * Rick Aguilar, Smith-Dodd Business Association �� �f M a~ , , , r �; �: .��� ,.c�.�.: ann Rric.nn Riv�rv+ww F.r.�n�mic T�evel�nment ASSOCiatiOA __.!�__�W_� r i.-; �� . . -- . � � _ �5� � For • � : � Date -/`� Time ,7,'fio W �il Yo .,We� Ou M Of � Phone j ( `- o , / AREA CODE NUMBER EXTENSION ' � f �+ '3��:!:,Q e � ���''� '� �� �`,, ��� x''::� ����° � �Retw�,e�?_' °� � � � Messa e � • G Signe '"'"" 4 � . �� 97�� ADAMS 8 ESS FORMS "'Y � � .. � � ��' 1��� �a-� �-�- _ � -�� �G �-? � - _ .,� G'�, y��"""'S 3,� � � ��_�y�� �. � y.` - y�6 7 �ci�: -� ; C= ` � w �'��.�. - _ �,�: `��.�,.-. - �, ��o � ��: ;� �, 6 - 9/� . .� =� . _ � �- ��. ��� t �. �,� � g �� �� � — , ���-° �° `� _ a-� _� , _ .�8� _ 3 v � _ — �`' Q���� - �, — ,° _ �°�,,� c,� .�- ��' ��- �� - � _ .-u-�,�.� � �,�-- �� � �� � C ��-� ��'�.�,x ..2�'-�.� ,,��, �-�-�' ��- ,� ,� � � �1 Q.e�,�.-.�=e! ..� �. �. �. �. . �-�- -�.�-,�.- .�. _ �.�..� � �- ��, . _� - - ����-, - :�- . ��.a.�- �� , _ � � � . � " � � � �. _ �� . . �A-�- - �'�''� r T� � � 9/-�/6 7 -,L�l�� � 9�-i yi/ ��� i � � / � �� � �7 �b ��� ����. . � � � . ______.___ _ . . ------ _ _ _._ . _.__._ � .___ __ .___ _ � . ___ __ _ _ _ _. __. ______ __ � � -_ ___�.. ..___ ______ _____.� __ ___.__. __ _. __ - � �. ,�� ,,� _______� ____ _ __ _._.__ ____._______ . _ ______ _ .�.-� � ___. . . __ ___ _ _ �a�__.____ � . . . __ _ . ���� _ , — - ,—__ . � ,� ., . _ _��_ _ __ . _.__ _ _ ___ .____ _______.r� - . -_ _ , ____. ____. _ _ _.____ __�__ _ __ . __ . _ _____ . `�' . __._____________.___ .___ .__ _ __ ._._____ , � � ------------------- � 9/- 7�� � � ��. � _.__------------ -- -- ----.---------- _ _ _ . __ _---------- __��� �/.,.� - -�--- -_-------�-----__ . . ---- ____ . . f �� -� -- _.__. .. ---- _ - -- ___ -- -- - .,��-�c.� --S _� _._. _ ,,�, � - ..��_ . _ __ _ . . _.__. _�Yw+ ___---_._ _ _. .. / . A A D � /� . ►�.• // - �'�w _ . _ 1 �/ Qy�.� ''d �W�l � �� ' M • y �.. . ------ ----- ��• d � --._ -------------- � / , .... �..-�_ .�_�. _ _ _ __---- - _�a� _ ' R ' ��� __.�.�.��...... . ._'__._. .. .. __...____' � ` ���_-._��`�_._ --- -_ ----1 � - _ _ ; _ _.._____------ r----- __-----_ _ � i - - -- � _._�._. --�-- �t , � - _ , . •• __ _ -- - ---- � 9/- 7/� � (����. ---- ------ -- � 9�- i�li _-� - ��`�'� -__ _ __ ---------------- ____-______ _ ---�- _� ,• , OFFiCE OF I]CEt.'SE,WSPECI70NS AIr'D FNVIRONMENTAL PROTECI70N RoberrlCculcr,Dirutor „ �/ �� �(n VI °t CTI'Y OF SAIlVT PAIJI. t.rc��.u�rD Tclsphone:61?•��so�o Norin Cotcrno�,Moyo� A►SPiEC770NS Foulhtfk:612-?G6.9721 3S0 St.Psa�Sr,eet Suirs 300 SalntPau�1►(frrncsota SSI02 + July li, 1996 I agree td the follow�ing conditions being placed on the Dance or Rental Hall Licen�e at 627 Smith Avenue Sauth as follows: . X. The Hall and the entire licensed premises must be c3osed by 12:00 midnight each day of the week, and no patrons, guests or member o� the public shal�. be on the lxcensed premises after the 12:00 midnight closing. 2. The licensee, Raymond Hessler, shall be responsible for makiag sure that patrans, quests .and members of the publ,ic exiting the •Hall do sa in a quiet ahd orderly fashicn, so as to nat disturb the adjacent neighbozs. 3. The licensee, Raymo�d Hessler, shall be responsible for insuring that one or more security persons are o� duty at alI functions taking place at the Hall. Said security shaYl remain unti3:;a11 patrons, guests and members of the public have left the area, and �shall insur�: that none leavinq the Hall loiters ara�d or near the building. 4. Tbe licensee, ' Raymond Hessler, shall provide a telephonic means to contaCt both the licensee and the on- site manager at all times that the Hall is beir�q ,}�s�t The numbers for cvntact are; on-site haXl manager, L y ��' /� 7 7iZ �� /�S �. �Phone) 7'J/��b���AtE and owner, Mr. ymond Hessler �C�p�.���� — ��t — 2��ho��ii 5. There shall be no parking in the alley immediately south of the building, by anyone associated with the Hall. In addition, the City wi11 enforce the no parking ban for residents as well. 6. The licensee, Raymond Hessler, shalZ be responsible for clean-up of the outside area immediatPly adjacent to the Hall, on a daily basis. 7. There shall be na sale of liquar or beer to anyone on the premises at any time. The City w�.11 c�nsider the callection of an entry fee ox admission charqe or donation collected when alcohal is being served or consumed on the premises, and suah sa].e will be deemed a violation of this ,� ccndition. � � Z0iti0'd bZti6 99Z ZZ9 � d3I'1 �Ildd 1S �0 JllI� SZ :I� 966ti-Zti-�flt ����'d �d101 , , Page 2 � July 11, 1996 Affidavit �r^� I���i l!� l 8. There shall be no sale, conswaption or possession of Ziquor ar beer on the part of minors (anyone under the age of 21 years) . Tl�e ].3,censee, Raymond Hessler, shall be responsible for adverse license acti.on if a mi�or sells, consumes or has in his/her possessian any alcaholic beverage on the premises. 9. No alcoholic beverages, including beer, spirits or wine, shail be allowed ta leave the Hall. iU. The licensee, Raymond Hessler, shall pravide a list of alI rentals on a monthly bas3s to both the Office of LIEP and the Centr.al ��� C�an��/o the Saint�Pau� Poli� •./ De artme t. � j1t � '�i7 7v �� .C.A�1++ ��� !/� !E� �r.�-� . T h e I i c e n s e e s h a 1 p rovi e a�Opy o f t his reso lu tion to all parties zenting the Hall and shall pQSt a capy in a place vis3.ble to all patro�s, guests and members of the publio. ].2. Any violation of any of the foregoing conditions shal]. be grounds for adverse action� against all licenses held by the see, • including suspension and revocation. �Q v�� �� ��-� �� �v 627 S th Aven South �� -�JIG 1,i�7 � S�f�Ld� � �a - �� Date ���-R�-S � f�-�t� ��SS�� 4 Q�� � S� �Z�" Ilsr� � � �Ib �' 1156 . �1����� �'� hti6-Q--� b� �s�� � 9�-/��I � �C �q�"��6 � � yo Z�iZO'd bZT6 99Z zt9 d3I� �f?dd 1S �0 J,lI� 80:05 966�-'cti-��if - �� � � °�c�- i 5�� STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF RAMSEY SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT FILE NO. CO-90-10671 Other Civil: Public Nuisances City of Saint Paul, Petitioner, vs. Raymond J. Hessler, Highbridge Sports STIPULATION OF Club, Inc. , Jeffrey R. Goldberg, and DISCHARGE OF CONVICTIONS Shekinah Lodge No. 171, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, a Minnesota corporation, Respondents. Pursuant to the stipulation of the parties, and at the request of the respondents in order to permit removal of such convictions from the Torrens record, petitioner hereby discharges and releases to the extent permitted by law the following convictions which were noticed and filed of record, to wit: (a) Christine Ann Sneide, Indecent Conduct, File No. 4639770, dated February 28, 1990, (b) Valerie Lynn Lewis, Engaging in Prostitution, File No. 4620831, dated March 30, 1990, (c) Michael Angelo Monita, Operating a Disorderly House, File No. 4639761, dated November 3 , 1989, (d) Martin Louis Simones, Visiting a Disorderly House, File No. 4639664 , dated October 17, 1989, and (e) John Joseph Scheuer, Operating a Disorderly House, File No. 4619640, dated September 29, 1989. A notice of such convictions was mailed pursuant to Minn. Stat. §617.81, subd. 3 , by the Ramsey County Court Administrator by first class mail on September 18, 1990, to the contract for deed vendee of the property and all other interested parties. Said Notice was mailed to the contract for deed vendor on October 25, 1990. The undersigned states that a certain Notice of Convictions, in the above-entitled action, which has been pending in the above-named Court, and which affected, involved and brought into question the . �� , , �c� - ���� real estate, situate in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to wit: "Lot numbered eighteen .(18) except the South eighty-eight (S. 88) feet and four (4) inches thereof, and the North fifty-one (N. 51) feet and eight (8) inches of Lot numbered nineteen (19) , Marion Addition, St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record Iin the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Coui�ty", and which was filed for record in the office of the Registrar of Titles of said County of Ramsey on the 19th day of September, 1990, and recorded as Document No. 931912, is hereby discharged and said action has been dismissed so far as it pertains to the above- described real property. The Registrar of Titles of said County is hereby authorized and directed to discharge the same upon the record thereof. Dated this �`'� r`(.day of April, 1994 . � • Philip B. Byrne Assistant City At rney Atty. Reg. No. 13961 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1616 Attorney for the Petitioner State of Minnesota) County of Ramsey ) ss. Subscribed and sworn to before me i y of '� 994. (/ � � ; . � �o ar ic Drafted by: .�o�►t�NE o. CtEw�riTs Office of the City Attorney "��Y��" 4 0 0 C ity Ha 11 w oorw�ocw�s a�a 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1616 . �/� . r.r- - ��� i� �� STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF FtAMSEY SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT FILE NO. CQ-90-/O b �� Other Civil: Public Nuisances City of Saint Paul, Plaintiff, PETITION AND vs. COMPLAINT Raymond J. Hessler, Highbridge Sports Club, Inc. , and Jeffrey R. Goldberg, Respondents. Petitioner City of Saint Paul seeks injunctive relief pursuant and orders of abatement pursuant to Minn. Stat. 1988, §§617.80- .87, and for its complaint states as follows. PARTIES 1. The City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (hereafter, "City") is a municipal corporation under the laws of Minnesota. 2. Respondent High Bridge Sports Club, Inc. (hereafter, "High Bridge") is located at 627 S. Smith Street in the City of Saint Paul, as a tenant or occupant of such building. High Bridge has made application for a Health and Sports Club license at that location. The application is pending. The real estate, consisting of land and buildings, on and in which High Bridge operates is more particularly described in Exhibit A, which is attached to this Petition. Respondent Raymond J. Hessler is the fee owner of the rs-�l'✓!/��'� ��7�� �����" � � � '�7"� - , � ��5�� property as indicated in said Exhibit A. Respondent Jeffrey R. Goldberg is the Executive Director of the Highbridge Sports Club, Inc. CONVICTIONS 3. A Notice of the convictions for (a) Christine Ann Sneide, Indecent Conduct, File No. 4639770, dated February 28, 1990, (b) Valerie Lynn Lewis, Engaging in Prostitution, File No. 4620831, dated March 30, 1990, (c) Michael' Angelo Monita, Operating a Disorderly House, File No. 4639761, dated November 3 , 1989, (d) Martin Louis Simones, Visiting a Disorderly House, File No. 4639664, dated October 17, 1989, and (e) John Joseph Scheuer, Operating a Disorderly House, File No. 4619640, dated September 29, 1989, was mailed by the Ramsey County Court Administrator by first class mail on September 18, 1990, to the owner of,the property and all other interested parties pursuant to Minn. Stat. 1988, §617.81, subd. 3 . See Exhibit B which is a copy of the Notice and its attachments, together with the letter of transmittal and affidavit of mailing which indicates the date of mailing and the list of recipients of the Notice. 4 . The convictions noticed in Exhibit B were for acts or offenses that occurred on the premises of the High Bridge Sports Club, and are either acts of prostitution or related to prostitution, or acts of keeping or permitting a disorderly house within the building. -f � �lC�� �s�°� NUISANCE 5. The foregoing facts constitute proof under Minn. Stat. 1988, §617. 81, subd. 2, of a nuisance. Such nuisance exists when there are three or more misdemeanor convictions, or two or more convictions when one of such convictions is a gross misdemeanor or felony, within the previous two years for acts of prostitution or prostitution-related offenses, or for keeping or permitting a � disorderly house, within the building involved. 6. Such convictions are those referred to in paragraph 3 (and Exhibit B) of this Petition, and for which Notices were sent in accordance with Minn. Stat. 1988, §617.81, subd. 3 . RELIEF SOUGHT 7 . Petitioner seeks a permanent injunction and order of abatement pursuant to Minn. Stat. 1988, §617.83 : (a) permanent injunctive relief shall prohibit the owner from letting the premises or any part thereof for any adult use as defined in the Zoning Code, and for any use which may reasonably be anticipated to involve prostitution or related activities (a detailed proposed permanent injunction will be submitted with moving papers therefor) ; and (b) the order of abatement shall direct the closing of the entire building located at the premises for a period of one year, and shall direct the appointment of a receiver and the sale of all movable property pursuant to Minn. Stat. 1988, §§617 .83-.84 . �1S � l�✓����� 8. Petitioner seeks such further legal and equitable relief as the court may deem appropriate or necessary, including but not limited to the award of damages, costs and attorney fees, and orders providing for the relief and protection of the residents of the neighborhoods surrounding the nuisance so abated. 