96-1519 Council File # � S Ordinance # Green Sheet# 35411 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �2 �.7 Presented By -��lircr _ ,•_„ Referred To Comanittee: Date 1 RESOLVED: That application, ID #B-03177, for a new State Class B Gamblinq Premise 2 Permit by 1�T Amateur Rugby Foundation at Paul's Lounge, 1045 Hudson 3 Road, be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 6 Requested by Department of: 7 Nays Absent 8 Ba �y 9 Guer.�n Office of License. InsDections and i0 Har � Environmental Protection 13 —7 � Bostrom �/ Adopted by Council: Date Q�, �� t\�9� By' ��'�" � �-""""-' Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorne � ,� By: � By: Approved by Mayor: Date j 2 � 7 ���G c����� Approved by Mayor for Submission to By: Council By: ** NEED COPY I1�4EDIATELY ** �i�''� � �� LIEP �TE1 ��o �REEN SHEET N_ _3 5 411 �` E �DEPARTMENT DIRECTQR ���� �CITV tbllNCil INITIAUDATE William F. Gunther - 266-9132 �N �CITYATTORNEY �CRYCLERK w c �Po" �BUDOET DIRECT�i ��.a�r.seRV�s rm�. Hearin : /oZ °�" �wu►voA toR nas�sT� � TOTAL#t OF 8KiNATURE PA�#ES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIC3NATURE) ACt10N REGUESTED: Renneth Guenthner on behalf of MN Amateur Rugby Foundation requests Council approval of their application for a new State Class B Gambling Premise Permit, ID 4�B-03177, at Paul's Lounge, 1045 Hudson Road. RECOMMENDATIOI�B:Appove(A)a Rs�sct(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACT8 MUBT ANSWER THE FOI.LOWING OUESY'IONS: _PLMN�IO c�NUSSIOH _cnn�sERViCe oowa�xss�oN �. �es tl�is pereonnirm e�worked under a cmmact ta ada dsp.rbn.nt4 - _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has tMe persoNfirm eve�bsen a city ert�ployes? —�� — YES NO _DI8TRIC'i c�uR7 _ 3. Doea this person/(irm pos�ea a sk111 not nonnelb Puessead bY�Y���Y�� BUP�OATB NMICH COUNCIL OB,�CTIVE7 YES NO ExOlain ell�rp ensw�s on Nps�sM�t and ettaah to qr��I�t INfT1ATIM0 PROeLEM.188UE.OPPORNNiIY(Who.V�fist.WMn.Whsro,WhYI. AOVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: D18ADVANT/1i�jE8 IF APPROVED: DIBADVANTAGES IF NGf A�YED: T�OTA�AMOUNT OF TRANBACTION S C08TfREYENUE OUDfiETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIH�i SOURCE ACTIVITY NUYBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 35411 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST oate: � In Trackel? / � g6 App'n Received / App'n Processed °C��Lsi9 License ID # B-03177 Llcense Type: State Class B Gambl i n�, Premi Ge Perm�t Company Name: MN Amateur Rugby Foundation DBA: r11�11 �matetir Rughv FnnnAatinn Business Addresss: 1045 Hudson Road (Paul's Lounge) Business Phone: �9n-an�� ContaCt Name/Address: Kenneth Guenthner/CEO Home Phone: R9n-9n�� Date to Council Research: 6��B}tq"�erworth Ln. Corcoran 55340 Public Hearing Date:_�a. 1 I � 149b Labels Ordered: N/A Notice Sent to Applicant: District Council #: 04 Notice Sent to Public: N�A Ward #: �� Department/ Date Inspections Comments � City Attorney `� �i� ���7J 1"�'1 /02.�3/9 Jo I� 3 9.6 � o,� � / Environmental Health A' j� ��� Fire �l� License Site Plan Received: L.ease Received: /r � Police �e��rd (?�e�l�.• ����� � ' a � ��-���� � � Zoning �/ � �- . °f�-1. S 1�g FOR BOARD USE ONLY LG214 ., .,. ��: � ; .':; ��� � _ �,�9,� BASE# PP # FEE � Minnesota La�ful Gambiing CNECK Premises Permit Application - Part 1 of 2 �NITIALS DATE ,�s'l; . .� _ __ .:.:.:.:...........;. ,,,: ; .- ..:_ _ ; �:�}M:•..:�•>;:•;};::.wK,>•;>:>::N.:<•;:.;..,.:.,:.k.,... .V....•.;:,•. ..:w::...•.,.:.•:.;•.:,:.:.,..,•.,•:�,:�:.::.�::.:,.,:::.:,..:.... ................ ........ ... .......:......... �4:�?...:.:.:::::::.�::.:.i.......................�....n. ...v:�4�:....•.•v:}}.;.:I.......A......:.....4...Y....... ............:..::.::::}v;.;;....:........m .e...r.v..rn..:.....v...r....ti...