01-205Counal Filc # � \' �5
Presented Hy
Referred To
Green SAeet r ,�O�al.y�
COC�::t.ee: Da�e
I WHEREAS, the Board of Water Commissioners did approve a Lead Water Service Replacement
2 Assessment Program (the "Program"), pursuant to the authority granted the Boazd and the City of
3 Saint Paul by Chapter 504 Laws of the State of Minnesota 1994; and
5 WFiEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul did subsequently adopt Resolution I�o. 94-1743
6 which approved and adopted the Program; and
8 WFIEREAS, the Board now desires to amend the Program to extend eligibility for the Program to
all properties located within the City of Saint Paul, to allow for an assessment period of up to 20
years, and to revise procedural steps in order to improve the implementation of the Program; and
WHEREAS, the Boazd, acting pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 504 Laws of the State
of Minnesota 1994, did approve an Amended Lead Water Service Replacement Assessment
Program dated February 13, 2001, ("the Amended Program") which does accomplish said desired
changes, does now request approval and adoption of the Amended Program by the Saint Paul City
Council; and
WHEREAS, the Council has considered the Amended Program as approved by the Board; now,
therefore, be it
21 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, acting pursuant to the authority granted
22 in Chapter 504 Laws of the State of Minnesota 1994, and upon the recommendation of the Boazd
23 of Water Commissioners, does hereby approve and adopt the Amended Lead Water Service
24 Replacement Assessment Program dated February 13, 2001.
Requested by Depa:�ment of:
Saint Paul Re ional Water Services
By. ,(iCw�ric./ � ��_'I�
e�r`a1 Manager �
Adoption Certified by Coun�il Seaetary Form A.ppr e by Ciry Attomc �
E}' _ BY \ � �
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.4dopted by Councit: Date� � ,�pp�
No 1 n2? � 2���
U �...,��.«��Sr zaa-a U �.�.. _
❑ 2 �.
plVAiid11EY ❑ QIYCIiWt
� wroRlw��sasr�xp ❑
Approval of Cou_�cil Resolution approving and adopting an Ameaded Lead Water Service
Reglacement Assessment Progxam.
Attachments: 1) Proposed Resolution and Amended Program
2) Staff Report
3) Board of Watex Commissioners Resolution No. 4759
4) 1994 Program
A Board of Wate.r CnmmicsinnpTS
tiasmis ae�rm cverwoiicea unaer a cormac�satnic aepsnnienn
Has this pnsoNfiim ever heen a dty empbyce9
Does Mis persoMm� P� a sitlll not nolmallyP� M' �Y wr2M city emPloYee?
Is Mis pnsoMim a targetetl ventlol'1
The current Lead Water Service Replacement Assessment Program is available only to properties
within street paving projects and provides an assessment period of no longer than 10 years.
All Saint Paul properties will be eligible to participate in this voluatar} financing
program and the proposed assessment period of up to 20 years will make replacement of
private property lead water services more affordable.
AC7rvIT�YN - "
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FEB 16 7�i �
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February 13, 2001
A. The primary purpose of this Program is to provide financial assistance to Ciry of Saint
Paul properiy owners for the purpose of replacing existing lead water connections on
their property.
B. The Boazd of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint Paul sought special legislative
authority to enable the development of a program to provide financial assistance to
properiy owners who replace lead water pipes on their property. The Minnesota
Legislature granted that authority by the enactment of Chapter 504 Laws of Minnesota
C. In the enactment of Chapter 504, the Legislature found and determined that the reduction
of lead contaminants in drinking water is a public putpose, and that providing financing
to property owners who replace lead water pipes on their property is a public purpose.
D. In part, Chapter 504 established that the City and the Board can develop a program to
provide loans to property owners for the replacement of lead water service connections. It
fiirther established that repayment of such loans can be accomplished through a special
assessment collected with real property taxes.
A. All properties within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul shall be eligible for
participation. To the extent that funds are available, all owners of property having lead
water service connections will be given the opportunity to participate in this program.
B. The portion of a water service connection from the water main to the property line is the
responsibility of Saint Paul Regional Water Services, wkdch shall be responsible for the
costs associated with its replacement.
C. The portion of a water service connection from the property line into the building is
owned by, and is the responsability of, the property owner. Property owners will be
encouraged to replace this portion of their lead water service.
D. Properiy owners may elect to have the costs of replacing the private property portion of
their water service connection paid by the Board of Water Commissioners. Such
payment, together with interest, sha11 be repaid to the Boazd through a special assessment
against the property, to be collected as part of the real estate taxes.
N�\Lead replacemenfl2001 Assessytogram_0110 wpd
page 2
A. Property owners who desire to participate in this Program shall make application to Saint
Paul Regional Water Services and will be provided the necessary forms which must be
returued for review and approval.
A. Costs eligible for reimbursement through this program are those related to the installation
of a new copper service from the water stop valve or property line, depending on
construction requirements, up to and including the water meter setting, including the cost
of any excavation restoration and Saint Paul Regional Water Services plumbing permit
and turn-on fees. No other plumbing work costs shall be efigible for reimbursement.
B. Following approval by Saint Paul Regional Water Services of all eligible construction
costs and docuxnentation, payment will be made by Saint Paul Office of Financial
Services issuing a check made payable jointly to the property owner and to the plumbing
C. Saint Paul Regional Water Services will calculate the total costs, including approved
construction costs plus all administration and financing costs, and shall assess these costs
in accordance with the provisions of the City of Saint Paul's Charter and Minnesota
Statutes Chaptex 429.
D. The amount assessed shall be made payable, together with interest, over a period not to
exceed 20 years.
- End -
N:\Lead replacement�2001 Assess�mgram_0110.wpd 2
� `-3cS
Amended Lead Water Service Replacement Assessment Program, February 13, 2001
.Ianuary 25, 2001
In 1994, the State of Minnesota granted authority to the Board of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint
Paul to develop a program by which private lead water connections can be replaced and the cost of replacement
financed by the City or Board. A replacement assessment program was developed and approved by the Board
and the City prior to commencing the Program. Since its inception, 1,156 properry owners have participated in
the Progzam. At this time, staff is proposing a number of revisions to the Program which reflect changing
conditions and proposed improvements, as listed below.
The original Program blended the lead service replacement assessment Program in private property with the
SPRWS replacement of lead services in street right-of-way. Extending the Program eligibility to all properties
in the City, as described below, made this link no longer necessary. The proposed amended Program addresses
only the assessment of private properiy replacements costs, in keeping with the statements and intent of the
authorizing Chapter 504 Laws of Minnesota 1994.
The original Program specified that only properties where the urility is replacing the street portion of the lead
water service will be eligible for participation, with the concentrarion being in street conshuction projects. As
awareness of potential health problems associated with lead leaching into drinking water from lead service
pipes increased, property owners outside of project areas began requesfing participation in the assessment
Program. Following informal approval by the Board, the eligibility was extended to all properties in the City of
Saint Paul.
Assessment Period
The Program initially established an assessment period of 10 years because private properiy replacement costs
were initially averaging about $1,200 and longer periods seemed unnecessary and undesirable for both the
property owner and the Boazd. Replacements now average $1800, with many going as high as $2,500. A
replacement performed in 1998 at 214 Maple Street resulted in a total cost of $16,750, due mostly to the
excavation being in a steep bank and the replacement of a retaining wall as part of the restorarion. The amended
Program as proposed establishes an assessment period of up to 20 years, a typical period for public
improvements assessed by Saint PauPs Real Estate Division.
