271859 WHITE - CITV CLERK ��� ��� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BI.UE - MAVOR � � File N . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul , upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1974 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, is hereby further amended in the following particulars: FROM: TO: Transf er $45,000 in 1974 CIB Monies : 93074-007 Citywide Bike Path System 45, 000 93074-028 Navy Island Acquisition 45, 000 Res�alting in the following project financing: Current Financing Change Amended Financing NAV Y I S LAND ACQU I S IT I ON Debt Capital Improvement Fund $13 ,500 0 $13 ,500 State Grant #27-00686 13, 500 0 13 ,500 Federal Grant #27-00686 27, 000 0 27, 000 1974 CIB 0 +45, 000 45, 000 $54 ,000 +45, 000 $99, 000 Approved as to funding: Approved: Director, Dp . of Finance & Mgmt. Services dget Dire or !w'�'� ' COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Canmunity Services Hozza In Favor Hunt Thomas J. Kelley, Director �e _ � __ Against By Robert P. Piram, Supt. of Parks & Maddox ReC. Showalter Tedesco �CT 3 �978 Form ppro ed by 't t rney Adopted by C ncil: Date . Certifi as- y Co cil Secrelary BY ti1 r by ;Vlavor: te l — �CT Appro e b Mayor for Su iss n to Council BY – — BY . �ueusHEO ocT � 419�a . . � ������9 CITY OF SAI'NT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERViCES DIVISiON OF PARKS AND RECREATIpN 298-4126 June 2, 1978 P4r. Richard Schroede•r Budgat Director Room 3e5 Ci ty tial i ��ir. Davi d i�1cDonnel Chairr!an, C.I.B. Committee St. Paul Companies 385 .Jashington Street St. Pau1 , P4innesota 55i�2 Gen�lemen: Gn Apri1 4, 19�8 we wrote a le�ter to you concernfng the need for additional funds for �i�e �davy Island acquisition proj�ct. 71iis request �vas �o have been considered at the 7hursday, P�tay 11 C.I.B. Committez r�eeting, but was deferred due to sev�ral other prnjects' needs which came to light during the week o�F P1ay 8. !de felt that it would b� �Qst to return to a subsequent C.I.B. neeting with a coordinated requ�st. 7his possibi�ity was discussed with thz Comnittee, witn the decisian being to cer�pos� such a request for tne June 8 mee�ting. Thus, the C.I.S. Corrmi�te� is aware of theae projects which r�quire additional funds, as per the follo�ving list. PROJECT COST AVAILABLE DEFICIT 1. �'avy Island Acquisition 99,000 54,000 45,000 2. Langford Park Tennis Courts 28,000 14,00� 14,000 (gran� match) and sit� 65,�00 -0- 65,000 �rrpro�.�enent 3. kice-Arlington park�ing lot 31 ,0�5.84 1�,759.9? 15,285.93 �x�ansicn 4• G�o��eland Recreation Center =�85,560 37J,�J00 115,:,5C G�✓�n�si�n A�di�ion/joint use TOTAL �EFICIT �254,84�.�3 In �r�:er �o Tinance t�e above prajec�ts , ti�le propose to utiTize fttnds from the following projec�s' balances: 545 City Hail, Saint Pauf, Minnesota 55102 ;�_,! June 2, 1978 Page 2 PROPOSED PROJECT FUND EALANCE FU`JD TRANSFER 1. Prosperity Heights acquisition (L-7559-1 ) 15,762.95 15,762.95 � 2. City Wide Tennis Caurt construction (L-7841) 2,643.06 2,643.06 3. Frost Lake initial acquisition & development (L-7145) 11 ,000.00 11 ,Q00.00 4. City Wide Tree Planting (93075-004) 2,404.26 2,4Q4.26 5. Fis� Hatchery acquisition (93075-�05) 6,145.61 6,145.61 6. Como Park Restroom Facilities for the handicapped (93077-013) 42,500.00 42,500.00 7. Hillcrest Recreation Center Gym addition (93077-005) 23,500.00 10,00Q.Q0 8. Case & Duluth Recreation Center s�tework (93078-G08) 115,000.00 40,000.00 9. City Wide Bike Path System (93074-007) 167,605.00 124,390.05 TOTP.L PROPOSED T�A�;SFEP. $254,845.53 We feel that these transfers can be made without adversely affecting the projects because: Projects one through four are complete Projects five and eight are in receipt of grant funds Project six cannot be implemented at this tirr.e and ti�ill be eligibie for h�etro Parks grants Project seven is not a high priority to District 15 and �vill not be funded for building constructicn Project nine is eligible for a variety of 5rants, both state and federal ��� � , - � �``�'� 8�9 June 2, 1978 Page 3 � By this letter, we request perr^ission to appear before the C.I.B. Corrmittee on June 8, 1978, to present this request. S' , �. - Robert P. Piram Superintendent of Parks an� Recreation � , ,. .�� � , , r ,�,, , ��,y�="1-,�-:� � L/ Thomas �. Ke�l'ey `�� � � Director of Cammunity Service :de �` � �tTY o,, � CITY OF SAINT PAUL �°� �� . � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES � .:::::,;�:. ` `� � THOMAS J. KELLEY — DIRECTOR ,�� �c �'� 545 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer 612-298-4431 Mayor 4 April 1978 Mr. Richard Schroeder Budget Director Room 365 INTEROFFICE R1AIL Mr. Dave McDonnell St . Paul Companies 385 jVashington Street St . Paul , Minnesota 55102 Gentlemen : This letter is a request to transfer funds from the debt capital improve- ment fund for the acauisition of Navy Island (Raspberry Island) . . The present available appropriations are as follows : Debt Capital Improvement Fund . . . . . $13, 500 State Grant (#27-00686) . . . . . . . . �13 , 500 Federal Grant (#27-00686) . . . . . . . �27 , 000 T 0 T A L . