D00839xo . CITY OF SAINT PALSL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINZSTRATIVE ORDER fOr C013TRACT CHAKGE 230. 1 n oo �s3q . 2-7-9� ADMZNISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as: Air Conditioning for Ne�hborhood House�l Rio Vista Recreation Center and Wilder Recreation Center , known as Contract #014835 , City Project No. B95-03-05 , Doody Mechanical. Inc. , Contractor, is composed of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Change chilled water circulating pump motor to TEFC. Add $ 154.00 Add four fire dampers in Room 216 walls. Add 1,527.00 Replace two open type fan coil units in Room 122A and 122B with new cabinet type units. Add 952.00 Provide supply and return chilled water piping to Coil C3-1. Add 854.00 ---°-------------- TOTA7, ADD $3, 487.00 • ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum o£ $3,487.00 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Contract #014835 , and which amount is to be financed from: Original Contract Sum $294,650.00 Change Orders to Date -0- Amount this Chanae 3.487.00 New Contract Sum $298,137.00 Director of l �✓ l 19 �s ��� =_creation 19, � cc: City Clerk Finance Department Department Acconnting Project Manager Contractor Inspector Office Copy Contract File Copy C95-3E005-OS98-34146 Doody Mechanical. Inc. Contractor By letters dated 11/24J95, 12/28J95 & � 1/11/9 n�rJ i��� a/�/�r� D�ctor of i a � / ryC e& /7 Management Services ���d inv � � (�S�'� "'-' A�ministYative Assistant to the Mayor Chief Engineer FOfl TOTAL # OF 516NATURE PAGES � S I .�- cn �3q GREEN SHEET N� 33222 INITIAVpATE INRIAl1QATE DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �CRYCAUNC�L CRV ATTOFiNEY � CITI' CLERK BUDGET DIPECTOR � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. s�vo��oRass�srwm [6� Parks & Recreation (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Approval of Contract Change Ac3reement Air Conditioning for Neighborhood House/El Rio Vista Recreation Center and Wilder Recreation Center a _ PI.ANNMG CAMM�SSION _ ( _ qB COMMRTEE _ _ � STAFF _ _ _ DISTpICi COURT _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII OBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: t. Has this personlfirtn ever worked under a coMract for this dapartment? - YES NO 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not frormally possessed by any curtent ciry employee? YES NO Explain all yes answero on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Necessary to provide a more efficient motor in an outside location, to correct unforeseen building conditions found during demolition, and to offer a more aesthetically appearing finished product. -" ,�" t - .. : �<:,� ':�.� `- .,- � . . . Contractor will be compensated for additional work done. None RECEIVEt �EB - 51996 �11'Y CLERK �''r;�i J { �:�`,�ir A r c..c':�" e 3 ��a ry. r �::' Z H , Y k',-.:i �' tYr €a� tl � �`:{i �cY.F:.I F� �== ' t � ��3 � � Contractor will not be compensated for additional work required. AMOUNT OF TpANSACTION $ 3� 48� . �� FUNDIfdGSOURCE CIB FINANCIAI INFORMATION� (EXPLAIN) COST/REVENUE BUDGEiED (CIRCLE ONE YES NO ACTIVITYNUMBER C95-3E005-0898-34146 � � �DOOD ` � �ao MECHANICAl, iNC. (612)487-1061 FAX 487-2637 520 FRONTAVENUE ST. PAUL, MN 55117 November 24, 1995 Aton Consulting Engineers 1421 Nea1 Av�nue South Afton, MN 55001 Attention: John Arco Re: E1 Rio Vista Rec Center Dear John: • Listed below is pricing to change the circulating pump from a O.D.P. motor to a TEFC. � We are �equesting a change order in the amount of $154.00. Material $138.60 10$ Doody Mechanical profit and overhead 15.40 Total sum of $154.00 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, Doody Mechanical, Inc. Timothy J. Daly Estimator/Project Manager • TJD/pp 2� c�SNC�`I �(i � �. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR COMMEACIAL � INDUSTRIAI • INSTRUTIONAL 000 eY . . �, MECHAN/CAL, lNC 520 FRONT AVENUE ST. PAUL, MN 55117 December 28, 1995 Afton Consulting Engineers 1421 Neal Avenue South Afton, MN 55001 Attention: John Arco �si2� as�-iosi FAX 487-2637 Re: E1 Rio Vista Community Center Dear John: • Listed below is revised pricing for additional fire dampers. United Sheet Metal $1,245.00 Donnelly Electric $ 210.00 5� Doody Mechanical profit and overhead $ 72.00 Total sum of $1,527.00 2• If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, Doody Mechanical, Inc. ����<�:���°� Timothy J. Daly Estimator/Project Manager • TJD/pp 24 c �sNU��' 9� MECHANICAL CONTRACTOP COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • INSTITUTIONAL � �DOODY ���� MECHAN/CAL, INC (612) 487-1061 520 FRONT AVENUE FAX `}8�-263� ST. PAUL, MN 55117 • December 28, 1995 Afton Consulting Engineers 1421 Neal Avenue South Afton, hLt 55001 Attention: John Arco Re: E1 Rio Vista Community Center Dear John: • Listed below is pricing for two {2) fan coil units with enclosure for rooms 122A and 122B. Total sum o£ $952.00 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, Doody Mechanical, Inc. �� � Timothy J. Daly� Estimator/Project Manager • ^1JD/pp 3. '1� �1A�1�1�� °�� MECHANICAL CONTRAGTOR COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • INSTITUTIONAL 0 • MECHANICAL, lNC January ll, 1996 A£ton Engineers 1421 Neal Avenue South Afton, MN 55001 Attention: John Arco (612) 487-1061 Fax 487-2637 Re: E1 Rio Vista Community Center Dear John: 520 FRONT AVENUE ST. PAUL, MN 55i17 Listed below is pricing for additional piping to cail C3-1. • - Work includes piping, insulation and hook-up. Material Labor: 10 hrs. at $41.87Jhr. Insulation 15� Doody profit and overhead Total sum of $135.00 $418.00 $190.00 111.00 $854.00 g'. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, Doody Mechanical, Inc. �� Timoth J. Daly / Estimator/Project Manager � TJDJpp � ��y �� MECHANICAI CONTRACTOR --� COMMEflC1AL • INDUSTRIAI • INSTITUTIONAL '