The proposed amended Program contains revised language to better communicate intent and to reflect the
change in name from Saint Paul Water Urility to Saint Paul Regional Water Services.
Excessive Detail
The original Program detailed numerous steps and requirements staff would follow to process the
reimbursements which were proposed prior to inifiation of the Program. Early on in implementation it was
recognized that some were not pracficable, and fisther experience revealed even more to be unnecessary. The
proposed amended Program addresses process steps in mare general terms. This will allow the evolution of
process steps without the necessity of further amendments to the Progam.
N:\CLERICAL�BOARD�Resolutlons�MISCU.ead_assess_ammd_sfaff report 001 wpd
o � -���
PRESEIVTEB Bv j�aselmann
No 4759
pA � Februarv 13, 2001
WHEREAS, the Boazd of Water Commissioners did adopt Resolution No. 4339 which approved
a Lead Water Service Replacement Assessment Program (the "Program"), pursuant to the authority
granted the Board and the City of Saint Paul by Chapter 504 Laws of the State of Minnesota 1994;
WHEREAS, the Council ofthe City of Saint Paul did subsequently adopt Resolution No. 94-1743
which approved and adopted the Program; and
WHEREAS, the Board now desires to amend the Program to extend eligibility for the Program to
all properties located within the City of Saint Paul, to allow for an assessment period of up to 20
yeazs, and to revise procedural steps in order to unprove the implementation of the Program; and
WHEREAS, staffhas prepared an Amended Lead W ater Service Replacement Assessment Program
dated Februaryl3, 2001, ("Amended Program") which does accomplish said desired changes, and
the assistant city attorney has reviewed and approved the Amended Program as to form; now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Board of Water Commissioners does hereby approve the Amended Lead
Water Service Replacement Assessment Program dated February 13, 2001; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Honorable Council ofthe City of Saint Paul is hereby requested
to approve and adopt said Amended Program.
Water Commissioners
Yeas Anfang Nays
Vice President Haselmann
President Reitei
Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners
In favor 4_ ppposera 0
Februarv 13. �g 2001
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A. The Bcard o: Watsr Co�niss;aners z;�d '-�} e
City of Saint ?au1 souc'r_t speci=_1 1ea:sla�ive au�ori��
to enable the deve3opmen� ai a p:cg�'� to assist
residential and business nrooe*_�y ocmers ia the
replacement of lead wzter se�-vica connect*_ons. Tf^�e
Minnesota Legislature aran�ed tha� authority by the
enaet�ent of Cha�ter Soa �,zyrs flr uinr.esoLa 1944.
3. In the enactruen� of ChdFL°S 504, �.he Legislature found
and deteriained that "tha retluction or lead con�aminan�s
in drinking water is a public puraose, and that
providing financing to owners of r2sidences and
businesses to replace lead <aater pipes located on tuheir
property is a public purpose".
C. Chapter 504 allows for the develop�ent of a progra� by
which private lead water connections can be replaced
either by the City or the property owner.and the cos�
of replacasaent financed by the City/Board. Repayraent
of these costs can be acconnlished either as a specia2
assessnent collected with real praoer:.y taxes or added
to the regular water billings. �
D. The primary purpose of che prograa is to elir�ina�e
existing lezd pipe water connections, including
portions of the pipe owned by tha Soard and the
priva�ely owned portion. Replacenent of lead pipe
service connections will eliminate a aajor source
lead in drin}cing water. .
A. To the extent that funds are availzble oWners o£
residential and business property having lead water
service connections wi11 be given the apportunity to
participate in this program.
B. The part.ion of a water service connec'ciun from the
property line into the structure is owne� by and is the
responsibi�ity oL the property ownez. The service
connection from the property line to the water main is
the responsibility of the Water IItility, and the
IItility sha2i be responsible £or the costs associated
with its replacement.
C. Only those pronerties in which the IItility is replacing
the s}s'eet portion of the lead wat� service will �e �,��}OS
eliqible for narticipation. The Utility is
concentratinq the lead s�'vice replacement nroy2aa _n
sewer construction, paving ar.d ove_rlay projects_ -
Fut.L e projects, nowever� �ay e�end outsice thes2 -
D. :esidential and business progery ow�ars will be
encouraged LQ TG �� �4C� e.Y� SI.�nQ Z��Gil S� C� C•�•nneC�+��.
for health reasons, anc the n��"pose of 't.his proa�a3 !s
to assist those owners who T2CtIP5 �inancial assis�ance
to acco�n?ish �h?s rep?ac��en�. P.�'� zddi�ional ber:e=;=
will be inpraved r�a�er press•yre.
E. Repa�nent of =�nds p iOV140C �V u'12 T'(dt°-r jj�i 1 i �q
pursuant to th_s progra�r, wi11 De assessac against �:e
pronerty served by the wz�er service and will be
collecLed ''�ocether wi�h real estzte taxes.
III. 23atif ication; Apglicztion
A. Property owners wi11 be noLified by the �iater IItili�y
that lead servica connections will be repiaced as a
part os a proposed Public Works sTSeet project. The
notice will e�lain why it is necessasy to replace Ieac
services and the property ow will be encouraged to
replace the privately owr.ed portion oi `�.he ,Iead service
as well.
B. Written applica�ion must be �ade to the Water iTtili�y
if the owner desires to participate in this. progra�.
Application forms will be included wi�h the
notification and must be ze'tuzned to the Utility wi'thin
the time specified in the r.otice.
C. The apnlication wi12 require that the owner agree that
funds advanced by the Water Utility will be assessed
ancl collected with real property taxes, and further
agree to waive their rights to appeal from this
D. The owner must obtain a written estimate frota a
licensed plumbing contrac�oz for the total cost to
replace the lead service from the property line into
the house and through the second meter valve (including
the valve). The contract estimate may include the cost
of restoration and Water Utility i.nspaction and turn-on
fees. No other plumbing work shall be included for
assessment purposes.
rv .
E. The apnlication and esti�ate will be reviewed, ar.d if D 1-aoS
annroved, the work will be authorize3 for rei�hurs�ent
and assessment.
Coastruction of r�atar Se� rica; Re�bu�se=ent; �ssessmen�
A. Follow?r.g zpnroval o_ t:�e 2AD�?CZLCIl� we ow?�er �ay
T7TOC2�a �O ''cilt}?O?'122 cons`—L:ct_on Oi �}'e tvZ�°--'� SE2V1C°
1Z1' accordance W1�Il t:2 2�Ar�V2d 25��2L°.
B. owner or piu�_ng cor.�ractor �us� 2DDZtj °O=
bE'�"t'"1i1�'. SO� tt!2. C4215�r:1Ct10�1 'viOL3C 5� u�ZL. i.}'E
?RdY inspect ti12 wOT'SC being D2r=0�=.ed.
a �}u,-y�ir�g
U�i1i `f
C. ?i �0551�71° L�1� contracto 5210L�Q COCLCI_^.d�n
realzcamen� OL �Ile OWi1Er�5 521"V1C° W1�!1 �fF2 S:.T�°� WO_:C
being per=or�ed by the Depart:;.en� ci Public Works.
