271926 �NFi1TE — CITV CLERK ^ ����� PINK — FINANCE 1 b �� BLUERV — MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUI1C11 � � File N 0. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution approving a "Memorandum of Amendment" to the 1978-79 Labor Agreement between the City of St. Paul and the United B rothe rhood of Carpente r s and Joiners of Arnerica, Twin City Carpenters District Coun�cil. WHEREA5, the City through its designated representatives has met and conferred in order to amend the early retiree insurance and the mileage allowance provisions in the 1978-79 Labor Agreement between the City of St. Paul and the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Twin City Carpenters District Council, for such personnel as are set forth in the Labor Agreement; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the "Memorandum of Amendment" cited above, dated as of the effective date of this Resolution, on fi.le in the office of the City Clerk, is hereby approved, and the authorized administrative officials of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute said "Memorandum of Amendment" on behalf of the City. Approved: Chai rman Civil Service Commiss on COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler _� P E S N N ` L O F I C E Hozza In Favor Hunt � � L,evine _ __ Against BY �— ' -�14e�x Showalter �� �' ' 2 19'� Form proved Cit o y Adopted Council: Date � C �fied Pas• Counc S ry � BY 1' t ,/ 61ppr v d by Mavor: Date 0� � a Ap ved by Mayor for Sub ' io to Councii gy By puBLISNED O CT 2� ��— � ���.���a MEMORANDUM OF AMENDMENT TO THE 1978-79 LABOR AGREEMENT BETWEEN ' THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND UNITED BROTHERHOOD OF CARPENTERS AND JOINERS OF AMERICA, TWIN CITY CARPENTER'S DISTRICT COUNCIL This document shall serve as a written agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Twin City Carpenter's District Council that Sections 12.21 and 28.2 of the 1978-Z9 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Twin Citq Carpenterrs District Council shall be amended to read as follows: 12.21 "Insurance benefits as established by City of Saint Paul Resolutions including life, hospital and health insurance . for early retirees who have retired since May 1, 1977. In order to be eligible for the health benefits under the early retiree provision, the employee must:" 28.2 "T� e�l. For those officers and employees who are required to use their own automobiles occasionally for official City business, reimbursement at the rate of 14 cents for each mile driven. "T py e 2• For those officers and employees who are required to use their own automobiles on a regular basis on City business, reimbursement at the rate of $2.50 for each day of work, and in addition thereto at the rate of 7.5 cents for each mile driven." It is further agreed by the above parties that the amended 28.2 be retroactive to May 1, 1978. TWIN CITY CARPENTERS DISTRICT COUlVCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL pF UNITED BROTHERHOOD OF CARPENTERS AND JOI1�;�RS OF A1�SERICA . , % . ' 'r� -� � , �- � abor Relat ons c Bu�' ess Representative Dated• Sevtember 12, 1978 Do not detach "t�ts memorandum from the .� j resoiutivn so that this informetlo� w11! bt �� �2��'���� �` " availabfe to t�e ;CI#y t�u�cfi. � ���: �,isf _ ���.��5 ,, _ : ��. r�rr ����. .��._r.__r__ _ ����.�;..���' ._,��.._..._. �Itxs: Segtember 6, 1978 . � �RE � �. 9 � Ep: T�: rsaYC� G�R�� �� : S�''.1 -,� 1978 �ts Perao�ns7� 0�t�.ce . A�14� ` . , � �Ss. xaeolu�ion for su�3asi�t� �+a C3t�r Crnuicil � , �, �3'ISDa . ...� , ��. � W� a��dT �uz appra�al aud� s��misstcri� o� �iiis 1�1;�t�,#.o�t t4 �r_C�,�t► �i�.� � . ,-�. ������� F0� T�IB�AC�IO�t : . . •.r rr �r. r � ■- i� i . .. � � . :. ,�'his Resc3lnt�on agproves a "Memo�raadum of�a�ei�"..#o'i3�.o I978-�� � ,, " Labor Agree�neat between the City of St. Patil. aaid'-:t�,�4,��e� Br��er�iaod • of C�rpenf.ers aad Joiners of Amearic�, Tw�in`Ci�r C'��tpe�t�a-rs;l7►�eri�i�� _ +�crtu�cil. ' . Thi:s i'�.e�olv.tion w�d� iacrease the mileage al�owance �b� H�i1,id'sxtg, �aspecta�rs aad ather member� o# the Carpea�ers# Har�sin�g LTar�.' Tlre :��+��.11 � makc thas .groiap even vvi#h o�he�s$uildi�pg Tra.cles �3a�gaia.tx�g'��� �[� � �negatiated a miteage ixri.provemeat aftei� the Carp��ers alre�c��r har� sei�t�d. This Resalutioa alsa am��ds �e ea.rlp retiree �aeurance pra�i��c� � n�akang ear�y retirees wha h�.ve ret�:red s3ace"`�.Y 1, 1977, ea:igib].e �c�r �asi�:�i�e beaefita. • . � . _. , . z • . , ya !J � �S• . • " j ....:: . Resalutictin. aad ccpy foar'the City Clerk. A;�so, capy d�f 1�,e �i��� a�f : , , �� Ar��a `��t.: • . , • . �F ,,