9. Petitioner by its undersigned attorney hereby acknowledges that costs, disbursements and reasonable attorney and witness fees may be awarded to the respondents pursuant to Minn. Stat. §549. 21, subd. 2. This Petition is dated this 19th day of September, 1990. Jane A. McPeak City Attorney . . �. Philip . Byrne Atty. Reg. No. 13961 Assistant City Attorney 647 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 Attorneys for the Petitioner �� a��c��q Verification of Petition The undersigned states that he has read the allegations contained in this Petition and believes them to be true and correct. Such belief is based upon personal knowledge to the extent that is possible. ., �?•��`!�G���G.`���'�_.� Robert Kessler � Acting License Inspector State of Minnesota) County of Ramsey ) ss. �/ v Signed and sworn to before me this �d day of �� , 1990. r ��,;� ��'�!����. No ; �y�Public /� •^�,^^^��w,,• �..�._� �.u,�� �,_-_ �t.y4H°u �dor�AV�A pp,4[�N L'tit+l,�r � "l!:!..w DA�BUG'�►NI <'y`^ ` M1;v��;,,t EXNrR 5���1y�oTA ti�::�,,f JG.p�, � � �tb:,,�,�..:L-,-•yti,v1,�,�� y � � ., � ��- �s�� STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF RAMSE'� SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court File No. CO-90-10671 Other Civil: Public Nuisances City of St. Paul, Plaintiff, vs . ANSWER AND Raymond J. Hessler, Highbridge CCliNTERCLAIM Sports Club, Inc . , �nd Jeffrey R. Goldberg, Defendants . Defendant ' s for their Answe.r and Counterclaim to the Petition and Complaint of the City of St. Paul, state as follows : ANSWEF. I. Ueny each and every allegation in the Petition and Complaint of Plaintiff except as hereafter specifically admitted. ZI. Admits the allegations in paragraphs 1 , `1 and 3 of the Petition and Complaint except insofar as paragraph 2 alleges that Raymond J. Hessler is ttie fee owner of the property. The fee owner of the prcperty is Shekinah Lodge No. 171 , Ancient Free and Accepted Masons . ltaymond J. Hessler is the vendee on a contract for deed. Defendants also do not concede the accuracy of the data contained in Exhibit B to the Petition and Complaint. � \`'• O / � q�� � 5�q III. Specifically deYiies paragraph 4 of the Petition and Complaint and affirma.tively alleges that the convictions notice in ExhiUit B were for acts or offenses that did not occur on the the premises of the High Bridge Sports Club, which fact is, or �hould be, well known to the plaintiff. IV. Specifically denies paragraphs 5 and 6 of the Sutnmons and Petition. V. Affirmatively alleges the following defenses : a. ) Plaintiff' s claim should be dismissed for failure to join an indispensable pzrty, namely, Shekinah Lodge No. 171 . b. ) The Petition and Complaint, on its face, fails to state a claim for relief. c. ) Defendant Raymond J. Hessler was previously charged with permit*_ing a public nuisance in violation of Piinn. Stat. §609 . 745 . The basis for the charge was the same as the facts set forth in the Petition and Complaint herein. Raymond J. Hessler was tried and acquitted on April 5, 1990 . Plaintiff's Summons and� Petition are barred by the double jeopardy clause of the United States and Minnesota Constitutiori, Minn. Stat. §609 . 035 , and principals of res adjudicata and collateral estoppel. -2- - �1 � � � °���i�� d. ) None of the defendant 's named herein was a party to the criminal proceedings d.etailed on Exhibit B attached to Plaintiff' s Petition and Complaint. All of those criminal charges grew out of a single incident occurring on the evenirig of August 12-13 , 19a9, at a private party in the downstairs rental hall at 627 South Smith Avenue. At least three of the convictions listed on Exhibit B are not acts constituting a nuisance under Subd. 2 of Minn. Stat. §617 .81 . The remaining two convictions appear to be cases where the defendants agreed to plead guilty and pay a small fine rather than incur the expense and inconvenience of trial . e. ) Minn. Statutes §617 . 80 to §617.87 do not apply to the conduct described in plaintiff's Petition and Complaint. Application of Minn. Stat. §617.80 to §617.87 to the defendants and the property described in the Petition and Complaint, would constitute a taking of private property without just compensation and without due process of law. COUNTERCLATM � VI . RAYMOND J. HESSLEP. As and for his Counterclaim Raymond J. Hessler states that the Summons and Petition herein constitute a slander on the title to the real estate described in the Petition and Complaint herein -3- �� . � l� °�� which deprives Raymond J. Hessler of the opportunity to use, develop, or sell the property in the manner he would otherwise be entitled to. VII . As and for his second cause of action Raymond J . Hessler states that the plaintiff herein, acting under color of state law, is attempting to deprive defendant Hessler of rights secured to tiim by the Constitution of the United States , namely the right to due process of law aiid to just compensation for the taking of his property. Defendant Hessler is entitled to damages pursuant to 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1983 . VIII. HIGHBP.IDGE SPORTS CLUB, INC. The Highbridge Sports Club rents the second floor of the property described in the Petition and Complaint. The alleged criminal activities described in the Petition and Complaint took place in the first floor rental hall and had nothing whatever to do with Highbridge Sports Club. Highbridge Sports Club has applied for a license from the City of St. Paul to operate a Health and Sports Club. The license department of the City of St. Paul has investigated the premises and activities of Highbridge Sports Club and have recommended approval. Certain neighborhood residents have caused plaintiff to institute this lawsuit to interfere with and delay the licensing process because they do not want the license to be issued. The lawsuit constitutes abuse of process which has damaged Highbridge Sports -4- �� , • Club. Highbrid e S ort ��(�� g p s Club is also entitled to damages pursuant to Minn. Stat. §549 .21 and Rule 11 of the Rules of Civil Procedure. IX. JEFFREY GOLDBERG For his cause of action, Jeffrey Goldberg restates the allegations of paragraph VIII herein. Defendant Jeffrey Goldberg is entitled to damages pursuant to Minn. Stat. §549.21 and Rule 11 of the Rules of Civil Procedure. GIHEREFORE, defendants pray that plaintiff's Petition and Complaint herein be dismissed and that defendants be awarded damages on their Counterclaim together with costs and disbursements and attorney fees . �7 Date_ �/� `� � � �j ��i (, avi Ess ing 1200 Minnesota Building St. Paul, MN 55101 (612) 224-481f3 Attorney for Defendants Reg. No. 47601 -5- �� . __ . . � -�- . , ��/C��I/}i (U' C�� STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF R�MSEY SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT FILE NO. CO-90-10671 ' Other Civil: , Public Nuisances City of Saint Paul, Plaintiff, vs. i STIPULATION Raymond J. Hessler, Highbridge Sports R�'�c'�C� Club, Inc. , Jeffrey R. Goldberg, and L � • Shekinah Lodge No. 171, Ancient Free S�P and Accepted Masons, a Minnesota 9 1991 corporation, - �l�� ��T�D � Respondents. < <tN�� r � � Petitioner City of Saint Paul (hereafter, "City") , Respondents ' � Raymond J. Hessler, Iiighbridge Sports Club, Inc. , and Jeffrey R. � Goldberg (hereafter, "Hessler") , and Respondent Shekinah Lodge No. � 171, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons (hereafter, "Lodge") , hereby stipulate and agree to the following terms and conditions with respect to the use of the property located at 627 So. Smith Street � f in Saint Paul, Minnesota, more particularly described as. Lot 18, � , except the South 88 feet and 4 inches and the North 51 feet and 8 � inches of Lot 19, Marion Addition, St. Paul (hereafter, the ` � � "Property") . i 1. Hessler will not� operate a billiards parlor, pool hall � or membership club of any kind on the Property, and will � : • not promote or advertise or allow the rental or use of '; any part of the Property for such purposes. _�� � � 2. : The parties understand that � there are pool and/or ' � - . � billiard tables on the premises at the present ti�e, and � : that such tables are subject to secured interests running • in favor of :lenders. It is agreed that Hessler may retain . and have available solely for the use of persons renting , �� b � �. � , • ' ���r'�"y^ � / � or using the Property for other lawful purposes, as an adjunct to those purposes, the pool and/or billiard tables now on the premises. 3 . For any activity on the Property which does not ' + require a lic�nse, closing hours of at least midnight to 6: 00 a.m. shall be established. �=. Hessler may use the Property for hall rentals for weddings, receptions, dinners and similar purposes. To • the extent that such use may now or in the future require a license, Hessler shall make due and timely application for such licenses, but shall not continue such uses after being denied or refused any such license or licenses.�The undersigned counsel for the City is not now aware of any basis on which such license or licenses could be denied. . 5. Hessler may also use the Property for any other legitimate use consistent with this Stipulation and in conformity with all applicable laws and ordinances, �including applicable licensing, health, building, zoning and life safety codes. Hessler shall comply with such requirements before beginning any such other legitimate use. 6. The Lodge, as the contract for deed vendor of the • Property, hereby consents to the terms of this Stipulation. 7. The City will not seek any orders, relief or abatement under this lawsuit or under Minn. Stat. §§617.80-.87 as . to the Property, so long as there is no breach of the terms of this Stipulation. The City will dismiss its action herein without prejudice November 1, 1991, if there is no breach of the terms of this Stipulation. 8 . Each party hereto will bear his, her or its own costs and expenses, including attorneys fees. Dated this �i�day of June, 1991. J \ _ � I ��,�I . Brian Kidwe 1 vid s i O'Neill, Burke, O'Neill, Essling, Ltd. Leonard & 0'Brien 1200 Minnesota Bui 800 Norwest Center 46 East 4th Street 55 East 5th Street Saint Paul, Minnesota Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Atty. Reg. No. 27601 Atty. �Reg. No. Attorney for Hessler Attorney for Lodge _ � � �y . _. . . . _ _ ..� _... ..._.. ,__..._.�, ..,� ' _ . � . � , q�- � 5�q - ��� . . � ltcC 9-��-9� . Philip B. Byr Assistant City Attorney • 647 City Hall & Courthouse . Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �Atty. Reg. No. 13961 Attorney for City . ; . ! � .� _ l . j ; ! � . . � � '.h' . . -. .:,,.�. � . � . � • � ' ,M- i 4a{:• � ,a;, ,�,�>5t° , .�: . � t , � . , i�yn�l'tl^�^.}.�ir�<',?. �s. � . .._��.�-_�._.-._�....,""". .-...�....�.....-.._._ „-v��. ...�.. ��.��_.. . � .'.. . .� �. . ., �.. .._��..��......�.....r.r..�.�.�,�w...v.�.w...T�wr...n.�w.s�..�...a�—�....v... ,��, _;.-�T � �r _< i : i E � . = _ ; . . ' � ; i .i �� � � � z `z ,� � j ! �„a� j . � � e O S ' '• yy ,/' � �' } 6i � ; , t 1 •N Z:,.Q �•i � � _ . - �.�-,�,.�'(�., � . � , � J t LLJ � : � �. � �--� i a� S j ; �� '.:O H. V � �. . � 1 1 �, j • : ' :.--1 _.1� V�� , . a 1 i i i :.-1 '_ � �� � 1 i , '� 0 �'1� � ' M • �� � S �� �O� VQ' Q;Y g • � , • • . .;. . _.�.. y.. �. . .�. . o-(... . 1( ~: m 1j� - , � _ . . . . . ' � . . Z � � � ' � .� .0 O Q. � , j . .. � .. . . _.... . . . . 'E � . Ir V° �' . c -Q� �I O fi ' n :. ;Z Ni . 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ESSLINc I)A�'If)Eti,tiLING SUITF 1200 A41NNFtiOTA�31)ILUING �11AI2K F:SSI,I�G 4G En�-r 4rn S�n�eer SAINT I�qU�„�TINNt„tiOTA J5101 (1i12)2Y4 481A (Ii121 224-aAIU FAR October 11 , 1990 rlar� F.11en Murray District Court-Crimirial Divsion 12th Floor Ramsey County Court�ouse St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: State v. Ray-mond Hessler Charge of Permitting a Public Nuisance File No. 4639739 Dear Ms . Murray: The above entitled case was tried before Judge Connelly on April 5 , 1990 . The verdict was r�ct guilty. For come reason S�our coniputer records show tlie cliar�e was di_smissed, r�thE•r than a finding of not guilty. Would �ou please correct 3�our r�cords . We are cencerned because there is an issue of double jeopardy in a subseauent suit . I discussed ttiis with Judge Connolly and his clerk and they confirm that the record should be corrected to show a finding of not guilty . __.__. Yours truly, ��� / _ � /� � : � . .� r� ���-� ���� David Essling � DE: cl cc : Iionorat�le John Connolly � � R..M.PARRANTO &ASSOCIATES,INC. �(.