D. Upon co�pietion of tne =e�lace�ent o� �he lead water
service the owner sha1l present to the utility Iien
waivers from the plutabing con�.ractor, a final state�ent
of charges and the owner's acceptanCe o° the work
E. Payment shall be made by '
made payable jointly �o tne
Ut?lity issuing a check
owner and to the pluzabing
F. The titility shall calculate all the cos�s incurred in
the replacer�en� of tne lead service, including the
costs of ad�-ninistration and financing, and sha1l assess
- these total costs in accordance wi`�.n the provisions of
the City's Charter or Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429.
The amount assessed shall be made payable, toget'r.er
with interest, over a period noL io exceed 10 years.
Senior citizen deferred assess;aen"ts shaZ2 be ma3e
available to those persons who request it.
' 3
COWCl FiiC ,4`
0 i -ao 5
Greea Sheet r
P:esented ny
Re:er:e� To
Coe�t.ee: Bate
WHEREAS, the Boazd of Water Commissioners did approve a Lead Water Service Replacement
Assessment Program (the "Program"), pursuant to the authoriry granted the Board and the City of
Saint Paul by Chapter 504 Laws of the State of Minnesota 1994; and
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul did subsequently adopt Resolution No. 94-1743
which approved and adopted the Program; and
8 WHEREAS, the Boazd now desires to amend the Program to extend eligibility for the Program to
9 all properties located within the City of Saint Paul, to allow for an assessment period of up to 20
10 years, and to revise procedural steps in order to improve the implementation of the Program; and
WHEREAS, the Boazd, acting pursuant to the authoriry granted in Chapter 504 Laws of the State
of Minnesota 1994, did approve an Amended Lead Water Service Replacement Assessment
Program dated February 13, 2001, ("the Amended Program") which does accomplish said desired
changes, does now request approval and adoption of the Amended Program by the Saint Paul City
Council; and
WHEREAS, the Council has considered the Amended Program as approved by the Boazd; now,
therefore, be it
21 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, acting pursuant to the authority granted
22 in Chapter 504 Laws of the State of Minnesota 1994, and upon the recommendation of the Boazd
23 of Water Commissioners, does hereby approve and adopt the Amended Lead Water Service
24 Replacement Assessment Program dated February 13, 2001.
Reqvut�3 by Depa�tment of:
ydoption Ccrtified by Council Seaetary
Approved by Mayor: Aate
Saint Paul Re ional Wat Services
BY eneral�r� '� '
For� Approved by Ciry Attomcy
Approve3 by Ma}ror ior Subaission to Council
=.dopted by Council: Date
Amended Lead Water Service Replacement Assessment Program, Pebruary 13, 2001
Tanuary 25, 2001
In 1994, the State of Minnesota granted authority to the Board of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint
Paul to develop a program by which private lead water connections can be replaced and the cost of replacement
financed by the City or Board. A replacement assessment program was developed and approved by the Boazd
and the City prior to commencing the Program. Since its inception, 1,156 property owners have participated in
the Program. At this rime, staff is proposing a number of revisions to the Program which reflect changing
conditions and proposed improvements, as listed below.
The original Program blended the lead service replacement assessment Program in private property with the
SPRWS replacement of lead services in street right-of-way. Extending the Program eligibility to all properties
in the City, as described below, made this link no longer necessary. The proposed amended Program addresses
only the assessment of private properry replacements costs, in keeping with the statements and intent of the
authorizing Chapter 504 Laws of Minnesota 1994.
The original Progrun specified that only properties where the utility is replacing the street portion of the lead
water service will be eligible for participarion, with the concentration being in street construction projects. As
awareness of potential health problems associated with lead leaching into drinking water from lead service
pipes increased, property owners outside of project azeas began requesting participation in the asessment
Program. Following informal approval by the Boazd, the eligibility was extended to all properties in the City of
Saint Paul.
Assessment Period
The Program initially established an assessment period of 10 years because private properry replacement costs
were inifially averaging about $1,200 and longer periods seemed unnecessary and undesarable for both the
property owner and the Board. Replacements now average $1800, with many going as high as $2,500. A
replacement performed in 1998 at 214 Maple Street resulted in a total cost of $16,750, due mostly to the
excavation being in a steep bank and the replacement of a retaining wall as part of the restoration. The amended
Program as proposed establishes an assessment period of up to 20 years, a typical period for public
improvements assessed by Saint Pau]'s Real Estate Division.
The proposed amended Program contains revised language to better communicate intent and to reflect the
change in name from Saint Paul Water Urility to Saint Paul Regional Water Services.
Excessive Detail
The original Program detailed numerous steps and requirements staff would follow to process the
reimbursements which were proposed prior to initiation of the Program. Early on in implementarion it was
recognized that some were not practicable, and fiirflier experience revealed even more to be unnecessary. The
proposed amended Program addresses process steps in more general terms. This will allow the evolurion of
process steps without the necessity of further amendments to the Program.
N:\CLERICAL�BOARDU2esolutlonsVvllSC�Lead_assess amend_staff_report_OOl.wpd
Counal Filc # � \' �5
Presented Hy
Referred To
Green SAeet r ,�O�al.y�
COC�::t.ee: Da�e
I WHEREAS, the Board of Water Commissioners did approve a Lead Water Service Replacement
2 Assessment Program (the "Program"), pursuant to the authority granted the Boazd and the City of
3 Saint Paul by Chapter 504 Laws of the State of Minnesota 1994; and
5 WFiEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul did subsequently adopt Resolution I�o. 94-1743
6 which approved and adopted the Program; and
8 WFIEREAS, the Board now desires to amend the Program to extend eligibility for the Program to
all properties located within the City of Saint Paul, to allow for an assessment period of up to 20
years, and to revise procedural steps in order to improve the implementation of the Program; and
WHEREAS, the Boazd, acting pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 504 Laws of the State
of Minnesota 1994, did approve an Amended Lead Water Service Replacement Assessment
Program dated February 13, 2001, ("the Amended Program") which does accomplish said desired
changes, does now request approval and adoption of the Amended Program by the Saint Paul City
Council; and
WHEREAS, the Council has considered the Amended Program as approved by the Board; now,
therefore, be it
21 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, acting pursuant to the authority granted
22 in Chapter 504 Laws of the State of Minnesota 1994, and upon the recommendation of the Boazd
23 of Water Commissioners, does hereby approve and adopt the Amended Lead Water Service
24 Replacement Assessment Program dated February 13, 2001.
Requested by Depa:�ment of:
Saint Paul Re ional Water Services
By. ,(iCw�ric./ � ��_'I�
e�r`a1 Manager �
Adoption Certified by Coun�il Seaetary Form A.ppr e by Ciry Attomc �
E}' _ BY \ � �
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.4dopted by Councit: Date� � ,�pp�
No 1 n2? � 2���
U �...,��.«��Sr zaa-a U �.�.. _
❑ 2 �.
plVAiid11EY ❑ QIYCIiWt
� wroRlw��sasr�xp ❑
Approval of Cou_�cil Resolution approving and adopting an Ameaded Lead Water Service
Reglacement Assessment Progxam.
Attachments: 1) Proposed Resolution and Amended Program
2) Staff Report
3) Board of Watex Commissioners Resolution No. 4759
4) 1994 Program
A Board of Wate.r CnmmicsinnpTS
tiasmis ae�rm cverwoiicea unaer a cormac�satnic aepsnnienn
Has this pnsoNfiim ever heen a dty empbyce9
Does Mis persoMm� P� a sitlll not nolmallyP� M' �Y wr2M city emPloYee?
