271907 NrHIT� CITV CLERK PINK E FINANC � CANAA7Y - DEPART NT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L COUI�CII 9k�U E - M A V O R File N O. ����J��f� � Council Resolution Presented B Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -3- " An employee failing to meet the residency requirement sha�.l be deemed to be insubordinate and guilty of misconduct and such action shal�. be grounds for disciplinary action, including suspension and discharge. An employee terminated for failure to meet the residency requirement shall have the right to a hearing to determine whether the residency requirement was met." Approved: Chairman Civ�.1 Service Commission /.��� � lJ /3 C_. � S � � l� " �'V !�(r 0� S��l_ /� f3 v �F ��� l� � f �Ff�o��0 �t-�8-7� COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Butler In Favor Hozza � Hunt L,evine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted C ouncil: Date — C ified Pas- y Council Secr�ary BY fApproved by iVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . BY - – — BY ITV CLERK � �� `INANCE `A � GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ��.. .�� � � �� ��- EPARTMENT BLUE � - MAVOR � Flle NO. I" � cil es lution Presented � R erred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution amending the Civi�. Service Rules to change the residency requ3.rement for Unclassified Ci�Cy Employees. WHEREAS, it is appropriate and desirable to amend the C3.v3.1 Service Rules to change the residency requirement for Unclassified City Employees; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Civi3 Service Rules be amended �n Sect3on 10 D theraof, so that said Section 10 D shall read: "D RESIDENCE -- Every employee appointed prior to January 1, �.977, and hol.ding a position in the Classif3ed Service of the City sha11. be a bona fide resident within an area described below during the period of h3s employment as a condition of employtaent. Failure to maintain such residence shal�. be deemed insubordination and misconduct and automatic forfeiture of employment; provided, however, that these latter provisions aha11 not apply to employees who occupy a temporary summer residence outside of the areas outlined below between tihe dates of May �5 and September 15 of any year. Every employee appointed prior to January 1, 1977, and holding a position in the Classified Service of the City, except employees 3n the Fire Group and the Police Group, shall be a bona fide resident of the State of Minnesota. Since employees in the Fire Group and the Police Group are sub�ect �o recal]. in emergencies and must therefore, be readily avai].able, such employees shall be bona fide residents of an area which shall i.nc].ude the fo�.lowing: Ramsey County, Washington County, Anoka County, Dakota County, that part of Hennep3n County wh3ch �.ies east of Highway 101, and that part of Chisago County which lies south of Highway 95. (continued) COU[VC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form App ove by Cit A tor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � � sy� t#pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ By �ITV CLERK h-i��.TJ'�� C NARV �EPARTMENT ' ' GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council B�E� - MAVOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented B Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- " Applicants for original entry to a position in the City of St. Paul wi11 not be required to be residents of the City of St. Paul. Every new employee appointed af�er January 1, 1977, and hold3.ng a position in the Classified Service of the City sha.11 be required to reside in the ,,% City of St. ,Paul at completion of their probationary period of employment and thereafter required to rema:in within the City limits as long as employed by the City of St. Paul. Every new employee appointed after Januar l, 1979, and holding a position in the Unclassified Service of the C3ty shall be required to reside in the City of St. Paul and be required to rema3n within the Cit �.im3.ts as long as employed by the City of St. Paul. Every Unclassified employee who l3ves in the C3.ty of St. Pau1 must maintain residence within the City limits of the C3.ty of St. Paul as long as he 3s an employee of the City. Every Unclassified employee of the City of St. Paul who lives outside the City of St. Paul and who changes h3s residence must move into the City of St. Paul at the time of such change of residence. The provisions of this paragraph sha1�. not apply to Unclassified employees who are members of a Collective Bargaining Unit, nor sha11 they appl.y to Attorneys who are confidential employees under the Pub13c Employees Labor Relations Act, and such employees shall be considered as Classified employees solely for the purpose of determining residency requirements. For those Bargaining Units who have provisions within their Labor Contracts that are contrary to the provisions of th3s Sect3.on, the provisions within their contracts shall prevail over the prov3sions contained 3n this Section. (continued) COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY -- Maddox Showalter .�� Tedesco Form App oved by Cit Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � 4 � . 1 , �, �. Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �'"''���`�O'� gy, t�pproved by ;Vlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ By ., �� .ay��..�4...s . .,..�.�..,._w���..w:.�.��....w . ...... _ �.,w�..,.�,..;�»�....... a,::,u.�,...«........ . .. ... ........,,�... -- .,,._.. � e.. . , . . .. ���� w...�L�+-:� �X ��� ,„ ..'.s.w.;.�:.�,t.�...,. ..w..,........� _.. .� . ,r....au�wr. �� ` ' ��.�� � � � . OM Ol:. 375 , � ' ; . Rsv.: 9�/8/"X6 .. EXPLANATION OE ADI+�INYSTRATTVE .QRDERS, RES L IOP7 , AA1D ORDIN C S � . . ,� , ` SEP 8 ' �97'8 : . . ;L�ate s �►ugust 16, 1976 : � �OCl�ICii.�AAN� � _ �'i0N NIADF3JX T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATII►4ER ��C E� ,�,i;� , ; AUG 4 �71978 ' FR: : Ccyu�iltsatt Ron M�dc3ox , ` II�IAY'4R� O�E =IiE: $esolution�,reg�rdin� r�sidea�y,�e�qufr�ats, _ : _ r,�..Za�...".""i�.'..- A�GTION REQUESTFD: ��B the Civ31 3ervice Rukaer � ��s �ee rasi��y require�ment for th�l.aes�,#ie� �i� � �`�lvy�a. � - : , , - , ��� ;€ .: . _ � : ;; . . , � PURPt3SE AND l�TIQN,�ALE FOR ' ""r�..'""`„� . �-� i�s s�e is to r°a uira unc�►esi€� . '. : �+ �l +�qp14Y�+ta.�,o ��C ` � rms3,c�e�te o# the Ci�y of 3t. Fa�.. �t�is st�n��,.���Ict _ . � uac�.ass�.fed: ea�r�.pyead h3aead a�t+�r ;,��ry 1>` 11��;; .' _ :� , , . ; . .: � ; . ;, _ � : ATTACHMENTS: , , ,. � .