(��1�� Real Estate Appraisers . Industrial Realtors o HAMLINE TWIN CITY R.EAL ESTATE COMPANY s�,�rr oF � Residential Specialists o . REAlESTATf REALTOR � � AriRA15ER5 APPRAISAL OR MARKET VALUE ESTIMATE CERTIFICAT� of: 627 South Smith Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55107 for: Mr. Gregory C. Langason 4515 Fourth Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55409 I hereby certify that I have personally examined the property described as: The North 51 2/3 feet of Lot 19 and Lot 18, except the South 88 1/3 feet thereof, Marion Addition to St. Paul, and it is my opinion that the value of said property as of the 9th day of March, 1994 is $200,000. The property was appraised as a whole, owned in fee sim- ple and unencumbered by any indebtedness. I further certify that I have no present or contemplated future interest in the property appraised or the result of this appraisal and that this appraisal was made in conformity with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, by whom R. M. Parranto has been designated a Certified General Real Property Appraiser. �� /�/� SRA �_� Dat R . a r n o Certified General Real Property Appraiser MN License #4000402 ��T The highest price estimated in terms of money which a VALUE property will bring if exposed for sale in the open market allow- DEFINED ing a reasonable time to find a purchaser who buys with knowledge of all the uses to which it is adapted and for which it is capable of being used. LIMITING The opinion of value expressed above is the result of CONDITIONS and is subject to the data and conditions described in detail in the accompanying report. No responsibility is assumed for matters of a legal nature concerning the appraised property, nor of questions of survey. No fractional part of this appraisal is to be used in conjunction with another appraisal. Such use renders it invalid. 745 GFi�1ND A�, SiTITE 101 , ST. PAUL, I�T 55105 �� I'AX: (612) 225--�74 T�L�PFIONE: (612) 225-�1090 C.% . � _ ;�,;�,,. w _ �-.r. s / � �p ' �. Jr r '', � �_��7� � - - � � - _ -� `. �� .'� r <. _ ��A, �',� �'� l'J � �`y i ;,. . '�"` r k � `•`''`a ;, �.� , ..`4 ^Nt .`�. , � � , . 4'; �� �`�E,_ . R �' I [ e8 �;) � �.�' � . . f�"��tf� �� I .��� _ �C;�. 1' � ,li• �'�+T".'. � I ��"4 _a 0. .l ' J l' �a —� _ d ��� �������, ��I�) � r ,.�i i�� ___ � i �{'.; � �� 4�. � �. I :r .�t 7.�.,,�,tr� �R � 1� �� �� �li- :l� � � t _'�'., �.�. ,��, � .�:.' � � [ r `� ,� . ,� . �, __ - .- � ' ..:t I(,��',[ �.� �..[ � , _ "_, - - !r t i.`c_ - � ._ ' . . „ _ , .. . _ __ . . . ,ry` �' ,, _ _ _ _�� �, T \�^� ��-o-e � � �� �����;� � � , : . � _.-._ . � ��� .': .-.... . _ � . � t d .. �� . .. ... � � . . .. , l . .�` � . .. n.y�,� - � `4 �. . ' � . � , ;. . .' �, ... ... ,.. , . , . 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I # M SM� � 3 r � i I t�4�_ S 4 3 j i F/oo �_� �,.. � �j/� ( ����2 3 �y� ' I O! fs�o) � _ : I � IL �� J , t I �. (��� hy �x) w � .ni iliJ /\ -- !o p37/ .� � ��• � I ��» /� 4 �xI i �.... ��`� M� A � ' •�sI �� 4 IKy I � /� � ti 'k� � • �� � � � 10 S . I ( � I fnJ ID 4 ���S + . ' � � 7 � (iw) 2 v n}�,T,�,i 7J' � !� �'9 � ' s � a. � _ , io Ii , i2�' � , �,��.., c �� � � ~ � !^ 7."� 8 9 �le� .�I� �"'�°':.,.�I - i ._ � �I . �'����7� DATE AND PURPOSE: This appraisal is based upon a reinspection of the property on March 9, 1994, and has been completed for the purpose of estimating the market value of the subject property as of that date. PROPERTY Subject property carries the street IDENTIFICATION: Address of 627 South 5mith Avenue� St. Paul, Minnesota 55107. The property is on the west side of 5mith Avenue and borders the south side of the alley between King Street and Baker Street. RECORD DATA: Property ID Number: 07-28-22-23-0100 Assessor's Opinion Land - $ 10�400 of Market Value: Bldg. - 92,900 TOTAL $103�300 1994 Taxes: $4,683.00 Homesteaded including an assessment balance of $70.00 after payment of 1994 taxes Lot Size: 51 2/3 ft. x 103.66 ft. or 5,355 sq.ft. NOTE: This is slightly larger than original courthouse records of 5,200 sq.ft. Date Built: 1921 Zoning: B-2 Community Business Subject property conforms to this zoning AREA ANALYSIS: Smith Avenue is the westernmost commercial strip on the West Side of St. Paul. The West Side is so called because it lies on the west bank of the Mississippi River from the rest of the city of St. Paul , although it is directly south of downtown St. Paul. Smith Avenue connects the West Side to the east bank of the river by way of the Highbridge which was recently rebuilt as a landmark bridge for the city. The replacement of that bridge has greatly enhanced the commercial viability of Smith Avenue. Homes in the neighborhood are well maintained but modest anc3 the period when the old Highbridge had been demolished until the new bridge was built proved that this neighborhood cannot support a commercial strip without the automotive traffic generated by the bridge. S� � �-8-� � � ���-c��� The City of St. Paul is the capital city of the State of Minnesota and had a census as of 1990 of 272�235 persons. The city is also the county seat of Ramsey County which has a population as of 1990 of 485,765. St. Paul forms a part of the Twin City Metropolitan Area which passed the two and one-half million mark in population in 1990. The city, county and metropolitan area are enjoying an excel- lent economic climate, with unemployment rates typically less than the nation as a whole. The city has a strong, diverse economic base. The prolonged focus ori neighborhood economic development has resulted in a lesser degree of deterioration of both housing and commercial development within the neigh- borhood. There has been very active economic development in the downtown, on the commercial strips and in the industrial parks. One of those industrial parks is located on the West Side and has generated additional economic activity for this part of the city. TAX ANALYSIS: Commercial properties have been revalued recently by the county assessor and generally lowered in real estate value for purposes of taxation. The assessor's values are not a guide to actual cash market value and cannot be used by an appraiser as a basis of valuation for the market. The neighborhood has had considerable improvements in the past five years as to roadways� approaches to the High Bridge, and the general business activity in the neighborhood has considerably increased to above the levels prior to the closing of the High Bridge for complete replacement in the late 1980s. SITE ANALYSIS: As shown on the enclosed plat� the subject site consists of portions of two platted lots which are basically the back ends of two lots facing Baker Street along the alley side. These lots are contiguous and have 51 2/3 feet of frontage on Smith Avenue and approximately 100 2/3 feet of depth along the alley. The building completely covers the lots, except for a small portion along the alley to allow for structural support that extends out from the wall area. The sidewalk and alley adjoining the building are relatively level. The site is served by a heavy duty bituminous street that is used as a truck route and public transportation bus route, a newer concrete sidewalk and curb, and by streetlights. The site is also served by all utilities including storm and sanitary sewer, ac3equate electricity� gas and city water. � � ..�-.. � � �`�-�s 7� BUILDING The site is improved by a 73 year DESCRIPTION: old, full masonry building and contains two furnaces� one for each floor, which handle air conditioning from the roof top condensers, a new automatic gas hot water heater and the electrical equipment. This area is also used for storage. The electrical service is 200 amp three phase and has a separate panel for 200 amp single phase. Thus there is heavy duty electric for both lighting and adequate power for commercial rated appliances. The first floor has a lobby with stairs down to the sidewalk level and men' s and women's bathrooms on either side of the lobby. The lavatories are adequate for public use in a building of this size and they are well equipped. The lobby leads into a large meeting hall which takes up a major portion of the first floor. The lobby and the meeting hall have vinyl tile flooring, plaster walls and paper tile ceiling. There is a modern, up to date kitchen behind the north wall of the ballroom meeting hall. The kitchen is well equipped for catering and has been improved by city inspectors. There is a janitor closet off of the kitchen with a marble floor sink. There are two alcoves off the meeting room, one of which is at the north wall and at the end of the kitchen which is ideally situated for a bar area serving the meeting room, and the other is on the west wall which is suited for a stage area facing the main meeting room area. There is also an office space in the northwest corner of the first floor near the service stairway which could be rented without disturbing the balance of the first floor operation. There are two stairways to the second floor; one is the ser— vice stairway just mentioned in the northwest corner of the buildinq, and the other is the main stairway in the northeast corner connecting the first and second floor lobbies. The second floor lobby and meeting room are carpeted and otherwise finished similarly to the first floor. There are a number of small rooms between the main meeting room and the lobby which are suitable for office use. The lobby has very nice furniture and is jointly used by various tenants of the second floor. The main meeting room on the second floor takes up the full width of the building with seating on risers along the north and south walls of the room, that is, the old theater style seating with the swing down seats. The entire second floor has recently been totally redecorated and refurbished at a cost of some $15,000 due to a very small fire. All of the seating has been cleaned and sprayed with scotchguard. The light fixtures shown in the enclosed photograph are temporary and were intended to be above billiard tables which no longer are present. The roof has been well maintained and repaired as recently as 1993. It is reported to be in good condition and approximately nine years old. The roof was not inspected. The building is in excellent condition inside and out, is exceptionally strong in its original construction, and has been well maintained through the years. — 10 — �� , . q�� �5�1 � EFFECTIYE AGE: The calendar age of the builc3ing is 73 years. Due to its excellent original construction, its maintenance through the years and its recent renovation, the effective age of the building is estimated to be 50 years. REMAINING The remaining economic life of the ECONOMIC LIFE: structure on the site is estimated to be 35 years. ZONING: The subject property is zoned B-2, Community Business District. This zoning allows a wide range of commercial uses with the intention that properties in this zoning serve a larger customer base than the local business district. This specifically includes "private clubs� fraternal organizations, and lodge halls. " It also includes "theaters� assembly halls� concert halls, or similar places of assembly when conducted completely within enclosed buildings. " These allowed uses include all of the most likely uses of the subject property as it is presently configured. - 11 - � / � . ��� /$�;�!►��"�� ■■ ■���r �-- ■ ' ' ����►��/;;�., � IIIIIIIIIGII a�= �_ � �� � �����0 ���������� ■_ �aa$�= � �����iiii��i ������i��� �:�:� ���s= , , � ,�- � `���•;,� .,illll��lilllil III�IIIIII� =:ma 1111�� � . , �•A.�,�.�`��� ,��1 �IlIIIIIIIIII :11�!l�Iil Illllitl 111111 I;��'.,�� ���1 1111111111111 ■Illi����lll �111111 :�:�ii � . �� � �='r= ��:���1.�]il 111111�111 II�IIIIN� =ma = ����� �� :l,� � =111111� ■��111111111111 =1�1111111 �Baz=a QQ� 11 i6 IIIIIIII II11111 --- .. w" �� � �� �_ . . �., „� `�� �� �3 i '�� �� �• �"'I���"� � �C�� ■�Q��,�.� ��� �� �llllis��'s�i111E1�� 1111111 illllli ' '� =�_ ���► s =� . �C�i ..i isl ,�, _ 1�` ' Y�� ��a ��i � � a� �ii � ��� ��. ��:�� s� _�����_�_�����.����e_������� ������ ����: ���� �11� �=.�s=� s =�����_ =�u��� ����.� ������ :iMi: ��' �= �__�� � ' ��. �, �= = :=� °� � 111= =11111 1111111 I��11111 1111111 Q���� �_� � �.. _ �C C�1 r�E. � ���� ������ ������� ������� ������� nullll �..� ► � w p � �.••� � ���� � �u ��� , �'w ol'm ��EB . � �""' 'I'1'11 �"11, "'ll' �ii� �.� ... . ;�„�, ect���� .. 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L■ QY L��� � � � ' �■ �� �� •�•a �`:�.i-•� m . — ����� �����II�111111� -/1111111 111= =- == �m � �_ mii�i r:���� -. , , -- __ — --- ,.... =� �__ m� __ �_ �iii��iii��=. _��r�r ��/=.==. ___ __ __ ■ � I /_ _= C= —_ _— -- - -- � —� _� �� �1= �= �°IIIIIIII:: =1111 . .:;; % __ ___ .— _,= � M''� �� �� �rr�ea8 ~� � ' ��r�i ��'��� ` =ii.1�•� j N��: � ��"�� �.�� �■■��'I''�■ �'I� � � �� ��� � !� �' tir:=, .,. J.�1�1/ ��—llllll-'== `�� -•�° - � , — -- �� �:'���J �« 1 ' . 