Is Mis pnsoMim a targetetl ventlol'1
The current Lead Water Service Replacement Assessment Program is available only to properties
within street paving projects and provides an assessment period of no longer than 10 years.
All Saint Paul properties will be eligible to participate in this voluatar} financing
program and the proposed assessment period of up to 20 years will make replacement of
private property lead water services more affordable.
AC7rvIT�YN - "
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FEB 16 7�i �
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o � -a�os
February 13, 2001
A. The primary purpose of this Program is to provide financial assistance to Ciry of Saint
Paul properiy owners for the purpose of replacing existing lead water connections on
their property.
B. The Boazd of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint Paul sought special legislative
authority to enable the development of a program to provide financial assistance to
properiy owners who replace lead water pipes on their property. The Minnesota
Legislature granted that authority by the enactment of Chapter 504 Laws of Minnesota
C. In the enactment of Chapter 504, the Legislature found and determined that the reduction
of lead contaminants in drinking water is a public putpose, and that providing financing
to property owners who replace lead water pipes on their property is a public purpose.
D. In part, Chapter 504 established that the City and the Board can develop a program to
provide loans to property owners for the replacement of lead water service connections. It
fiirther established that repayment of such loans can be accomplished through a special
assessment collected with real property taxes.
A. All properties within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul shall be eligible for
participation. To the extent that funds are available, all owners of property having lead
water service connections will be given the opportunity to participate in this program.
B. The portion of a water service connection from the water main to the property line is the
responsibility of Saint Paul Regional Water Services, wkdch shall be responsible for the
costs associated with its replacement.
C. The portion of a water service connection from the property line into the building is
owned by, and is the responsability of, the property owner. Property owners will be
encouraged to replace this portion of their lead water service.
D. Properiy owners may elect to have the costs of replacing the private property portion of
their water service connection paid by the Board of Water Commissioners. Such
payment, together with interest, sha11 be repaid to the Boazd through a special assessment
against the property, to be collected as part of the real estate taxes.
N�\Lead replacemenfl2001 Assessytogram_0110 wpd
page 2
A. Property owners who desire to participate in this Program shall make application to Saint
Paul Regional Water Services and will be provided the necessary forms which must be
returued for review and approval.
A. Costs eligible for reimbursement through this program are those related to the installation
of a new copper service from the water stop valve or property line, depending on
construction requirements, up to and including the water meter setting, including the cost
of any excavation restoration and Saint Paul Regional Water Services plumbing permit
and turn-on fees. No other plumbing work costs shall be efigible for reimbursement.
B. Following approval by Saint Paul Regional Water Services of all eligible construction
costs and docuxnentation, payment will be made by Saint Paul Office of Financial
Services issuing a check made payable jointly to the property owner and to the plumbing
C. Saint Paul Regional Water Services will calculate the total costs, including approved
construction costs plus all administration and financing costs, and shall assess these costs
in accordance with the provisions of the City of Saint Paul's Charter and Minnesota
Statutes Chaptex 429.
D. The amount assessed shall be made payable, together with interest, over a period not to
exceed 20 years.
- End -
N:\Lead replacement�2001 Assess�mgram_0110.wpd 2
� `-3cS
Amended Lead Water Service Replacement Assessment Program, February 13, 2001
.Ianuary 25, 2001
In 1994, the State of Minnesota granted authority to the Board of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint
Paul to develop a program by which private lead water connections can be replaced and the cost of replacement
financed by the City or Board. A replacement assessment program was developed and approved by the Board
and the City prior to commencing the Program. Since its inception, 1,156 properry owners have participated in
the Progzam. At this time, staff is proposing a number of revisions to the Program which reflect changing
conditions and proposed improvements, as listed below.
The original Program blended the lead service replacement assessment Program in private property with the
SPRWS replacement of lead services in street right-of-way. Extending the Program eligibility to all properties
in the City, as described below, made this link no longer necessary. The proposed amended Program addresses
only the assessment of private properiy replacements costs, in keeping with the statements and intent of the
authorizing Chapter 504 Laws of Minnesota 1994.
The original Program specified that only properties where the urility is replacing the street portion of the lead
water service will be eligible for participation, with the concentrarion being in street conshuction projects. As
awareness of potential health problems associated with lead leaching into drinking water from lead service
pipes increased, property owners outside of project areas began requesfing participation in the assessment
Program. Following informal approval by the Board, the eligibility was extended to all properties in the City of
Saint Paul.
Assessment Period
The Program initially established an assessment period of 10 years because private properiy replacement costs
were initially averaging about $1,200 and longer periods seemed unnecessary and undesirable for both the
property owner and the Boazd. Replacements now average $1800, with many going as high as $2,500. A
replacement performed in 1998 at 214 Maple Street resulted in a total cost of $16,750, due mostly to the
excavation being in a steep bank and the replacement of a retaining wall as part of the restorarion. The amended
Program as proposed establishes an assessment period of up to 20 years, a typical period for public
improvements assessed by Saint PauPs Real Estate Division.
The proposed amended Program contains revised language to better communicate intent and to reflect the
change in name from Saint Paul Water Urility to Saint Paul Regional Water Services.
Excessive Detail
The original Program detailed numerous steps and requirements staff would follow to process the
reimbursements which were proposed prior to inifiation of the Program. Early on in implementation it was
recognized that some were not pracficable, and fisther experience revealed even more to be unnecessary. The
proposed amended Program addresses process steps in mare general terms. This will allow the evolution of
process steps without the necessity of further amendments to the Progam.
N:\CLERICAL�BOARD�Resolutlons�MISCU.ead_assess_ammd_sfaff report 001 wpd
o � -���
PRESEIVTEB Bv j�aselmann
No 4759
pA � Februarv 13, 2001
WHEREAS, the Boazd of Water Commissioners did adopt Resolution No. 4339 which approved
a Lead Water Service Replacement Assessment Program (the "Program"), pursuant to the authority
granted the Board and the City of Saint Paul by Chapter 504 Laws of the State of Minnesota 1994;
WHEREAS, the Council ofthe City of Saint Paul did subsequently adopt Resolution No. 94-1743
which approved and adopted the Program; and
WHEREAS, the Board now desires to amend the Program to extend eligibility for the Program to
all properties located within the City of Saint Paul, to allow for an assessment period of up to 20
yeazs, and to revise procedural steps in order to unprove the implementation of the Program; and
WHEREAS, staffhas prepared an Amended Lead W ater Service Replacement Assessment Program
dated Februaryl3, 2001, ("Amended Program") which does accomplish said desired changes, and
the assistant city attorney has reviewed and approved the Amended Program as to form; now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Board of Water Commissioners does hereby approve the Amended Lead
Water Service Replacement Assessment Program dated February 13, 2001; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Honorable Council ofthe City of Saint Paul is hereby requested
to approve and adopt said Amended Program.
Water Commissioners
Yeas Anfang Nays
Vice President Haselmann
President Reitei
Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners
In favor 4_ ppposera 0
Februarv 13. �g 2001
� / /
�..1 . �±1�
' •
o � -a.os
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A. The Bcard o: Watsr Co�niss;aners z;�d '-�} e
City of Saint ?au1 souc'r_t speci=_1 1ea:sla�ive au�ori��
to enable the deve3opmen� ai a p:cg�'� to assist
residential and business nrooe*_�y ocmers ia the
replacement of lead wzter se�-vica connect*_ons. Tf^�e
Minnesota Legislature aran�ed tha� authority by the
enaet�ent of Cha�ter Soa �,zyrs flr uinr.esoLa 1944.
