96-1498 • ' 4 v ••�� ��� �- � � � � �"J '` ¢ - iy�g 3� �ITY 08'_ST. pAtJL CQt,� O. '�`,; F�IAL O�tA�R SY FILE NO. 18$33 V�OTA+1G 11ARD 6 In th� Mstt�r of improving the fallawing 9treet9 with a new bituminou� �urfaced raedwsy, canstrvct cancr�t� curb and gutter, canstruct concr�te driveway aprans and autwalk9, baulevard aodding, tree planting, can�truct a l�ntern �tyle lighting �y�tem (bent strav�r on Van Dyke end Luella Streetsy , and doing all other wark necessary to complete �aid improvements for the Arlington/Ruth Area Street Paving and Lighting Project: 5herwoc�d Avenue �ite Bear Avenue to F'urness Farkway Hoyt Avenue White Bear Avenue to Ruth Street IUw�i Avenue �ite Bear Avenue to Hazel Street Ideha Av�nue Ruth Street ta Furness Parkway California Avenue Ruth �tree� to F�rne�� Parkway Califarnia Rvenue Luella street to David Street Gary Flace Hoyt Avenue to Iawa Avenue Graig Place Idsho Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue Hazel 3treet Idsho Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue Darlene Street Hoyt Rvenue to Larpenteur Avenue David Street Hvyt Avenue to Califarnia Avenue Furness Farkwey Idaha Av�nue ta Californis Av�nue Winthrop �treet Nebraska Avenue to Hayt Avenue (Lrxntern light� only} Van Dyke Street Meryland Avenue ta approx. 123 feet south of Maryland Avenue (Bent �traw light� vnly) Luella 5treet Maryland Avenue to approx. 187 f�et south af Maryland Avenue (Bent atraw lighta anly) , � J �. . _, " . � - , . � � .. � . {� + ��. • � , ,, � �,_ j ��18' ,.,r •;�d..t o�t�i ieuen Pl18lISNFl1 - � DEC 211996 pE� 28 �1996 ; ., �. (� } �_J, L � c�.— � � under Preliminary t7rder � �\ ��{y a�iproved �c°�. � _ ��q � The Gouncil af the City af 8aint Paul haa canducted a public henrinq upon the above impravement, due natice thereaf 2��.ving b?en given as prescrib�d by thE City Charter; and s WHEREA9, The Council ha� heard aIl per�an�, objeGtion� and reca�nendatiana p�rtainir�g to said prapoaed improvement and hes fully cansider�d th� same; Yiaw, therefarE, be it RE50LVED, Thst th� Council of the City af 5aint Faul daes hereby arder that the above-de�cribed improvement be made, and the proper City officera are hereby direated end guthorized tc+ praceed with the imprc�vement; end be it FURTHER RE50LVED, That upon the campletie�n of said ia►pravement, the proper �ity afficer� �hall aalculate all expen�ea incurred therein and ahall repc�rt the 'ame ta the City C�uncil in ecc�rdance with Chepter 14 af the City Cherter. C�[3NCILFER50N5 Rda�t�d by Council: Date Q �. L1 `�,y �, Ye�� Naya -'-� �Bl key -- {��pS��N t.... Certified Fess�d by Gouncil Secretary ✓Ba�trom Gu�r iYi — (��S�N �1-- u ✓f[arris -7� In Favor By ';�. �M gard .- A�p s.z.N 1-- ✓Fettman �Ag�in't v"Fhune /^ '� I�t�OS e N i- Mayar Public Hearin Date - becember 4, 1996 RE 9-27-96 Public Works Department 8/16/96 G R E EN SH E ET No.3 6 3 31�� ��� INITIAL/DATE iNITIAL/DATE CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE � � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 'CITY COUNCIL Paui St.Martin 266-6118 "�0N cirr nrroawer �CITY CLERK NUAABER FOR MUST BE ON CWNCII AGENDA BY(DATE) — — ROUTINO BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN.b MaT.SERVICES DIR. Must be in Council Researc 0 f e °RD� � � Counal Research MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn TOTAL#k OF 31GNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR StGNATURE) ❑ �PARTMENTALACWUNTANT ACTION REQUESTED Construction of concrete curb and gutter, a new bituminous surfaced roadway,concrete driveway aprons, boulevard sodding,tree plarning, ' , and construct a IaMern styte lighting system in the area called ArtinqtoNRuth RSP (Area 131 generally bounded by White Bear Avenue. La en r Aven McKni ht Roa a M I n Aven . File No. 18833 RECOMMENDATIONS:Approw(A)a fi�Md(R) pER30NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MU3T AN8WER THE FOLLOWING�UESTIONS: _PLANNINCi COMMISSION _CIVIL SERV�CE COMMISSI�1 t, Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB COMMI7TEE _ YES NO A STAFF 2 Has tliis�tsS NfirmNOer been a ciry employee? E DIS7R�C7 CouNCil 3. Does this persoNfirmpo saess a akill not rrormaliy possed by any current city employee? YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE9 Explaln all yas answan on separata shaat and attach to pnan shaet Neighborhoods Ward 6 INRIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(WHO,WHAT,WHEN,WNEHE.WHY�: This Project is being completed under the Residentiai Street Paving Program. This is one of four RSP projects selected by the Department of Public Works, approved by the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee , and the City Council for 1997 consturction. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: A newly rebuilt roadway,with new curb and gutter,will restore the drivability of this street and continue our efforts to improve the street system in Saint Paul.The new street lighting will aiso improve safety in the area. Normal problems associated with construction, such as noise,dust, and general disruption will occur. The pavement structure will continue to deteriorate, maintenance costs wiil rise, and the level of service provided by this street will drop. ConrtC� F�s�rCh t�tttll` � � 5��' � 5 �996 TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION s $1,590,ZQ9 COST!REVENUE BUDGETED(CHECK ONE) E NO FUNDINO SOURCE CIB,ASSESSMENTS ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(E7(PLAIN) � f 8'$33 , SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS Arlington/Ruth RSP (Area 131 q � �t{�'�� City Project No. 97-P-8100 � Report Prepared - 8-9-96 Public Hearing - 12-4-96 PROJECT: Construction of concrete curb and gutter, a new bituminous surfaced roadway, concrete driveway aprons, boulevard sodding, tree planting, water and sewer service connections and reconnections, sanitary sewer repairs, and construct a lantern style lighting system in the area called Arlington/Ruth RSP (Area 131 generally bounded by White Bear Avenue, Larpenteur Avenue, McKnight Road and Maryland Avenue (see attached map). �XISTING CONDITIONS: The majority of the streets ��vithin the project area are newer paved streets. There are some oiled streets. Some of the oiled streets have sections of concrete curb. The oiled street surfaces are in fair to poor condition. The majority of the existing street lighting within the project area is NSP wood pole lighting,on the oiled streets and bent straw type lighting on the paved streets. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS Improve the follo�uing oiled streets by the construction of concrete curb and gutter, new bituminous surfaced roadway, concrete driveway aprons, and boulevard sodding and a lantern style street lighting system.(The proposed widths are shown in parenthesis) SHERWOOD AVENUE -WHITE BEAR AVE.TO FURNESS PKVVY. (30'-32') HOYf AVENUE -WHITE BEAR AVE.TO RLTI'H (30'-32') IOWA AVENUE -WHITE BEAR AVE. TO HAZEL(30'-32') IDAHO AVENUE- RUTH TO FURITESS PKVJY. (30'-32') CALIFORI�'IA AVENUE - RUTH TO FURI�TESS PKWY. (30'-32') GALIFORNIA AVENUE - LUELLA TO DAVID (30'-32') GARY PLACE - HOYT TO IOWA(30'-32') CRAIG PLACE- IDAHO TO LARPENTEUR(30'-32') HAZEL SIREET - IDAHO TO LARPEIVTEUR(30'-32') DARLENE STREET' - HOYT TO I.AFtPE1VTEUR(30'-32') DAVID STREET - HOYT TO CALIFORIVIA(30'-32') FURI�'ESS PKWY. - IDAHO TO CALIFORNIA(30'-32') Fill in Li�htin� There are three paved streets within the project area which do not have an existing City street lighting system. It is proposed to construct lantern style street lighting on Winthrop Street between Nebraska and Hoyt and install salvaged bent straw lighting on Van Dyke between Maryland and 1/2 block south and on Luella between Maryland and 1/2 block south. ALTERNATES: To do nothing would be inconsistent with the city's commitment to improve existing oiled and older paved residential streets. POSITIVE BENEFITS: General improvement of the public right-of-way will enhance and add quality to the neighborhood. Street oiling would be eliminated. Lantern style lighting will enhance neighborhood safety and esthetics. \ �� '�� ADVERSE EFFECTS: Normal problems associated with construction such as noise, dust and general disruption will be present. EFFECTS ON TREES: The alignment of the curbs vvill be selected to minimize the loss of trees. Ne��v trees will be planted as part of the boulevard restoration TIME SCHEDULE: The project will begin in the spring of 1997 and will be completed by late fall of 