271851 WHITE - GTV CLERK � I � ���
PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAiT L Council �"'j����
ouncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
1 . On September 19, 1978, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul adopted Resolution
No. 1392, giving preliminary approval to the issuance of revenue bonds in the initial principal
amount of approximately $690,000 to finance the construction of a 28,000 square foot airplane
hanger for Exec-U-Air, Inc.
2. Laws of Minnesota 1976, Chapter 234, provides that any issue of revenue bonds
authorized by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul , shall be issued only with the
consent of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul , by resolution adopted in accordance
with law;
3. The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul has requested that the City Council
give its requisite consent pursuant to said law to facilitate the issuance of said revenue
bonds by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul , subject to final approval of the
details of said issue by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul .
4. It is estimated that the initial principal amount of said bonds will be approxi-
mately $690,000 and that the net interest cost applicable to said issue will not exceed 8�,
now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, by the Cjty Council of the City of Saint Paul , that in accordance with Laws
of Minnesota 1976, Chapter 234, the City Council hereby consents to the issuance of the
aforesaid revenue bonds for the purposes described in the aforesaid Port Authority Resolution
No. 1392 in the initial principal amount of $690,000 at a net interest cost of not to
exceed 8%, the exact details of which, including, but not limited to, provisions relating
to maturities, interest rates, discount, redemption, and for the issuance of additional
bonds are to be determined by the Port Authority, pursuant to resolution adopted by the
Port Authority, and the City Council hereby authorizes the issuance of any additional bonds
(including refunding bonds) by the Port Authority, found by the Port Authority ta be
necessary for carrying out the purposes for which the aforesaid bonds are issued.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
utl r $��er _�
oz a Ho� In Favor ��
H Hunt
Le e U�� a _ Against BY
Ro dler M�dox
Sy ster Iter
Te e T �p Z 8 19T8 Form Approved by City At!orney
Adopted Council: Date — �
Ce ied Passe Coun S etary BY
App v y Mayor: Dat � � 19�8 APP o ed by Mayor for Su m ssi n`to C uncil
By. B
PuBttSNED OCT 7 �g7�
PO � T
(Sept. 19, 1978 Regular Meeting) �
FROM: D.G. Dunshee
Exec=U-Air, Inc. is a new air charter service that began operations
at the Downtown St. Paul Airport July 1 , 1978. The company operates
six twin engine planes that are piloted by commercial airline pilots
during their off hours.
-- All of the stock of Exec-U-Air is owned by Mr. John B. Pfaff, who is
a resident of North Oaks and isinvolved in motel operations in Colorado,
an apartment, and other commercial businesses in the Twin City area.
Mr. Pfaff shows a tangible net worth as of March 1 , 1978 of $4,661 ,422.
Exec-U-Air, Inc. proposes to build a 28,000 square foot airplane hanger
at the Downtown St. Paul Airport on property leased from the Metropolitan
Airports Commission. In addition to providing air charter service,_ they
would also sell , repair and store aircraft, se11 parts, and provide a
fueling service. The lease with the Metropolitan Airports Commission (M,A.C.}
would be for a period of 20 years, and the Port A�thority, under a
separate agreement with the M.A.C. , would have a 10-year renewal option
in case of default. We also would have a provision that in case of
default by the tenant, we would have the ability to remove the
building from the Airport property.
The building would be of inetal construction and situated on 52,000
square feet of land with all of the area around the hanger being blacktopped.
The hanger would be. located on the west edge of the Airport property south
of �he existing Rir National Guard hanger. Construction cost for the
hanger is $600,898. In addition to hanger space, the building would
contain 3,200 square feet of office space that would house the offices
of Exec-U-Air and have a limited number of small office spaces available
Sept. 18, 1978 �
Page -2- .
for rent to ather tenants. When the company occupfes the facility in
the spr�ng of 1979 and is in full operation, they will emptay 20 people.