3. In the enactruen� of ChdFL°S 504, �.he Legislature found
and deteriained that "tha retluction or lead con�aminan�s
in drinking water is a public puraose, and that
providing financing to owners of r2sidences and
businesses to replace lead <aater pipes located on tuheir
property is a public purpose".
C. Chapter 504 allows for the develop�ent of a progra� by
which private lead water connections can be replaced
either by the City or the property owner.and the cos�
of replacasaent financed by the City/Board. Repayraent
of these costs can be acconnlished either as a specia2
assessnent collected with real praoer:.y taxes or added
to the regular water billings. �
D. The primary purpose of che prograa is to elir�ina�e
existing lezd pipe water connections, including
portions of the pipe owned by tha Soard and the
priva�ely owned portion. Replacenent of lead pipe
service connections will eliminate a aajor source
lead in drin}cing water. .
A. To the extent that funds are availzble oWners o£
residential and business property having lead water
service connections wi11 be given the apportunity to
participate in this program.
B. The part.ion of a water service connec'ciun from the
property line into the structure is owne� by and is the
responsibi�ity oL the property ownez. The service
connection from the property line to the water main is
the responsibility of the Water IItility, and the
IItility sha2i be responsible £or the costs associated
with its replacement.
C. Only those pronerties in which the IItility is replacing
the s}s'eet portion of the lead wat� service will �e �,��}OS
eliqible for narticipation. The Utility is
concentratinq the lead s�'vice replacement nroy2aa _n
sewer construction, paving ar.d ove_rlay projects_ -
Fut.L e projects, nowever� �ay e�end outsice thes2 -
D. :esidential and business progery ow�ars will be
encouraged LQ TG �� �4C� e.Y� SI.�nQ Z��Gil S� C� C•�•nneC�+��.
for health reasons, anc the n��"pose of 't.his proa�a3 !s
to assist those owners who T2CtIP5 �inancial assis�ance
to acco�n?ish �h?s rep?ac��en�. P.�'� zddi�ional ber:e=;=
will be inpraved r�a�er press•yre.
E. Repa�nent of =�nds p iOV140C �V u'12 T'(dt°-r jj�i 1 i �q
pursuant to th_s progra�r, wi11 De assessac against �:e
pronerty served by the wz�er service and will be
collecLed ''�ocether wi�h real estzte taxes.
III. 23atif ication; Apglicztion
A. Property owners wi11 be noLified by the �iater IItili�y
that lead servica connections will be repiaced as a
part os a proposed Public Works sTSeet project. The
notice will e�lain why it is necessasy to replace Ieac
services and the property ow will be encouraged to
replace the privately owr.ed portion oi `�.he ,Iead service
as well.
B. Written applica�ion must be �ade to the Water iTtili�y
if the owner desires to participate in this. progra�.
Application forms will be included wi�h the
notification and must be ze'tuzned to the Utility wi'thin
the time specified in the r.otice.
C. The apnlication wi12 require that the owner agree that
funds advanced by the Water Utility will be assessed
ancl collected with real property taxes, and further
agree to waive their rights to appeal from this
D. The owner must obtain a written estimate frota a
licensed plumbing contrac�oz for the total cost to
replace the lead service from the property line into
the house and through the second meter valve (including
the valve). The contract estimate may include the cost
of restoration and Water Utility i.nspaction and turn-on
fees. No other plumbing work shall be included for
assessment purposes.
rv .
E. The apnlication and esti�ate will be reviewed, ar.d if D 1-aoS
annroved, the work will be authorize3 for rei�hurs�ent
and assessment.
Coastruction of r�atar Se� rica; Re�bu�se=ent; �ssessmen�
A. Follow?r.g zpnroval o_ t:�e 2AD�?CZLCIl� we ow?�er �ay
T7TOC2�a �O ''cilt}?O?'122 cons`—L:ct_on Oi �}'e tvZ�°--'� SE2V1C°
1Z1' accordance W1�Il t:2 2�Ar�V2d 25��2L°.
B. owner or piu�_ng cor.�ractor �us� 2DDZtj °O=
bE'�"t'"1i1�'. SO� tt!2. C4215�r:1Ct10�1 'viOL3C 5� u�ZL. i.}'E
?RdY inspect ti12 wOT'SC being D2r=0�=.ed.
a �}u,-y�ir�g
U�i1i `f
C. ?i �0551�71° L�1� contracto 5210L�Q COCLCI_^.d�n
realzcamen� OL �Ile OWi1Er�5 521"V1C° W1�!1 �fF2 S:.T�°� WO_:C
being per=or�ed by the Depart:;.en� ci Public Works.
D. Upon co�pietion of tne =e�lace�ent o� �he lead water
service the owner sha1l present to the utility Iien
waivers from the plutabing con�.ractor, a final state�ent
of charges and the owner's acceptanCe o° the work
E. Payment shall be made by '
made payable jointly �o tne
Ut?lity issuing a check
owner and to the pluzabing
F. The titility shall calculate all the cos�s incurred in
the replacer�en� of tne lead service, including the
costs of ad�-ninistration and financing, and sha1l assess
- these total costs in accordance wi`�.n the provisions of
the City's Charter or Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429.
The amount assessed shall be made payable, toget'r.er
with interest, over a period noL io exceed 10 years.
Senior citizen deferred assess;aen"ts shaZ2 be ma3e
available to those persons who request it.
' 3
COWCl FiiC ,4`
0 i -ao 5
Greea Sheet r
P:esented ny
Re:er:e� To
Coe�t.ee: Bate
WHEREAS, the Boazd of Water Commissioners did approve a Lead Water Service Replacement
Assessment Program (the "Program"), pursuant to the authoriry granted the Board and the City of
Saint Paul by Chapter 504 Laws of the State of Minnesota 1994; and
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul did subsequently adopt Resolution No. 94-1743
which approved and adopted the Program; and
8 WHEREAS, the Boazd now desires to amend the Program to extend eligibility for the Program to
9 all properties located within the City of Saint Paul, to allow for an assessment period of up to 20
10 years, and to revise procedural steps in order to improve the implementation of the Program; and
WHEREAS, the Boazd, acting pursuant to the authoriry granted in Chapter 504 Laws of the State
of Minnesota 1994, did approve an Amended Lead Water Service Replacement Assessment
Program dated February 13, 2001, ("the Amended Program") which does accomplish said desired
changes, does now request approval and adoption of the Amended Program by the Saint Paul City
Council; and
WHEREAS, the Council has considered the Amended Program as approved by the Boazd; now,
therefore, be it
21 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, acting pursuant to the authority granted
22 in Chapter 504 Laws of the State of Minnesota 1994, and upon the recommendation of the Boazd
23 of Water Commissioners, does hereby approve and adopt the Amended Lead Water Service
24 Replacement Assessment Program dated February 13, 2001.
Reqvut�3 by Depa�tment of:
ydoption Ccrtified by Council Seaetary
Approved by Mayor: Aate
Saint Paul Re ional Wat Services
BY eneral�r� '� '
For� Approved by Ciry Attomcy
Approve3 by Ma}ror ior Subaission to Council
=.dopted by Council: Date
Amended Lead Water Service Replacement Assessment Program, Pebruary 13, 2001
Tanuary 25, 2001
In 1994, the State of Minnesota granted authority to the Board of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint
Paul to develop a program by which private lead water connections can be replaced and the cost of replacement
financed by the City or Board. A replacement assessment program was developed and approved by the Boazd
and the City prior to commencing the Program. Since its inception, 1,156 property owners have participated in
the Program. At this rime, staff is proposing a number of revisions to the Program which reflect changing
conditions and proposed improvements, as listed below.
