271957 WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L Council ��� C��r� CANARV - DEPARTMENT .5 BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Cou cil Resolution Presented By ��� ��Z� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date xESOI,VID: That licenses for permit to conduct bingo gamee, applied for by the followiag organizations at the addres+�es stated, for the days, datee and hours indicated on the application, be and the same are hereiry granted. Morld War II post �6845, .V.F.W. 1060 Univer+sity Ave. Bi.ngo 4 Pds. App.Q340S New Fourth District, Dept. of Minnesota, Y.F.W. 1060 University Ave. Bingo 52 Pd�s. " Q3417 Henew Women of the Noose, 8t. Paul Chapter No. �0 1795 �• ?th $t. Bingo 17 Pds. " q35,54 Renex Origi.nal Boosters Club 1060 IIniversity Ave. Bingo 52 Pds. '� Q,�555 Benew Merican Legion Auxiliary, Christie DeParq IInit �406 1060 University Ave. Bingo 52 Pds. '� Q3,556 $en�a 6t. Paul Joint Cod�mittee C.O.F., Bcholarship Fund 408 Main St. Bingo 51 Pds. " Q3557 Renew 8t. Matthew's Men'e Club 500 Hall Bi.ngo 1 Pd. �' Q3583 Mew COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays / Butler � Hozza V In Favor Hunt I,evine V __ Against BY -iMet�de�r Showalt Ted 4 1978 Adopted Council: Date �' 2 Form Approved by City Attorney Cer � ied Yass y C unci Secreltar BY /� t�ppr by lVlavor: _ OCT � fi ��' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ — By pUBIISHED N OV 4 19