The proposed financing of the facility would be done under Resolution 876
and would cover the cost of construction of the building, debt service
reserve, and six months capitalized interest for construction. Mr. Pfaff
would pay the underwriter's discount and bond issue expenses. These
costs are estimated to be approximately $40,000. Mr. Pfaff would also
personally guarantee the bond issue, Proceeds from the bond issue
would be as follows:
Construction - � $ 598,6'E2.50
Debt Service - � 68,100.00
Capitalized Interest - 6 Months 23,287.50
TOTAL $ 690,000.00
Mr. Pfaff is also the owner of 36 acres of commercial/industrial property
located in Oakdale at the southeast corner of Larpenteur Avenue and Century
Avenue (Hwy. 120). The property has Chicago & North ��lestern rail trackage,
sewer and water, and frontage on Century. This property was appraised by
-�� Mr. Ron Blomquist (t�I} four years ago at a value of $345,000. Mr. Pfaff
has agreed to giv� the Port Authority a first mortgage on the property
as an additional guarantee for th� bonds besides his personal guarantee.
Miller & Schroeder Municipals have agreed to underwrite the bond issue
for a 20-year term to October 1 , 1998. An interest rate wi11 be set at
the time the bond issue is closed.
The proposed lease agreement is for 20 years and provides an option to
purchase the building at the end of the period for $69,�JQ0 or 10% of the
bond issue cost. In addition, the tenant will pay a fiscal and administra-
tive fee to the Port Authority of $200 pQr month or $2,400 per year. In
addition, the interest on the debt service reserve of $68,1OQ will inure
to the benefit of the Port Authority as well as interest on the sinking
funds wnich will accrue through monthly rent payments. The income from
these sources over the term will b� as follows:
Fiscal and Admir�istrative Fee - Term $ 46,800.00
Debt Service Earnings - 8q - 106,236.00
Sinking Fund Earnings - 25,349.2Z
TOTAL $178,385.22
` • ������
Sept. 18, 1978
Page -3- �
There would be a provision in the lease that when the net worth of
Exec-U-Air, based on certified audits, exceeds $400,000, the personal
guarantee and the first mortgage on th� property in Oakdale would be
removed. Th�re would also be a provisian in the lease that if
Mr: Pfaff would provide securiti�s or land for an appraised value
equal to or exceeding the value of the property in Oakdale, th�y could
be used in place of the 36 acres in Oakdale.
The public sale hearing for formal sale of the building was not pub-
. ijshed this month but will be published so that when the iease and
bond resolution are presented in October, a formal public sale for
the building can take place. �
Staff has reviewed the project in detail , the financial statements
and appraisal of Mr. Pfaff's property, and recommends that the
Authority approve the preliminary agreement by resolution 1392
authorizing the issuance of k�onds in the amount of $b90,000.
�ouncil Resolution �-���-����
Presented gy
Referred To ' Committee: Date '
Out of Committee By Date
1 . On September 19, 1978, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul adopted Resolution
No. 1392, giving preliminary approval to the issuance of revenue bonds in the initial principal
amount of approximately $690,000 to finance the construction of a 28,000 square foot airplane
hanger for Exec-U-Air, Inc.
2. Laws of Minnesota 1976, Chapter 234, provides that any issue of revenue bands
authorized by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul , shall be issued only with the
cansent of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul , by resolution adopted in accordance
with 1aw;
3. The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul has requested that the City Council
give its requisite consent pursuant to said law to facilitate the issuance of said revenue .
bonds by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul , subject to final approval of the
details of said issue by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul .
4. It is estimated that the initial principal amount of said bonds will be approxi-
mately $690,000 and that the net interest cost applicable to said issue will not exceed 8�,
now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul , that in accordanee with taws
_ of_ Minnesota 19Z6, Chapter 234, the City Council hereby consents to the issuance of the
aforesaid revenue bonds for the purposes described in the aforesaid Port Authority Resolution
No. 1392 in the initial principal amount of $690,000 at a net interest cost of not to
exceed 8�, the exact details of which, including, but not limited to, provisions relating
to maturities, int�rest rates, discount, redemption, and for the issuance of additiona�
bonds are to be determined by the Port Authority, pursuant to resolution adopted by the
Port Authority, and the City Council hereby autharizes the issuance of any additiona7 bonds
(incl�uding refunding bonds) by the Port Authority, found by the Port Authority to be
necessary for carrying out the purposes for which the aforesaid bonds are issued.