The original Program blended the lead service replacement assessment Program in private property with the
SPRWS replacement of lead services in street right-of-way. Extending the Program eligibility to all properties
in the City, as described below, made this link no longer necessary. The proposed amended Program addresses
only the assessment of private properry replacements costs, in keeping with the statements and intent of the
authorizing Chapter 504 Laws of Minnesota 1994.
The original Progrun specified that only properties where the utility is replacing the street portion of the lead
water service will be eligible for participarion, with the concentration being in street construction projects. As
awareness of potential health problems associated with lead leaching into drinking water from lead service
pipes increased, property owners outside of project azeas began requesting participation in the asessment
Program. Following informal approval by the Boazd, the eligibility was extended to all properties in the City of
Saint Paul.
Assessment Period
The Program initially established an assessment period of 10 years because private properry replacement costs
were inifially averaging about $1,200 and longer periods seemed unnecessary and undesarable for both the
property owner and the Board. Replacements now average $1800, with many going as high as $2,500. A
replacement performed in 1998 at 214 Maple Street resulted in a total cost of $16,750, due mostly to the
excavation being in a steep bank and the replacement of a retaining wall as part of the restoration. The amended
Program as proposed establishes an assessment period of up to 20 years, a typical period for public
improvements assessed by Saint Pau]'s Real Estate Division.
The proposed amended Program contains revised language to better communicate intent and to reflect the
change in name from Saint Paul Water Urility to Saint Paul Regional Water Services.
Excessive Detail
The original Program detailed numerous steps and requirements staff would follow to process the
reimbursements which were proposed prior to initiation of the Program. Early on in implementarion it was
recognized that some were not practicable, and fiirflier experience revealed even more to be unnecessary. The
proposed amended Program addresses process steps in more general terms. This will allow the evolurion of
process steps without the necessity of further amendments to the Program.
N:\CLERICAL�BOARDU2esolutlonsVvllSC�Lead_assess amend_staff_report_OOl.wpd
Counal Filc # � \' �5
Presented Hy
Referred To
Green SAeet r ,�O�al.y�
COC�::t.ee: Da�e
I WHEREAS, the Board of Water Commissioners did approve a Lead Water Service Replacement
2 Assessment Program (the "Program"), pursuant to the authority granted the Boazd and the City of
3 Saint Paul by Chapter 504 Laws of the State of Minnesota 1994; and
5 WFiEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul did subsequently adopt Resolution I�o. 94-1743
6 which approved and adopted the Program; and
8 WFIEREAS, the Board now desires to amend the Program to extend eligibility for the Program to
all properties located within the City of Saint Paul, to allow for an assessment period of up to 20
years, and to revise procedural steps in order to improve the implementation of the Program; and
WHEREAS, the Boazd, acting pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 504 Laws of the State
of Minnesota 1994, did approve an Amended Lead Water Service Replacement Assessment
Program dated February 13, 2001, ("the Amended Program") which does accomplish said desired
changes, does now request approval and adoption of the Amended Program by the Saint Paul City
Council; and
WHEREAS, the Council has considered the Amended Program as approved by the Board; now,
therefore, be it
21 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, acting pursuant to the authority granted
22 in Chapter 504 Laws of the State of Minnesota 1994, and upon the recommendation of the Boazd
23 of Water Commissioners, does hereby approve and adopt the Amended Lead Water Service
24 Replacement Assessment Program dated February 13, 2001.
Requested by Depa:�ment of:
Saint Paul Re ional Water Services
By. ,(iCw�ric./ � ��_'I�
e�r`a1 Manager �
Adoption Certified by Coun�il Seaetary Form A.ppr e by Ciry Attomc �
E}' _ BY \ � �
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.4dopted by Councit: Date� � ,�pp�
No 1 n2? � 2���
U �...,��.«��Sr zaa-a U �.�.. _
❑ 2 �.
plVAiid11EY ❑ QIYCIiWt
� wroRlw��sasr�xp ❑
Approval of Cou_�cil Resolution approving and adopting an Ameaded Lead Water Service
Reglacement Assessment Progxam.
Attachments: 1) Proposed Resolution and Amended Program
2) Staff Report
3) Board of Watex Commissioners Resolution No. 4759
4) 1994 Program
A Board of Wate.r CnmmicsinnpTS
tiasmis ae�rm cverwoiicea unaer a cormac�satnic aepsnnienn
Has this pnsoNfiim ever heen a dty empbyce9
Does Mis persoMm� P� a sitlll not nolmallyP� M' �Y wr2M city emPloYee?
Is Mis pnsoMim a targetetl ventlol'1
The current Lead Water Service Replacement Assessment Program is available only to properties
within street paving projects and provides an assessment period of no longer than 10 years.
All Saint Paul properties will be eligible to participate in this voluatar} financing
program and the proposed assessment period of up to 20 years will make replacement of
private property lead water services more affordable.
AC7rvIT�YN - "
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February 13, 2001
A. The primary purpose of this Program is to provide financial assistance to Ciry of Saint
Paul properiy owners for the purpose of replacing existing lead water connections on
their property.
B. The Boazd of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint Paul sought special legislative
authority to enable the development of a program to provide financial assistance to
properiy owners who replace lead water pipes on their property. The Minnesota
Legislature granted that authority by the enactment of Chapter 504 Laws of Minnesota
C. In the enactment of Chapter 504, the Legislature found and determined that the reduction
of lead contaminants in drinking water is a public putpose, and that providing financing
to property owners who replace lead water pipes on their property is a public purpose.
D. In part, Chapter 504 established that the City and the Board can develop a program to
provide loans to property owners for the replacement of lead water service connections. It
fiirther established that repayment of such loans can be accomplished through a special
assessment collected with real property taxes.
A. All properties within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul shall be eligible for
participation. To the extent that funds are available, all owners of property having lead
water service connections will be given the opportunity to participate in this program.
B. The portion of a water service connection from the water main to the property line is the
responsibility of Saint Paul Regional Water Services, wkdch shall be responsible for the
costs associated with its replacement.
C. The portion of a water service connection from the property line into the building is
owned by, and is the responsability of, the property owner. Property owners will be
encouraged to replace this portion of their lead water service.
D. Properiy owners may elect to have the costs of replacing the private property portion of
their water service connection paid by the Board of Water Commissioners. Such
payment, together with interest, sha11 be repaid to the Boazd through a special assessment
against the property, to be collected as part of the real estate taxes.
N�\Lead replacemenfl2001 Assessytogram_0110 wpd
page 2
A. Property owners who desire to participate in this Program shall make application to Saint
Paul Regional Water Services and will be provided the necessary forms which must be
returued for review and approval.
A. Costs eligible for reimbursement through this program are those related to the installation
of a new copper service from the water stop valve or property line, depending on
construction requirements, up to and including the water meter setting, including the cost
of any excavation restoration and Saint Paul Regional Water Services plumbing permit
and turn-on fees. No other plumbing work costs shall be efigible for reimbursement.
