96-1540 . r i, ..'.,ol t CITY dF ST. PAtJI, q�,.,,f � �Q " � CO[A�1CIL FI NO. _l.ri_ FIN71L ORDER gy l ���'� FII.t NO, 18835 VO'PING W�RD 3 Irt the Msttnr of asse�sments for the constructian of storm sewer cannectians, sanitary 9ewer connection�, and/or vvater aerviee connectiona when requeated by the praperty owner in essociation with the Margan/Edgcumbe Aree 5tr�et Fevinq gnd Lighting Froject. under Freliminary Order � ^ � � ,q �ppraved Q ,� . �� `q q(o ���T= The Council af the City af saint Faul has conducted a public �iearing upon the abave impravement, due natice thereaf having been given aa pre�cribed by the City Charter; and WHERF.AS, Th� Cauncil hes heard sll persans, cbjections and recoma►endsti�r,g pertaining ta �aid propo�ed im�ravement an� tiaa fu12y can�idered th� 9ame; now, therefore, �e it RESOLVED, That the Council c�f the City af Ssint Faul daes hereby ord�r that the above-de�cribed improvement be made, and the proper c;ity officer� are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the impravement; and be it F'CTRTHER RESOLVED, Thst upon the campletion of said impravement, the praper City officers shell calculate all expenses incurred therein and shell report the seme ta the City �ouncil in accardance with Cha.pter 14 vf the City Charter. COUNCILPERSONS Adapted by Council: Date ��. \���9� Yeas Nays ��keY C:ertified Pas�ed by Gauncil Secretary ✓� ��Stram ✓�Guerin ✓� H�a ris �In F'avar By �-� a- . ��w., vPiegard ��- R�ttman •- A.��h� QAgainst � If� `E�i��� �,�iiune Mayor � ��b-S�.rv+- Public Hearin Date - December ll 1996 � RE 10-4-96 �� _`"�� � g � F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: October 1, 1996 Green Sheet Number: 39486 EPARTh1EMf DIRECTOR iTY COUNCIL ontact Penoa and Phone Num6er. ..,. ,�.�� � � ITY ATTORNEY ITY CLERK eter White 266-885 UDGET DIRECTOR .�MGT.SVC.DIR o�c ee o�con�a ai�:no tater t6an Oct 23,1996, YOR(OR ASSISTANT) 1 ouxcu.�s�nxcx or Public Hearin on December 11,1996 OTAL#OF SIGNATLTRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CfION REQUESTED: 1.Set date otDecember 11,1996,tor the Public Hearing to Final Order the construction of atorm sewer rnnnections,sanitary aewer nnectiona and water servke connectfwns built$t the request of the property owner ln assoclation w�fth the MORGAN/EDGCiTMBE A RESIDENTIAL STREET PAVING&LIGHTING PROJECT,Fivance File#18835. Approve aaid projeM. CO1�.NDATIONS:APPROVE(A)OR RETECT(R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINC: . Hu the person/Hrm ever worked wider a contract for thfs depadment? YES NO � PWIYNINGCOMMIS8tOt1 A �STAFF . Has thia peisod6rm ever been a City employee? YES NO CML SERVIC6 COMMISStON . Does this per�ai/flrm poasas a sldll not�arn�ally pos�ased by any YES NO current City employce+ cte rn�rrrEE E: aII YES nnswe�a on a se rate aheet and Attach UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Better& Safer Nei hborhoods COUNCII.WARD(S'� � DISfRICf PLANIYING COUIYCIL �g NITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why?): Res[dential Street Paving Prngram prnject is being constructed in t6e MORGAN/EDGCUMBE Area Property owners are being iven the opportunity to request the con�truction of new connections at the time of the aubject madway work VANTAGES IF APPROVED: oastructing connections during other construction work will cost less than if the roads would have to be dug up and r�onstrusted to o connections at another tlme. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: 6e total cost of the conattuct[on of the requested connertions would be aaaeaaed to the subject property. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: onstructing these connectiona apart frnm other toad work would be much more eipensive. