96-1506 Council File # � b -- ` Sb � Green Sheet # 30894 RESOLUTION CIT SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a� Presented By \ Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the City Council of Saint Paul has adopted the Saint Paul Legislative 2 Code, Chapter 33.03(fj. Building codes and inspections; and 3 WHEREAS, Chapter 33.03(fl requires that a Certificate of Compliance be obtained 4 within six (6) months from the date of the original inspection; and 5 WHEREAS, the City Council may extend the initial six (6) months by an additional 6 six (6) months if it can be shown the work is proceeding expeditiously and is 7 more than 50% completed; and 8 WHEREAS, the owner of 240 E. Morton in the City of Saint Paul, has requested an 9 extension of s'vc (6) months to obtain a Certificate of Compliance; and 10 WHEREAS, the work at 240 E. Morton is 83% completed and proceeded 11 expeditiously; and 12 FINALLY, WHEREAS, the Building Official recommends approval of the six 13 (6) months extension; therefore be it 14 RESOLVED, that the City Council of Saint Paul grant the property owner of 15 240 E. Morton in the City of Saint Paul an extension of six (6) months 16 from 11-23-96 to OS-23-97 to obtain a Certificate of Code Compliance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _ Nays Absent Requested by Department of: r m Office of License. Inspections and n is Environmental Protection nr n � ________________�r-�-==__�__= B : ��'U/� � �� Adopted by Council: Date Q sr_c.. �\ , \�°�G, y Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney By� �-- a- • � r�� � � '� � . By• Approved by Mayor: Date L 3 „��A' /' L�� ApProved by Mayor for Submission to gy. ���,�� Council By: , . , �l�-�sO� Office of L.I E.P. li 24T96 �REEN S�"'�EET N° l30894 �'DEPARTMENT DIfiEC'TORNITWJD�TE �CfTV COUNCIL 1NITIALlDATE Don Wagner 266-9016 � (�cmn��r �CT'CLERK IA IL DA ( TE) �p�p�pF� �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.i MOT.SERVICES DIR. �� �MAY�i(OR p3818TM1n � TOTAL#t OF SIGNATURE PAl�lE8 (CUP ALL LACATIONS FOR StC�NATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: City Council consideration of a request for an extens:ion of time to complete the �aork being done on a building being re.paired under provision of L.C. Sec. 33.03(f) "Dangerou� Structures - Nuisance Buildings - Vacant Buildings" at 240 E. Morton. :Appraw(A)a R�ot(Ft) PERSONA�SERVICE CONTRACTS MllsT ANSWER TNE ROLLOWING�UESTION=: _PLANNHrO OOMM18810N _qVIL BERVICE Cq�AMISSION 1. Hes this personlflrm ewr worked undsr 8 c�rMhat tOr thie dYp�rnsnt? - _CIB COMAimTEE _ YES "NO 2. Has this p�on/firm s�ror been e cRy empbyee? —�'� — YES NO . _D18TRNT COURT _ 3. Does this psrsoNfirm possess a sldll not normaNy Poese�d DY erry CumsM dty�mployM? BUPPORTS WMICH COlJNC0.OBJECrnE7 YE3 NO Ezplaln all ya�n�wn on s�r�b sM�t and athoh m�iwn shs�t INITIATINO PR09L.EM.188UE.OPPORTUNITY(Wla.WIW.When.Whsro.WhYY The L.C. requires a person requesting an extension. of time to obtain a Certificate of Compliance for a building cTassified as a "Dangerous Structure - Nuisance Building - Vacant Building" be granted the extension by action of the City Council. ADVANTAOES IF APPRONED: The building is 83X completed and when the work remaining is completed will be a viable residential structure. � DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: None ��i �11� ����i��� � C�C 0 S 1996 NOV 26 � . r►r� A .T���H� . o�a�ov�rrt��s��ar��r+ao�o: The building owner wi11 be penalized unduely by forfeiture of his/her $2,000.00 performasece payment aftar making a good faith effort to complete the work on time. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANiACT10N a NOriE COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES / NO V FUNDIWti sOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) � (�-- lS� � Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL � November 25, 1996 TO: Saint Paul City Council FROM: Jan P. Gasterland , Building Code Officer RE: 240 E. Morton,Vacant Building Six Months' Extension of Completion Date L.C. Sec. 33.03(fl The one family dwelling at 240 E. Morton is being rehabilitated under provision of the Nuisance uil in ordinance. The work is only 83%completed, but it is our recommendation that a six(6) month extension of the completion time be granted the owner. JPG/amw