PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT 1 A V L COUI1C11 �� ■ �����
CANqRV - DEPARTMENT f.p �� � ��
Co n 'l Re l tion
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That the Plat of "Zachman 2nd Addition" as �econMnended and
approved by the Di�ector of Public Works be and the same is hereby
Yeas Na}•s Requested by Department of:
...gt,�,,- � Publ ic Works
Hozza , President [n Favor ����y n �
Hunt �( r�/��1/ �
Levine ��J A ainst BY ������''f �
�x�. -- g �bona 1 E. Nygaa rd, D or F H
��ta�r Showal ter �
' Tedesco � Form Approved b City t!or ��''
Adopted by Council: Date �
Certifie P s e by Council etar - BY
B , '_,�
Ap ov by Mavor: D e __�T � 8 1978 Approv y yor for Submiss' to Council
By BY -
�UB��sl1ED 0 CT �1 1978
� aM ai: i2/].975
' Rev�. : 9/8 j76
� RECE,�:� ED .
Date: October i l , 1978 `- OCT 1 ��1978
AA�YOI�i �
, �
FR: Do�aid E. llygaard, Dtrector of Publ ic Works
p �� �� �S � _
RE: The roposed Platting of zschman 2nd Add1tton.
. �
Approvsl for suMnisaion to Councii:
Council approvel is n�cessary prior to the fiii�g of the propos�d p�a#. .
, .
�ATTACBMENTS: 1 . Resol ut i on
2. Proposed`Plat of "Zscha�an 2nd Addition."
AtLschn�ent '
West line o� Subd�vision o� Lot I ,
• Block 25 , Brown and 7�dckson's
Add�fion to West St. Paul.
_ � Southwesterly �ine of Rob�e Street
� �
� i_, �.: tr.. i i= :� i , i� l= i � /� MoSt northerly co�net of Lof 2 , sa�d Subdivision o� l
Ig.b �3.�7
_ 563°30'E -- /7/.06 - - {,-'','' -- __-�517°DI' E
ss.00 I 62.46 10 �� �-
.� � S3.EjQ I ,\ o � (�Jorthea5t corn�r oF Lof 2, Swbdivisio
� ¢ � � - - - � � - - � - -i - - - � of �o� �, eio�k 25 ,
grown dhd TdGk'
o � �- - - � �� (�� - . ! �/ I ,� ,.� � �, �, Add;tro� +o w�st st.�P�u,.
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, , � �� � -{ , �.�Point di5tdnt 25 feet southv„e5t
� v o � � I � � ; 1 �.j � v � � � '� the South westerly �ine of Robie
�h ° � i 2 � � , �� �� � ! ; 3 i � 0 6o I
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v o I �'� I I : _- - �---__I �---(� ��-,-__.- -L— -- �-�9 o f Lots I an d 2, Sai d Subdiv'i s i c
�; ; �- _ _ _ _ ! ! � _ _ _ r_ ��`� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �� �
58.98 55.00 I 82.13 �v
' - 46.75 --�, 53.64 55.00 40.72 `r ,�, \
� `� N63°28'W � � —I— - - - � r- - - - �,� .� r - - - - � ,(�.
i ��8.25�--2a.15 � I I � � `)�� �JI I I \ �'' � -, \
South line of the North '�2 f DO I r l J �� � � � I \ �; L
of Lot Z,Brown and Sctckson'S � I �� �.\ i I � � �
Add�{�on +o West St. PauL� � � ! I `' ; I -� `� ' � \
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58.55 55.00 9 2.69
— — — � ,700 •�' - N63°26' W -i-/59.18-- - -
CONCORD - - 47.06 - -� '�T � � �
o STREET -� N63°2�'�/ M o 3 � EXCEPTIONr o 0
� ,� o a� o ►. d-
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Drainagc and Ut�l�ty Edsements
Are Shown Thus�
� i
' I I
. � H , ;~ 5 SCALE IN FEET • Denotes Iron
� 5 0 30 60 90
o � i o o Denotes Iron
_ _ L _ _ _ � � _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ Registration
All Bearings
Bein9 5 fee+ ;n w;dth and ad�o�n�rg
lot lines ,and 10 fect in width and
adjoir,ing Street IineS a5 shown
on the p►at.
Approved and accepted by tne City Council of t�:e City of Saint Paul, :�^Linne:
No delinquent taxes and transfer entered this day oi
� Director �Y
Department of Property Taxation
KNO��: ALL PERSONS SY TiIESE PRESENTS: That Zachman Homes Inc. , a Minnesota Corporation, owner af �he
described property situated in the- City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State: of Minn�sota:
Parcel 1. Lots one (1) and two (2 ) except the Northerly ninety (N'ly 90) feet thereof, o-f Subc
� Lot one (1) Block twentyf�ve (25 ) of Brown and Jackson ' s Addition to west St. Paul, accorc
plat thereof on file and of record in tr:e �office af the R�gister of Deeds in and for said
Parcel 2. Lots three (3) four (4) and five (5) except the Southwesterly seven (7 ) feet tr
Subdivision of Lot one (1 ) (also known as Henly and Lienau' s Subdivision of Lot one (1) ) ,
five (25 ) oi Brown and Jackson' s Addition to West St. Paul, according to the plat thereof
of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Ramsey County.