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . 5 , 000 As of January, 1978 , the city valuation engineer estimated the cost of the Island to be as follows : Land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $48 ,800 Buildings . . . . . . . . e . . . . . �18 , 900 Relocation Expenses . . . . . . . . . $15 , 000 Demolition Expenses . . . . . . . . . $ 8 , 000 T 0 T A L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93, 700 Plus 5 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 4 , 700 T 0 T A L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 ,400 Less ��unds Presently �vailable . . . . �54 000 � TOTAL REQUEST (NEED) . . . . . . . . . , 44 ,400 OR �45 , 000 �O i� � y �� �'7� ��9 ��T= °t ---- - C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L m - - ` -,. =s.b4 �� � __ + �!. ;' i �� �o � a= ' ,` ;.� '"'»��"' •� >' D�PARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERV10ES f a`�'�a�� ,:' . j�4� �.•r � - _. ���• -, ��, THOMAS j. KELLEY .��;; z�� . -- �'� . 7�+ :�- � ! ' ` DIRECTOR `;;� � �. : , : �- _�� � ,, , � _ ���.� \, _ June 22, 1978� /��., ��'�,/"��, ����-� �, ':;� PP,OPOSED ACQUISITION OF N�'JY ISLAiVD (f4IPl�aE50TA BQA7 CLUB) The City of St. Paul proposes to acquire tf�� western one acre of �lavy Island for f;�ture park development. Located only one-half mile south from the center of dawntcwn St. Paul , Navy Island is situat�d witnin the. P-lississippi River be7ow t��e Waoasha Bridge. The total estimated acquisition costnapprox�mately �99,000.00. The acquisition and development of Ctavy Isiand into an urban-oriented park is part oz a total redeve7opment effort on behaif of a11 P�ississippi River communitfes. The cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis, their respective counties, the Twin Cities hietropolitan Council , and the State of ��innesota a�e all committed to the open space/ recr�atfon d�velopment of the ��ississippi River Corridor. P�avy Island's future park developmen-t is a key element within the proposed downtown "riverfront park" concept at Harriet/Navy Island. The importance of the u�e of Harriet/P�avy Island deveiopment as a public people-oriented park space has been identified in virtually all river planning docunents inciuding: 1 . St. Paul Mississippi River Corridor P1an (drart) - 1978 2. The Departnent of Corrmunity S�rvfces Downtown Riverfront Narativz - 1°75 3. Mississippi River - a camprehensive plan for the Mississipoi �aaterft�ont in the City of St. Paul - 1970 4. The Major River Corridors S�udy in the Twin Cities f"etro Area - i970 5. The 1968 Outdoor Recreatfon Plan Overall goals of the conceptual plan is to upgra�e tne physical and aesthetic integrity of the downtown riverfront by: 1 . Creating a con�inuous pedestrian-oriented open sp«ce area adjacent to the river's edge including a variety of urban park ameniti�s. 2. Provide urban relief through inclusion of a variety af recreatior,al experi ences c�rrpl i mentary to tne CgC. 3. Provide a sr�ootn transition from zhe CBD to the more naturai areas of the ri ver cor.r�dor. 545 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02 612-298-4431 ���`...5�66 Mr. Richard Schroeder - 2 - 4- April 1978 . " I•Ye would appreciate your consideration of this matter as we must� com- plete acquisition in 1978 or lose federal and state funds, and then � - perhaps lose the entire project. ncer , �► - Robert P. Piram . - Superintendent of Parks and Recreation - . /.-` L����� , �,Gi�,U' � Thomas J. Kelley _ , , : - . `., Director of Community Services � � � � � __. . _. ., _ _ . ,.. _. ��_.. , _ . , 4.. ,r .., ,�_ .. .. . � � �� .. - .,. . . . -� ' ... . . ' Y � . . � . . : . - � . . � � . , s:". S.- . . . . . , . . � . . . . . . . .. .. �. �:. � _ . , � . . . . , . .� .. .. . .. . . .. . . � .. .: . �. �... . � �� . . .. . � ... . . - ,. .t , . . . . . . .. : . :. � � '' . . . . �.: .:,: .. . ... ..., . . . . � .. ,.. .. ;'.. . .� � , ,.. .:- �_ _, .. .. . ,_t . , . ... �:i . . .. _._ .' � . .. , . . ,� . , .. . � .... . . . .,, .. . ; ; ..'. .� � � , ' � .. .. �� i .. . . �'�� .. � �: ';. : � .. . . . .., . . ��. _ r , . . . ': " ' s . ''' ' '.... . . ', . '' '_ _ - . �. ,. - � �� +;. �,.- -� - � �� -: , . . ..:.. .. �_ �.�. � � -e . . . .. . . . .,. . , .. .. . . . � ,. - . ,� , . . .._.� . . .. � ..' «.. .. .. ., .-. { . � �. .. � .. . . . . . . . y, ., ` , . � .. . - �� '�r. �' � - ._, .., �..