�:r:.•.v:•:•.•.•::::n. . ............. . ... iiiiii:�:::nii.i:.::::4v•::r::: .. . n•::::i::ii:.�. .f.n::...:...::...::::.:.w:::..:v.:�.;.....:.................. . .:�:::Y.....r�...f,.,.....}.......n..............:v.....}?.n>>...... ,.rir.v::Y..;��.,..:v.H.•::^:.? :...............::............n.....^:i{.}}:ir..r�.�n....:.:...y.v{v?!v.••x:�:::•v:�::G;.....:.::.....:..:....:..y::...:n�.. .....:..:::.........:.:. 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Ct :..,..�:..::...:.:... :::................ ...... Fi7't. ft .........:.::.<.>;�:,�;�:: <.:;.::.:::�::.;�.:::.;»;>::,;.:,.::�:..:;:..;;;:::..::::::::::.;,:..,.,.... G41�.:<.>:>::.::::�::<:.�::::.::.::::.::::::..:,:. ......... ......,..........::.:.. . ... ..:...<.......:.. . ....,.....< .::::::::;:.::;<.:::....::::::...:..:.......... ..:.,.:::::.�.�:::..........................a .......::::::::. �.::.:.9..:... ._�.:::.::..........:...............:........:::.::................... ........ .::.:::.:::::::.�.::. ..::.... ...,. ......................:.::.::. . ., ...... ...... ... .... ....... ,.:::,...:.��::::.......::.:�. ,:.......... 3,>:.;;::.:::,. : .. ....:::::...�:::::::. ,..;:..�::::::....:., ............. ... ................ <:::.::.:::::.�.�:::::.;.::.:::..:;; ..:::::::..:.� Name of aniza' G{. '�19 : �U . Business Address of Org nization-Street or P. Bo (Do not use the a d ess ot our gambling manager) d � 3 City State Zip Code Counry , � i Daytime phone number Vl i S �`- 7- � i c G/Z� S S-�" 3�`:3 L Name chief executi e oHicer(qnnot be our gambling manager) Title i Daytime phone number e � � 0 � c���. s -3�3Z Bingo Occasions Lf applying for a class A or C permit. fill-in days'and beginning & ending hours of bingo occasions:" No more than seven bingo occasions may be conducted by your_organization per week. Day Beginning/Ending Hours Day Beginning/Endtng Hours Day Begiruiing/Endtng Houts to to to _. . �o to to � � , _ _ _ .,_ , to " ; If bingo aill not be conducted,check here ' -• , �,�;.. , .� .::...::..:.:.: .............:.::... ::.. Gambl�n �remises Inforiinatlon ::: . :. _ g :. :... . . :;.,.. : .::.. . :.... . ...... . .. ..... ..: ....: .:...: Na e of establishment where gambling wdl be conducted treet Address(do not e a st office x number . �� ���� � ���,� . �� �- ��� � � �. ��n��l Is the premises located withi ciry limits? Yes C No If no,is township � organized � unorganized unincorporated S�0� C� and Counry here gambling premises is tocated OR Township and County where gambling premises is located if outside ol city limits S�'• �U.�I .- q�Ms . � . Name and ddress of legal�own r of premise Ciry State Zip Code �G�r ���. - � � '� Does your organiza'on own e building wh r the gambling will be nducted? Q YES NO If no,attach the iollowing: '.a copy of the lease{form LG202)with terms for at least one year. ' • a oopy of a sketch of the floor plan with dimensions,showiny what portion is being leased. A lease and sketch are not required for Class D applicaoons. �'.,: ,,. , .; ,:. <..: .. •; . . Address of storage space of gambling'equipment '=�neF use'a P0 boXnumber :;.... ` Address I Crty State Zip code vbl�c �jr�i� � �3v�'nsv�� ��. 5 S-3� �- . CbU/�Yt /�Gcc� �D� �.� ��• �,� . ' __ � _ •' :s: / �, _ { . z�� < ,:� a, S� uc�- ��o� '' � `.� 30 ,, ,. . .- . _ .. ,_ �,G�1,s �� � � Minnesota l.awfui Gambling Premise Permit Application - Part 2 of 2 :. .: _ . ..::. . ... , .. . -: , : ; _ . >:.:::«�. . Gainbiin9"Bdnk Account 7 fotmattio�t..:: . .:.: :_. :,:.. .. ,:;. ...... ..... . :... ..:;::... >.::_:<;:;:;: ; Bank Name . Bank Account Number � ����� �1.�,��.::: � � Z y� � y3 � � � �—� r� J l, �r,�s✓, • gank ress ity te ip �> � �� Da y.� � , � _._33 " Na ,..,..,� , ...:.. : ::.,:..:::.:.. ..::.:.:.::. ,..,...., ,. . ..,.,,. ..: ....:. .. ,.. ......:.:::.:..:.