01-203Council File # ����b3 ��������� Reso].ution # Green Sheet # � � �53� RESOLUTION 2 .� _ changes which effect the iransfer of t� forfeited land parceIs; and 4 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has developed a comprehensive legislative agenda to be considered as part 5 of the Saint Paul Legislative Package for the 2001 Legislative session; 6 7 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED fhat the Saint Paul City Council does hereby recommend the 8 inclusion of the attached legislation in the Saint Paul Legislative Package for the 2001 Legislative session and 9 recommends to the Minnesota State Legislature the passage of the attached legislation: iteguested by Department of: Adoption Certified by CounCil Secretary By: �, �—.y,� ,� �.�..�.�. Approved 6y Mayor: Date �, ��/ / / L�(J! $Y � � l/, � Plannina & Economic Development By:. y�j�� �' 1 Form Approved by Cit torney By: r Approved by Mayor f ubmission to Council BY: CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Adopted by Council: Date , v\� �� �� �` � YED & Mavor's Of�ice ;oNrncr �sxs«u s wior� Mike Campbell-6-8537 A�y x; l ; - 6-6568 MUST BEON COIMqLAGH�AWW BY (OP March 7, 2001 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 � 1 .'a.o � GREEN SHEET ko 101534 r•�;L_�_ � a�rwi�ouav� ❑a�rctarz � xwcwtaaxcss � ❑ w�wuu.aeir�ccrc �' ❑ . (CUP ALL LOCATiONS FOR SIGNATURE) Include attached legislation in the St:. Paul Legislative Package for the 2001 L'egislative Session relating to tax forfeited property. M1"�i: PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMIITEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION H� ttus aewa�'h�m eNer ro'kea unaer a mrasa toruwc depann,ert? VES ND Fms d� ce�'anufum r+er heen a aly emDbY� YES MO • Do� »us versoM1m G� a sldN not nor�'a� M�+Y currmt citY emcbvee? YE3 NO Is Mis paeuMmm atarpete0 va�qu't YES NO Opportunity to streamline transfer of tax forfeit land parcels between the County and City, update targeted neighborhood boundaries, and provide pricing flexibility. Transfer of tax forfeit land parcels will prbceed more.quickly. Boundaries of targeted neighborhoods will reflect the 200Q census. Purchase prices for tax forfeit parcels could be lower than the fair market value of ihe property. None. There will be no flexibility in purchase price. Boundaries for targeted neighborhoods will be out of date. No time savings will be realized. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S O souncff NA (�aM FEB 2 2 �?�r��� COSTIREVENUE 9UOfikTEV (CIRCLE ONq VEE NO acrnirrxa�sRe NA i . � R�s�a6�� Ci�n$et' �, t , t F :�:_ ... .. .. 1' AT�fOR(VEI� o�� �o�. A bill for aa act relating to tas forfeited property; providing for change in census date; providing for permitfed public uses and discretion by Ramsey county boazd in dete�nining value; and providing for removal of restrictions on proceeds from sales of tas forfeited properry. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLAT2TRE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA; Section 1. Minn Stat § 469.202 Subd. 2(b) is amended to read: The median household income in the area was no more than haif the median household income for the Minneapolis and Saint Paul standard metropolitan statistical area as deternuned by the most recent -1988 federal decennial census. Secfion 2. Minn Stat § 383A.76 is added to read: 383A.76. Tax Forfeited Lands Snbd.l. TaY-forfeited lands within Ramsev countv mav be sold by the county board to an or�anized or incorporated governmental subdivision ofthe state for anypublic pur�ose for which the subdivision is authorized to acquire propert ov r maY be released froin the hust in fauor of the ta�ng districts on �plication of a state agencv for an authorized use at a value which ma�be less than its a� rp aised yalue, as determined by the countv boazd , and the factors that mav be considered bv the count� board in determininn. value for lands to be held bv a munici�alit f�r a permitted nublic use or redeveloped by an authority established under chanter 469 include without limitation the proiected gap financingandpubiic subsidv needed for aredevelopmentproject expected increases inprobertv taYes, befare and after redevelopment appraised values, properiv's use for affordable housinu environmental contasnination and poilution, site preparafion and infrasriucture costs. and any ofher relevant factor, The commissioner of revenue mav convey bv deed in the name of the state a tract of tax-forfeited land held in trust in favor of the ta�ting districts to a�overnmental subdivision for an authorized public use , if an application is submitted to the commissioner wluch includes a statement of facts as to the use to be made of the tract and the need therefor and the recommendation of the countv boazd. Snbd. 2. For lands located within Ramsey countv, the deed of conveyance of tax forfeited land to an o_r�azuzed or incorporated governmental subdivision of