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO INC SOURCE: To be assessed at actual cost to construct. AGTIVITY NUMBER: ANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIIh SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS � �--�S 1� Morgan/Edgcumbe RSP (Area 85) City Project No. 97-P-8101 Report Prepared - 8-21-96 Report Revised - 8-27-96 Public Hearing - 12-11-96 � PROJECT . Construction of concrete curb and gutter, new bituminous surfaced roadways, concrete driveway aprons, boulevard sodding, tree planting, water and sewer service connections and reconnections, sanitary sewer repairs, and installation of a lantern style lighting system in the area called Morgan/Edgcumbe RSP Project (Area 85), generally bounded by Cleveland Avenue on the west, Magoffin Avenue on the north, Davern Street on the east, and Worcester Avenue on the south (see attached map). EXISTING CONDITIONS The ma,�ority of the streets within the project area are oiled streets. Edgcumbe � Road is an older paved street. Some of the oiled streets have entire blocks or sections of concrete curb. The oiled street surfaces are in fair to poor condition. The majority of the existing street lighting within the project area is NSP wood pole lighting on the oiled streets, with bent straw type lighting on Edgcumbe Road. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS Improve the following older paved streets by the construction of concrete curb and gutter, new bituminous surfaced roadway, concrete driveway aprons, boulevard sodding, and a lantern style street lighting system. (The proposed street widths are shown in parenthesis.) EDGCUMBE ROAD - S. FAIRVIEW AVENUE TO HILL'POP LANE (40') EDGCUMBE ROAD -HILL'POP LANE TO DAVERN STREET (82'DIVIDED ROADWA� EDGCUMBE ROAD - DAVERN STREET TO SNELLING AVENUE (20',WESTBOUND SIDE ONLl� EDGCUMBE ROAD - SNELLING AVENUE TO ST: DENIVIS ROAD (82'DIVIDED ROADWAI� EDGCUMBE ROAD - LOWER ST. DENIVIS ROAD TO MONTREAL (40') On Edgcumbe Road between S. Fairview and Hilltop, the north half of the street was reconstructed recently, with curb and gutter, as part of a sewer separation project. That part of the roadway is still in good condition and should not be replaced. The south half of the street, however is in poor condit�on and will be replaced as part of this pro,�ect. The north half will be milled so that the wearing course will be placed over the full widtri of the street. The lantern style street lights will be added to both sides of the roadway at this time. The assessment rate for the north half of the street will be based 1 �t � - ��y� on the cost to mill and overlay that side of the street, as those property owners were not assessed when the paving was done before. Improve the following oiled streets by the construction of concrete curb and gutter, new bituminous surfaced roadway, concrete driveway aprons, boulevard sodding, and a lantern style street�light�ng system. (The proposed street widths are shown in parenthesis.) . � MAGOFFIN AVENUE- CLEVELAND AVENUE TO RET[JRN COURT (30') THURE AVENUE - CLEVELAND AVENUE TO RET(JRN COURT (30') 1TASCA AVENUE- CLEVELAND AVENUE TO RET[JRN COURT (30') BORDNER AVENUE- CLEVELAND AVENUE TO RETIJRN COURT (30') F2AMLOW PLACE- CLEVELAND AVENUE TO RETURN COURT (30� MORGAN AVENUE- CLEVELAND AVENUE'PO RETURN COURT (30') MORGAN AVENUE - COLETTE PLACE TO WORCESTER AVENUE (32') MORGAN AVENUE - EDGCUMBE ROAD TO DAVERN STF2EET (32') WORCESTER AVENUE - CLEVELAND AVENUE TO RET[JRN COURT (30') WORCESTER AVENUE- COLE'ITE PLACE'PO ST. PAUL AVENUE (32') RET[JRN COURT - TfASCA AVENUE'PO FIELD AVENUE (26'-28') COLETTE PLACE - MORGAN AVENUE TO WORCESTER AVENUE (32') gUIRNIA AVENUE - ST: PAUL AVENUE TO EDGCUMBE ROAD (24') SUNNYSLOPE LANE - EDGCUMBE ROAD'PO CUL DE SAC (30') SHELBY PLACE -EDGCUMBE ROAD TO CUL DE SAC (26'-28') Add a lantern style street lighting system on the following paved street to complete the neighborhood lighting system. FIELD AVENUE - PRIOR AVENUE TO CUL DE SAC ALTERNATES To do nothing would be inconsistent with the City's commitment to improve existing oiled and older paved residential streets. POSITIVE BENEFITS General improvement of the public