COUNCIL1�lEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas •Na5•s
Hozza [n Favor
Levine _ Against BY
Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney `
Adopted by Council: Date _ �"
Certified Passed b}� Council Secretary BY
Appro��ed by :�layor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
sy� By
r ' , ha�����
� Resolution No. 1392
�4FiEREAS, the purpose of Chapter 474 , Minnesota
Statutes, knotivn as the Minnesota Municipal �Industrzal Develop-
ment Act (hereinafter called "Act") as found and .cTetermined b�
the legislature is to promote the welfare of the state by the .
active attraction and encouragement and development of economi-
cally sound industry and commerce to prevent so far as
possible the emergence of blighted and marginal �ands and
areas of chronic unemployment and to aid in the development of
existing areas of blight, marginal land and pezsistent "
unemployment; and
WHEtZEAS, factors necessitating the active promotion
and cievelopment�ot economically sound industry and commerce. .
are the increasing concentration of population zn the
- metropolitan areas and the rapidly rising increase �.n the
amount and cost of governmental services required to meet the
needs of the increased popul.ation and the need for develop�inent
of land use which �oill provide an adequate taa bas` ta finance
these increased costs and access to employment opportunities
for such population; and �
WHEREAS, The Port Authority of the City of Sa�.nt �
' Paul (the "Authority") has recei.ved from �xec-U-Rir Znc. �
(hereinafter referred to as "Company" ) a� request that the
� Authority issue its revenue bonds to finance the acquisition,
installation and construction of aircraft hanger facilzties on
land o�aned,by the Metropolitan Airports Conmission and leased -
to the Compa y (said facilities hereinafter called the " - -
"Project") in the City of St. Paul, all as is more fully �
described in the staff report on file; and
6aH�REAS, the Authority desires to facilitate the
selective development of the community, to retain and improve
its tax base and to help it provide the range of services and
empToyment opportunities required by its population, and said
Project will assist the City in achieving that objective.
Said Project will. help to increase the ass�sse� valuation of
the City and help �maintain a positive relationship between
assessed val.uation and debt and enhance the image and
reputati.on of the City; and -
WHEREAS, the Project to be financed by revenue bonds
wil�. result in substantial employment opportunities in the - .
� �7HEREAS, the Authority has Ueen advised by repre- _
.. sentatives of the Company that conventional, commercial
financing to pay the capital cost of th� Project is available
only on a limited basis and at such high costs of borrowing
that the economic feasibility of operating the Pro�ect would
be significantly reduced, but the Company has also advised �
this Authori�y that ��ith the aid of revenue bond fi.nancing,
and its resulting low borrowing, costr the Project �.s econom-
ically more feasible, and
WAEREAS, Miller & Schroeder riunicipals, Inc. (the
"Under�eriter") has made a proposal in an agreement (the
"Under��riting Agreement") relating. to the purchase of the
revenue bonds to be issued to finance the Project. �
NO�d, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVk:D by the Commissioners
of the Porz Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota as
follows: � �
l. On the basis of information availab].e to the
Authority it anpears, and the Authora.ty hereby �inds, that
said Project constitutes properties, used ox useful in : �
connection with one or more revenue proc3uci.ng e�lt�rprises
engaged in any business within the meaning of Subdi.visa.on 1a
of Section 474 .02 of the Act; that the availabila.ty of the
financing under the Act and willingness of the Authority to
furnish such financing will be a substantial inducement to the
� Company to underta}�e the Project, and that the effect of th�
Project, if undertaken, wi11 be to encourage the develop-
ment of economically sound industry and commerce and assist in �
the prevention of the emergence of blighted and margina2 land,
and will help to prevent chronic unemployment, and will help
the City to retain and improve its tax base and provide the
range of services and employrnent opportunities required by its
population, and will help to prevent the movement af talented
and educated persons out of the state and to areas within the
state where their services may not be as effectively used and
will result in more intensive development and use of land
within the City and will eventually result i.n an increase in
the City' s tax base.
_. . __ ._
r -
. ' ' � -
2. Subject to the mutual agreement of the
Authority, the Company and the purchas�r of the revenue bonds
as to the details of the �lease and other documents necessary �
to evidence and effect the financing of the Project and the
issuance of the revenue bonds, the Project is hereby approved
and authorized and the issuance of revenue bonds of the
AutYiority in an aznount not to exceed appraximately $650,Q00
(other than such additional revenue bonds as� are needed
. to �complete the Project) is authorized to fi.nance the costs of �
the Project. . "
3. There has heretofore been filed with the
Authority a form o� Preliminary Agreement between the
Authority and Company, relating to the proposed construction
and financing of the Project and a form of the Underwriting
Agreement. The form of said Agreements have been examined by
the Commissioners. It is the purpose of said Agreements to
evidence the commi-tment of the parties and their i.ntentions �
with respect to the proposed Project in order that the Company .
may proceed �aithout delay �aith the commencement of the
acquisition, installation and construction of the Project with
the assurance that there has been suffici�nt "official action"
under Section 103 (b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as . .