the state for an authorized use must be on a form approved by the attorney generaI and must be conditioned on continued use for the �u �n ose stated in the anplication. If , however, the ¢overnins� body of the govemmental subdivision b_y resolution after public hearinu determines that some other public use should be made of the lands, o � �ad 3 the changed use mav be made upon filing with the countv recorder or registrar of tides a certified copv of the resolution and without convevin¢ the lands back to the state and securing a new conveyance for the new public use. Permitted nublic uses under this section for a municipalitv include street. storm water pondin�, drainage_nazks, watershed. wetlands. librarv. fire and op lice stations. utilitv easements and public facili&es; and for an authoritv established under cha ter 469 include commercial or housing redevelopment. A municipality may�on pavment to the countv of the value of the lands as determined bv the county board in subd. 1 of this section, convev lands directly to an authoritv fot the lands' use as a commercial or housing redevelopment �miect . Section 3. Minn Stat § 282.05 is amended to read: The net proceeds received from the sale or rental of forfeited lands shall be apportioned to the general funds of the state or municipal subdivision thereof, in the manner hereinafter provided, and ska�f mav be €ns� used by the municipal subdivision for any public �urpose te-r� Section 4. Section 2 of this act sha11 become effective only after its approval by a majority of the governing body of Ramsey county and upon compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 645.021. Council File # ����b3 ��������� Reso].ution # Green Sheet # � � �53� RESOLUTION 2 .� _ changes which effect the iransfer of t� forfeited land parceIs; and 4 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has developed a comprehensive legislative agenda to be considered as part 5 of the Saint Paul Legislative Package for the 2001 Legislative session; 6 7 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED fhat the Saint Paul City Council does hereby recommend the 8 inclusion of the attached legislation in the Saint Paul Legislative Package for the 2001 Legislative session and 9 recommends to the Minnesota State Legislature the passage of the attached legislation: iteguested by Department of: Adoption Certified by CounCil Secretary By: -�, �—.;�� ,� 1�.�T..�.�. Approved 6y Mayor: Date �, ��/ / / L�(J! $Y � � l/, � Plannina & Economic Development By:. y�j�� �' 1 Form Approved by Cit torney By: r Approved by Mayor f ubmission to Council BY: CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Adopted by Council: Date , v\� �� �� �` � YED & Mavor's Of�ice ;oNrncr �sxs«u s wior� Mike Campbell-6-8537 A�y x; l ; - 6-6568 MUST BEON COIMqLAGH�AWW BY (OP March 7, 2001 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 � 1 .'a.o � GREEN SHEET ko 101534 r•�;L_�_ � a�rwi�ouav� ❑a�rctarz � xwcwtaaxcss � ❑ w�wuu.aeir�ccrc �' ❑ . (CUP ALL LOCATiONS FOR SIGNATURE) Include attached legislation in the St:. Paul Legislative Package for the 2001 L'egislative Session relating to tax forfeited property. M1"�i: PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMIITEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION H� ttus aewa�'h�m eNer ro'kea unaer a mrasa toruwc depann,ert? VES ND Fms d� ce�'anufum r+er heen a aly emDbY� YES MO • Do� »us versoM1m G� a sldN not nor�'a� M�+Y currmt citY emcbvee? YE3 NO Is Mis paeuMmm atarpete0 va�qu't YES NO Opportunity to streamline transfer of tax forfeit land parcels between the County and City, update targeted neighborhood boundaries, and provide pricing flexibility. Transfer of tax forfeit land parcels will prbceed more.quickly. Boundaries of targeted neighborhoods will reflect the 200Q census. Purchase prices for tax forfeit parcels could be lower than the fair market value of ihe property. None. There will be no flexibility in purchase price. Boundaries for targeted neighborhoods will be out of date. No time savings will be realized. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S O souncff NA (�aM FEB 2 2 �?�r��� COSTIREVENUE 9UOfikTEV (CIRCLE ONq VEE NO acrnirrxa�sRe NA i . � R�s�a6�� Ci�n$et' �, t , t F :�:_ ... .. .. 1' AT�fOR(VEI� o�� �o�. A bill for aa act relating to tas forfeited property; providing for change in census date; providing for permitfed public uses and discretion by Ramsey county boazd in dete�nining value; and providing for removal of restrictions on proceeds from sales of tas forfeited properry. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLAT2TRE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA; Section 1. Minn Stat § 469.202 Subd. 2(b) is amended to read: The median household income in the area was no more than haif the median household income for the Minneapolis and Saint Paul standard metropolitan statistical area as deternuned by the most recent -1988 federal decennial census. Secfion 2. Minn Stat § 383A.76 is added to read: 383A.76. Tax Forfeited Lands Snbd.l. TaY-forfeited lands within Ramsev countv mav be sold by the county board to an or�anized or incorporated governmental subdivision ofthe state for anypublic pur�ose for which the subdivision is authorized to acquire propert ov r maY be released froin the hust in fauor of the ta�ng districts on �plication of a state agencv for an authorized use at a value which ma�be less than its a� rp aised yalue, as determined by the countv boazd , and the factors that mav be considered bv the count� board in determininn. value for lands to be held bv a munici�alit f�r a permitted nublic use or redeveloped by an authority established under chanter 469 include without limitation the proiected gap financingandpubiic subsidv needed for aredevelopmentproject expected increases inprobertv taYes, befare and after redevelopment appraised values, properiv's use for affordable housinu environmental contasnination and poilution, site preparafion and infrasriucture costs. and any ofher relevant factor, The commissioner of revenue mav convey bv deed in the name of the state a tract of tax-forfeited land held in trust in favor of the ta�ting districts to a�overnmental subdivision for an authorized public use , if an application is submitted to the commissioner wluch includes a statement of facts as to the use to be made of the tract and the need therefor and the recommendation of the countv boazd. Snbd. 2. For lands located within Ramsey countv, the deed of conveyance of tax forfeited land to an o_r�azuzed or incorporated governmental subdivision of the state for an authorized use must be on a form approved by the attorney generaI and must be conditioned on continued use for the �u �n ose stated in the anplication. If , however, the ¢overnins� body of the govemmental subdivision b_y resolution after public hearinu determines that some other public use should be made of the lands, o � �ad 3 the changed use mav be made upon filing with the countv recorder or registrar of tides a certified copv of the resolution and without convevin¢ the lands back to the state and securing a new conveyance for the new public use. Permitted nublic uses under this section for a municipalitv include street. storm water pondin�, drainage_nazks, watershed. wetlands. librarv. fire and op lice stations. utilitv easements and public facili&es; and for an authoritv established under cha ter 469 include commercial or housing redevelopment. A municipality may�on pavment to the countv of the value of the lands as determined bv the county board in subd. 1 of this section, convev lands directly to an authoritv fot the lands' use as a commercial or housing redevelopment �miect . Section 3. Minn Stat § 282.05 is amended to read: The net proceeds received from the sale or rental of forfeited lands shall be apportioned to the general funds of the state or municipal subdivision thereof, in the manner hereinafter provided, and ska�f mav be €ns� used by the municipal subdivision for any public �urpose te-r� Section 4. Section 2 of this act sha11 become effective only after its approval by a majority of the governing body of Ramsey county and upon compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 645.021. Council File # ����b3 ��������� Reso].ution # Green Sheet # � � �53� RESOLUTION 2 .� _ changes which effect the iransfer of t� forfeited land parceIs; and 4 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has developed a comprehensive legislative agenda to be considered as part 5 of the Saint Paul Legislative Package for the 2001 Legislative session; 6 7 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED fhat the Saint Paul City Council does hereby recommend the 8 inclusion of the attached legislation in the Saint Paul Legislative Package for the 2001 Legislative session and 9 recommends to the Minnesota State Legislature the passage of the attached legislation: iteguested by Department of: Adoption Certified by CounCil Secretary By: -�, �—.;�� ,� 1�.�T..�.�. Approved 6y Mayor: Date �, ��/ / / L�(J! $Y � � l/, � Plannina & Economic Development By:. y�j�� �' 1 Form Approved by Cit torney By: r Approved by Mayor f ubmission to Council BY: CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Adopted by Council: Date , v\� �� �� �` � YED & Mavor's Of�ice ;oNrncr �sxs«u s wior� Mike Campbell-6-8537 A�y x; l ; - 6-6568 MUST BEON COIMqLAGH�AWW BY (OP March 7, 2001 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 � 1 .'a.o � GREEN SHEET ko 101534 r•�;L_�_ � a�rwi�ouav� ❑a�rctarz � xwcwtaaxcss � ❑ w�wuu.aeir�ccrc �' ❑ . (CUP ALL LOCATiONS FOR SIGNATURE) Include attached legislation in the St:. Paul Legislative Package for the 2001 L'egislative Session relating to tax forfeited property. M1"�i: PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMIITEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION H� ttus