1 I ����z� HIGHEST AND Highest and best use is defined as: BEST USE:* That reasonable and probable use that supports the highest present value� as defined, as of the effective date of the appraisal. Alternatively� that use, from among reasonably probable and legal alternative uses, found to be physically possible, appropriately supported� financially feasible� and which results in highest land value. The definition immediately above applies specifically to the highest and best use of land. It is to be recognized that in cases where a site has existing improvements on it� the highest and best use may very well be determined to be different from the existing use. The existing use will continue, however, unless and until the land value in its highest and best use exceeds the total value of the proper ty in its existing use. Implied within these definitions is recognition of the contribution of that specific use to community environment or to community development goals in addition to wealth maximization of individual property owners. The highest and best use of the subject property is for use by a promoter who would be able to keep the meeting hall filled on a daily rental basis for the first floor space and development of a private club or theater or concert hall on the second floor that could generate a more steady income stream than the first floor. This highest and best use is recognized to generate a large portion of its income from the promotion of the businesses within the building rather than from the building itself. Therefore, a larger portion of the income stream is attributable to the promotion rather than to the value of the building. However, this will still provide a better income to the building than conversion of the building to another use for rental. The value of this property has been based upon normal market rental income, the amount the promoter would pay a separate owner with the difference providing an excellent livelihood but not a proper basis for additional real estate market value. *REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL TERMINOLOGY, the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, the Society of Real Estate Appraisers, Ballinger Publishing Company, 1981, pp. 126-127. — 13 — `� � / � q�- � ��q APPRAISAL The estimate of value of this prop- PROCEDURE: erty will be based upon the three standard approaches to value. The cost approach to value is a method in which the value of a property is derived by estimating the replacement cost of the improvements, deducting therefrom the estimated depreciation� to which is added the market value of the land. This approach is based upon the assumption that the reproduction cost new normally sets the upper limit of the building value provided that the improvement represents the highest and best use of the land. A second analysis wi11. be the market approach to value which is an appraisal technique in which the market value estimate is predicated upon prices paid in actual market transactions or current offerings. The former reflects the lower limit of value in a static or advancing market (pricewise) and re- flects the higher limit of value in any market. The relia- bility of this technique is dependent upon (a) the degree of comparability of each property with the property under appraisal, (b) the time of sale, (c) the verification of the sales data, and (d) the absence of unusual conditions affect- ing the sale. A third method of analysis is the income approach to value, an appraisal technique in which the anticipated net income is processed to indicate the capital amount of the investment which produces a net income. The reliability of this tech- nique is dependent upon four' conditions: 1. The reasonableness of the estimate of the anticipated net annual income. 2. The duration of the net annual income� usually the eco- nomic life of the building. 3. The capitalization rate taken from adequate market data. 4. A method of conversion. All of these must be based upon a thorough analysis of atti- tude of buyers in the marketplace. - 14 - �a' � ��-is�� COST APPROACH: The first step in the cost approach to value is the valuation of the land as though vacant. This is accomplished by comparing the subject site to similar sites that have sold as vacant land on the basis of zoning, location� size, and the special influences of each site. Due to the fully developed nature of the City of St. Paul� sales of vacant B-2 zoned land is uncommon. Many of the sales reflect expansion of existing properties by purchasing adjacent buildings for demolition to gain parking or building expansion space. These sales would be directly applicable to the subject if the highest and best use of the subject were as expansion for a larger, adjacent property. Since that is not the case� the higher prices paid in those cases would have to be heavily discounted. There have not been sufficient sales of vacant land in this area to indicate market value. The appraisal in 1989 cited sales that were considerably distant from subject property. Rather than review sales away from the west side� your appraiser prefers to use the typical value of land for single family dwellings. This is because if the building were totally burned out, it would be difficult to obtain a building permit for another commercial building of this type. The neighborhood community would probably prefer a duplex erected on the site and therefore a duplex land value has been used in this report. After consideration of neighborhood factors and the market attitude for residential use in this immediate location, it is your appraiser's opinion that this land contributes to the total property value in the amount of $4.50 per square foot, rounded to a conclusion of $21,500. The reproduction cost of the building has been estimated by using the cost figure from the 1989 appraisal� at which time the Boeckh's Manual showed a cost multiple factor of 4.20. The Boeckh 's factor for January, 1994 is 4.83, or a 15$ increase in five years. The cost approach is as follows: Building, 10, 262 sq.ft. @ $51.75/SF = $530,955 (this is an overall rate including basement and specialty fixtures) Less depreciation, 66� or 350,455 Depreciated Value of the Building - 180,500 Land Value - 21�500 VALUE INDICATED BY COST APPROACH: $202,000 DEPRECIATION Depreciation is based upon an EXPLAINED: effective age of 50 years and therefore the physical deterioration is estimated to be 50�. Functional obsolescence is due to overbuilding as to its cost and slight oversize for its function, 10�. Economic obsolescence due to generally lower rentals in this area than in #1 areas outside of the downtown business district, 6�. Total depreciation used in this analysis: 66�. - 15 - 7� �(� -« �� MARRET DATA Your appraiser has chosen five APPROACH TO VALUE: properties for direct comparison with subject property. From each of the five sales, a copy of MLS information is in the addendum of this report, various indicators of value have been considered. Adjustments have been made for condition� quality overall, the structure itself and location. The five sales are shown on the following page in the form of a comparable sales adjustment chart. It is standard appraisal procedure to comment on each of the properties and the comparison made: 1079 Rice Street This property sold for $160,000 and was the North End Improvement Club building which included a rental hall operation used by the organization once a month. Because of the ' similarity of use, this is an excellent comparable. Adjustments were made for superior quality of the original construction of subject property, but the location adjustment is a negative because the Rice Street location has better commercial potential. 1190 James Avenue This is a former Shriner's building and is even more similar to subject than the Rice Street building. However, the James Avenue location is not zoned for any commercial operation of any kind. It is required to have continued use as club rooms or be converted to residential use. One floor was extensive office space and there were several tenants in there� which is somewhat contrary to the zoning, but because the rental auqmentec3 the Shriner operation, no fault was found. Subject property is superior as to original quality of the building. Despite the lack of office or commercial use allowed, the residential quality of the James Avenue neighborhood one block from the intersection of Randolph Avenue and Edgcumbe Road offsets the commercial value because of its potential for high rent residential. 961 West Seventh Street This sale tends to indicate the value of subject property if it were converted strictly for retail use. The building is nowhere near the structural condition or quality of subject and also has a negative for location because of inferior retail potential. The overall adjustment of -20� may be slightly low. 1101-05 West Seventh Street Again, this property is similar to the other property on West Seventh and its sale price indicates a loss in value because of inferior condition to subject as well as the same location adjustment. Neither sale #3 nor #4 is considered for direct comparison, but rather for broadening of statistics on which the appraisal is based. - 16 - �� � � q�� 15�9 399 East Maryland Avenue This property has a less or inferior quality construction originally but has been well maintained similar to subject. Its locational adjustment in that Maryland Avenue must be negative because of lower purchasing potential of the surrounding neighborhood. Basically, this market value analysis is based upon the two comparables that were meeting halls at time of sale. In both cases, subject property is superior as to equipment, the availability of two separate halls, and the office space available for rental. As a result of this analysis, the value indicated by the market value approach is as shown on the adjustment chart� $205�200. — 17 — �� , � u� �q/ O r-1 1� t0 tN l� V' V'M O �'1/,� /� �[.� arom o � o co rn rn� o �'��r � I � u . �i rn ri oi o 0 0 0 ;� W � .i N .�-I N N N N C VI H\ J.1 C Q ^+ �' w a e o � `i + �°, o �°, azw H a I � W W W rp > S W� � a a � C C O OJ �� E r O tn tn O � � I 1 I r-1 U 7 � 0•n a �v � � � C , a� � •�+ E v1 v1 �n � � + + .-� O � � 7 � I a'^ � z Q o F y a H a U •� � £ W .� � O O O u'1 O V + D V a � h a o '� a � u � w c a . � a a.� � �°n a�o a°� �m � � 1J �\ N � N '-1 N � w a v,. o a N m N a i eo '� � a a�i s, � ^� � � � c°v � � E e o �'� u U a1 d0 � 1-1 M N N N r. '�'�� y \ \ \ \ \ O � 'v Q co .� o .-, t�.-, w � � .-i . ro y � � � O O N !� �[1 X � 4J G! O N Oi v1 O W t/> i-I U Ga ro�"� ' �C O a0 10 c0 u1 vl U� �4 Vl � '-I N 1-i N OJ � d � � � 8 O O O O O O a1 O O tn O 00 O O V' O O � {. v ,dj � O O a0 O v1 i!1 � � t0 �t1 co c+1 fh.-� (� �•{� .i �-I .i 'i ri vY . v� a � * v � 0 0 N � d t C O .0 4 Vl f� .-�i � � � N .0 !.� � N N � 3 N U E n £ �1 •� m vi H � LL' h O • {a O� O 3 .�I w w '0 t� 0� .-i O 0� h 'C O � t0 .-r 0� D �¢ �-i .-� rn � r� y .-1� 18 �� . . . . . �O� .-� N M V' V1 � � N � � �-� 5�� INCOME APPROACH Your appraiser has been furnished TO YALUE: the information prepared February 23, 1994 by the present owner to advise the purchaser of the potential income of the property as well as costs incurred for improvements in recent years. These figures have been reviewed. This information indicates the gross income receivable by an operator of the building who would rent out portions of the building on a daily basis for weddings� banquets� etc. The majority of this income would be attributable to the risks taken by the entrepeneur or manager, and the expertise of that person in direct result from the quality of public relations employed by that owner-operator. The value of real estate must be based upon normal rentals in � the marketplace. Therefore, your appraiser has selected rentals that would be paid by the entrepeneur to a separate owner of the building, which is estimated to be $5.00 per square foot for the second floor and $6.00 per square foot for the first floor, for a total gross rental of $57�700 per year. After a rental loss of 5�� the effective stabilized rental is estimated to be $49,115. On the following sheet will be shown the economic approach to value from which the expenses of an absentee owner are charged against the rental to show an effective net income of $28,915. This amount, when capitalized properly� indicates a value to subject property of $200,000. The sales price or market value of the property that is built for the production of income is based mainly upon the income approach, but is limited to the values found in the other approaches. It is therefore your appraiser's preference to rely principally upon the economic approach to estimate the value of subject property. - 19 - �� � ECONOMIC APPROACH �/_ ����� lQ RENTAL VALUE P�R ANNUM $ 51,700 . __ 4, 700 S.F rentable area per floor @ $5.50 average per S F or 551,700 per year ACTUAL RENTAL S TOTAL $ 10 5,6 0 0 Bv operatinq a rental per day business Rentals used are market rents under annual lease to business VACANCY AND RENT LOS S . . $ 2,5 8 5 (5�) . . . . . . . . EFFECTIVE STABILIZED RENTAL . . . . . $ 49�115 Note: If different from actual, explain in narrative. OPERATION: Real Estate Taxes $ 4,800 Insurance $ 1�800 Fuel or heat $ 4,000 Janitori�l Service $ Labor (other) $ 500 Repairs & Maintenance $ 2� 500 Elevator $ Reserves for Replace. $ 1� 200 Water $ 600 Electricity and gas $ 1,400 Miscellaneous $ 1�000 Management $ 2,400 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 20,200 �FFECTIVE NET INCOME $ 28,915 Attributable to land _ 21 , 50(!� 9 % . .