right-of-way will enhance and add quality to the neighborhood. The newly rebuilt roadways will restore drivability in the neighborhood, and continue the City's efforts to improve the street system in Saint Paul. Street oiling will be eliminated. Lantern style lighting will enhance neighborhood safety and esthetics. ADVERSE EFFECTS Normal problems associated with construction such as noise, dust and general disruption will be present. EFFECTS ON TREES . The alignment of the curbs will be selected to minimize the loss of trees. New trees will be planted as part of the boulevard restoration. 2 �� _�s- �c� TIME SCHEDULE The project will begin in the spring of 1997 and will be completed by late fall of 1997. There will be further restrictions on the amount of time work is done on individual segments of streets. COST ESTIMATE � Street Paving $ 1,470,560 Lighting $ soo,000 Miscellaneous � $ 147.056 PROJECT TOTAL $2,217,616 ESTIMATED FINANCING 1997 CIB $ 1,699,505 Assessments $ 518.111 PROJF.CT TOTAL $2�217�616 The assessment rates for the street paving and lighting are: $23.83 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for the street paving on residential streets $2.55 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for the street paving on the north half of Edgcumbe Road between Fairview and Hilltop $4.21 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for lantern style street lighting on residential streets SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For additional information contact the Project Engineer, Lisa Falk. at 266- 6117. SUMMARY AND RECONIII�NDATION The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile pro�ect, and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the pro�ect and financing. Respectfully submitted, Stacy Becker Director of Public Works � lf 3 J � fA g. � F— c 0 �y d W � >+ �. �� � O > p ; o a Q .� ,d C� E aci � A8�3►tS � � � �"' � ; O � W � rn a m J J � g N � � � � � � � � V Z C � � Mpj •� s s � � Za aa '_'�i o F, � • e C a W Z � W E���NG � d Q � . O LL � N �N� St'�E� � f � m � � LOwER •lg N213nv0 __ � � � a < .: C � '1� S < v+ 'S � �as 3ai SdKV'N � ` Y < 'H'1 dO1T11M k' v � � _ � s r = � 4 Nin'rOJ � � n �C3 woa � — — �a < � � � ��� � � �� � � �� �RZ / � � � � C� � r� � .�,� o ��. � �: o� � �,a��� � <� �� � � 0 � ao�ad �s �/� �i� �>,, � _ . aowd �- � �' �v � 3�Y1d 0 31.13'10� ,o/ � o • * � � < < < � _ � � � gF ` � � g � � � � �� � _ � � � � � ,L_� � 0 (-� •3nv arr�rl3n3» •s � Sy,Qe'� �►�SS` Q}, S� -�� ��! ��� ! �� � ����� .:, ���� i S y� � � �� �.� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FI NO. . PRELIMINARY ORDER H� IS FILE NO. 18835 VDTING WARD 3 Ia the Matter of a8sessments for the constructi�n of etorm sewEr car�2iections, �anitary aewer connection�, and/or water aervice cannectiona when requeated by the property owner in essociatian with the Margan/Edgcumbe Area Street Paving end Lightinq Project. The Council of the City of Saint Paul r,aving received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, t�nd having can�idered �aid report, hereby reaolve�: 1. That the 9aid report and the �ame i3 hereby ap�roved with no alternetives, and that tr�e �stimated cast th�reaf is per cCr�r,ectian a9se9�ed at the co�t in effect at the time of in�tallation. 2. That a public hearing be had on �aid improvement on the �,lth day of DecemZ+er� 1996 at 4 :30 o'clack P.M. , in tt�e Cauncil ChemL�Ers ef the City H�11 and Court Hou�e Building in the City of Saint Paul. - 3. That notice of �aid public hearing be given to the �eraon� and in the mariner pravid�d by the Charter, str�ting the time and place c,f hearing, the nature of the improvement and tt�e total cost thereof as estimated. Yeas�CILPERSONrS s Adapted by Council: Date �lqc� P ' � y �� V t3lakey �astrom Certified Fassed by Council 5ecretary ✓U�uerin �rris �In Fevor By `��� a �,v��� �g a r� � � --�- Rettmar� — �1pS�h-�-- Q Against 1�'!'�iune 1 I�,�p��r;�"' Mayor