� amended, to allow for the issuance of industrial revenue bonds �
(including, if aeemed appropriate, any inter.i.in note or notes
to provide 4emporary financing thereof) to finance the entire
-� cost;:of the Project upon agreement being reached as ta the
ultimate details of the Project and its tinancing. Said �
Agreements are hereby approved, and the President and
Secretary of the Authority are hereby authori zecl and c�:irected.
to execute sa�d Agreements .
4. Upon execution of the Preliminary Agreement
by the Company, the staff of the Autharity are authorized and
directed to continue negotiations with the Company so as ta
resolve the remaining issues necessary tv the preparation of �
the lease and other documents necessary to the adoption by the
Authority of its final bond resolution and the iasuance and �
delivery of the revenue bonds; .provided that the President (or
Vice-President if the President is absent) and the �ecretary -
(or Assistant Secretary if the Secretary is absent) of the
Authority, or if either of such officers (and his alternative)
are absent, the Treasurer of the Authority in lieu of such
absent officers, are hereby authorized in accordance ��ith the
provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 475 . 60, Subdi:vision
1, to accept a final offer of the Underwriters to purchase the �
revenue bonds at such time as such offer is made by the
Underwriters to purchase said bonds and to execute an under--
writing agreement setting forth such offer on behalf of the
Autchority. • Such acceptance shall bind the Underwriters _
. . . ,�
said offer but shaYl be subject ta approval and ratification
by the Port Authority in a formal supplemental bond resolu-- �
tion to be adopted prior �to the delivery of said revenue �
bonds. � �
�� � •� 5. The revenue bonds and interest thereon shall not.
constitute an indebtedness of the Authority or the City of Saint � -
Paul wi.thin the meaning of any constitutional or statutory
limitation and shall not constitute or give rise to a pecuniary '
• liability of the Authority or the City or a charge against
their general credit or taxing pawers and neither the full
� faith and credit nor the taxing powers of the Authority or the
City is pledged for the pavment of the bonds or interest
thereon. '
6. In order to facilitate completion of the _
revenue bond financing herein contemplated, the City Council .
is hereby requested to consent, pursuant to Laws af Minnesota,
1976, Chapter 234, to the issuance of the revenue bonds herein
contemplated and any additional bonds which the Authority m�y
� prior to issuance or from time to time thereafter deem
necessary to complete the Project or to refund such revenue �
bonds; and for such purpose the Executive Vice Preszdent of �
the Authority .i5 hereby authorized and directed to forward ta
the City Council copies of this resolution and said . .
_; Preliminary Agreement and any additional available a.nformation
the City Council may request. =
Adopted September 19 , 1978 � _
% � .
c GGc ,�.�----
Attest C
Presi e t
i .
The Po t Authority of the City
���2%YI/ . of Saint Paul .
ecre tary - �
. �
� . � . _
� .
. .
, THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as oi this � _
day of , 197 , by and between the PORT
AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a public corgoration �
organized and existing under the provisions of Piinnesota
Statutes, Chapter 458, and a redevelopnent agency within the �
meaning of AZinnesota Statutes, Chapter 474, hereina�ter ca�.led
"Port Authority" , and Exec-U-Air, Inc. , a corpora�ion
organized under the laws of Minnesota, hexeinafter call.ed �
��Company�� � �
A. The Company and Port Authority intend that
aircraft hanger facilities be constructed �_
on land described in Exhibi-� A. attached
� hereto and incorporated herein by �
� reference, said facility being herein-
after called "Project"; �
B. 1'he parties hereto intend, subject to the -
terms, covenants and conditions herein con- _
tained, to enter into a Lease (hereinafter
called Lease) of the Project in the farm
• and tenor customary with respect to
industrial �revenue bond financing in the .