$ 1,935 flvailable to Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 26,980 Capitalized at �Z% rate equals . . . . . . . . ,$ 179�866 Add Land . , , , , $ 2T i 500 201,366, Say TOTAL ECONOMIC VALUE _ .$ 200�000 - 19a - �� � q� - �5�� CORRELATION: The values found in this report are restated here: VALUE INDICATED BY COST APPROACH: $202�000 VALUE INDICATED BY MARKET DATA APPROACH: $205�200 VALUE INDICATED BY ECONOMIC APPROACH: $200,000 CONCLUSION Based upon the data reported herein - OF VALUE: and relying upon my experience in the appraisal, sale and development of this type property, it is my opinion that the market value of subject property as of the 9th day of March, 1994 is $200,000. * * * Two Hundred Thousand Dollars * * * - 20 - � ��- ���� A D D E N D II M - 21 - �� v ��,«7� ft 07369 L•5160,000 S• 5160,000 C/D ,87 DAYS LO•8192 SO-8192 OS/12/91 ,�.' tt• .�,:. ,�;' :$ , � �. e . � '•y. �r' t :��C'. i ..4� � 3 }:G:u ,,a�, �' q � �: z�� �'�«' �16,� s.x� �3��� s .: ADORESS �079 RICE ST ' AREp 7 �2 I ST►AUl. . L TI N M�p 20NING C85 � � � TERM : BU W R MIN DOWp PAYA!FNT f 30000 STRUCTURE CORPORATON: BUILpING ONM INTEREST 10 I FUII TIME EMPL 0 TIPE 07HER YEARS 70 1 PARi TIME EMP� 0 PARKING OFF STREET BALl00N S 0 OWNERS HOUR$/VYK 0 BIDG S2 /0%100 SF : ENCUMBERANCES S . MANAGEMENT TOTMNTHLVRENT S 0 ASSUMABIEI YEARS ESTABUSHED 1!T DEPO5IT f 0 YEAItS BV R p TRM 0 YR ND 0 OESCHIPTION 25 29 2711 0158-7p0T9 RICE ST)&25 t9 YJ 110157.{►ApKING L07 AUERBACH'S 8 HANO'S:�DDITION TO ST.PAUL IOTSl.S.i BLK ti REASON FOR SAIE WILL lEASE BACK FOR 1 MEETWC A MONT11 DAYS PEN.At H R PE BI & D INCLUDEO IN PRICE PEMTIONS� CASHFLOW . E�UIPMENTS 0,' INCOME FOR : OWNERS$AURY f 0 . INVENTORY S 0 ENDING IDATF�: PR�NGE BENEFITS S.0 LEASE HOLD IMPHOV S 0 �GROSS SALES S W000 OEPREqATipN S 0 SIGNS S 0 COST SALES S 0. INTEREST t 0 REAL ESTATE S 0 GROSS PROFRf 0 OTHER AGI S p000 O7HER S OPi•EXi f 0 ' OTHER ACR S 75549,�, THER N TP TAX 0 T T H 271 1 COMAtENTS ORTMENDIMPROVEMENTCLUBWG�NOI�FPROf1T►BqICKBLpG. SPLR�EVEL-IST FLR�8X52 HALLKRCH.I2X'C OBL STOVE/H000/OVEN/ ' FANJpISITYlASHER/NEFRIG/Y/ALKW CpOLEN/WET BAp�POP C00lER,2 WAII �� • � NR COND.VENT FAN,FURNACE RM 1�X76 WRH H�W GAS MEAT,BAR AREA. 18X292 TOILETS4N0 FLR 38X65 HAtL15X1{Of i10E,15X15 STORAGE RM 19X20 STAGE CENT.AIR CE�UN FANS DRESSING AREA OFF STAGE STREET BKR LENTSCH COMPANY 1 t192 AGN LLOYD BEXCUM . PH t89.p9(a . COMPARABLE SALE #1 � J , . ��" f57�( 108881 LAM•0 APT/RTL ,CSH L•S 198.000 01119/93 81.1w DAYS PTS•0 SO-8234"OLP� 198,000 S-S150,000 � �.�°'.;'�i. E:v:3Y'�..• ...n�� "' f::i.e.. ¢•. .y::^r:' ' �• t. i:''�'u', 'F%'' �' . . ;'• . A, '�:' k`�.�!"�+ :•.'• ; � •�.:'t:':�'e . �"?'2 v+t?:�:i.£ �'. .;6�;�;z,�• ;r••.,, . . `a;#;�..>;Q,. .�.�•.^ �, ` �. g ;. .�, ti�„`. p�•<;��r)`..' �. : ;., • . ��. :,a,. '.'-�g�c. ' '�• . : �.#� ���` .`: : N•;�w. , . •,,r ,: �"F�� `„ .�` <��'�#>�.' •.e?: '�""Y�. `'�z' >, � <... .�' ;;. " ••�•. TM. �.,�a . v ; ..� r'.�i`Z`�>• • .:�t,: ` `'�� `k ���� . b . ���� � k .C:��"ii� :,> ' f�, Z,S . i?i.>;:3l;.u.�• �:, �:, '�fa}?;c,j.; r%;5:,. � `�f'g.. .�'.�.�.`�,..,n�"','�.�. ;�"..s . �:t...<u.. •..' >�jY', { i�J!�.trw:.• .#�� 1190 JAMES AYE . AX f 832b. !91/N MAp 4B•95 MUN ST.PAUL ZIP 56106 �=p . AR '760 SUB 2 DN COU RAMS SB S 0 ' ' ASP N LOi.86X127 NE 0 N1 0 N2 0 N� 0 PRK ST yg� �92� DIR 1 BlK NO.OF RANDOLPH AT CORNER OF EpGCUMBE RO. f 64741! MULTI-USE BRICK BIDC HAS OFRCE SPACE�ARGE SOCIAL}�pLL yy1TH COMPLETE KRCHEN•3000 50 FT AVORORIUM W/STACE•NEW ROOF IN d3iERFECT FOR(�URCN,SCN LOOGE CLUB�CLOSE TO JbE AND BUS lGl KAY ADDRION IOTS 2 8 3 BLOCK 2 ' ZON Ri IU MO S/ANNS ANN EXP HEA ST/Gq p�0 10.2d2Y14-0i�S.7 0 �0 /O FU 6600 EXT BS MPH.BUS 0 �0 /0 EL 600 - B$M p � PRM HWF NAT 220 0 �@+0 /0 S 260 . AT CONN RM CON 0@0 , /0 IN 220p,:$�yy CONN CS 0 . INT 0 y. 0 �0 /0 TR S00 •�fSZ �400 EXF� CA '00 0 . /SM N 0 �0 /0 MN 0 FSF l000 PIN S 0 • '� 2MC N 2MA H 0 �0 /0` CT 0 AGI 0 . MS 0 /0 RP 0 AGE 0 TI 0 /0 �• TE 9150 ANI 0 SON 825 SDP 29?-0000 AGN SANDY AARON 698-�171 gg y, ��16 � ,OfFICE BURNET RFJILTY INC, �p a2�7 pH =27.8/tI /,p�{ygy« COMPARABLE SALE #2 �� �� i ���� 6 r 07t06 lAM•110460 APT/RTL C/D • �.��p�,gpp 10/23/81 18DAYS PTS•0 80•l107 OLP• 1N,800 3.jidd,4�p . . ' .F`�,y';�+w _o:^G�i..,�,tY�r,;. .. i.:• i " } ',y>S � Yi� Y ,�:'�yj}k �?.��}, at. j.� ft�WikhN��Y .��.,�i ' i}�.!� .� ' , i^ ,,�+.�n.:S ;�i$��. � � 'N�r���t yt�� YKY�'+.�y��, .{ ' ;„.t�k t Z$�. ��� ,���=�jA �`R(�.�.; � v f � Y � Y{' ��.�.` is�,�'i7� �R�4 ,y Yv:�� : E. � . , A}` ': y�;;�.y�•�'���� ''�,�h ti��S7�,. .if '.K.• � .,•ti ti•4`�.. ; 7 r�; �`::t� ... ,,��;;� > :. :, ..,;:� .�.�,',. �a��..:�.�„x;,u �t. � ���°.: �~, � fi�� � � '�. �I:.�E�`�i�.�w�,.•���.,ts. • j. �� �. 3•:. ,�.i••,,'?I.111NN•��.'.�� ,,'..H 4'�>: `a :.••'••r �C�: . � � �':'it.,,'�t�..f,t;�'�.�'3#�>�.".�`d:zG. ..�;2:� ..:.,.n�s,:h. .,.:��?' �61 7TH tT W•p6t TAX t i032 /�2/N MAp �t•i/ MUN tAINT MUl • 21P 61102 TWA�1022 AR 7�t SUB 1 DN 1 COU IIAMt A B U A P O7 12l7 NF � N1 1 N N PR IR ►ORT IIOAD TO�U�LDINO N ......NO'fICE..........�ri COMMtiilONlll.......«....... � � 2 VALUAtLi tT011E fRONTt...,.4 Ef�IC16HCY A'ARTM�F�Tt,,, 1•1\R APARTMENT...,.....PROPERTV WILL G H fl I � G LOHO LEOAL....fEE 116TER N �U MO ANNS ANN EXP HEA HW'OA PIO 1 t 2i � Qy 1400/10800 FU 71t0 EXT WO,tT M►H,�U� � ��40 I100�0 EL 0 BSM R 1 ml�Q /7620 WS 600 AT CONNE iRM CON m ' � •�N 1�60 SEW CONNF TOf 0 pn p % � / TR 0 fSZ �f00 EXF COH,Crp 00 0 A8M N m � MN 3400 FSF 7000 PIN f 0 �� =µ� m / � o A01 i4l00 �[lLEll yy0.�CON�IOER MS 0 0 RP 0 A �'14 12 il 2l70 l�4E00 TE W90 ANI 20]6A SON ! O , � AGN lEN lCHWAAT2 BB Y • 7.� g��,� � OFFICE COIOWELL lANKER JA l0 t�70 PH ��P.ibq Ap��N,� COMPARABLE SALE #3 �� . l z� 15� q 11101192 72DA 6 P� APS0.8330 OLP� N49.900 8-=s0,000 - ., ' • .� • �, , •�: :�� :�::�. �� +. � •. .�i.; ., ,,�. ;�:;�.� :<�'��$�3 3 �:::a.., � �#r' :� � ';�'•�., . ° � '4»>�e:'i?diy;y..;,: . : M{{�y��,.•? ..�.,.' 1 to1•1 TTH tT W , TA7f i Ni1 /�2lN MAP.fC•�� MUN tT.►AUL 21P II102 A��� N M � N 0 N14 N � IA 11 1•W 7T ����MOTIu����COMMI��ION••�••••���..��•.•� !R[TAIL KORI MtONTi-COOp TiNANT{.{NICRY pMtN[D 1 .R q A N ANN EXP HEA HW OA P 1 �7ti /�700 FV 4�20 EXT WO,tt tU� t �I10 1�120 EL 0 BSM 1 0 �0 /0 we�:oo WAT CONH R ! m7i0 /�4pp IN 1467 BEW CONN TOt 0 INi 0 %. 1 0�31 /7f00 TR 0 fSI 4000 EXF COH OD 0 Il9M N 1 �770 /�f�0 MN tli� F8F 7000 PIN t 0 7MC �MA M �0 �� CT 0 A01 710i0 tILLIl1 YMILL CONtIDtR GD RP 0 A 1 1 000 •M AO ii TI T 7• ANI 116e N � I P fi•� 0 AON LEH�CHWAl1T2 BB Y � 7.� 9A 7.� E!1 OFFIGF COLDW[LL�AHKOI JA tp t»a pH �M,�y �p���,�b COMPARABLE SALE #4 V � ��o�c��� I07116 LAM•10r.�400 APT/RT� .:. CON L-5165,000 • - 01/11/92 63DAYS PTS-0: ': SO-8105 OLP• 165,000 SS755,000 �� > �:>z� .�,�• � x�,xa •�� lIL 6 �$t• . -�i �y�'e . � .Y . ''� :�,.:�;� �� .,. :.. :....,. . . . . .. ,,:�;;� . „ . . . .. . ��>. . : f�:<., ;� w: �;. �����.!:.!x+ . .. �!w^�:�:r£.�:4qt;{..,:!i.t:.N? ��hr'i. �y �:�:[yk�:6�Sf:Y���h''49j :�fr:iF}' •Y'�' • �i'...:�..�.: �/.?'.. >S• r�•• £{�t�k%%kii'.fi/•:?f>2� f.'fi'.'^� i�}i�Y.�p' �t ��G••' 3:�.�:.::.:Xiw}�,'�'�ifC������,"6:�.� .i � . . ' :. . M.}. ..<••i.,:COr.. . .� • . 799 MAqYUNO AVE E , TAX f 4700 /92/N MAP 2C•2C MUN ET.PAUL Z1P 66117 , iWA f 0 .� AR 742 SUB 2 ON 1 COV RMAS 8 f 0 A$p N LOT 112Xa6X122X NE 0 N1 0 N? 0 N7 0 PRK OP YOl 999 N DIR MARY1,/�NO AYE i�6E/EAST 7 BlK3 � pp628� - VERY GO00 FOq pRpCERy,gqpg�{�OP Op RESTAURAMT. . SOID BEFORE pttlKT. • . LGl lOT4 4 6 d 6 BlK 2 THOMAD SUB. 20N 0 �U MO S ANNf ANN EXP HEA fA/CA PID 0 1 �666 ro. . Fu,o exr.�r:.., su's 2 �1700/o � , EL 0 BSM F 7@b00 /0 0 AT CONHE RM Gp 4 �700 /0 IN 0 SEW CONN TGS 0 INT 0 Y. o p0 !0 R 0 FSZ 0 ' ::EXF� CLR OD 0 . ASM t 0 (�D O /0 MN O fSF 0 PIN f 0 Z� yp,�q 0 ED O /0 CT 0 CI 0. .: NEW RNANClNG MS 0 /0 flP 0 GE 0' T1 0 /0 TE 0 NI 0 SON o26 SDP 297•6160 AGN LONG NGUYEN/77Yd642 :-.;BB•Y•. 2J: .,.gq=.7 � OFFICF EpINA RFAITY,INC. L0 1106 PH • 770•17T6 APT 77Y.24t0 COMPARABLE SALE #5 Q � l� . q� -� 5�q ' DEFINITION OF MARKET VALUE: The most probable price which a properly should bring in a competilive and open markei under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller, each actinp prudently;knowledgeably and assuminp the price is not affected by undue stimulus. Impticit in this de(inition is the consummation oi a sale as ot a specified dale and ihe passing of tide from seller to buyer under conditions whereby:(1)buyer and seller are typically moGvated;(2)both parties are well infortned or well advised, and each acting in what he considers his own best interest;(3) a reasonable iime is allowed for exposure in ihe open ma�ket;(4) payment is made in terms ot cash in U.S,dollars or in terms of financial arranQements comparable thereto; and(S)1he price represents the normal consideration for fhe property sold unaffecied by special or creative financing or sales concessions*granled by anyone associated wiih ihe sale. . *Adjustments to the comparables must be made for special or creative financing or saies concessions. No adjuslmenis are necessary tor. lhose costs which are normally paid by setlers as a resuli of lradition or law in a market area;these costs are readily identifiable since the seiler pays ihese cosis in virtually all sales transaciions.Special or creative financing adjustments can be made io the comparable property by comparisons to financing terms ofiered by a third party institutionai lender that is not already involved in the property or UansacGon. Any adjustment should not be calculated on a mechanical dollar for dollar cost ot the financinp or concession but the dollar amount of arry adjustment should approximate the market's reaction io the financing or concessions based on the appraiser's judgment. STATEMENT OF LIMITING CONDITIONS AND APPRAISER'S CERTIFICATION CONTINGENT AND LIMITING CONDITIONS: The appraiset's certification that appears in ihe appraisai report is subject io the following condiiions: 1. The appraiserwill not be responsible for mailers ot a legal nature that aftect either the property being appraised or the Gtle io it. The appraiser assumes that ihe tifle is good and marketable and,therefore,will not render any opinions about the iitle. The properiy is appraised on the basis of it being under responsible ownership. � 2. The appraiser has provided a sketch in the appraisal reporl to show approximate dimensions of lhe improvements and ihe sketch is included only to assist the reader oi the repori in visualizing the property and understanding the appraisers determination of its size. 3. The appraiser has examined the available flood maps that are provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency(or other data saurces)and has noted in the appraisal report whether the subject site is located in an idenGfied Special Flood Hazard Area Because the appraiser is not a surveyor,he or she makes no guarantees,express or implied,regarding this determination. 4. The appraiser will not give iestimony or appear in court because he or she made an appraisal of the properly in question,unless specific arrangements lo do so have been made beforehand. 5. The appraiser has estimaied lhe value of the land in the cost approach at its highest and best use and lhe improvements at their contributory value. These separate valualions of the land and improvements must noi be used in conjunction with any other appraisal and are invalid if they are so used. 6. The appraiser has noted in the appraisal report any adverse conditions(such as,needed repairs,depreciaGon,the presence of hazazdous wastes,loxic substances,etc.)observed during the inspection of lhe subject property or fhat he or she became aware oi during the normal research involved in performing the appraisal. Unless otherwise staied in lhe appraisal report,lhe appraiser has no knowledpe oi arry hidden or unapparent condilions of the property or adverse environmenlal conditions (incloding the presence ot hazazdous wastes, toxic substances,etc.) thal would make the property more or less valuable, and has assumed lhat there are no such conditions and makes no guarantees or warranties, express or implied,regardinp lhe condition of the property. The appraiser will nol be responsible for arry such conditions that do exist or for any engineering or tesling that might ba required to discover whelher such conditions exisL Because the appraiser is not an expert in the field of environmental hazards,the appraisal report must not be considered as an environmental assessment of the property. 7. The appraiser obtained the information,esiimates,and opinions that were expressed in 1he appraisal report from sources lhat he or she considers to be reliable and believes them io be true and conect. The appraiser does not assume responsibiliiy for the accuracy of wch items that were furnished by olher pariies. 8. The appraiser will noi disclose ihe contents of the appraisal report except as provided for in the Unitorm Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. 9. The appraiser has based his or her appraisal report and valualion conclusion for an appraisal that is subject to saiisfaclory compleiion, repairs,or alterations on ihe assumption that completion of lhe improvements will be performed in a workmanlike manner. 