96-1499� ,. ,� �ra.�...r�#'��' � � - � ��;�._ ._r . . �.--. . �...� � f. , . �� C� L� �- ��� 2� g � g 3$ c=�r o� �z. p�►+n. c�� , �= Na- — ��� �E '��' �� f� /':.l FINAL C�U=R �Y ° � - FILE 18833-Cann V�OTINO WARD 5 In ths Matt�r of the can�tructian and/c,r repair af �anitary �ewer, �torm sewer and/or water service connections, if requ�st�d Y�y the property awner, in conjunction with t�he Arlington/Ruth Area Street Paving and Lighting Project. � PIIAt I.QNCn oi����ucn DEC 28 �1996 DEC 211996 ` ,� . . _. . � under Preliminary 4rder �, �- �, � appr�ved \ - `� 1 y 0�..�..r�� The Ccsuncil of the Gity af Saint Paul ha� canduct�rd r� �ublic hearing upon the abave impravem�nt, due notice thereaf heving been givexx es pres�ribed by the City Chtzrter: and WHEftEA,9, The Council haa heard all persan�, objection� and recammendationn pertaining to said prapased impravem�nt and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it REBaLVED, That the Cauncil vf the City af Saint Paul daes hereby arder that the above-d�scribed impravement b� made, and the proper City officers are hereby directerl and autharized ta proceed with the improvement; and be it P'tTRTHER RESOLVED, Thet upan the completian of said improvement, the proper City officer� ahall calcula�e all expenaea incurred therein and �h��.l report the �ame to the City Cauncil in sccordance with Chapter 14 af the City Chsrter. COUNCILFERSONS Adopted by Council: Dste 199� Yea, Nay� �lakey — �bS�N� Gertified Passed by Gauncil Secretar� o�trom �u�rir,.— Ab�ei�s.�- �/Harri� �In Favar �y �,. �egard� �bs�v��.. � ✓�ttman QAgain�t ✓Thune Mayor 3 R�as���t- Public Hearin Date - December 4 1996 RE 9-27-96 3y��Q Public Works Department 8i16i96 G R E E N SH E ET No$�9�1 INITIAUDATE INITIAL/DATE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE � DEPARTMENT OIRECTOR CI1Y COUNCIL PBUI St.Martin 266-6118 �S ASSION CITYATfORNEY �C17YCLERK �� NuMe�Foa MUST BE ON COUNCq.AGENDA 8Y(DATql O�1 (� ROUTIN3 BUDGET DIRECTOR � FN.d MCiT.SERVICES OIR Must be in Council Researc 0 fi onoea no later than noon Frida 0-�-9� ❑MAVOR(ORASSISTAN� Q Couna'I Research TOTAL�k OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ❑ DEPARTLAENTAlAOCOUNTANT ACTION REOUESTED Constn�ction of concrete curb and gutter,a new bituminous surfaced roadway,concrete driveway aprons, boulevard sodding�tree planting,water and sewer service connections and reconnections,sanitarv sewer reoairs. and construct a IaMem style lighting system in the area called ArlingtoNRuth RSP�Area 131 generaily bounded by White Bear Avenue. L n eur Avenue McKni ht Road and Ma tand Avenue. File No. 18833- RECOMMEt�ATqNS:Approw(A)a ReMat(l� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACT3 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLMINING COMMISSION _CML SERVICE COMMISSION �. �$y��$��orVfirm ever worked under a conVact tor thia depsrtment? CIB COMMRTEE YES NO A sT� 2 Has this pYES�rm�er been a city em�oyee4 - D�S'rR�cT Cour�Cll. 3. Does thisYES oNfi N possess a skill not normally posaed by any cunent ciry empbyee4 O SUPPORTS WNICN COUNCII OBJECTIVE? Explain all yas answaa on saparato shaat and attach to qroan shaat Neighborhoods Ward 6 INRIATq�Ki PROBLEM.ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(V1M0.WHAT.WHEN,WHERE,WNY): This Project is being completed under the Residential Street Paving Program. This is one of four RSP projects selected by the Department of Public Works, approved by the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee , and the City Councit for 1997 consturction. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: A newly rebuift roadway,with new curb and gutter,will restore the drivability of this street and continue our efforts to improve the street system in Saint Paul.The new street lighting will also improve safety in the area. Normal problems associated with construction, such as noise,dust,and general disruption will occur. The pavement structure will continue to deteriorate, maintenance costs will rise, and the level of service provided by this street wiil drop. Lt111t1C�1 I����'4�'1 �$�I' - SEP N 5 I:J:lC7 TOTAL AMOUM OF TRANSACTION=.��QQ�$Q� �SS�SS6o COST!REVENUE BUDGETED(CHEqC ON� E NO FUNDING SOUHCE , S A•f �S� ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAII� , f 8'$33 SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS Arlington/Ruth RSP (Area 13) City Proj ect No. 97-P-8100 � �._ � y�� Report Prepared - 8-9-96 Public Hearing - 12-4-96 PROJECT: Construction of concrete curb and gutter, a new bituminous surfaced roadway, concrete driveway aprons, boulevard sodding, tree planting, water and sewer service connect�ons and reconnections, sanitary sewer repairs, and construct a lantern style lighting system in the area called Arlington/Ruth RSP (Area 13) generally bounded by White Bear Avenue, Larpenteur Avenue, McKnight Road and Maryland Avenue (see attached map). EXTSTTNG CONDITIONS• The majority of the streets vvithin the project area are ne��ver paved streets. There are some oiled streets. Some of the oiled streets have sections of concrete curb. The oiled street surfaces are in fair to poor condition. The majority of the existing street lighting within the project area is NSP ��vood pole lighting,on the oiled streets and bent straw type lighting on the paved streets. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS Improve the following oiled streets by the construction of concrete curb and gutter, new bituminous surfaced road��ay, concrete driveway aprons, and boulevard sodding and a lantern style street lighting system.(The proposed widths are shown in parenthesis) SHERWOOD AVENUE -VJf-iITE BEAR AVE.TO FURIv'ESS PI{VVY. (30'-32') HOYT AVENUE -WHIT'E BEAR AVE.TO RLTTH (30'-32') IOWA AVENUE -WHITE BEAR AVE. TO HAZEL(30'-32') IDAHO AVENUE - RUTH TO FUR'�TESS PIiVJY. (30'-32') CALIFORNIA AVENUE - RUTH TO FURIVESS PKWY. (30'•32') CALIFORNIA AVENUE - LUELLA TO DAVID (30'-32') GARY PLACE- HOYT TO IOWA(30'-32') CRAIG PLACE- IDAHO TO LAF2PENTEUR(30'-32') HAZEL S112EET - IDAHO TO LARPENTEUR(30'-32') DARLENE STREET - HOYT TO LAFtPENTEUR(30'-32') DAVID STREET - HOYT TO CAI.IFORNIA(30'-32') FURI�TESS PKWY. - IDAHO TO CALIFORNIA(30'-32') Fill in Lightin� There are three paved streets within the pro,�ect area which do not have an existing City street lighting system. It is proposed to construct lantern style street lighting on Winthrop Street between Nebraska and Hoyt and install salvaged bent straw lighting on Van Dyke between Maryland and 1/2 block south and on Luella between Maryland and 1/2 block south. ALTERNATES: To do nothing would be inconsistent with the city's commitment to improve existing oiled and older paved residential streets. POSITIVE BENEFITS: General improvement of the public right-of-way will enhance and add quality to the neighborhood. Street oiling would be eliminated. Lantern style lighting will enhance neighborhood safety and esthetics. . ��- ���� ADVERSE EFFECTS: Normal problems associated vvith construction such as noise, dust and general disruption will be present. EFFECTS ON TREES: The alignment of the curbs vvill be selected to minimize the loss of trees. New trees will be planted as part of the boulevard restoration TIME SCHEDULE: The project will begin in the spring of 1997 and will be completed by late fall of 1997. There will be further restrictions on the amount of time work is done on individual segments of streets. C`OST ESTIMATES: Street Paving � 1,218,551 Lighting � 249,803 Miscellaneous 5 121.855 PROJECT TOTAL $1,590,209 ESTIMATED FINANCING: 1997 CIB �v 1.178,090 Assessments $ 412.119 PROJECT TOTAL $1�590,209 The assessment rate for the street paving and lighting is: $23.83 per ASSESSABLE FT. for the street paving on residential streets $4.21 per ASSESSABLE FT. for lantern style street lighting. $2.64 per ASSESSABLE F'I: for bent straw style street lighting. SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORIVIHTION: For additional information, contact the Project Engineer Paul St. Martin, at 266-6118. Si1MMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the project and financing. Respectfully submitted, Stacy Becker Director of Public Works 2 , � � wmcb+nuR T l � � N �'f uuso�J O o � " q � •v�. //� ee ] � J (jqq ro.wo � g �vt. // � ��..l R. 1 a■� } � 3 � . . NOYT � � � AVC, YONT/�!A � N r 1E(RI9CA� � � Kv�W► � AVE, A16.NG70N� A� � J �D N CO'fT�Ct � �� A�. 0.Wt � ��� AK. IYY J � �� AVC. � M7AdNTM ����� A� F ���� � ' I �N� ���� � '�•1� . " rurrfMORM[ r� �� 1 M�R71rw0 � < � 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 r # MILES ARLINGTON/RUTH 1997 EXISTING OILED -�� 2.4 MILES STREETS TO BE EXISTING OLDER PAVED � 0.0 MILES PAVED IN 1997 LIGHTING ONLY 0.1 MILES B/16/96 Project No. 13 97—P—8100 , :- .. lb " ���� CITy OF ST. PAVL ��T 1 PRELII� R I " � r ��� �C F' LE NO. � 1�RY ORpER A L BY Fr 18833-Conn WTING ryARD—_'_ 6 ------_ In the Metter of the construction and/or re air of wnter service cannection�, if 1e p the .Arlin ton $enitary se�,,�er� gtarm gewer and/or g /Ruth Aree gtreet Pe�ne�ted by the property owner 5 end Lightiny project, � ln COn�unction with The Council of the Cit Y upon the above improvement y °f S�int Pdul havin � and having considerec� $8ia relved the report of the , hereb M� 1. Port Yor _ T�at th� eeid Y iesolves: �lternative9 rep°rt erid , dnd the seme i� hereby a essessed at the costt in ef ect at the e� �o�t p�rbVed with thereof 11° time of instellation, per °pnnection 2• That e public hearin g be hed an �eid improvement on the �r�6�- $t 4�3� o'clock P, Hall and Cuurt House Buildin M'� in the Council Chamber��'-dey �f g in the City of Saint P8u1. �f the City 3• That notice °f g$id public manner pravided b �Eering be given to the the nature of y the Cherter, steting the time p�rson�s and in the the improvement and the total co�t thereof aa�e�tim�t heering, ed. CQUNCILFERSONS �� Nay� Adopted b Blekey Y Cc�Uncil: Date . ,. - ��c��o �trom - �MsT,N � �Guerin Certified Pa��ed b ✓�rria y Council S�cretary gg�d . �In Favor B Y �. xettman -. ��p�� I�t'f'une QA9�in�t a ���'(� '� Mayor