96-1536 � � � 1� � � b � � �� �� I 9� Council File#��3� Green Sheet# 3 S��o p SOLUTION CITY OF S N PAUL, MINNESOTA '/ Presented by Referred To Committee Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the November 19, 2 1996 decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer: 3 Propertv A�pealed Ap eln lant 4 645 Lafond Donald Hobbs 5 Decision: E�e��t�e�e�vv��e�-b��,�bl��e�r. Deny the appeal with the stipulation that the occupancy will be held to the standard and a reins ection re ort will be done in six (6) months. o� s�v�r� 6 FURTHER RESOLVED,that this action shall become effective immediately upon approval of the Mayor. Yeas Na s Absent Requested by Department of: Blakey � Bostrom ,/ Guerin �/ Harris i/� Megard By: Rettman .✓ ��e �� Form Approved by City Attorney , By: Adopted by Council: Date � \\ . \gq � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY� -'�� � � ���. �.�By: Approved by Mayor: Date 3� By: '� �C q`-�53� crrY covrrcn. l�si�� GiREEN SiiEET :�° 3 5 7 0 0 � �oea►r+�Hr a��� �cirv cti�c� �DA� Gerry Strathman 266-8575 N�� ❑cm nTroaNer �cmr c��m „�, ❑���o,�� a�.a�$��. December 11, 1996 �" ❑�unroA(�nesisrMrr, p T+OTAL#t OF SIONATURE P�i�$ (CLIP AlL IACATIONS FOR SKiNATUR� �cra��uEer�u: � Approving the dxision of the Legialative Hearing Officer on Property Code Enforcemant Appeals for the November 19� 1996 mceting. I�EC�AMENDr►T10N8:Appow(p a R�or(R) PER80NAl SEIIVICE CONTRACTS MtlST AN�WER THE RO�LOYItINti QII�TIONi: _PWiMINO CWAYIISBION _�CRIIL.8El1VIf�COMAMBBiON 1. Hae Ude peraonRkm sver woNced undK a CorMf�Ct 1or Ws d�p�[krlNlt? - _��� _ YE3 �NO 2. Haa this ps►sonlMnn ever bsen a cMy employea? _8TAFF — YES NO �OIBTRICT f:OIiRT _ 3. Does thie persOMirm possses a ekiN r1�nonnelly Po�ed bY anY Cu�eM d�y N�ylS? �TS WNK�i COUNCIL Q8JEC77vE9 YES NO EzpNin di y�s�nswKS on s�ab�hNt end�eh to prMn Na�t IN1ilATM10 PROlLEY1�ISSUE.OPPONRfNITY M1lw.whu.wMn.wMn.WI+Y): ADVANTA9E8�IIPPFOVED: DlSADVANTAQES IF APPFiOYED: ae�ov�wr�c�s�Nar�nPnoveo: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TIIANiACTION i C08T/REVENUE BIIDfiETED(CIRCLE Ot�) YE� NO WNDING SOUi10E XCTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCIAI INFORMATION:(FXPI.AIN) ac, -� s � � ��� [ � E , p � �� CrN � �� Council File _ � ' y �� �_ ��`�'1,q�. Green Sheet#�S�i9 7 RESOLUTION ,l CI OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 7'T Presented by Referred To Committee Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the November 19, 2 1996 decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer: 3 Propertv Ap�ealed ,� _ ` Appellant 4 968 Burr Street �`�^� ���- �� Elvera Schneider 5 Decision: Deny appeal. O e.c.. ��� �°1°1 ` . C_ _ , � �� ... ����'119,�. v...,�� . 6 645 Lafond Donald Hobbs 7 Decision: Condemnation order was removed by Public Health.� Lc".� Onre,`, -�-o Qe.c. ����al°lSe C:4 C�u,Ne�'�. M�. — ���Z')�1�. 8 771 W. Hoyt Avenue �ichard Fleming 9 Decision: Grant extension to May 30, 1997 to make the necessary repairs to sewer. 10 41 Miller Crest Lane Lowell & Corinne Coulter 11 Decision: Grant appeal conditioned on re-occupancy of building within 90 days. 12 265 Dayton Avenue John and Patrice May 13 Decision: Grant three year variance. 14 596 Portland Avenue Richard Koplen 15 Decision: Deny appeal. Premises must be vacated by December 31, 1996. 16 935 Goodrich Ave. #10 Candace Booker 17 Decision: Deny appeal. 18 2230 Carter Avenue Milton Investments 19 Decision: Grant extension for 60 days to rebuild stairs for second exit for second floor. Grant extension to 20 April 1, 1997 to complete repairs to exterior and roof. 21 FURTHER RESOLVED, that this action shall become effective immediately upon approval of the Mayor. �� -, � � � E���� � ,� <� �`����9'�3 � � . . 6 ����� ��� Yeas Na s Absent Requested by Department of: Blakey Bostrom � Guerin � Harris ✓ Megard ✓ By: Rettman �/ Thune Form Approved by City Attorney By: Adopted by Council: Date �� ,.l.R _ �qq� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ��__.�,�` � 1•� By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: DEPARTMENT/OfFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED �� � S� � O CITY COUNCIL 11/19/96 GREEN SHEET N_ _3 5 6 9 7 CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAWATE a DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCII Gerry Strathman 266-8575 ASSIGN a CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK NUMBERFOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(OATE) qOUTINO a BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.3 MOT.SERVICES DIR. November 27, 1996 ORDEH �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED: Approving the decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer on Property Code Enforcement Appeals for the November 19, 1996 meeting. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Rejeel(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWIN(i�UESTIONS: _ PLANNINO COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Hes this person/flrm ever worked under e contract for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee4 _ STAFF — YES NO _ DISTRICT COURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possesa a sklll not normatly possessed by a�y current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVEI YES NO Explaln sll yas answen on�sparate sheet end attach to green shest INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPP�RTUNITY(Who,Wha6 When,Where,Why): ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGE9 IF APPROVEO: c�u��� �?����r�, c���f ��� �:� a��� DISAOVANTAf3ES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUD(iETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOFiMATION:(EXPUIIN) G � - � s � � Property Code Enforcement Meeting +� November 19, 1996 968 Burr Street Elvera Schneider, property owner, appeared and stated that she had rat holes in the boulevard and she had been infortned that this was caused by a break in the sewer line. She explained that in 1991,she had the same problem with rat holes in the boulevard which was caused by a break in the sewer•line. At that time, she did not have the money to hire a contractor to do the work so she allowed the city to contract to have the sewer line repaired. She was assessed $2,164.95 for this work which went against her property taxes and she subsequently refinanced her mortgage to pay off the assessment. In 1993, she discovered rat holes in her boulevard and a fog test determined that the problem was an open drain hole in the adjoining neighbor's property. She had the sewer line video scoped at that time and was told that the sewer line had four bends in it rather than a straight connection to the main sewer line in the street. Since it was this same area that had been repaired in 1991 and now had a disconnection in the sewer line again, she believed that the contractor that made the repairs in 1991 did not do a competent job. It was her opinion that the contractor should have made a straight connection to the main line rather than repairing the bend that had separated. She did not believe she should be liable for paying to have the sewer line repaired again. Linda Schneider, daughter, appeared and stated that the inspector had indicated to her that sewer line had not been repaired properly,however,the inspector now denied making the statement. Her mother could not afford to have the sewer line repaired every five years at a cost of$3,000 each time. Bill Awker, Public Works, stated that he was the inspector on this property and was present when Animal Control conducted the recent fog test. The fog came through the main sewer line which indicated that there was a break in the sewer line. The property owner questioned why the sewer line was not a straight connection and why the contractor hadn't repaired all of the bends. He indicated to her that whoever originally constructed the sewer line when the house was built may have had to construct the bends because of an obstruction in the boulevard. When the sewer line was repaired in 1991,the contractor only went down where the rat holes appeared and repaired the bad joint. The contractor did not have the authority to dig up the entire line for exploratory purposes to look for additional breaks. The sewer line was video scoped in 1993 and it was clear that the scope made it around four of the bends and it did not show that there were any bad spots in the sewer line at that time. Dave Dickhut, Public Works, stated that they were unsure as to where the break was located now as they had not video scoped the sewer line and the rat holes were the only indication of where the break may be. The current rat holes in the boulevard were not in the same location as the repair that was made in 1991. It was his opinion that the construction of the sewer line was a contributing factor to the breaks in the line. If the sewer line now was constructed in a straight line, this would be the cost equivalent of a new connection and could cost from$1,500 to $4,000. The estimated cost to repair the area where the rat holes appear could be $1,000 to $1,200. The contributing cost for the repair in 1991 was due to the fact that a retaining wall had to be restored because of the construction. Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer, stated that it was the property owner's responsibility to repair any breaks in the sewer line since the original construction was not done by the city. Since the current break was in a different location than the repair that was made in 1991, the city would not be responsible for affording the cost to repair this break. He recommended denial of the appeal. � c� _ � 5 � � Property Code Enforcement Meeting November 19, 1996 �. Page - 2 - 645 Lafond Gloria Hobbs, property owner, appeared with her son Donald Hobbs. Mr. Hobbs stated that they were appealing the condemnation as all of the repairs on the list from Public Health had been made. Dick Lippert, FORCE Unit, stated that the property was condemned in association with a narcotics investigation. He had inspected the properiy the previous day and all of the repairs had been made. The only issue that was still a concern was overcrowding of the house. At one point in time, 14 people resided in the home. In measuring the square footage of the house, the habitable living space would only accommodate seven people. He was unsure as to how many people actually resided in the home. Mr. Hobbs stated that only three people were living in the house as the present time. His sister, who lived in the house, was in the process of regaining custody of her children. If she was successful,there would only be seven people living in the house. Mr. Strathman asked whether Public Health would be willing to remove the condemnation order since the owner had complied with all of the violations. Mr. Lippert stated that he would recommend removing the order for condemnation. 771 W. Hoyt Avenue Richard Fleming,property owner, appeared and stated that he was appealing the order to repair his sewer line. He discovered holes in his boulevard and after repeatedly fllling them in and they would reappear, he contacted Animal Control. They did a fog test and smoke came out of the main sewer line indicating that there was a break somewhere in the line. He believed that the break could have occurred when sewer work was done in 1993. He also did not believe that he was being given sufficient time to make the correction. Dave Dickhut, Public Works, stated that the storm sewer was installed on the opposite side of the street in 1992. He did not believe that the present problem with the break in the line was due to the work which was done in 1992. Considering the location of the holes,he believed that the break was in the boulevard,however, the only way to determine this ��vould be to video scope tlie sewer line. He did not believe that this was necessary, however, since most likely the break was straight down from the location of the holes. Maynard Vinge, Public Health, suggested that the owner contact Animal Control and they could inform him liow to bait the holes to temporarily get rid of the rats. He could then fill in the holes which should take care of the problem until he was able to make the repairs in the spring. Mr. Strat}unan recommended granting an extension to May 30, 1997 to make the repairs. 41 Miller Crest Lane Lowell & Corinne Coulter, property owners, appeared. Mr. Coulter stated that they were appealing the registered vacant building fee. Although they did not reside in the home, he had maintained the property as though it were occupied. He did not believe the building qualified as a vacant building and they should not �tL - � S � S� Property Code Enforcement Meeting November 19, 1996 Page - 3 - be required to pay the$200 fee. Mrs. Coulter stated that the reason the house was not occupied was because they purchased the property before they sold their present home and had not been able to sell it to date. It was their intention to move into the home once they sold their present property. Steve Magner,Public Health, stated that the building was secured and had been vacant for nine years. There had been two summary abatement orders issued against the property for nuisance violations. Since the building had been unoccupied for more than one year, it met the code definition of a registered vacant building. Mr. Strathman granted the appeal conditioned on the re-occupancy of the building within 90 days. 265 Dayton Avenue John and Patrice May, property owners, appeared. Mr. May stated that they were appealing the order to disconnect the rainleader from their apartment building. The building had a flat roof and because it was in the historic preservation district, they were not allowed to construct a peaked roof which would allow for the rainwater to run off the roof. The nearest storm sewer drain was located approximately 275 feet away from the building. The building presently had one down spout which drained onto the driveway and not only caused ice build-up but they experienced water flooding the basement apartments and disconnecting the central drain would only cause further flooding. The