10. The appraiser must provide his or her prior wrilten consent before the lender/client specified in the appraisal reporl can disiribute the appraisal report(including conclusions about the property value,the appraiser's identity and professional desipnations,and references to any professional appraisal organizations or the firm with which the appraiser is associaied ) to anyone olher than the bonower;the mortgagee or its successors and assigns;the mortgage insurer;consultants; professional appraisal orpanizations;any slale or federally approved tinancial institution; or any department, agency,or insirumentalily oi the United States or any staie or 1he District of Columbia; except that the lender/client may distribute 1he property description section of the reporl only to data colleclion or reporting service(s) wiihout having to obtain the appraiser's prior writlen consenl. The appraiser's wrilten consent and approval must also be obtained before the appraisal can be conveyed by anyone to the public lhrough adveriising,public relations,news,sa;es,or other media. Freddie Mac Form 439 6-93 Page 1 of 2 Fannie Mae Form 10048 6-93 �� � APPRAISERS CERTIFICATION: The Appraiser certities and agrees 1haL• 1. I have researched the subject market area and have selecled a minimum oi three receni sales of prope�ties most similar and proximate ��_ ��'l� io the subject property for consideration in ihe sales comparison analysis and have made a dollar adjusUnent when appropriate to retlect the market reaction to those iiems of significant variation. If a significant item in a comparabie property is superior to,or more favorable than, the subject prope�ty,I have made a negative adjustment to reduca lhe adjusted sales price of the comparable and,if a significant item in a comparable property is inferior to,or less favorable than lhe subject properiy, I have made a po'siGve adjuslment to increase the adjusted sales price of the comparable. 2. I have taken into consideration the factors that have an impact on vaiue in my development oi the estimale of market value in the. appraisal report. I have not knowingly withheld any significanl informaGon irom the appraisa� report and I beiieve, to the best of my knowledge,that all statements and informaiion in ihe appraisal report are true and correct. 3. I stated in the appraisal repart only my own personal,unbiased,and protessional analysis,opinions,and conciusions,which are subject • only to ihe contingent and limiting conditions specified in this form. 4. I have no present or prospeciive inierest in the property that is the subject to this repori,and I have no present or prospeciive personal � interest or bias wilh respect to the participants in ihe transaction. I did not base; eilher parlially or completely, my analysis and/or the estimate of market vaiue in the appraisal report on the race,color,religion,sex, handicap,familial status,or naiional origin oi either the prospective owners or occupants of the subject property or of the present ownecs or occupanis of the properties in ihe viciniiy of the subject property. 5. I have no present or contemplaled Tuture interest in the subject property, and neither my currenl or fulure employment nor my compensation for performing ihis appraisai is coniingent on Ihe appraised value of the property. 6. I was nol required lo report a predetermined value or direction in value ihat favors the cause of the client or any retated party, 1he amount oi lhe value estimate, ihe attainment of a specific resull, or the occurrence of a subsequent eveni in order io receive my compensalion and/or employment for performing the appraisal. I did not base the appraisal report on a requested minimum valuation,a specific valuation,ar the need to approve a specific mortgage loan. 7. I performed ihis appraisal in conformiiy with ihe Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice lhat were adopted and promulgaled by ihe Appraisal Standards Board of The Appraisal Foundation and that were in place as of ihe effeclive date oi lhis appraisal, with the exception of lhe departure provision of lhose Standards,which does not apply. 'I acknowledge that an esUmate of a reasonabie � time for exposure in the open market is a condition in ihe definilion of market value and the estimate I developed is consistenl wilh ihe marketing time noted in the neighborhood section of lhis reporl,unless I have otherwise stated in the reconciliation section. 8. I have personally inspected the interior and exterior areas of the subject property and ihe exterior of all properlies listed as comparables in the appraisal report. I further ceriify that I have noted any apparent or knovm adverse conditions in the subjecl improvemenis, on ihe subject site,or on any site within the immediafe vicinity of the subject property of which I am aware and have made adjuslments for these adverse conditions in my analysis of the property value to the extent lhat I had market evidence to support them. I have also commented about the effect oi the adverse conditions on the marketability of ihe subject property. 9. i personally prepared all conciusions and opinions about the real estate that were sei forlh in the appraisal repo�t. If I relied on significant professional assistance from any individual or individuals in the perfortnance of the appraisal or the preparation ot ihe appraisal report,I have named such individual(s) and disciosed ihe specific tasks per(ormed by ihem in the reconciliation section of this appraisal � report. I certify that any individual so named is qualified to perform lhe tasks. I have not authorized anyone to make a change to any item in the reporl;therefore,if an unauihorized change is made to lhe appraisal reporL I will lake no responsibility for it. SUPERVISORY APPRAISER'S CERTIFICATION: If a supervisory appraiser signed the appraisal repo�,he or she certifies and agrees that:I direclly supervise the appraiser who prepared the appraisat repo�,have reviewed Ne appraisal repo�,agree wiih fhe statements and conctusions of the appraiser,agree lo be bound by the appraisers cerGficaGons numbered 4 through 7 above,and am taking full responsibility for the 2ppraisal and the appraisal report. ADDRESS OF PROPERTY APPRAISED: 627 Smith Avenue South, St. Paul APPRAISER: " SUPERVISORY APPRAISER(only if required) 7 Signa ' Signature: Name: ar rran o SRA Name: DateSigned: March 9, 1994 DateSigned: State Certificalion�: S1ale Cerlification#: ' or State License#: u0oou02 orState License�: State: MN State: Expiration Date of Certification or License: 8/_31/94 ExpiraGon Date ot Cerlification or License: ' ❑ Did � Did Not Inspect Properly Freddie Mac Form 439 6-93 Page 2 of 2 Fannie Mae Form 1004B 6-93 �� v APPf2AISAL QIIALIPICATIONS OP ��✓ ��� 1 • . RIC�FtD M. PAFtFiANTO, SRA 745 Grand Ave., Suite 101 • St. Paul, Minnesota 55105 Phone: 612/225-4090 Fax: 612/225-8474 APPRAISAL EDUCATION American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers Minnesota Savings & Loan appraisal Procedures, 1949 Veterans Administration Appraisal Lectures, 1950-51-52 AIREA, Urban I, Real Estate, 1953 at St. Thomas College AIREA, Urban II, Real Estate, 1954 at Hamline University SREA Industrial Real Estate, 1974 at University of Oklahoma Various symposiums, refresher courses and instructors' clinics Realtors and Appraisers Continuing Education Courses for Recertification APPRAISAL EXPERIENCE President, Parranto Bros. , Inc. , Realtors, 1954-1979 President, R.M: Parranto & Associates, Inc. , Appraisers, since ,1979 President and Chairman, Hamline Twin City, Realtors, since 1979 Commercial - Industrial Major buildings in downtown St. Paul and Minneapolis including hotel, office, retail and bank buildings, and manufacturing plants of all types. Recent assignments include: ' Saint Paul Athletic Club � Downtown St. Paul YWCA Control Data World Distribution Center, St Paul Road Rescue Ambulance Mfg. Plant, St. Paul Unisys Defense Headquarters building, Unisys Semi-Conductor Research and Manufacturing Facility, and Unisys Marketing Center, Eagan, MN; and plants in Jackson and Rosevil•le, Minnesota and Eau Claire, Wisconsin Montgomery Ward & Co. , St. Paul Retail & Distribution Center Ideal Security Hardware Headquarters and Plant, St. Paul Overland Express Terminals in Anoka, Ramsey and Dakota Counties Ramsey County Park Lands and Golf Course; Assessment Appeal Major Apartment Developments for Sale or Mortgage Purposes or Condemnation Riverside, Hartzell, Arlington, Victoria, Edgecumbe, Johnson and other Schools Industrial and Commercial Properties for Owners Appeal of Real Estate Taxes, Ramsey County Christ's Household of Faith, formerly St. Joseph's Academy, St. Paul � ti Multi-Family �/ ����� �Q Appraisal of apartment complexes, condominiums, and apartment buildings for investors, lenders, syndicators and sellers. Depreciation studies for IRS purposes, sch�edules of rapidly depreciating components and feasibility studies. Analysis of Real Estate syndicate offerings for individual investors. Development Land Over 250 appraisals of subdivisions, raw land for subdivision, partial takings of subdivisions for right-of-way purposes have been completed. Experience includes developer, coordinator of development of the following subdivisions: Parranto Bros. Addition, Normandy Park, Tower Heights, Highland Heights, Eastwood Manor, Cedar Grove Addition, and South Delaware Estates. Condemnation Commissioner in Condemnation on over 750 parcels in Ramsey County, expert testimony before Commissioners in Condemnation on over 300 parcels, appearances as expert witness in Courts in several Districts. Appraisal clients include almost all municipalities in the Metropolitan SMSA, the St. Paul and South St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authorities, Ramsey County Assessor's office, Ramsey County Attorney, seven independent school districts, Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, and the Metropolitan Airports Commission. Farms • , • Veterans Administration farm appraisals, County Assessor's farm appraisals, appraisal of farms for owners concerning various utility rights-of-way; appraisal of 80 farms in Pope County for United Power Association-Cooperative Power Association. � AMEMBERSHIPS Senior Residential Member of Society of Real Estate Appraisers since 1951; President St. Paul Chapter, 1968 President, St. Paul Board of Realtors, 1969, Member since 1955 Farm and Land Brokers NII�S, Commercial-Industrial I�,S, Twin City NII.S Metro Confidential Data Exchange, a market data exchange APPRAISAL TEACHING EXPERIENCE ' Instructor, Appraising Apartments, SREA course at Macalester College Lecturer, Appraisal Principles, SREA course at Macalester College Instructor, Introduction to Appraising, St. Paul Board of Realtors Minn. License #4000402 � Council File � � ' � Ordinance # Green Sheet #` ��',��`� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ��� I� � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED: That application (ID #78764) for a Dance or Rental Hall License by Raymond 2 Hessler DBA Smith Avenue Rental Hall (Raymond Hessler, owner) at 627 Smith 3 Avenue South be and the same is hereby approved with the following 4 conditions: 5 6 1. The Hall and the entire licensed premises must be closed by 12:00 7 midnight each day of the week, and no patrons, guests or member of the public 8 shall be on the licensed premises after the 12:00 midnight closing. 9 10 2. The licensee, Raymond Hessler, shall be responsible for making sure il that patrons, guests and members of the public exiting the Hall do so in a 12 quiet and orderly fashion, so as to not disturb the adjacent neighbors. 13 14 3. The licensee, Raymond Heseler, ehall be responsible for inauring that 15 one or more security persons are on duty at all functions taking place at the ! 16 Hall. Said security shall remain until all patrons, guests and members of � 17 the public have left the area, and shall insure that none leaving the Hall 18 loiters around or near the building. 19 20 4. The licensee, Raymond Hessler, shall provide a telephonic means to 21 contact both the licensee and the on-site manager at all times that the Hall 22 is being used. The numbers for contact are: on-site hall manager, 291-7167 23 and owner, Mr. Raymond Hessler, 228-1155, pager #908-1156, or the Rental Hall 24 �298-1411. 25 26 5. There shall be no parking in the alley immediately south of the 27 building, by anyone associated with the Hall. In addition, the City will 28 enforce the no parking ban for residents as well. 29 30 6. The licensee, Raymond Hessler, shall be responsible for clean-up of the 31 outside area immediately adjacent to the Hall, on a daily basis. 32 33 7. There shall be no sale of liquor or beer to anyone on the premises at 34 any time. The City will consider the collection of an entry fee or admission 35 charge or donation collected when alcohol ie being served or consumed on the 36 premiaes, and such sale will be deemed a violation of this condition. 