96-1552 �-�, r--; i Return copy to: (bn) � E i �` � �� � �`�� �� � Council �ile �{�b\5�Z Real Estate Division � 140 City Hall Green Sheet #� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 18 ���� r � r�nt�a sy V Referrcd To Committee: Date i WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, acting through its Valuation Engineer, has secured an agreement for the z purchase of three parcels of real property, described as follows: 3 a Parcel 17. s Lots 2&3, Block 11, Burlington Heights Division Number 1, Ramsey County, Minnesota. 6 � Parcel 18. s Lots 10& 11, Block l, Burlington Heights Division Number 1, Ramsey County, Minnesota 9 10 Parcel7. i i Easement for Bluff Preservation over ia Lots 45, 46&47, Block 9, Burlington Heights Division Number 2, Ramsey County, Minnesota 13 ia WHEREAS, said property described is necessary for Bluff Preservation in the Highwood Bluff Acquisition is Project, said property was Final Ordered for acquisition on May 1, 1996 with Council File#96-435. The value of ib the property for parcel 17 is Twenty-four Thousand Dollars($24,000.), Parcel 18 is Ten Thousarid and Five i� Hundred Dollars ($10,500) and Parcel7 Fow Thousand Dollars($4,000), this being a fair and reasonable value is as determi�d by an independent appraiser; and 19 a.o WHEREAS, the Valuation Engineer has recommended the purchase of said properties at the recommended values; zi 22 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City off'icials are hereby authorized and directed to pay z� Arthur C. and Mary C. Nilsson the sum of$24,000 for parcel 17 and Barbara L. Beckrich the sum of$10,500 and �a James A. Weber and Kenneth M. Blake the sum of$4,000 for the purchase of said properties. Said sum to be 2s charged to Activity Code: CPL-C96-2A020-0786-00000. � 2� Yeas Na s Absent Blake 0 Requested by Department of: Bostrom 0 Finance & Management Services Guerin 0 Harris 0 Me ard 0 B • Rettman 0 �/�✓ Directo �o Thune 0 Form Approved by City Attorney 1� �� /� , J,/ Adopted by Council: Date By: 2�j-���`�'�� /•2 -�- l� Adopti Certified by Council Secretary By: �- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Ma r: Da � � , By: 1� By:�i� —\��Z F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION ��� 12/4/96 Grcen Sheet Number: 39499 Ernx�rrr n�c�roR 4 couxcn r�,�.�a rx�N��: ,�� M11,�1610R IIOUfI10 «� 1 rrY Az-roxr� c� eter White 266 � UDGET DIRTCTOR 2 .�c MGT.SVC.DIIt, �t be a�CaiYH�3l by: 12/18/96 3 YOR(OR ASSISTANTj OTAL# OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATIJRE� CTION REQUESTED: Sign Council Resolution authorizing the purchase of 3 parcel of vacant land for the Iiighwood � Bluff Acquisition Project. Council Fyle#96-435 (attache� bII1�iDATIONS:APPROVE(�OR RE.IECT(R) NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSf ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the peraon/6rm ever workcd mrkr a aoatract for tltis depertment? YFS NO r�nrnvnva co�w� ernFn . Has this personlffrm ever been a City empbyce? RE�EIVED YES NO CIVII.66RVIC6 COMII�SION D�1� �'9 �.7 J v . Does this persw�/tirm possess e a�not norn�eDY P�63'�Y YES NO �m ro� �t c��a�ce7 MAYOR'S OFFICf a8 YES answers o�a se �eet and aWch. RTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? n S ace and Bluff Preservation COUNCIL WARD(S� 7 DISfRICT PLAIVNING COUNCIL � IATING PROBLEM,ISSfJE,OPPORTUDiITY(Who,Wlmt,When,Where,Why?): The properties are to steep to build on per City building codes. DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The city will have acquired the properties that are to steep to build on and will not have to turn down future building permits. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. D�C 11 1996 ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � y� The City could be required by the courts to purchase the properties for not granting a � buil rmit. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $��5� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCL$ONE) YES NO nvc souxc�: CIB and Federal Funds A�T���� CPL-C96-2A020-0786-00000 ANCIAL IlVFORMATION:(EXPLAIl� ; y. r�; �`o—���Z., k;;; ti..l: � �-< .. � • � . . •. �a O O w�l,' ' � 3y:�,�,����. //1 M yYy; . \V M.! . �;i.�.` _ � O ;�y. N i �•- (p �t- ��� � :<x�• Q ^ z`:'s:� w :�%��'. F�— /� . . .>•tT,';ti... • • � • l.L . . n ��+1�'��., li. � yKy;``,. , � , �:� � . �.; . •;�°` • L(7 L - O ;;i,.. : � , <; � g- � `.i �' y^� ... (Q � � ,1 ICI . � Jl N �t, r \ fi.�'.;,. ti : � � �f � i �7iY �. � v ^,� � • O[I � � . : .y '/� � ! ti ;\l0 . . -Y<kC v' '�-•Y..y���_ _ ,� `� ���a . � . z:.�,: .. , � _ r �� '� \ � f>}.;;:�. � _ �ry � 1 v� • ��� A � ' � � ' l `� /� � � � ,� , w ..