State of Minnesota and to �inance the �
� . acquisition, installation and construction
' . � of the Project through the issuance by the .
Port Authority of Industrial Development
Revenue Bonds (hereina£ter called Bonds)
pursuant to P�Tinnesota Statutes, Chapters
45$ and 474 . �
N04�I THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual
covenants herein contained, it is hereby agreed by and betcaeen
the parties hereto as follows: � �
. 1. The Company and the Port Authority agree to nego-
_ ,_ tiate the Lease in_a farm and .tenor customary taith respect to
. industrial revenue bond financing in the State of Ninnesota,
including without limitation the provision for tlie following:
(a) The Lease term shall commence _ .
� on the nominal date of the Bonds and shall extend
. through the final maturity date of the Bonds. -
(b) The Company shall agree under the Lease
to make nionthly paymants in the amounts and at such
� times as are set out in said negotiated Lease�
but in any event sufficient to. pay when due dek�t
service on the Bonds, plus an administrative fee
of $20Q.00 per month: �
� _2- � '
� __ __
,. �._ ....,. ., ._ _ ...,,�v__.. ._ _� __._.
_.�._..�. ..��__..,-,�.,_�.�.M��....�.�.:,�,�...,�,�.��.-�_
(c) The Company shall pay from -its own funds all
�� . bond issuance expenses included the undercariter's _
. . commission. -
� (d) Interest on earnings derived from the
investment of the monthly payments and other monies
in the Bond Fund and any reserve established for the
Bonds and the Construction Fund shall inure to the .
benefit of the Port Authority. -
- (e) The Company shall have the option to purchase -
the Project at an amount require�d to discharge the
Bonds; including payment of Paying Ag�nt and Escrow
Agent fees and any other liabilities accrued under
. the Lease; plus $69 ,000 .
(f) The Company shall be entitled ta credit
against its last installments of payments due during
� the term of the Lease the princigal amount of any
surplus construction funds transferred to the Bond
Fund and any reserve .established out of bond
proceeds .
-(g) The Company shall agree to perform alI
its obligations under its lease (the "Land Lease") .
with the Metropolitan Airports Commission of the
land on which the Project is ta be located and
. � _
. _3- .
and shall cause the Project to be maintained in good
working order and free of liens to the extent
provided in the Lease. ' _ �
• (h) The Conpany shall agree to procure on or -
� before termination of the constructiQn period and
� maintain in its name and in the name of the Port
Authority, liabili-ty and property insurance with
respect to .the Project in amounts and aga.inst risks
customary with respect to such groperties and _
business interruption or rental value insurance. �
(i} The Company agrees that prior to the
� commencement of the construction of any part of the �
Project, the Company will Cause to be fa.led �,�ith the . .
__ __ _ ----_ � '
_ ___-. Port Authority and approved by its duly authari�ed
agent the Plans and Specifications for the entire
Project certified by an engineer registered in the -
State of Minnesota and that with respect to at least
� � � that part of the Project the Company then wishes to
undertake the Company will first cause to be filed �
with the Port Authority and approved by its duly �
designated agent, (i) all .payment and performance
� bonds for the work to be undertaken, (iia all _
construction. contracts, including any installation
contract, (iii) such builders risk, installation
floater, and liability insurance as �aill fulZy
protect the Company, contractor and Port Authority
(who shall be named as an additional insured ar loss
payees) as their interests shall appear, against _
. . risk of loss or damage to �the Project and Project
� premises and against claims which may arise from the
� construction, acquisition and installation of the _
. Project, and (iv) waivers from .the general
� contractor and all subcontractars and suppliers of .
all rights against the Port Authority for damag�s to
property except such rights as they may have to
proceeds of such insurance. All construction
contracts entered into for constructing the Project .
described herein shall include provisions that the -
wages, paid to skilled .and unskilled labor shall� not
_-- . __.__ _
-- --- be less than the prevailing wage rates currently in
effect in the City of Saint Paul. � - �
(j) The Company shall agree to pay all taxes,
assessments, and other governmental charges that are
or may become due with resnect to the Project. �
2. The performance of the Company's abligations under .
the Lease with a personal guaranty of John B. Pfaff and a _ _ _
first mortgage on 36 .8 acres of property (the "Mortgaged
Property") owned by John B. Pfaff located in the City of
� Oakdale, Washington County, provided that a first mortgage i�
real property of equal or greater market value (determined by
an appraised approval by the Port Authority) may be sub-
stituted for the first mortgage on the mortgaged propexty. -
3. Upon negotiation of the details "of said Lease
and an agreement with the Metropolitan Airports Gommission in
form and content satisfactory to the Port Authority relating
�. to the Port Authority's rights with respect to the Land Lease
and final determination of the terms of the Bonds, the Port .