37 38 8. There shall be no sale, consumption or possesaion of liquor or beer on 39 the part of minors (anyane under the age of 21 years) . The licensee, Raymond 40 Hessler, shall be respor�sible for adverse license action if a minor sells, 41 consumes or has in his/her possession any �alcoholic beverage on the premises. 42 43 9. No alcoholic beverages, including beer, apirits or wine, shall be 44 allowed to leave the Hall. ns � ■ _ In Re the License Application of - Raymond Hessler ; City's Exh. No. 8 � � ���j �/ 1 �' 10. The licensee, Raymond Hessler, ahall provide a list of all �entals o� a 2 monthly basis to both the Office of LIEP and the Central Team Commander of 3 the Saint Paul Police Department. 4 5 11. The licensee ehall provide a copy of this resolution to all partiea 6 renting the Hall and shall post a copy in a place visible to all patrons, 7 guests and members of the public. 8 9 12. Any violation of any of the foregoing conditions shall be grounde for 10 adverse action against all licensea held by the licensee, including 11 suspension and revocation. � Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: B a ey Guerin Office of License Insvections and S Environmental Protection Me ar - Re ma T une Bostrom By: c.�.� �. � Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney By. By: �// � � . v Approved by Mayor: Date � Approved by Mayor for Submission to By: Council By: 2 WEST SIDE ��D" � �-] - . `7 SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL 209 W. PAC�E ST. ST. PAUL, MN 55107 (612) 298-9727 FAX: (612) 298-5796 Sep�ember 13, 1996 City� Council President Dave Thune 310 B City Hall _ 15 �Nest Kellogg $oulevard St. �Paul, MN 55102 Co�ncil President Thune: At its September 3, 1996 board meeting, the West Side Safe Neighbor�ood Council (WSSNC) discussed at some length the matter of the license application for the Smith Avenue Rental Hall, 627 South Smith Avenue, by Raymond Hessler. Of utmost concem is the nearby residents and business people who are affected by the resu lts of short term rental of the hall. We are concerned about and want to support the long ternc rental pf the hall by Harvest Fellowship and Elite Catering. Hvwever, the continuing proi�lems, such as noise, litter, public urination, underage drinking, police calls and other und:sirable problems associated with the short term rental of the hall have and continue to affe�,t the qualiry of life, particularly on weekends, for the immediate property owners. Additionally, Mr. Hessler, although he claims to have changed his practices, has in fact den ed past problems and has given no substantive indications that his behavior and management will change. Based on this information, the WSSNC board voted to support denial of the license appl.tc;ation to Mr. Hessler for the Smith Avenue Rental Hall. However, if, for some reason, Mr. Hes;�ler is granted a license to operate the Smith Avenue Rental Hall, we will support the app:ication only if the strictesi of conditions are imposed and adherence to tiiose conditions is enfc�rced. If you have any questions about this matter, please feel free to contact me. Sin:erely, _�� �.��� John Neess Board Chairperson 222-4417 c: City Councilmember Janice Rettman City Councilmember Mike Harris City Councilmember Jerry Blakey City Counciimember Roberta Megard City Councilmember Dino Guerin City Councilmember Dan Bostrom West Side Citizens Organizatiun Smith Dodd Business Association �1 TN � � / ��- ��� ITEM 40 TO VIEW THE EXHIBITS, PLEASE SEE MARY ERICKSON OR RACQUEL NAYLOR, 266-8560. � � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timorhy� Marx, City Anorney ��,� ��� � — CITY OF SAINT PALTL Civil Division Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 City Hall Telephone: 61?266-8710 15 West Kellogg Blvd Facsimile: 612 298-5619 Saint Paul, �nnesota 55102 i� November 20, 1996 NOTICE OF COIINCIL HEARING Mr. David Essling Attorney and Counselor at Law 1217 West Seventh Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: License Application of Raymond Hessler d/b/a Smith Avenue Rental Hall for the premises located at 627 Smith Avenue South, St . Paul License ID No. :78764 Our File No. : G96-0429 . Dear Mr. Essling: Please take notice that a hearing on the report of the Administrative Law Judge concerning the above-mentioned license has been scheduled for 4:30 p.m. , Wednesday, December 4, 1996, in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. You have the opportunity to file exceptions to the report with the City Clerk at any time during normal business hours. You may also present oral or written argument to the council at the Hearing. No new evidence will be received or testimony taken at this hearing. The Council will base its decision on the record of the proceedings before the Administrative Law Judge and on the arguments made and exceptions filed, but may depart from the recommendations of such Judge as permitted by law in the exercise of its judgement and discretion. Sincerely, 1:/ �`'�-� � Q��� G� , Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc : Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary, 310 City Hall Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Sandra Levine, Community Organizer, West Side Citizens Organization, 625 Stryker Ave. , St . Paul, MN 55107 Sue Nipe, Director, West Side Safe Neighborhood Council, 209 W. Page St . ; St . Paul, MN 55107 , , G�(�--C�`�°C OAH No. 62-2111-10764-3 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS for the CITY OF ST. PAUL In the Matter of the License Application of: Raymond Hessler FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, AND RECOMMENDATION The above captioned matter came on for hearing before Richard A. Mosman, Administrative Law Judge, acting as a hearing officer for the City of St. Paul, on October 29, 1996, in the Ramsey County Courthouse, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota. Virginia D. Palmer, Assistant City Attorney, 400 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102, appeared on behalf of the City of St. Paul. David Essling, Esq., 1217 West Seventh Street, St. Paul, MN 55102, appeared on behalf of Raymond Hessler. The record in this proceeding closed on November 5, 1996, with the submission of written arguments of counsel. This report is a recommendation, not a final decision. The St. Paul City Council will make the final decision after a review of the Record and may accept, reject, or modify the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations contained herein. Pursuant to St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 310.05 (c-1), after receipt of this Report, the St. ��-(��� Paul City Council will provide an opportunity to present oral and/or written arguments alleging error in this Report and to present arguments related to any recommended adverse action. STATEMENT OFISSUE The issues in the case were two fold: 1. Whether the Applicant has engaged in or permitted a pattern or practice of conduct or failed to comply with laws reasonably related to the licensed activity as evidence of a lack of fitness or good character. 2. Whether the Applicant, in operating the proposed licensed premises, maintains or permits conditions that unreasonably annoy, injure and endanger the safety, health, morals, comfort or repose of a considerable number of inembers of the public. Based upon all of the proceedings herein, the Administrative Law Judge makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Raymond Hessler, Applicant, is a business man who grew up on St. Paul's "West Side" and who has become successful as a manufacturer's representative and who owns and operates several business interests. He purchased the premises at 627 Smith Avenue, West St. Paul, from a Masonic Lodge in 1988, after the building had sat empty and on the market for some time. 2. The Applicant operated the hall as a private club called the Highbridge Sport Club, for a period of time and as a rental hall during a period when a dance/rental 2 °t��C�2� hall license was not required. In 1989, when the hall was being operated as a rental hall, there was an incident in which arrests were made by the police during a raid on a party held by a group who had rented the premises from the Applicant. (City Exhibit 4 - 7.) 3. The Applicant was not guilty of any criminal activity in connection with that incident and the criminal convictions of the persons arrested in that matter where not connected with the Applicant. (Page 41 and 42, Respondent's Exhibit.) 4. In connection with the settlement of civil litigation in 1991 to establish the licensed premises as a public nuisance, the City of St. Paul stipulated with the Applicant as follows: "4. Hessler may use the property for hall rentals, for weddings, receptions, dinners and similar purposes. To the extent that such may now or in the future require a license, Hessler shall make due and timely application for such licenses, but shall not continue such uses after being denied or refused any such license or licenses. The undersigned counsel for the City is not now aware of any basis on which such license or licenses could be denied." (Court File No. CO 90-10671, Stipulation, paragraph 4, page 53 and 54. Respondent's Exhibit.) 5. The City stipulated in 1994 that the arrests and/or convictions of any of the individuals in the 1989 incident at the licensed premises are not a part of or connected with the premises for purposes of establishing a public nuisance. ( Court File No. CO-90-10671. Page 41 and 42, Respondent's Exhibits.) 6. The Applicant sold the licensed premises by contract for deed in 1994 to the Camaroon Group, represented by Gregory C. Langason. The Camaroon Group 3 aC�✓���� operated the premises as a rental hall from early 1994, through the mid summer, 1996, when Mr. Hessler canceled the contact for deed. 7. The Applicant had no business or financial connection or interest in or with the Cameroon Group. 8. The St. Paul City Council passed an ordinance requiring dance/rental halls to be licensed effective July, 1995. (Page 1 RespondenYs Exhibit) 9. The Cameroon Group submitted an application for a Dance/Rental Hall License. While that license application was pending consideration, the Office of the License Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) by policy, allowed all applicants, under the new license dance/rental hall ordinance, to continue to operate. In the case of the Cameroon Group, LIEP attached 12 conditions to the provisional license controlling the operation of the rental hall by the Cameroon Group. 10. After the Applicant canceled the contract for deed with the Cameroon Group on the licensed premises, he submitted an application for the Dance/Rental Hall License. 11. LIEP allowed the Applicant to continue to manage and operate the licensed premises after he agreed to the same 12 conditions that had been previously attached to the provisional license of the Cameroon Group. The Applicant agreed to those conditions. (Page 39 and 40, Respondent's Exhibits) 12. On August 28, 1996, the St. Paul City Council considered both applications for dance/rental hall license by the Cameroon Group and by Raymond 4 ��V ' I V� � Hessler. The application by the Cameroon Group was denied and the application by Raymond Hessler was referred to an Administrative Law Judge for hearing. 13. The unwritten policy of LIEP is to allow Applicants to continue to operate a licensed activity under an old license, pending consideration of a new license application, provided there is a management agreement with the license holder. 14. LIEP advised the Applicant that he could continue to operate the rental hall and could honor the contractual rental obligations entered into by the Cameroon Group. As part of that agreement, the Applicant was obligated to provide to LIEP a list of rental contracts and dates, Respondent provided the list of rentals for August and September, 1996. (Page 36 to 38, Respondent's Exhibits) 15. LIEP notified Raymond Hessler on September 10, 1996, that "currently there is no license to operate a rental/dance hall at 627 South Smith Avenue" and that he would risk being cited if he continued to operate the premises as a dance/rental hall. (City Exhibit 1). 16. The Cameroon Group entered into two long-term rentals, one with the Harvest Fellowship Church, (Page 15 and 16, Respondent's Exhibits) and the other with Elite Catering. The catering service has a lease term that runs to January, 1997. (Page 22 to 27, Respondent's Exhibits). Both lessees wish to continue their leases with the Applicant, Raymond Hessler. 17. The period that the Cameroon Group operated the hall was marked by a lack of management and supervision. Little or no effort was exerted to control the use 5 1����57� of alcohol on the premises or the noise or the activities of patrons in or around the hall. For that period of time, the hall was often a source of irritation for the nearby residents. 