�T �]I � 1 ' J .: �^ . '`• _ i:,i . �e. 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N 1 Q W Z J '.' f0 S Q W Z J �� �[O Q W � • > acai v� oa Ya N � � � �< � ¢ pa - t—i ��n •- � f- o �ai ° a �o ru�i .- m � o Q >`` _. .. � `` . � - ;:�'s i,';; . . ..-:F,.'-:r . � �..{,�`.; t 1r ,�_y„_�!. 1P� �..q�j �' r � r ' -�i;7s � :- � �. , ,.�,_;_ ; .� . . �'M��D �- ,p � s� � � q c� � ` b . �e-���z � 4 � .. . . _ - . , i ('� CITY OF SAINT PAa�'1, p���,�Q�NCa[i� N0. . � . FINAL OSDSB ?IH � . BY CONDEMNATION P�OCBEDYNGS ' ' FILB N0. 18817 � ' VOTING WA.SD 7 . .� ' . � In the Ma�ter of Acquiring of property for bluff preservation and open space the following described property : . A Lot 12 , Block 1 ; �� Lots 24 thru 26 , Block 6 ; .� Lot 31 , B1ock 6 , ` Except the South 61 /104 feet of Lot 40 , Block 6 ; Except South 30 feet of Lots 1 thru 3 , Block 6 ; Beginning on the Northwest corner of Lot 54 thence to a point on the Southerly Iine of �and 60 feet from the West line of Lot 54 thence to Southwest corner of Lot 51 thence to beginning and .all of Lot 55 , Block 10; - Lot 5o and 57 , Blo�k 10 ; Vac�ated alley East of and ad,jacent to and the East 35 feet of Lot 1 and all of Lots 58 and 59 , Block 10 ; Lots 5 , 6 and 7 , Block 10 ; � Northwesterly triangular part of Lot 9 being 50 feet on the North line and 38 feet on the West line and all of Lot 8 , Block 10 ; Sub�ect to road , The following ; Beginning on the Northwesterly line of Lot 11 at a point 50 feet Northerly of the Southwesterly line , thence Southeasterly parallel with and 50 feet Northerl of the Southwesterly line of Lot 11 and 12 to the Southeasterly line of Lot 12 , thence Northeasterly along the Southeasterly Iines of`�Lot 12 an 49 to the Northeasterly line of Lot 49 ,thence Northwesterly and Westerly alon the Northerly lines of Lot 49 and 50 to the . Northwesterly line of Lot 50 , � t ence Southwesterly along the Northwesterly line of Lot 50 and its Southw�terly extension to the intersection of� the Northwesterly line of Lot 11 , thence Southwesterly along the Northwesterly line of Lot 11 to the point of beginning; being part of Lots 11 , 12 , 49 and Lot 50 , Block 10; Lots 2 and 3, Block '1.1 ; � Lots 10 and 11 , Block 11 ; - Lot 42 , Block 12 ; Burlington Heights , Division Number 1 , Ramsey County , Minnesota. Section 14 Township 28 Range 22 with and sub�ect to road easements , beginning at the corner of Garden Avenue and Weymouth Street thence Northwesterly on. said street 150 feet thence Northeasterly parallel with said avenue 50 and 4/10 feet , � thence Southeasterly 150 feet to point on said Avenue 50 feet Northeasterly from said street thence Southweaterly 50 feet to the beginning in Northwest 1/4 of , the Northeast 1/4 of Section 14 Township 28 Range 22 ; � - � � .. .. �� . / � y _ Ml .��.. ...�j . - ' =' ' - �'' �'1����Z , � � 1'. a� � � � , �,� EN��o -- s�� la� _ a a�j. _. ", ���.?�4'�': '_''`� w.y� � ` ,; . . �. Lot 17 , Block 1 ; � • Except widened Afton Road , Lot 13 thru 16 , Block 1 ; Lot 37 and 38 and the ad3acent 1/2 of vacated Edgewood Place , � Block 6; ' Lots 26 and 27 , Block 7 ; Lot 33 , Block 7 ; . Lot 35 , Block 7; Lat 17 , Block 8; Lot 45 thru 47 , Block 9; � Lot 69 , Block 9 ; Lot 66 and 68 , Block 9 ; , Burlington Heights , Division Number 2 , Ramsey County , Minnesota. under Preliminary Order � �— p�Qq approved '� .�,. a,g . �qq� A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice , and the Council having heard all persons , objections and recommendations relative thereto , and having fully considered the same ; therefore , be it i RESOLDED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made � � - RESOLVED FIIBTHSB, That the Council hereby determines the estate required ( for this improvement to be fee simple , absolute and easementa as described ,,.f'' above; snd the City officers and City Attorney are hereby suthorized and � directed to take all actions necessary to acquire said real estate bq �purchase or eminent domain.� . • -i��rtber-Hese��ed;-��at-t�te-@oesrref�-�ere�r-�etermfaea-that-t�e-eatate-- �eqetfred-fer-ti�fa-fmproroement-�e-aa-dt�ettf�sed-a�btie;-and-t�at-t�e-preger-&fty offfeera�an�mft-a-zepott-to-t�t-Efty-Een�ef4-far-t�ie-parpaae-ef-t�e-8eaaef�1a maief ag-an-aKard-cf-damagea-f br-t�he-fr�tereat-neqtifred-ar�d-determfnatfea-ef- aaaeas�enta;-ff-aay-,-agafnat-t�e-�eaefftted-propert�: ' s . _ COUNCILPBBSOPS Adopted bq Council : Date���� �^\qa�e Yeas Nays � � -. . Bakey Certified Passed by Council Secretarq ✓�o t r o m ✓��rin . ._. �; M ;'. �H a r r i s � �_I'� ,F a v o r B y��,: 2. _ �,v-.�_ _ , �^_-__ ,�1 ✓F�egard � ' . ✓�ttman �Against � S 1 vT'Fiune Mayor , . ,