aewa�'h�m eNer ro'kea unaer a mrasa toruwc depann,ert? VES ND Fms d� ce�'anufum r+er heen a aly emDbY� YES MO • Do� »us versoM1m G� a sldN not nor�'a� M�+Y currmt citY emcbvee? YE3 NO Is Mis paeuMmm atarpete0 va�qu't YES NO Opportunity to streamline transfer of tax forfeit land parcels between the County and City, update targeted neighborhood boundaries, and provide pricing flexibility. Transfer of tax forfeit land parcels will prbceed more.quickly. Boundaries of targeted neighborhoods will reflect the 200Q census. Purchase prices for tax forfeit parcels could be lower than the fair market value of ihe property. None. There will be no flexibility in purchase price. Boundaries for targeted neighborhoods will be out of date. No time savings will be realized. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S O souncff NA (�aM FEB 2 2 �?�r��� COSTIREVENUE 9UOfikTEV (CIRCLE ONq VEE NO acrnirrxa�sRe NA i . � R�s�a6�� Ci�n$et' �, t , t F :�:_ ... .. .. 1' AT�fOR(VEI� o�� �o�. A bill for aa act relating to tas forfeited property; providing for change in census date; providing for permitfed public uses and discretion by Ramsey county boazd in dete�nining value; and providing for removal of restrictions on proceeds from sales of tas forfeited properry. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLAT2TRE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA; Section 1. Minn Stat § 469.202 Subd. 2(b) is amended to read: The median household income in the area was no more than haif the median household income for the Minneapolis and Saint Paul standard metropolitan statistical area as deternuned by the most recent -1988 federal decennial census. Secfion 2. Minn Stat § 383A.76 is added to read: 383A.76. Tax Forfeited Lands Snbd.l. TaY-forfeited lands within Ramsev countv mav be sold by the county board to an or�anized or incorporated governmental subdivision ofthe state for anypublic pur�ose for which the subdivision is authorized to acquire propert ov r maY be released froin the hust in fauor of the ta�ng districts on �plication of a state agencv for an authorized use at a value which ma�be less than its a� rp aised yalue, as determined by the countv boazd , and the factors that mav be considered bv the count� board in determininn. value for lands to be held bv a munici�alit f�r a permitted nublic use or redeveloped by an authority established under chanter 469 include without limitation the proiected gap financingandpubiic subsidv needed for aredevelopmentproject expected increases inprobertv taYes, befare and after redevelopment appraised values, properiv's use for affordable housinu environmental contasnination and poilution, site preparafion and infrasriucture costs. and any ofher relevant factor, The commissioner of revenue mav convey bv deed in the name of the state a tract of tax-forfeited land held in trust in favor of the ta�ting districts to a�overnmental subdivision for an authorized public use , if an application is submitted to the commissioner wluch includes a statement of facts as to the use to be made of the tract and the need therefor and the recommendation of the countv boazd. Snbd. 2. For lands located within Ramsey countv, the deed of conveyance of tax forfeited land to an o_r�azuzed or incorporated governmental subdivision of the state for an authorized use must be on a form approved by the attorney generaI and must be conditioned on continued use for the �u �n ose stated in the anplication. If , however, the ¢overnins� body of the govemmental subdivision b_y resolution after public hearinu determines that some other public use should be made of the lands, o � �ad 3 the changed use mav be made upon filing with the countv recorder or registrar of tides a certified copv of the resolution and without convevin¢ the lands back to the state and securing a new conveyance for the new public use. Permitted nublic uses under this section for a municipalitv include street. storm water pondin�, drainage_nazks, watershed. wetlands. librarv. fire and op lice stations. utilitv easements and public facili&es; and for an authoritv established under cha ter 469 include commercial or housing redevelopment. A municipality may�on pavment to the countv of the value of the lands as determined bv the county board in subd. 1 of this section, convev lands directly to an authoritv fot the lands' use as a commercial or housing redevelopment �miect . Section 3. Minn Stat § 282.05 is amended to read: The net proceeds received from the sale or rental of forfeited lands shall be apportioned to the general funds of the state or municipal subdivision thereof, in the manner hereinafter provided, and ska�f mav be €ns� used by the municipal subdivision for any public �urpose te-r� Section 4. Section 2 of this act sha11 become effective only after its approval by a majority of the governing body of Ramsey county and upon compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 645.021.