18. At no time has the use of the hall by the long term lease tenants, the Church or the Catering service, been objectionable to the neighbors living nearby. They generally had no objection to the wedding and anniversary parties held at the hall provided the hours of operation were controlled and the patrons' use of alcohol monitored. 19. On September 30, 1996, Raymond Hessler was served a Notice of Hearing scheduled for October 24, 1996 and advised that LIEP would be recommending approval of the license with conditions. Even though they recommended approval, LIEP indicated the grounds for their position was that applicant had operated the premises in the past in a fashion that indicated he was "unfit or not a good character and should not be granted a license." (City Exhibits 2 and 8) 20. On October 22, 1996, an employee of LIEP called the licensed premises and inquired about the possibility of renting the hall for October 26th and 27th. She was advised that the hall was available and told the terms of the contract, the price, damage deposit and other conditions for renting the hall. 21. The Applicant's counsel was served on October 23, 1996 with a Notice that LIEP would be recommending denial of the license application upon the grounds that the hall had been offered for rent in violation of the letter sent by the director of LIEP dated September 10, 1996. (City Exhibit 3) 6 , , ���( ��� 22. Since canceling the Contract for Deed with the Cameroon Group, the Applicant has hired a manager to be present at all events taking place in the rental hall. That manager supervises rental, decorating and clean-up on each event. The rental contact provides, among other things, that no alcohol can be sold, that a uniform police officer be present whenever alcoholic beverages are served on the premises and that the premises be closed at midnight. (Page 12 and 13, Respondent's Exhibits). Based upon the foregoing Findings of Facts, the Administrative Law Judge makes the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The St. Paul City Council and the Administrative Law Judge have jurisdiction in this matter pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 14.55 and § 310.05 (C-1) of the St. Paul Legislative Code. 2. Section 310.05 (C) permits the Administrative Law Judge to hear "other interested persons" and give them the opportunity to present testimony or otherwise participate in the hearings, whether or not they have been granted the status of intervenor. 3. Notice of hearing was in proper form and was validly served. 4. The Applicant, Raymond Hessler, has demonstrated that he is of good moral character and has met the minimum qualifications for issuance of the Class 3 License for a Public Dance and Rental Hall in the City of St. Paul. 5. The Applicant had operated a dance/rental hall with documented approval of the City prior to the passage of the ordinance now requiring licensure. Prior to 1991, 7 ��-���a there was nothing that would have disqualified him from qualifying for a license for a dance/rental hall facility. 6. That since 1991 there have been no incidents that have indicated Raymond Hessler was unfit or not of good character for purposes of holding a Dance/Rental Hall License. 7. The City Council has the right to place reasonable conditions and/or restrictions upon licenses issued. (St. Paul Legislative Code Section 310.06 (c)) 8. The conditions initially required by LIEP for Applicant to operate the rental hall during the application process were reasonable and were voluntarily agreed to by the Applicant. (City Exhibit 8 and Respondent pg. 38 -39) 9. All issues regarding the incident in 1988 in which arrests were made at the hall, were all resolved by litigation in favor of the Applicant and cannot be the basis for adverse action against the Applicant at this time. 10. The issuance of a rental hall license to the Applicant at 627 Smith Avenue South, St. Paul, will not unreasonably annoy, injure or endanger the safety, health, morals, comfort or repose of any considerable number of inembers of the public, so long as the conditions as provided in the LIEP's initial proposal are continued and enforced. (City Exhibit 8) Based upon the foregoing Conclusions, the Administrative Law Judge makes the following: 8 ��-��79 RECOMMENDATION IT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED, that the St. Paul City Council grant the Dance/Rental Hall License application of Raymond Hessler, with the 12 conditions contained in the City Exhbit 8. Dated: /� / 1996. Richard A. Mosman Administrative Law dge Reported: Tape Notice: Under Minn. Stat. § 14.62S subd. 1, the �ty Council is respectfully requested to provide a copy of its final decision to the Ad ' istrative Law Judge by first class mail. 9 . . ��-� ���i MEMORANDUM LIEP's position in this hearing was that the applicant should be denied the dance/rental hall license because of evidence of unfit character, in part because of the 1989 police incident or because he continued to operate the rental hall after the September 10th letter from Robert Kessler, Director, LiEP. Their basis was not well- founded. Following the 1989 incident, the City and all parties involved had an adequate opportunity to scrutinize, evaluate and litigate in two proceedings, Mr. Hessler's involvement and position in connection with the events that took place at the hall. In those two lawsuits, all of the issues related to Mr. Hessler's involvement were resolved in that litigation in his favor. In the stipulation that settled one of the lawsuits in 1991, the City agreed that there was nothing at that time that would have prevented Mr. Hessler from obtaining a license to operate the dance/rental hall, had there been a requirement for him to have one. There is no evidence that his fitness or character had changed between the date of the stipulation in 1991 and his application for the dance/rental hall license in 1996. Mr. Hessler grew up on the west side of St. Paul and feels an affinity to the community. He purchased the building at 627 Smith, restoring it to use after it had been vacant for some time. During the period of his ownership, there was evidence that he had gratuitously offered the hall for use by scouting organizations, church and for charity functions. One witness testified that, without knowing her or her family, Mr. Hessler offered the use of the hall for free for a fund raiser when her family had been severely injured in an automobile collision. . � a� -� ��9 Councilmember Thune testified that although Mr. Hessler was not managing the building at the time, he went to the premises and cooperated with the councilman in attempting to defuse a well-publicized confrontation that occurred when the Cameroon Group rented the hall to a nazi group. Those instances demonstrate Mr. Hessler's community consciousness, and together with the use of the hall by the Festival Harvest Church and the catering service creates a hall that has value to the community and the organizations utilizing it. The demand for the use of the hall for wedding and anniversary parties indicates a need in the community that the continued operation of the rental hall can fill. The members of the neighborhood who testified had no objection to any of the activities just mentioned. Their complaints were primarily related to alcohol use and late-night hours that the Cameroon Group allowed during their tenure. It is the belief of the ALJ that the 12 conditions originally imposed upon Mr. Hessler's operation of the hall have proven to be effective. The hall, if properly managed, can be a true asset to the west side community. Although those who live in this neighborhood will never be able to escape fully the sounds and activity of the City, it is believed that the rental hall at 627 Smith can be functional and operated without adversely affecting those who chose to live in the west side community. To deny this license under these circumstances would deprive the community of a hall, a church and a catering service, all of which create activity that benefits the community and the businesses surrounding it. 2 . . ������� The other basis urged as a reason for denying the license was that Mr. Hessler disobeyed LIEP's instructions regarding operation of the rental hall after September 10, 1996. The testimony was somewhat conflicted on the issue of what LIEP told Mr. Hessler regarding the extent to which he could operate the rental hall pending the application process. It is clear that LIEP had a policy of allowing a new applicant to continue to operate a licensed activity under a management agreement with an existing selling license holder. In July, 1996, Mr. Hessler agreed to the 12 conditions LIEP proposed in connection with his operation of the hall after the Cameroon Group left. It is clear that both parties understood that the hall would continue to operate under those conditions during the application process. LIEP understood that Mr. Hessler would be operating the hall under conditions even though the Cameroon Group had not been granted a license. The problem is to determine the extent of the operation of the rental hall that had been granted administratively to Mr. Hessler. No documents evidence the agreement other than the license conditions LIEP proposed and to which the applicant agreed. Those clearly indicate an understanding that the hall would continue to host rental groups. At least at the beginning, there was no clear evidence on what, if any, restrictions beyond the documented operating conditions were agreed to or imposed regarding Mr. Hessler's operations of the hall; certainly no evidence of any restrictions that would amount to a preponderance of the evidence. 3 . , ��✓��� The letter of September 10 states only the obvious, that the applicant did not have a license. It did not address the issue of the long-term leases or the prior rental contracts of the Cameroon Group. The letter offered no explanation to resolve the conflict between the September 10 letter and the prior understanding between LIEP and Mr. Hessler. There was room for misunderstanding at the least as to the status of the long-term lease tenants. The testimony indicated that Mr. Hessler travels a great deal and that he did not always closely track correspondence related to this matter. The responsibility for day- to-day operation falls on Katie Hessler, his wife, who is also quite busy, and Karen Mischler, hall manager, upon whom she relies heavily. A busy schedule does not excuse a failure to deal with or to responsibly monitor activities at the rental hall. This is particularly true when the applicant has had a rich litigation history with the City over the activities of the hall and during the time his application is pending. If he cannot dedicate sufficient time to manage this hall as a well-run business, he should consider lightening the demands on his time. Mr. Hessler had operated the premises as a rental hall and private club prior to selling it to the Cameroon Group in 1994. The nature and character of the operation of the hall did not change when he took back the possession of the premises in 1996. The historic character of the hall and sanctioned continuation of its use for rental purposes justified Mr. Hessler's reasonable expectation that his application for a license would be granted. 4 � ������� Although there is no "grandfather clause" which permits continued operation of rental halls which were in existence prior to the passage of the ordinance, LIEP had, as a matter of policy, allowed the continued operation of rental halls during the period the applications were pending approval. The Minnesota Supreme Court has held that persons seeking renewal of their liquor license do have a "reasonable expectation of the continuing receipt of the benefit conferred by a license" as a result of their investment and because they have a reasonable expectation of the continuing receipt of the benefit conferred by a license. Tamarac Inn. Inc. vs. Citv of Lonq Lake, 310 N.W.2nd 474 (Minn. 1981). In Tamarac, the city council had refused to renew the license of the Inn due to a new zoning law and for alleged liquor ordinance violations that were no more serious than others in the City. The Minnesota Supreme Court held that the city council's action in denying the renewal was arbitrary and capricious. Mr. Hessler has a significant investment in the premises and there is no evidence that he is not of good character and should not have been allowed the administrative authorization to continue to operate the rental hall beyond September 10, 1996. Although there is not an official grandfather clause in the case at bar, the rationale of the Tamarac case does apply. Mr. Hessler had a property interest and a reasonable expectation that his license would be granted. Whether he simply continued the contractual obligations of the Cameroon Group or entered into new rental contracts is irrelevant to this case. 5 �� /���� The City has not proven Mr. Hessler to be of unfit character or that he violated any reasonable conditions or regulations in connection with the operation of his rental hall. The license should be granted. RAM vault/ram/heslrmem.doc/jh 6