Authority shall thereafter issue said Bonds in accordance with
the terms and conditions set forth in an underwriting
agreement and the Revenue Agreementi provided that:
= . (a) Details of -the sale and issuance o.f th� � . -
Bonds to be issued by the Por�E Authority shal], be �
subject to final approval by the Company and the
Port Authority. � ' - _
(b) Issuance of said Bonds sha11 be subject ta
the issuance of the approving opinion of Briggs and.
Morgan, Professional. Association, Bond Counsel far _ -
the Port Authority and for the City of Saint Paul,
and the furnishing of a].1 documents, resolutions� �
agreements, financial information, certifications,
and representations necessary to the sale� and � � '
delivery of the Bonds, including those �ahich are
customarily used and those which are customary and
necessary to comply with all state and federal laws, -
regulations, rulings and decisions. "
- - .
4. Regardless of whether or not for any reason the
Bonds are issued, the Company shall upon demand nevertheless
promptly pay or reimburse the Port Authority for the gayment
of �ll out-of-pocY.et expenses incurred by the Port Authori ty
in. connection with the Project including without limitation
. all Bond Counsel and other legal fees incurred in the
preparation of this Preliminary Agreement, the negotiated
Lease, the underwriting agreement� other related documents,
and all costs incident to any environmental studzes requa.red
to be hereafter made in connectian with the Project.
� 5. This Agreement is subject ta the. approval of
the Bonds by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul as
provided by Cha-pter 234 of the Laws of Minnesota for 1976.
XN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused�
these presents to be executed as of the day and year fi.rst
above writeen. ' �
In the Presence of: � PORT AUTFIORI�Y OF THE CITY
� / /
y ' ' �I.rC�t, g �` _- `I�-`--_ � _
Its �� -
��:�',/� �
� By '� , � 1/I�
. T �e�.��
(Corporate Seal) . �.
. _�_ .
• - . .
In the Presence of: EXEC-U-AIR, INC.
. By • �
By : -
.. I ts
� (Corporate Seal) _
. -8-
� �
� �
` • BRANCH OFE7CES: he������
r .
La)olla,Califomia 92077
1200 Prospect SVeet,Suite 750 - �
� (714)459-2661 �
Chicago,Illinois 60604 , �
204 South La Salle Street.Suite 709 �
(3t2J346-9448 '
1 .
� Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc.
September 19, 1978
Honorable Board of Commissioners
Port Authority of the City of
Saint Paul �
1130 Minnesota Building
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
Exec-U-Air, Inc.
Suite 25 - 1821 University Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104
Ladies and Gentlemen:
You have advised us that it has been proposed that the Port
Authority of the City of Saint Paul {the "Issuer") issue its
Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (the "Bonds") under the
provisions of Chapters 458 and 474 Minnesota Revised Statutes
and Bond Resolution No. 876 of the Port Authority of the
City of Saint Paul to finance a project to be leased by the
Issuer to Exec-U-Air, Inc. (the "Company") . On the basis of
information furnished us to date with respect to the project
to be financed by the issuance of the Bonds, and upon the
terms and conditians as generally set forth in this letter .
and more specifically described in the Addendum attached •
hereto and fully made a part hereof by reference thereto, we
hereby agree to purchase approximately $690,000 principal
amount of the Bonds on the following basis:
A. The Bonds shall bear a date of November l, 1978,
and shall mature approximately 20 years from and after
the date thereof, with amortization of the Bonds to be
provided for or� a level basis whereby the sum of prin-
cipal and interest payments due in each year is essential].y
constant over the term of the Bonds. The Bonds shall
' 1
� `'1/j ,
Pozt Authority of the City
of Saint Paul
Exec-U-Air, Inc.
September 19, 1978 �
Page Two �
mature in the years beginning November l, 1980, through
November 1, 1998. The first interest coupon shall be
payable May 1, 1979.