1997. There will be further restrictions on the amount of time work is done on individual segments of streets. COST ESTIMATES: Street Pa��ing $ 1,218,551 Lighting �w 249,803 Miscellaneous � 121.855 PROJECT TOTAL $1,590,209 ESTIMATED FINANCING: 1997 CIB $ 1,178,090 Assessments $ 412.119 PROJF.CT TOTAL $1,590,209 The assessment rate for the street paving and lighting is: $23.83 per ASSESSABLE FT. for the street paving on residential streets $4.21 per ASSESSABLE FT. for lantern style street lighting. $2.64 per ASSESSABLE FT. for bent straw style street lighting. SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For additional information, contact the Project Engineer Paul St. Martin, at 266-6118. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the project and financing. Respectfully submitted. Stacy Becker Director of Public Works 2 � � uRncb+rtuR� yy . ~ � N „ V CK�C�U� O y s �� //� OQ � � �q � iD�wO � J � q�� � � � �vC. // � L��l J y O � A . � � MOYT AvC. MpITANA � N �,,, 1'E�t�SKA� ♦ � K�� � J '� � AIl1.l1G70N� Q� N AK. � ��� "1 �� A"E. J AK. awe � � � IW J � � �VC. ' MYApNTI ���� �� � �����TT...lJTT.�� � . I ��� ����� C ��. " w�irihORML � �� , M,Uh'1M+0 � < � 0.0 0.1 0.2 0�3 0�4 Oi5 � �--1� � MILES ARLINGTON/RUTH 1997 EXISTING OILED � 2.4 MILES 57REETS TO BE EXISTING OLDER PAVED 0.0 MILES PAVED IN 1997 � LIGHTING ONLY 0.1 MILES B/16/96 Pro ject No. 13 97—P-8100 CITY OF ST. PAUL � ORIGINAL °°`��I � PRELIMII�IARY ORI?ER gy f ��{�� ��� a�= NQ. 18833 VOTING WARD 6 In the Matter of impraving the following atreets with a new bituminous surfeced ro�tdway, con�truct concrete curb and gutter, con'truct concrete driveway spron� and outwalks, boulevard saddingj tree planting, construct a lantern style lighting system (bent �traw on Van Dyke �nd Luella Streete) , and doing all other wvrk nece��ary to complete said improvements for the Arlington/Ruth Area Street Paving and Lighting Project: Sherwood Avenue White Bear Avenue to F�rne�a Parkway Hoyt Avenue i�lhite Bear Avenue to Ruth 3treet Iawu Avenue White Be�r Avenue to Hazel Street Idaha Avenue Ruth street to FUrn�ss Perkwey Californie Avenue Ruth 3treet to FUrness Parkway California Avenue Luella Street to David Street Gary Flace Hoyt Avenue to Iowa Avenue Craig Pl�ce Idaho Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue Hazel 5treet Idaho Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue Darlene Street Hoyt Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue David Street Hayt Avenue to California Avenue F�rne'� Parkway Idaho Avenue to California Avenue Winthrop Street Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue (Lentern lighte only) Van Dyke 3treet Maryl�nd Avenue to upprox. 123 feet �outh of Maryland Avenue (Bent straw lights only) Luella 8treet Maryland Avenue to approx. 187 feet �outh of Marylend Avenue (B�nt straw lighta only) The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received tt�e repart of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and havinq conaidered snid report, hereby resalve9: 1. That the said report and the �ame i� hereby approved with no elternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof ia $1,590,209 financed by 1997 Capital Improvement Bond� $1, 178, 090 and A�aes�ment' $412, 119. 2. That a publiv hearinq be had on �aid improvement on the qth d�y of December, 199,{, at 9:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court Houae Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the pereons and in the manner provided by the Chr�rter, 9tating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as eatimated. COUNGILPERSONS Adopted by Counail: Date �G�q� Yeas � Nays V Blakey B�trom— ��Pser•�}- Certified Passed by Council Secretary �/�rin ✓Harris .s In Favor By�� �, ���� t/�egard ' ' Rettman—. {����. Q,pujginst ✓!'�une ^\,, �- �-'4�use`N�- Mayor � .`$� C1TY °�; Saint Paul City Council � � ' � � Public Hearing Notice� o � �, ;iii�i ii�ii � • • � �r Public Im rovement Construction �ea. p � �- �`��� . OWNER OR TAXPAYER � � COUNCIL DISTRICT #6 � . PLANNING COUNCIL #02 . FILE # �:1$83��<����;<�<��>::<.<>::>:>:>>; PROPERTY ADDRESS ................