drain they were being requested to disconnect ran through the center of the building and would cause a hardship to plumb out since they would have to go through closets in each unit in the building. Don Stein, Public Works, presented pictures of the property. He stated that the nearest storm sewers were located on St. Louis Street and Farrington. At the present time, there was no plan to construct a storm sewer on Dayton Avenue. It was his opinion that the rainleader could be disconnected with the water draining to the ground. Mr. Strathman stated that federal law mandated that all storm sewers be separated from the sanitary sewer. He did not have the authority to grant an appeal since the law did not allow for special circumstances. He granted a three year variance and suggested that the owners try to find a way in which to address the situation. 596 Portland Avenue Richard Koplen, a tenant in the building, appeared and stated that he filed the appeal for condemnation of the building and order to vacate since the owner had not done so. He had resided in the building since January, 1996 and did not want to move as the rent was affordable and the location was convenient. He agreed that the building should have a certificate of occupancy to ensure for safety, however, he did not want to move. James Thomas, a tenant in the building, appeared and stated that he did not want to move out of the building. He contacted the Tenant's Union to find out if there was any remedy they could pursue in not having to vacate the building and was informed that they could file an appeal on their own behalf. Jay Karlovich,attorney representing the property owner,appeared with the owner's son, Harlan Heichel. Mr. Karlovich stated that he did not believe the owner was competent in maintaining the property. Mr. Heichel � �- � 53 � Property Code Enforcement Meeting Q . November 19, 1996 Page -4 - indicated to him that he did not believe the building needed a certificate of occupancy. He advised Mr. Heichel that it would be more advantageous to have a certificate of occupancy for the building and to work � with Fire Prevention inspectors. He indicated that there was a similar situation with the building at 592 Portland and Harlan Heichel was working with the inspectors to have an inspection and obtain a certificate of occupancy. He requested that the same consideration be given for this property. Pat Fish, Fire Prevention, stated that the building never had a certificate of occupancy and was condemned in 1990. The condemnation had never been removed. The most significant problem with the property was that the property was not zoned properly. The owner had requested a variance which had been denied and was instructed to deconvert the building to a duplex. She was concerned that the building had never been inspected and there were likely a number of deficiencies which would need to be corrected. She was unsure as to whether Mr. Heichel would authorize his son to make the necessary repairs that would be required to bring the building up to code. Mr. Strathman stated that since the building did not have a certificate occupancy, it was not allowed to be occupied in this manner. Since this had been an on-going problem, he denied the appeal and recommended a vacate date of December 31, 1996. 935 Goodrich Ave. #10 The property owner did not appear. Pat Fish, Fire Prevention, stated that the apartment unit was condemned for gross unsanitary conditions. She believed it was a health hazard for the tenant as well as the tenants in the building. Mr. Stratlunan stated that he received a phone call from the appellant requesting the hearing be rescheduled and he denied the request. He denied the appeal. 2230 Carter Avenue Mary Ann Milton,representing Milton Investments,appeared and stated that she was appealing the revocation of the certificate of occupancy. They were in the process of making repairs to the building, l�owever, the contractor which they hired was not very expedient in finishing the work. They had removed the top story stairwell and intended to build a balcony. The footings for the stairway were in place and she requested additional time to be able to rebuild the stairs. Pat Fish, Fire Prevention, stated that this had been an on-going problem and that was why the certificate of occupancy had been revoked. There was a tenant located on the second floor and the code required that there be a second egress from the second floor. It was the inspector's opinion that this should have been completed by this time. Mr. Strathman granted a 60 day extension to repair the stairway and granted an extension to April 1, 1997 to complete the exterior painting and repairs to the roof. vms