B. The Bonds shall be subject to redemption and pre-
payment in whole or in part in inverse order of their
serial numbers at the option of the Issuer at a callable
price of 102� of par value at any time on or after _
November l, 1988, and at 101� of par value at any time
on or after November 1, 1993.
C. The interest rates with respect to the Bonds shall
be determined in the manner as specifically provided
and set forth in paragraph 2 of the attached Addendum.
D. The proceeds of sale of the Bonds shall be allo-
cated approximately as follows:
Construction $577,912. 50
Bond reserve 68,100. 00
Capitalized interest (6 months) 23,287. 50 �
Underwriting 20, 700. OQ
Total $690,000. 00
E. We will pay $669 , 300 for the Bonds upon their
delivery to us, together with accrued interest to a now
anticipated Closing Date of November 22, 1978, all as
more specifically provided and set forth in paragraph 3
of the attached Addendum.
F. Notwithstanding anything herein contained to the
contrary, all of the terms, covenants and conditions of
tl�e Addendum attached hereto and made a part hereof�
shall be fully applicable. to the issuance of the Bonds
as if such terms, covenants and conditions were fully
set forth herein, and to the extent of any conflict
between the terms, covenants and conditions of said
• i
+ .
� ����
Port Authority of the City
of Saint Paul
Exec-U-Air, Inc. �
September 19, 1978
Page Three
Addendum and the general description of the transaction '
as contained in this letter, the proyisions of said
Addendum shall be controlling and binding upon all
parties hereto.
If the foregoing proposal is acceptable to both of you,
please indicate by endorsing a copy hereof, with the copy so
endorsed to be returned to us. Until and unless accepted by
both of you, this proposal may be withdrawn by us at any
time by a telegram addressed to both of you. If this
proposal is accepted but for any reason Bonds are not issued
and delivered as herein contemplated, the Issuer shall be
reimbursed by the Company for all expenses theretofore
incurred by the Issuer in connection with the proposed
__ _ _ _
project. �
Very truly yours,
By �
Accepted by the Port Authority of the Gity of aint Paul
this day of September, 1978. �� � �
�1- �.E, � ,; f,�'�-t.
Anc� ��L /J �Z��Z?�-�_
- - Z•
Accepted by Exec-U-Air, Inc. this day of September,
. THIS ADDENDUM shall be and is hereby made a part of
that eertain letter dated the 19th day of September, 1978,
addressed by Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc. (the
"Underwriter") to Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul
(the "Issuer") and Exec-U-Air, Inc. (the "Company") , and
relates to tl�e proposed issuance and purchase of approximately
$690,000 Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (the "Bonds")
to be issued by the Issuer to finance a project (the "Project")
to be leased to the Company.
1. The Company agrees to fully comply with and assume
all expenses incurred in fully complying with all regulatory
requirements imposed by the Securities Division of the
Minnesota Department of Commerce or such other regulatory or
Blue Sky authority as may have jurisdiction herein arising
out of or incurred in conjunction with the issuance of the
Bonds, including, but not limited to, all expenses incurred
and required in the preparation and filing af such interim
and annual financial information and reports as may be
required to maintain the registration of the Bonds, copies
of al.l of which the Company agrees to promptly furnish to
the Underwriter at such time as the same may be filed in the
-- Office of the Securities Division of the Minnesota Department
of Commerce or the office of such other regulatory or Blue
Sky authority as may have jurisdiction herein.
2. Al1 Bonds are to bear interest payable semi-
annually at the rate or rates of interest as mutually
determined between the parties hereto. Notwithstanding the
final rate or rates of interest to be borne by the Bonds,
the Underwriter reserves the right to reoffer the Bonds to
the public at prices other than the par value thereof,
including a premium over par or a discount below par, as the
Underwriter, in its sole judgment and discretion, may deem
3. The Underwriter will pay for the Bonds upon their
delivery to it if the Bonds are delivered on or before the
proposed Closing Date as specified in the letter to which �
this Addendum is attached and made a part thereof by reference
thereto. The Bonds are to be accompanied by the unqualified
approving opinion of Briggs and Morgan, Professional Association,
whose opinion shall state in substance that the Bonds are
valid and binding special obligations of the Issuer under
the Lease payable from revenues pledged to the Common
Revenue Bond Fund and stating that interest payable on the
Bonds in the hands of a person not. a user of the Project is,
- 1 - .
on the �date of their issuance, exempt from Federal income
taxes under then existing laws, regulations, decisions and
rulings. You agree to cooperate in obtaining this opinian
and will also furnish an opinion of your counsel as to your
authority to enter into this transaction and with�� respect to
such additional matters as shall reasonably be required by
Bond counsel and our counsel.