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................... PARCEL ID ................................................. ................................................... ............................................. .................................................. .................................................. PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION ������xi �'"��°►'�!� (��'C9�^�' ; ��',uE "�, �; �1:��� ?..�,:�. THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4� 1996 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner wiil be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: ARLINGTON/RUTH AREA STREET PAVIIV(3 AND LIGHTINQ PROJECT. ESTIMATED if the City Council approves the project, all or part of the ASSESSMENT cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The INFORMATION ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BILL! � Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice. -- ESTIMATED . . ASSESSMENT CALCULATION _ . . . ,, . . - - . . . - , _ �; CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: 11/15/96 FILE NO. 18833 • • ���� "�� - Improvinq the following streets with a new bituminous roadway, construct concrete curb and qutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting system (bent straw on Van Dyke and Luella Streets), and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement for the ARLINGTON/RUTH AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT: � • Sherwood Avenue •. - from�White Bear Avenue to Furness Parkway. Hoyt Avenue - from White �Bear Avenue to Ruth Street. Iowa Avenue . - - from White Bear Avenue to Hazel Street. Idaho Avenue - � from Ruth Street to Furness Parkway. California Avenue - from Ruth Street to Furness Parkway. California Avenue - from Luella Street to David Street. Gary Place - from Hoyt Avenue to Iowa Avenue. Craig Place - from Idaho Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue. Hazel Street - •from Idaho Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue. Darlene Street - from Hoyt Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue. Furness Parkway - from Idaho Avenue to California Avenue. � . - Winthrop Street - from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue (Lantern lights only) . Van Dyke Street - from Maryland Avenue to approximately 123 feet south of Maryland Avenue (Bent straw lights onlyj . Luella Street - from Maryland Avenue to approximately 187 feet south of Maryland Avenue (Bent straw lights only) . FUNDZN(i . • Total Estimated Expenditures $1,590,209 Estimated Financing: Capital Improvement Bonds $1,178,090 Assessments S 412.119 Total $1,590,209 �$.�?�.�m���,.�e, ex�,a9 „ss;:.,..,,�q, "'�oo� Street Pavinq - $23.83 � Lantern Style Lightinq* - $ 4.21 *Bent straw lighting is available at $2.64 per assessable foot by petition with 70 percent o! the abutting property owners signing. The first 150 feet on the lonq side of a residential corner lot will not be assessed provided that the short side has been assessed under this paving and � lightinq proqram. FILE NO. 18833-CONN The construction and/or repair o! sanitary sewer, storm sewer and/or water service connections, iE requested by the property owner, in conjunction with the ARLINGTON/RUTH AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJEGT. . You may request new connections and/or the repair o! storm sewer, sanitary sewer or water service connections. IP you own vacant property, we suggest � you consider requesting these connections at this time. Installation at � later time will be more expensive. ����..' ,: s9e...�� ' w.. � n., os,� �.�.m,,. .� 'n . . , .. . . _..,.. . � . ..: ,�.,., ,.�_ -. , ,. �.,a-.,. „- ,- - � - . QUESTIONS? Constructior� 266-6118 � Assessments 266-8850 (arllroth.np) � 1 Lue9tlt++T[VR� . � . N h CJLiW�tA y � •~, S � �� !6 J � � ��-� a.,,o 1 � - , � � � "�' // �A � A . � D � M� .. � /�Kr YWTIJt� � .. .. . .. • . ' ~ � .. KIR�9G�� �, � Kv� � �� � q �I�] �� ~ A�'C. � �R�� �� �K. �� � ��� �� � ,� J � � a .� . MT�CNTI ���� �� � .. ���� ' • (JtAM({ r'�� , �L.:L-J�� � ►. " w�irO�rL � LL.L�� .. l1 Y4R'MMD � < �. � 0.0 Oi1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 � i i i # MILES ARLINGTON/RUTH 1997 �� � EXIS7ING OILED �-� 2.4 MILES STREETS TO BE PAVED IN 1997 = _ , , � , _ LIGHTING ONLY 0.1 MILES ' B/16/96 • Pro ject No. 13 97—P-8140