B. Following approval by Saint Paul Regional Water Services of all eligible construction
costs and docuxnentation, payment will be made by Saint Paul Office of Financial
Services issuing a check made payable jointly to the property owner and to the plumbing
C. Saint Paul Regional Water Services will calculate the total costs, including approved
construction costs plus all administration and financing costs, and shall assess these costs
in accordance with the provisions of the City of Saint Paul's Charter and Minnesota
Statutes Chaptex 429.
D. The amount assessed shall be made payable, together with interest, over a period not to
exceed 20 years.
- End -
N:\Lead replacement�2001 Assess�mgram_0110.wpd 2
� `-3cS
Amended Lead Water Service Replacement Assessment Program, February 13, 2001
.Ianuary 25, 2001
In 1994, the State of Minnesota granted authority to the Board of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint
Paul to develop a program by which private lead water connections can be replaced and the cost of replacement
financed by the City or Board. A replacement assessment program was developed and approved by the Board
and the City prior to commencing the Program. Since its inception, 1,156 properry owners have participated in
the Progzam. At this time, staff is proposing a number of revisions to the Program which reflect changing
conditions and proposed improvements, as listed below.
The original Program blended the lead service replacement assessment Program in private property with the
SPRWS replacement of lead services in street right-of-way. Extending the Program eligibility to all properties
in the City, as described below, made this link no longer necessary. The proposed amended Program addresses
only the assessment of private properiy replacements costs, in keeping with the statements and intent of the
authorizing Chapter 504 Laws of Minnesota 1994.
The original Program specified that only properties where the urility is replacing the street portion of the lead
water service will be eligible for participation, with the concentrarion being in street conshuction projects. As
awareness of potential health problems associated with lead leaching into drinking water from lead service
pipes increased, property owners outside of project areas began requesfing participation in the assessment
Program. Following informal approval by the Board, the eligibility was extended to all properties in the City of
Saint Paul.
Assessment Period
The Program initially established an assessment period of 10 years because private properiy replacement costs
were initially averaging about $1,200 and longer periods seemed unnecessary and undesirable for both the
property owner and the Boazd. Replacements now average $1800, with many going as high as $2,500. A
replacement performed in 1998 at 214 Maple Street resulted in a total cost of $16,750, due mostly to the
excavation being in a steep bank and the replacement of a retaining wall as part of the restorarion. The amended
Program as proposed establishes an assessment period of up to 20 years, a typical period for public
improvements assessed by Saint PauPs Real Estate Division.
The proposed amended Program contains revised language to better communicate intent and to reflect the
change in name from Saint Paul Water Urility to Saint Paul Regional Water Services.
Excessive Detail
The original Program detailed numerous steps and requirements staff would follow to process the
reimbursements which were proposed prior to inifiation of the Program. Early on in implementation it was
recognized that some were not pracficable, and fisther experience revealed even more to be unnecessary. The
proposed amended Program addresses process steps in mare general terms. This will allow the evolution of
process steps without the necessity of further amendments to the Progam.
N:\CLERICAL�BOARD�Resolutlons�MISCU.ead_assess_ammd_sfaff report 001 wpd
o � -���
PRESEIVTEB Bv j�aselmann
No 4759
pA � Februarv 13, 2001
WHEREAS, the Boazd of Water Commissioners did adopt Resolution No. 4339 which approved
a Lead Water Service Replacement Assessment Program (the "Program"), pursuant to the authority
granted the Board and the City of Saint Paul by Chapter 504 Laws of the State of Minnesota 1994;
WHEREAS, the Council ofthe City of Saint Paul did subsequently adopt Resolution No. 94-1743
which approved and adopted the Program; and
WHEREAS, the Board now desires to amend the Program to extend eligibility for the Program to
all properties located within the City of Saint Paul, to allow for an assessment period of up to 20
yeazs, and to revise procedural steps in order to unprove the implementation of the Program; and
WHEREAS, staffhas prepared an Amended Lead W ater Service Replacement Assessment Program
dated Februaryl3, 2001, ("Amended Program") which does accomplish said desired changes, and
the assistant city attorney has reviewed and approved the Amended Program as to form; now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Board of Water Commissioners does hereby approve the Amended Lead
Water Service Replacement Assessment Program dated February 13, 2001; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Honorable Council ofthe City of Saint Paul is hereby requested
to approve and adopt said Amended Program.
Water Commissioners
Yeas Anfang Nays
Vice President Haselmann
President Reitei
Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners
In favor 4_ ppposera 0
Februarv 13. �g 2001
� / /
�..1 . �±1�
' •
o � -a.os
- zrt�
- i
.�:_ '
��� �
A. The Bcard o: Watsr Co�niss;aners z;�d '-�} e
City of Saint ?au1 souc'r_t speci=_1 1ea:sla�ive au�ori��
to enable the deve3opmen� ai a p:cg�'� to assist
residential and business nrooe*_�y ocmers ia the
replacement of lead wzter se�-vica connect*_ons. Tf^�e
Minnesota Legislature aran�ed tha� authority by the
enaet�ent of Cha�ter Soa �,zyrs flr uinr.esoLa 1944.
3. In the enactruen� of ChdFL°S 504, �.he Legislature found
and deteriained that "tha retluction or lead con�aminan�s
in drinking water is a public puraose, and that
providing financing to owners of r2sidences and
businesses to replace lead <aater pipes located on tuheir
property is a public purpose".
C. Chapter 504 allows for the develop�ent of a progra� by
which private lead water connections can be replaced
either by the City or the property owner.and the cos�
of replacasaent financed by the City/Board. Repayraent
of these costs can be acconnlished either as a specia2
assessnent collected with real praoer:.y taxes or added
to the regular water billings. �
D. The primary purpose of che prograa is to elir�ina�e
existing lezd pipe water connections, including
portions of the pipe owned by tha Soard and the
priva�ely owned portion. Replacenent of lead pipe
service connections will eliminate a aajor source
lead in drin}cing water. .
A. To the extent that funds are availzble oWners o£
residential and business property having lead water
service connections wi11 be given the apportunity to
participate in this program.
B. The part.ion of a water service connec'ciun from the
property line into the structure is owne� by and is the
responsibi�ity oL the property ownez. The service
connection from the property line to the water main is
the responsibility of the Water IItility, and the
IItility sha2i be responsible £or the costs associated
with its replacement.
C. Only those pronerties in which the IItility is replacing
the s}s'eet portion of the lead wat� service will �e �,��}OS
eliqible for narticipation. The Utility is
concentratinq the lead s�'vice replacement nroy2aa _n
sewer construction, paving ar.d ove_rlay projects_ -
Fut.L e projects, nowever� �ay e�end outsice thes2 -
D. :esidential and business progery ow�ars will be
encouraged LQ TG �� �4C� e.Y� SI.�nQ Z��Gil S� C� C•�•nneC�+��.
for health reasons, anc the n��"pose of 't.his proa�a3 !s
to assist those owners who T2CtIP5 �inancial assis�ance
to acco�n?ish �h?s rep?ac��en�. P.�'� zddi�ional ber:e=;=
will be inpraved r�a�er press•yre.
E. Repa�nent of =�nds p iOV140C �V u'12 T'(dt°-r jj�i 1 i �q
pursuant to th_s progra�r, wi11 De assessac against �:e
pronerty served by the wz�er service and will be
collecLed ''�ocether wi�h real estzte taxes.