• ,.. ._.. . ,... . � . .. . : �.. ; . . . ' ., - _ . .. , ..��. :� ..��i,'. �' .. . . .. .. ' ' :� 1 .� . .� . J. � . : .� � .. '' 4... � .. , y ' � .... _ r , l ... .. S . . `1". . . . . ..� .. _ � . : . . . . l . .a . � . . . . :. .. �� C�� .r.�,.. . . -r.: . ., .:� •: '�-..' 1' � . _ .. .. . _ ' ' � _ ' . > � . , .. . " ' . . . . . . . .. � .. .. . L" . .. ' . ... . .. Y. �[ . � '. . ' . .. . . . . . . -' . ,.. . .'_:. . .' ._. .� .. � : .. : . . . . .. . .. . . . -'Y. � . � . �. � . " . . � _ . � ,.��. , :� j :ne : � � : . � . , � . . � : , � - _ , • ,. � . . - � . - � _ . _ �,. . . � � � �`7�.��9 PR�POSED ACQUISITiON OF NAVY ISLAND PAGE 2 These goals can be accomplished through a caref�al balance of open space elements and a recreational fiavor commercial development on public land with enca�raged development by private interzsts. The concept of a downtown riv�rfront composed of a public park containing private specialty corrmercial developm�nt combines two attractive elements into one package, which would be an integral part of the Mississippi River recreational system and certainly an attractive feature in the revita1ization of the St. Paul CBD. Elements considered for the dawntown Riverfront at Harri�t/C�avy Island includ2 the following: . Restored Picnic Pavilion/New Ptcnic Facilities . Riverfront Promenade/Observation . Crientation P1aza . Excursion Boats Dock . Amphitheater/Water Events Facility . Marina . Pub]i c Launci� . Marina Service Center . Transportation Muse:�m . Historical Rail Tour Depot/Access . Theme Corrrnerical Concession Development (Shops, Restaurants, Bars, etc. ) . Farmers Market . Supportive Parking . Pedestrian/Bicycle Path Linking Harriet & Navy Island to other Regional Open Space Through extension of Pdavy Island's 7and form beginning at the existing Baat Ciub & Harriet Island's land form, a protected basin can be developed to provide the setting for these faci]ities. Access to this urban riverfront park from the downtown could be via a covered pedestrian walkway across 4�abasha Bridge with a descending major access point at the site of the existing Boat Club building. The proposed park redevelopment of Navy Island must be viewed within the Island's historicai background. 4lhile the Island is currently the site of the St. Paul Boat C7ub, the U. S. Naval Reserve established a training center on the Island in 7948. The old location of the naval training center is now a City-owned parking lot. Remnants of the old training center are still present at the site. In effect, the alteration of Navy Island`s environnental setting is not an issue; two prior site developments hav� already transformed tne Island into fts present conditions. Thus , the proposed park acquisition and development of fvavy Island is not an initial development, ra�ther it is red�velopmen�. Because the proposed action is one of redevelopment, protecting the naturai environment is not at issue; the Island has already been complet2ly transformed from its indigenous character. The action of land acquisit;on is the first step in the redevelopment process. Hence the primary impact is the changing of land uses from a privately owned boat club to a publically owned park. P�40POSED ACQUISITION OF NAVY ISLA�lD PAGE 3 The changing of land uses results in the following socioeconomic impacts: . The existing 6oat C1ub buiiding will eventually be razed . The Boat Club must relocate . . The public parking lot wiil eventually be relocated . An annual public tax loss of $7S2 aiill result from the public acquisition of the �estern one acre of Navy Island (19�4 da�a) . Once park development is completed, an additional park will be available to supply urban citizenry with cultural and recreationa1 servTCes . All other potentialiy perceived socioecononic impacts, such as congestion, employment, and demographic alterations, w911 be altered minimally The prinary mitigating measures a�hich may be included as par� of the park acquisition are to: 1 . Assist or make available an appropriate site for the Minnesota Boat Club relocation 2. Provide an additional public parking 1ot at another City site In summary, only minor negative impacts tivould seem apparent as a result of the acquisition of the remainder of P�avy Island. Conversely, public ownersnip of this space will offer an opportunity to develop, unobstructed, the downtown riverfront area taking full advantage of the area's intrinsic suitability and its contiguous relationship with the downtown and the river cor�idor. *NOTE: This material contains excerpts from an Environmental Assessment for this site by the City of Saint Paul , Department of Planning. ' . ������ , . 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