� . 4. You agree to cooperate with us, Bond counsel,
counsel for the Underwritex and such others as may be appro-
priate in the preparation of documents and proceedings
reasonably necessary to the completian of this transaction,
and the Company shall make available to the Underwriter such
information and documents with respect to its financial
affairs and operations as requested.
5. Before delivery of the Bonds to the Underwriter,
appropriate officers of the Issuer shall have reviewed the
Official Statement prepared to offer the Bonds for sale so
that they will be prepared upon delivery of the Bonds to the
Underwriter to certify that the information furnished by
them contained therein as of the date thereof is true and
correct and does not contain any untrue statement or misleading
statement of a material fact nor omit to state any material
fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the
statements therein not misleading, and authorizing use of
the Official Statement by the Underwriter.
. 6. Between the date hereof and the date of del�very
of the Bonds to the Underwriter, there shall not have been
any material adverse change in the business, properties,
financial position or results of operation of the Company,
nor shall there be pending or threatened on such date any
legal proceedings to which the Issuer or the Company is a
party and which will have a material adverse effect on the
transactions contemplated by the Lease and. resolution authorizing
the Bonds, except any such action of which we shall have
been advised prior to the date hereof.
7. The Company agrees to indemnify and hold the
Underwriter harmless from and against any and all claims,
demands, actions, causes of action, damages, liabilities and
judgments (including attorneys' fees and expenses) arising
from or in any way connected with any statement or information
contained in the Official Statement concerning or related to
the Company, the Project and/or the use of Bond proceeds.
8. The Company will pay all expenses in connection
with the proposed offering, including, among others, fees
and expenses of Company counsel, counsel for the Issuer,
Bond counsel, Blue Sky counsel, Blue Sky fees and Accountants'
- 2 -
fees, together with all costs and expenses incurred in
conjunction with the preparation and printing of all documents
required to consummate this offering including, but not
limited to, the Official Statement, all of the same to be .
paid by the Company without regard to �whether the Bonds as .
contemplated herein are issued. The Company and the Underwriter
acknowledge that they have estimates of the fees and expenses
of (a) Bond counsel, (b) Blue Sky counsel, (c) Blue Sky
fees', (d) accountants, (e) the normal costs and expenses
incurred in conjunction with the preparation and printing of
all documents required to consummate the offering, including,
but not limited to, the Official Statement. and the printing
of the Bonds. The fees of Underwriter' s counsel as well as
all rating agency fees shall be paid by the Underwriter.
9. The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and -
the City Council of the City of Saint Paul agree to do such
things and to take such action as may be required to discharge
all obligations and honor all covenants made or entered into
by the Port Authority with the Company in connection with
the issuance, by the Port Authority, of its revenue bonds to
finance the Project, including, but not limited to: (a)
supervision of the covenants relating to rents, insurance, ,
repairs, maintenance and taxes; (b) management of separate
accounts as required by the Bond authorizing resolutions;
and (c) auditing of Port Authority: accounts by a qualified
Certified Public Accountant.
10. Upon delivery of the Bonds to the Underwriter, the
Underwriter shall pay to the Issuer the purchase price of
the Bonds plus accrued interest from their date of issue to
the Closing Date all as more specifically provided in Paragraph
E of the letter to which this Addendum is attached and made
a part thereof by reference thereto, provided the Official
Statement with respect to this Bond offering required to
permit public sales to individuals in the State of Minnesota
and such other jurisdictions as the Underwriter shall desig-
nate has been accepted for registration and Standard &
Poor' s Corporatian has assigned an "A" rating of the Bonds.
If not so accepted for registration prior to the Closing
Date, we may accept and place the Bonds at our option, but
are not required to do so. The Underwriter shall apply for
the registration of the Bonds as soon as practicable after
the date hereof and the representatives of the Company, the
Issuer and the Underwriter shall diligently pursue the
registration of the Bonds.
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