III. 23atif ication; Apglicztion
A. Property owners wi11 be noLified by the �iater IItili�y
that lead servica connections will be repiaced as a
part os a proposed Public Works sTSeet project. The
notice will e�lain why it is necessasy to replace Ieac
services and the property ow will be encouraged to
replace the privately owr.ed portion oi `�.he ,Iead service
as well.
B. Written applica�ion must be �ade to the Water iTtili�y
if the owner desires to participate in this. progra�.
Application forms will be included wi�h the
notification and must be ze'tuzned to the Utility wi'thin
the time specified in the r.otice.
C. The apnlication wi12 require that the owner agree that
funds advanced by the Water Utility will be assessed
ancl collected with real property taxes, and further
agree to waive their rights to appeal from this
D. The owner must obtain a written estimate frota a
licensed plumbing contrac�oz for the total cost to
replace the lead service from the property line into
the house and through the second meter valve (including
the valve). The contract estimate may include the cost
of restoration and Water Utility i.nspaction and turn-on
fees. No other plumbing work shall be included for
assessment purposes.
rv .
E. The apnlication and esti�ate will be reviewed, ar.d if D 1-aoS
annroved, the work will be authorize3 for rei�hurs�ent
and assessment.
Coastruction of r�atar Se� rica; Re�bu�se=ent; �ssessmen�
A. Follow?r.g zpnroval o_ t:�e 2AD�?CZLCIl� we ow?�er �ay
T7TOC2�a �O ''cilt}?O?'122 cons`—L:ct_on Oi �}'e tvZ�°--'� SE2V1C°
1Z1' accordance W1�Il t:2 2�Ar�V2d 25��2L°.
B. owner or piu�_ng cor.�ractor �us� 2DDZtj °O=
bE'�"t'"1i1�'. SO� tt!2. C4215�r:1Ct10�1 'viOL3C 5� u�ZL. i.}'E
?RdY inspect ti12 wOT'SC being D2r=0�=.ed.
a �}u,-y�ir�g
U�i1i `f
C. ?i �0551�71° L�1� contracto 5210L�Q COCLCI_^.d�n
realzcamen� OL �Ile OWi1Er�5 521"V1C° W1�!1 �fF2 S:.T�°� WO_:C
being per=or�ed by the Depart:;.en� ci Public Works.
D. Upon co�pietion of tne =e�lace�ent o� �he lead water
service the owner sha1l present to the utility Iien
waivers from the plutabing con�.ractor, a final state�ent
of charges and the owner's acceptanCe o° the work
E. Payment shall be made by '
made payable jointly �o tne
Ut?lity issuing a check
owner and to the pluzabing
F. The titility shall calculate all the cos�s incurred in
the replacer�en� of tne lead service, including the
costs of ad�-ninistration and financing, and sha1l assess
- these total costs in accordance wi`�.n the provisions of
the City's Charter or Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429.
The amount assessed shall be made payable, toget'r.er
with interest, over a period noL io exceed 10 years.
Senior citizen deferred assess;aen"ts shaZ2 be ma3e
available to those persons who request it.
' 3
COWCl FiiC ,4`
0 i -ao 5
Greea Sheet r
P:esented ny
Re:er:e� To
Coe�t.ee: Bate
WHEREAS, the Boazd of Water Commissioners did approve a Lead Water Service Replacement
Assessment Program (the "Program"), pursuant to the authoriry granted the Board and the City of
Saint Paul by Chapter 504 Laws of the State of Minnesota 1994; and
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul did subsequently adopt Resolution No. 94-1743
which approved and adopted the Program; and
8 WHEREAS, the Boazd now desires to amend the Program to extend eligibility for the Program to
9 all properties located within the City of Saint Paul, to allow for an assessment period of up to 20
10 years, and to revise procedural steps in order to improve the implementation of the Program; and
WHEREAS, the Boazd, acting pursuant to the authoriry granted in Chapter 504 Laws of the State
of Minnesota 1994, did approve an Amended Lead Water Service Replacement Assessment
Program dated February 13, 2001, ("the Amended Program") which does accomplish said desired
changes, does now request approval and adoption of the Amended Program by the Saint Paul City
Council; and
WHEREAS, the Council has considered the Amended Program as approved by the Boazd; now,
therefore, be it
21 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, acting pursuant to the authority granted
22 in Chapter 504 Laws of the State of Minnesota 1994, and upon the recommendation of the Boazd
23 of Water Commissioners, does hereby approve and adopt the Amended Lead Water Service
24 Replacement Assessment Program dated February 13, 2001.
Reqvut�3 by Depa�tment of:
ydoption Ccrtified by Council Seaetary
Approved by Mayor: Aate
Saint Paul Re ional Wat Services
BY eneral�r� '� '
For� Approved by Ciry Attomcy
Approve3 by Ma}ror ior Subaission to Council
=.dopted by Council: Date
Amended Lead Water Service Replacement Assessment Program, Pebruary 13, 2001
Tanuary 25, 2001
In 1994, the State of Minnesota granted authority to the Board of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint
Paul to develop a program by which private lead water connections can be replaced and the cost of replacement
financed by the City or Board. A replacement assessment program was developed and approved by the Boazd
and the City prior to commencing the Program. Since its inception, 1,156 property owners have participated in
the Program. At this rime, staff is proposing a number of revisions to the Program which reflect changing
conditions and proposed improvements, as listed below.
The original Program blended the lead service replacement assessment Program in private property with the
SPRWS replacement of lead services in street right-of-way. Extending the Program eligibility to all properties
in the City, as described below, made this link no longer necessary. The proposed amended Program addresses
only the assessment of private properry replacements costs, in keeping with the statements and intent of the
authorizing Chapter 504 Laws of Minnesota 1994.
The original Progrun specified that only properties where the utility is replacing the street portion of the lead
water service will be eligible for participarion, with the concentration being in street construction projects. As
awareness of potential health problems associated with lead leaching into drinking water from lead service
pipes increased, property owners outside of project azeas began requesting participation in the asessment
Program. Following informal approval by the Boazd, the eligibility was extended to all properties in the City of
Saint Paul.
Assessment Period
The Program initially established an assessment period of 10 years because private properry replacement costs
were inifially averaging about $1,200 and longer periods seemed unnecessary and undesarable for both the
property owner and the Board. Replacements now average $1800, with many going as high as $2,500. A
replacement performed in 1998 at 214 Maple Street resulted in a total cost of $16,750, due mostly to the
excavation being in a steep bank and the replacement of a retaining wall as part of the restoration. The amended
Program as proposed establishes an assessment period of up to 20 years, a typical period for public
improvements assessed by Saint Pau]'s Real Estate Division.
The proposed amended Program contains revised language to better communicate intent and to reflect the
change in name from Saint Paul Water Urility to Saint Paul Regional Water Services.
Excessive Detail
The original Program detailed numerous steps and requirements staff would follow to process the
reimbursements which were proposed prior to initiation of the Program. Early on in implementarion it was
recognized that some were not practicable, and fiirflier experience revealed even more to be unnecessary. The
proposed amended Program addresses process steps in more general terms. This will allow the evolurion of
process steps without the necessity of further amendments to the Program.
N:\CLERICAL�BOARDU2esolutlonsVvllSC�Lead_assess amend_staff_report_OOl.wpd