�:;::>:.:;:�;:.;:.;:::.:.;�;:«.::;�>:.:.;:.;. ..: .. +n�ad ess, fitfe af .,. .. . .. ..... . , . , . perso�s:au�attze�sc s�rgr►d�ecks ar:d make..daposrts;eru!wn(hdra►�s:::?:::<;::<::::>:::::::.>::<:�:::<::;<:»:,:<;f:::>:::: . ........,......... ... . . . ..;., :...,:: .....:..:...:..::..... :...,. �.. ::.;.:.:.�:.:..::::::r.:::,:::•:;:.:�.�:::::::.,::::.,.::. ..:::.. ..... , :�..;.;::::....:::::. ..,_ ' ::..::.>::::.. - '...._: arxzaborr < :: aoChandle �ir . :.::.....:.::..:.:::.:.....::::�::::...:.. ..' Oro s baas�ue�.�— — �amb .g funds.;:...: :,,...._ � :...::,.::.::::,:..::. s: •::...;:...;•.t;:>::kn:::':>:: ,: . ,;....:..:.::.. ... ame ress Ti e ..5� � �a��� c�c�. � � � ��iha� � re��ar ` � s o ��P. ' V" G' � �es . S. 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Gamb g S te Au o on ; •I am the chief executive officer oi the organization, ,.r I hereby consent that local law entorcement o�cers,the .� assume fuli responsibiliry for the fair and law(ul opera- board or agents of the board,or the commissioner of tion of ali adivities to be conduded; revenue or public safety,or agents of the commissioners, .�W�II familiarize myseli with the laws oI Minnesota may enter the premises to eniorce the law. governing lawful gambling and rules of the board and Bank Records Information agree, if licensed,to abide by those laws and rules, The board is authorized to insped the bank records of the ` including amendments to them; � �•�• gambling account whenever necessary to fulfill .,,�t .,,b� r; •any changes in application iniormation will be submittsd requirements of current gambling rules and law .���Y , " to the board and bcal unit of government within 10 days :>` � Oath of the change; and , I declare that: •I understand that failure to provide required iniormation •I have read this application and all information submitted or providing false or misleading iniormation may result in to the board is true, accurate and complete; the denial or revocation of the license. •all other required information has been fully disclosed; " $�gnature of chief executive officer Dat _ ,. - ,: ,,. _-__..__-. _....., _ __ , ,_ �,y -- -- - �� �� �6 _ . ._ . ,. .: ,;: ,: . . ..: _ LocaI � Govemment Acknowtedgertient -- 4. A copy of the local unit of QovernmenYs resolution ao- t. The city 'must sign this application if the gambling prem• provina this a�alication must be attached to this aoolication. ises is located within city limits. 5. If this.application is denied by the local unit oi govemment, � 2. i he county ••AND township••must sign this appl'�cation if � � R should not be submitted to the Gambling Control Board. �;;�;,the gambling premises is bcated within a township ;:1 ; ;, ` 3. 7he local unit government(cey or county) must pass a ` ' ` -� � =` � Townshlp: By signature bebw,the township acknowledges resolution specifically approving or denying this application. that the organizafion is applying tor a premises permit within township limits. Cit ' or Count •• Townshi •' � � , , � C�ry or County Name ��y,.,��.:' _� „.l� -;.. ... '..Township Name _, � _�... � ; ;i t .: r1 S f �� C��,: t� ..�.�:4.�.,14�i����; . � . ��flx . :�:� � .rtC.r . �'? , .{.;: "� , t� c� J /`..('C.�c � , .. . .� . �r S' �a� ohperson•receiv' a plica6on Signature of person receiving application ./� �_ ��r Tide fJ I Date Received Title I Date Received � I rv � �"✓' )a � _ . :�.. Refer to the instrua'ans lor required'attachm nts.. �`Y�' •",, i ;. .. - „ . < ; .�.-. � • .; - �.. _ .. ._. �:'.� .._.. . . .. _.::.__ _ , . , . `�, . �: Mail to: . Gambllny Control 8oard Rosewood Plaza South,3rd Floor _ ' 1711 W.CouMy Road B Rossvllle,MN 55113 LG214(Par1 2) ,. ;,, � ..� .. . . ..,__ A , .,_... .. . . . .. . .. (p«��t) . �:: "' _