271973 NIHITE - CITV CLERK „ PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L Counci! ��'� 9��,� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• 5 �.F BLUE - MAYOR il Resolution � Presented B Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute a lease agreement with the Saint Paul Jaycees for the use of the Masonic Temple for the purposes of the Jaycees ' "Haunted House" program during the period of September 23 to November 5, 1978; said lease providing for in- surance in the amount of $500,000 and naming the City as a co- insured thereon for the purposes of indemnifying the City. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Fin e and Mana eme ervices Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine _ J __ Against — �� Showalter Tedesco � ,l 4 �8 For pprove by Cit tor Adopted by Counc� . Date — C Certified Y� •ed by C ci ,ecretary. BY By /�1pp by 14avor: Da e � �� ��6 �� Ap o ed by Mayor for Su is on to ncil BY - BY PUBLISHED I�OV 4 197$ � I�I Ol= T2/i975 ' ' Ra�.s 9/$/76 �� :* . _ � ,EXPLANATION �' AL'�IINISTRATIUE_OFtt�ERS, ' .rrwrr��rnii�iri i�►.�����.�. . R�SOLIJTIQ�iS. A1�,O�A�ES. l��.��V;,� �pmt�i September 27, 1978 • ��� Er �Eo . °eT 1 1 �s�8 , �TO t I�IYOR GEORGE LATIM�R �� ��',� � � �'Ri Richard Manning, Property Manager °� , � R�; Masonic Temple Lease to the St. Paul Jayeees for a Haunted Castle pC7'�,Qp REOIJEy'TEpt Z`he execution of the attacl�ed lease. will p�rmit tY�e St. Pa�sl. Jaycees to u�e the Masonic Temple for a haunted castle event to �aise money for purposes of their organization. This i� th� secqnd year the Jaycees will have rented the Masaonic Temple for this pur,pose. 'Fhe atta�hed in�urance cert.iEicate. should be sent wi�h the executed lease ta be pla�ed on file in the Accounti,nq ;:; Division,� Department of Finance and Management 5�rvices. . DUEtp�pll� R�.�qTID�lA1,��.,�.t�S��ONi The St. Pau1 Jayce+�s will use the ��u te Castle" for a public civic attraet3.on which was an outstandix�g money making evettt fpr the St. Paul Jaycees during 1977. This•aeems to be an appropriate use for $ desertedrold, large, imposing building such as the Masonic T�mple., , . cc/B. Carlson - ; •9.Lc.t�, n�TS: ' • I,ease Certi�icate of• Insurance ;1` ;;� �'!,'r ' R��"���/C� . �.� �;` . �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL t_ "'-`, � Q �978 INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM CI���� ��i�� �i����Y September 27, 1978 TO: Paul McCloskey, City Attorney's Office FR: Richard Manning, Pxoperty Manager �� RE: Masonic Temple - 5t. Paul Jaycees Haunted House Lease Please approve the attached lease as to form and forward with the attached "green sheet" to the Mayor for signature. I have attached the insurance coverage with the lease agreement which under "other coverages" shows the City of Saint Paul as the named additional insured with regard to the Masonic Temple being used as a haunted house during the period September 23 to November 5, 1978. Enc. ��>,_, c . � . � . . � �� ' 1 � . . �� , � LEASE AN AGREEMENT, Dated this day of J� , 1978, by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, hereinafter referred to as "City" , and the ST. PAUL JAYCEES , hereinafter referred to as "Jaycees" ; WITNESSETH: • THE CITY AND JAYCEES MUTUALLY AGREE AS FOLLOWS : 1. That the City, for One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, hereby leases to the Jaycees that City-owned facility known as the Masanic Temple for the period of September 23, to November 5 , 1978. 2. That the Jaycees agree to use the Masonic Temple for the purpose of conducting a civic attraction and related program events entitled "Haunted Castl.e" . 3. That the Jaycees shall provide and pay for electrical power and shall further provide operable toilet facilities during the term of this agreement. Additionally, the Jaycees shall provide for such cleanup and janitoriai work as needed to restore the Masonic Temple to the condition it was in prior to the use authorized hereunder. 4. That the Jaycees will coordinate its program and efforts with the City's property manager to provide for the safety of patrons of the Masonic Temple and the security of the building during the term of this agreement. 5. That the Jaycees will at all times during the use �of the Masonic Temple save and hold the City harmless from any and a11 claims of whatever kind or nature that may arise from any persons who may 1 " ` , , .,, � - . ' �►�� q►��� _. . � suffer injury or death because of coming onto the premises of the Masonic Temple as part of the Jaycee's program. In order to give this indemnification full force and effect, the Jaycees agree to provide, at its own expense, a policy of insurance naming the City as a co-insured thereon, and reflecting bodily injury, death and property damage liability limits of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars � , ($500 ,000.00) per occurrence. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Th� parties have set their hands the date written above and� to be inserted bv the Citv's Direetor of the Department of Finance and Management Services. �. CITY OF SAINT PAUL � BY: Director, Department of Finance and Management Services - APPROVED AS TO FnRM: l _ . Assistant ' ty Attorn y ST PAUL. JAYCEES BY: ITS :