The Northerly 90 feet ot the Easterly 16. 3 feet of Lot 1;
The Northerly 90 feet of the Westerly 11.7 feet of Lot 2 ;
Subdivision of_ Lo� one (1) , Block twenty�five (25 ) of Brown and Jackson' s Addition to West
Intending to describe a tract of land approximately 28 feet fronting on Robie Street, extE
feet South at a right angle with a Southerly or rear line of approximately 28 feet, being
lar tract approximately 28 feet front and rear and approximately 90 feet on each side thei
said tract is marked and established by four iron posts at the four corners of said tract.
The Northerly 90 feet of Lot 1 except thP Easterly 16. 3 feet thereof, of Subdivision of Lot l,
of Brown and Jackson' s Addition to �Vest Sto Paul. Intending to describe a tract of land �
ly 27 . 3 feet fronting on Robie Street and extending 90 feet in a Southerly direction, witt
line of approximately 27. 3 feet, being a rectangular tract approximately 2703 feet, front
wtiich said tract is marked and established by four iron posts at the four corners of said
The North '� of t:�e Westerly 46.75 feet of the Easterly 65 feet of Lot 2 , Block 25 , Brown and J�
Addition to West St. Paul.
I�11 that part of the following described tract:
The Northerly 90 feet, except the West 11.7 feet of Lot 2 of Subdivision of Lot l, Block ;
and Jackson' s Addition to west St. Paul. Intending hereby to describe a tract of land at
westerly corner of Robie Street and Brown Avenue, in the City of West St. Paul, frontinqa�
31.9 fPet on Robie Street and on an angle approximately 98 feet on Brown Avenue, with a rE
line of approximately 45.4 feet and a wes�erly line of approximately 90 feet, which said t
td and established by four iron posts at the 4 corners of said tract, which lies southwest
following described line: Heginning at a point on the easterly line of the above describE
distant 10 feet southerly of the northeast corner thereof; thence run northwesterly to a �
norttierly l.ine of said tract, distant 10 feet westerly of the northeast corner thereof anc
which lies southwesterly and southerly of the following described line: Beginning at the point
section of a line run parallel with and distant 25 feet southwesterly of the,.:'southwesterl}
Robi.e _Street and its southeasterly extension with the southeasterly line of said Lot 2; t�
northwesterly to a point on the northeasterly line of said Lot 2 , distant 18.6 feet southE
the most northerly corner thereof; thence run northwesterly to the most northerly corner c
�{ describ�d tract and there terminating. Except all right of access, being the right of inc
� ' Ot 22 and egress from the above described tract to Trunk Highway No. 56. See document Number 4�
$ R�
-(,2 � All that part of the following described tract: The Northerly 90 feet, except the West ll07 fE
► � of Subdivision of Lot 1, Block 25 of Brown and Jackson' s Addition to west St. Paul. Inter
to describe a tract of land at the northwesterly corner of Robie Street and Brown Avenue,
of St. Paul, fronting approximately 31.9 feet on Robie Street and on an angle approximate:
Brown Avenue, with a rear southerly line of approximately 45.4 feet and a westerly line o�
90 feet, which is marked and established by four iron posts at the 4 corners of said traci
southwesterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the easterly line
described tract, distant 10 feet southerly of the northeast corner thereof; thence run no�
to a point on the northerly line of said tract, distant 10 feet westerly of the northeast
of and there terminating;
which lies northeasterly of the following described line; Beginning at the point of intersect:
run paralZel with and distan� 25 feet southwesterly of the southwesterly line of Robie St�
southeasterly extension with the southeasterly line of said Lot 2; thence run northwester:
on the northeasterly line of said Lot 2, distant 18.6 feet southeasterly of the most nortl
of said Lot 2 , and there terminating. Except all right of access, being the right of ingr�
egress from the above described tract to Trunk Highway No. 56. See document Number 45770:
The West 28 3/4 feet of Lot 1 �nci th� �,ast 18 1/4 feet of Lot 2 , Block 25 Brown and Jackson' s 1
West St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota.
;ias caused the same to be surveyed, platted, and ;cnown as ZACf3MAN 2ND ADDITION and does hereby ded:
public for public usF� forever the Street, and easements for drainage and utility purposes as shown
In witness whereof said Zachrnan Homes Inc. , a Minnesota Corporation, has caused tnese presents to �
its proper officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto aff_ixed this�day of �4�m�t
President - Vic
James Zachman Mic ae J. Zachman
State of Minnesota
County of Hennep�n
The foregoa.ng instrument was acknowledged before me this� day of �?c.raeu 197�A.D. by J�
rnan, president and .ti.chael ,7. Zachman, vice—president of Zachman Homes Inco , a Minnesota Corporatic
of said Corporation.
— - � �.. ova
Notary Public, Hennepin Cow
My C omrti s s i on Expi r e s _�
I , Calvin H. Hedlund, hereby certify that I have surveyed and platted the property described in thE
of this plat as ZACHIdAN 2ND ADDITION, that this Alat is a correct representation oF said survey; t�
distances arE• correctly shown on the plat; that all monuments have been correctly placed in the grc
f-ha+ tho �ii+-ci �P hniinriarv linPG arP �nYYPr{-1v c�esicmated OIl the Dldt: and there are ri0 WGtIdriC�S, 2i